Educating Preeclampsia Management Using Case Studies of Disease P

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Educating Preeclampsia Management Using Case

Studies of Disease Progression
Ariel Schmidlin

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Nurse Educator Scholarly Project (NESP): Final Manuscript

Ariel Schmidlin

University of Portland

Educating Preeclampsia Management Using Case Studies of Disease Progression

Preeclampsia is a multisystem hypertensive disease that is unique to pregnancy which can

compromise the health of both the mother and the fetus (Phillips & Boyd, 2016). Preeclampsia

and eclampsia are responsible for more than 50,000 maternal deaths annually worldwide

(Ghulmiyyah & Sibai, 2012). Early diagnosis and disease management is critical for optimizing

outcomes (Phillips & Boyd, 2016). Nurses can impact care and outcomes based on vigilance,

recognition of warning signs, and patient education regarding the importance of postpartum

follow-up care. Preeclampsia can initially manifest or continue during the postpartum period,

which can lead to chronic hypertension, complicate future pregnancies, and cause long term

multi-organ damage (Phillips & Boyd, 2016). Thus, the focus of this scholarly project is to

educate undergraduate nursing students to identify disease progression of an acute crisis when

caring for women with preeclampsia during the intrapartum period.


Preeclampsia is the development of hypertension after 20 weeks gestation (Phillips &

Boyd, 2016). Two blood pressure assessments exceeding 140 mm Hg systolic and/or over 90

mm Hg diastolic four hours apart in addition to proteinuria greater than 300 mg in 24 hours are

required to confirm the diagnosis of preeclampsia (Phillips & Boyd, 2016). Often preeclampsia

is asymptomatic, but as the disease progresses women may experience severe features including:

headaches, visual changes, abdominal pain, and excessive swelling in the hands, feet, and face

(US Department of Health and Human Services [US DHHS], 2014). A diagnosis of preeclampsia

between 20 to 34 weeks gestation is associated with an increased risk of developing severe

complications from elevated blood pressures for the remainder of the pregnancy, such as

eclampsia, which is the progression of preeclampsia into a tonic-clonic seizure (Phillips & Boyd,


In the United States, preeclampsia affects 5% to 8% of all pregnancies (Phillips & Boyd,

2016). It is estimated that preeclampsia accounts for 40% to 60% of maternal deaths and is the

second leading cause of neonatal deaths among developing countries (US DHHS, 2013). Risk

factors associated with preeclampsia include, but are not limited to chronic hypertension, first

pregnancies, obesity, women younger than 20 years or older than 35 years of age, African

Americans, multifetal pregnancies, and a family history of preeclampsia (US DHHS, 2013).

Studies have shown that prior to a preeclampsia diagnosis there are developmental changes in the

placenta and uterus indicating the duration of the condition may be longer than previously

anticipated (Phillips & Boyd, 2016; Snydal, 2014; US DHHS, 2013).

Preeclampsia is a progressive disease that can have serious effects on multiple organs

such as the liver, kidneys, brain, and lungs (Snydal, 2014). Preeclampsia can develop

complications such as eclampsia, pulmonary edema, HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes,

low platelets) syndrome, renal failure, liver infarction, and postpartum hemorrhage (Snydal,

2014; US DHHS, 2014). Fetal complications related to hypertension are intrauterine growth

restriction, prematurity, placental abruption, and death (Phillips & Boyd, 2016). Timely

detection of preeclampsia, the progression of the disease process, gestational age, and education

are important aspects to managing the condition (Snydal, 2014).

Care Coordination

Care coordination is imperative for assuring maternal and fetal safety during the

antepartum period and is modified throughout pregnancy based on the individual’s disease

progression and the personal history. The management of preeclampsia is dependent on onset,

severity, gestation, and benefit of continuing the pregnancy or expediting delivery (Snydal,

2014). Education for nursing staff and the patient can improve assessment and recognition of

signs and symptoms of disease progression preventing severe complications (Phillips & Boyd,


