CSOE Lesson Plan Template-3

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The key takeaways are that the lesson plan aims to teach students how to solve equations using connectivism theory and differentiation strategies. Student understanding will be assessed formatively and summatively using Bloom's taxonomy, and diverse learners will be supported through strategies like extra practice for advanced students and focusing on weak areas for at-risk students.

The lesson plan is trying to teach students how to solve equations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by applying connectivism theory and using cues, questions, concept mapping and class exercises.

Student understanding will be assessed formatively throughout the class by checking their knowledge, comprehension and other levels of Bloom's taxonomy. Both formative and summative assessments will be applied to check student mastery using previously prepared questions.

CSOE Lesson Plan Template

CSOE Lesson Plan Template



Students from all socio economic backgrounds i.e., Male, Female, gifted and talented
at St. Giles Vancouver Elementary school.

LESSON SUMMARY In this lesson students will learn how to solve the equation.

Connectivism theory will be used in this lesson using cues, questions, concept
How is Theory applied
mapping and class exercises. This theory will be used using class discussion and
in this lesson?
questions answers.
ISTE Standards for Students How will you address the ISTE Standards for Students?
The ISTE numbers of the following numbers will be addressed having the standard 1 in it:

CL01, CL02, CL03, CL04, and CL05.

STATE or COMMON CORE How will you address your States or the Common Core standards?
CL01, CL02, CL04 will have InTASC standard 7 & 8 whereas CL03, CL05 will be having standard 3 and standard

6 respectively.
MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE What will your students be able to do?
The students will be able to solve the equation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

How will you know whether your students have made progress toward the objective?

How and when will you assess mastery?

Student’s assessment will be checked using bloom’s 6 step taxonomy. Knowledge, comprehension, application,

analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Knowledge will be checked by using the steps of equation solving. It is a

memory check. It will be a formative assessment check during the beginning of the study. Comprehension and

other parameters will be checked during the later stages of the class and class will be divided into groups on the

basis of understanding and higher understanding students will be given prepared questions to solve and other

students will be given different methods to teach the same equation solving question. Mastery will be checked

throughout the class and the student's level will be raised through different sets of questions. The time of the

lecture will be one period and all students will be incorporated within the same class having different groups of

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the same understanding level. Their performance will be measured through questions previously made and

distributed during the class. Only one type of equations will be given to all the students and those who will

understand early will be given more questions to increase their practice and level of understanding. Both

formative and summative assessment will be applied in this lecture.

DIVERSE LEARNERS (Mixed Abilities)

1. How will your instruction support the diversity of learners in your classroom?

2. List the specific strategies you will use.

1. Students with 2. English Learners (ELD 3. Advanced Learners 4. At Risk

Disabilities Standards) Early understanding Those students who are

Students with eyesight or Groups will be decided on students will be given not understanding will be

other problems will be the basis of formative challenging questions so practicing the basic

helped in solving their assessment. Lower level that their interest remains concepts. Their weak

questions and full support understanding students intact and they feel that portions like multiplication,

will be provided to them will be asked eliminators their understanding is division etc. will be

(Tomlinson, 2014). questions to judge their further increasing focused after finding the

first non-understanding (Tomlinson, 2014). root cause of their non-

point and their foundation understanding and then

will be made to the point help them with the

of complete equation steps(Tomlinson,

understanding 2014).

(Tomlinson, 2014).


● Differentiated instruction is not the same as individualized instruction.

● Differentiation allows students to show what they know in different ways.

1. Content 2. Process 3. Product

The goal of all the students is The formative assessment will The students will solve questions of
learning equations but the previous
understanding of basic algebra will make groups according to the level equations and their assessment will

Version 2
differentiate their level of of understanding and then each decide their future question. The
understanding and application of
concept. Therefore, formative three groups will be made level of understanding will then
assessment will differentiate the
content from low, middle and higher according to the same non- decide the group structure within
according to the understanding of
the science of equation solving. The understanding or understanding the class time of 40 minutes.
more the groups understand the
concepts and the more complex level. Questions will be given and
they will be given. The information
and content will be shared teaching will be made according to
according to their interest and level
of understanding. All content will be the same understanding level.
covered within the 10 min class.

How will you create a healthy Classes will be allowed to speak one by one and all students are asked to

learning environment? listen to the questions carefully apart from solving questions from their

group members of the same understanding level.

How will you create and maintain a Discipline of speaking and confidence to ask questions will create a

supportive and safe learning conducive environment helpful for learning.

How will you establish a climate of Repeated discipline demonstrations and 360 degree feedback will help in

learning? establishing a healthy learning environment.

