Title: Growing Vegetables at Home Using Recycled Materials

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Title: Growing Vegetables at Home Using Recycled Materials

I. Introduction
Gardens have been established next to homes since prehistoric times. The most
important characteristics of home gardens are their location adjacent to homes, close
association with family activities and a wide diversity of crop and livestock species to meet
family needs. Home gardening define as a farming system that combines different physical,
social and economic functions on produce. The home garden is also a place where people live
and meet each other and where children play. Its economic functions are crop production and
livestock rearing for home consumption or sale for income.
Small or limited space has a solution, try container gardening. Container gardening is
planting using containers instead planting directly in the ground. There are benefits of home
garden using containers such as it beautifies the environment, lessens food expenses, food
always available, vegetables are free from contamination, fresh vegetables taste better,
improved family nutrition and boost health which builds strength, lifts mood, improve memory
and reduces stress.

II. Background of the Seminar

Agricultural Development PH, Villar SIPAG Farm School Las Piñas-Bacoor and San
Jose Del Monte was conducted free webinar entitled “Growing Vegetables at Home Using
Recycled Materials hosted by Ms. Mary Joyce Villacorte Gaviola. The resource speaker is Mr.
Arsenio Dela Cruz who shared knowledge about growing fruiting vegetables at home, in which
plant should we grow given limited sun in urban area, important characteristics of a potting
medium, steps in soil preparation, benefits of seedling trays, days for sowing to transplanting,
how to care for growing seedlings, selection and preparation of containers, proper trellising and
what are the maturity indices. Next topic is about container gardening, their benefits, what plant
do we need to choose before planting it in containers and the proper way on sowing seeds in
small container or seedling trays. And lastly, practical examples of container garden methods
like recycled seedling trays using egg shells, tissue roll, egg tray and pomelo peel. Planting
vegetables with using used oil container, blue drums, raised bed using pallet, tower garden, wall
garden and used/old plastic bottles. They also introduced what is a sub-irrigated planter and the
drip irrigation and also how to make sack garden.

III. Objectives
Generally, the webinar was focused on the role of home gardening using recycled
Specifically, it aims:

 to understand the importance of home garden in the daily lives of rural people.

 to learn how to make garden in small area using recycled materials.

IV. Methodology
The webinar was done through Facebook live and zoom live and there is attendance and
evaluation link for resource speakers for those who attended the seminar.

V. Discussion and Summary of the Study

In planting using containers, we should first know and choose our crop and what our family
like to eat using small and large containers (gallon), grow seedlings by sowing using egg tray,
sowing using toilet roll tubes, sowing using banana leaf, sowing seeds using an egg tray.
Protect our crops from insect pests and diseases using biological, manual and natural repellent.
Practical examples of container garden methods such as recycled seedling tray, used/old tires,
used/old plastic bottle/gallon, used oil container, blue drums, raised bed using pallet, tower
garden and wall garden.
Important characteristics of a potting medium has a good water holding capacity and
aeration, has capacity to supply nutrients and free from soil-borne disease. Using seedling trays
are less quantity of good sowing medium is needed and seedling roots grow individually and
separately, lessening transplant stress. There are ways on how to care for growing seedlings.
First, keep seedling moist by regular water application, every day or even twice a day
depending on heat and sun. Second, spray weekly with FPJ to make vigorous seedlings. Third,
protect seedlings from stray animals. The next one is prevent stem elongation by exposing
seedlings to enough sunlight. Fifth, cover the seedlings with net to avoid intense sunlight and
lastly, when it rains, cover the seedlings with plastic or other material. In hardening seedlings,
remove shade or move seedlings under full sun, protect at midday for first days and reduce
water. Hardening reduces stresses when transplanted and promotes vigorous growth. There are
tips for watering such as water deeply and thoroughly, until some water comes out from the
drainage holes; don’t assume once is enough. Check moisture level; the plant needs to be
watered when you stick your finger into the soil about 2 inches deep and it feels dry and lastly,
water the soil, not the leaves. Consider the potting mix, type of container, exposure to sun, wind,
rain and your plant in watering.
Regardless of the potting medium, you will need to fertilize plants regularly. When and what
you fertilize is very important. Plant nutrient needs change with different stages of growth.
Plants can absorb nutrients through both their roots and through leaf pores. Long-season crops
like tomato, cucumber, eggplant and pepper may need to be fertilized weekly, to produce
continues harvest. If cages, stakes, or other supports are needed, provide them when the plants
are very small or newly transplanted to avoid root damage. Single pole trellis for solanaceous
like tomatoes, eggplant and pepper. In trellising, twirl growing tendrils to the string and bamboo
poles, or secure them with elastic ties, until the plant climbs the trellis on its own. And keep the
ties loose to avoid damaging the plants, and tie only woody or main stems, as foliage, fruit and
new shoots tend to break.
VI. Conclusion
Growing fruiting vegetables at home is very important to our daily life. Home gardening
provides vegetables exclusively for family use. Gardening offers opportunities for physical
activity and, in the case of community gardens, socialization. In addition to providing nutritious
veggies and fruits for your dinner table and beautiful flowers to decorate it, gardening offers a
variety of health benefits. Container gardening has many plus factors aside from the obvious
ones of saving money for the person growing the vegetables. With container gardening people
will not just talk about improving the environment but are actually doing something about it.

