Assessment of Safety and Quality of Fermented Milk of Camels, Cows, and Goats Sold and Consumed in Five Localities of Burkina Faso

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Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 RESEARCH ARTICLE

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Assessment of safety and quality of fermented milk of camels, cows,

and goats sold and consumed in five localities of Burkina Faso
Hama Cissé, Jean Ulrich Muandze-Nzambe, Namwin Siourimè Somda, Adama Sawadogo, Soungalo Moustapha Drabo,
François Tapsoba, Cheikna Zongo, Yves Traoré and Aly Savadogo

Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry and Immunology, University Ouaga 1 Pr Joseph KI-ZERBO, 03 BP 7021
Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso.
Corresponding author: Aly Savadogo, e-mail: [email protected]
Co-authors: HC: [email protected], JUM: [email protected], NSS: [email protected], AS: [email protected],
SMD: [email protected], FT: [email protected], CZ: [email protected], YT: [email protected]
Received: 23-11-2018, Accepted: 17-01-2019, Published online: 22-02-2019

doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2019.295-304 How to cite this article: Cissé H, Muandze-Nzambe JU, Somda NS, Sawadogo A,
Drabo SM, Tapsoba F, Zongo C, Traoré Y, Savadogo A (2019) Assessment of safety and quality of fermented milk of camels,
cows, and goats sold and consumed in five localities of Burkina Faso, Veterinary World, 12(2): 295-304.

Background and Aim: Fermented milk is food produced and consumed all over the world and plays an important role in
human nutrition. This work aimed to evaluate the microbiological and physicochemical quality and mineral composition of
fermented milk consumed in Burkina Faso.
Materials and Methods: A total of 114 samples of fermented milk from camels, goats, and cows were purchased in the
market in five localities in Burkina Faso; Bobo Dioulasso, Djibo, Dori, Gorom-Gorom, and Sebba. Microbiological and
physical parameters were monitored using standards methods.
Results: Microbiological analysis of fermented milks showed high average values of 7.60±1.50×109 colony-forming unit
per milliliter (CFU/ml), 5.72±3.60×107 CFU/ml, 5.53±2.00×105 CFU/ml, 1.97±0.18×103 CFU/ml, 1.98±0.25×103 CFU/
ml, and 0.10±0.09×103 CFU/ml for total microbial flora, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and molds, Staphylococcus aureus,
total coliforms, and thermotolerant coliforms, respectively. None of the samples were contaminated by Salmonella or
Shigella. The average values of pH, acidity, dry matter, ash, fats, proteins, and total carbohydrates content of samples were
ranged, respectively: 3.830-4.137, 1.888-2.822%, 8.271-13.004%, 0.199-0.476%, 1.210-3.863%, 2.125-3.764%, and 3.080-
5.428 % (w/w). Na/K and Ca/Mg ratio ranged from 0.104 to 0.909 and from 3.392 to 16.996, respectively. Total microbial
flora, yeasts and molds, total coliforms, fats, calcium, potassium, iron, and zinc were significantly different.
Conclusion: This research contributed in the evaluation of the hygienic and nutritional qualities of local fermented milk.
Results obtained in this study confirm the need to set up the training program on the sanitary condition to traditional maker’s
to ensure the good fermented milk with high organoleptic and nutritional qualities.
Keywords: Burkina Faso, camel, cow, fermented milk, goat, sanitary quality.
Introduction unlike fermented milk, where there is a predominance
Milk is the natural product of the secretion of the of lactic acid bacteria with some contaminants as
mammary gland of a lactating female. It is an essen- Bacillus, Staphylococcus, and Escherichia coli [5,6].
tial component of the diet of pastoral or agropastoral Cow milk is the most milk consumed in the world
populations and also an important source of income followed by that of goat, camel, buffalo, mare, and
in Sahelian countries. Milk plays an important role in donkey . Taste of camel’s milk varies according to
bone growth, maintaining body integrity and health the pasture, is appreciated for its anti-infectious, anti-
through its composition of minerals, fats, proteins, cancer, antidiabetic, and reconstructive properties
carbohydrates and vitamins [1]. Milk microbiota con- in convalescent patients [7,8]. In other countries as
tains many bacteria, some are useful and necessary Central Asia, mare milk is used to replaces maternal
for her transformation to other products as lactic acid milk for infants. In Africa and particularly in Burkina
bacteria or molds used for the maturing of cheese and Faso, for ethnic and cultural reasons only, the milk of
yeasts transforming sugars to alcohol [2-4]. sheep, camel, goat, and cows is consumed. The use of
According to composition, raw milk is an ideal unconventional milk (donkey and mare) is culturally
medium for the growth of many microorganisms, important. Consumers of these products attribute to
their medicinal and mystical properties during occult
Copyright: Cissé, et al. Open Access. This article is distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
practices. Conventionally, the origin of the milk fer-
License (, which mentation is correlated to the appearance of nomadic
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any peoples (Fulani). Fermented milk is a traditional rem-
medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original
author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons edy used by the old medical sciences of agropasto-
license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons ral communities. In Burkina Faso, there is a greater
Public Domain Dedication waiver (
publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this
diversity of dairy products in diets of the populations
article, unless otherwise stated. which include raw milk, fermented milk, pasteurized
Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 295
Available at

