Worksheet Recount

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Contoh Recount Text Singkat

My First Trip to Pari Island

Last September, I went to Pari Island for a holiday. I went there with Sarah, Andi,
Eveline, and Yoko. That was my first time to travel there.
Our boat departed from Muara Angke port to the island at 8.00 AM. We arrived at Pari
Island around 10.00 Am. After that, we went to our guest house that we had booked before.
Fortunately, our guest house was located near to the port, so we did not have to walk so far. The
first thing that we did after that was rent bicycle. It only cost IDR 20.000 per day. Then we did
cycling for a while and had lunch before we decided to do snorkeling.
When we went snorkeling, the fisherman who became our guide brought us to the beach
far enough from our guest house. We did snorkeling there. The water was very clear. We could
see groups of tiny fishes and beautiful coral under the sea. After we did snorkeling for
approximately three hours, we returned to our guest house. We ended up the first day by getting
dinner and took some walks around.
On the second day, we woke up so early to watch sunrise. We did not need to go far to
watch the sunrise because our guest house was so near to the beach and we could watch the
sunrise there. Sunrise on the beach, what a beautiful view!
After we spent long enough time to watch the sunrise, we decided to get breakfast.
There was a festival at that time. We went to the festival and had breakfast there. We ate some
delicious sea foods. We felt time went so fast that day. We needed to return to our guest house
because our boat that would bring us home would depart at 10.00 AM.
In summary, my first trip to Pari Island was so enjoyable. I would like to visit this place
again together with my family in another chance.

The analysis of Recount Text :

1. The purpose of Recount Text to tell someone's experience and entertain readers

2. Characteristic features

• Using Past Tense sentences (past), such as went, departed, would, woke up, and so on.
• Using adverbs and adverbial phrases such as: last September, Pari Island, on then
second day, and so on.
• Using conjunctions and time connectives such as: and, before, then, after that, and so on
3. Generic Stucture of Recount Text
 Orientation
Last September, I went to Pari Island for a holiday. I went there with Sarah, Andi,
Eveline, and Yoko.
• Events
1. Our boat departed from Muara Angke port to the island at 8.00 AM
2. We arrived at Pari Island around 10.00 Am
3. We went to our guest house that we had booked
4. We was rent bicycle and cycling
5. We had lunch
6. We decided to do snorkeling
7. The water was very clear
8. We returned to our guest house
9. Our guest house was so near to the beach
10. We spent long enough time to watch the sunrise
11. We decided to get breakfast
12. We went to the festival and had breakfast there.
13. We ate some delicious sea foods.
14. We felt time went so fast that day.
15. We needed to return to our guest house because our boat that would bring us
home would depart at 10.00 AM

• Re-orientation
In summary, my first trip to Pari Island was so enjoyable.


Holiday in Santolo Beach

When Idul Fitri holiday, after visiting my parent at Pameungpeuk, Garut, I and my family
went to Santolo Beach to refresh our mind after the long time of work. It's rarely to take a
vacation because I'm very busy.
The way to Santolo beach is quite good, and the view is really beautiful. On our left and
right is full of rice fields and many coconut trees along the way. But when we nearly arrived,
there was a long traffic jam so we hardly to get in into the beach. I guess this was because of the
Idul Fitri holiday, so people want to go to beach too. Then we just take a walk to the beach
because it was not far. Fortunately the weather was not too hot on that day.
After we arrived, the beach was so crowded. But we still enjoyed the time by took
pictures, swimming, playing sand, and go around the beach by boat. We stay overnight in the inn
that we have rent before.
We got up so early in the morning that we could enjoy sunrise landscape at the beach. My
cousin playing with white sand and I took a picture of him.
A day at Santolo beach felt so short, we were quite tired for playing a whole day, but we
were very happy.

Please, Read the text Holiday in Santoso Beach and analysis of the text as the example above!

The analysis of Recount Text :

1. The purpose of Recount Text ………….

2. Characteristic features

• Using Past Tense sentences (past), such ………….

• Using adverbs and adverbial phrases such as…………….
• Using conjunctions and time connectives such as……………
3. Generic Stucture of Recount Text
• Orientation
• Events
1. …………………………...……………..
2. …………………………...…………….
3. …………………………...…………….
4. …………………………...…………….
5. …………………………...…………….
6. …………………………...…………….
7. …………………………...…………….
8. …………………………...…………….
9. …………………………...…………….
10. …………………………...…………….
11. etc

• Re-orientation
My first experience to ride motorcycle

One day,when i was ten years old,my father bought an old motorcycle.that was "honda
75".think it was small light object and easy to ride it.i persuased my father to teach me to ride
"honda 75".firstly,my father refused my request and promise that he would teach me to or three
yaears later,but i still whimpered.finally,my father surrended and promise to teach me.He began
to teach me riding the motorcycle a round a field in my father was very patient to give
me some direction.i was very happy when i realized my ability to ride a motorcycle."yes i can"

One day later,when i was alone at home, i intended to try my riding ability,so,my self
tried bravely.all ran fluently in the begining,but when i was going back to my home and i passed
through a narrow slippery street,i got nervous.i lost my control and i fell to the ditch.
After that,i told my father about the last accident.i imagined my father would be angry and
never let me ride again.but the reality is exactly on the contrary,my father was very proud of
me.he just gve me some advices and since that accident,i got my father's permision to ride

Please, Read the text holiday My first experience to ride motorcycle and analysis of the text as
the example above!

The analysis of Recount Text :

1. The purpose of Recount Text ………….

2. Characteristic features

• Using Past Tense sentences (past), such ………….

• Using adverbs and adverbial phrases such as…………….
• Using conjunctions and time connectives such as……………
3. Generic Stucture of Recount Text
• Orientation
• Events
1. …………………………...……………..
2. …………………………...…………….
3. …………………………...…………….
4. …………………………...…………….
5. …………………………...…………….
6. …………………………...…………….
7. …………………………...…………….
8. …………………………...…………….
9. …………………………...…………….
10. …………………………...…………….
11. etc

• Re-orientation

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