Module in ABE 311 SOM 2 P2 3 8

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BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department

Bailan, Pontevedra Campus

E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Module Title : Stresses due to applied forces and their direct

and indirect contributions to the structural
integrity of the bodies.

Course Title : Strength of Materials

Course Number : ABE 311
Course Description : Axial shear force and bending moments,
stress-strain relationships; torsion, bending and shear stresses;
combined stresses; beam deflection; continuous and
restrained beam buckling; and plastic behavior of structures.

Total Learning Time : 40/90 hours

Pre-requisites : Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)

Overview : This module focuses on eight lessons: Shear and Moment in Beams,
Moving Loads, Flexure Formula, Economic Sections, Floor Framing,
Unsymmetrical Beams, Horizontal Shearing Stress, and Spacing of Rivets
or Bolts in Built-Up Members.

Indicative Content : [Module 2 – PART II]

Part I Lesson 1. Shear and Moment in Beams

Lesson 2. Moving Loads
Lesson 3. Flexure Formula
Lesson 4. Economic Sections
Part II Lesson 5. Floor Framing
Lesson 6. Unsymmetrical Beams
Lesson 7. Horizontal Shearing Stress
Lesson 8. Spacing of Rivets or Bolts in Built-Up Members

Learning Outcomes : Upon successful completion of this lesson, the students must be able to:

1. State the procedure for determine bending stresses. (Stresses at a Given Point by Pytel & Kiusalaas

2. State the procedure for determining the maximum bending stress (Symmetric Cross Section) in a
prismatic beam.

Pre-Assessment : In this lesson, students are challenged to:

1. Discuss shear and moment in beams.

2. Explain what is moving loads about.

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Discussion :


Stresses in Beams
Forces and couples acting on the beam cause bending (flexural stresses) and shearing stresses on any cross section
of the beam and deflection perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the beam. If couples are applied to the ends of
the beam and no forces act on it, the bending is said to be pure bending. If forces produce the bending, the bending
is called ordinary bending. 2

In using the following formulas for flexural and shearing stresses, it is assumed that a plane section of the beam
normal to its longitudinal axis prior to loading remains plane after the forces and couples have been applied, and
that the beam is initially straight and of uniform cross section and that the moduli of elasticity in tension and
compression are equal.

Flexure Formula Stresses caused by the bending moment are known as flexural or bending stresses.
Consider a beam to be loaded as shown.

Consider a fiber at a distance y from the neutral axis, because of the beam’s curvature, as the effect of bending
moment, the fiber is stretched by an amount of cd. Since the curvature of the beam is very small, bcd and Oba are
considered as similar triangles. The strain on this fiber is

By Hooke’s law, ε = σ / E, then

which means that the stress is proportional to the distance y from the neutral axis.

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

For this lesson, the notation fb will be used

instead of 𝜎, to denote flexural stresses.

Considering a differential area dA at a distance y from N.A., the force acting over the area is

The resultant of all the elemental moment about N.A. must be equal to the bending moment on the section.

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

The bending stress due to beams curvature is

The beam curvature is:

where ρ is the radius of curvature of the beam in mm (in), M is the bending moment in N·mm (lb·in), fb is the flexural
stress in MPa (psi), I is the centroidal moment of inertia in mm4 (in4 ), and c is the distance from the neutral axis to
the outermost fiber in mm (in).


In the formula

the ratio I/c is called the section modulus and is usually denoted by S with units of mm3 (in3 ). The maximum bending
stress may then be written as

This form is convenient because the values of S are available in handbooks for a wide range of standard structural

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Exercises/Drills : (ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM in Flexure Formula)

P504. A simply supported beam, 2 in wide by 4 in high and 12 ft long is subjected to a concentrated load of 2000 lb
at a point 3 ft from one of the supports. Determine the maximum fiber stress and the stress in a fiber located 0.5 in
from the top of the beam at midspan.

