Invictus by William Ernest Henley

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Banguito, Lliana Marcel M.


“Invictus" written in 1875 by William Ernest Henley, is arguably one of the a strong message about the
self. A Latin meaning "unconquered," its last two lines are notably utilized in speeches of historical figures, like
Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Barack Obama, as well as other literature and movies, such as
Casablanca, Star Trek: Renegades, and even the biopic Invictus.


Out of the night that covers me,

      Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

      For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

      I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

      My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

      Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Banguito, Lliana Marcel M.

      Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

      How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

      I am the captain of my soul.

Discuss the following and answer in 3-5 sentences.

A. Research about the background or an interpretation of the poem. Cite your source/s.
'Invictus' is a poem which focuses on the human spirit and its ability to overcome adversity. It is a rallying
cry for those who find themselves in dark and trying situations, who have to dig deep and fight for their lives. The
poet certainly knew hard times and needed all his strength to battle against disease.
Born in Gloucester, England in 1849, he was diagnosed with tubercular arthritis at the age of 12 and went through
years of pain and discomfort.
W.E. Henley wrote 'Invictus' some years later whilst in hospital undergoing treatment for tuberculosis of
the bones, specifically those in his left leg, which had to be amputated from the knee down. He was still only a
young man at this time.
He managed to save his right leg by refusing surgery and seeking an alternative form of treatment from a
Scottish doctor, James Lister.
It was during his time in Edinburgh that Henley met the writer Robert Louis Stevenson. They became
friends and corresponded on a regular basis. Stevenson later admitted that he had based his character Long John
Silver—from the book Treasure Island—on Henley, he having a wooden leg, a strong rasping voice and a forceful
 'Invictus' does contain passion and defiance and it is easy to see just why so many use the powerful
lines to drum up courage and to shed light into the darker corners when all else fails.
 Written in 1875 and published in 1888, it retains its original power and conviction, the simple
rhyme scheme tightening the lines and making them memorable.
Banguito, Lliana Marcel M.

Henley's personal experience on the operating table and in a hospital bed, facing possible death, certainly
helped him create one of the most popular poems in the English language.
© 2017 Andrew Spacey
Analysis of Poem 'Invictus' by W.E. Henley - Owlcation

B. In your own perspective, how was the "self" represented in the poem?
The poem tackles all about how strong the self can be no matter how hard surrounding circumstances get
and also, no matter what, would not surrender, even if there was great pain they had to undergo. The poet, has
talked about the dark night, about his head bleeding, but nowhere did he show that he got weak, that he lost his
strength. He always believed to have an unconquerable self which was true and he says after all this, he never cried
loud. He considered the self as the master of his fate and captain of his soul. Through experience, the character has
learned that no matter what we are learned and taught, we are the only people who can be the masters of our own
fate, all of this shows how he fought against the odds and still won.

C. Based on your reading of the poem as well as the information you have researched, which of the
philosophical ideas discussed in this lesson best describes the representation of idea about the self in this
poem? Provide a brief explanation.
  In the Republic, Plato’s best known work and one of the world’s most influential works
of philosophy and political theory, he lists the four cardinal virtues of human excellence as being: wisdom,
temperance, courage and justice, saying they reflect the true nature of the soul. That’s why I believed that the poem
is Platonic Idealism. Plato said that “Courage is the ability to conquer fear, and have strength in the face of
difficulties. It is the ability to have the inner resolve to resist temptations and overcome obstacles. We have
fortitude when we choose the highest road and, for example, are able to sacrifice our own desires for a just cause.
Having courage underpins so much of human excellence and living a great life. It can bring tremendous freedom
and growth; when we take that courageous leap, the universe opens up for us. Without courage we are adrift at sea.
As we seize the day, anything is possible.” The poem talks about being courageous no matter what and therefore, it
sums up what Plato believes in.

D. From the discussions, what now is your idea of the "self"?

For me, my idea of the “self” today is being brave and resilient in the face of hardships in life. The poem
inspires anyone going through difficulties or anyone anticipating hardships to face it with courage and to be
headstrong. No matter how big our challenges are, there always a hope awaiting for each and everyone of us.
Remember the verse saying “Through the deepest sea, I’ll be with you”, God never leave our side no matter what
Banguito, Lliana Marcel M.

our problem is. Also, This word amplifies the main theme and adds additional ideas like persevering and never
falling down or being defeated. It is interesting to note that emphasis is on being undefeated and not on winning
every time. This humanizes the speaker as it shows a fighting spirit rather than a god like capability to win over all

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