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Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

Article  in  Auditing A Journal of Practice & Theory · February 2017

DOI: 10.2308/ajpt-51684

110 16,482

3 authors, including:

Deniz A Appelbaum Miklos A. Vasarhelyi

Montclair State University Rutgers Business School


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An Ontological Methodology for Classifying Social Media: Text Mining Analysis for Financial Data View project

Using Drones in Internal and External Audits: An Exploratory Framework View project

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Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research

Deniz Appelbaum
PhD Candidate
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Newark
[email protected]
cell: 202-425-3633

Dr. Alexander Kogan

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Newark
[email protected]

Dr. Miklos A. Vasarhelyi

KPMG Distinguished Professor of AIS

Director of CARLab
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Newark
[email protected]
cell: 201-454-4377

Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research


Modern audit engagements often involve examination of clients that are using big data and

analytics to remain competitive and relevant in today’s business environment. Client systems

now are integrated with the cloud, the Internet of Things, and external data sources such as

social media. Furthermore, many engagement clients are now integrating this big data with new

and complex business analytical approaches to generate intelligence for decision making. This

scenario provides almost limitless opportunities and also the urgency for the external auditor to
utilize advanced analytics. This paper first positions the need for the external audit profession to

move towards big data and audit analytics. It then reviews the regulations regarding audit

evidence and analytical procedures, in contrast to the emerging environment of big data and

advanced analytics. In a big data environment, the audit profession has the potential to

undertake more advanced predictive and prescriptive oriented analytics. The next section

proposes and discusses six key research questions and ideas followed with particular emphasis

on the research needs of quantification of measurement and reporting. This paper provides a

synthesis and review of the concerns facing the audit community with the growing use of big data

and complex analytics by their clients. It contributes to the literature by expanding upon these

emerging concerns and providing opportunities for future research.

Keywords: Audit Analytics, big data, external audit, audit evidence

Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research

Introduction/Discussion of the Current External Audit Environment

There is an increasing recognition in the audit profession that the emergence of big data

(Vasarhelyi, Kogan, and Tuttle 2015) as well as growing use of data analytics in business

processes has brought a set of new concerns to the audit community. Accountants1, Large Audit

Firms2, Standard Setters3, and Academics 4 have been progressively raising many issues, among

which we find:

1. Should new (modern) analytics methods be used in the audit process?

2. Which of these methods are the most promising?

3. Where in the audit are these applicable?

4. Should auditing standards be changed to allow / facilitate these methods?
The AICPA’s Assurance Services Committee (ASEC) has met three times over the last three years with the Auditing
Standards Board (ASB) to discuss audit analytics, and how the use of analytical tools and techniques fit within the
current standards. As a result, the ASEC is developing a new Audit Data Analytics guide that will replace the current
Analytical Procedures guide. The Audit Data Analytics guide will update and carry forward much of the content
found in the Analytical Procedures guide, and will also include discussions around Audit Data Analytics and how
they can fit within the current audit process. ASEC’s Emerging Assurance Technologies task force is also working
on a document that will map the traditional audit procedures to current analytical tools available today and
elements of continuous audit.
Every one of the “Big Four” has publicly announced efforts in the area of data analytics. Some have published
white papers on the matter (e.g. Deloitte, "Adding insight to audit – Transforming Internal Audit through data
analytics”; PwC, “The Internal Audit Analytics Conundrum—Finding your path through data”; KPMG, “Leveraging
data analytics and continuous auditing processes for improved audit planning, effectiveness, and efficiency”; EY,
“Big data and analytics in the audit process: mitigating risk and unlocking value”).
In April 2015, the IAASB started a subcommittee on analytic methods and heard presentations on the matter
(e.g., Dohrer, Vasarhelyi, and McCollough 2015). The objectives of the subcommittee are to explore developments
in audit data analytics and how the IAASB will respond to these developments. Also, the PCAOB has approached
the “Big Four” to discuss the usage of analytics.
A special section of Accounting Horizons with 7 articles (see Vasarhelyi, Kogan, and Tuttle 2015) has been
dedicated to big data. An increasing number of articles in the accounting literature (see ensuing sections) have
emerged proposing and illustrating analytic methods.
5. Should the auditor report be more informative?5

6. What are the competencies needed by auditors in this environment?

These concerns have emerged even though analytical procedures in general have been

addressed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) guidelines of 1972

and in numerous academic papers since 1955. The Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No.

#1, states:

“The evidential matter required by the third standard (of field work) is obtained through two
general classes of auditing procedures: (a) tests of details of transactions and balances, and
(b) analytical review procedures applied to financial information (AICPA 1972 par.

There is a fine balance in every audit engagement between detailed evidence collection and

analytical procedures (Yoon 2016). Detailed evidence collection can be quite costly yet deemed

more reliable according to the standards, while analytical procedures are widely viewed as being

less costly and believed less reliable by regulators (Daroca and Holder 1985; Tabor and Willis

1985). Both processes are allowed by the standards; their degree of utilization depends on

auditor professional judgment. While the requirement of tests of details of transactions and

balances is somewhat defined, the second requirement of analytical review procedures is

completely undefined, except that it should be applied to financial data (Tabor and Willis 1985).

More recently, according to AU-C Section 520 about Analytical Procedures (AICPA 2012a),

to conduct substantive analytical procedures the auditor should:

• determine the suitability of a certain substantive procedure, given the account;

• evaluate the reliability of the data from which these ratios are developed;

The PCAOB issued Release No. 2016-003 on May 11, 2016 re-proposing new standards for the audit report in
which in addition to the traditional pass/fail model “critical audit matters” (CAM) would be disclosed.
• develop an expectation of recorded amounts and ratios and whether these are accurate,

and finally

• determine the amount of difference (if any) between the recorded amounts and the

auditor’s expected values and

• decide if the difference is significant or not.

The lack of detailed recommendations in this age of automation and big data regarding which

analytical procedures to undertake in the external audit engagement has inspired considerable

discussion. Although the internal audit environment is increasingly using analytics (Vasarhelyi

et al. 2015; Perols and Lougee 2011; Dilla et al. 2010; Yue et al. 2007; Alles et al. 2006; Church

et al. 2001), the external audit field has not responded to the same degree. The regulations, such

as the guidance for sampling, have remained unchanged even though many audit clients

automate the collection and analysis of 100% of their transactions (Schneider et al. 2015; Zhang

et al. 2015).

This paper provides a synthesis and review of the concerns facing the audit community with

the growing use of big data and complex analytics by their clients. It contributes to the literature

by clarifying and expanding upon these emerging concerns and by suggesting opportunities for

future research. This paper first reviews the current standards regarding evidence collection and

analytical procedures as currently understood in the profession, before discussing big data and

business analytics. The role of big data and business analytics and their implications for the audit

profession should first be understood in the context of current practice. Then this paper broadly

reviews each of these six concerns emerging in the profession as a result of the use of big data

and analytics by engagement clients. These concerns are subsequently followed with an
elaboration of additional forward looking research issues, with special emphasis on the

quantification of audit processes and judgments.

Background: Current Practice and the Standards

It is essential to understand the current scope and constraints of the public audit profession

before envisioning the role of more complex analytics and big data in the engagement. Since

auditing is largely a regulation driven profession, the expectations regarding evidence collection

and analytical procedures should be considered. The auditor still needs to test for basic assertions

to make sure that the objectives of the audit are fulfilled regardless of the nature of the evidence

and the way the evidence is being collected. The tests for certain assertions may change in the

current new environment with its different nature of evidence and the way this evidence is

collected and analyzed. However, even if the tests of assertions were to be altered, the assertions

themselves wouldn’t change and neither would the fundamental objective of the public auditor –

to provide opinion on the financial statements as to whether they represent the financial position

of the client in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles.

Evidence Collection and the Standards


The main purpose of the work conducted by an auditor in an external engagement is to obtain

reasonable assurance that the client’s financial statements are free from material misstatements

and to subsequently express an opinion regarding these financial statements and the client’s

internal controls in the auditor’s report. To accomplish this task, the auditor must design and

perform audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence; furthermore, the Audit

Standards require auditors to examine physical evidence as part of the risk assessment process

(PCAOB 2010, AS 1105; AICPA 2012, SAS 122; IAASB 2009, ISA 500). Audit evidence is all

the information (whether obtained from audit procedures or other sources) that either confirms or
contradicts or is neutral about management’s assertions on the financial statements or internal


Additionally, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) demands that auditors verify the accuracy of the

information or evidence that forms the basis of their audit opinion. Since SOX, audit firms have

relied more heavily on detailed audit examination and scanning for substantive tests as these are

regarded to be “harder” audit evidence formats than regression and other “softer” analytical

techniques (Glover et al 2014). The impact of this legislation on the profession’s analytical

procedures choices should not be ignored. However, as mentioned and footnoted in the

Introduction, every one of the “Big Four” has recently publicly announced efforts in the domain

of data analytics for assurance services.

Since audit evidence is all the information used by the auditors to form the audit opinion

(PCAOB, 2010, AS 1105), it should be both sufficient and appropriate. Basically, if the

underlying information is not reliable or strong enough and its origin isn’t verifiable, then more
evidence will need to be collected and reviewed (Appelbaum, 2016). Poor quality evidence
cannot be compensated for by collecting a larger amount of data (PCAOB 2010, AS 1105).

However, in today’s complex IT and big data environment, the nature and competence of this

audit evidence has changed (Brown-Liburd and Vasarhelyi 2015; Warren et al. 2015; Nearon

2005). With big data, quantity of evidence is hardly an attribute with which to be concerned.

