Israel Policy Paper - Jennifer Strahan

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The United States – Israel Alliance

By Jennifer Strahan
November 2021

Israel is our closest Middle East ally and a beacon of democratic values in a tumultuous corner of the
globe. Our security interests are closely intertwined. My strong support for maintaining and
strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship is among the many reasons I decided to challenge incumbent
Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene in Georgia’s 14th congressional district.

Congresswoman Greene’s misguided comments about the Holocaust show how uninformed and ill-
prepared she is to be a leader in Congress on defending our critical alliance with Israel. It is just one
example of many instances where our current congresswoman has embarrassed herself and most

Israel has been a vital ally to the United States in our most challenging moments for decades, and Israel’s
strength provides an essential deterrent to those in the region who threaten U.S. security. Israel and the
United States must continue to collaborate in the fight to defeat Islamic extremists and stop Iranian
aggression. We share best practices on border security, collaborate on military technologies, train our
troops together, and strengthen each other’s economies. This security alliance is essential to both of our

The bond with Israel runs deeper than a military alliance. As Christians, my husband and I are raising
our son to know about Moses, Abraham, and David as well as Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem. As
he matures we want him to understand the role Israel and Judaism play in Christian scriptures, one the
foundation for the other. As Christians, I believe America is called to protect Israel and God’s people.
Both of my grandfathers served in the military, and my brother was in the Marines and deployed
overseas. My mother worked directly with Israelis as a leader for a company that built reactive armor
for U.S. military tanks. When I see Israel attacked by Iran, Islamic extremists, supporters of the BDS
movement, and others, I feel the attack on a personal level as well.

I will always vehemently defend the reality that America has a vital national security interest in
supporting our ally Israel, a strong economic interest as trading partners, and a moral responsibility to
defend Israel’s right to exist.

The Essential Qualitative Military Edge for Israel
Israel doesn’t have just one dangerous neighbor. It exists in a very dangerous part of the world.
Therefore, we must make sure our ally has the ability to defend itself against those who want to see
democracy crumbled and Israel “wiped off the map.”

If elected, I will not waiver on the fact that our long-standing commitment to Israel’s qualitative military
edge (QME) must be maintained. In addition to protecting the Israeli people, our cooperation to develop
superior technology, intelligence, weaponry, tactics, training, cyber defense, and other factors deters
regional aggression, keeping both Israel and the United States safer.

America’s commitment to Israel’s QME has resulted in the successful development of systems like the
Iron Dome, our partnership on the F-35 program, and other mutually beneficial technological
breakthroughs. That’s why I also support the current Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between
our countries. Providing Israel with continued security assistance from the U.S. prevents more costly
interventions. The technologies and know-how developed by Israel and shared with the U.S. helps keep
Americans safe.

Christian Persecution
With Israel’s nearly 200,000 Christians as the exception, Middle East Christian communities are being
destroyed by daily threats of terror attacks, imprisonment, and even execution. If I’m elected, I will raise
awareness of the worsening plight of Middle East Christians and work to protect The Holy Land, the
shared birthplace of the Jewish and Christian faiths.

Jerusalem, the Eternal and Indivisible Capital City

Jerusalem is the Capital City of Israel, and it should remain its indivisible capital going forward.
President Trump was right to finally enforce the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, moving America’s
embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. I support current congressional efforts to prevent any reversal on
this issue.

Sovereignty of Israel Over the Golan Heights

I support recognizing the Golan Heights as part of the State of Israel, and in Congress, I will oppose
efforts to alter that policy. I will also work to pass legislation clarifying that it is U.S. policy to recognize
Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Iranian Aggression and Expansionism

Israel and the United States continue to share a common enemy: Iran. As their leaders cry “Death to
America,” there is no question Iran’s threats are immediate. We need more American leaders who will
call attention to Iran’s ongoing, deplorable abuses of human rights.

Under no circumstances must Iran be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. I oppose the flawed Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and efforts to re-join that agreement or a similar one. Our policy
should be one of prevention, not deterrence. The U.S. should continue applying maximum economic
pressure and taking appropriate military action, when necessary, to temper the Iranian regime’s
aggressive behavior. Economic sanctions are essential and should not cease until Iran’s leaders prove a
willingness to stop their terroristic behavior and destructive actions in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, and

Palestinian Negotiations and The Peace Process
In working toward a solution, Israel has continually sought peace and made meaningful concessions.
Nonetheless, its people endure the ruthless violence of Hamas, Hezbollah, and others. Freeing Israel of
such violence and acknowledging its right to exist as a Jewish state are necessary for a lasting two-state
agreement. Direct, bilateral negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians would be the best way
forward to achieve that goal. While the U.N. and other international bodies must refrain from imposing
their own solution, I will support America’s role as mediators in negotiations in working towards a two-
state agreement with the Palestinians.

The success of Israeli-U.S. diplomatic efforts with Egypt, Jordan, UAE, and other nations to formally
normalize relations is encouraging, and I will do anything that helps to encourage and assist continued
cooperation that could lead to lasting peace, including supporting the Israel Relations Normalization Act
of 2021, the Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act, and the Taylor Force Act which
is named for an American victim of Palestinian “pay to slay” practices in Israel. The Palestinians must
end the practice of financially incentivizing attacks on innocent Israelis, and the Palestinian Authority
should receive no more funding from the United States until that happens.

Economic Threats and Boycotts

I strongly oppose the anti-Semitic Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement and efforts to
undermine Israel’s legitimate right to exist as a sovereign nation. Economic strength in Israel is a boon
to global security. The BDS movement fuels global anti-Semitism and must be defeated. I support the
Israel Anti-Boycott Act and believe more should be done to push back against those who would boycott
Israel. Additionally, more Members of Congress should acknowledge the hundreds of thousands of
American jobs created through our alliance with Israel, and I will do that if elected.

The United Nations

As a sovereign nation, Israel has the right to defend itself from violent threats. It should not be
condemned by the United Nations for appropriately exercising that essential right when necessary.
Unfortunately, the UN has increasingly been used by Israel’s enemies as a forum for launching false
attacks. We must continue to leverage U.S. influence to correct the record on behalf of our ally.

The U.S. must lead the way in holding the UN accountable for the failures of its own agencies,
particularly when they empower groups like Hamas and Hezbollah while denying Israel’s very right to

“Israel must never be expected to jeopardize her security.” – Margaret Thatcher

Israel is a sovereign nation, a critical ally, and a beacon of democracy in the Middle East. As a member
of Congress, I will never ask Israel to jeopardize its security.

America cannot afford to close our window into the Middle East. By choosing to stand with Israel, we
support the continued growth of democracy; we support the freedom of religion, speech, and assembly;
we support the promise of liberty that America has come to represent. Now more than ever before, our
friendship with Israel must be unwavering.

Paid for by Strahan for Congress /

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