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Evaluation : (PROBLEM in Flexure Formula)

PS#4. Determine the minimum height h of the beam shown in Fig. P-508 if the flexural stress is not to exceed 20

Save your work as PS#4

Additional Reading :

Hibbeler, R. C. (2018). MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. 10th Edition. Pearson Education Limited, United Kingdom.
Chapt. 6 p. 281
Kiusalaas, J. & Pytel, A. (2012). STRENGTH OF MATERIALS.2nd Edition. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., Pasig
City.Chapt. 4 pp.110-120

References :

Mott, R. L. & Untener, J.A. (2018). APPLIED STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 6th Edition. CRC Press, New York.
Chapt. 5 pp. 270- 283
Pytel, A & Singer, F. L. (1987). STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 4th Edition. Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., New
York. Chapt. 5 pp. 131-143
Philpot, T.A. (2013). MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Chapt. 8 pp. 321 – 336

Lesson 4 – Economic Section

Learning Outcomes :

Upon successful completion of this lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Draw free-body diagrams for beams and parts of beams showing all external forces and reactions.
2. Compute the magnitude of reaction forces and moments and determine their directions.
3. Define shearing force and determine the magnitude of shearing force anywhere within a beam.
4. Define bending moment and determine the magnitude of bending moment anywhere within a beam.
5. Design a beam that is capable of supporting the loads acting on it without exceeding allowable bending

Pre-Assessment : In this lesson, students are challenged to:

1. Define Flexure Formula.

2. What is section modulus in the formula?

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Discussion :
Economic Sections

From the flexure formula fb = My / I, it can be seen that the bending stress at the neutral axis, where y = 0,
is zero and increases linearly outwards. This means that for a rectangular or circular section a large portion
of the cross section near the middle section is under stressed.

For steel beams or composite beams, instead of adopting the rectangular shape, the area may be arranged
so as to give more area on the outer fiber and maintaining the same overall depth, and saving a lot of 7


When using a wide flange or I-beam section for long beams, the compression flanges tend to buckle
horizontally sidewise. This buckling is a column effect, which may be prevented by providing lateral
support such as a floor system so that the full allowable stresses may be used, otherwise the stress should
be reduced. The reduction of stresses for these beams will be discussed in steel design. In selecting a
structural section to be used as a beam, the resisting moment must be equal or greater than the applied
bending moment. Note: (fb )max = M/S.

The equation above indicates that the required section modulus of the beam must be equal or greater
than the ratio of bending moment to the maximum allowable stress. A check that includes the weight of
the selected beam is necessary to complete the calculation. In checking, the beams resisting moment must
be equal or greater than the sum of the live-load moment caused by the applied loads and the dead-load
moment caused by dead weight of the beam.

Dividing both sides of the above equation by ( fb )max, we obtain the checking equation

Assume that the beams in the following problems are properly braced against lateral deflection. Be sure to
include the weight of the beam itself.

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Exercises/Drills: (ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM in Economic Sections)

P529. A 10-m beam simply supported at the ends carries a uniformly distributed load of 16 kN/m over its
entire length. What is the lightest W shape beam that will not exceed a flexural stress of 120 MPa? What is
the actual maximum stress in the beam selected?

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Evaluation : (PROBLEM in Economic Sections)

PS#5. A simply supported beam 10 m long carries a uniformly distributed load of 20 kN/m over its entire
length and a concentrated load of 40 kN at midspan. If the allowable stress is 120 MPa, determine the
lightest W shape beam that can be used. (P536)
Save your work as PS#5

Additional Reading :

Kiusalaas, J. & Pytel, A. (2012). STRENGTH OF MATERIALS.2nd Edition. Cengage Learning Asia Pte
Ltd., Pasig City.Chapt. 5 (5.3) pp.158-162

References :

Pytel, A & Singer, F. L. (1987). STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 4th Edition. Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.,
New York. Chapt. 5 pp. 143-148

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Lesson 5 - Floor Framing

Learning Outcomes :

Upon successful completion of this lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Draw the free-body diagrams of parts of beams and show the internal bending moments.

