Pip-Gk MK Protocol

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1 Communication format ..........................................................................................................................

2 Inquiry Command .................................................................................................................................. 1
2.1 QPI<cr>: Device Protocol ID Inquiry ........................................................................................................ 1
2.2 QID<cr>: The device serial number inquiry ............................................................................................. 1
2.3 QSID<cr>: The device serial number inquiry (the length is more than 14) ........................................... 1
2.4 QVFW<cr>: Main CPU Firmware version inquiry ................................................................................. 2
2.5 QVFW2<cr>: Another CPU Firmware version inquiry .......................................................................... 2
2.6 QVFW3<cr>: Remote Panel CPU Firmware version inquiry ................................................................. 2
2.7 VERFW:<cr>: BLE CPU Firmware version inquiry ............................................................................... 2
2.8 QPIRI<cr>: Device Rating Information inquiry ...................................................................................... 2
2.9 QFLAG<cr>: Device flag status inquiry ................................................................................................... 4
2.10 QPIGS<cr>: Device general status parameters inquiry........................................................................... 5
2.11 QMOD<cr>: Device Mode inquiry ............................................................................................................ 7
2.12 QPIWS<cr>: Device Warning Status inquiry ........................................................................................... 8
2.13 QDI<cr>: The default setting value information ...................................................................................... 9
2.14 QMCHGCR<cr>: Enquiry selectable value about max charging current ............................................11
2.15 QMUCHGCR<cr>: Enquiry selectable value about max utility charging current ..............................11
2.16 QOPPT<cr>: The device output source priority time order inquiry .....................................................11
2.17 QCHPT<cr>: The device charger source priority time order inquiry ..................................................11
2.18 QT<cr>: Time inquiry ............................................................................................................................... 12
2.19 QMN<cr>: Query model name................................................................................................................. 12
2.20 QGMN<cr>: Query general model name ................................................................................................ 12
2.21 QBEQI<cr>: Battery equalization status parameters inquiry .............................................................. 12
3 Setting parameters Command ............................................................................................................. 13
3.1 ATE1<CRC><cr>: Start ATE test, remote panel stop polling for inverter ....... 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
3.2 ATE0: End ATE test, remote panel start polling for inverter ............................. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。

3.3 PE<XXX>/PD<XXX><CRC><cr>: setting some status enable/disable ............................................... 13

3.4 PF<cr>: Setting control parameter to default value ............................................................................... 13
3.5 MNCHGC<nnn><cr>: Setting max charging current ........................................................................... 14
3.6 MUCHGC<nnn><cr>: Setting utility max charging current ................................................................ 15
3.7 F<nn><cr>: Setting Inverter output rating frequency ........................................................................... 15

3.8 V<nnn><cr>: Setting device output rating voltage ................................................................................ 15
3.9 POP<NN><cr>: Setting device output source priority .......................................................................... 15
3.10 POPM<nn><cr>: Setting output mode (Only for PIP-MK) .................................................................. 15
3.11 POPLG<nn><cr>: Setting operation logic (Only for PIP-MK) ............................................................ 15
3.12 PBCV<nn.n><cr>: Battery voltage back to utility ................................................................................. 15
3.13 PBDV<nn.n><cr>: Battery voltage back to battery ............................................................................... 16
3.14 PCP<NN><cr>: Setting device charger priority ..................................................................................... 16
3.15 PGR<NN><cr>: Setting device grid working range............................................................................... 16
3.16 PBT<NN><cr>: Setting battery type ....................................................................................................... 16
3.17 PSDV<nn.n><cr>: Setting battery cut-off voltage (Battery under voltage) ......................................... 16
3.18 PCVV<nn.n><cr>: Setting battery C.V. (constant voltage) charging voltage ...................................... 16
3.19 PBFT<nn.n><cr>: Setting battery float charging voltage ..................................................................... 17
3.20 BTA1<nnn.nn><cr>: Battery voltage adjust point one ....................................... 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
3.21 BTA2<nnn.nn><cr>: Battery voltage adjust point two ....................................... 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
3.22 BTA0<cr>: Set battery voltage adjust parameters to be default value .............. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。

3.23 PPVOKC<n ><cr>: Setting PV OK condition ........................................................................................ 17