However, quality of electronic evidence becomes even more dominant in the equation and may

be more challenging to verify. Most stages of a transaction can be computer generated and

recorded and can only be verified electronically. For example, with additional information

available from external big data, intangible assets might be partially valued by the client from

information derived from text analysis of aggregated tweets and web scraping of social media.
Unfortunately, the reliability of these tweets and social media is hard to verify (Appelbaum


The issues for electronic accounting data and electronic audit evidence are drastically

different from that of manual and paper-based examination. Many of the characteristics that are

strengths with paper-based evidence pose issues for electronic evidence. Where paper

documentation is regarded as not easily altered, electronic data may be easily changed and these

alterations might not be detected, absent the appropriate controls. In paper-based evidence

collection, sources that are verified external to the client are considered to be highly reliable

(PCAOB 2010, AS 1105), whereas external electronic evidence is difficult to verify for origin

and reliability. Paper-based evidence is easy to evaluate and understand, whereas electronic data

and evidence may require a high level of technical expertise of the auditor. Since big data is

electronic data, big data presents a scenario where these complexities are magnified greatly.

Furthermore, the types of tests that should be undertaken by auditors to examine basic assertions

may change. accepted

Analytical Procedures and the Standards

Analytical procedures are required by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board

(PCAOB) in the planning phase (PCAOB 2010, AS No. #2110) and review phase (PCAOB

2010, AS No. #2810), but are undertaken according to auditor judgement in the substantive

procedures phase (PCAOB 2010, AS No. #2305).

The purpose of analytical procedures is different for each audit phase. For the risk

assessment/planning phase, analytical procedures should enhance the auditor’s understanding of

the client’s business and its transactions or events, and identify areas that may indicate particular

risks to the audit. The auditor is expected to perform analytical procedures for the revenue

accounts, to reveal unusual relationships indicative of possible material misstatements. The

auditor should also use his or her knowledge of the client and its industry to develop

expectations. The standards admit that the data may be at a more aggregated level and result in a

less precise analytical procedure which is still acceptable at this phase.

Accordingly, in AS No. #2305.04 analytical procedures are used in the substantive testing

phase to obtain evidence about certain assertions related to certain accounts or business cycles.

Analytical procedures may be more effective than tests of details in some circumstances (Yoon

2016). In AS No. #2305.09, the PCAOB states that “the decision about which procedure or

procedures to use to achieve a particular audit objective is based on the auditor’s judgement on

the expected effectiveness and efficiency of the available procedures.” The main limitations

appear to be the “availability” of certain procedures and the auditor’s judgement on the expected

effectiveness of certain analytical methods. The latter condition would appear to reflect the

auditor’s level of familiarity with certain analytical methods.

For the review phase of the audit engagement, analytical procedures are required to evaluate

the auditor’s conclusions regarding significant accounts and to assist in the formation of the audit

opinion (PCAOB 2010, AS No. #2810.05-.10). Similarly, in the planning phase the auditor is

required to perform analytical procedures related to revenue during the relevant period. In this

section, there is no mention of any one analytical approach, except that this phase typically is

similar to the planning phase. As such, it is expected that the more complex exploratory or

confirmatory techniques are not excluded here either (Liu 2014).

Background: Current Business/Client Environment and Its Challenges

Auditors are required to conduct the audit engagement within the parameters of the

regulations, regardless of the IT or accounting complexity of the client. It is highly probable that

the client may be undergoing processes with advanced analytical techniques and new sources of

data. The newest challenges facing the auditor are the increasing use of big data and the

subsequent application of more advanced analytics by clients. After gaining an understanding of

this current audit environment of big data and advanced analytics, what follows are immediate

research questions that should be addressed if the profession is to integrate itself within this new

business paradigm.

Big Data

Many client systems now are increasingly integrated with the cloud, the Internet of Things,

and external data sources such as social media. Client data may exhibit large variety, high

velocity, and enormous volume – big data (Cukier and Mayer-Schoenberger 2013). This data

may originate from sensors, videos, audio files, tweets and other textual social media – all data

types typically unfamiliar to an auditor (Warren et al. 2015). However, this big data provides

almost limitless opportunities to the external auditor to utilize advanced analytics. According to

extant analytics research (Holsapple, Lee-Post, and Pakath 2014; Lee et al. 2014; Delen and

Demirkan 2012), big data should provide auditors the opportunity to conduct prescriptive

analytics – that is, to apply techniques that computationally determine available actions and their

consequences and/or alternatives, given the engagement’s complexities, rules, and constraints

(Lee et al. 2014).

Furthermore, this environment of Big Data (Vasarhelyi, Kogan, and Tuttle 2015), personal

devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) (Atzori, Lera, and Morabito 2010; Domingos 2011; Dai

and Vasarhelyi 2016) is progressively interconnecting with corporate systems.6 The economics

of hardware and software development are of very different nature than traditional systems. It is

not inconceivable that analytic methods such as regression may be built into chips, including

powerful explanatory software7 that would provide interpretations of the results and recommend

decisions for the user, in this case an auditor.

Advances in text interpretation, voice recognition, and video (picture) recognition would

additionally expand the interconnected environment previously described. On another

dimension, the latency of information and its processing systems are progressively reduced,

mainly as the result of faster chips, interconnected devices, and automatic sensing of

information. The traditional annual audit, or even quarterly report evaluation would have limited

meaning in this world of real-time measurement. A progressive audit8 by exception methodology

would be required in this type of environment. accepted

In this big data environment with its many sources of information that would be novel for the

audit profession to include in the examination, the standards regarding audit evidence may need

to be discussed and possibly re-examined in the context of big data. Regardless of the source,

the data should be reliable and verifiable. Table One outlines the challenges that big data poses

to the current audit profession and suggests avenues of research:

It is not surprising that this hybrid environment with numerous points of access and interconnections is a fertile
ground for cyber-intrusion.
Byrnes (2015) has developed a clustering decision aid that can make decisions in the clustering interpretation
process without human intervention. More sophisticated devices can be built into chips to accelerate and
formalize this process and can benefit from standard interfaces and protocols.
Montgomery (1913) already argued for a “continuous audit” that would provide progressive review results
instead of the final audit opinion.
(Insert Table One here)

How can the availability of big data sets, both internally and externally to the enterprise, be

utilized to enhance analytics? Can the extremely large amounts of data compensate for uncertain

or, at times, lower quality of such data? There are some that argue that big data is meant to be

messy (Cukier and Mayer-Schoenberger 2013). In cases where big data is of dubious origins or

lacking audit trails (Appelbaum 2016), the standards currently would indicate that no amount

could compensate for being poor, unreliable data.

Consider for example the Jans et al. (2014) paper with the application of process mining. This

paper details the use of process mining on a 100% test of the transactions to find the anomalies in

the sample where controls fail in the processing of 26,185 POs. Basically, the audit trails are

problematic. A series of process mining tests (a type of ADA) narrows the sample of anomalies

down to the highest risk scenarios which exemplify high rates of violations among individuals and

small networks of people working together. It seems that this is the perfect example of how ADAs

can be used for more efficient audit testing.

Fraud related issues may be as challenging, if not more, to the audit team in a big data

environment. More data does not necessarily equal more effective information, and the added

complexity of the big data could complicate the assessment of audit evidence for fraud

(Srivastava et al. 2009; Srivastava et al. 2011; and Fukukawa et al. 2014). Fraud detection also

focuses on the assessment of internal controls, regardless of whether the analytics are based on

sampling or on processing 100% of the population. It is important to point out that no matter how

strong the internal control system, management can still perpetrate fraud by over-riding the

internal controls. In a big data environment, it is quite possible that the volume and complexity
of the data might actually hinder what is already a troublesome task for many engagement teams

– the determination of the probability that fraud has occurred.

Furthermore, how can the amount of audit evidence provided by analytics in a big data

context be measured? How can this evidence be aggregated with other types of audit evidence in

a methodologically sound way? How can such quantitative measures be used to provide support

for the auditor’s judgement about the sufficiency of audit evidence? The entire standards of audit

evidence may need to be reassessed and subsequently revised in this age of electronic and big

data evidence (Appelbaum 2016; Brown-Liburd and Vasarhelyi 2015). Electronic and big data

evidence often raise issues opposite of those assumed by the standards for paper-based

documentation. As business processes now are very infrequently paper-driven, the standards on

reliable evidence, which are derived from quality evidence of sufficient amount, may need to be

revised to provide a more quantitative measure of quality vs. quantity in an IT audit.

Business Analytics accepted

Care should be exercised when discussing analytical procedures and business analytics (BA)

in the public audit engagement context because the two terms might not be completely

interchangeable. Analytical procedures, according to AS 2305 (PCAOB, AS 2305 2016), are an

important part of the audit process and mainly consists of an analysis of financial information

made by a study of believable or plausible relationships among both financial and non-financial

data. These analytical procedures could be as basic as scanning (viewing the data for abnormal

events or items for further examination) to more complex approaches (not clarified by the

standards, except that the approach should enable the auditor to appropriately develop an

expectation and subsequently examine these expectations to the reported results).

Business Analytics (BA) that is utilized by client management and their accountants has been

defined as “the use of data, information technology, statistical analysis, quantitative methods,

and mathematical or computer-based models to help managers gain improved insight about their

operations, and make better, fact-based decisions” (Davenport and Harris 2007). BA may be

further conceptualized with the three dimensions of Domain, Orientation, and Technique.

(Holsapple et al 2014). Domain represents the context or environment for the analytics.

Orientation describes the vision or focus of the analysis – either descriptive, predictive, or

prescriptive. Descriptive orientation answers what happened and is backward looking. Its

techniques convert this analysis into useful information via visualization, graphs, and descriptive

statistics. Predictive orientation then takes the descriptive information of what happened and

hypothesizes what could happen. Predictive analysis is the process of developing expectation

models, with which auditors are quite familiar. Basically, predictive analysis uses data from the
past and the present to generate relevant predictions (many logical, statistical, machine learning

approaches). Prescriptive orientations take predictions further. Based on what happened and

using experimental design, this mode presents an optimization analysis to identify the best

possible alternative. The techniques define the actual method or approach for analysis.

(Holsapple et al 2014; Davenport and Kim 2013; Evans 2012).

