Preview of Nitai Karuna Sindhu Lord Nityananda An Ocean of Mercy

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Nitai Karuna Sindhu (Lord Nityananda, an 

ocean of mercy) 
- Diptiman Gaurahari das & Diptimayi 
Vishnupriya devi dasi
Dedication :

Nama om vishnu-padaya Krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

Srimate Jayapataka Svamin iti namine
Nama acharya Padaya, Nitai Kripa Pradayine
Gaur Katha Dhama-udaya, Nagara Grama Tarine

We dedicate this book unto our beloved spiritual master, HH Jayapataka Swami
Guru Maharaja, whose blessings and empowerment has enabled us ineligible fools
to take up this project and serve our acharyas to our heart’s content. His Holiness
has taught us how to love and engage oneself completely in the service of Sri
Gaurasundara. An intimate associate of the Lord, he relentlessly executes his great
services, not caring a bit for his advanced age or his difficult physical condition. His
exemplary mood and instructions have been instrumental in us sustaining our
spiritual lives.Just as the addition of a sugar crystal helps transform sugarcane juice
into solid molasses, the causeless mercy of our Guru Maharaja has flooded our
desert-like hearts with the ecstatic love of Sri Gaura Nitai. We hanker for his
blessings and hope he accepts the offerings of us insignificant servants.

- Diptiman Gaurahari Das & Diptimayi Vishnupriya devi dasi

Nitai Karuna Sindhu (Lord Nityananda, an ocean of mercy) 0

Diptiman Gaurahari das & Diptimayi Vishnupriya devi dasi 0

Dedication : 1

Introduction - Who is Nityananda Prabhu ? 5

Childhood pastimes of Nitai 8

Propagating the glories and pastimes of Krishna : 9
Lord Nityananda leaves Ekachakra : 11

Meeting of Gauranga and Nityananda at Mayapur 13

Lord Nityananda and the Panihati Dahi Chida festival 16

Ecstatic Sankirtana at Raghava Bhavan : 16
Raghunatha Das’ intense desire to serve Lord Caitanya : 16
Panihati Dahi-Chida festival: 17

Lord Nityananda and Uddharana datta Thakura - Pastimes of Saptagram 23

Lord Nitai arrives at Saptagram: 24
The Madhavi Tree : 26

Lord Nityananda and Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami 31

How Krishnadasa Kaviraja could travel to Vrindavana: 31

Pastimes with Jagai and Madhai 34

Deliverance of Jagai and Madhai : 35
Prayers of Madhai : 37

Pastimes with Vrindavana Das Thakura 41

Sri Vrindavana Das settles down at Denur: 42

Amazing Pastimes of Khardaha : 47

Appearance of Kunja Vatika : 47
Pastimes with Abhirama Thakura and the appearance of Birchandra : 48
Lord Nitai’s ecstatic pastimes : 49

Pastimes with Gadadhara Das 52

Pastimes at Sri Gadadhara Das sripat, Ariadaha : 52

Lord Nityananda’s marriage with Srimati Vasudha and Jahnava, Ambika

Kalna 55
Srimati Jahnava falls unconscious : 56
Sri Nityananda weds Srimati Jahnava : 57
Srimati Vasudha is offered as Dowry : 58
Navadvipa Parikrama with Jiva Goswami 61
Glories of Navadvipa dhama : 61
Navadvipa dham parikrama : 62

Lord Nityananda tricks Lord Caitanya and His jovial conversations with
Advaita acharya 66
Lord Caitanya arrives at Santipur after His Sannyasa initiation: 66
Lord Nityananda’s jovial conversations with Advaita acharya: 67

Pastimes at Srivasa Angan 70

A crow flies away with Malini devi’s puja paraphernalia: 70
The Lord reveals to Murari Gupta that Nityananda is His elder : 71
Mahaprabhu blesses Srivasa for his devotion towards Nitai : 71