3.24 PSPB<n ><cr>: Setting Solar power balance .......................................................................................... 17
3.25 RTEY<cr>: Reset PV/load energy storage .............................................................................................. 17
3.26 RTDL<cr>: Reset datalog ......................................................................................................................... 17
3.27 PBEQE<n><cr>: Enable or disable battery equalization ...................................................................... 17
3.28 PBEQT<nnn><cr>:Set battery equalization time .................................................................................. 17
3.29 PBEQP<nnn><cr>:Set battery equalization period ............................................................................... 18
3.30 PBEQV<nn.nn><cr>:Set battery equalization voltage .......................................................................... 18
3.31 PBEQOT<nnn><cr>:Set battery equalization over time....................................................................... 18
3.32 PBEQA<n><cr>: Active or inactive battery equalization now ............................................................. 18
3.33 PCVT<nnn><cr>: Set max charging time at C.V stage ......................................................................... 18
3.34 DAT<YYMMDDHHMMSS><cr>: Date and time ................................................................................. 18
4 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 19
4.1 CRC calibration method ........................................................................................................................... 19

RJ45 to RS232 cable between computer and device

1 Communication format

Baud rate Start bit Data bit Parity bit Stop bit
2400 1 8 N 1

2 Inquiry Command

2.1 QPI<cr>: Device Protocol ID Inquiry

Computer: QPI<CRC><cr>
Device: (PI<NN> <CRC><cr>
N is an integer number ranging from 0 to 9.
Function: To request the device Protocol ID.
Protocol ID distribution: 30 for PIP series

2.2 QID<cr>: The device serial number inquiry

Computer: QID <CRC><cr>

2.3 QSID<cr>: The device serial number inquiry (the length is more than 14)
Computer: QSID<CRC><cr>
NN: Serial number valid length, X: Serial number, invalid part is filled as ‘0’, total X is 20.

2.4 QVFW<cr>: Main CPU Firmware version inquiry
Computer: QVFW<CRC><cr>
Device: (VERFW:<NNNNN.NN><CRC><cr>
<N> is a HEX number from 0...9 or A…F.
Computer: QVFW<CRC><cr>
Device: (VERFW:00123.01<CRC><cr>
00123: firmware series number;01:version

2.5 QVFW2<cr>: Another CPU Firmware version inquiry

Computer: QVFW2<CRC><cr>
Inverter: (VERFW2: <NNNNN.NN><CRC><cr>
<N> is a HEX number from 0...9 or A…F.

2.6 QVFW3<cr>: Remote Panel CPU Firmware version inquiry

Computer: QVFW3<CRC><cr>
Inverter: (VERFW: <NNNNN.NN><CRC><cr>
<N> is a HEX number from 0...9 or A…F.

2.7 VERFW:<cr>: BLE CPU Firmware version inquiry

Computer: VERFW:<CRC><cr>
Inverter: (VERFW: <NNNNN.NN><CRC><cr>
<N> is a HEX number from 0...9 or A…F.

2.8 QPIRI<cr>: Device Rating Information inquiry

Computer: QPIRI<CRC><cr>
O P Q R SS T U VV.V W X<CRC><cr>
Date Description Notes
A ( Start byte
B is an integer ranging from 0 to 9.
B BBB.B Grid rating voltage
The units is V.
C is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
C CC.C Grid rating current
The units is A.
D is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
D DDD.D AC output rating voltage
The units is V.
E is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
E EE.E AC output rating frequency
The units is Hz.

F is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
F FF.F AC output rating current
The unit is A.
AC output rating apparent H is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
power The unit is VA.
AC output rating active I is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
power The unit is W.
J is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
J JJ.J Battery rating voltage
The units is V.
K is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
K KK.K Battery re-charge voltage
The units is V.
J is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
l JJ.J Battery under voltage
The units is V.
K is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
M KK.K Battery bulk voltage
The units is V.
L is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
N LL.L Battery float voltage
The units is V.
0: AGM
O O Battery type 1: Flooded
2: User
Current max AC charging P is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9
current The units is A.
Q is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
Q QQ0 Current max charging current
The units is A.
0: Appliance
O O Input voltage range
1: UPS
0: Utility first
P P Output source priority 1: Solar first
2: SBU first
0: Utility first
1: Solar first
Q Q Charger source priority
2: Solar + Utility
3: Only solar charging permitted
R R Parallel max number R is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
00: Grid tie;
S SS Machine type 01: Off Grid;
10: Hybrid.
0: transformerless
T T Topology
1: transformer
00: single machine output
01: parallel output
U U Output mode 02: Phase 1 of 3 Phase output
03: Phase 2 of 3 Phase output
04: Phase 3 of 3 Phase output