OPENING (10 minutes – suggested)

How will you communicate what is Students are in the group after formative assessment and they know that

about to happen? How will you they are learning equations. There are pre-made questions according to

communicate how it will happen? low, mid and higher level of students' understanding about the

prerequisites of science of equations solving. Students are allowed to ask

the step by step difficulty of the equations and they will be helped in

solving their problems.

How will you communicate its Students will be taught the importance of equations in everyday life.

importance? How will you 3x+5y=100

communicate connections to previous In the above equation x stands for apples and y stands for oranges. 3

& future lessons? kilos of apples and 5 dozen oranges cost 100 dollars. This long sentence

will be represented easily by algebraic expression and it is very important

to know how to solve equations because it is helpful in every walk of life

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especially in engineering and applied fields in solving complex real life

problems through algebra in our future life.

How will you engage students and Students will be engaged by relating algebraic equations through real life

capture their interest? and telling them the benefits of solving equations.

The time As a teacher I will be helping The students will be given the TECHNOLOGIES USED

for the them solve the equations and task and their formative Blocks of numbers and

opening telling them the benefits of assessment will increase their alphabets to understand the

lecture solving the equations. Telling level of question and their bad basics of sign transfer during the

will be 10 them the applications of answer will help the teacher to number moving to the other side

min. equations in our real life and understand their weak area and of the equation. Group

how we can solve problems in thus the point to focus on the instruction guide, paper etc.

less amount of time using it. students to let them know the

foundations of equations.

INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIAL (10 minutes – suggested)

How will you introduce academic Equation means equality and why we call it equation because we perform

language? algebraic operations on both sides to keep the balance the same, Laws of

algebra and DMAS rules to solve the equation.

What key points will you emphasize Basics of add, minus, multiply and division and rules of balance ( we

and reiterate? perform algebraic operations on both sides to keep the balance).
How will you ensure that students Formative assessment will help me to know their level of understanding

actively take-in information? their written work of predefined questions will ensure their assessment

How will you vary your approach to Students are in the group after formative assessment and they know that

make information accessible to all they are learning equations. There are pre-made questions according to

students? How will you differentiate the low, mid and higher level of students' understanding about the

your instruction for all your prerequisites of science of equations solving. Students are allowed to ask

learners? the step by step difficulty of the equations and they will be helped in solving

their problems. Each student will be allowed to ask questions one by one

so that I will know the individual learning is going as per plan. Group

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members will also give feedback on peer learning.
Which potential misunderstandings Prerequisites of the equations are basic algebra and different levels of

will you anticipate? understanding will differentiate their level of understanding and their

misunderstanding will be judged by the formative assessment.

Why will students be engaged and Students will be given the tasks according to their understanding and

interested? algebraic equations will be related to the modern world as given in the

examples of 3x+5y=100 above. When students relate knowledge with the

modern world, they get interested in the subject.


The The teacher will introduce the Students will be asked to TECHNOLOGIES USED

time topic to them and relate the express their views about the Blocks of numbers and

for the equation with the real world. equations and its application. alphabets to understand the

lecture basics of sign transfer during the

will be number moving to the other side

40 min of the equation. Group

class instruction guide, paper etc.

Knowledge of application of

algebra to the real world.

GUIDED PRACTICE (15 minutes – suggested)

How will you clearly state and The summative assessment will help me understand their level of

model behavioral expectations? understanding. It will be an ongoing process as formative assessment will

lead to summative assessment.

How will you integrate the Algebra is the language of Maths. Algebraic equations will be related to the

academic language? modern world as given in the examples of 3x+5y=100 above. When

students relate knowledge with the modern world, they get interested in the

integration of their previous non-related knowledge into a useful form of

How will you ensure that all Students will be given enough questions in the written form and they will be

students have multiple continuously checked whether they are comfortable with the questions or

opportunities to practice? not. Their answers will decide their level of understanding.
How will you scaffold practice Students with lower understanding will solve questions and will be offered

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exercises from easy to hard? higher questions and this step by step help will help them to increase their

level of equations understanding.

How will you monitor and correct I will check the questions of each group member and rectify their mistakes

student performance? and recheck their performance after they resolve their mistakes.
Why will students be engaged and Students want to increase their level and will try to solve as early as

interested? possible to go to a higher question level. In this way competition will fuel

their interest to study.


15 The teacher will engage himself Students will solve questions to TECHNOLOGIES USED

min in solving questions in person to gain in depth knowledge about Copies, questions provided by

help them understand the the topic. the teacher, and teacher

equations. checking the formative


INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (25 minutes – suggested)

How will you clearly state and After gaining the knowledge about the topic, students will be given a list of

model behavioral expectations? questions to solve independently and all the answers will be solved on the

whiteboard and students will be called to give feedback about their

How will students demonstrate The correct answers will demonstrate their level of understanding. The

understanding of the academic more they solve correctly the more understanding they have about

language? equations.
In what ways will students attempt Through independent questions solving skills and through writing their own

to demonstrate independent questions similar to the given by the teacher and then solving them

mastery of the objective? correctly will show their highest level of bloom classification of

How will you provide opportunities Students will be given more questions as homework to further increase

for extension? their learning capacity.

