Certificat de Compétences en Langues de L'Enseignement Supérieur Cles

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Langue : ANGLAIS
Niveau : CLES 2

I – Activités de compréhension de l’oral

Video 1 : Are E-Cigarettes Safe?

1. Circle the correct figure to complete the sentence.

In two years the number of vapers in the UK has been multiplied by
1 item / 1 point
2. Complete the following sentences explaining why vaping is popular with the people in the
• You haven’t got any tar. (accepter “tar”)
• You just get nicotine and nothing else.
2 items / 2 points
3. Fill in the gaps.
If nicotine is taken without the accompanying toxicants, then the health effects would be very similar
to drinking coffee.
2 items / 2 points
4. We are told that e-cigarettes DO NOT contain certain elements. Which ones?
Write a or b.

è a/ carbon dioxide or b/ carbon monoxide: _____b______

è a/ detectable toxins or b/ undetectable toxins: _____a______

2 items, 2 points
5. Are the following statements true or false ? Tick (✓) TRUE or FALSE
A study found 20% of 14-to-17 year-olds have tried e-cigarettes. ⃞ TRUE ✓ FALSE
Pr Hajek’s data show that smoking e-cigarettes young will
increase usage on a regular basis. ⃞ TRUE ✓ FALSE
2 items / 2 points

6. Fill in the gaps.

The Welsh government claims e-cigarettes will glamorize and renormalize smoking, which calls for a
ban in enclosed public places.
2 items / 2 points

7. Which of these two sentences corresponds best to Pr. West’s point of view? Tick the correct

✓ Although there may be risks, e-cigarettes will almost certainly save lives.
Although some lives might be saved, the risks are too great for the population..
2 items / 1 point (1 seule réponse demandée, donc pas de demi-point)

CLES 2 anglais — Sujet no 381

Video 2 : Do E-Cigarettes Help Quit Smoking?

1. Complete the sentence with the missing figure.

A new study shows e-cigarettes to be 60 % more effective than other means of stopping
1 item / 1 point

2. According to the video are these statements true or false? Tick TRUE or FALSE

The routine behavior associated with smoking is very addictive. ✓ TRUE ⃞ FALSE
Smoking addiction is just about nicotine. ⃞ TRUE ✓ FALSE
2 items / 2 points

3. What can be said about this study? Are these statements true or false? Tick TRUE or
The study will enable e-cigarette manufacturers to sell their product as a health product.
The study gives scientific evidence to measure the long-term effects of e-cigarettes.
2 items / 2 points
4. Fill in the gaps.

Cigarettes contain over 70,000 chemicals in combustion, 70 of which are known to cause

E-cigarettes typically contain nicotine, you know, vegetable glycerine and some sort of
additive for flavour.
Le mot “additive” suffit, “for flavour” n’est pas exigé. “Flavour” seul est aussi une réponse
3 items / 3 points

Total compréhension de l’oral : 21 items / 20 points – 12 points (60 %) pour obtenir la compétence

CLES 2 anglais — Sujet no 381

Transcription des documents audiovisuels

TRANSCRIPT video 1 – Are E-Cigarettes Safe?

They’re vaping not smoking and they’re not alone. New figures today show the number of
people using e-cigarettes in the UK has trebled in two years to 2.1 million.
“I smoked for years and this is potentially better for you I guess, you know, you haven’t got
any tar.”
“When you are smoking an e-cig you just get just nicotine and nothing else.”
Despite the enthusiasm here, the British Medical Association and the World Health
Organization have recommended banning e-cigarettes in public places. They say that there
isn’t enough evidence that they’re safe or effective.
Queen Mary University in London. Ian is having the levels of carbon monoxide in his body
“That shows a four there so that’s a non-smoker reading.”
Ian now uses an e-cigarette. It works by heating liquid nicotine into a vapor which is then
inhaled. The test is overseen by Professor Peter Hajek.
“For many people it would seem that nicotine itself is a dangerous poison, but if nicotine is
taken without the accompanying toxicants, then the health effects would be very similar to
drinking coffee.”
“That’s a four so the exact same reading as for the e-cigarette.”
So e-cigarettes contain no discernible toxins or carbon monoxide. The final test. What reading
will Ian get after having a normal cigarette?
“So you got ten there, so that’s officially a smoker reading.”
Experts say e-cigarettes are orders of magnitude safer than normal cigarettes. But do they
work? Professor Robert West is one of the country’s leading addiction experts. He’s studied
5000 people who are using different methods to try and stop smoking: patches, gum, e-
cigarettes and nothing. His results are published next month.
“What we found was that those who were using e-cigarettes were about 60% more likely still
not to be smoking than those who used either the licensed product or nothing at all.”
Despite that evidence, serious concerns remain. Does the marketing of e-cigarettes make them
attractive to children? One study last year found 12% of 14-17 year-olds had tried them.
“We already have data which can actually check this worry. If a child tries a conventional
cigarette, there’s a 50% chance that they’ll become daily users. If a child tries e-cigarettes, so
far we have no evidence that they progress to regular use.”
There are other worries. The Welsh government says e-cigarettes will glamorize and
renormalize smoking. They’ve proposed a ban in enclosed public places. The problem in the
end may simply be the word e-cigarette, the vapor that looks like smoke, a sense that they just
don’t feel right.
“I can understand people wanting to be cautious but if we fail to take this opportunity that
electronic cigarettes potentially are providing, then we’re, we’re really condemning people to
death who would otherwise have lived. That’s what’s at stake.”
Nonetheless, regulators are clamping down on e-cigarettes, concerns remain about safety,
efficacy and limited regulation.