The focus or context of BA for management would be somewhat different from that of the

auditor. Management accountants are seeking to extract and develop insightful knowledge to

enhance efficiency and effectiveness of operations, in addition to providing forecasts to enhance

management decision-making. Internal auditors are seeking to verify the effectiveness and

accuracy of this information. External auditors are concerned with BA as they relate to

verification of the veracity of the financial statements. However, both audit tasks involve
generating expectation models as well as confirmatory models. Since auditors examine business

financial data, their work is affected by business analytics.

Techniques are the analytical approaches that can be described as either descriptive,

predictive, or prescriptive, depending on the task of the analysis and the type of data. The more

forward looking the task and the more varied and voluminous the data (big data), the more likely

the analysis will be prescriptive or at the very least, predictive. Advanced or more complex BA

may be defined as “Any solution that supports the identification of meaningful patterns and

correlations among variables in complex, structured and unstructured, historical, and potential

future data sets for the purposes of predicting future events and assessing the attractiveness of

various courses of action. Advanced analytics typically incorporate such functionality as data

mining, descriptive modeling, econometrics, forecasting, operations research, optimization,

predictive modeling, simulation, statistics, and text analysis” (Kobelius 2010).

If audit clients are utilizing these more advanced BA techniques operation wide, is the auditor

conducting an effective and efficient engagement by utilizing ratio and trend analysis and

scanning, which are the techniques typically used and with which the auditor is comfortable

(Glover et al. 2014)? When would the auditor rely more on analytical procedures over

substantive detailed testing? Or, is there room in the current understanding and regulations of

analytical procedures for these more complex approaches? Can analytical procedures be

regarded as Audit Data Analytics?

Stewart (2015) defines: “Audit Data Analytics (ADA) is the analysis of data underlying

financial statements, together with related financial or non-financial information, for the purpose
of identifying potential misstatements or risks of material misstatement.” This definition is

illustrated by linking analytical procedures with traditional data procedures (Figure One). ADA

encompasses both the traditional file interrogation with which auditors are quite familiar as well

as analytical procedures and analytics, some of which auditors may be less acquainted with. Both

may be more easily understood by obtaining an understanding of the modes of ADA. Traditional

file interrogation and analytical procedures are subsets of the larger field of ADA. If ADA is

understood as exploratory or confirmatory in task, this task oriented approach “allows” the

auditor to utilize other techniques.

(Insert Figure One here)

Liu (2014) has proposed the use of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) (Tukey 1977, 1980) in

the audit process to generate more directed and risk sensitive audit assertions for their ensuing

usage through Confirmatory Data Analysis (CDA). Furthermore, Liu (2014) examined where

these applications could be used in the audit process as well as their placement in extant audit

standards (see Appendix A). Liu (2014) and Stewart (2015) placed EDA and CDA into the

context of audit data analytics and argued manuscript

for its usage as parts of audit standards. To this

definition, Stewart (2015) and Liu (2014) add that ADA can be exploratory and confirmatory

and illustrate its functionalities. Although new or more complex methods can be proposed and

even adopted by firms, it does not mean that these methods are being promoted by the standards

– instead, these new methods are simply not precluded. For instance, while regression was

incorporated in the Deloitte, Haskins and Sells methodology (Stringer and Stewart 1966), its use

today is marginal at best.

Since that time, audit researchers are revisiting Bayesian (Dutta and Srivastava 1993;

Srivastava 1996; Srivastava 2011; Srivastava et al, 2012; and Srivastava, Wright, and Mock
2012) and Dempster-Shafer (Gordon and Shortliffe 1985; Perl 1986; Shafer and Srivastava 1990;

Srivastava 1995; Srivastava and Shafer 1992; Sun, Srivastava, and Mock 2006; and Srivastava

2011) Frameworks of Belief Functions to assist with analysis of audit evidence uncertainties.

The strength of evidence that supports various assertions should be measured and aggregated to

finally determine if the assertions are true. This requirement holds true even in a big data


While measurement is one issue, the structure of evidence is another concern because some

items of evidence support one assertion or one account while others may provide support to

more than one assertion or accounts. Thus, the audit judgment is basically reasoning with

evidence in a network of variables, variables being the assertions and accounts, which is also

called in the Artificial Intelligence literature “Evidential Reasoning”. Gordon and Shortliffe

(1985) discuss this approach of the Dempster–Shafer theory of evidence in Rule-Based Expert

Systems and Pearl (1986) uses this approach for analyzing causal models under the Bayesian

framework, while more recently Srivastava (2011) applies this technique for aggregating audit

evidence both under Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer Theory.

More recently, Dempster Shafer theory is applied to assist auditors with the aggregation of

evidence to obtain judgements about measuring risks and strengths (Fukukawa and Mock, 2011;

and Fukukawa, Mock, and Srivastava 2014). However, it is not clear to what degree the

profession feels comfortable and confident with implementing these approaches in the

engagement given the prevailing competitive and regulatory pressures. If the PCAOB were to

issue guidelines and best practices for applying Belief Functions and Dempster Shafer

Probability Theories for the risk assessment phase, then perhaps the engagement team, if

familiar with these techniques, would implement them.

In summary, the standards define the task for analytical procedures in each of the three

phases, but are non-committal about which techniques auditors should undertake to achieve these

objectives. Hence, whether an auditor employs more complex analytics such as Belief Functions

or “traditional analytical procedure” techniques such as ratio analysis would seem to depend on

the auditor’s own knowledge and less so on the standards. It has also been proposed that any

adoption by the external audit profession of either advanced analytics or big data would be due to

market or business forces exogenous to the firms (Alles 2015). The recent revival of interest in

ADA by the firms may be due to these forces.

This brief discussion of BA in contrast to the analytical procedures utilized by auditors in

engagements provides many areas for future debate and research. These areas are broadly

summarized in the six concerns that follow.

Six Concerns Relative to Advanced Analytics in the Modern Engagement
The advent of computers, large storagemanuscript
systems, and integrated software has transformed

business processes in the first wave of the information age. Their availability has brought to the

front the potential of a large number of analytic methods progressively being used in business

but still emerging in the external audit domain. The six questions enumerated in the Introduction

are discussed in detail in this section.

1. Should New Analytics Be Used in the Audit Process?

Perhaps this research question could be rephrased as: Should auditors expand their use of

analytical procedures beyond that of scanning, ratio and time series analysis, and detailed

examination? Are these techniques effective and efficient in a big data context? Basically, these
questions emerge and are summarized in Table Two: Should there be more guidance regarding

analytic methods in the audit? Do we know enough about these methods that this guidance can

be issued? What are the tradeoffs between 100% population tests, sampling, and ad hoc

analytics? The standards (PCAOB 2010, AS 1105) suggest that 100% testing would only apply

in certain situations, such as: the population consists of a small number of high value elements;

the audit procedure that is designed to respond to a significant risk and other means of testing do

not provide sufficient evidence; and finally, the audit procedure can be automated effectively and

applied to the entire population. The last condition is noteworthy, as current technologies can

support automation of basic audit tests such as three-way matching and sampling, in addition to

handling fairly large data sets.

The strong emphasis on judgment that exists in auditing is justified by the enormous variety

of situations that complex businesses, different industries, international locations, and data

structures present to the engagement team, limiting their ability to narrowly pre-set audit rules.

Do modern statistical and machine learning methodologies make it possible to automate pre-set

rules in many situations in order to performmanuscript

procedures, derive results, and integrate these in a

larger judgment? Can audit findings and judgments be disclosed in more disaggregate manner

with the usage of drill-down technologies where the opinion would be rendered and broken down

into sub-opinions and quantified in terms of probabilistic estimates (Chesley 1977, 1978)? Can

the above be stated in terms of rules implementable in automated audit systems to continuously

monitor and drive Audit by Exception (ABE) (Vasarhelyi and Halper 1991)?

(Insert Table Two here)

2. Which of These Methods are the Most Promising?

The literature on Big Data and Analytics methods applied to business is rich in detail. These

methods suggest different staging of the audit (audit re-modularization), changed organization

(separate analytic function), changed sequencing, changed tasks, changed timing (continuous,

agent driven, exception driven) (Vasarhelyi and Halper 1991) and changed personnel (more

literate in IT and data; specialized) making it difficult to evaluate the literature in the context of

the external audit. Appelbaum, Kogan, and Vasarhelyi (2016) have recently organized, examined

and categorized this body of external audit literature. That study covers more than 300 papers

published since the mid-1950’s that discuss analytics in at least one phase of the audit. Due to the

standards requiring analytical procedures in both the planning and review stages, these two

phases are the predominant focus in the literature as is substantive testing and sampling

(Appelbaum et al. 2016). Many different analytical techniques are utilized at all phases of the

audit, but in an inconsistent manner. Methods that are most promising are categorized as follows:
1) Audit Examinations: transaction tests, ratio analysis, sampling, confirmations, re-

performance, CAATS automation;

2) Unsupervised9: Clustering, Text Mining, Visualizations, and Process Mining (discovery


3) Supervised10: Process Mining (process optimization), SVM, ANN, Genetic Algorithms,

Expert Systems, Decision Aids, Bagging, Boosting, C4.5 classifiers, Bayesian Theory,

Bayesian Belief Networks, Dempster-Shafer Theory Models, Probability theory models;

4) Regression: Logistic, Linear, Time Series, ARIMA, Univariate, Multivariate;

Unsupervised approaches are those techniques that draw inferences from unlabeled or unknown datasets since
there is minimal hypothesis of the results based on labeled responses
Supervised approaches are those techniques that draw inferences from labeled or known dataset types,
otherwise known as training data
5) Other Statistics: Multi-Criteria Decision Aid, Benford’s Law. Descriptive Statistics,

Structural Models, AHP, Spearman Rank Correlation Measurements, Hypothesis

Evaluations, and Monte Carlo Study/Simulation.

