Virtual Bank Assistance: An Ai Based Voice Bot For Better Banking

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Thesis · January 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21535.10405

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1 author:

Sarath Chandra
Joginpally B.R.Engineering College


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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124



ABSTRACT: A banking bot project is built using Artificial Intelligence algorithms that analyze
the user‘s queries and understand the user‘s message. The system is designed for banks to use
where users can ask any bank related questions like loan, account, policy, etc which are bank
related queries. This application is developed for devices that have internet connectivity. The
system recognizes the user‘s query and understands what he wants to convey and simultaneously
answers them appropriately. At present, there are chat applications for banks. The questions
asked by the users can be in any format. There is no specific format for users to ask questions.
The built-in artificial intelligence system realizes users‘ requirements and provides suitable
answers to the user. These voice bots can be built from scratch or they can be deployed on
existing chatbots by enabling then with voice services. It also uses a graphical representation (if
necessary) of a person speaking while giving answers as a real person would do as an employee.
Bank bot solves the issues a user has and clarifies it with its knowledge.

1 Introduction grow invisible and creep into the consumer‘s

It is surprising how technology is so daily life.
dynamically transforming one sector after 2 What is a chatbot?
another with revolutionary innovations. A chatbot is a computer program that uses
After the early rattle of IoT (Internet of AI majorly ML to have a conversation with
Things), AR (Augmented Reality), VR humans. Users can ask questions, make
(Virtual Reality) and Cloud computing, now requests and respond to chatbot questions
we have the digital voice assistant and statements using natural language. A
technology to look forward to. The major chatbot could support text input, audio input,
growth of the I.T sector is Banking, financial or both. [4]
services and insurance (BFSI). The terms chatbot, virtual assistant, and
Based on the combination of machine conversational agent are sometimes used
learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data interchangeably, but chatbots tend to support
analytics, and cloud computing, the digital simpler conversations and more singular
voice-enabled assistant may not sound like a tasks. A chatbot could tell you whether it
new phrase to you. You might have heard of will rain tomorrow, but a conversational
a personal assistant helping you organize agent might determine that what you really
and manage your daily life routines. Here need to know is what you should wear.
the concept of voice-based services extends All these conversational technologies
far beyond just personalized assistance to employ natural-language-processing for
touch the banking sector at large. enabling natural-language-recognition
People have been using finance apps for capabilities to discern what the user is
personal banking for a long time since it saying and other sophisticated intelligence
allows them to perform banking tasks on tools to determine what he or she truly needs
their mobile devices without personal to know. These technologies are beginning
interactions. But many of us never knew that to use machine learning to learn from
digital voice banking is getting prepared to