milk, yogurt, cheese, cream, butter, gappal, dèguè , after prepared stock solution and decimal dilutions
and soap Fulani [9]. In the past, fermented dairy prod- according to standard microbial methods. 10 ml of the
ucts as yogurt, fermented milks, and cheese have been sample were added to 90 ml of sterile buffered pep-
recognized as foods with undeniable nutritional qual- tone water, and serial dilutions were monitored with
ities [10-12]. Recently, a diversity of yogurt (yogurt this suspension. All tests were done in duplicate. The
with Moringa, pineapple, sweetened, and unsweet- results were expressed as colony-forming unit per mil-
ened) is sold by local producers in Burkina Faso. liliter (CFU/ml). Total microbial flora was enumerated
These foods are perishable and often contaminated by on plate count agar after incubation at 30°C during
microorganisms, antibiotics, pesticides (insecticides), 24-48 h. Lactic acid bacteria were enumerated on
detergents, and disinfectants [13]. The hygienic plates of Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe agar, after incuba-
quality of milk and dairy products is considered, as tion at 37°C for 24-48 h anaerobically (anaerobic jars
one of the major factors limiting their consumption. with Anaerocult A). Yeasts and molds were enumer-
Other factors influencing the quality of these products ated on Sabouraud CAF agar with chloramphenicol,
include lack of knowledge in good hygiene practices, after incubation at 25°C for 3-5 days. Total coliforms
preservation conditions, and certain chemical addi- and thermotolerant coliforms were counted on eosin
tives used. methylene blue agar at 37°C and 44°C for 24-48 h.
This work aimed to evaluate the microbiologi- Staphylococcus aureus were counted on Baird-Parker
cal, physicochemical, and nutritional qualities of fer- agar supplemented with tellurium egg yolk and incu-
mented milk produced and consumed in Burkina Faso. bated at 37°C for 24-48 h, the black brilliant or dark
gray colonies surrounded a clear halo were selected and
Materials and Methods
tested for the confirmation (Gram, catalase, and coag-
Ethical approval ulase tests). The research of Salmonella or Shigella
Ethical approval does not apply to this type of spp. was carried by pre-enrichment with buffered
study. Samples of fermented milk were purchased peptone water followed by enrichment in Rappaport-
from the vendors and analyzed in our laboratory.  Vassiliadis broth and isolation on Salmonella-Shigella
Sampling agar for 24 h at 37°C after each part.
A total of 114 fermented milk samples (camel, Physicochemical analysis
cow, and goat) produced by the traditional method, The samples were mixed and analyzed in dupli-
purchased from the markets and streets of five cities cate for the determination of different parameters
in Burkina Faso, were collected aseptically from local physicochemical. The pH was determined using a
producers and transported to the laboratory at 4-5°C digital pH meter (WATERPROOF-PC5). Titratable
using icebox for the different analysis. Figure-1 and acidity, dry matter, ash, fats, and protein contents
Table-1 presented, respectively, sampling sites and were determined according to AOAC [14]. Total car-
samples coding. bohydrates were calculated according to this formula:
Microbiological  analysis Total carbohydrate = Total solids - (Fat + Protein +
Microbiological analyses of fermented milk were Ash)  [15].
performed according to standard methods described Minerals determination
in the manual of microbiological analysis. The bacte- For the determination of mineral elements, the
rial populations in fermented milk were enumerated ash was dissolved in 100 ml of concentrated HNO3