Nityananda Prabhu breaks Mahaprabhu’s sannyasa Danda (rod): 74

Mahaprabhu travels to Jagannatha Puri : 74
Lord Nitai breaks Mahaprabhu’s Sannyasa Danda : 75

A few Bhajans Glorifying Lord Nityananda : 77

Nitai Mora Jivana Dhana (Locana das Thakura): 77
Nitai Pada Kamala (Narottama das Thakura) 78
Aparupa Nitai Chander abhisheka (Vrindavana Das thakura) 79
Nitai Guna Mani amara (Locana das Thakura) 80

Additional Links 82

Introduction - Who is Nityananda Prabhu ?

nityanandam aham naumi

sarvananda-karam param
hari-nama-pradam devam

I bow down to Lord Nityananda, who is the awarder of the highest joy to all, the
bestower of the holy name and the crest jewel of all paramahamsa mendicants.

Sri Nityananda Prabhu is none other than Lord Balarama, the first expansion of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had appeared 500 years ago in the sacred
land of Birbhum (in West Bengal), in order to assist Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
manifest His most wonderful pastimes.Sri Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami mentions
in Sri Caitanya Caritamrta that Lord Krishna, who had appeared as lord Gauranga,
and Lord Balarama who had appeared as Nityananda Prabhu are like one and the
same personality, differing only in their forms.

eka-i swarupa donhe, bhinna matra kaya

adya kaya vyuha, krishna-lilara sahaya

Nityananda Prabhu is the foremost assistant of Lord Gaurahari in His amazing

pastimes. Being the first expansion of the Supreme, Nityananda Prabhu is the
source of all the other incarnations of the Supreme Lord - be it Sesh Naga, Maha
Vishnu, Garbhodakasayi Vishnu , Ksirodakasayi Vishnu, etc. It has been mentioned

across scriptures, that Sri Caitanya is the most magnanimous incarnation of the
supreme.However, it has also been concluded that Lord Nityananda is even more
merciful than Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself. It is for this reason that Srila
Vrindavana das thakura mentions in one of his bhajans that Lord Nityananda is the
limit of causeless mercy (dayara avadhi).

aare bhai Nitai amara dayara avadhi

jivera karuna kari deshe deshe phiri phiri
prema-dhana yache nirabadhi

Travelling across from one place to the other, Lord Nityananda has bestowed the
supreme treasure of pure love of God, something that is very rare even for the
greatest of the demigods, to one and all without the slightest consideration of one’s
background or qualifications. In this book we are going to try and recount some of
Lord Nityananda’s innumerable amazing pastimes, that took place here in this
sacred land of Bengal, where He had spent the most of His days preaching and
showering love.

​ ow can we even possibly try to describe our Doyal Nitai ?
His magnanimous , unique qualities are simply beyond human definition. How can
we possibly comprehend the activities of the first expansion of the Supreme Lord ,
who leaving behind all His wealth,fame and position in Vaikuntha, danced around
like a madman crying ‘Gauranga, Gauranga’ in utter ecstasy.Holding straws
between His teeth, begging from door to door and urging people to chant, He
sanctified mother earth by rolling over her dusty grounds, and bathing His beautiful
body with impurities.
Being intoxicated with love, He had bestowed the supreme treasure of pure
devotional service ,even upon those petty drunkards who had hurled broken pots at
Him and caused Him to bleed profusely.
Being completely devoid of external consciousness, Lord Nitai sometimes roamed
naked at Srivasa Angan, throwing food around like a little baby.
May the lotus feet of Lord Nitai, the saviour of the fallen souls, one who plays
eternally beneath the shades of the Bakul tree at Ekachakra, be the constant object
of our meditation.

In the words of Locana Das Thakura :

locana bole mor nitai jeba na bhajilo

janiya suniya sei atma-ghati hoilo

- Locana das proclaims, that whoever has not worshipped Lord Nityananda or
has not taken advantage of the excellent opportunity offered by Him,
knowingly commits suicide.