These analytical models range from very simple substantive tests and routines to more

complex and predictive techniques requiring significant auditor judgement. The auditor will need

to determine what type of analysis gives the best quality and most efficient audit, given the audit

task, the assessed audit risk, and the available data. Ideally, the auditor should be able to perform

most if not all procedures to more exacting standards in a big data and continuous auditing or

monitoring environment using a variety of analytical approaches. Using targeted techniques,

auditors would spend less time navigating through insufficient samples and instead, identify and

almost immediately examine the transactions of high risk.

Auditors selecting these more complex techniques need to understand them in terms of their

benefits and limitations. Furthermore, the tasks of risk assessment, substantive procedures and
tests of controls may be different when 100% of the data is examined (Yoon 2016). For example,
if auditors are examining 100% of items in the population (PCAOB 2010, AS No. #1105.24),

the emphasis and reason for testing internal controls should change. Internal Control testing has

been prescribed in the regulations (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [AICPA]

1997, SAS No. #80) to supplement substantive testing for validating sampling results when

auditors have limited access to data. It has been suggested (IAAE 2016 p. 18) that internal

controls testing in an Audit by Exception type of environment could provide some assurance

regarding data quality.

To summarize the issues of which methods are the most promising (Table Three) given the

audit task as defined by the standards: A new environment of assurance is emerging where
automation of controls, full population testing, and analytic methods will interplay. Research is

needed on modern analytic methods to establish: their applicability in different instances, their

cumulative effect, their ability to be formalized, their classification (creation of taxonomies of

analytic methods and data structures11), and their quantification.

A set of questions arises with the application of analytics that must be tested in the field.

Would a safe harbor experimentation (a la XBRL) process be needed for the testing of

approaches? Although in the traditional environment a yes/maybe/no attestation is provided, the

new proposal provides information of audit results in at least five areas where needed. How

would these results be disclosed?

(Insert Table Three here)

3. Where in the Audit Are These Applicable?

The traditional organization and processes of the audit as defined in the current standards will

be affected in many ways by the emerging environment and its disruptive technologies. If some

form of Audit by Exception (ABE) (Vasarhelyi and Halper 1991) emerges whereby the audit

process is activated by alarms triggered in data streams, and a plethora of new analytics emerge,

clearly the sequence of events will be transformed and the applicability of analytic methods

expanded. Furthermore, there will be ubiquitous use of techniques such as visualization, and

multi-complementary use of many analytic methods. Visualizations are used heavily in business

management to explain the results of analysis (Dilla et al. 2010; Kohavi et al, 2004). Many

techniques exhibit varying strengths and weaknesses and are more beneficial when applied in

The AICPA has created the Audit Data Standard (Zhang et al. 2012) to guide in the formalization of data to be
received in the audit, its classification (into cycles), and its measurement.
combination rather than separately. The sequencing (or simultaneity) of events will change as

automated use of data analytics will precede / or coincide with the more traditional audit

examination which may progressively be reduced. For example, today the audit engagement

typically progresses as shown in Figure Two but is envisioned to eventually innovate to a more

Audit By Exception (ABE) approach (Figure Three).

(Insert Figure Two here)

The above process, which drives most current engagements, is sample driven; in a more data

driven environment the examination process would be analytically reviewed, audited

automatically, and exceptions or outliers would be subsequently examined in detail (Figure


(Insert Figure Three here)

However, in this ABE approach the auditors may face a different challenge: testing all of the

transactions may produce thousands of exceptions (Dohrer, McCullough, and Vasarhelyi 2015)
if the threshold definition of a material deviation is set too high. That is, the threshold approach

for sampling most likely will not work in ABE; the threshold should be more precise to eliminate

the “false positive” exceptions. The standards require that all exceptions should be examined

(PCAOB 2010, AS No. #2305, AS No. #2315), but this was mandated for sampling (IAAE 2016

p. 17). In an ABE context, if the tests were not configured correctly, there could be an

unreasonable number of exceptions to investigate as required. Some auditors have performed

additional tests to “explain away” many of exceptions and categorize the resulting few as

“Exceptional Exceptions” (Issa et al. 2016). Clearly auditors will need to possess a broad and

comprehensive knowledge of analytical techniques in an ABE environment. Furthermore, ABE

may be applied to non-financial data as well. Brazel et al (2009) combine financial and non-

financial ABEs to assess fraud risk.

The level of automation of the audit, and as discussed before, the availability and comfort

with analytical techniques, the competences of the auditor, and the circumstances and assertions

of the specific audit process will guide the locus of the application. As such, ABE is a more

advanced audit approach, reflecting the confluence of automation, advanced analytics, and

revised regulations. Issues that may emerge during this process could be as follows (Table Four):

How different are the objectives of Internal Audit and External Audit in the current context (Li et

al. 2016)? Isn’t there a substantive overlap between business monitoring and real time assurance?

Considering that there is substantive overlap in data analytic needs, are the traditional three

lines of defense (Freeman 2015; Chambers 2014) still relevant12? Traditional auditing has a

retrospective approach, as traditional technologies did not allow for other approaches - can the

current environment allow for a prospective look and to what extent? What parts / procedures of
the audit are fully or partially automatable? Will the disruptive changes (Christensen 2013) be

allowed by the leading audit firms?

Can the key contingencies such as risk assessment and opinion formation in the audit be

formalized? In the same line, but extending expanded testing and reporting, should quantitative

guidelines be issued for ABE and its structures, and should within period results be disclosed as

part of the auditor’s report? The succinctness of the traditional report is not necessary any more,

There should be effective risk management functions within a company. These monitoring and assurance
functions have been modeled as the “Three Lines of Defense” by the IIA. This model serves as an example, where:
1) the first line of defense represents functions that own or manage the risk; 2) the second line of defense, where
there are functions that specialize in risk management and compliance; and 3) the third line of defense, where
there are functions that provide assurance
and drill downs on the results of Critical Audit Matters (CAM) examination, their details, and

other information is possible.

(Insert Table Four here)

4. Should Auditing Standards Be Changed to Allow / Facilitate These Methods?

In general, the aforementioned meetings between the AICPA’s ASB and the ASEC committee

have concluded that the standards do not forbid the usage of analytics, but it can be argued that

the standards, and the economics of external audit, make analytics more difficult or in some

instances impractical if not nearly impossible to use. For example, audits of financial and

insurance industry clients are quite complex and the engagement team may find it impractical

within the budgeted hours to conduct any additional analytical techniques beyond the acceptable

ratio analysis and sampling. The lack of a more detailed discussion of appropriate analytical

techniques within the standards, when placed in the context of a highly competitive business

environment, does not encourage the profession to explore new techniques even in the face of
big data and automation. The use of more automation and analytics in the engagement,

particularly in a big data environment, generates these additional issues (Table Five):

• The economics of the audit is encumbered by a series of anachronistic requirements that

are still being enforced by the PCAOB. Consequently, the pricing of the audit, in a

competitive environment, leaves little space for additional analytics even if these give

stronger assurance of fair representation. Furthermore, what would be the cost versus

benefit trade-off with the usage of analytics? Or, would there be a point where the cost of

conducting a sample driven audit exceeds that of ABE audit? When would the additional

assurance derived from the analytic results justify the cost of their application? Even

further, if a certain analytics method is more powerful and uncovers issues that were not
previously detected, what would be the liability of the accounting firm, particularly if

these issues were also present in the prior years? (Krahel and Titera 2015, p. 418)

• Sampling requires laborious follow ups on abnormalities detected, but in a population of

millions or hundreds of thousands there is little to be gained from picking 25 transactions

and reviewing them (Dohrer, McCullough, and Vasarhelyi 2015). Do any areas of the

modern audit exist where these small judgmental samples still make sense (Elder at al.

2013)? In juxtaposition to the current requirements, would the auditor then need to

justify the use of sampling in circumstances where 100% of the data would be available

for testing?

The audit research literature itself has been scant regarding auditors’ sampling

decisions in the context of economic and competitive pressures, regulations about

statistical sampling, as well as how to effectively extract meaningful results from the
sampling (Elder et al. 2013, p. 103). Auditing standards (PCAOB 2010, AS No. #2315)

define sampling as “the application of an audit procedure to less than 100% of the items

in an account balance or class of transactions for the purpose of evaluating some

characteristic of the balance or class.”, The auditor may choose to select all items for

testing if the level of sample risk from possible erroneous decisions is too high (AS No.


There is little guidance as to when 100 percent testing would be more appropriate than

selecting specific items. In the standards about Audit Evidence (PCAOB 2010, AS No.

#1105.22-.29), sampling is not recommended when the data population is small and/or

not homogeneous, when there appears to be significant risk, when there are key items that

should be examined, when threshold tests should be applied, nor is it suggested when

audit procedures can be automated effectively and applied to the whole population. In the
standards regarding sampling (PCAOB 2010, AS No. #2315.07), the auditor should

weigh the cost and time to examine all of the data versus the perceived degree of

uncertainty from sampling and non-sampling risks, and judge accordingly. Consequently,

the practice of sampling has become embedded in basic public auditing practice. PCAOB

examinations have been very strict favoring sampling against analytical methods.

• Furthermore, Elder et al. (2013) were unaware of any literature that addresses the

auditor’s decision to use audit sampling of any type (Elder et al. 2013, p. 111) and

suggested that future research should address the issues of when sampling would be

appropriate and when other types of tests would negate the need for sampling. In

response, Yoon (2016) discussed how substantive analytical procedures (SAPs) applied

to 100 percent of the data (with the use of computer assisted auditing techniques) could

potentially provide a more efficient and effective audit evidence than sampling,
particularly in a big data environment. Perhaps for audit engagements where the client is

collecting or analyzing all of the transactions and the auditor is using automated audit

software, the standards could more clearly establish that 100 percent tests using

substantive analytical procedures would provide efficient, sufficient, and appropriate

audit evidence.