VII. Recommendation
With proper planning and design vegetables can even be grown inside the house. Another
possibility is to practice multi-story cropping even in a very limited space. After having decided
on the garden location, the next step is to decide on what to plant. In determining the type and
kind vegetables and fruits to plant, we should take the number, respective ages and the
nutritional needs of family members as our basis for decision making.

VIII. Lesson Learned

Containers enable any small spaces to grow herbs and vegetables without needing a
garden or allotment. They can be used to add structure and style to outdoor spaces. Going the
container route saves space, helps control pests and overcome soil issues, enabling the
availability of home grown fresh produce without a yard. When planting vegetables and herbs in
pots, it's important to choose the right container. Aside from giving the best way on how to
produce vegetable in small areas, it also helps a lot of people to know the proper way on
planting through containers.as
Integrating Organic Products in Sustainable Farming
Let’s Integrate Organic: A Forum on Organic Crop Protection and Nutrition Products for
Sustainable production

I. Introduction
Annually 20-40% of global crop production is lost due to pest and diseases. It
contributes around 220 billion dollars and for invasive insect, losses are estimated to be around
70 billion dollars. There are 2 types of farming: the organic farming and conventional farming.
The organic farming is a type of farming system that incorporates environment-friendly
approaches for insect pest, weeds and disease management. The conventional farming is
commonly associated with high-input agricultural practices such as using synthetic chemical
fertilizers, and pesticides.
In increasing global demand for organic products it affects consumer consciousness in
health and environment-friendly products. Market pressure which stricter regulation on import
tolerance; almost zero MRL for export commodities like bananas, banning of commonly used
chemicals in developed countries. Price premiums make organic systems profitable in many
developed and developing countries, even spurring rural revitalization. There are common
misconceptions about organically produced products such as shorter self-life, effective only at
higher dose rate, expensive, difficult to handle, can be used at low disease pressure only and it
limited only to farm-prepared concoctions. Organic agriculture in the Philippines pursuant to
Republic Act 10068 also known as the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 which products are
evaluated by organic certifying bodies and registered with the Bureau of Agriculture and
Fisheries Standard (BAFS). Plant protection has a major issue in Organic Farming which is the
Organic Crop Protection (OCP) strategies often rely on a limited number of methods often
perceived as providing only partial control of pests and diseases and resulting to lower yields
and poor economic performances. “Integrated Pest Management (IPM) means the careful
consideration of all available pest control techniques and subsequent integration of appropriate
measures that discourage the development of pest populations and keep pesticides and other
interventions to levels that are economically justified and reduce or minimize risks to human
health and the environment. IPM emphasizes the growth of a healthy crop with the least
possible disruption to agroecosystems and encourages natural pest control mechanisms.” A
holistic approach and the importance given to the design of a “healthy” agroecosystem. Organic
farming includes a variety of practices, ranging from intensive input-to a comprehensive
integrated approach. IPM is not an individual pest control method. It is a combination of different
pest management strategies. The four-tiered approach to IPM: establishing Action Thresholds,
pest monitoring and identification, prevention and control. IPM is the leading paradigm in crop
protection and it provides foundational basis, prioritizing bioecological processes and alternative
techniques to reduce pesticide use. “Integration” remains the real conceptual foundation of IPM,
with the understanding that IPM integrates organic crop protection.
Benefits of integrating organic products into conventional farming helps in pesticide
resistance issues due to multiple modes of action, thus using them will break resistance
specifically for products that are high-risk. The other one is lowering chemical load, as overall
objective of sustainability to lower environmental impact, the use of organic products will
significantly reduce our chemical footprint. And lastly it addresses MRL issues which with zero
PHI, and exemption from MRL establishment in most importing countries, organic products are
best fit for late-stage important application prior to harvest.