Volume IX, Issue I, January/2020 Page No:177

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

interactions and improve the resulting customers, employees, and partners, a

recommendations and responses. chatbot will improve satisfaction and
loyalty. Whether your chatbot answers
Benefits questions about employees‘ corporate
A chatbot can help you provide a strong user benefits or provides answers to technical
experience in a number of ways: support questions, users can come away with
• Respond immediately: By using a a strengthened connection to your
chatbot, you can help many users avoid long organization.
wait times for phone-based customer support • Building a chatbot might be less
agents or even longer wait times for email- complicated than you think—and the payoff
and form-based support. A chatbot can be can be significant. Offering a responsive,
available immediately. conversational channel for communication
• Stay open all time: Staffing a can help you meet expectations for
customer support center around the clock immediate, around-the-clock interactions
can be extremely expensive and it is useless while keeping personnel costs under control.
because humans have feelings and may
respond harshly. For some departments such
as HR, it might not be possible. A chatbot,
however, can answer questions 24x7, even
on holidays.
• Always conversational: Chatbots
make it easy for users to find the Fig 1 Chat Bot Architecture
information that they need. Users can ask
questions in a conversational way, and the
chatbots can help them refine their searches 3. What is a voice bot?
through their responses and follow-up The moment we hear Voice-assistance or
questions which make them strong. Having Voice chatbot the first thing that crosses our
substantial experience with personal mind is either Google assistant or Cortana or
assistants on their smartphones and Siri or Alexa. These brands have perfectly
elsewhere, users today expect this level of placed themselves in our day to day lives
informal interaction to make their life ease. and certainly being the most useful tool.
When chatbot users are happy, the Now it has become one of the trends, we
organizations employing the chatbots benefit will be looking forward to in 2020. As per
and the banks get highly satisfies customers. ComScore prediction, 50% of all searches
• Cost reduction: The potential to will be accomplished by voice search in
reduce costs is one of the clearest benefits of 2020.
using a chatbot. A chatbot can provide a new A voice bot, as the name suggests is a virtual
first line of support, supplement support ‗Bot‘ or computer program that conducts a
during peak periods or offer an additional conversation. Powered by artificial
support option. In all these cases, employing intelligence (AI) and natural language
a chatbot can help reduce the number of processing (NLP), these Bots are designed to
users who need to speak with a human. You simulate human conversational patterns.
can avoid scaling up your staff or offering These bots are used in a variety of practical
human support around the clock. scenarios such as customer service.
• Improve loyalty: By providing a As mentioned, some chat or voice bots use
responsive, efficient experience for sophisticated underlying technology such as

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

AI and NLP. Some simpler ones scan for This is perhaps the most essential criteria.
keywords from within a pre-defined Meaning and comprehension is everything
database to extract a reply with the most during a conversation. Sadly, as human
matching keywords or wording pattern. beings, we aren‘t always literal or to the
Depending on how they are configured and point when we speak. Bots should be
designed, bots can be highly differentiated enabled with the intention analysis services
with respect to their functionality and as it helps them in making relevant
conversational quality on their task basis. conversations and searching the user
Voice Bot is a type of chatbot that works by requests.
the voice. They use the primary mode of For example, the intent behind a ―sure‖ or
communication that is a voice. They listen to ―why not‖ is most likely a ―yes‖.
the command given by the speaker and Conversely, ―I‘m good‖, ―later‖ and ―not
perform the required action with the really‖, likely translates to a ―NO‖. These
underlying chat-bot design. simple examples show that a chat bot‘s job
They are considered as an intelligent way to is rather nuanced.
communicate. Voicebot is commonly 2 Pause and go: The ability to pause and
integrated into voice assistants like Amazon listen [9]
Alexa, Cortana Google Assistant. The first point around intent comprehension
Like chatbots are evolving every day so are makes it clear that the bar set for machine
voice bot. They have become one of the programmed assistants like chatbots and
preferred ways to communicate with this voice bots is rather high. While you want the
generation of smart buyer. These voice bots bot to be a ‗good listener‘ so it can
also help the illiterates also who cannot type determine the next steps or pause when the
or chat with the bots. person on the other end is talking, you also
Statistics say that the new generation is want the bot to be able to make the reason
looking for a voice assistant to a website or for its call very clear.
app because it is more convenient (52%); it For example, voice bots are frequently used
allows them to multitask and do things to apprise clients of some important
without using their hands (48%); it helps information or remind them of say, a due
them to make recurring purchases (41%). date. A good bot design would be one where
(Conversational Commerce by Capgemini the bot is programmed to not pause during
Report – 2018) that time when it‘s providing critical
Voicebot makes your product easy-to-use by information, even if it is interrupted. So as to
providing information and the convenience make the intent of the call clear.
to talk from anywhere. Voicebot is 3 Streaming Recognition
considered one of the biggest trends in 2019. As with all technology, speed is essential for
a pleasant, efficient experience. A good
voice bot should, therefore, be able to
interpret and act at the same rate at which
the customer speaks. Lags and slow
responses cause frustration and create a poor
impression of the business. [9]
4 Personalized Banking
Benefits Especially once a customer has gone
1 Analysis of Users Intention: The ability through the trouble of calling a company,
to understand the meaning. [9] navigating pre-programmed IVRs to identify

