Dora Gods

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Job: Zeus was the most powerful god. He was the ruler of gods and humans and in charge of the
heavens. The chief judge on Mount Olympus, Zeus settled arguments between the gods.

Nicknames: King of the Gods, the Greatest Olympian, the weather God, the cloud
gatherer, Lord of the skies.

Job: she was the goddess of marriage and childbirth and the protector of all women. Hera also ruled the
skies. She is thought to be the greatest of all great goddesses.

Nicknames: Queen of Heavens, Queen of Olympus, Supreme Goddess, the First Wife.

Job: the second most powerful god on Mount Olympus, Poseidon was God of the Seas. He commanded
the waters and all the creatures in them. He was also the god of earthquakes.

Nicknames: Sea God, the Earth Shaker.

Job: Hades is the ruler of the Underworld, the place where people were thought to go when they died.
He is the god of the dead, but he is not Death itself. He is also the god of wealth, because gold and other
precious minerals come from underground.

Nicknames: The Dark God, the Unseen, the Rich One.

Job: Hestia was the goddess of hearth and fire.

Nickname: the Forgotten Goddess

Job: she was the goddess of harvest and in charge of crops, farming, flowers and trees.
Nicknames: Corn Goddess, Goddess of the Grain.

Job: she was the goddess of wisdom and war. She oversaw all arts and crafts, such as weaving and
pottery. She was the chief goddess of the city of Athens which named for here.

Nickname: Goddess of the City.

Job: He was the god of the sun, music, poetry, archery and healing.

Nicknames: Sun God, God of Light, The Bright One, God of Truth, Healing God.

Job: She was the goddess of hunt, wild animals, and the moon.

Nicknames: Moon Goddess, Lady of Wild Things.

Job: He was the messenger of the gods as well as the god of travel and of thieves. He guided the dead to
the Underworld.

Nicknames: Errand Boy of the Gods, Master Thief.

Job: He was the god of and and violence.

Nickname: Bringer of War.

Job: He was the God of wine, fertility, feasting, and agriculture.

Nickname: Bacchus.
Job: He was the god of fire, metalwork and building.

Nicknames: Blacksmith God, the Lame One, Lord of the Fire.

Job: She was the goddess of love and beauty.

Nickname: Foam Born.

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