2. Draw complete bending moment diagrams for beams carrying a variety of loading patterns and with a
variety of support conditions. 10

Pre-Assessment : In this lesson, students are challenged to:

1. Discuss economic section.

2. Describe how to determine the actual maximum stress in the beam selected?

Floor Framing

In floor framing, the subfloor is supported by light beams called floor joists or simply joists which in turn
supported by heavier beams called girders then girders pass the load to columns. Typically, joist act as
simply supported beam carrying a uniform load of magnitude p over an area of sL,

p = floor load per unit area
L = length (or span) of joist
s = center to center spacing of joists and
wo = sp = intensity of distributed load in joist.

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Exercises/Drills: (ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM in Floor Framing)

P538. Floor joists 50 mm wide by 200 mm high, simply supported on a 4-m span, carry a floor loaded at 5 kN/m2 .
Compute the center-line spacing between joists to develop a bending stress of 8 MPa. What safe floor load could be
carried on a center-line spacing of 0.40 m?


ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Evaluation : (PROBLEM in Floor Framing)

PS#6. Timbers 12 inches by 12 inches, spaced 3 feet apart on centers, are driven into the ground and act as
cantilever beams to back-up the sheet piling of a coffer dam. What is the maximum safe height of water
behind the dam if water weighs = 62.5 lb/ft3 and ( fb )max = 1200 psi?

References :

Pytel, A & Singer, F. L. (1987). STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 4th Edition. Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., New
York. Chapt. 5 pp. 148-151

Lesson 6. Unsymmetrical Beams

Lesson Target :

Upon successful completion of this lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Calculate the resultant and its position.

2. Determine the shear under each load when each load is in a position to cause a maximum shear force.
3. Determine the moment under each load when each load is in a position to cause a maximum moment.
4. Determine stresses caused by unsymmetrical bending on the beam.

Pre-Assessment : In this lesson, students are challenged to:

1. Describe Floor Framing.

2. Define column, subfloor, floor joist, and girder.

Unsymmetrical Beams

Flexural Stress varies directly linearly with distance from the neutral axis. Thus for a symmetrical section such as
wide flange, the compressive and tensile stresses will be the same. This will be desirable if the material is both
equally strong in tension and compression. However, there are materials, such as cast iron, which are strong in
compression than in tension. It is therefore desirable to use a beam with unsymmetrical cross section giving more
area in the compression part making the stronger fiber located at a greater distance from the neutral axis than the
weaker fiber. Some of these sections are shown below.

The proportioning of these sections is such that the ratio of the distance of the neutral axis from the outermost
fibers in tension and in compression is the same as the ratio of the allowable stresses in tension and in compression.
Thus, the allowable stresses are reached simultaneously.

In this section, the following notation will be use:

fbt = flexure stress of fiber in tension

fbc = flexure stress of fiber in compression

N.A. = neutral axis

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

yt = distance of fiber in tension from N.A.

yc = distance of fiber in compression from N.A.

Mr = resisting moment

Mc = resisting moment in compression

Mt = resisting moment in tension

Exercises/Drills: (ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM in Unsymmetrical Beams) 13

P548. The inverted T section of a 4-m simply supported beam has the properties shown in Fig. P-548. The beam
carries a uniformly distributed load of intensity w o over its entire length. Determine w o if fbt ≤ 40 MPa and fbc ≤ 80

Evaluation : (PROBLEM in Unsymmetrical Beams)

PS#7. Determine the maximum tensile

and compressive stresses developed in
the overhanging beam shown in Fig. P-
554. The cross-section is an inverted T
with the given properties.

Reference :
Pytel, A & Singer, F. L. (1987). STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 4th Edition. Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.,
New York. Chapt. 5 pp. 152-157

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Lesson 7. Horizontal Shearing Stress

Lesson Target : Upon successful completion of this lesson, the students must be able to:

1. Compute the moment of inertia I of the cross-sectional area about the neutral axis.
2. Compute the first moment Q of the cross-sectional area that lies above (or below) the specified point.