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

themselves (like id number, account number, loan, savings accounts, investment portfolios
street address, etc.); has selected the relevant – all with different banks.
options to provide basic information about It is in this context where chatbots can
the reason for the call, it‘s very frustrating if become a competitive tool. They can not
customers must repeat similar only push relevant information to a specific
information.[9] user to drive engagement with the brand, but
Optimal integrations and programming also to test the interest level in specific
should ensure that the bot greets the caller products.
by name, knows caller history, picks up the Bots can introduce users to the benefits of
likely reason for the call based on current using new banking services and even gather
and past calling patterns. Most importantly, competitive information from them. At the
a good bot should be able to personalize same time, because users know they are
suggestions based on this type of customer dealing with an automated system and not a
knowledge. real person, customers can ask the bot to
5 live agents Access stop asking questions like they do with any
Voice bots are there to assist agents in unsolicited text messages – by simply
meeting customers‘ needs. They are not texting ―stop‖ back.
there to replace agents. They are necessary In short, companies can solicit feedback and
for replacing the frequently asked questions promote various products via automated
to reduce the burden on agents. At any time bots. Provided that these attempts to engage
during a call, the customer should have a with customers through automated systems
seamless option to speak to a live agent. Not are not so frequent as to annoy the end-user,
to say that this should happen at the drop of they can serve as an excellent data-gathering
a hat, but should be based on pre-define tool while concisely reminding existing
user-oriented fallback rules. For instance, if customers of their financial products‘
the bot can‘t understand the customer‘s issue benefits and/ or presenting other products
within a single question, the customer or • Bots can lead a company’s
caller should be redirected to a live agent on personalization strategy and generate
priority. [9] incremental revenue
• Bots can push relevant content to
end-users and test user engagement with Personalization refers to the overall digital
it strategy that leverages key data points about
Currently, most banks offer a wide variety a customer to present relevant offers,
of products and services – credit cards, products, and services to a target audience,
savings accounts, debit cards, financial when customers need or want to engage in a
planning, personal loans, mortgages, etc. Yet new purchase.
many customers are not always aware of all Sometimes, even if the customer does not
the products offered by the financial specifically need to buy a new product or
company they‘re doing business with. In service, a perfectly executed personalization
addition, users often use many different strategy could lead to ―compulsive buying.‖
financial options depending on how Banks have traditionally done very little in
effective various banks were at providing the field of personalization despite the
incentives during the time a customer had a reality that they have the necessary rough
specific need. As such it is not uncommon data to do an excellent job at it.
for one customer to have 5 different credit Think about it: your primary bank knows
cards, a student loan, mortgage, personal how often you use your card, in what