 Figure-1: Localities of collected samples (Source:

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Table-1: Coding of samples.

Fermented milk Localities and coding

Bobo Dioulasso Djibo Dori Gorom‑Gorom Sebba
Camel ‑ CaJ CaD CaG CaS
Cow CoB CoJ CoD CoG CoS
Goat ‑ GoJ GoD GoG GoS

Table-2: Characteristics of the calibration curves of minerals.

Mineral Standard λ (nm) Standard Standard Dependencea Correlation

concentration (mg/L) solution gas coefficient
Ca2+ 0.0551 422.70 HNO3 Air/acetylene y=0.07993×c 0.9985
Fe2+ 0.1904 248.20 HNO3 Air/acetylene y=0.02311×c 0.9996
K+ 0.1497 766.50 HNO3 Air/acetylene y=0.039×c–0.0015 0.9776
Mg2+ 0.0098 285.20 HNO3 Air/acetylene y=0.45101×c 0.9895
Na2+ 0.0477 589.00 HNO3 Air/acetylene y=0.09215×c 0.9899
Zn2+ 0.0499 213.90 HNO3 Air/acetylene y=0.08810×c 0.9889
y=Flame photometer reading, c=Concentration in mg/L, λ=Wavelength, Ca2+=Calcium, K+=Potassium, Na2+=Sodium,
Mg2+=Magnesium, Fe2+=Iron, Zn2+=Zinc

Table-3: Microbiological parameters of different fermented milk samples.

Samples TMF×109 LAB×107 Y&M×105 S. aureus×103 TC×103 TTC×103 SS

CaD (n=6) 0.39±0.27 c
0.43±0.34 c
0.18±0.06 c
0.13±0.06 de
0.06±0.03 ab
CaG (n=10) 4.08±1.80b 2.53±2.37abc 0.34±2.70c 0.21±0.05c 0.06±0.04e 0.02±0.01b Nd
CaS (n=4) 0.41±0.10c 3.10±2.90abc 5.53±2.00a 1.97±1.18a 0.17±0.07de 0.08±0.04bab Nd
CaJ (n=4) 4.60±1.39b 4.08±3.60ab 0.47±0.28c 1.23±0.39abc 0.08±0.06e 0.02±0.00bab Nd
CoB (n=10) 3.76±2.30b 2.37±1.30abc 0.63±0.30bc 0.62±0.53bc 0.17±0.12de 0.03±0.04ab Nd
CoD (n=10) 0.50±0.32c 0.52±0.27bc 4.71±2.60a 0.54±0.52bc 0.21±0.17de 0.04±0.01ab Nd
CoG (n=10) 0.55±0.26ab 4.37±3.00ab 4.35±3.50a 0.86±0.64abc 0.26±0.12cde 0.04±0.07ab Nd
CoS (n=10) 3.38±0.89b 5.20±2.70a 3.82±1.00abc 1.03±0.30abc 1.31±0.28b 0.08±0.07ab Nd
CoJ (n=10) 7.60±1.50a 3.33±1.38abc 0.41±0.26c 0.81±0.64bc 0.16±0.12de 0.04±0.03ab Nd
GoD (n=10) 4.99±2.70b 5.57±3.20a 4.18±3.00a 0.87±0.84abc 0.16±0.09de 0.03±0.03ab Nd
GoG (n=10) 0.67±0.22c 3.09±1.10abc 4.81±2.96a 1.54±0.13ab 1.98±0.38a 0.06±0.04ab Nd
GoS (n=10) 4.05±2.80b 5.72±3.60a 0.33±0.09c 0.82±0.70bc 0.57±0.25c 0.07±0.06ab Nd
GoJ (n=10) 0.33±0.13c 0.53±0.28bc 3.27±2.95abc 1.13±1.02abc 0.43±0.50cd 0.10±0.12a Nd
P‑value 0.0000**** 0.052 (NS) 0.016* 0.084 (NS) 0.0000**** 0.405 (NS) ‑‑‑
Values bearing different letters in a column are significantly different (p<0.05), NS=Not significant, TMF=Total microbial
flora, LAB=Lactic acid bacteria, Y&M: Yeasts and molds, S. aureus=Staphylococcus aureus, TC=Total coliforms,
TTC=Thermotolerant coliforms, SS=Salmonella or Shigella, Nd=Not detected