Care coordination of a patient with preeclampsia will continue during the postpartum

period. Current studies revealed that proteinuria and hypertension can remain for months to years

after birth (Phillips & Boyd, 2016). Postpartum care coordination for patients with preeclampsia

include counseling for future pregnancies, psychosocial support, service integration, nutrition

counseling, and assessment of residual symptoms (Phillips & Boyd, 2016). Care coordination is

prominently provided during the immediate postpartum phase; however, there is a lack of

continuation in care as women age (Phillips & Boyd, 2016). The gap in care coordination for

women past childbearing age related to complications they experienced during pregnancy can be

detrimental to the patient’s health. Women that had a diagnosis of preeclampsia during

pregnancy are at increased risk for cardiovascular complications, stroke, renal insufficiencies,

metabolic disorders, diabetes, and chronic endothelial dysfunction and inflammation (Phillips &

Boyd, 2016).

Implications for Nursing Education

The importance of an early introduction of preeclampsia in nursing programs is to

recognize and assess disease progression, reduce complications, and educate the patient about

when to seek medical attention during the antepartum and postpartum period. Nursing students

need to learn critical assessment skills since preeclampsia can progress rapidly, cause long term

multi-organ damage, and develop into chronic hypertension (Phillips & Boyd, 2016).

Antepartum and postpartum visits create opportunities for patient education related to the disease

process and need for regular blood pressure monitoring. Education for chronic risk management

includes recognizing that preeclampsia can linger for an extended period of time and can also

complicate future pregnancies (Phillips & Boyd, 2016).

Literature Review

Implementing a variety of instructional methods, materials, and activities improves

learning retention and outcomes (Fitzgerald & Keyes, 2014). Multiple teaching strategies based

on experiential and cooperative learning theories were utilized as a framework to guide the

teaching strategies for this project. Both theories focus on learner-centered strategies to

encourage engagement in class activities and information retention.

Experiential Learning and Teaching Strategies

Kolb introduced the experiential learning theory as a way to apply knowledge and

meaning to real-life experiences (Kitchie, 2014). The four modes of learning that correspond

with the experiential learning cycle are experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting (Kolb &

Kolb, 2011). Kolb categorized the learning modes into learning styles which include diverger,

assimilator, converger, and accommodator (Kolb & Kolb, 2011). Each of the four learning styles

corresponds to a combination of learning modes that best meets the student’s educational needs.

Divergers focus on the concrete experience and reflective observation through the gathering of

broad information and generating ideas (Kitchie, 2014; Kolb & Kolb, 2011). The assimilators

prefer reflection observation and abstract conceptualization, which is achieved by concise logical

ideas and inductive reasoning (Kitchie 2014; Kolb & Kolb, 2011). The convergers favor active

experimentation and abstract conceptualization by means of practical application of factual

information and finding solutions through problem solving (Kitchie, 2014; Kolb & Kolb, 2011).

Finally, accommodators focus on concrete experience and active experimentation by relying on


intuition and risk taking to explore all the possibilities during challenging experiences (Kitchie,

2014; Kolb & Kolb, 2011). Approximately one fourth of all students will fall into each style; the

instructor must be creative in applying a variety of teaching strategies to enhance knowledge

retention (Kitchie, 2014).

Assimilators and convergers learn best through lecture and demonstration (Kitchie, 2014;

Kolb & Kolb, 2011). Divergers prefer group discussions and accommodators favor simulation or

role playing to enhance learning (Kitchie, 2014; Kolb & Kolb, 2011). The class combined the

experiential theory’s recommended process of lecture and demonstration, which provided a

foundation for applying concepts while improving learning and retention (Kitchie, 2014). To

incorporate divergers and accommodators learning styles, a small group low fidelity simulation

and a whole group discussions was used.

Cooperative Learning and Teaching Strategies

The cooperative learning theory is active learning that incorporates face-to-face

interactions, accountability from groups and individuals, interpersonal skills, positive

interdependence, and group processing (Hanson & Carpenter, 2011; Yi & LuXi, 2012). Students

learn prioritization, time management, communication, diversity, and accountability while

working as a team (Yi & LuXi, 2012). Studies have shown that cooperative learning has a

significant positive effect on developing critical thinking skills since it is socially and

intellectually stimulating (Hanson & Carpenter, 2011). This is important because it motivates

students to take active roles in their learning, which can facilitate an understanding of topics such

as the complexity of caring for a person with a chronic illness (Hanson & Carpenter, 2011).

