Queuing (Or Waiting Line) : Theory
Queuing (Or Waiting Line) : Theory
Queuing (Or Waiting Line) : Theory
Queues or waiting ines are very common in everyday life. For example,
customers wait for service in front of railway booking offices, post offices, bank
counters, doctor clinics, bus stops, etc. A queuing problem arises when the current
service rate of a facility falls short of the current rate of customers' demand. The
word queue refers to customers waiting for service in a line. It may be a physical line
of customers or a waiting list for berth on
a train, etc.
Some common examples of waiting lines are given in the following table:
Example Unit arriuing Service or facility Process performed
Manually paced Parts to be assembled Assembly line or Assembling
assembly lhne assembly operations
Inventory of items in a Order for withdrawal Warehouse Replenishment of
warehouse inventory
Tools in the tool room Tools for service Tool room Servicing the tools
Ships entering a port Ships Docks Loading and unloading
Maintenance and repair Machine break-down Repair crew Repair work
of machines
Customers at checking Customers Checking counters Customs clearance
counters at airports
Buses at bus terminal Buses Bus terminal Parking
Purchase of groceries in Customers loaded with
super bazar
Check out counter Billing and payment
Sometimes the operations manager is faced with the decision of determining just
how many service faciljties should be in operation in order to adequately meet
customer demand. Examples of this type of situation include determining the
appropriate number of checkout clerks in a supermarket, tellers in a bank,. doctors
on duty in an emergency room, gas pumps in a service station and so on. Queuing
theory is a quantitative technique useful for determining the optimumnumber of
service facilities.
There are two basic types of costs associated with waiting-line problems.
First, there are the fairly tangible' costs involved in operating each service facility
like the costs for equipment, materials, labour, etc. These costs, of course, rise as.
the number of service facilities put into operation increases. On the other hard
there are the relatively intangible' costs associated with causing customers Yo have
to wait in line for some period of time prior to being waited upon-physical
discomfort, adverse emotional reactions, reduced or lost sales and so on. Of course,
the number of
service facilities in Cost (Rs.)
operation increases, the time the
customer has to wait in line, on the
average, decreases, and hence s0 Total expected
too do these costs. -cost (TC)
As shown in the adjoining fig.
8.1, the total of these two basic TCMIN Cost of providing
types of costs goes to a minimum
at some specific number of failities. Cost of waiting
This then is the optimum number of time
service facilities which should be
scheduled by the operations QoPT
manager-optimum because it Service facilities in Operation
minimizes the total cost of both
operation service facilities and Ag. 8-1:Costs for the General Waiting Line situation
waiting to be serviced at them.
4. Output of the Queue. Generally this tactor is not important but in some cases
it may influence the service/arrival rate. For example, if there is only one dopr to
service point through which people enter and leave after being served, it is possible
that people leaving could affect the rate of arrival. In a single channel facility the
output of the queue does not pose any problem because the customer departs after
receiving the service. But the output of the queue becomes important. When the
System is of multistage channel facilities due to the possibility of a service station
breaking down can have repercussions on the queues. The line before the
breakdown will lengthen and the line following the breakdown will diminish.
Ihus, a queuing model can be described as composed of customers arriving for
Service,waiting for service and then leaving the system after being served. It
essentially involves the study of behaviour of waiting lines with the help of
mathematical techniques utilising the concept of stochastic procesS.
8:2-1. Operating Characteristics of Queuing System.The operating
characteristics of a queuing system refer to the numerical values of the probability
distributions of various decision variables like arrival rate, number of facilities, service
time, line length, priority system, etc. Some common characteristics are given
1ueue length. Probability distribution of queue length can be obtained with the
o f the given probability distribution of the arrival and service process. A large
queue indicates poor service facility or a need for more space. On the other hand,
small qyeue indicates excess of service facilities.
2 . Waiting time in queue. It refers to the time spent by a custonmer in the queue
before the commencement of his service. Long waiting times may increase the
customer's dissatisfaction and potential loss of future revenues.
3 aiting time in system. This is the total time spent by a customer in the
quede plusservice time. Long waiting time may indicate need for a change in priority
A queuing system is said to be in transient state when its operating
characteristics are dependent upon time. If the operating characteristics become
independent of time, the queuing system is said to be in a steady state.
PC)= Probability that there are n customers in the system at any time t,
both waiting and in service
p Trafic intensity or utilization factor which represents the proportion
Service Departure
-Arrivals OOOD saneeeeeoe
after service
Remarks. 1. Unless specified, the average waiting time means waiting time in queue (not in system).
2. The above relations hod good for Poisson/exponetial distribution with A and H as arrival and
service rates.
3. Utilization factor for the system, p - Nu
In a multiple-channel queuing system, two or more servers or channels are
available to handle customer who arrive for service.
Server Departure
-Arrivals- O+Server >after
Server service
Po. if n <k
kI kn-F Po, if n 2 k
3. P n2k) =
Probability that a custormer has to wait
4. Average (expected) number of customers in the system
k-1)! (ku-312 Po +
5. Average queue length (i.e., expected number of customers waiting in the
k-1)! (ku-2 Po
Averagetime an arrival spends in the system:
W, =
(k - u-P Po* APot
. Average waiting time of an arrival (1.e., expected time a customer spends in
the queue waiting for service)
Wa (k-1)! (ku - PoW-
8 Utilization rate :
P k