CLES 2 anglais — Sujet no 381

TRANSCRIPT video 2 – Do e-cigarettes help quit smoking?
E-cigarettes are effective at helping people quit smoking. According to a new study, smokers
are about 60% more likely to quit smoking if they use e-cigarettes than if they use nicotine
patches, gums, or just try to quit cold turkey all alone. Now one of the reasons why e-
cigarettes are appealing as opposed to say a nicotine gum or a patch or anything like that is
because it simulates the smoking experience so you have the vapor, you’re still moving your
hand back and forth, and many studies have shown that this is also very addictive, just the
very routine of going outside with your buddies you know outside of a bar and smoking it’s
addictive so it’s not just the nicotine so this provides that.
Now e-cigarette manufacturers are definitely going to be paying attention to this study
because new regulations proposed by the government on e-cigarettes in part would ban them
from making scientific claims to the… or health-related claims to the power of e-cigarettes
without scientific evidence. Now they have scientific evidence so they can…
Yeah they have some, it’s, it’s not that much evidence right, we haven’t had years and years
to study this, we don’t know about the long-term you know effects of e-cigarettes so as
Professor West who conducted the study acknowledges, “it is not clear whether long-term use
of e-cigarettes carries health risks but from what is known about the contents of the vapor,
these will be much less than from smoking” so he’s acknowledging that these might have
deleterious effects OK but, it’s not like smoking a cigarette which contains over 70,000
chemicals in combustion, 70 of which are known to cause cancer. So this these e-cigarettes
typically contain about three ingredients: nicotine, you know vegetable glycerin and some sort
of additive for flavor.

CLES 2 anglais — Sujet no 381

II – Activités de compréhension de l’écrit

1. Are the following statements true or false? Tick TRUE or FALSE, then refer to a document
and line number(s) to justify your reply.

a/ Limitations on where people can smoke came into force in 2011 in the UK.
⃞ TRUE ✓ FALSE Text No. 4, line(s) No. 10-13

b/ The public health community is divided in the fight against traditional smoking.
⃞ TRUE ✓ FALSE Text No. 3, line(s) No. 24-26
2 items / 2 points

2. Which of the following are associated with e-cigarettes, and which are not?
Tick (✓) YES or NO, then refer to a document and line number(s) to justify your reply.
NB : Use a DIFFERENT quotation for each.

Nicotine ✓ YES ⃞ NO Text No. 1, line(s) No. 1, 6, 8, 14, 17, 24, 28, 35
Text No. 3, line(s) No. 17, 43-44, 47-48, 48-50, 69-73
Text No. 4, line(s) No. 46-49

Smell ⃞ YES ✓ NO Text No. 1, line(s) No. 4

Text No. 2, line(s) No. 8

Tar ⃞ YES ✓ NO Text No. 3, line(s) No. 21-23, 54-57

Vapour ✓ YES ⃞ NO Text No. 1, line(s) No. 3, 5

Text No. 3, line(s) No. 48, 85-86
Text No. 4, line(s) No. 88
4 items / 4 points

3. Where can e-cigarette be bought? (Refer to at least 2 different documents.)

Where to buy them Text number
• Tobacco counters • 1
• With pharmacy products • 1
• Online • 1-3
• Specialized shops • 1
• Vending machines • 4
3 réponses attendues faisant référence à 2 documents différents : 0,5 point par réponse complète
(lieu + numéro de texte)
3 items / 1,5 point

