Parrish Middle School: Choral Music Handbook

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Parrish Middle School

Choral Music Handbook

Dr. Jeffrey Larkin, Director of Choirs
[email protected]
(503) 399-3210 ext. 406601

Our Mission
Here at Parrish Middle School, our main purpose for choral music is to give every student
an opportunity to grow as a vocalist, musician and most importantly, as an individual.
EVERYONE is welcome regardless of their ability; we are all on the same journey! Through
group and independent work, students will develop the ability to correctly use their vocal
instrument for all varieties of music, will be able to become a self-sustaining musician, and
develop a strong sense of self-discipline for themselves, their peers, and for the arts!

Currently, Parrish offers 3 different choral ensembles for students to participate in. They
all share the same mission, with the difficulty level being increased or decreased depending on
the specific ensemble.
6th Grade Choir: This choir is open to ALL 6th grade students; there is no audition to
participate in this group. Students will become literate in the basics of music reading and
notation, aural listening, and vocal production. Repertoire for this ensemble will be varied, and
multiple musical-eras and languages will be covered throughout the year. The repertoire for the
final concert will be voted upon the ensemble (selections will be limited to appropriateness and
availability). Throughout the year, students will take multiple written tests to demonstrate
understanding of the content, as well as singing assessments. Vocal assessments will often be
used for the instructor to determine what further strategies are necessary for success. Please note,
you will NEVER be labeled as a “good or bad” singer! This ensemble will have 4 required
evening concerts throughout the year.
Pioneer Choir: This choir is open to ALL 7th and 8th graders; there is no audition to
participate in this group. Students will become literate in the basic and intermediate skills of
music reading and notation, aural listening, and vocal production. Repertoire for this ensemble
will be varied, and multiple musical-eras and languages will be covered throughout the year. The
repertoire for the final concert will be voted upon the ensemble (selections will be limited to
appropriateness and availability). Throughout the year, students will take multiple written tests to
demonstrate understanding of the content, as well as singing assessments. Vocal assessments will
often be used for the instructor to determine what further strategies are necessary for success.
Please note, you will NEVER be labeled as a “good or bad” singer! This ensemble will have 4
required evening concerts.
Concert Choir: This choir is open to ALL 7th and 8th graders; there is an audition to
participate in this ensemble. Students will become literate in the basic and intermediate and
advanced skills of music reading and notation, aural listening, and vocal production. Repertoire
for this ensemble will be varied, and multiple musical-eras and languages will be covered
throughout the year. The repertoire for the final concert will be voted upon the ensemble
(selections will be limited to appropriateness and availability). Throughout the year, students will
take multiple written tests to demonstrate understanding of the content, as well as singing
assessments. Vocal assessments will often be used for the instructor to determine what further
strategies are necessary for success. Please note, you will NEVER be labeled as a “good or bad”
singer! This ensemble will have multiple evening concerts, as well as a few day trips they will be
performing at. Members of concert choir will also be required to attend sectionals (schedules will
be listed far in advance).

Supplies and Materials

Students will be asked to have the following materials with them during class:

• Pencil (NOT pen)

• Notebook paper
• 3-Ring Binder for handouts

Students will receive grades every 6 weeks; their semester grade will be an average of
their three 6-week grades. At Parrish, grades are separated into 3 separate categories: skills,
citizenship and work habits. All assignments and participation will be assessed on a points
system, however, when grades are submitted, they will be included into the appropriate category.
The skills (academic) grade will be assessed on the following:

• Music Literacy
• Concert Performance and Etiquette
• Rehearsal Etiquette
• Vocal Technique
• Critical and Constructive Writing
• Critical Listening

Grades will be based from a point-based system. Point break-down is as follows:

Ensemble Musicianship & Participation …………………….. 5-points per Rehearsal

15-points per Sectional [Concert Choir only]
50-points per Concert/Performance
Quizzes ...………………………………………………………………………. 10-points
Performance Reflections ……………………………………………………… 25-points
Listening Log ……................................................................................. 10-points weekly

Ensemble Musicianship & Participation: Students can achieve full daily points by
entering the classroom respectfully and calmly, finding their correct seat, coming prepared with
their materials (music, pencil, water, writing paper), staying fully engaged with what they, the
ensemble and the director are currently doing! Students will fill out a daily/weekly participation
card to self-monitor their participation! Concert choir will also have scheduled sectionals. All
choirs will be participating in multiple concerts which are used to assess the skills the students
have obtained, as well as how they function as a group!
Quizzes: At various times throughout the grading period, students will take quizzes
which will be an assessment of their growth of the content. Quizzes will include: part-testing,
literacy comprehension, and vocal development.
Performance Reflections: Following every performance, students will be asked to write
a reflection on their and their ensembles performance. This is used to obtain feedback, as well as
to encourage the student to constructively reflect upon their growths, as well as things still
needing improvement.
Listening Log: Listening logs will be completed in-class. Students will be asked to
critically listen to selected audio recordings, and concisely write about what they are hearing.
These will be completed and submitted weekly. Students ability to critically listen and write will
be tracked for growth throughout the year. Points will not be awarded on correctness of
response, but rather individual thought and explanation.