at 0.5 M. The composition in Ca2+, potassium (K+), with high variations of 0.33-7.60×109 CFU/ml. Lactic
sodium (Na2+), magnesium (Mg2+), iron (Fe2+), and acid bacteria were found at 0.43-5.72×107 CFU/ml.
zinc (Zn2+) was determined by Fast Sequential Atomic Yeasts and molds count ranged from 0.33 to 5.53×105
Absorption Spectrometer AA240FS according to CFU/ml, showing an increasing trend during fermen-
AOAC [14]. Table-2 presented the characteristics of tation. According to the results of this study, total coli-
analytical curves. form densities were 0.06 at 1.98×103 CFU/ml, and
Statistical analysis thermotolerant coliform densities ranged from 0.02 to
The data were analyzed using analysis of vari- 0.10×103 CFU/ml. S. aureus densities were in the range
ance by program XLSTAT 2017 and modeled using R of 0.18-1.97×103 CFU/ml in traditional fermented milk
software, version 3.4.2 (R Foundation for Statistical and yogurt sold at acidic pH (>3). Table-3 reveals that
Computing, Austria). Salmonella and Shigella were absent in all analyzed
The results were expressed as average ± standard samples. After analyzing the distribution of centers
deviation. The difference between the means was cal- gravity classes on principal factorial plane (Figure-2),
culated using least significant difference Fisher’s test, we can be noted some closeness between the types
and p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. of milk and variables. The variables and samples are
visualized in the factorial plane formed on dimen-
sions 1 and 2 (71% of variance explained, Figure-2).
The average densities of various microorganisms According to dimension 1, CoS and GoS were highly
determined are summarized in Table-3. This result contaminated with total coliforms, S. aureus, and lac-
showed a significant load of total microbial flora tic acid bacteria, unlike CaD and CoD which were less

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Figure-2: Principal component analysis distribution of fermented milk samples and ellipse of inertia different species on
the factorial plane according to microbiological parameter.

Figure-3: Principal component analysis distribution of fermented milk samples and ellipse of inertia different species on the
factorial plane according to physicochemical parameters (a), ascending hierarchical clusters according to physicochemical
parameters of fermented milk from different species (b).

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contaminated. The dimension 2 reveals that CaJ, CaS,

Total carbohydrate (%)
CoJ, GoD, GoJ, and GoG were highly contaminated
with yeasts and molds and thermotolerant coliforms,


0.610 (NS)
but they were weakly contaminated by total microbial
flora, while CaG, CoB, and CoG were contaminated
with total microbial flora but weakly contaminated by
yeasts and molds and thermotolerant coliforms.
Table-4 presents the average values of physico-
chemical parameters of fermented milk collected from
different localities. A significant decrease in pH from
3.830 to 4.137 and a significant increase in acidity
from 1.888 to 2.822 were found for fermented milk



Protein (%)

0.050 (NS)
samples. The dry matters and ashes ranged, respec-
tively, from 8.271 to 13.004 and from 1.994 to 4.761.
Dry matter contents varied from 8.271% to 13.004%
and ash values were significantly different between
the samples collected from 0.199% to 0.476%. The
biochemical composition of fermented milk sam-
ples varied as follows: Fats (1.210-3.863%), proteins
Values bearing different letters in a column are significantly different (p<0.05), NS=Not significant, Dry matter=Total solids