II. Background of the Seminar

Ka-agway Kaalaman was conducted free webinar entitled “Let’s Integrate Organic: A
Forum on Organic Crop Protection and Nutrition Products for Sustainable Production” hosted by
Mr. Ej Ortiz. Dr. Fe Dela Cueva, Director of the Institute of Plant Breeding College of Agriculture,
UPLB was introduced the importance of Integrating Organic Products in Sustainable Farming.
There are three resource speakers who introduced products that we can use in our farm. The
first one is Mr. Felicitos “Boy” Palis, Philippine representative of GOWAN Crop Protection
introduced and shared his knowledge about the M-PEDE products, the mode of actions, their
benefits and the proper way of using it. The second one is Mr. John Christopher E. Potot of
Senior Plantation Manager STK Bio-Ag Technologies shared also his knowledge about the
Timorex Gold products, where it came from and introduced it as the 1st registered organic
fungicide in the Philippines pursuant to Republic Act 10068 otherwise known as the Organic
Agriculture Act of 2010 and also how Timorex Gold is very effective in different crops like mango
and bananas. And the last one is Mr. Jesse Montaner of International Sales Reprsentative
OMNIA Specialties Australia PTY LTD introduced the importance the biostimulants and K-
Humate S100.
There are different natural products that provides excellent control of pest and diseases.

III. Objectives
Generally, the webinar aims to integrate organic products in sustainable farming.
Specifically, it aims to:

 to learn how importance organic crop protection in our plants.

 to know how the proper use of organic fertilizer.

 to create balanced, cleaner, and sustainable agricultural environment.

IV. Methodology
The webinar was done through Facebook live and zoom live and there is attendance
and evaluation link for resource speakers for those who attended the webinar.