3. Calculate the shear stress from 𝝉 = VQ/(Ib), where b is the width of the cross section at the specified

Pre-Assessment : In this lesson, students are challenged to:

1. Describe unsymmetrical beams.

2. Site an example of unsymmetrical beams.


The shear stress formula 𝜏 =VQ/(Ib) predicts that the largest shear stress in a prismatic beam occurs at the
cross section that carries the largest vertical shear force V. The location (the value of y’) of the maximum
shear stress within that section is determined by the ratio Q/b. Because Q is always maximum at y’ = 0, the
neutral axis is usually a candidate for the location of the maximum shear stress. However, if the width b at
the neutral axis is larger than at other parts of the cross section, it is necessary to compute 𝜏 at two or more
values of y’ before its maximum value can be determined.

The shear stress (Eq. 5.8) acting on a horizontal plane of the beam (a plane parallel to the neutral surface).

The shear stress is uniform over the width b of the cross section, in which case 𝜏 can be viewed as the actual
shear stress.

Rectangular and wide-flange sections

The shear stress as a function of y for a rectangular cross section of base b and height h. Eq. (5.8) then

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

The shear stress is distributed parabolically across the depth of the section, as shown in Fig. 5.13. The
maximum shear stress occurs at the neutral axis. If we substitute y = 0 and I = bh3/12, Eq. (c) reduces to


where A is the cross-sectional area. Therefore, the shear stress in a rectangular section is 50% greater than
the average shear stress on the cross section.

In wide-flange sections (W-shapes), most of the bending moment is

carried by the flanges, whereas the web resists the bulk of the vertical
shear force. Figure 5.14 shows the shear stress distribution in the web
of a typical W-shape. In this case, Q (the first moment of A’ about the
neutral axis) is contributed mainly by the flanges of the beam.
Consequently, Q does not vary much with y, so that the shear stress in
the web is almost constant. In fact, 𝜏 max = V/Aweb can be used as an
approximation to the maximum shear stress in most cases, where A web
is the cross-sectional area of the web.

Procedure for analysis of shear stress

The following procedure can be used to determine the shear stress at a given point in a beam:

 Use equilibrium analysis to determine the vertical shear force V acting on the cross section
containing the specified point (the construction of a shear force diagram is usually a good idea).
 Locate the neutral axis and compute the moment of inertia I of the cross-sectional area about the
neutral axis. (If the beam is a standard structural shape, its cross-sectional properties are listed in
Appendix B.)
 Compute the first moment Q of the cross-sectional area that lies above (or below) the specified point.
 Calculate the shear stress from 𝝉 = VQ/(Ib), where b is the width of the cross section at the specified
point. Note that 𝝉 is the actual shear stress only if it is uniform across b; otherwise, 𝜏 should be
viewed as the average shear stress.

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

The maximum shear stress 𝝉max on a given cross section occurs where Q/b is largest. If the width b is
constant, then 𝝉max occurs at the neutral axis because that is where Q has its maximum value. If b is not
constant, it is necessary to compute the shear stress at more than one point in order to determine its
maximum value.

In the U.S. Customary system, 𝝉 is commonly expressed in lb/in.2 (psi). Consistency of units in the shear
stress formula then requires the cross-sectional properties to be in inches and V in pounds. Thus,


In the SI system, where 𝝉 is measured in N/m2 (Pa), meters must be used for the cross-sectional dimensions
and V must be in newtons, yielding

Exercises/Drills: (ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM in Horizontal Shearing Stress)

SP5.6 The simply supported wood beam in Fig. (a) is fabricated by gluing together three 160-mm by 80-mm
planks as shown. Calculate the maximum shear stress in (1) the glue; and (2) the wood.