0.688 (NS)

(2.125-3.764%), and total carbohydrates (3.080-

Fats (%)

5.428%). Analyzing the distribution of center grav-

ity classes on principal factorial plane (Figure-3a), it
reveals a homogeneity of the groups of milk from dif-
ferent animal species according to the physicochem-
ical parameters. Dimension 1 indicated that CaG,
CaD, GoG, and GoD contain high rate of fats, ash, dry






matter, and less rate of total carbohydrate, contrary to

Ash (%)


CaJ, GoS, CoS, and CoG who are rich total carbohy-
drate and poor in fats, ash, and dry matter. Dimension
2 reveals a high acidity, low pH, and low rate of pro-
tein samples content for the following CaS, CoD, CoJ,
and CoB while GoJ is rich in protein and has high pH.
The Ascending Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) led to
Dry matter (%)

a dendrogram which regrouped three major clusters








0.222 (NS)

according to their physicochemical parameters from

different species (Figure-3b). The first cluster included
Table-4: Physicochemical profile of different fermented milk samples.

the following samples CaG, GoG, CoB, CaD, and

GoD. The second cluster included the fermented milk
samples CaS, CoD, CoJ, and GoJ, and the third clus-
ter contained the samples CoG, CoS, CaJ, and GoS.
Table-5 shows that the mean values of major elements
(Ca2+, Na2+, and K+) in fermented milk were 855.430






0.225 (NS)

(CaJ), 424.296 (CaG), and 1427.383 (CoG) while the


mean values of some minor elements (Fe2+, Zn2+, and

Mg2+) were 4.421 (CoJ), 7.450 (CoD), and 104.941
(CoD), respectively. The Na2+/K+ and Na2+/K+ ratios
obtained for the different fermented milk were ranged
0.104-0.909 and 3.392-6.464, respectively. Analyzing
the distribution of centers gravity classes on the main





0.440 (NS)

factorial plane (Figure-4a), we can observe that camel

milk with cow milk was close but goat milk deviated

by its composition. The result of principal component

analysis performed on the minerals concentration of
different fermented milk samples showed that the first
two axes explained 69.0% of the variation observed
(Figure-4a). Therefore, only the first two axes were
GoG (n=4)
GoD (n=5)
CoG (n=3)
CaG (n=6)

CoD (n=4)

GoS (n=3)
CaD (n=4)

CoB (n=3)

CoS (n=3)
CaS (n=3)

GoJ (n=3)
CoJ (n=3)
CaJ (n=3)

used to describe the relationship between mineral con-


centration and species samples. Dimension 1 shows

that CoS, CoB, CaG, and CoG were poor in K+, but
Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 299
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Figure-4: Principal component analysis distribution of fermented milk samples and ellipse of inertia different species on the
factorial plane according to minerals concentration (a); ascending hierarchical clusters according to minerals concentration
of fermented milk from different species (b).

CaS and CaJ were highly rich in K+. Dimension 2 Koussou et al. [17], Katinan et al. [18], and De
reveals that CaD was rich in Zn2+ and Na2+ and poor et al. [19]. Total microbial flora in samples was high
in Fe2+, Ca2+, and Mg2+, while CoJ, CoD, GoD, GoS, according to the criteria presented in Codex Standard
GoJ, and GoG were rich in Fe2+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ but for Fermented Milks which lays down the minimum
poor in Zn2+ and Na2+. The AHC led to dendrogram sum of microorganisms 107 CFU/ml. The presence
which regroups three major clusters according to their of high densities of microorganisms in these samples
minerals concentration (Figure-4b). The first cluster could be due to poor handling, inadequate heat treat-
included the fermented milk samples from goat. The ment, and environmental conditions during the prepa-
second cluster included the fermented milk samples rations and sale. As for the lactic acid bacteria, these
from camel and cow (Bobo and Sebba). The third results did not reflect poor quality of milk but more
cluster contained the fermented cow’s milk sam- contributing to the improvement of its sanitary qual-
ples from the remaining localities (Djibo, Dori, and ity, because these microorganisms produce antibacte-
Gorom-Gorom). rial substances and particular organic acids [20-24].
Yeasts are responsible for producing alcohol during
the fermentation of milk. These results were similar to
The quality and safety of fermented foods those reported by Savadogo et al. [25], Al-Tahiri [26],
are decisive factors for producers and consumers. and Serhan and Mattar [27]. The assessment of
Microbial densities obtain during this study were hygienic quality detected the presence of thermotoler-
higher than those reported by Bonfoh et al. [16], ant coliforms and S. aureus in fermented milk. Several
Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 300
Available at

