Cutting Tool Design
Cutting Tool Design
Cutting Tool Design
I am also thankful to many of my fellow college mates for their active support and
valuable inputs and the help that they provided. I am ever thankful to all of them.
I am thankful too much thankful to the library of the college which acted as a
database of knowledge and information for me .The internet and the various
educational sites visited by me also deserve a lot of appreciation and thank for the
help they provided in completing this term paper. I thank you one and all.
Thank you.
Abstract: This paper presents the challenges and issues that are encountered when
capturing design knowledge in an industrial environment. Identifying and finding a
representation for the relevant design knowledge are seen as the key activities in
modelling design knowledge. Identification of design knowledge is shown through
two case studies undertaken by the first author. In these cases, knowledge is
considered to be the difference between the expert and the novice (Knowledge =
Expert - Novice). Cutting Tool Design knowledge consists of design,
manufacturing, external, internal and technical knowledge and designers consider
many of these factors when designing. This paper presents preliminary results of
ongoing research carried out at Lovely Professional University.
1. Introduction
The design of cutting tools is complex and knowledge intensive. In addition to this
the market is changing and with the high average age of designers and the lack of
recruitment into engineering and, especially the cutting tool industry, results in the
loss of this expertise, and according to current Knowledge Management literature
this is likely to affect the commercial performance of the company. One answer is
to collate and store this information and knowledge in a computer-based system or
manual to ensure that the expertise stays within the company. This research is
looking into a typical design process of the cutting tool industry in order to
establish the information and knowledge used at each stage of the design process.
The design process has been modelled using the IDEF 0 modelling technique. It
begins with the initiation of the designer by a proposal via a salesperson. With this
initial specification the designer can then search for the closest few designs which
are similar in nature to the new proposal. This can become a case of redesign,
modifying an existing design to provide a full manufacturing drawing. This paper
aims to identify the types of knowledge and information that the designer requires
to complete a design. In the future, the research will move on to capture knowledge
from the whole design process in an attempt to develop the decision support
2.3 Summary
The models presented here and in the literature do provide a logical approach to
the design process which encourages designers to articulate the decisions,
strategies that they undertake to achieve a design or artefact. However, many do try
to overcomplicate the design activity by providing too detailed a description of the
processes in the models. The argument stems that if a designer is constrained to a
particular model, then the creativity that is inherent in any type design
(engineering, industrial etc.) is lost. Most of designing is a mental process, that is
the design is often done in the head. The models enable designers to provide a
visual record of the processes that they undertake to achieve a particular design,
along with the sketches and drawings that are also produced. This provides a series
of rationales of why particular routes were taken in order to produce the artefact.
This method has highlighted, however, that the novice with basic CAD experience
can design the basic component, but without the expert knowledge there are many
areas of the component that need further revision, e.g. in a cutting tool design task
- the angle at which an insert sits in the shank to achieve a particular cutting
Machine-based knowledge elicitation tools use a computer to elicit and capture
knowledge from the designer. There are several systems developed through
research [11], such as IDE 1. 5 & 2.0, a hypermedia tool incorporating semiformal
models of the domain and design of the component. Designers are required to
perform a task on a component, after that period of work they must stop and record
on the system, the decisions that led to the resulting design in that period of work.
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3.4 Summary
This literature survey has identified the processes involved in design and
manufacturing knowledge capture. The objective of the knowledge capture is to
reuse the knowledge through a computer based system. There is a need to develop
a generic framework of knowledge capture for a category of products. The design
and manufacturing knowledge need to be represented within one framework so that
the designer can have access to manufacturing experience and knowledge and vice
versa. Future work will involve the development of a representation technique that
can handle both design and manufacturing knowledge. Identification of cutting tool
design knowledge is the first stage in the knowledge capture process. The
following section describe the first authors indirect approach to knowledge capture
illustrated with two case studies.
The tool shown in Figure 1 is a turning tool which is designed and manufactured to
machine an undercut on a cam-shaft. The backend of the tool is a standard
DIN69893 fitting (the dimensions are standard and are available on microfiche)
and as such is explicit. The actual design is carried out on the insert pocket and the
shape of flank to meet the dimensions of the component avoiding any interference
with the component. Special attention is paid to the design of the insert pocket to
ensure dimensional accuracy.
proposal drawing, which is then cost estimated. The proposal and estimate are then
sent back to the customer for approval from which an approval drawing is sent out,
which returns to be detailed to a full manufacturing specification. After this, the
drawing is checked and verified for functionality and manufacturability. If no
modification is required then it is sent to contractors for manufacturing.
Modifications are made by the detailing engineer which are then checked. At each
of these stages the designer uses information and knowledge retrieved from many
sources, and in these situations designers spend a lot of valuable design time. It has
been observed that knowledge of the manufacturing process is utilised at the
proposal stage, as it is here that the designer needs to make sure that the product
can be manufactured before the proposal is sent to the customer.
5. Summary
The paper has outlined the different methods and models of design that have been
developed over decades of research. The authors would argue that designers do
conform to some features of the models and methods outlined, but in an industry
situation such as the cutting tool industry it is not strictly followed. The design
process highlighted in Figure 2 is based on the designer's experience of how best to
perform the design within the organisation. The authors have also presented the
issues that are relevant to capturing knowledge including systems that facilitate
knowledge capture. The authors have identified the types of knowledge that are
inherent in cutting tool design and have emphasised the need for a global approach
to design by considering aspects other than just the technological factors of a
design. The case study highlights mainly technical knowledge as this has been
experienced first hand. The authors would argue that capturing knowledge about
the economy, customer and suppliers as examples would lead to better and
informed decisions during design in future years. Hence, it is important to capture
design rationales to support the designs. The major challenges in capturing design
knowledge and rationale are to organise and categorise the knowledge, and to find
a suitable representation to complement it. The types of knowledge identified
require a good understanding of the processes involved in the design, and thus it is
useful to develop the detail process level model of the cutting tool design process.
The research so far has identified cutting tool design knowledge as: Knowledge =
Expert - Novice. The knowledge identification is based on an indirect approach,
where the first author performed several designs as a novice and identified the
knowledge required from experts (this is the difference between an expert and a
It’s a predict feels highghly oblisised that I am try to complete my term paper
about the topic CUTTING TOOL DESIGN,its my glad to do this term paper with the
help of internet and some books and somes pdf files.i hope that I have done my
best hard work to do this work hard to hardest to achieve my goal.And thanx to
my sir that he has given to me this work to better myself.
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