Please note that the pastimes which have been presented in this
book are not narrated in chronological order...

Childhood pastimes of Nitai

Lord Nityananda had appeared at Sri Ekachakra Dham (in Birbhum, Bengal), in
order to assist Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
manifest His most magnanimous pastimes. In the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Sri
Krishna broke His pledge of not using any weapons,by picking up a wheel ,and
charging towards Bhishma Deva, who was then fighting valiantly against Arjuna.
Bhishma was a great devotee of the Lord, and seeing the Lord charge at him, he at
once threw away his weapons and surrendered himself.He began singing Krishna’s
glories, hearing which the Lord calmed down and threw away the wheel that He had
picked up.This wheel is said to have flown all the way from kurukshetra to land here
in this small village of Bengal which came to be subsequently known as
Ekachakra.’Eka’ means one and ‘Chakra’ translates to wheel in bengali.
Sri Nityananda Prabhu appeared in the month of Magha, around the year 1474 AD.
in this village of Ekachakra. Sri Hadai Ojha and Srimati Padmavati Devi were His
proud parents.Sri Hadai Pandita was the incarnation of the combined potencies of
Sri Vasudeva (father of Balarama) and Sri Dasaratha (father of Lakshmana) while
Srimati Padmavati was the incarnation of the potencies of Rohini (mother Of
Balarama) and Sumitra (mother of Lakshmana).The birthplace of Lord Nitai
(Garbhavasa),here in Ekachakra, has been recently renovated and restored to its
proper health.We consider ourselves greatly blessed to have been able to obtain
darsana and smear ourselves with its sacred dust.

Propagating the glories and pastimes of Krishna :

From the very childhood, Lord Nitai exhibited His sober and intelligent nature. His
beauty surpassed that of millions of cupids. His appearance brought auspiciousness
and good fortune to His hometown, which became free from poverty and sins.When
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in Nadiya, Lord Nityananda began loudly roaring
in ecstasy. The sound of His loud roars as if penetrated the coverings of the
universe. But no one could understand the deep reasons behind His actions.
Along with His friends, little Nitai enacted beautiful dramas depicting the pastimes
of Lord Krishna and Lord Rama. They enacted the marriage pastimes of Devaki and
Vasudeva, appearance of Lord Krishna in Kamsa’s prison, pastimes of Krishna with
Putana, Dhenukasura, Bakasura.They enacted the pastimes of Krishna lifting up the
Govardhan hill, Krishna’s pastimes with Gopis and the wives of the sacrificial
brahmanas,the pastimes of Krishna killing Kamsa, etc. Sometimes, unseen by
anyone, He would enter a house where milk products were kept and steal butter
with His friends, just like Lord Balarama did in Vrindavana.Lord Nitai sometimes
played the role of Vamana deva and robbed Bali Maharaja of all His wealth in the

guise of begging charity. Sometimes depicting the pastimes of Ramachandra, Nitai
and His friends would construct a bridge to reach the kingdom of Ravana in Lanka.
The children used to bring small pieces of wood and throw them into the water, in
order to show how the army of monkeys had actually constructed the bridge over
the ocean in Treta yuga.

Once playing the role of Lakshmana, Nitai enacted the fight with Indrajit (Ravana’s
powerful son). One of His friends, who played the role of Indrajit, struck Him with a
lotus flower, which represented the powerful Shaktishel weapon that had rendered
Lakshmana unconscious. Being absorbed in the mood of Lakshmana, Nityananda
Prabhu fell down upon the ground ,on being struck, and could not be brought back
to consciousness. Fearing for the worst, the children informed the villagers about
what had happened. The villagers, including Padmavati devi and Hadai pandita,
rushed to the spot. When they found that Nityananda Prabhu did not have any
symptoms of life in His body, they broke down in tears.

