Operational Framework: Process Output Input

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1. Demographic profile of respondents.

1. Distribution of
2.Demographic profileof the secondary Survey
respondent's of Sme’s (Customet Only) Questionnaire

4. Perception of vith respondents to the 2. Analyze the Data Digital

using descriptive
effectivenexs of Digital Market
statistics to Marketing and
4.2 Any significant difference of the perception of determine measures Brand
of central tendencies Awareness
both respondents according to the effectiveness and measures of Practices of
of the Digital Market variations. Small and
5. Perception of both respondents in accordance 3.Presents data in Medium
tabular form. Enterprises
of the brand awareness.
6. Any significant difference between the both Correlate to
4. Interpreted and Marketing
respondents in accordance to the Brand analyze data
s: Basis for a
7. Marketing competitiveness of small and Proposed E-
medium enterprise.
Sales Model
8. Significant correlation between digital

marketing practices, brand awareness practices

and marketing competitiveness


Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1 Illustrates the Input, Process and Output of Digital Marketing

and Brand Awareness Practices of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES)

As Correlate to Marketing Competitiveness: Basis for a Proposed E-Sales

Model. As an input, the researcher designed a instrument to collect the

necessary information about the Digital Marketing and Brand Awareness

Practices of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) As Correlate to

Marketing Competitiveness: Basis for a Proposed E-Sales Model,

Selecting the corresponding answers by the respondent’s experiences.

After collecting the data it is analyzed the using descriptive statistics to

determine measures of central tendencies and measures of variations.

After that it is presented in tabular forms. Lastly, interpretation of data is t,

analyzed and interpreted in order to formulate a fundamental idea on the

output that the researcher’s studies of the respondents . After proposing

the Output, the researcher collect the feedback such as how does the

proposed output affect the following inputs, does it improve or it stays as it

is, and the process continue until the researcher find out the Digital

Marketing and Brand Awareness Practices of Small and Medium

Enterprises (SMES) As Correlate to Marketing Competitiveness: Basis for

a Proposed E-Sales Model

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