studies have shown the presence of coliforms. These

results obtained are in agreement with the finding of


Values bearing different letters in a column are significantly different (p<0.05), NS=Not significant, Ca2+=Calcium, K+=Potassium, Na2+=Sodium, Mg2+=Magnesium, Fe2+=Iron,

Katinan et al. [18] on fermented milk produced and
consumed in Yamoussoukro town (Ivory Coast). This
presence of microorganisms would result due to the
processing environment, the sale condition, and the
lack of hygienic measures during milk handling [6].
Figure-5 illustrates the conditions in which the tra-
ditional fermented milks are sold in Burkina Faso
(Dori and Gorom-Gorom). The presence of suspected
pathogens (S. aureus and coliforms) reflects the






lack of knowledge of certain rules of good hygiene

and production practices by dairy producers in these


areas. This absence would be explained by the fact

that analyzed milk did not provide from sick or car-
rying animals and was not contaminated by individu-
als carrying or sick during the sale. The poor quality
fermented milk, unclean, and insufficient cleaning






of milk equipments were among the most important


sources of milk contamination. The milk is generally


exposed to different contaminants when it transferred

from one container to another, transported to con-
sumers as well as retailers from the production site
without cooling facilities, and with no proper milk
containers [28,29]. In general, these high rates of






microorganisms can be explained by the fact that tra-

ditional production is neither controlled nor regulated,

as the majority of producers and distributors are not


sufficiently informed about hygiene and risk manage-

ment measures  [6,29,30]. The quality of fermented
milk and yogurt is determined by several factors such
as the composition and the microbiological quality of
materials (raw milk and the added ingredients), the







preparation and processing of milk, and the manipula-

0.055 (NS)

tion of the clot after fermentation [31].


The quality of fermented milk depends on good

quality of the raw material and efficient control at
all processing stages. These results may be attributed
Table-5: Concentrations in mineral of different samples (mg/Kg).

to the presence of carbohydrates in milk stimulat-

ing the growth of lactic acid bacteria during the fer-
mentation. The pH and acidity obtained are similar






to those reported on fermented milks in Burkina

0.136 (NS)

Faso [6], China [32], Chad [33] and United Arab


Emirates [34]. This acidity is related to the metabolic

activity of the lactic microbiota in the fermented milk.
The level of lactic acid depends on the amount of fer-
mentable sugar and milk protein hydrolyzed by these
bacteria [31]. According to Savadogo et al. [20], low





pH values prevent the growth of most spoilage and

pathogenic organisms but create a suitable environ-

ment for the growth of probiotic organisms (lactic

acid bacteria, yeasts, and molds). The composition
out of dry matter, fats, proteins, total carbohydrates,
and ash content varies from a sample to another.
These results are similar with those reported by Wang
et al. [32] in fermented milk of goats in China, which
GoG (n=4)
GoD (n=5)
CoG (n=3)
CaG (n=6)

CoD (n=4)

GoS (n=3)
CaD (n=4)

CoB (n=3)

CoS (n=3)
CaS (n=3)