Then one of His friends, who enacted the role of Hanuman, remembered what Nitai
had previously instructed. Nityananda Prabhu had informed ,before the drama
began, that He would regain His consciousness only after smelling the required
medicinal herbs, brought by Hanuman. This is exactly what had happened with
Lakshmana during His fight with Indrajit. So accordingly, the child playing the role
of Hanuman, rushed to gather the herbs from a small hillock, which represented the
Gandhamadana mountains. On the way, two of his other friends, playing the roles
of a rakshasa and a crocodile, tried to stop Hanuman and devour him. Defeating
them and also an army of demigods who obstructed his way, Hanuman could finally
reach the mountain. Not being able to find the required medicinal herb, He
uprooted the entire Gandhamadana mountain and brought it back to Lanka, where
Lakshmana (here Lord Nitai) lied unconscious.
Another child, playing the role of a Vaidya (physician), then collected the required
herbs from the mound of mud, that was brought, and held it near Nitai’s nostrils. As
soon as He smelled the medicine, Nityananda regained His lost consciousness. Sri
Hadai pandita, Padmavati devi as if regained their lives and wept tears of joy.
Understanding the deep mood of Lord Nityananda and how absorbed He was in
playing the role of Lakshmana, all remained stunned. When Hadai Pandita enquired
as to who had taught these pastimes to Him, Nityananda replied that all of these
were His eternal pastimes. Under the influence of Yogamaya, however, no one
could decipher the true meaning of His words.

Thus, from His very childhood, Lord Nityananda began propagating the glories of
Lord Hari. He was loved by one and all. All these little boys of Ekachakra hankered
to associate and spent time with Nityananda prabhu. In this way, Lord Nitai, spent
the first twelve years of His life blissfully at Sri Ekachakra dham. There is a sacred
bakul tree, that exists even today at Ekachakra, under which Lord Nitai and His

friends used to enact the various pastimes of the supreme Lord.The place has
become renowned as Bakultala (owing to the presence of this sacred Bakul
Tree).When Lord Nitai rested under this Bakul tree, its branches and leaves acted
as Sesha Naga and protected Him from heat and rain.Bakultala is smeared with the
dust of Sri Nityananda’s lotus feet and it is our supreme fortune that we could visit
and pray at this sacred site. At Bakultala, one can also visualize a beautiful union
between a banyan and a palm tree. The union of these two tall trees, is said to
signify the loving embrace between Krishna and Balarama.

Lord Nityananda leaves Ekachakra :

One evening, shortly after Lord Chaitanya had appeared on this earth, an effulgent
sannyasi approached the house of Hadai Pandita. Hadai Pandita welcomed his guest
as per proper etiquette and fed him sumptuously.Lord Nityananda and His father
spent the entire night discussing Krishna katha with the sannyasi.The night passed
in a twinkling for Hadai Pandita. In the morning, as the sannyasi was preparing to
leave,he said that he would like to have something from Hadai pandita.Hadai

Pandita assured the sannyasi that he would do all within his power to satisfy him.
The sannyasi explained that he was making pilgrimage to all the tirthas, and he
needed a good brahmacari to assist him. Hence he requested to have Nityananda
Prabhu by his side in his travels. Hadai Pandita could not believe what he had just
heard. His heart was broken. He could not even think of getting separated from his
beloved son.But on the other hand, he thought that it would be highly improper to
turn down the request of a sannyasi. He contemplated on how previously Dasaratha
maharaja, had to part with his son, Lord Rama, on Viswamitra muni's request. The
puranas say that although King Dasaratha was unable to live without Lord Rama, he
still offered Him to the sage. This is a glimpse of the great culture that existed in
India in the earlier days. A householder would go the extent of even sacrificing his
own son, to satisfy the desires of a renunciant.
Thus considering, Hadai pandita went inside his house and explained the situation
to his wife. Hearing of her husband's dilemma, Padmavati devi , though completely
heartbroken, asked her husband to do as he considered just. Hadai pandita then
approached the sannyasi and handed Lord Nityananda, his very life, over to him.
As soon as Lord Nityananda left the house, Hadai pandita fell down senseless.Even
a wood or a stone would melt hearing their cries of lamentation. Who can describe
the exalted qualities of Hadai Pandita and Padmavati devi. Even Ananta sesha with
thousands of hoods would find it difficult to recount all of their glories. In this way
Nityananda Prabhu left Ekachakra and after visiting various places of pilgrimage, all
over India, united with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Mayapur dham (as narrated in a
separate chapter).