From the shear force diagram in Fig. (b) we see that the maximum shear force in the beam is V max = 24 kN,
occurring at the supports. The neutral axis is the axis of symmetry of the cross section. The moment of
inertia of the cross-sectional area of the beam about the neutral axis is

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353


Evaluation : (PROBLEM in Horizontal Shearing Stress)

PS#8. The W12 x 40 section in Fig. (a) is used as a beam. If the vertical shear force
acting at a certain section of the beam is 16 kips, determine the following at that section:
(1) the minimum shear stress in the web; (2) the maximum shear stress in the web; and
(3) the percentage of the shear force that is carried by the web. (SP5.7)

Save your work as PS#8

Additional Reading :

Pytel, A & Singer, F. L. (1987). STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 4th Edition. Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., New
York. Chapt. 5 pp. 161-171

References :

Kiusalaas, J. & Pytel, A. (2012). STRENGTH OF MATERIALS.2nd Edition. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., Pasig
City.Chapt. 5 pp.164-174

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353

Lesson 8. Spacing of Rivets or Bolts in Built-Up Members

Lesson Target : Upon successful completion of this lesson, the students must be
able to:

1. Calculate the shear force to be resisted by the fastener.

2. Calculate Q, which is the moment of area about the NA of the elements whose sliding is resisted by the 18


3. Determine the largest allowable spacing of the fasteners (rivets, bolts, or nails).

Pre-Assessment : In this lesson, students are challenged to:

1. Discuss Horizontal Shearing Stress.

2. Differentiate rivets, bolts and nails.
3. What are other fasteners aside from mentioned below.

Spacing of Rivets or Bolts in Built-Up Members

Built-up (fabricated) beams are composed of longitudinal elements that are rigidly fastened together by
rivets, bolts, or nails. These elements tend to slide past one another when the beam is subjected to
bending. In solid beams, the sliding action is prevented by the longitudinal shear stress between the
elements. In built-up beams, the tendency to slide is resisted by the fasteners. In this lesson, we consider
the design of fasteners.

From the shear formula in Eq. (5.8), the average longitudinal shear stress between the upper two planks is

where Q is the first moment of the shaded area in Fig. 5.15(c) about the neutral axis. The shear force F that
must be carried by a bolt is obtained by multiplying this shear stress by the shaded area of magnitude eb in
Fig. 5.15(a). Thus,

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353


The largest allowable spacing of the bolts is obtained by setting F = F w in Eq. (5.10a), yielding

If we follow the common practice of having constant spacing of fasteners throughout the length of the
beam, then V in Eq. (5.10b) represents the maximum shear force in the beam.

Exercises/Drills : (PROBLEM in Spacing of Rivets or Bolts in Built-Up Member)

SP5.11. A plate and angle girder is fabricated by attaching four 13-mm-thick angle sections to a 1100 mm x 10 mm
web plate to form the section shown in Fig. (a). The moment of inertia of the resulting cross-sectional area about the
neutral axis is I = 4140 x 106 mm4. If the maximum shear force in the girder is Vmax = 450 kN, determine the largest
allowable spacing between the 19-mm rivets that fasten the angles to the web plate. The allowable stresses are 𝜏w =
100 MPa in shear and ðsbÞw ¼ 280 MPa in bearing.

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429
BS in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Bailan, Pontevedra Campus
E-mail add: [email protected]
Cell No. 0917 175 9353


Evaluation : (PROBLEM in Spacing of Rivets or Bolts in Built-Up Member)

PS#9. Figures (a) and (b) show the cross sections of two beams that are constructed by nailing together four 2-in.-
thick wooden boards. Note that the cross sections have identical cross-sectional dimensions. For each beam,
determine the largest allowable spacing of the nails that will resist an 8000-lb vertical shear force. The allowable
shear force in each nail is 250 lb.

Additional Reading :
Pytel, A & Singer, F. L. (1987). STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 4th Edition. Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., New
York. Chapt. 5 (5-9) pp. 176-180

References :
Kiusalaas, J. & Pytel, A. (2012). STRENGTH OF MATERIALS.2nd Edition. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., Pasig
City.Chapt. 5 pp.184-187

ABE 311- Strength of Materials Course Facilitator: Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, MA Ed.
E-mail add: [email protected]
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
Cell No. 0906 441 4429

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