Cooperative learning can be achieved through the integration of case studies and

reflection into teaching and learning activities. Providing a foundation of knowledge and

understanding for students prior to application in practice is embedded in the roots of cooperative

learning theory (Fitzgerald & Keyes, 2014). The progressive case study allowed students to work

in small groups that involve teamwork to identify patient needs, physiological changes, and

nursing actions. The case study supported cooperative learning by engaging students in problem

solving, observation, participation, and reflection (Yi & LuXi, 2012). The class convened for a

debriefing discussion of the case studies followed by an individual self-reflection. Cooperative

learning supports immediate debriefing and feedback for students to solidify knowledge transfer

and allow for the instructor to make modifications for future lesson plans (Fitzgerald & Keyes,


Learner Assessment and Evaluation

The assessment methods were used to evaluate both the cognitive and affective domains

of the learning outcomes. A pre-session quiz assisted the instructor to identify the student’s

current level of knowledge surrounding a topic and guide the development of lesson plans

(Boyas, Bryan, & Lee, 2012; Mager, 2013). A post-session quiz evaluated student learning and

progress after course instruction (Boyas et al., 2012; Mager, 2013). Pre- and post-session quizzes

are successful for evaluating student learning, the results can then be analyzed and used to

improve the design for the curriculum, course, and teaching strategies (Boyas et al., 2012). The

affective domain was assessed through a one-minute reflection paper, which allowed for students

to make connections between the information presented and explore deep insights into

knowledge gained during class (Anderson & Burns, 2013; Phillips, 2015). Reflections provide

feedback for instructors, permit students to openly express feelings, and identify emerging

themes that can be addressed in the subsequent classes (Ashakiran & Deepthi, 2013). Reflective

writing can foster unresolved conflicts, which is an opportunity for the instructor to guide

learning and facilitate problem solving (Phillips, 2015).

Educational Resources

Effectively utilizing resources, developing an organized curriculum design, and preparing

teaching activities facilitate a positive learning environment (Sullivan, 2015). The internal

resources include planning time for consultations with faculty advisor and faculty preceptor,

PowerPoint presentation with video clips, printing for the case study project, and printing costs

for the pre- and post-session quizzes. Additional internal resources are classroom space for two

hours, a computer with a projector, whiteboard with markers, and access to the course’s online

web page. External resources included the course textbook, access to videos, and the National

League of Nursing nurse educator core competencies (Fisher, 2015) to guide the development

and implementation of the curriculum to senior level nursing students to ensure effective



Learning Outcomes

The four learning outcomes assessed both the cognitive and affective learning domains

(Appendix A). The cognitive learning outcomes included the students will be able to (1)

categorize hypertensive disorders of pregnancy based on definitions and (2) identify four

symptoms of preeclampsia progression. Within the affective domain, the students would (3)

report confidence in their ability to care for a patient with a chronic illness in acute crisis and (4)

reflect on their feelings of caring for a patient with preeclampsia.


Teaching Strategies and Learning Activities

Prior to the teaching session the students completed a pre-session quiz and were

encouraged to read the corresponding course textbook chapter. Class learning activities included

a lecture with PowerPoint to introduce preeclampsia and compare hypertensive disorders, several

video clip presentations demonstrating progressive signs and symptoms of preeclampsia, and a

small group progressive case study (Appendix B). The students had visual recall and hands on

practice to be able to recognize an acute crisis of a chronic condition during the case study. The

case study depicted a realistic patient situation, which provided students the opportunity to

develop problem solving skills, explore complex disease processes, and apply new knowledge.

The students participated in a group debriefing discussion following each case study to support

knowledge transfer. The group discussions were learner and subject centered to compliment both

the affective and cognitive domains (Fitzgerald & Keyes, 2014).

Learning Evaluation

Student learning was evaluated by a pre- and post-session quiz and a one minute

reflection paper. The pre-session quiz determined the students’ current level of knowledge

regarding preeclampsia prior to and following the teaching session. The post-session quiz

assessed if the cognitive learning outcomes had been met (Appendix C). The one minute

reflection paper addressed the affective learning outcomes by allowing students to report feelings

on caring for a patient with a chronic illness during an acute crisis (Appendix D).

Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness

The evaluation tool utilized to assess teaching effectiveness was adapted from the student

ratings of instruction instrument by Individual Development and Educational Assessment

([IDEA], 2016). IDEA (2016) has robust research supporting the validity and reliability of the

evaluation tool for measuring student perception of teaching effectiveness (Ellis, 2015). The

combined techniques from the IDEA framework and the nursing program instructor evaluation

tool were used to produce a Likert-scale instrument to specifically measure effectiveness of the

instructor (Appendix E).


The sample consisted of 22 senior level students enrolled in the maternal-child course.

Data collection and evaluation was based on the four learning outcomes. The four learning

outcomes included the students ability to (1) categorize hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

based on definitions; (2) identify four symptoms of preeclampsia progression; (3) report

confidence in their ability to care for a patient with a chronic illness in acute crisis; and (4)

reflect on their feelings of caring for a patient with preeclampsia. Overall, the results revealed

enhanced student knowledge regarding the diagnosis of preeclampsia, disease progression, and

the role of the nurse. The results also reflected an increase in confidence in caring for a patient

with preeclampsia and the importance of understanding the disease process.

Evaluation of Learning Outcomes

Evaluation of the cognitive learning outcomes and confidence levels were assessed by the

pre- and post-session quiz. The affective learning outcome of students reporting feelings toward

caring for a patient with preeclampsia was assessed through a one minute reflection paper.

Pre- and post-session quiz. The overall pre- and post-session scores improved

significantly by 32.7 percent (p<0.001). The first learning outcome assessed the students’ ability

to categorize the hypertensive disorders in pregnancy by matching the definition to the

corresponding disorder (Appendix C). The first learning outcome score demonstrated a slight

increase of 2.3 percent (p=0.72) between the pre- and post-session quizzes (Appendix F).

Evaluation of the second learning outcome measured the students’ ability to identify four

symptoms of preeclampsia disease progression. The question was written in a short answer list

format (Appendix C). The results established a significant improvement (p<.001) between the

pre- and post-session quizzes by 53 percent increase in correct responses (Appendix F).

The third learning outcome was evaluated by ranking confidence levels of caring for a

patient diagnosed with preeclampsia on a scale of one to ten, one being not confident and ten

being very confident(Appendix C). The students’ (n=21) reported confidence significantly

increased by 40 percent (p<0.001) after the teaching session (Appendix F). The third learning

outcome omitted the data of one student because the student did not complete the information on

the confidence section of the quiz.

In addition to ranking individual confidence levels, the students were asked an open-

ended question about what would increase confidence levels. The most dominant responses from

the pre-session quiz included a desire for more education (100%) and more experience (19%).

The post-session free text responses revealed fewer requests for more education (14.3%) and

increased requests for more experience (81%) (Appendix G). Post-session responses included

two additional requests for more information (4.8%) and simulation or clinical experience


One-minute reflection paper. The fourth learning outcome was assessed through a one

minute reflection paper presented after the teaching session to identify the students’ feelings

toward caring for a patient with preeclampsia as a chronic illness during an acute crisis

(Appendix D). Following thematic analysis, the dominant emerging themes included the

importance of understanding the disease process (45.5%), being more comfortable caring for a

patient with preeclampsia (40.9%), and increasing diligence when caring for a patient with a

complicated disease process (27.3%). Additional themes which occurred less frequently included

desiring more education (18.2%), feeling scared (18.2%), understanding the importance of

teamwork (13.6%), and feeling stressed, emotional, or nervous (18.2%) (Appendix G).

Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness

The students (n=22) were asked to complete a five question evaluation of the instructor’s

teaching effectiveness (Appendix E). The questions were ranked in a Likert-type scale (1=

strongly disagree and 5= strongly agree) and calculated by mean responses and standard

deviation. Overall, the results indicated the students either agreed or strongly agreed (with the

exception of one question) that the instructor (1) explained the content clearly (mean 4.64, SD

0.49); (2) offered engaging class activities (mean 4.77, SD 0.43); (3) provided feedback that

helped learning (mean 4.5, SD 0.67); (4) maintained effective communication (4.73, SD 0.46);

and (5) provided a valuable learning experience (mean 4.91, SD 0.29) (Appendix H).