V is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
V VV.V Battery re-discharge voltage
The unit is V.
0: As long as one unit of inverters
has connect PV, parallel system will
consider PV OK;
W W PV OK condition for parallel
1: Only All of inverters have connect
PV, parallel system will consider PV
0: PV input max current will be the
max charged current;
X X PV power balance 1: PV input max power will be the
sum of the max charged power and
loads power.
Y is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
Max. charging time at C.V The unit is minute.
(Only for PIP-MK)
0: Automatically
Operation Logic(For PIP-MK 1: On-line mode
2: ECO mode
(Only for PIP-MK)

2.9 QFLAG<cr>: Device flag status inquiry

ExxxDxxx is the flag status. E means enable, D means disable
x Control setting
A Enable/disable silence buzzer or open buzzer
B Enable/Disable overload bypass function
Enable/Disable LCD display escape to default page after
1min timeout
U Enable/Disable overload restart
V Enable/Disable over temperature restart
X Enable/Disable backlight on
Y Enable/Disable alarm on when primary source interrupt
Z Enable/Disable fault code record
Computer: QFLAG <CRC><cr>
Device: (ExxxDxxx <CRC><cr>

2.10 QPIGS<cr>: Device general status parameters inquiry
Computer: QPIGS <CRC><cr>
UUU.U WW.WW PPPPP b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0 QQ VV MMMMM b10b9b8<CRC><cr>
Data Description Notes
a ( Start byte
b BBB.B Grid voltage B is an Integer number 0 to 9. The units is V.
C CC.C Grid frequency C s an Integer number 0 to 9. The units is Hz.
D DDD.D AC output voltage D is an Integer number 0 to 9. The units is V.
E EE.E AC output frequency E is an Integer number from 0 to 9. The units
is Hz.
F FFFF AC output apparent F is an Integer number from 0 to 9. The units
power is VA
G GGGG G is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
AC output active power
is W.
H HHH Output load percent DEVICE: HHH is Maximum of W% or VA%.
VA% is a percent of apparent power.
W% is a percent of active power.
The units is %.
I III BUS voltage I is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units is
j JJ.JJ Battery voltage J is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
is V.
k KKK Battery charging K is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
current is A.
o OOO Battery capacity X is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
is %.
P TTTT Inverter heat sink
T is an integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
temperature is ℃
r EE.E PV Input current for E is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
battery. is A.
t UUU.U PV Input voltage 1 U is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
is V.
u WW.WW Battery voltage from W is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
SCC is V.
w PPPPP Battery discharge P is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
current is A.
x b7b6b5b4 Device status b7: PV or AC feed the load, 1:yes,0:no
b3b2b1b0 b6: configuration status: 1: Change 0:

b5: SCC firmware version 1: Updated 0:
unchanged Keep
b4: Load status: 0: Load off 1:Load on b6~b4,
b3: reserved b2 ~ b0,
b2: Charging status( Charging on/off)
b1: Charging status( SCC charging on/off)
b0: Charging status(AC charging on/off)
000: Do nothing
110: Charging on with SCC charge on
101: Charging on with AC charge on
111: Charging on with SCC and AC charge on
y QQ Battery voltage offset Q is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The unit is
for fans on 10mV.
z VV EEPROM version V is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
MMMM PV Charging power M is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The unit
M is watt.
b10b9b8 Device status b10: flag for charging to floating mode
b9: Switch On
b8: flag for dustproof installed(1-dustproof
installed,0-no dustproof)

Fault Code Fault Event Icon on

01 Fan is locked
02 Over temperature
03 Battery voltage is too high
04 Battery voltage is too low
05 Output short circuited or Over temperature
06 Output voltage is too high
07 Over load time out

08 Bus voltage is too high

09 Bus soft start failed

10 PV charger current over

51 Over current inverter

53 Inverter soft start failed
55 Over DC voltage on output of inverter
57 Current sensor failed

58 Output voltage is too low

59 PV voltage high

60 Inverter negative power

71 Parallel version different
72 Output circuit failed
80 CAN communication failed
81 Parallel host line lost (For PIP-MK)
82 Parallel synchronized signal lost
83 Parallel battery voltage detect different
84 Parallel Line voltage or frequency detect different
85 Parallel Line input current unbalanced
86 Parallel output setting different

2.11 QMOD<cr>: Device Mode inquiry

Computer: QMOD<CRC><cr>
Device: (M<CRC><cr>
Power On Mode P Power on mode
Standby Mode S Standby mode
Line Mode L Line Mode
Battery Mode B Battery mode
Fault Mode F Fault mode
Power saving Mode H Power saving Mode
Shutdown Mode D Shutdown Mode
Charge Mode C Charge Mode
Bypass mode
Bypass Mode Y
(For PIP-MK)
ECO mode
ECO mode E
(For PIP-MK)


Computer: QMOD<CRC><cr>
Means: the current DEVICE mode is Grid mode.