For example, three way matches used to be performed manually and reviewed

manually. Now advanced accounting systems and ERPs perform these automatically. Is

this performance audit evidence, new analytics, or just automation? If considered

automation, how do the audit standards take this into consideration? Is there a difference

between automation and analytic methods? (Dohrer, McCullough, and Vasarhelyi 2015)

If such automation is viewed as preventive internal control, then how does it change the

balance between control testing and substantive testing in auditing the modern highly
automated enterprise environments? Furthermore, the situation will change if fraud is

suspected. Simply automating a process does not necessarily mean that the transactions

have been correctly processed and that internal controls are operating effectively. The

auditor may still need to test the automated system for its reliability by using test data.

• In highly automated accounting systems many analytics or pre-programmed apps will

depend on some form of “audit data standard” (Zhang et al. 2012)13. These apps will run

frequently or constantly (Vasarhelyi and Hoitash 2005). This form of evidence may use

external and internal data (Brown-Liburd and Vasarhelyi, 2015) potentially from external

sources like social media, thus providing valuable tertiary audit evidence that may be

used to complement / replace current tests. Would these need new guidance? Are the

current guidelines for traditional audit evidence the same for external or internal big data,

particularly social media? What qualities should these data possess in order to provide

reliable audit evidence?

• It has been shown (see e.g., Hoitash et al. 2006) that the performance of audit analytics is

significantly improved if the models incorporate contemporaneous peer company data.

Conceivably, contemporaneous peer company data should be considered as legitimate

sources of information for obtaining an understanding of the relevant industry and the

client’s position, as outlined in the standards for risk assessment and review (PCAOB

2010, AS No. #2110, AS No. #2810). Large public accounting firms typically audit

multiple peers in the same industry, and they could create large internal data warehouses

to share such data among the engagement teams during the audit. The current strict

interpretation of audit client confidentiality rules causes the firms to err on the side of

The AICPA has published online a series of voluntary suggested audit data standards:
caution and disallow any sharing of data even though such data would never leave the

confines of the firms. New guidance interpreting client data confidentiality as being

safeguarded within a firm (and not within an engagement team) and specifically allowing

audit client data sharing among different engagement teams would greatly enhance the

performance of audit.

(Insert Table Five here)

5. Should the Audit Report Be More Informative?

PCAOB Release No. 2016-003 proposes, concerning an unqualified opinion, that the audit report

disclose “Critical Audit Matters” (if any) in areas such as estimates, audit judgments, areas of

special risk, unusual transactions, and other significant changes in the financial statements. This

proposal 14poses a series of interesting questions worthwhile of research (Table 6): Is the level of

proposed disclosure adequate in terms of quantification of these critical audit matters or is it

falling back into the comfort zone of the traditional auditor? After all, substantive industry

resistance was found to the initial proposalmanuscript 15

(PCAOB, 2013 ). Would some of these Critical

Audit Matters (CAMs) provide disclosures that are more disaggregate, or more informative than

the traditional audit reports?

Could there be preferable schemata of quantification, or quantitative guidelines for estimates,

audit judgments, areas of special risk, unusual transactions, or other significant changes in the

financial statements? Should these schemata be defined by the standard setters? On a longer

See also Lynne Turner’s comments (https://pcaobus.org//Rulemaking/Docket034/ps_Turner.pdf).
PCAOB Release No. 2013-005, August 13, 2013, Docket Matter No. 034, The Auditor’s Report on an audit of
Financial Statements When the Auditor expresses an Unqualified Opinion. This report discusses the auditor’s
responsibilities regarding certain other information in certain documents containing audited financial statements
and the related auditor’s reports and related amendments to the PCAOB standards.
range, if the auditor is using/ relying on ABE should there be a real-time seal or similar device

that would allow investors to know on an immediate basis that auditors are monitoring systems

and they seem to be doing well16?

(Insert Table Six here)

6. What are the Competencies Needed by Auditors in This Environment?

As mentioned above, the application of analytics in the external audit is attracting substantial

attention from practice and academia. EY17 and the AAA18 among several others have brought

together these two groups for constructive dialogues. Auditor education and familiarity with

analytics has been positioned by the standards as a limiting factor regarding which techniques to

apply in the engagement (PCAOB 2010, AS No. #2305). Papers such as Tschakert, Kokina,

Kozlowski, and Vasarhelyi (2016) and Appelbaum, Schowalter, Sun, and Vasarhelyi (2015)

have discussed the issues facing audit education. In general, some conclusions could be drawn:

Accounting faculties tend not to be prepared to teach analytics.

• There is a widespread generalmanuscript

feeling that students are not receptive to learning

analytics (however, the feeling is not pervasive – there are some anecdotal reports

to the contrary).

• The accounting curriculum is too full to add more IT, statistics, and modeling.

• As the CPA exam does not include these topics, there is little motivation by

students for their addition to the curriculum of study.

• Firms will tend / or already have hired specialist groups from non-accounting

backgrounds. These groups, as in IT audits (Vasarhelyi and Romero 2014) will be

This type of continuous assurance would work better with some form of more frequent/ continuous reporting.
EYARC 2015, June 17/18 2015, Dallas Texas.
AAA, Accounting is Big Data, September ¾ 2015, New York, New York.
external to the audit team and brought in if the manager of the engagement setting

up the audit plan sees fit.

• Practitioners are also not prepared and their internal audit practices have not

caught up properly with these issues.

• Firms have been developing software to improve their processes but feel curtailed

by the PCAOB examination process.

These factors lead to a series of educational research questions and potential projects that are

paradigm changing (Table Seven): If the curriculum is too full, if memorization in the age of

google is a different consideration, and if the domain of coverage is too large, then what

educational structures and what types of certificates should be used /developed?

Should the CPA profession expand competencies or progressively rely more and more on

specialists from other domains, potentially using other (non-CPA firms) to provide these
competencies? Should the set of CPE requirements of the profession be reformulated in terms of

a life-long-learning approach where new required skills are defined and progressively required in

the accountants learning/ competency profile? Who should manage this learning profile, and who

should set the requirements? Should there be a much wider set of accounting specializations

with coordinated competencies? Should there be quantification of the different types of

accountant skills? And some of these acquired through on the job activities and related


(Insert Table Seven here)

Technology Adoption Issue: Evolution Towards a New Audit Environment of Big
Data and Audit Analytics

“It has also been shown that many internal audit procedures can be automated, thus saving costs,
allowing for more frequent audits and freeing up the audit staff for tasks that require human
judgment.” (AICPA, 2015)

It has been proposed in other technology adoption settings that such automation changes are

best considered as evolutionary instead of revolutionary (Kuhn and Sutton 2010). The topics and

suggestions mentioned in this paper may seem extensive in scope and massive in undertaking.

These issues could serve as either motivators or impediments to the use of big data and audit data

analytics (BD/ADA) by the external audit profession.

Ideally, it would seem that the goal for BD/ADA adoption by the profession would be to save

costs and attain greater efficiencies and effectiveness in the audit process. However, it is

conceivable that impediments exist that would dampen enthusiasm for BD/ADA adoption and

these conflicts may be similar to those of other technology initiatives. Here are just a few of the

issues that are proposed as being relevant to BD/ADA adoption (Table Eight):
(Insert Table Eight here)

The literature regarding technology adoption is huge in the audit, accounting, and AIS

disciplines. This paper does not attempt to synthesize this literature in support of this discussion;

instead, a few select papers are highlighted and a very scant outline for BD/ADA adoption is

suggested for future research. For instance, the Information Fusion process that Perols and

Murthy (2012) propose could be applicable here in the context of BD/ADA adoption. Kuhn and

Sutton (2010) present research challenges that could correspond with BD/ADA in the area of

regulatory/adoption/judgment and decision making challenges. Likewise, the “messy matters of

Continuous Auditing (CA) adoption” which Hardy (2015) presents may be applicable to


It has been suggested (Alles et al 2008; Geerts et al 2013) that the transformation of manual

processes to that of automation is best accomplished incrementally. Geerts et al (2013) and

Dzuranin and Malaescu (2016) provide a framework based on Design Science for such an

integration. Vasarhelyi (2013) proposes a four-step process based on the work of Parasurman et

al (2000). According to Parasurman et al (2000), human information processing and its evolution

from man to machine can be divided into four phases: 1) information acquisition; 2) information

analysis; 3) decision selection; and 4) action implementation. In the Alles et al (2008) proposal,

each such successive step should be undertaken methodically once benefits from the previous

steps have been realized (Figure Four).

(Insert Figure Four about here) preprint

Furthermore, in the Alles et al. (2008) and Dzuranin and Malescu (2016) frameworks,

successful change is more likely to occur if the manual process is re-engineered first to support
the eventual automation. In the Alles et al. (2008) proposal, the first step of the process cycle is

the consideration of the drivers of change and endorsement by management; the second step in

the process is the development and the actual implementation of the components that would

enable this change; the third step consists of management, or baseline measurement and

evaluation of the solution. This process cycle is repeated for every level of automation

transformation in an incremental fashion. Such a process cycle approach could also apply as an

incremental use of analytics and big data by the public audit profession.

The initial drivers for the use of analytics and big data by external auditors are already in

place, with the increasing complexity of client transactions, analytics, and data sources and the
subsequent increase of audit risk to the engagement team if analytical procedures are manual and

overly simplistic (Alles 2015; Bedard et al, 2008). Firms are already embracing diverse

descriptive approaches (Dilla et al, 2010); it could be argued that some practitioners are about to

embark on the next phase, the adoption of more predictive analytics. Basically, firms are

discovering that manual and simplistic analytical procedures and data sources create an audit

which is more likely than not to be inefficient and ineffective in a big data context. Many firms

are investigating ways to integrate more advanced analytics in their engagements, but this

initiative is progressing cautiously (Alles 2015). It is suggested that many of the research issues

discussed here in this paper will need to be examined in the context of an incremental approach,

as illustrated in Figure Five. Figure Five illustrates how the process flow as depicted in Figure

Four could be integrated incrementally to incorporate advanced analytics and big data into

(Insert Figure Five about here)
This incremental approach may already be observed to some degree in the audit process –

while some manual procedures have been automated, other audit procedures have not. Many

audit tests may be conducted on 100% of the test population using Computer Assisted Auditing

Techniques (CAATs) software packages (Wang and Cuthbertson 2015). These CAATs can

perform analytics very efficiently and quickly and can interface and link easily to the client’s

system. Although not all CAATs software packages are equipped to handle big data, this

limitation will eventually be solved. CAATs are used by auditors on many engagements for GL

tests, three way matches, detail tests, and sampling for example. However, these tests do not run

automatically but are manually selected by the engagement team. The auditor selects which
analytical procedures or tests to run and attributes to examine in the tests of assertions for a

particular audit objective.