This teaching session has established key insights into the educational approach for

introducing the topic of preeclampsia as a chronic illness with acute crises. Implementing a pre-

and post-session quiz, a one minute reflection paper, and a teaching effectiveness evaluation tool

allowed for anonymous data collection to determine whether the learning outcomes were met.

The instructor intentionally omitted stating the quiz was going to be administered before and

after the session as to not impact the results of students memorizing the questions and searching

for the answers during the class. Overall, the pre- and post-session quiz scores improved.

However, the first cognitive learning outcome for student ability to categorize hypertensive

disorders in pregnancy improved, but did not demonstrate significance. This suggests that

students may have required additional information and time spent on definitions and

classification of pregnancy related hypertensive disorders. Other factors that could have

impacted these results are that 78 percent of the students correctly answered the question on the

pre-session quiz meaning the students may been familiar with the information, the later time of

day into the evening, and students’ not thoroughly reading the question since the quiz was

previously administered.

The second cognitive learning outcome of the students’ ability to list four symptoms of

preeclampsia disease progression improved significantly. The use of multiple instructional

methods for teaching symptom progression may have contributed to the increase in scores

between quizzes. Similarly, Vondracek (2009) found that incorporating various teaching

strategies into each lesson can enhance cognitive learning among students while providing equal

opportunities for success.

The affective learning outcomes were related to confidence levels and feelings toward

caring for patient with preeclampsia. Confidence levels in caring for a patient with preeclampsia

significantly increased by the end of the course. Students reported in the pre-session quiz that

more education would improve confidence, while the post-session quiz revealed the majority of

students’ desired clinical experience. This could indicate that 81 percent of the class preferred

visual and clinical stimuli to enhance learning after foundational knowledge. The post-session

one minute reflection paper results suggested that exposure and education for disease processes

can assist students in their ability to care for patients with chronic illnesses.

The results for teaching effectiveness revealed that the students responded favorably to

the diverse teaching strategies incorporated through experiential and cooperative learning

theories. Students attentively listened during the lecture requesting the PowerPoint to be posted

prior to class for notetaking and actively participated during the demonstration of symptom

assessment and the progressive case studies. The two students that felt neutral about the

instructor’s ability to provide feedback could be related to the students sitting in the back of the

classroom, the students exhibiting a higher personal need for feedback, or that the class size may

have prohibited the instructor’s ability to acknowledge each individual on the learning process

and skills demonstration. According to Lee, Dapremont, and Sasser (2011), larger class sizes

negatively impact student satisfaction and perception of the course, but does not affect test

performance. This is consistent with the pre- and post-session scores improving and two students

feeling neutral towards individualized instructor feedback. The research is inconsistent in

defining large class sizes within nursing programs, ranging from 20 to 60 students per session;

more information is needed to determine the optimal class size for student learning and



Class size and time constraints were the greatest limitations of this project. The class size

consisted of 22 students, which made it difficult for the instructor to observe demonstrations of

symptom assessment or visit each small group during the case studies. The instructor could have

given individual feedback to each student with a smaller class size. Another limitation was time.

The project was modified to be an optional after class session to adjust for the suggested time

constraint of one hour. However, the topic of preeclampsia within the course curriculum must be

condensed to less than 30 minutes to be able to cover all required material relating to

complications of pregnancy.

Lessons Learned

During the final development of the scholarly project, instructional methods were

adapted to incorporate a more diverse learning environment. These adaptations included


mapping patient scenarios on the white board to demonstrate various pathophysiological

responses to preeclampsia and allowing students to practice skills demonstrated in the video

clips. Students were able to demonstrate assessment of clonus and deep tendon reflexes. The

practicing of skills could have been added to the learning outcomes within the psychomotor

domain to create a more versatile teaching plan.

Recommendations and Conclusions

Educating students on preeclampsia as a chronic illness with acute crises is essential for

increasing awareness and confidence in caring for patients by narrowing the academic practice

gap. Although this project was set in a classroom, the skills demonstration could be applied to

simulation and clinical post conference discussions. It is recommended that preeclampsia be

taught as a progressive disease with diverse outcomes through various instructional methods.