2.12 QPIWS<cr>: Device Warning Status inquiry

Computer: QPIWS<CRC> <cr>
Device: (a0a1…..a34a35<CRC><cr>
a0,…,a35 is the warning status. If the warning is happened, the relevant bit will set 1, else the
relevant bit will set 0. The following table is the warning code.
bit Warning Description
a0 PV loss Warning
a1 Inverter fault Fault
a2 Bus Over Fault
a3 Bus Under Fault
a4 Bus Soft Fail Fault
a5 LINE_FAIL Warning
a6 OPVShort Fault
a7 Inverter voltage too low Fault
a8 Inverter voltage too high Fault
Compile with a1, if a1=1,fault,
a9 Over temperature
otherwise warning
Compile with a1, if a1=1,fault,
a10 Fan locked
otherwise warning
Compile with a1, if a1=1,fault,
a11 Battery voltage high
otherwise warning
a12 Battery low alarm Warning
a13 Reserved
a14 Battery under shutdown Warning
a15 Battery derating Warning
Compile with a1, if a1=1,fault,
a16 Over load
otherwise warning
a17 Eeprom fault Warning
a18 Inverter Over Current Fault
a19 Inverter Soft Fail Fault
a20 Self Test Fail Fault
a21 OP DC Voltage Over Fault
a22 Battery Open Fault
a23 Current Sensor Fail Fault
a24 Battery Short Fault(For PIP-MK)

a25 Power limit Warning(For PIP-MK)
a26 PV voltage high Warning/Fault (For PIP-MK)
a27 MPPT overload fault Fault (For PIP-MK)
a28 MPPT overload warning Warning(For PIP-MK)
a29 Battery too low to charge Warning(For PIP-MK)
a30 DC/DC Over Current Fault (For PIP-MK))
a31 D Fault code
a32 D Fault code
a33 Low PV energy Warning
High AC input during BUS soft
a34 Warning
a35 Battery equalization Warning

2.13 QDI<cr>: The default setting value information

Computer: QDI<CRC><cr>
Z aaa b<CRC><cr>
Data Description Notes
A ( Start byte
B is an Integer ranging
B BBB.B AC output voltage Default 230.0
from 0 to 9. The units is V.
C is an Integer ranging
C CC.C AC output frequency from 0 to 9. The units is Default 50.0
Max AC charging D is an Integer ranging
D 00DD Default 30.0
current from 0 to 9. The unit is A.
E is an Integer ranging
E EE.E Battery Under voltage
from 0 to 9. The unit is V.
Charging float F is an Integer ranging
voltage from 0 to 9. The unit is V.
G is an Integer ranging
G GG.G Charging bulk voltage
from 0 to 9. The unit is V.
Battery default H is an Integer ranging
re-charge voltage from 0 to 9. The units is V.
I is an Integer ranging
I II Max charging current from 0 to 9. 60A
The units is A.
AC input voltage J is an Integer ranging
J J Default 0 for appliance range
range from 0 to 1. No unit

