Sample Problem With Answers On Hypothesis Testing
Sample Problem With Answers On Hypothesis Testing
Sample Problem With Answers On Hypothesis Testing
A. Shown on the table below are the average daily consumption of saturated fat (in grams) and
the cholesterol level (in milligrams per hundred milligrams) of a 10 randomly chosen sample of
patients at the Holy Name Medical Center. Is there a significant correlation between fat
consumption and cholesterol level? Test at 0.05 level of significance. p-value0.001
Fat 65 78 60 44 53 68 87 46 55 73
Cholesterol 190 225 205 175 180 214 245 160 210 215
Compute the R-value and complete the 9 steps in hypothesis testing using the problem
1.Problem Statement:
Does relationship exist between the consumption of saturated fat and the
cholesterol level of the patients at Holy Name Medical Center?
Ha: There is a significant relationship between the consumption of saturated fat and
the cholesterol level of the patients at Holy Name Medical Center.
Fat Consumption Cholesterol Level
(x) (y) x2 xy
65 190 4,225 36, 100 12, 350
78 225 6,084 50, 625 17, 550
60 205 3,600 42, 025 12, 300
44 175 1,936 30, 625 7, 700
53 180 2,809 32, 400 9, 540
68 214 4,624 45, 796 14, 552
87 245 7,569 60, 025 21, 315
46 160 2,116 25, 600 7, 360
55 210 3,025 44, 100 11, 550
73 215 x 2 5,329 46, 225 15, 695
∑x =629 ∑y =2019 ∑ = 41,317 y∑2 = 413, 521 ∑xy = 129, 912
The amount of fat consumed has a direct impact on one's cholesterol level. The more
saturated fat a person consumes, the higher his or her cholesterol level will be.
9. Implication
A person's cholesterol level is determined by how much and how little saturated fat
he or she consumes. Thus, making them a correlated with each other.
Objectives Point Scale/ criteria
4 3 2 1
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lacking. error in presentation was
presentation. written
To select an The student was The test statistic There was an Not test statistics
appropriate test able to select an and procedure error in the and procedure
statistic and appropriate test were correct but procedure in the were selected.
procedure statistic and was not properly selected test The student was
procedure written. statistic. not able to select.
To compute the The student was There are few The student No computations
value of the test able to compute errors in shows a were made. The
statistic from the the value of the computing the computation of student was not
sample test statistic from value of the test the test value but able to find the
the sample data. statistics. there are errors value of the test
in the data. statistic.
To decide on The student was The decision in There was an No decision was
either accepting able to decide accepting error in the written. The
or rejecting the rightly on hypothesis was decision making decision was not
null hypothesis accepting or not properly of the established.
rejecting the null decided. hypothesis.
To draw the The student The student was The student has a There are no
appropriate appropriately able to conclude difficulty in conclusions at
conclusion draws but it is not very making all.
conclusion. clear. conclusion.