Teaching strategies should accommodate the diverse learner to achieve and maintain student

engagement. Further research is needed to evaluate teaching strategies to enhance student

learning and retention in relation to content topics. Additionally, it is recommended that faculty

adjust for time constraints through the use of online voiceover PowerPoints and reading

preparation prior to class. Faculty should focus class time on demonstrating skills and practicing

case studies as a group to provide sufficient opportunities for cognitive rehearsal and faculty

feedback. Finally, faculty should develop an online open forum discussion for questions and

clarification if unable to adequately address content during the lesson.



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Appendix A
Teaching Plan

Project Outcomes Learning Content Outline Teaching Simulation Session Method of

(knowledge Theories to with key strategies & & Debriefing Resources for Learner
domain level) support project concepts Learning Plans anticipated Assessment &
focus activities for class Evaluation
key concepts) enrollment

Cognitive Experiential • Review Prior to class: A low fidelity Classroom: Pre- and Post-
Domain: Learning pathophysiology (30 minutes) simulation will space, one Session Quiz:
Theory: of hypertension • Students will occur as a hour of class These exams
Students will be Focuses on the and long term read course progressive time, will be
able to categorize process of complications textbook case study in computer, administered at
hypertensive creating • Introduce chapter the classroom. projector, and the beginning
disorders of knowledge from definitions of The case study whiteboard and at the end
pregnancy based experience by preeclampsia In Class: will have three with markers of the class.
on definitions by tailoring and (120 minutes) components
the end of the education to meet hypertensive • Students will that begin with Supplies: A pre-session
lecture the needs of disorders in take the pre- a patient printing of pre- quiz can
various learning pregnancy session quiz arriving for an and post- determine the
At the end of the styles (Kolb & • Explain and prior to class induction of session students’
case study Kolb, 2011). The demonstrate (10 minutes) labor for quizzes, current level of
discussion, the students will severe features • PowerPoint preeclampsia printing of knowledge
students will be apply knowledge and symptoms lecture to and progress to case study surrounding a
able to identify from lecture and of disease introduce eclampsia. The topic, while the
four symptoms of clinicals to a progression preeclampsia students will Internet: post-session
preeclampsia progressive case • Describe care of by reviewing focus on Moodle and quiz evaluates
progression study while preeclampsia in and making symptom YouTube the students
working in small pregnancy and connections recognition and access learning over a
Affective groups. postpartum with communication course (Boyas,
Domain: • Practice caring hypertensive of patient status Human: Bryan, & Lee,
for a patient to providers. faculty advisor 2012).

Students will Cooperative with disorders (50 and faculty

report confidence Learning preeclampsia in minutes) A debrief will preceptor One-Minute
in their ability to Theory: a case study • Lecture will follow the case Reflection:
care for a patient Incorporates • Debrief as a include short study to allow External: Will be
with a chronic active learning by group after each video clips of for group course conducted at
illness during an participating in case study signs and discussion. textbook, the end of the
acute crisis after group work and • Have students symptoms literature class.
completing the thinking about take a pre- and • Small group A one-minute review of
case study and individual actions post-session progressive reflection will teaching One-minute
debrief. (Yi & LuXi, quiz of case study be completed session, and reflections
2012). The knowledge activity with by each National allow for
By the end of the students will • Individual class individual. League of students to
class, the students participate in a reflection discussion Reflections Nursing core make
will reflect on case study with during a one- and debrief allow for competencies connections
their feelings of debrief and an minute paper (45 minutes) students to feel between the
caring for a patient individual one- • One-minute safe to openly Anticipated information
with preeclampsia minute reflection reflection write about Enrollment: presented and
as a chronic illness to practice paper (5 their thoughts 15-20 students explore deep
with acute crisis in teamwork and minutes) and feelings enrolled in the insights into
a one minute examine personal • Post-session (Anderson & NRS 422, knowledge
written paper. feelings. quiz (10 Burns, 2013). spring gained
minutes) semester 2017 (Anderson &
Burns, 2013).