Score Conduct/Citizenship Work Habits

Student is respectful of others at all All practice records /homework is
times, listens carefully, and is complete and includes written
focused on the lesson. Student is a goals/reflections. Work does not
leader in providing positive require teacher reminders. Student
O influence for the class. Student talks demonstrates a strong active and
and sings at appropriate times proper vocal technique. Student has
during the rehearsal. The student all materials needed and is ready to
always strives to put forth his/her start tuning on time.
best effort possible.
Most of the time the student is Most practice records/homework is
respectful and shows proper complete. Some work may be
rehearsal etiquette. Student is missing due to absences. Work is
respectful to others but may require completed with a few teacher
S an occasional reminder about reminders. An occasional reminder
appropriate behavior. may be needed about getting ready
to start on time or on having active
vocal technique.

Student behavior requires Student does not turn in most

improvement. There are frequent practice records or homework.
reminders about behavior, being Work requires frequent teacher
unprepared, tardiness, talking or reminders. Work is incomplete.
N singing at inappropriate times. Class Student does not come with needed
progress is hindered due to materials or exhibit active vocal
disruptions caused by inappropriate technique

Student shows disregard for self and No practice records/homework is

others. The student demonstrates received or is always turned in late.
U continuous Constant teacher monitoring is
classroom disruption and is required for completion of work.
disrespectful to others.
Scheduled Conflicts
Throughout the year, there may arise conflicts between rehearsal/performance schedules
and the schedules of our personal lives. I am extremely understanding that life happens and
sometimes we can't control it! However, unless it is an emergency, I MUST know about the
conflict 2 weeks in advance from the parent or guardian. Please note, that because this is a class
which relies on each other as a group, it is imperative for everyone to be in attendance. Reasons
for not being able to attend the concert are: death in the family, extreme illness.... pretty much all
the horrible things. Reasons that are NOT acceptable
for missing the concert are: birthday
parties, too much homework, transportation issues, wasn’t in the mood, sports practice, etc.
While all of those are legitimate reasons, I have given you the schedule far enough in advance to
make the reasonable changes in your schedule. Please also keep in mind that you are receiving
points for attending the concert, as well as writing the reflection after it. It’s difficult to receive
those points if you are not present!

Make-Up Assignments
If an unavoidable conflict comes up, please see Dr. Larkin to work out a reasonable
make-up assignment that is both educational and interesting to you!

Members of Concert Choir will be required to attend sectionals. This allows for those in
the section (women, men, sopranos, altos, tenors, basses, etc.) more direct work with the director,
which will then allow for less down time during the actual class period! Please read “Scheduled
Conflicts” if there are issues. Students will be assessed on their performance and rehearsal
technique during these sectionals.

All groups will participate in 2-3 fundraisers this year which will be TBA. Individuals are
encouraged to participate, but not required. Monies go to transportation costs, accompanists, new
music, etc.

Concert Attire
Throughout the year, various accent colors may be added, but these are the base colors.
Please talk to Dr. Larkin if this is an issue.

• All-Ensembles
o Boys - Black shoes, black socks, black pants, white button up shirt
o Girls - Black shoes, black socks/nylons, black pants/skirts, white top
• Concert Choir
o Same as above AND Concert Choir robe
Sacred Music
During the course of the academic year, will be exploring many different types of choral
music, including early music originated from the Church. Choral music has a strong foundation
with Sacred music, so it is vital that we study it for historical purposes. However, if at any time
anyone is uncomfortable with the nature of this sacred music, please don’t hesitate to talk to
Dr. Larkin and appropriate
accommodations can be made!

Due to the number of students in the Choral Department, as well the quantity of all events
that happen, it is amazing to have parent volunteers and chaperones! If you feel like you have a
little extra time and would like to help, you truly will be changing the education of these amazing
students! Some of the different aspects needing additional help are: chaperoning, robe manager,
concert/choir manager, sound technician, fundraising manager
and the list goes on and on! And
as the district mandates, all volunteers are required to have completed a background check
through the district! Thank you!

Website and Communication

In my experience in the past, it is at times extremely difficult to ensure important information
makes its way home! So, there will be a website specifically for the Choral Department; it will
include all the essential handouts, calendars, announcements, as well as some of the students’
assignments. If a student is unable to access the web at home, have them speak to me so that I
can make arrangements for them. Reminder: please speak to me ahead of time. The skill of
planning ahead is an important skill for the students to have learned!
Bathroom Passes
To avoid the disruptions of multiple people needing to use the restroom during class, it is
encouraged for students to take care of their personal needs before class. However, there are
times when an emergency arises. So, to provide a healthy class atmosphere, students will be
given 4 bathroom passes per 6 weeks. They may use the passes as they see fit...OR if they have
left over passes, they may enter them in a drawing for prizes at each grade period! It pays to be
in class!

Parrish Choir Motto

I am somebody.
I was somebody when I came.
I’ll be a better somebody when I leave.
I am powerful and I am strong.
I deserve the education that I get here.
I have things to do,
people to impress,
and places to go.
Parrish Choral Contract

I, ___________________________________________, have read the 2017-2018 Parrish Choral

Syllabus and understand what is required of me throughout this school year. I shall treat my
peers and myself with respect as we venture upon this musical journey together! I also
acknowledge that I am required to be prepared for class every day; this includes bringing a
pencil, my music, and notebook paper. I am aware that this is an ensemble which includes more
people than myself; I am important to the success of this group! I am important!!!

Student: _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________

Parents and Guardians, please also fill this portion out so that I can better send important
announcements and information out to you!
Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________

Contact Phone #: _________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________

Please check all that you are interested in helping with!

[ ] Chaperoning
[ ] Robe Manager
[ ] Concert/Choir Manager
[ ] Sound Technician

[ ] Fundraising
[ ] Other ____________________

Please return this entire to sheet to Dr. Larkin by Friday, September 8th

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