GoJ (n=3)
CoJ (n=3)
CaJ (n=3)


were 13.02, 2.90, 3.50, and 5.97 for dry matter, fats,

proteins, and total carbohydrates respectively, but

a rate of ash (0.75) different in this study (0.476).
Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 301
Available at

elements for bone growth, development, metabolism,

and health maintenance.
The traditional fermented milks and dairy prod-
ucts are important sources of functional nutrients. The
fermented milks sold and consumed in Burkina Faso
shown high variability in microbiological, physico-
a b chemical quality, and the minerals concentration. This
Figure-5: Milk sale in Dori (a) and Gorom-Gorom (b) market. study revealed that traditional fermented milk is a very
important source of nutrients and functional food due
Semaan et al. [35], Cesbron-Lavau et al. [36], and to compounds in fats, proteins, carbohydrate, and low
Ayyash et al. [34] obtained similar values from tradi- Na2+/K+ ratio. The presence of lactic acid bacteria and
tional dairy products (milk and darfieh cheese), but yeast improves the organoleptic qualities of fermented
other compositions are reported in review by Clark milk and brings beneficial effects to consumers, while
and Mora-Garcia [37]. Numerous studies reported the presence of certain bacteria such as coliforms and
that fermented milk and yogurt contain some nutri- S. aureus is a risk for the milk quality and the health
tive components such as peptides and fatty acids, of consumers. This work has important implications
which are produced during fermentation. These for the commercialization of fermented milk based on
components were known to modulate the immune camel and goat milk. The sanitary practices followed
system [38]. Yadav and Shukla [39] reported that fer- by producers during handling, storage, and processing
mented milk consumption could prevent the effect are generally poor. Based on the overall evaluation
of ulcerative colitis. Camel milk differs from other of the results, training to the local producers on good
milk (bovine) in its composition and protein content hygiene practices is necessary to improve sanitary
and structure, and, therefore, is expected to possess quality of fermented milk sold in Burkina Faso.
functional and bioactive properties different from
Authors’ Contributions
bovine milk. Camel milk has an excellent reputation
as nutritious food, with most of its therapeutic value HC collected the samples and wrote the origi-
related to its biological properties such as antioxi- nal draft of the manuscript. HC, JUM, and SMD ana-
dant activity [7]. lyzed the samples. NSS, AS, and FT organized the
Table-5 showed the average contents of miner- data, helped in writing, and review of the manuscript.
als in various traditional fermented milks of Burkina CZ, YT, and AlyS supervised the study, validated the
Faso. The results revealed that camel fermented milk results from analysis, and review of the manuscript.
contains the highest concentration in Na2+ and Ca2+. All authors have read and approved the final version.
High concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Zn2+ were
reported by Navarro-Alarcón et al. [39] in commercial
fermented milk of goat and cow, but Wang et al. [32] This study was financially supported by
reported high concentrations to K+ (1724 mg/Kg) and local direction of scholarship (National Center for
Ca2+ (1409 mg/Kg) in fermented goat milk. . The con- Information, School and Professional Orientation
centration of Ca2+, K+, and Mg2+ in fermented milks and Scholarships of Burkina Faso ) and Laboratory
could be due to the activity of the lactic bacteria during of Applied Biochemistry and Immunology, Burkina
fermentation process [40,41]. The high rate of Ca2+ in Faso. The authors wish to express sincere gratitude to
milk of Djibo, Dori, and Gorom-Gorom is due to the the staff of the National Laboratory of Public Health
high presence of limestone (CaCO3) in the water of in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) for technical and per-
these cities: In general, the minerals concentration in sonal assistance during the analysis of this project.
fermented milk depends on the species, its individual
Competing Interests
characteristics, feeding method, rearing area, nature of
metal of the material containing milk, degree of food The authors declare that they have no competing
contamination and drinking water, lactation stage, interests.
and health condition of female. The Na2+/K+ ratio in Publisher’s Note
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milk is a food source having impact in lowering blood Veterinary World remains neutral with regard
pressure [42]. The Na2+/K+ ratios (0.104-0.909) were to jurisdictional claims in published map and institu-
obtained for the different fermented milk samples, and tional affiliation.
this low Na2+/K+ ratio can help to control blood pres- References
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