Why will students be engaged and When students learn they try to increase their level and their position in the

interested? class will increase. External motivation like good remarks will be given to

increase their motivation.


25 The teacher will be busy in The students will be busy writing TECHNOLOGIES USED

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min writing answers to the questions their summative assessment Copy answers by teacher on

and checking the final level of questions. whiteboard and individual help

understand of the students. for those students who left

behind and noting their roll

numbers so that they can be

helped in the future.

CLOSING (5 minutes – suggested)

How will students summarize what Their level of understanding and non-understand will be cleared and weak

they learned? areas will be identified and they will focus on their weak areas and those

who have learned in the class will increase their level through homework.
How will students be asked to

state the significance of what they Students will be asked to repeat what they have learned in the form of

learned? formulas or way of doing the equations. Their demonstration will define their

level of understanding.
How will you provide all students Formative feedback will help students to identify their level of learning and

with opportunities to demonstrate motivation for moving forward.

mastery of, or progress toward, the




5 min The teacher will identify the level of The students will plan their Practice copy, notes of the

students through summative revision and practice of weak teacher and help from the

assessment and note down the weak areas for higher teacher to solve the

students and make plans to reteach understanding. problems.


HOMEWORK (if appropriate). How will students practice what they learned?
Weak Students will practice their weak areas and those who performed well in the class will solve higher

questions. In this way, a differentiation strategy is used to help solve the problems of all levels of students .

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COLLABORATION What other education professionals will you collaborate with to ensure all learner needs are

Students can take help from anyone to solve their problems.


Which of the following social and All skills are important in social and emotional competencies.

emotional competencies (World

Economic Forum, 2016), does this ● Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

lesson support? ● Creativity

● Critical Thinking/Problem ● Communication

Solving ● Collaboration

● Creativity

● Communication

● Collaboration
Which of the following social and All the qualities are important.

emotional character qualities ● Social and cultural awareness

(World Economic Forum, 2016), ● Leadership

does this lesson support? ● Adaptability

● Social and cultural awareness ● Persistence/Grit

● Leadership ● Initiative

● Adaptability ● Curiosity

● Persistence/Grit

● Initiative

● Curiosity
World Economic Forum. (2016). New vision for education: fostering social and emotional learning through

technology. Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum. Retrieved from



InTASC What InTASC standards are supported by this lesson?
InTASC standard 3,6, 7 & 8 is used..

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ISTE Standards for Teachers What InTASC standards are supported by this lesson?
The ISTE numbers CL01, CL02, CL03, CL04, and CL05 are supported by the lesson.
TPE’s What TPE’s are supported by this lesson?
TPE1. Engaging and supporting the students.

LESSON REFLECTION (Pre – and Post – teaching the lesson)

Pre-Teaching Lesson Post-Teaching Lesson (if applicable)

I chose this lesson because students consider I was impressed by the student’s participation and it

algebra in particular and equations in general a increased my motivation to do more differentiation strategies

dry subject. I want to develop their confidence in to do effective teaching and increase the level of students in

the subject and increase their understanding the same class using groups and differentiated teaching

about the subject and the topic. methods and materials with the same goal of learning

REFERENCES: List any research used or quoted consistent with APA style guidelines.
Faculty Instructional Guide EDU62050: Content Knowledge & Instructional Practice IV-Differentiated Learning

University Mission Statement. (n.d.). Retrieved from



Differentiation in the classroom — 7 methods of differentiation | Promethean Blog. (2017, August 29). Retrieved

November 29, 2021, from Promethean Blog website:


Tomlinson, C.A. (2014) The Differentiated Classroom Responding to the Needs of All Learners. 2nd Edition,

ASCD, Alexandria. - References - Scientific Research Publishing. (2014). Retrieved November 29, 2021,

from Scirp.org website:



Version 2
InTASC Of the InTASC standards identified as being supported by this lesson, rate your performance:

Does Not Met



*Note. This is an opportunity for you to identify areas of development. It is important for you to be honest in your

reflection, so you know what areas you need to strengthen.

ISTE Standards for Teachers Of the ISTE standards identified as being supported by this lesson, rate your


Does Not Met



*Note. This is an opportunity for you to identify areas of development. It is important for you to be honest in your

reflection, so you know what areas you need to strengthen.

TPE’s Of the TPE’s identified as being supported by this lesson, rate your performance:

Does Not Met



*Note. This is an opportunity for you to identify areas of development. It is important for you to be honest in your

reflection, so you know what areas you need to strengthen.

Version 2

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