V. Discussion and Summary of the Study

Integrating organic products helps to reduce the risk of human, animal and ecological
exposure to toxic effects through pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals. These benefits are
counterbalanced by higher food costs for consumers and generally lower yields.
M-Pede is a natural product that helps to control insects and diseases. It has four mode
of action: K-SoFa penetrates the insect body and cell membranes are damaged the cells
content leak out and it result of dehydration. K-SoFa act as IGR interfering with cellular
metabolism which result is disrupting metamorphosis. K-SoFa block the spiracles (breathing
pores) of insects which result is disrupting respiration. And K-SoFa interfere with the production
of the ATP which result is the cell has no more energy. This product was used in pineapple
condition known as Naturally Differentiated Flowering (NDF) in banana bunches with mealy
bugs and insects scale, sugar apple and cacao with mealy bugs and ants. M-Pede fits well into
existing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. It can be used as a stand-alone product
or in product rotations or in tank mixtures with other commercial products that provide both
immediate and residual control. M-Pede has extremely low toxicity to animals, fish and birds. It
has limited impact on beneficial insects leading to less target and secondary pest resurgence
after application.
Timorex Gold is for control of various diseases of economically important crops. It is
made of Tea Tree Oil (TTO) extracted steam distillation from tea tree plant (Melaleuca
alternifolia). It contains many components which are mostly terpenes and has been proven to
have antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial properties. TTO is classified as a low risk substance
for Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) are not required. Timorex Gold is the 1 st registered organic
fungicide in the Philippines pursuant to Republic Act 10068 otherwise known as the Organic
Agriculture Act of 2010. Timorex Gold penetrates the cuticle and diffuse through mesophyll
through the cell membranes (composed of phospholipids). Timorex Gold was for banana.
Proven effective against Black Sigatoka which in solo application, tank mix with systematic
fungicides and mix with oil and emulsifier. It also integrated in a spray program for resistance
breaker and compatible with the regular spray program. Timorex Gold was also for mango. It
can be tank-mixed with other fungicide during pre and postbloom applications. Incorporated
within a spray program along with other products used in mango. No negative effects on non-
target organisms. No residue, PHI, and re-entry period restriction. Helps with resistance
management and TTO contains natural spreader/sticker capability that can complement other
products used for mango. Timorex Gold also for tobacco and onion pests and diseases.
Biostimulants enhances plant growth and development throughout the crop life cycle
from seed germination to plant maturity in several demonstrated ways, including but not limited
to: improving the efficiency of the plant’s metabolism to induce yield and enhanced crop quality,
increasing plant tolerance to and recovery from abiotic stresses (e.g. drought, water logged,
frost bite, excessive heat, poor soils), helps plant to efficiently use nutrients from soil or from
applied fertilizers, enhancing quality of produce, including sugar content, colour, fruit formation,
etc., and enhancing certain physicochemical properties of the soil, and stimulates growth of soil
micro-organisms. Biostimulants are divided in 7 groups: humic acids, fulvic acids, seaweed
extracts, microbials, plant extracts, amino acids and biopolymers. K-Humate S100 is an organic
soil conditioner which is a highly concentrated source of humic acid derived from Leonardite. It
is an effective agent to use as a complement to organic or conventional fertilizers. K-Humate
increases the nutrient availability from the applied fertilizers. Good chelating properties which
reduces nutrient loss due to leaching and run off. And it is certified as input for Organic
Production by NASAA (National Association for Sustainaryble Agriculture, Australia). There are
benefits of applying K-Humate in physical, chemical and biological. K-Humate26 also readily
available form of humic acid via foliar application. It is world’s most highly concentrated liquid
humic acid which contains total Potassium Humate and Fulvate 26% and also certified input for
Organic Production by NASAA (National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia).
Macronutrients like Zinc involve in different vital plant physiological activities. Zinc is needed
for the synthesis of the hormone Auxin in plants (include acetic acid or IAA), which is needed for
healthy cell division. Zinc is also needed for chlorophyll formation and carbohydrate formation.
The more chlorophyll, the darker green the plant, the better the plants are able to
photosynthesize. Plant deficient in Zinc will exhibit chlorosis between the leaf veins, appearing
as yellowish or whitish stripes between the midrib and margin. Leaves also can be stunted and
misshapen. Yellowing between the leaf veins is the first sign. Flowers may drop off and fruit fail
to set. There are ways to prevent Zinc deficiencies in plants. Check soil pH and nutrient levels
with a soil test before planting. Correct acid soils by applying lime and regular application of K-
Humate. Correct alkaline soils by applying organic fertilizers and regular application of K-
Humate. And check Zinc levels regularly with a petiole sap test of the youngest mature leaves.

VI. Conclusion
Integrating organic products gives information about natural products for farmers to lessen
the use of synthetic products. Those products helps to control pests and diseases of different
crops or fruit trees. Without the addition of organic fertilizers, crop yields and agricultural
productivity would be significantly reduced. That's why mineral fertilizers are used to supplement
the soil's nutrient stocks with minerals that can be quickly absorbed and used by crops. Organic
products reduce public health risks to farm workers, their families, and consumers by minimizing
their exposure to toxic and persistent chemicals on the farm and in food, the soil in which they
work and play, the air they breathe, and the water they drink. Children are especially vulnerable
to pesticides. Thus, offering organic food and fiber products into the marketplace gives parents
the option of choosing products produced without the use of these toxins.

VII. Recommendation
You should always check with your certifier before using a new fertilizer product. Apply
enough fertilizers to both meet the nutrient requirements of the crop and to build up the nutrient
level in the soil to a critical soil test level over a planned timeframe.