Appendix B
Progressive Case Studies

Case Study 1

Emma is a 17 year old African American female at 38w3d gestation. She is a G1P0 that arrived
to the hospital for an induction of labor for preeclampsia. During your admission assessment you
notice 1+ swelling on feet and lower legs bilaterally. DTR’s +2. Emma reports having a mild
headache for the past three days that has not been relieved by Tylenol.

Vital signs: Temp- 36.9 C, RR- 18, HR- 84, BP- 154/96

Patient History: depression, anxiety, BMI 45, and mild asthma.

Current Medications: prenatal vitamin when she remembers and Zoloft

Family History: Mother- chronic hypertension and preeclampsia during pregnancy

Father- arthritis and chronic back pain

Labs upon Admission Cervical Exam

HGB 12.8 gm/dl

HCT 34%
PLT 150 mm3
P/C ratio 0.35 g ↑
ALT 62 U/L
AST 54 U/L
Dilation 0
Effacement 20%
Position Posterior
Consistency Hard
Station -3
Bag of Water Intact

Plan of Care: Per provider orders- Give 25 mg Buccal Misoprostol q 4hr as needed for cervical

• What are Emma’s risk factors for developing preeclampsia?

• What does Emma’s lab values and assessment information provide the RN of current status?

• What will the nurse continue to monitor?


Case Study 2

Emma has now received 2 doses of Misoprostol. Emma reports a severe headache with spots in
her vision. Assessment reveals 2+ bilateral edema of hands, feet, and lower legs. DTR’s +3.

Vital signs: Temp- 37.1 C, RR- 16, HR- 82, BP- 168/104

Lab Values Cervical Exam

HGB 12.6 gm/dl

HCT 33%
PLT 149 mm3
P/C ratio 0.52 g ↑
ALT 62 U/L
AST 53 U/L
Dilation 2
Effacement 60%
Position Mid
Consistency Soft
Station -2
Bag of Water Intact

Plan of Care: Place a Foley bulb for cervical dilation. Give labetalol 20 mg IV immediately to
stabilize blood pressure repeat every 10 minutes as needed to maintain BP below 160/110. Begin
magnesium Sulfate IV 4 gram/hr bolus with a 1 gram/hr maintenance immediately.

• What has changed in Emma’s assessment that indicates the development of severe features?

• What is the purpose of giving both labetalol and magnesium for preeclampsia management?

• What symptoms will the nurse watch for during magnesium infusions?

Case Study 3

Emma successfully delivers a healthy baby boy 10 hours after starting the magnesium sulfate,
which is still infusing at 1 gram/hr. During the nurses 1 hour postpartum assessment you observe
no change in edema, DTR’s are +3. Emma reports severe headache on her forehead, spots in
vision, and new onset of pain on her right side.

Vital Signs: Temp- 37.1 C, RR- 20, HR- 84, BP- 176/110

After the nurse takes Emma’s blood pressure the patient eyes become wide. Her face begins to
twitch; suddenly Emma’s entire body becomes stiff and convulses.

• Prioritize and list the actions the nurse should take?

• What information during the nurse’s assessment demonstrates the magnesium was at an
ineffective dose?

• After the seizure what additional information would the nurse want to gather?
(Hint: labs, disorders, education)

Appendix C
Pre- and Post-Session Quiz
Pre-Session Post-Session
1) Match the diagnosis to the correct definition (may 1) Match the diagnosis to the correct definition (may
only use a term once): only use a term once):
• Preeclampsia ______ • Preeclampsia ______
• Pregnancy induced hypertension ______ • Pregnancy induced hypertension ______
• Superimposed preeclampsia ______ • Superimposed preeclampsia ______
• Chronic hypertension ______ • Chronic hypertension ______

A) The development of proteinuria and severe A) The development of proteinuria and severe
features in preexisting hypertension features in preexisting hypertension
B) High blood pressure condition prior to pregnancy B) High blood pressure condition prior to pregnancy
C) Persistent high blood pressure that develops C) Persistent high blood pressure that develops during
during pregnancy or postpartum, often in pregnancy or postpartum, often in occurrence with
occurrence with proteinuria proteinuria
D) New onset of high blood pressures during D) New onset of high blood pressures during
pregnancy pregnancy

