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Tesla’s Prophecy

Ere many generations pass,

our machinery will be driven by a power
obtainable at any point in the universe.

This presentation was lectured by Toby Grotz
on 11 September 2016 at the
“Internationaler Freie-Energie-Kongress”
(congress about entirely novel energy technologies and related topics)
on 10 and 11 September 2016
at The Monarch Hotel in 93333 Bad Goegging in Germany

Version 2 from 25 September 2016

On Mass, Charge, and Gravity,


The Space-Vortex Structure of the Electron

Paramahamsa Tewari

Paramahamsa Tewari
• Electrical Engineering in 1958, Banaras Engineering College, India,

• Managed large nuclear engineering construction projects for the

Department of Atomic Energy, India.

• Former Project Director of the Kaiga Atomic Power Project.

• Retired Executive Nuclear Director, Nuclear Power Corporation,

Department of Atomic Energy, India.

• His new ideas on the basic nature of space, energy, and matter have
resulted in a new theory titled Space Vortex Theory

The books that he has authored on Space Vortex Theory are:

The Substantial Space and Void Nature of Elementary Material Particles (1977)

Space Vortices of Energy and Matter (1978)

The Origin of Electron’s Mass, Charge Gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields from “Empty Space” (1982)
Beyond Matter (1984)

Paramahamsa Tewari

SVT has proven that:

Space (vacuum) is non-material:
mass-less fluid
And can posses a steady flow varying from zero to light
velocity (c)

Space Vortex Theory
• Postulates
• The medium of space, throughout the universe, is an
eternally existing, nonmaterial, continuous, isotropic fluid
• The medium of space has a limiting flow speed equal to the
speed of light relative to the absolute vacuum, and a
limiting angular velocity, when in a state of circulating
• The medium of universal space is eternal and endowed
with motion.
• Proof of these postulates and that the universal substratum
of space with nonmaterial* properties has real existence—is
provided by SVT which derives the basic properties of:
• the electron
– Mass and charge
• inertia
• gravity

• * “Nonmaterial” signifies a massless, density-less, incompressible, non-

viscous and continuous fluid.
• The absolute vacuum with non-material properties is termed as “Space.”
• Gravitation is caused due to mass-property of matter but the
process of creation of mass in matter is not sufficiently dealt
with in contemporary physics.
• The basic equations for the electron's mass and charge from
new principles arising from the space-vortex structure of
electron, have been derived.
• Gravitational and electromagnetic fields are shown to be the
structural fields of electron. New formulas to derive the
surface gravity of the sun and earth, planets and galaxy,
from the spatial
Space is:
• A nonmaterial and incompressible fluid devoid of any
known property of matter, such as mass, density, discrete-
ness, viscosity, elasticity, or compressibility, etc.
• Further, if the properties of “mass” and “charge” of an
electron must be derived from the first principles then a
massless and chargeless fluid that, as a vortex, can form
the structure of an electron, must be assumed.
However – thousands of years ago, the ancient sages of India
described the natures of space when they said:

Idham thadhakshare parame vyoman.

The aakaash is not destructible,

it is the primordial absolute substratum that creates cosmic
matter and hence it is:

Parame vyoman
The aakaash is the eternally existent, superfluid reality, for which
creation and destruction are inapplicable.
(the properties of aakaash are not found in the matter)
See Universal Principals of Space and Matter pg. xii
Ancient Wisdom – New Science
Ere many generations
All perceptible matter comes from a pass, our machinery
primary substance, or tenuity beyond will be driven by a
conception, filling all space, the akasha power obtainable at
any point in the
or luminiferous ether, which is acted
upon by the life giving Prana or Nikola Tesla – Inventor,
creative force, calling into existence, in AC Motors &
Generators, RF circuit
never ending cycles all things and tuning, robotics.
phenomena. All the powers in the
Nikola Tesla universe are already
Inventor of the alternating current ours. It is we who
have put our hands
induction motor and generator,
before our eyes and
“Man’s Greatest Achievement,” 1907. cry that it is dark.
Swami Vivekananda -
Introduced Tesla to
Vedic Cosmology and
Sanskrit Terminology.

Matter is created out of prana since prana is
aakaash in motion, and aakaash is the primordial
super fluid substratum of the universe.

According to Space Vortex Theory, Tewari predicted that galaxies

of opposite rotation will attract electrically. Those with similar
September will repel.
25, 2016 Sai OM Research Center. Confidential: do not 12
Element Source Type of GenerationAvailability Remark
Earth Coal, Oil, Thermal plants Limited, fast Highly polluting, limited
Akasha Gas depleting supply
Water Rivers Hydro electric Limited, exploited Clean but impacts river
Jala plants eco system, reservoirs
accumulate silt
Fire Solar Solar PV cells Abundant, being Clean, less polluting
Agni exploited No Fuel Costs
Air Wind Windmills Abundant, being Clean, less polluting
Vayu exploited No Fuel Costs
Space Space Reactionless Infinite, to be Clean, no pollution
Akasha Higgs Field Generator exploited No Fuel Costs
Akash RLG
Courtesy of Murlindar Rao
Brian Greene, professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia,
“The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos.”


