2020-10-30SupplementaryEC203EC203-I - Ktu Qbank

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Reg No.:_______________ Name:__________________________

Third semester B.Tech examinations (S) September 2020

Course Code: EC203

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks. Marks
1 a) Explain Hall effect? Derive the expression for carrier concentration and mobility (7)
in terms of Hall voltage.
b) Explain the effect of temperature on mobility. (5)
c) A Si sample is doped with 1016 cm-3 boron atoms and a certain number of (3)
shallow donors. The Fermi level is 0.36 eV above Ei, at 300 K. What is the donor
concentration Nd?
2 a) Derive the expression for diffusion current density in a semiconductor. (6)
b) Show that diffusion length is the average length a carrier diffuse before (5)
c) A Si sample with 1015/cm3 donors is uniformly optically excited at room (4)
temperature such that 1019/cm3 electron-hole pairs are generated per second. Find
the separation of the quasi-Fermi levels .Electron and hole lifetimes are both 10
µs. Dp = 12 cm2/s and µn=1300cm2/Vs.
3 a) Derive the law of mass action, starting from the fundamentals. (10)
b) Consider Si doped with 2 x 1015donors/cm3.Assume that τn= τp = 5 µs. Calculate (5)
the recombination coefficient αr for the low-level excitation. Using this value of
recombination coefficient αr , find the steady state excess carrier concentration
∆n = ∆p, if the sample is uniformly exposed to a steady state optical generation
rate gop = 1019 EHP/cm3-s
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks.
4 a) Derive the expression for contact potential and width of depletion region of an (10)
abrupt PN junction at equilibrium.
b) A Si p+-n junction has a donor doping of 5 x 1016 cm-3 on the n side and a cross (5)
sectional area of 10-3 cm2. If τP = 1μs and Dp = 10 cm2/s, calculate the current
with a forward bias of 0.5 V at 300 K.
5 a) Derive the expression for junction capacitance and storage capacitance of a step (8)
PN junction diode.
b) The work function of chromium is 4.5V. The dielectric constant and the electron (7)
affinity of Si are 12 and 4.01V respectively. If the density of states Nc=2.8x1019

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cm-3, compute the maximum electric field in the case of a junction formed by
these two materials at 300 K, when the applied reverse voltage is 5V. Compute
the junction capacitance per unit area for this case. Assume that Si is doped with
1017/cm3 n type dopants.
6 a) With suitable energy band diagram explain a Schottky contact. (6)
b) Differentiate between Zener and avalanche breakdown mechanisms with (4)
supporting diagrams
c) Draw the energy band diagram of a p-n junction at a) equilibrium b) Forward (5)
bias c) Reverse bias.
Answer any two full questions, each carries 20 marks.
7 a) Derive an expression for base transport factor of a BJT. (10)
b) Explain Early effect. (5)
c) A pnp BJT has emitter (NE), base (NB), and collector (Nc) doping of 1020cm-3, (5)
1018 cm -3 and 1017 cm-3 respectively, and a base width of 0.5 micron. Calculate
the peak electric field at the CB junction, and the CB depletion capacitance per
unit area for the normal active mode of operation with a VCB = 50 V.
8 a) Draw and explain the C-V Characteristics of an Ideal MOS capacitor. Derive the (10)
expression for threshold voltage.
b) For a MOSFET with VT = 1V and W = 50 µm, L = 2 µm, calculate the drain (5)
current at
(i) VG = 5 V, VD = 0.1V
(ii) VG = 3V, VD = 5V.
Assume an electron channel mobility µn= 200 cm2 /V-s, gate oxide thickness
tox= 100Å, and the substrate is connected to the source.
c) Draw and explain the subthreshold characteristics of an n-channel MOSFET. (5)
9 a) With the aid of necessary band diagrams, explain equilibrium, accumulation, (12)
depletion and inversion stages of a MOS capacitor.
b) Explain the effect of real surfaces in the threshold voltage of a MOS capacitor. (4)
c) Explain the terms emitter injection efficiency and base transport factor of a BJT. (4)

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