Pme Lab 3

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Chittagong University of Engineering And Technology


Name of the student : Ataharuse Samad

Student ID : 1807020
Course code : PME 262
Course Title : Rock Mechanics Laboratory
Level : Level - 2
Term : Term - 1
Batch no. : 18
Group :2
Name of Department : Department of Petroleum & Mining
Experiment no. : 03
Experiment Name : Triaxial Compressive Strength Test on
Date of Submission :
Objective :
To determined the Triaxial Compressive Strength Test on Rock.

Theory :
Compressive Strength of a rock stands for the maximum axial compressive stress that a
specimen can bear under zero confining stress. We can also defined as the maximum
compressive load, which a sample can bear before its fracture, divided by its cross-sectional
area. The triaxial compression test is the most important and accurate test of soil for shear
strength parameter in which drainage condition can be controlled in any condition, In triaxial
compression test a cylindrical specimen is stressed in vertical and lateral directions and the
shear parameters cohesion (c) and angle of internal friction (ϕ) are obtained, from which the
shear strength of soil is determined. In this test the plane of shear failure is not pre-
determined. The triaxial compression tests are superior where confining stress is to be
applied. In order to determine cohesion (c) and angle of shearing resistance (ϕ) of soil,
Mohr's circles are drawn. The tangent line is drawn on Mohr's circles. It is called strength
envelope. The intercept with ordinate gives cohesion and slope of the line (envelope) gives
angle of internal friction (ϕ).


σ increasing

σ =0

Fig. 1: Fig. 2: Stress-

Jacketed strain curve
cylindrical for

Fig. 2 shows the results of a series triaxial compression tests. In addition to the significant
increase of strength with confining pressure, the stress-strain characteristics also changed.
With a series of triaxial tests conducted at different confining pressures.

Equipment :

1. Compressive testing machine (ADVANTEST 9 ROCK, SERCOMP 7 ROCK)
2. Vernier Calipers
3. Rock specimen / Brick
4. Dial gauge
5. High-precision LVDT transducer(82-D1260 with 82-P0331/C)
6. Electrical averaging device for 2 or 3 transducers(82-P0331/2)
7. Hock cell (upper & lower loading cap, Two female spherical seats, A rubber sealing
8. Advanced Software
9. Graph paper

Machine setup :

Fig. 3: ADVANTEST Rock Triaxial tests. Layout of the system

1. First, connect the COM1 and COM2 to control console by serial port.
2. Then, ADVANTEST( Hydraulic Pack) and SERCOMP(Hydraulic Pack) are connect
to the Hock Cell respectively for oil out.
3. To measure the sample deformation and pressure, connect the Hock Cell to 2 control
console respectively.
Sample preparation :
 Sample is straight, circular cylinder having a length to diameter ratio of 2.5-3.0 and
diameter preferably not less than NX Core size (i.e. approx. 54 mm). In our lab we
have NX size hock cell which can hold cylindrical sample of 54.7 mm diameter and
10 cm height. The diameter of sample is related to the size of the largest grain in rock
by the ratio of at least 10:1.
 The ends of the sample are cut parallel to each other and at right angle to the
longitudinal axis.
 The sides of the sample are smooth and free of abrupt irregularities and straight to
within 0.3 mm over the full length of the sample.

 Samples are stored for no longer than 30 days in such a way as to preserve the natural
water content as far as possible until the time of specimen preparation. The specimen
2 is stored prior to testing for 5 to 6 days in an environment of 20℃ + 2℃ and 50% 
5% humidity.

Testing Procedure :
 First of all , we collected a proper specification sample from the ground field.
 Then, measure the length of the specimen at two places at right angle to each other
and diameter of the sample to the nearest 0.1 mm by averaging two diameters
measured at right angles to each other at about the upper height, mid height, and the
lower height of the sample. Use average diameter for calculating the cross-sectional
 Put the soil sample in a rubber membrane.
 Placed the soil sample in a compression machine.
 Apply a given magnitude of cell pressure.
 Apply deviator load on the sample until it will fail Record proving ring reading.

Result and Analysis :

Length of the sample L = 10cm
Diameter of the sample D = 54.62mm
π D2 3.1416× ( 54.62 )
Area (A) = = = 2343.12 mm2
4 4
Load Displacement
Stress = ; Strain =
Area Length
Data sheet:

Graph :

Stress (MPa)









0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01

Discussion :

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