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

product categories, how much income had to invest a lot of effort into fulfilling the
you‘re getting and when/ where/how you minor routines.
spend your money. It also knows how often The world without the voice-driven AI
you‘re paying credit card bills and in what services would seem slow, inefficient and
amount. All this information is currently strenuous now that we can think of adopting
going to waste because most banks do not enlightened virtual assistants. They enable
execute strategies that would offer users us to make informed decisions and solve an
personalized tools, promotions and issue in a matter of seconds.
opportunities. Disadvantages of existing system
The use cases in which financial institutions Banking has become increasingly dependent
could leverage existing customer data sets on information systems and the use of most
are endless. modern technology has also become
Another use case for personalization is the increasingly significant. But, the lack of
ability of banks to encourage users to refer voice assistants is being seen in banks. All
their friends. This is done every day in retail banks do have the same features as Net-
where customers can simply refer a friend to Banking, Credit card services, etc. Apart
make a purchase and get some incentive in from providing Business Intelligence and
return. With satisfied customers being the schemes, services in attracting people, banks
best brand promoters, banks should use should also provide voice assistant services
chatbots to encourage their customers to act to attract illiterates to use their banking
as brand ambassadors and help with user services.
acquisition. 5. PROPOSED SYSTEM
The Artificial Intelligence-based services
include services like automatic checkbook
4. EXISTING SYSTEM re-order facility, etc, banks internally use
them for employees‘ performance
Remember the time when we used to rely on evaluation, credit evaluation of customers,
IVR customer services and support to etc and products like customized investment
resolve issues related to the computer advice for customers after for their portfolio
problem or mobile services. It was analysis and customized investment
surprising how we used to interact with our solutions after evaluation the credit history
mobile devices and type on the glass screen as well as income pattern.
to communicate our concerns. However, Advantages
everything wasn‘t really that smooth and • They can give customers
functional every time the approach to information on their accounts and help them
customer service is made. make credit card payments from their
The massive issue was that most IVR smartphones.
systems didn‘t offer quick problem learning • An automated chatbot program can
or problem-solving abilities. They didn‘t communicate with the bank's customers via
have learning capabilities that today‘s virtual text and voice messages on users' interests.
voice assistant develops over time.
• These bots are trained with existing
Moreover, typing was not practically the
issues that have occurred prior to it. So, If
most effective way to interact with a device
the customer has any doubts related to them
or a computer for the most common
then these bots will help the customers in
problems. It wasn‘t that long ago that we
solving them and the customer service

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agents can work on the new issues and We have considered few assumptions during
critical problems. the development of our project.
• Bots analyze the expenditures of the Nonsatisfaction of these assumptions may
customers and help them in increasing their lead to improper working or failure of our
rewards and savings by giving suggestions. project.
These assumptions are:
6. MODULES Member is a human: The person who is
Administrator going to register on our website and develop
He is the admin for the application. He has a bot is himself not a bot but a human being.
access to changing the decisions for a query.
He trains the bot to answer the queries for Dependencies
specified input keywords. If there is any We have a few dependencies on the
error or risk in the application strategy, he development of our project. Non-satisfaction
needs to defend it. of these conditions may again lead to
Customer improper working or failure of our project.
He is the user who has an account in the These dependencies are listed below:
bank or a person who wants to try the 1. Internet Connection: Internet connection
service of the bank. Providing service for is one of the most important resources
this person is important as we need them. He without which this website cannot be started.
asks the bot for services or queries. Also, we have used various APIs from the
Maintaining a good relationship with this application that is necessary for banking
person is necessary for the bank services like balance fetching, details of
Employee customer details, etc. Hence the Internet is a
He checks his inbox for the tickets that are must for our website to run even though it‘s
generated if the customer is not satisfied on the localhost.
with the data or the answers provided by
Bot. He is the person who directly contacts
the customer for the ticket generated and 2. Web Server: We require a Web Server
provides sufficient information for that that can be used to host our website and the
ticket. application. It can‘t be accessed by clients
7. IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS unless it‘s hosted and has a pubic IP. A web
This section contains the assumptions that server by default has an HTTP request
we have made while developing this project. generator, Database, Integrator with the
If these conditions are not satisfied our application, etc.
project may work improperly or may
completely stop working. This section
enlists all the assumptions that we have
made during project development.
It also contains dependencies of our project
i.e. on what things our project is depended
upon. Due to the lack of these things again
our project may work improperly or
completely stop working. This section also
enlists the dependencies of our project.

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7. SCREENSHOTS perform tasks that assist the user. Most

customers have very low expectations when
it comes to the self-service offered by banks
because often it is terrible. Many self-service
transactions result in a customer having to
contact the call center anyway, not a great
customer experience.

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Author Details

Sarath Chandra Oruganti, pursuing B. TECH

ENGINEERING from JBREC (Joginpally
B. R. Engineering College) Affiliated to
JNTUH. Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R. R.
Dist., Telangana 500075. He is having a CGPA
of 7.2 until the 6th semester. He has done an
Internship in Eidiko Systems Integrators and
is in his final semester of B. TECH

Email id: [email protected]

Volume IX, Issue I, January/2020 Page No:184

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