Electronics Repair and Troubleshooting: Regulated Power Supply Troubleshooting

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Electronics Repair and Troubleshooting

ECE 401 / Class ECE 4-A

Lesson/Topic : 6

Regulated Power Supply Troubleshooting

If the system (example - equipment, appliances) is completely dead,

that is nothing happens in the system, you should immediately
suspect the power supply. This is one part of any system where the
average technician can often troubleshoot and repair a problem.

Any system is powered by battery or a transformer-rectifier

supply connected to the 220-V lines. Batteries usually power
portable system. A 9-V battery is most common. To check its output
voltage, turn the system on (to load the battery) and measure the
battery’s terminal voltage. If it is significantly below 9V, perhaps 8V
or less, replace the battery and recheck the unit. Also check for
corroded terminals.
Portable system applications include mobile phones, notebook computers,
cameras, camcorders, personal digital assistants(smartphones), medical
instruments, power tools, and portable GPS.

Some portable system employs a group of cells to obtain the

necessary voltage. These must be connected in a series-aiding
configuration of the positive terminal of one cell to the negative
terminal of the next, and so on. The battery compartment has a
diagram with battery symbols and plus and minus signs molded into
the plastic to help us install the cell properly. Should one cell be
placed in the compartment backward, it would cancel the voltage of
two cells, thereby dropping the total voltage to the point where the
system would not work. Check for proper installation of all cells. Then
perform the “loaded” test described above for 9-V batteries.
Stereos and communications receivers will most likely use a
regulated power supply similar to that shown in figure 1.
Start troubleshooting by checking the output voltage with a
DMM connected between point D and ground. If the voltage
is correct (per manual specs), your problem lies elsewhere.
If not, test the fuse for continuity and be sure the power plug is
connected to a “hot” or live power outlet and the switch is on.

Next, check rectifier output waveform at point A with an

oscilloscope per the diagram in figure 2. The waveform should be
similar to the one illustrated below :
If the rectifier output waveform is not similar to that shown in figure
2, one or more diodes in the bridge have probably failed.
Diodes fails in one of two ways, either by opening or
shorting. An open diode changes the bridge rectifier from
full-wave to half-wave. As a result, ripple increases dramatically
(see figure 3). A shorted diode causes heavy currents that
should blow the fuse or, at the very least case, overheated
Bridge rectifiers are usually encapsulated (you cannot get at
the individual diodes). The unit must therefore be replaced
should problems be found.

If the filter capacitor (from point A to ground) opens, the bridge

output will be unfiltered, making it more difficult for the voltage
regulator to eliminate ripple. It’s difficult to say exactly what the
waveform would look like.
A shorted filter capacitor shorts the rectifier output, causing,
at best, a blown fuse, and at worst, a burned-out rectifier
and/or power transformer. In either case, open or shorted,
replace the capacitor.

Assuming the rectifier and the filter capacitor pass the tests
discussed above, measure the zener reference voltage at point
B and compare with specs per manual. Measure the voltage
at point C, the feedback voltage to the inverting input of the
op-amp. It should be within a tenth of the volt or so of the
zener voltage. The point C voltage can be calculated using the
voltage divider (VDP) formula:

V at point

By using a common operational amplifier (op-amp) and a few other external

components, it is possible to design linear voltage regulators capable of offering
excellent performance and particularly suitable for powering low-power loads.
An operational amplifier is an IC that can amplify weak electric signals. An
operational amplifier has two input pins and one output pin. Its basic role is
to amplify and output the voltage difference between the two input

Zener diodes are used for voltage regulation, The series resistor R1 limits
the current through the diode and drops the excess voltage when the diode is

The pass transistor drops the voltage down to the required level and
allows high current to pass.

Measure the emitter-collector voltage of the pass transistor. It

should be approximately 5 to 7 V depending on power supply load.
If this voltage is a few tenth of a volt or less, the transistor is shorted
and must be replaced.

Note: The above procedures on power supply troubleshooting

apply for any piece of equipment using a regulated power

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