VIII. Lesson Learned

Organic products is safer and to some extent, tastier. Organic materials and fertilizers
improve the soil texture, allowing it to hold water longer, and increase the bacterial and fungal
activity in the soil. So, they not only assist your plants, they help the soil. Production of organic
products is better for the environment and animals because its farming methods are different
from commercial ones, as the latter rely heavily on the use of pesticides and other chemicals
and synthetic materials in the production line.
Kaagway Kaalaman facebook page

Malunggay as Super Fertilizer

I. Introduction
Fertilizer is “any organic or inorganic materials of natural or synthetic origin which is address
to the soil to supply essential element to the growth of plants”. The two types of fertilizers -
organic and inorganic. Organic fertilizer derived from living matters. It is bulky organic materials
and natural source of plant nutrient and by products of everyday life. Inorganic fertilizer also
referred to as synthetic fertilizer. It is manufactured artificially and contains minerals or synthetic
chemicals. It may contains minerals or synthetic chemicals and may also contain one or more
primary nutrients.
The differences between organic and inorganic fertilizer: Organic fertilizers are
renewable sustainable, bio-degradable and environment-friendly. Inorganic fertilizers are non-
renewable, tend to leach or filter away from the plants requiring additional applications. Organic
fertilizers are not harmful to the land. Inorganic fertilizers has an adverse effect on the soil

II. Background of the seminar

Agri-Kaalaman was conducted free webinar entitled “Malunggay as Super Fertilizer” hosted
by Ms. Joyce Mercado of CARD-BDSFI. The resource speaker which known as Agri-COOL-
Kuya Mr. Derick Bautista, Agriculture Technician of CARD BDSFI of Organic Demo Farm whom
introduced the super malunggay, super fertilizer. He shared his knowledge about what is
organic and inorganic fertilizer and their differences, what is malunggay, ways to use moringa
as fertilizer, the benefits by using MLE and also the process of moringa fertilizer.

III. Objectives
Generally, the seminar aims to further expand knowledge about malunggay as super
Specifically, it aims:

 To determine the benefits of malunggay (Moringa olifera).

 To learn how to make malunggay fertilizer.

IV. Methodology
The webinar was done through Facebook live and zoom live and there is attendance and
evaluation link for resource speakers who was attended the webinar.

V. Discussion and Summary of the Study

Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) also known as “Miracle Tree” is native to India but also grows
in Asia, Africa, and South America. It contains a variety of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Rich
in calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Moringa Leaf Extract (MLE) is rich with
numerous growth hormone particularly zeatin. It has been reported to increase the crop yield in
the range of 10%-45%. Moringa is the cheap natural growth enhancer to help withstand to
drought and hot environment. There are different ways to use Moringa as fertilizer: mulching,
foliar spray, drenching, moringa powder and compost. There are also many benefits by using
Moringa Leaf Extract: healthier growth of seedling, strong root system, helps to recover from
stress, helps gives more flower and fruit, higher yield, easy to make and no cost and also plant
produce more fruit and larger fruit.

VI. Conclusion
Organic fertilizers are naturally available mineral sources that contain moderate amount of
plant essential nutrients. They are capable of mitigating problems associated with synthetic
fertilizers. They reduce the necessity of repeated application of synthetic fertilizers to maintain
soil fertility. Applying moringa leaf extract is a cheap and environment friendly organic
technology which increases growth of most vegetable crops. Hence, moringa leaf extract can be
used as an organic fertilizer for the farmers.

VII. Recommendation
Use of moringa leaf extract as an effective and easy crop growth enhancer. There are
cytokinin in moringa leaves which are useful for growth so that they can be used as organic
liquid fertilizer. MLE are easy to make and use and it also saves money and environment.

Lesson Learned
Organic fertilizers play an important role in providing crops with the nutrients they need
to grow and be harvested for nutritious food. Organic fertilizers help deliver enough food to feed
the world's population. One of the effective ways to use low-cost technology with natural
sources of nutrients (organic materials) to increase the crop yield by small-scale farmers without
polluting the environment is the Moringa Leaf Extract (MLE). It tends to reduce the application
frequency of inorganic fertilizer to increase the crop yield during the cropping season. It gives
ideas for all the farmers to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers.

CARD BDSFI Organic Demo Farm facebook page

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