Potential Research Issues and Opportunities

Modern audit engagements often involve examination of clients that are using big data and

analytics to remain competitive and relevant in today’s business environment. Client systems

now create and acquire big data and apply advanced analytics to generate intelligence for

decision making. However, the public accounting profession is still bound by regulations that

may have been applicable years ago but whose relevance should be re-examined today in this

modern business environment. There are numerous issues surrounding the standards, practice,

and theory of audit data analytics that have emerged from these rapidly evolving different

corporate systems and which have not been addressed. This paper highlights six general areas of

such concerns and now provides a broad review and collection of additional critical ADA issues

that challenge the public auditing profession today.

Research Questions
Many of the issues and sections reiterated similar research questions. Additional research

questions are now presented that seem to be also important to answer for audit data analytics to

succeed in gaining widespread practical acceptance. Also, quantification of many audit processes

and judgements may be called for with the heightened use of advanced analytics and big data.

1. How can analytics methods be used to create accurate expectation models for

generating predictions to compare with actual accounting numbers? How should

allowable variances of predictions be chosen (Bumgarner and Vasarhelyi 2015)?

Expectation models should be examined in greater depth with the application of more

advanced analytics. These more advanced approaches, combined with big data, may

establish a narrower variance of prediction.

2. What properties make a particular ADA technique more or less appropriate for a

particular audit function? There is a wide range of techniques appropriate for each

audit phase, given the client particularities, environment, and industry. The

categorization of appropriate techniques given certain client conditions is proposed as

an External Audit Framework (EAA) in Appelbaum, Kogan, and Vasarhelyi 2016.

3. What types of “suspicion functions”19 should be utilized in a preventive audit20 as

contrasted with transaction or account reviews? The weighting of characteristics of

variables in linear suspicion functions may be impacted by ADAs such as expert

systems, Bayesian Belief systems, probability models and Exceptional Exceptions

(Issa, Brown-Liburd, and Kogan 2016). preprint

4. How should the assurance function be reorganized to better use ADA? The assurance

function is broader than that of financial statement auditing. Since assurance services

should improve the quality of information for decision makers, the quality (relevance

and reliability) of data is still paramount. The assurance function may be reorganized

in a broader format than the engagement, but standards must continue to be issued.

5. How should audit standards and processes be modified to enable and encourage the

utilization of ADA? The standards should be modified to suggest techniques that are

acceptable for each phase of the audit, given certain engagement contexts. For

A “suspicion function” is a linear multivariate equation that gives weights to characteristics of variables and
analytical evidence to estimate its probability of being fallacious.
Bumgarner and Vasarhelyi (2015) break down audit as retroactive and predictive. A predictive audit may be
preventive (when a suspicion score is large, a transaction is blocked for review), or just predictive to set up a
standard of comparison.
example, perhaps sampling should be modified for client engagements where 100%

of the data is electronically collected and available to the auditor. In this context,

ABE or Exceptional Exceptions (Issa, Brown-Liburd, and Kogan 2016) should be

acceptable by the standard setters in lieu of sampling where appropriate. Additionally,

the standards regarding data as audit evidence should also be examined in the context

of electronic data and big data – external evidence may not be as reliable in this case

(Appelbaum 2016; Brown-Liburd and Vasarhelyi 2015).

6. What is the proper way of validating expectation models for ADA? Should this

validation be carried out for each audit client separately, or can it be extrapolated

from one client to all the other clients in the same industry? Validation of models may

be established over time by auditors for continuing clients and also for the auditors’

own industry expertise. As part of interim activities, updated information could be fed
into prescriptive analytical models that over time attain greater accuracy. The

standards could also feasibly provide guidance specific for certain industries.

7. What additional verification processes would be desirable with the extant analytic

technology? Verification processes and validation remain as open issues with ADA

integration in the engagement. Over time, with continuing audit clients, it is likely

that prescriptive analytics will become more precise.

8. How can the concept of “accuracy21” be defined for ADA? Is it necessary to

encourage the use of substantive audit analytics? The concept of accuracy may be

formally and quantitatively defined with the use of ADA. Auditor judgement is still

necessary, even with advanced analytical techniques.

Acceptable relative error in engineering, materiality in accounting.
Evolution Towards Quantification of the Audit

Radical changes in analytics, information processing, and information distribution

technologies have allowed assurance that can be continuous (Vasarhelyi and Halper 1991),

predictive (Kuenkaikaew and Vasarhelyi 2013), prescriptive (Holsapple et al. 2014), and even

facilitate automatic data correction (Kogan et al. 2014). These techniques are intrusive, create

transparency, and maybe also some competitive impairment if all the details are disclosed, and

generate substantive concerns by the auditee. The public good tradeoff of increased information

disclosure versus economic interest of agents is a complex issue and its equilibrium may take

many years to be reached, just to be disturbed by additional disruptive technologies.

The increased amount of data available and the progressive ability to discover variances,

understand aggregate content, and to predict trends has clearly created an equilibrium misbalance

that is becoming larger and larger. Quantification can increase the value of information both

internally and externally, but it decreases information asymmetry which is very threatening for
agents (managers) and principals. A common thread of research questions relative to

quantification were raised throughout this paper and are elaborated upon here:

• Do modern disclosure and statistical methodologies make it possible to, in certain cases,

automate pre-set rules in order to perform procedures, derive results, and integrate these

in a larger judgment? Such an approach is necessary for “close to the event continuous

auditing” (Vasarhelyi and Halper, 1991) that is progressively been made necessary due to

large electronic data streams exogenous and endogenous to the company.

• Research is needed on modern analytic methods, their applicability in different instances,

their cumulative effect, their ability to be formalized, their classification (creation of

taxonomies of analytic methods and data structures )22, and their quantification.

Traditional audit is backward looking due to the limitations of manual review and storage

procedures. These modern analytic methods allow for the detection and prevention of

propagation along downstream systems of potential faults (Kogan et al., 2014). These

characteristics would force new corporate procedures of timely midstream error

correction that do not exist in extant systems. These emerging procedures will be difficult

to conceptualize from the point of view of “lines of defense” (IIA, 201323; Freeman 2015;

Chambers 2014), as they potentially make such lines blurred.

o If a midstream process detects faults and activates an error correction process that

is a mix of human judgment and automatic correction, is this an audit or a control

process? Does this distinction make sense in the modern world of automation?

o If a continuous audit layer detects “serious faults” (Vasarhelyi and Halper, 1991)
and stops a system, is this layer a part of operations, control, or audit?

• Can audit findings and judgments be disclosed in more disaggregate manner with the use

of drill-down technologies where the opinion would be rendered and broken down into

sub-opinions and quantified in terms of probabilistic estimates (Chesley 1975, 1976,

1977)24. The issue of additional information disclosure in audit opinion is considered in

the new PCAOB proposal and does not directly address the type of precision that

disaggregation would allow. Turner (2014, p5) in the aforementioned comments to the

The AICPA has created the Audit Data Standard (Zhang, Yang, & Appelbaum, 2015) to guide in the formalization
of data to be received in the audit, its classification (into cycles), and its measurement.
“The tree lines of defense in effective risk management and control”, White paper, The Institute of Internal
auditors, January 2013.
More detailed and quantitative audit reports are being progressively disclosed. For example, in the Netherlands
(annual report of Aegon NV, 2015, p309) there is disclosure of the threshold of materiality EUR 65 million and the
statement that “We agree with the audit committee that we would report to the misstatements identified during
the audit about EUR 4 million (2014: EUR 4 million) as well as misstatements below that amount that, in our view,
warranted reporting for qualitative reasons.” Quantitative assessments are also made of coverage and other
variables as well as a much more detailed discussion of governance controls and procedures.
PCAOB states “it is clear that some oppose any disclosure of information not previously

disclosed by management. But such an approach defies common sense and is intended to

obfuscate and avoid disclosing the information investors want. I urge the Board to reject

such an approach as it will result in disclosures that are not worth the time or cost…

investors wanted…information that is not “filtered through management” (adapted).”

Improved stochastic estimates in disclosure, although not deterministic statements that

create illusory comfort for the readers, may be the solution for this dilemma. Research

here is urgently needed.

• Should quantitative guidelines be issued for ABE and its structures, and should within

period results be disclosed as part of the auditor’s report? A technological continuous

audit allows for continuous monitoring and remarkable (not necessarily material)

exception reporting. Should these exceptions be reported to all stakeholders (e.g.

investors, suppliers, etc.) or only to select stakeholders? Should some of these exceptions

be linked to smart contracts (Kosba et al. 2015) that automatically would execute a pre-

agreed (e.g. covenant condition) action? A continuous assurance environment requires

that events of substance, that can be predicted, be diagnosed and some action executed.

As the combinatorics of these events is almost infinite, progressively more and more

complex audit (and operational) judgments will be necessary, occupying auditors but

necessarily changing their skill requirements (Tschakert et al. 2016).


This paper contributes to the literature by discussing the concerns facing the external audit

profession as business moves towards big data and advanced analytics for many aspects of
operations and decision making. These suggested research issues, along with various proposals

towards greater use of big data and analytics will hopefully encourage and inspire ideas and

research that is useful for professionals, regulators, and researchers. Although many concerns are

reviewed, many are also not mentioned. It is expected that as research and findings evolve in this

domain, some concerns will become less important while others many unexpectedly gain

urgency. However, the emerging overall importance that big data and advanced analytics present

to the public audit profession cannot be ignored.