The most significant breakthroughs in
the history of the Human Race
1. Control of Fire
2. Invention of the Wheel
3. Use of Electricity and Magnetism
4. Nuclear Energy

Each breakthrough depends on the Prior

The NEXT most significant breakthrough
in the history of the Human Race
5. Free Energy & Gravity Control
The Reactionless Generator
• An Alternating Current Generator.
• Same materials used in current AC
• Allows the production of power without
a corresponding increase in input
• Tested and proven in India
The RLG in Mr. Tewari’s laboratory
• Cheap electricity available anywhere
• Meets green standard, low to no fossil
fuel usage or pollution.

The Reactionless Generator (RLG)
• Inspired by the description of space and
matter in ancient Vedic texts, The RLG
was invented by Paramahamsa Tewari,
noted Executive Director, Nuclear
Power Corporation, Department of
Atomic Energy, India, and the former
Project Director of the Kaiga Atomic
Power Project.
• The RLG has been successfully built
and tested and duplicated by a second
party skilled in generator
Paramahamsa Tewari (right) with RLG
during testing in India with Toby Grotz (left)

The Reactionless Generator

How it Works
Current is induced in a conductor by a magnetic field

John Betts , Applied Physics, Chapter 24


Minimizing the effects of Induction
The winding techniques used to manufacture low
reactance high frequency resistors reduce inductance can
also be used to nullify or bypass Lenz’s Law.
A similar technique has been used in the RLG

Radio Engineers Handbook, F. E.Terman, 1943

Lenz's Law

Swopes Lessons in Practical Electricity, C.W. Swope, 1900, 1926

RLG Operating Principles
• Explanation of RLG phenomenon comes from the
principles of Space Vortex Theory that explains the
creation and stability of electrons, the flow of electrons
from atom to atom, the formation of a current in a
conductor, and the creation of the field structure of
electron—all these from the absolute vacuum of space (a
mass-less, nonmaterial fluid).
See www.tewari.org for details.

RLG Operating Principles
• Briefly stated: the positive terminal of a DC generator has
a shortage of electrons while the negative terminal has
more electrons. This is because the electrons in the atoms
of the armature conductors in rotation interact with the
magnetic fields that strip them of their orbital electrons and
push them to from the negative terminal.
• When the positive terminal of the generator is connected to
the external stationary output circuit, the electrons of the
neutral atoms of the circuit, now in contact with the
positive terminal, are pulled by the positive generator
terminal and this process continues. The negative terminal
supplies the electrons that are pulled from atom to atom,
the process starting from the positive generator terminal.
RLG Operating Principles
• Though the atoms of the circuit conductor do work in pulling the
electrons from the negative terminal to the positive terminal, their
structural energy remains intact without any loss. This is because the
electron, as well as the atoms, are vortices of the mass-less,
continuous, non viscous vacuum. These vortices continue to retain
their structure despite their continuing interactions.
• In an RLG, by a specific configuration of the armature conductor and
the magnetic field, a torque that supports rather than opposes the motor
torque is created. This way the armature reaction is nullified and
Lenz's law is bypassed. There is no creation of energy from any
source. The Laws of Conservation of Energy (LCE) are not violated.

September 25, 2016 Sai OM Research Center. Confidential: do not duplicate 26

The efficiency of an electrical generator is governed by mechanical and
electrical limitations. The mechanical limitations include windage and
friction of the generator’s rotor and bearings. The electrical limitations
include electrical impedance within the windings of the generator as well
as the back torque.

With a prime mover such as steam, wind, or water is attached to a

generator so as to cause the rotation of the generator’s rotor resulting in
the production of either a direct or an alternating current within the
generator’s conductors, a back torque is produced which counters the
rotation caused by the prime mover.

Therefore, the problem with standard generators is that their

efficiency is limited due to back torque generated as a result of
current induced within the generator’s conductor windings.

What Happens to the
Efficiency of a Generator
Back Torque is Eliminated?

This is What Happens
In an RLG, by a specific configuration of the armature conductor and
the magnetic field, a torque that supports rather than opposes the motor
torque is created.

As a result, the armature reaction is nullified and Lenz's law is bypassed.

Enormous gains in efficiency have been demonstrated and as a result;

A new generation of electrical machines is enabled which

can greatly reduce the use of Fossil Fuels and Carbon
Dioxide emissions.