K is an Integer ranging
K K Output source priority Default 0 for utility first
from 0 to 1. No unit
Charger source L is an Integer ranging Default 2 for Utility and Solar
priority from 0 to 1. No unit first
M is an Integer ranging
M M Battery type Default 0 for AGM
from 0 to 1. No unit
Enable/disable silence N is an Integer ranging
N N Default 0 for enable buzzer
buzzer or open buzzer from 0 to 1. No unit
Enable/Disable power O is an Integer ranging Default 0 for disable power
saving from 0 to 1. No unit saving
Enable/Disable P is an Integer ranging Default 0 for disable overload
overload restart from 0 to 1. No unit restart
Enable/Disable over Q is an Integer ranging Default 0 for disable over
temperature restart from 0 to 1. No unit temperature restart
Enable/Disable LCD R is an Integer ranging Default 1 for enable LCD
backlight on from 0 to 1. No unit backlight on
Enable/Disable alarm Default 1 for enable alarm on
S is an Integer ranging
S S on when primary when primary source interrupt
from 0 to 1. No unit
source interrupt
Enable/Disable fault T is an Integer ranging Default 0 for disable fault
code record from 0 to 1. No unit code record
U is an Integer ranging Default 0 for disable overload
U U Overload bypass
from 0 to 1. No unit bypass function
Enable/Disable LCD
display escape to V is an Integer ranging Default 1 for LCD display
default page after 1min from 0 to 1. No unit escape to default page
Output mode W is an Integer ranging
W W Default 0 for single output
from 0 to 4. No unit
Battery re-discharge W is an Integer ranging
voltage from 0 to 9. The unit is V
0: As long as one unit of
PV OK condition for X is an Integer ranging inverters has connect PV,
parallel from 0 to 1 parallel system will consider
X is an Integer ranging 0: PV input max current will be
Z Z PV power balance
from 0 to 1 the max charged current;
Max. charging time at a is an Integer ranging 0: means automatically
a aaa
C.V stage from 0 to 1 (For PIP-MK)
b is an Integer ranging 0: automatically
b b Operation logic
from 0 to 1 (For PIP-MK)

2.14 QMCHGCR<cr>: Enquiry selectable value about max charging current
Computer: QMCHGCR<CRC><cr>
Device: (AAA BBB CCC DDD……<CRC><cr>
More value can be added, make sure there is a space character between every value.

2.15 QMUCHGCR<cr>: Enquiry selectable value about max utility charging current
Computer: QMUCHGCR<CRC><cr>
Device: (AAA BBB CCC DDD……<CRC><cr>
More value can be added, make sure there is a space character between every value.

2.16 QOPPT<cr>: The device output source priority time order inquiry
Computer: QOPPT<CRC><cr>
Device: (M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N O O O
M: 24 hour correspond to the output source priority (0: Utility first, 1: Solar first, 2: SBU)
N: device output source priority
O: selection of output source priority order
Computer: QOPPT<CRC><cr>
DEVICE: (0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <CRC><cr>
Means: the device output source priority time order is SBU from 5 to 6, and remaining time is
Utility first.

2.17 QCHPT<cr>: The device charger source priority time order inquiry
Computer: QCHPT<CRC><cr>
Device: (M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N O O O
M: 24 hour correspond to the charger source priority (1: Solar first, 2: Solar + Utility, 3: Only solar
charging permitted)
N: device charger source priority
O: selection of o charger source priority order
Computer: QCHPT<CRC><cr>
DEVICE: (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 <CRC><cr>
Means: the device charger source priority time order is Solar + Utility from 16 to 23, and
remaining time is Solar first.

2.18 QT<cr>: Time inquiry
Computer: QT<cr>
Computer: QT<cr>
DEVICE: (20180101111120<cr>
Means: The time is 2018/01/01,11:11:20.
Data Description Notes
a ( Start byte
b YYYYMMDD Date Y, M and D are an Integer number 0 to 9.
c HHMMSS Time H, M and S are an Integer number 0 to 9.

2.19 QMN<cr>: Query model name

Computer: QMN<CRC><cr>
Device: (MMMMM-NNNN<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds
MMMM: model name (VMIII), NNNN: Rated output VA

2.20 QGMN<cr>: Query general model name

Computer: QGMN<CRC><cr>
Inverter: (NNN<CRC><cr> if Inverter accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>
NNN: model name number
NNN list as below:
023 PIP-5048MK PIP-5048MK
024 PIP-3024MK PIP-3024MK

2.21 QBEQI<cr>: Battery equalization status parameters inquiry

Computer: QBEQI <CRC><cr>
Data Description Notes
a ( Start byte
b B Enable or Disable B is an Integer number 0 to 1..
C CCC equalization time C s an Integer number 0 to 9. The unit is

D DDD equalization period D is an Integer number 0 to 9. The unit is day.
E EEE equalization max E is an Integer number from 0 to 9. The unit is
current A.
F FFF reserved reserved
G GG.GG equalization voltage G is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
is V.
H HHH reserved reserved

I III equalization over time I is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The unit is

j J equalization active J is an Integer ranging from 0 to 1.
k KKKK equalization elapse time K is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
is Hour.