Most of the research discussion is focused within audit standards setting, audit practice

issues, and the development of better audit data analytics. While these areas all lend themselves

to empirical research in auditing, this paper has been oriented more towards theory and practice.

Theoretical proposals and questions as to how analytics and big data will be affecting the

external audit have been discussed. Future empirical research is required to validate these

theoretical approaches before their adoption by the audit profession.

In part, this paper is motivated by a vision as to how audit data analytics could enhance or

replace certain auditor conducted procedures. But, perhaps there are other views that could be

regarded as more research friendly and perhaps more realistic to a more real-time use of audit

data analytics. Two specific areas seem to present easily integrated opportunities.

First, in the background discussion of analytical procedures and the standards, AS No.

#2305.04 mentions how analytical procedures are used in the substantive testing phase to obtain

evidence. The discussion focuses on how ADA might replace substantive testing and then is

elaborated on at later points by focusing on adjusting audit standards to substitute substantive

tests with ADAs. What seems more reasonable in the current PCAOB/legal liability environment

is that perhaps ADAs are better used to focus auditors’ substantive testing.

Consider for example the Jans et al. (2014) paper with the application of process mining.

This paper details the use of process mining on a 100% test of the transactions to find the

anomalies in the sample where controls fail in the processing of 26,185 POs. A series of process

mining tests (a type of ADA) narrows the sample of anomalies down to the highest risk

scenarios which exemplify high rates of violations among individuals and small networks of

people working together. Possibly this could be regarded is the perfect example of how ADAs

can be used for more focused audit testing. This is but a small example of how archival

researchers may be able to contribute to the research stream through analysis of big data sets

with statistical procedures and/or machine learning techniques to improve the efficiency in

targeting substantive audit tests to better identify high risk areas.

The second area presents another aspect to the general discussion on education issues .
Possibly additional attention should be focused on what competencies auditors need in this new

environment and how the auditor potentially can be a valuable partner in the use of ADA/BA.

There is a rich body of literature on industry knowledge, auditors’ abilities to recognize patterns

and potential irregularities, and on expertise in general.

It seems that a major research thrust should perhaps be how this expertise and professional

judgment can be leveraged to develop and use more effective ADA/BA strategies during an audit

and to keep the auditor relevant in the tailoring of ADA processes to a given client’s business

processes. Ultimately the research focus would be more on the development of audit experts that

are both good auditors and good data scientists. Is this possible? Can a good audit-focused data
scientist produce better results than standardized ADAs? These ideas may perhaps provide

behavioral empiricists with additional potential research opportunities to pursue.

In conclusion, big data and business analytics are dramatically changing the business

environment and the capabilities of business processes. Business functions are changing,

business capabilities are being added, anachronistic business functions are being eliminated, and

most of all, processes are being substantially accelerated. The same should occur within the

external audit or assurance function, its rules need to be changed, its steps evolved, automation

integrated into its basic processes, and its timing should become almost instantaneous in

predictive, prescriptive and preventive analytical modes.



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Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs


Potential application areas of EDA in Clarified Statements on Audit

Standards issued by AICPA

Audit Standard Potential application areas of EDA

.22 Based on analytical procedures performed as part of risk assessment
AU-C sec. 240
procedures,8 the auditor should evaluate whether unusual or unexpected
Consideration of relationships that have been identified indicate risks of material
Fraud in a misstatement due to fraud. To the extent not already included, the
Financial analytical procedures, and evaluation thereof, should include procedures
Statement Audit relating to revenue accounts. (Ref: par. A24–. A26 and .A46)

.27 The auditor should treat those assessed risks of material misstatement
due to fraud as significant risks and, accordingly, to the extent not already
done so, the auditor should obtain an understanding of the entity's related
controls, including control activities, relevant to such risks, including the
evaluation of whether such controls have been suitably designed and
implemented to mitigate such fraud risks. (Ref: par.A36–.A37)

.32 Even if specific risks of material misstatement due to fraud are not
identified by the auditor, a possibility exists that management override of
controls could occur. Accordingly, the auditor should address the risk of
management override of controls apart from any conclusions regarding the

existence of more specifically identifiable risks by designing and
performing audit procedures to, etc.
a. test the appropriateness of journal entries recorded in the general
ledger and other adjustments made in the preparation of the financial
statements, including entries posted directly to financial statement
drafts. In designing and performing audit procedures for such tests, the
auditor should (Ref: par. .A47–.A50 and .A55)
i. obtain an understanding of the entity's financial reporting
process and controls over journal entries and other adjustments,
and the suitability of design and implementation of such
ii. make inquiries of individuals involved in the financial reporting
process about inappropriate or unusual activity relating to the
processing of journal entries and other adjustments; , etc..
c. evaluate, for significant transactions that are outside the normal
course of business for the entity or that otherwise appear to be unusual
given the auditor's understanding of the entity and its environment and
other information obtained during the audit, whether the business

Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

rationale (or the lack thereof) of the transactions suggests that they may
have been entered into to engage in fraudulent financial reporting or to
conceal misappropriation of assets. (Ref: par. .A54)

.A21 Those charged with governance of an entity oversee the entity's

systems for monitoring risk, financial control, and compliance with the
law. In some circumstances, governance practices are well developed, and
those charged with governance play an active role in oversight of the
entity's assessment of the risks of fraud and of the relevant internal control.
Because the responsibilities of those charged with governance and
management may vary by entity, it is important that the auditor
understands the respective responsibilities of those charged with
governance and management to enable the auditor to obtain an
understanding of the oversight exercised by the appropriate individuals.

.A37 It is, therefore, important for the auditor to obtain an understanding

of the controls that management has designed, implemented, and
maintained to prevent and detect fraud.

.A49 When identifying and selecting journal entries and other adjustments
for testing and determining the appropriate method of examining the
underlying support for the items selected, the following matters may be
• preprint
The characteristics of fraudulent journal entries or other adjustments.
Inappropriate journal entries or other adjustments often have unique
identifying characteristics. Such characteristics may include entries (a)
made to unrelated, unusual, or seldom-used accounts; (b) made by
individuals who typically do not make journal entries; (c) recorded at
the end of the period or as post closing entries that have little or no
explanation or description; (d) made either before or during the
preparation of the financial statements that do not have account
numbers; or (e) containing round numbers or consistent ending
• The nature and complexity of the accounts. Inappropriate journal
entries or adjustments may be applied to accounts that (a) contain
transactions that are complex or unusual in nature, (b) contain
significant estimates and period-end adjustments, (c) have been prone
to misstatements in the past, (d) have not been reconciled on a timely
basis or contain unreconciled differences, (e) contain intercompany
transactions, or (f) are otherwise associated with an identified risk of
material misstatement due to fraud. In audits of entities that have
several locations or components, consideration is given to the need to
select journal entries from multiple locations.

Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

Tables and Figures

Table One:


Challenge of Big Data Recommendation

How can the availability of big data sets be Research can suggest analytical
used to enhance analytics? techniques that take advantage of big
data and evaluate how they improve audit
effectiveness and/or efficiency.
Can the volume of data compensate for Studies should be conducted that
uncertain or lower quality of data? determine if there exists an upper
threshold of data volume, exceeding
which could compensate for lower data
quality. A framework for data value
should be generated.
How can the amount of audit evidence Research should re-examine the concept
provided by analytics in a big data context be of whether evidence derived from
measured? analytics is “soft” and a quantitative
reliability scoring system developed for
all types of audit evidence. This score
could then be integrated in the overall

risk assessment.
How can big data evidence be aggregated This research question can be integrated

with other types of audit evidence in a with that of the data measurement
methodologically sound way? system.
How can quantitative measures be used to This research question can be integrated
provide support for the auditor’s judgment with that of the data measurement
about the sufficiency of audit evidence? system.
Alterability: How can the auditor be assured Research examining various tests for the
that the data has not been altered? assertion of accuracy in a big data
context should be conducted.
Credibility: How can the auditor be assured of Research examining/suggesting certain
the controls surrounding the generation of big verifications of controls should be
data external to the client? undertaken.
Completeness: How can the auditor verify that Research should be undertaken that can
the big data is complete? provide suggestions as to the verification
of big data for the assertion of
Approvals: Should big data provide evidence Studies of controls measurements of big
of approvals/controls validations? Is this data at all levels of generation and
viable? extraction should be conducted. For

Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

example process mining techniques (Jans

et al, , 2014) can be used.
Ease of Use: Will big data require expertise to What level of expertise should
understand and extract and prepare for engagement staff attain to be competent
analysis? in the modern audit engagement? This
question is addressed later in this paper.
Clarity: Can this big data be replicated/re- Research should examine whether this is
performed/recalculated by the auditor? a viable test in a big data context and if
so, how to perform it? This is the level of
accuracy to be demanded from big data
analytics. The concepts of materiality and
relative error in the context of big data
audit analytics should be examined in
Table One: Issues regarding big data as audit evidence, expanded from Brown-Liburd and Vasarhelyi, 2015


Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

Figure One:


Figure One: Linking Analyttical Proceduress to traditional file

fi interrogationn (Stewart, 2015))


Big Data and

a Analytics in the Modern Audit Engaagement: Ressearch Needs

Table Two:


Issue of New Analytics in the Audit Recommendations

Should there be more guidance in the This issue should be debated amongst
standards regarding analytical methods? practitioners, academics, and regulators.
Perhaps the PCAOB should open
Do we know enough about these BA More careful research should be
methods to issue guidance? conducted about which methods would be
more appropriate for the assertion and
audit task before guidance can be issued.
What are the trade-offs between 100% This issue is discussed in depth and
population tests, sampling, and ad hoc recommendations provided later in this
analytics? paper. Also see Brown-Liburd et el
Does analytics allow for automation of More experimental research is needed to
many judgment oriented audit evaluate the possibility of automation of
procedures? many judgment oriented audit processes.
Can the audit opinion be disclosed in a This issue is discussed in depth and

more quantified and probabilistic recommendations provided later in this
manner? paper.
Can the above be stated in terms of rules A framework for an automated ABE
implementable in automated audit system should be proposed which takes
systems to continuously monitor and advantage of the big data processing and

drive audit by exception (ABE)? business analytics capacities of modern
enterprise systems.
Table Two: Summary of the Issues regarding New Analytics in the Audit and Recommendations for Future Research

Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

Table Three:


Issue regarding Which Methods are most Recommendations

Under what circumstances would modern Research should examine if the current
analytical or more complex methods be standards regarding sampling, selection of
appropriate? specific items, or 100% tests could be
What would be the effect on the This question could be incorporated in the
engagement, the firm, the standards? same research above.
Could these approaches be formalized, if This question could be incorporated in the
not industry wide at least internal to the same research question above.
Who would classify or standardize these Perhaps this process could evolve under the
approaches (create a taxonomy of methods guidance of the AICPA in collaboration

and data structures for defined audit tasks)? with academics and practitioners.
How would these approaches be quantified? A quantification framework could be
proposed and demonstrated.