RLG Test Results
November 23rd , 2014

The test results of input power to

the drive motor and the output
from the RLG are shown on the
239 % accompanying graph.
EFFICIENCY • Red = Input to the RLG
• Green = the output from the
4000 RLG.
• Output, 248 volts 3-phase power.
3000 2774 • 50 Hertz at 1500 RPM




Input to Drive Motor = 1.724 KW
Output = 4.461 KW
50 Hz, 3 Phase 220 VAC
Efficiency = 2.58
July 9th, 2016
Why Energy Innovation is Lagging
Subsidies for Fossil Fuels Vs Alternatives
Fossil Fuels: $500 Billion
Alternative Energy: $50 Billion

As of year 2010

Energy Research Decline
10 nation study (1999)
Energy research expenditures have declined 39% since 1980.

United States
Energy research expenditures have declined 64% since 1980.


Value of Fossil Fuel Reserves

Coal – 500 Billion Tons

Oil - 1,200 Billion Barrels
Natural Gas - 6,359 Trillion cubic feet

~ $ 200 Trillion


Energy Source Transitions
1800 – 1900 Wood to Coal
1890 - wood provided half the world’s energy.

1900 – 2000 Coal to Oil in the U.S. Market

•1950 - oil surpasses coal.
•1958 – natural gas surpasses coal.
•1965 – oil becomes the primary energy supply.

U.S. Department of Energy Estimates of
Total World Oil Reserves
1.6 Trillion barrels
87+ Million Barrels per day World Wide Usage
Doing the math:
(at current population and usage rates)

Actual availability may be be longer due to extraction rate and refining capacity limitations

The next Energy Transition must

happen within
50 years

Beware of your current Beliefs and accepted Paradigms
• “Flight by machines heavier than air is unpractical and insignificant, if not
utterly impossible.”
-- Simon Newcomb, Canadian-born American astronomer, 1902
• “If God had intended that man should fly, he would have given him wings.”
-- Widely attributed to George W. Melville, chief engineer of the U.S. Navy,
• “Atomic energy might be as good as our present-day explosives, but it is
unlikely to produce anything very much more dangerous.”
-- Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister, 1939
• “Transmission of documents via telephone wires is possible in principle, but
the apparatus required is so expensive that it will never become
a practical proposition.”
-- Dennis Gabor, British physicist and author of Inventing the Future, 1962
• “While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially
and financially I consider it an impossibility, a development of which we need
waste little time dreaming.”
-- Lee DeForest, American radio pioneer and inventor of the vacuum tube, 1926
To the critics we say

“No pessimist ever discovered the secret of

the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or
opened a new doorway for the human spirit.”
Helen Keller

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed people can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Meade

• Consider an “Impossible” Invention
– The Airplane
• 1903 – The Wright Brothers first flight
• 1909 – 30 minute flight with passenger
• 1914 – The first Commercial Airline
• 1918 - US Mail begins experimenting with Airmail
• 1927 – Charles Lindberg - the first Trans Atlantic flight
• 1969 - February 9, Boeing 747 first flight
• 1969 – July 20, Apollo 11 lands on the Moon

• Four years after the first flight, the Wright Brothers

were still looking for funding!!
• Consider “Impossible” Inventions
– The Airplane
• The Wright Brothers rearranged materials
used for the manufacture of ships, buggies,
wagons, and other forms of transportation
create a surface with lift.
• The airplane is born.

Reactionless Generator
• Paramahamsa Tewari rearranges materials
used in the manufacture of electrical
generators to create a magnetic circuit that
cancels Lenz’s Law

• Free energy is born.

The Tewari Reactionless
Generator fulfills

Tesla’s Prophecy

Ere many generations pass,

our machinery will be driven by a power
obtainable at any point in the universe.

Input to Drive Motor = 1.724 KW
Output = 4.461 KW
50 Hz, 3 Phase 220 VAC
Efficiency = 2.58
July 9th, 2016

There are two aspects of the invention / discovery: With partial bypassing
the Lenz`s law, the efficiency has risen to over 200 % in a 6 KVA model.
Now the rating of the RLG system has to be raised to 10, 20, 50 KW in
stages by designing it for higher magnetic fields in the air gap and
armature conductors. A 10 or 20 KW RLG machine is suited to
backfeed a part of the output to enable a self-running operation.

Depending on the availability of funds, the next intended step is the
development of a self-running 10 or 15 KW RLG model and / or a
commercial 50 KW RLG model starting with 250 % efficiency.
Companies which are interested to develop and commercialize the
RLG technology may write only to www.tewari.org

Energy conversion technologies
invented in the 19th Century
• Steam Turbines
• Wind Turbines
• Electric Generators and Motors
• Fuel Cells
• Photovoltaic

Technology for the 21st Century
II 46
Apres grâd trouble humain plus grâd
Le grand moteur les siecles renouuelle

"After great trouble for humanity, a greater is

The Great Motor renews the centuries.

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