3 Setting parameters Command

3.1 PE<XXX>/PD<XXX><CRC><cr>: setting some status enable/disable

Computer: PE<XXX>/PD<XXX><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if DEVICE accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>
PExxxPDxxx set flag status. PE means enable, PD means disable
x Control setting
A Enable/disable silence buzzer or open buzzer
B Enable/disable overload bypass
J Enable/Disable power saving
Enable/Disable LCD display escape to default page after 1min
U Enable/Disable overload restart
V Enable/Disable over temperature restart
X Enable/Disable backlight on
Y Enable/Disable alarm on when primary source interrupt
Z Enable/Disable fault code record

3.2 PF<cr>: Setting control parameter to default value

Computer: PF<CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds

All Device parameters set to default value.
x Parameter setting
Parameter Default value
1 AC output voltage 230.0V
2 AC output frequency 50.0Hz
3 Max charging current 60A
Max utility charging current 30A
4 AC input voltage range 0: Appliance range
5 Output source priority 0: Utility first
6 Battery re-charge voltage 11.5/23/46 for 12/24/48V unit.
7 Charger source priority 2: Utility and Solar first
8 Battery type 0: AGM
9 Enable/disable buzzer alarm 1: Enable buzzer alarm
10 Enable/Disable power saving 0: Disable power saving
11 Enable/Disable overload restart 0: Disable overload restart
12 Enable/Disable over temperature restart 0: Disable over temperature restart
13 Enable/Disable LCD backlight on 1: Enable LCD backlight on
14 Enable/Disable alarm on when primary 1: Enable beep on when primary source
source interrupt interrupt
15 Enable/Disable overload bypass when 0: Disable overload bypass
overload happened in battery mode
16 Enable/Disable LCD display escape to 1: Enable LCD display escape to default
default page after 1min timeout page
17 Output mode 0: Reserved
18 float charging voltage 13.5/27/54 for 12/24/48V unit.
19 Bulk charging voltage 14.1/28.2/56.4 for 12/24/48V unit.
20 Battery cut-off voltage 10.5/21/42 for 12/24/48V unit.
21 Battery re-discharge voltage 13.5/27/54 for 12/24/48V unit.
Note: The correct default value can be gain by QDI command.

3.3 MNCHGC<nnn><cr>: Setting max charging current

Computer: MNCHGC<nnn><CRC><cr>
If machine is KING, Computer: MNCHGC<mnnn><CRC><cr>
Device:(ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds
Setting value can be gain by QMCHGCR command.
nnn is max charging current, m is parallel number.

3.4 MUCHGC<nnn><cr>: Setting utility max charging current
Computer: MUCHGC<nnn><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds
Setting value can be gain by QMUCHGCR command.

3.5 F<nn><cr>: Setting Inverter output rating frequency

Computer: F<nn><CRC><cr>
Inverter: (ACK<CRC><cr> if Inverter accepts this command, otherwise, responds
Set UPS output rating frequency to 50Hz.or 60Hz

3.6 V<nnn><cr>: Setting device output rating voltage

Computer: V<nnn><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds
Set inverter output rating voltage to 220V/230V/240V

3.7 POP<NN><cr>: Setting device output source priority

Computer: POP<NN><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds
Set output source priority, 00 for utility first, 01 for solar first, 02 for SBU priority

3.8 POPM<nn><cr>: Setting output mode (Only for KING)

Computer: POPM <nn><CRC><cr>
Inverter: (ACK<CRC><cr> if Inverter accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<CRC><cr>
nn:00: single machine output, 01: parallel output, 02: Phase 1 of 3 Phase output, 03: Phase 2 of 3
Phase output, 04: Phase 3 of 3 Phase output

3.9 POPLG<nn><cr>: Setting operation logic (Only for KING)

Computer: POPLG <nn.n><CRC><cr>
Inverter: (ACK<CRC><cr> if Inverter accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<CRC><cr>
nn:00: automatically, 01: On-line mode, 02: ECO mode

3.10 PBCV<nn.n><cr>: Battery voltage back to utility

Computer: PBCV<nn.n><CRC><cr>

Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<CRC><cr>
12V unit: 11V/11.3V/11.5V/11.8V/12V/12.3V/12.5V/12.8V
24V unit: 22V/22.5V/23V/23.5V/24V/24.5V/25V/25.5V
48V unit: 44V/45V/46V/47V/48V/49V/50V/51V

3.11 PBDV<nn.n><cr>: Battery voltage back to battery

Computer: PBDV<nn.n><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds
12V unit: 00.0V12V/12.3V/12.5V/12.8V/13V/13.3V/13.5V/13.8V/14V/14.3V/14.5
24V unit: 00.0V/24V/24.5V/25V/25.5V/26V/26.5V/27V/27.5V/28V/28.5V/29V
48V unit: 00.0V48V/49V/50V/51V/52V/53V/54V/55V/56V/57V/58V
00.0V means battery is full(charging in float mode).