How would these approaches be tested in This could be part of the AICPA initiative
the field? Sand box approaches with firm support and academic input.

accompanied with successive levels of
adoption? Would these be provided a safe
Again, how would this affect the audit A framework or guidance for a more
opinions? Could these modern analytical detailed and quantitative opinion disclosure
methods facilitate more transparent and should be developed and proposed.
quantitative disclosure?
Table Three: Summary of issues regarding which methods are most promising

Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

Figure Tw


Figure Two: The current typ

pical audit plan


Big Data and

a Analytics in the Modern Audit Engaagement: Ressearch Needs

Figure Thhree:


Figure Threee: In a more Da

ata Driven Proccess, Audit by Exxception (ABE) of
o audit examinaation


Big Data and

a Analytics in the Modern Audit Engaagement: Ressearch Needs

Table Four:


Issues about where in the audit these Recommendations

analytics would be applicable
How would the objectives of internal and Research should examine the areas of
external audit differ in this context? convergence and separation in the context of
integrated enterprise systems, analytics, and
big data
Isn’t there a substantive overlap between This has been alluded to in earlier research
business monitoring and real time but should be re-examined if the assurance
assurance? process changes
Considering that there is an overlap in data Recent works by COSO have questioned the
analytic needs between different functions, feasibility of the three lines of defense –
how relevant are the three lines of defense? however, the independence of assurance
must be maintained, which is an area for
future research. There are many possibilities
for the three lines of defense.
What parts of the audit engagement are This area could be examined at depth with
fully or partially automatable? Would varying levels and moments of audit

auditor judgment eventually be replaced automation, factoring such variables as
with prescriptive analytical algorithms? judgement and interim testing
Would leading audit firms allow such Would these firms be willing to be key
disruptive changes in engagement practice, innovators in the assurance side? (Perhaps if
absent regulation changes?
they were to be allowed a sandbox or safe

harbor? )
Can the key contingencies in the audit be These should be examined and articulated
formalized? with frameworks/guidelines embedded in an
expert system
If the annual audit opinion can become The recommendations regarding this issue
more informative, as per recent CAM are discussed later in this paper. CAM
reviews, why stop there? Why not issue reviews could serve as the foundation of a
CAM level quarterly reports and reports on more quantitative opinion report. Other
demand? possibilities evolve for an immutable real-
time seal of the data and its assurance
Table Four: Issues regarding where in the audit these methods would be applicable

Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

Table Five:


Should the standards change to facilitate Recommendations

these methods?
What would be the cost versus benefit This issue should be examined as the cost
trade-off with the usage of analytics in the benefit of more advanced analytics may be a
current regulatory environment? major variable affecting the use by firms
What would be the breaking point of The effectiveness and efficiency of the two
sample driven audits versus 100% tests audit approaches should be examined in
resulting in ABE? future research. This issue has been
conceptually addressed in Yoon (2016)
When would the value derived from the Collaborative research efforts between
additional assurance provided by analytical academics and firms would be appropriate to
results justify their incremental cost? address this issue
If more powerful analytics uncovers issues This is an issue that the regulators should
that were not previously detected, what address, with input from the firms and
would be the liability of the audit firm, researchers. This may relate also to earlier

particularly if these issues have been on- “safe harbor” questions
If the auditor has access and ability to test This is an issue that research should address,
100% of the dataset, would there still be allowing for time, accuracy, and cost
justification for the use of sampling? accepted
calculations for sampling versus 100% tests

Is there a way to quantify the evaluation of This is an issue that the regulators should
the cost and time to run 100% tests versus address as part of the preceding question
the perceived liability of sampling risk and
judge accordingly?
Are 100% tests new type of audit evidence This question could be examined along with
or just automation? other issues relevant to big data
If these tests are considered automation, This is an issue that the regulators should
how do the standards take this into address, with input from the firms and
consideration? Should the current solution researchers. The controls testing and
of greater reliance on internal controls be verification process as it relates to an IT
quantified? audit and the reliability of information
generated within a system may need
Is there a difference between automation This is an issue to be considered in future
and analytic methods? Isn’t automation research efforts by academics, as part of a
basically the automated application of scoring framework for audit evidence
If such an automation is viewed as a This is an issue that the regulators should
preventative internal control, then how does address, with input from the firms and

Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

it change the balance between control researchers.

testing in auditing the modern highly
automated enterprise system?
Would evidence from external sources such This question should be examined in detail
as social media require new guidance? given the veracity issue with external big
data. Guidelines regarding normative
expectations should be established – this
evidence should be scored as part of the
quantitative evidence framework.
Also, detailed examples/case studies should
be discussed regarding the various sources
of social media
What qualities should this data possess in This query can follow the recommendations
order to provide reliable audit evidence? proposed previously in the big data external
evidence guidance discussion
Could the standards allow firm industry This is an issue that the regulators should
knowledge to be supplemented with address, with input from the firms and
anonymized confidential peer company researchers.
Could new guidance be offered that defines This is an issue that the regulators should
client confidentiality as being firm wide in address, with input from the firms and
scope and not limited to an engagement researchers.
Table Five: Where should the standards be changed to allow/facilitate these methods?


Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

Table Six:


Should the audit report be more Recommendations

Is the level of disclosure appropriate for more A framework for appropriate disclosure
advanced analytics and quantification of should be developed
critical audit matters (CAMs)?
Would some of these CAMs provide This is an issue that researchers and regulators
disclosures that are more disaggregate or should examine as a more informative CAM
more informative than the traditional audit component of the audit opinion is formulated
Should there be quantitative guidelines for This is an issue that the regulators should
estimates, audit judgments, areas of special address, with input from the firms and
risk, unusual transactions, or other significant researchers.
changes to the financial statements, and if so,
by whom? Regulators? Researchers?
Or projecting in the future, if the auditor is This could be one aspect of a forward-looking
relying on an ABE assurance protocol, why paper by academics that conceptualizes a
shouldn’t audit reports be generated more grand vision of the future public audit.
frequently or on a just-in-time/on demand This could be a new form of service by
basis? auditors that probably now is forbidden by
Table Six: Should the audit report be more informative of Critical Audit Matters (CAMs)?


Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

Table Seven:


Issues about auditor competencies Recommendations

In this day of Google and other IT tools, This topic should be examined and
should the curriculum be filled with rote developed by academics with guidance from
memorization tasks? the AICPA
What types of education requirements, This topic should be examined and
structures, and certification should be developed by academics with guidance from
developed? the AICPA
Should the audit profession move more This topic should be examined by
towards the use of IT and analytics specialists practitioners and academics in a behavioral
in the engagement or is there room for this study setting
additional knowledge?
Should the CPE requirements of the profession This topic should be examined and
be reformulated to reflect these new learning developed by academics with guidance from
skills/requirements? the AICPA
Should there be a much wider set of This topic should be examined and
accounting specializations with coordinated developed by academics with guidance from
competencies? the AICPA
Should there be quantification of the different
types of auditing skills? preprintacademics
This topic
should be examined and
developed bywith guidance from

Table Seven: What are the competencies needed by auditors in this environment?


Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

Table Eight:


Issues for BD/ADA adoption Recommendations

What are the goals/benefits/costs for each Key drivers and motivating factors should be
stakeholder/involved party? identified by firms, regulators, and clients.
These should be discussed in terms of cost
benefit analysis and effectiveness
Who should be the champions for this To what degree and when would auditors use
change? BD/ADA and who decides this? Who would
be the main champions for this change?
How would this process develop? To what degree and when would auditors use
BD/ADA and who decides this? Should
current audit procedures and regulations be
changed prior to use of BD/ADA?
Who measures the effectiveness of using Effectiveness and cost benefit analysis

BD/ADA vs. not using and by what metrics? evaluation results may differ between
stakeholders. Process of measurement metrics
and expectations should be developed.
How would BD/ADA adoption take place at This question ties in with the process
the firm level and regulatory level?
development (third) question

Would audit procedures need to be re-aligned Should current audit procedures and
to fit this new engagement environment? regulations be changed prior to use of
How would auditors best prepare for these How would firms and regulators go about
tasks that require more judgment and less best preparing practitioners to transition to
routine work? more judgement based and analytical
Table Eight: Issues that might impact BD/ADA adoption

Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

Figure Four:


1. Drivers

6. Evaluation Management

Measurement Development


Figure Four: Different stages of one process cycle of incremental change

Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

Figure Fivve:


• drivers
• drivers • drivers
• managem ment
use off • management predictive • management prescriiptive • developmment
more • development analytics • development analyytics
• implementation
descriptive • implementaation with more • implementation with big
• measurement
analyticcs • measureme ent data • measurement datta
• evaluatio
• evaluation • evaluation

Figure Fivve: Three possiible cycles of adoption for thee use of more advanced
a analyytics and big daata by the publlic

audit profeession


Big Data and

a Analytics in the Modern Audit Engaagement: Ressearch Needs


Big Data and Analytics in the Modern Audit Engagement: Research Needs

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