2) Your patient on magnesium sulfate IV at 2 2) Your patient on magnesium sulfate IV at 2

grams/hr has routine labs taken, the magnesium grams/hr has routine labs taken, the magnesium
results read 10 mEq/L, your response is to? results read 10 mEq/L, your response is to?
A) Do nothing, the patient is in the therapeutic A) Do nothing, the patient is in the therapeutic
range range
B) Give calcium gluconate immediately B) Give calcium gluconate immediately
C) Increase the magnesium infusion rate C) Increase the magnesium infusion rate
D) Decrease the magnesium infusion rate D) Decrease the magnesium infusion rate

3) List four symptoms of preeclampsia disease 3) List four symptoms of preeclampsia disease
progression progression
1) ________________________________ 1) ________________________________
2) ________________________________ 2) ________________________________
3) ________________________________ 3) ________________________________
4) ________________________________ 4) ________________________________

4) The goal of managing preeclampsia during labor is 4) The goal of managing preeclampsia during labor is
ultimately to prevent what from occurring? ultimately to prevent what from occurring?
_________________________________________ _________________________________________

5) On a scale of 1 to 10 how CONFIDENT are you in 5) On a scale of 1 to 10 how CONFIDENT are you in
your ability to care for and recognize disease your ability to care for and recognize disease
progression in a patient with preeclampsia? progression in a patient with preeclampsia?
Not Very Not Very
Confident Confident Confident Confident
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What would make you more confident? What would make you more confident?
________________________________________ _________________________________________

Appendix D
One Minute Reflection

1) Reflect and describe your feelings of caring for a patient with preeclampsia as a chronic

illness with acute crisis.


Appendix E
Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness

Please circle the number that best represents how you feel about each statement below:
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree Agree
The instructor explained 1 2 3 4 5
new content clearly.

The class activities 1 2 3 4 5

encouraged learning.

The instructor provided 1 2 3 4 5

feedback that helped me

The instructor maintained 1 2 3 4 5

effective communication.

Overall, the instructor 1 2 3 4 5

provided a valuable
learning experience.

Appendix F
Quantitative Data: Pre- and Post-Session Quiz

Table 1.

Quantitative Data: Pre- and Post-Session Quiz

Learning Outcomes Correct Mean (SD) t df p

Overall Survey Results -7.75 21 <0.001
Pre-Session 43 4.32 (1.81)
Post-Session 76 7.59 (1.92)

1. Categorize Pregnancy Hypertensive Disorders -0.36 21 =0.72

Pre-Session 78.4 3.14 (1.08)
Post-Session 80.7 3.23 (1.07)

2. List Symptoms of Disease Progression -8.3 21 <0.001

Pre-Session 17 0.68 (0.84)
Post-Session 70.5 2.82 (1.1)

3. Level of Confidence -10.58 20 <0.001

Pre-Session 26.7 2.27 (1.91)
Post-Session 66.7 6.67 (1.06)

Appendix G
Qualitative Responses for Confidence and Feelings towards Preeclampsia

Table 2.

Qualitative Responses: Pre-and Post-Session Quiz and One Minute Reflection Paper

Learning Outcome 3: What would make you more confident *

Pre- Post-Session
Additional Education 100% 14.3%
More Experience 19% 81%
More Information and Studying 0% 4.8%
Simulation and Clinical Experience 0% 9.5%

Learning Outcome 4: Feelings towards Caring for a Patient with Preeclampsia*

Importance of Understanding 45.5%
More Comfortable 40.9%
Increase Diligence 27.3%
Desire More Education 18.2%
Stressed, Emotional, Nervous 18.2%
Scared 18.2%
Importance of Teamwork 13.6%
* Based on multiple responses for the question

Appendix H
Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness

Table 3.

Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness

The instructor The class The instructor The instructor Overall, the
explained new activities provided maintained instructor
content clearly encouraged feedback that effective provided a
learning helped me communication valuable learning
learn experience
Mean (SD) 4.64 (0.49) 4.77 (0.43) 4.5 (0.67) 4.73 (0.46) 4.91 (0.29)

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