3.12 PCP<NN><cr>: Setting device charger priority

Computer: PCP<NN><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds
Set output source priority, 01 for solar first, 02 for solar and utility, 03 for only solar charging

3.13 PGR<NN><cr>: Setting device grid working range

Computer: PGR<NN><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>
Set device grid working range, 00 for appliance, 01 for UPS

3.14 PBT<NN><cr>: Setting battery type

Computer: PBT<NN><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds
Set device grid working range, 00 for AGM, 01 for Flooded, 02 for user-define battery type

3.15 PSDV<nn.n><cr>: Setting battery cut-off voltage (Battery under voltage)

Computer: PSDV <nn.n><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<CRC><cr>
nn.n: 21.0V~24.0V for 24V unit, 42.0V ~ 48.0V for 48V unit

3.16 PCVV<nn.n><cr>: Setting battery C.V. (constant voltage) charging voltage

Computer: PCVV <nn.n><CRC><cr>

Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<CRC><cr>
nn.n: 24.0V~31.5V for 24V unit, 48.0V ~ 63.0V for 48V unit

3.17 PBFT<nn.n><cr>: Setting battery float charging voltage

Computer: PBFT <nn.n><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<CRC><cr>
nn.n: 24.0V~31.5V for 24V unit, 48.0V ~ 63.0V for 48V unit

3.18 PPVOKC<n ><cr>: Setting PV OK condition

Computer: PPVOKC <n><CRC><cr>
Inverter: (ACK<CRC><cr> if Inverter accepts this command, otherwise, responds
0: As long as one unit of inverters has connected PV, parallel system will consider PV OK;
1: Only all of inverters have connected PV, parallel system will consider PV OK.

3.19 PSPB<n ><cr>: Setting Solar power balance

Computer: PSPB<n><CRC><cr>
Inverter: (ACK<CRC><cr> if Inverter accepts this command, otherwise, responds
0: PV input max current will be the max charged current;
1: PV input max power will be the sum of the max charged power and loads power.

3.20 RTEY<cr>: Reset PV/load energy storage

Computer: RTEY <CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK <CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>

3.21 RTDL<cr>: Reset datalog

Computer: RTDL <CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK <CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>

3.22 PBEQE<n><cr>: Enable or disable battery equalization

Computer: PBEQE<n><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>
Enable or Disable battery equalization, n=1 means enable; n=0 means disable;

3.23 PBEQT<nnn><cr>:Set battery equalization time

Computer: PBEQT<nnn><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>

Set equalization time, nnn is in the range of 5 to 900minute, every click increase or decrease

3.24 PBEQP<nnn><cr>:Set battery equalization period

Computer: PBEQP<nnn><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>
Set equalization period, nnn is in the range of 0 to 90day, every click increase or decrease 1day.

3.25 PBEQV<nn.nn><cr>:Set battery equalization voltage

Computer: PBEQV<nn.nn><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>
Set equalization time, nn.nn is in the range as below.
48V model: 48.0~61.0V;
24V model: 24.0~31.5V;

3.26 PBEQOT<nnn><cr>:Set battery equalization over time

Computer: PBEQOT<nnn><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>
Set equalization time, nnn is in the range of 5 to 900minute, every click increase or decrease

3.27 PBEQA<n><cr>: Active or inactive battery equalization now

Computer: PBEQA<n><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>
Active or inactive battery equalization now, n=1 means active; n=0 means inactive;
3.28 PCVT<nnn><cr>: Set max charging time at C.V stage
Computer: PCVT<nnn><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>

3.29 DAT<YYMMDDHHMMSS><cr>: Date and time

<Y, M, D, H, S> is an integer number 0 to 9.
Device: (ACK<cr> if Device accepts this command, otherwise, responds (NAK<cr>

4 Appendix

4.1 CRC calibration method


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