4. Quit-smoking devices: apart from e-cigarettes, list three that are mentioned in the documents.

Quit-smoking device Text number

Patches 2
Nicotine gums 2
Inhalers 2
Lozenges 3
3 réponses attendues: 0,5 point par réponse complète (moyen de sevrage + numéro de texte)
3 items / 1,5 point

CLES 2 anglais — Sujet no 381

5. Quote two separate arguments from different texts to show why e-cigarettes are particularly attractive to
people who want to quit smoking.

Argument 1
“E-cigarettes are used like cigarettes: when the user draws on an e-cigarette, visible vapour is produced and an
LED may light up to mimic the glow of a real cigarette.”
text no 1, l. 4-6
“while offering (the nicotine fix and) the sensation of smoking”
text no 3, l. 56-57

Argument 2
“Vapers report that the sensation (‘nicotine hit’) is similar to that of using tobacco cigarettes”
text no 1, l. 6-7
More than 200 flavours are available. text no 1, l. 19
…resemblance to tobacco cigarettes… text no 1, l. 24
“New research suggests that e-cigarettes deliver nicotine faster than gum or lozenges, two therapies that have
never quite taken off.”
text no 3, l. 48-51
“The devices, intended to feed nicotine addiction without the toxic tar of conventional cigarettes”
text no 3, l. 21-23
“while offering the nicotine fix (and the sensation of smoking)”
text no 3, l. 56-57
2 items / 2 points (une référence par argument – 1 point par argument)
6. Information spotting: where do you find the following arguments? Give just ONE
quotation per text, if any.
Text 3 Text 4
+ line(s) + line(s)
E-cigarettes are often manufactured by the traditional 39-41
tobacco industry.
E-cigarettes make smoking a socially acceptable behaviour 75 84-85
again. ‘alluring’
E-cigarettes may carry a risk of passive smoking. 34-36, ou 87-91
E-smoking is a gateway to smoking, especially for young 15, ou 78-80
people. 82-84, ou 94-97
E-smoking encourages people to smoke longer. 16-17, ou 69-70

5 items / 5 points (1 point par ligne complète, pas de demi-point)

7. Who thinks what? When the opinion corresponds, tick the box.
BMA DH Dr Glantz WHO
British Department World Health
Medical of Health, Organization
Association UK

The flavours in e-cigarettes should be Cochage

regulated to protect children. optionnel ✓
There needs to be a restrictive age limit for
buying e-cigarettes. ✓ ✓
Advertising e-cigarettes should be banned. Cochage Cochage
optionnel optionnel ✓
Smoking e-cigarettes should not be allowed
in enclosed public spaces. ✓ ✓
4 items / 4 points (1 point par ligne complète, pas de demi-point

Total compréhension écrite ……/20 points – 12 points (60 %) pour obtenir la compétence

CLES 2 anglais — Sujet no 381

III– Activités de production écrite

? You have been asked to write a report on e-cigarettes for the journalists of the TV channel
you are working for. This report will cover all the issues raised by this new product. Use the
facts and arguments to be found in the texts and videos that have been selected for you. Keep
a neutral point of view.
(250 to 300 words)
Les aspects suivants devraient apparaître dans le rapport :
- the objective of e-cigarettes: to help people stop traditional smoking (a necessary
- compare with other possible methods (gums, patches, lozenges, inhalers…).
o composition of e-cigarettes: liquid nicotine, water, glycerol, propylene glycol
and flavourings (many possible flavours), no discernible toxin, no carbon
monoxide, no tobacco
o how they work: they turn chemicals, including nicotine, into an aerosol that is
inhaled by the user = vaping. They may look like real cigarettes and be
- concerns about e-cigarettes:
o safety of the product itself,
o long-term health effects for the user and for others,
o gateway to smoking especially for young people,
o degree of efficiency in combating traditional smoking, scientific evidence?
- need for regulation:
o what to regulate:
§ ingredients,
§ retail limits – age and place -,
§ promotion,
§ where to use
o why regulate?
§ overall safety, child protection, general public protection

CLES 2 anglais — Sujet no 381

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