Meeting of Gauranga and Nityananda at Mayapur

After touring various holy places, Nityananda Prabhu finally reached Vrindavana.
Visiting His previous pastime places (ie, those of Lord Balaram), He became ecstatic
and began roaring loudly. Going without any food or water, He incessantly chanted
the names of Krishna and rolled upon the sacred dust of Vrindavana dham. By this
time, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had already started revealing His devotional mood
in Navadvipa. Mahaprabhu (Krishna) started to feel an intense separation from His
brother Nitai (Balaram), and longed to have Him in His sankirtana. As soon Lord
Nityananda realized that Mahaprabhu had begun manifesting His ecstatic mood, He
at once came over to Navadvipa to assist the Lord in His magnanimous pastimes.

But Nityananda Prabhu, on reaching Navadvipa, did not directly go to meet His
beloved Lord. Instead He went and hid Himself in the house of a great devotee
named Nandan acharya. Srila Vrindavana das Thakura here writes that Nityananda
Prabhu’s transcendental body shone with brilliant effulgent rays. He was
exceedingly grave, incessantly chanting the holy names of Lord Krishna. His long
arms, His enchanting eyes, and His body that was more beautiful than millions of
moons, mesmerized one and all.Dressed as an avadhuta, He remained intoxicated
by an intense love of God. Nandan Acharya was overwhelmed to have Him as his

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, being the Supreme Lord, could understand that Sri
Nityananda had already arrived at Navadvipa. Mahaprabhu revealed to all of His
associates that last night He had a wonderful dream. In His dream, He saw a big
Ratha come and stop at His doorsteps.From the Ratha came down a beautiful
person adorning a blue dhoti and a blue turban. Holding a kamandulu in His left
hand, His steps swayed to and fro in ecstasy. He kept enquiring about the
whereabouts of Nimai Pandita’s residence. When Mahaprabhu asked who He was,
He laughed and replied that the two of them would meet the next day. Saying thus,
Sri Caitanya became absorbed in the mood of Haladhara Balarama. Then He
ordered Srivasa Pandita and Haridasa Thakura to search all over Navadvipa and
bring that great personality (whom Mahaprabhu had seen in His dream) to Him.

Srivasa Pandita and Haridasa Thakura searched all the houses of Navadvipa. They
searched the residences of Vaishnavas, sannyasis, Grihastas, atheists, etc .But
inspite of searching for nine continuous hours they could not find Lord Nityananda.
When Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard of this, He smiled and understood the
mysterious deep nature of Lord Nityananda. Only by the mercy of Sri
Gaurachandra, can one understand the glories of Lord Nityananda. Taking His
associates along, Mahaprabhu arrived at Nandan acharya’s house.

Seeing the wonderful effulgent smiling form of Nityananda Rama, who was seated
on a throne, all the devotees including Lord Caitanya paid Him their humble
obeisances. Transcendental flowers and marks of Tilaka decorated His beautiful
body. Even the moon hankered to catch a glimpse of His enchanting form.
Vrindavana Das Thakura remarks that even the heavenly drink of ‘Amrita’, drinking
which grants one immortality, is nothing as compared to beholding the smiling form
of Nityananda Rama.

Seeing Gauranga Sundara, the very Lord of His Life, Nityananda prabhu remained
speechless.Nityananda Prabhu as if drank the beautiful form of Gaura Raya with His
eyes.Mahaprabhu wanted to reveal the deep transcendental mood of Nityananda
prabhu to everyone. Hence He ordered Srivasa Pandita to read out the below shloka
from Srimad Bhagavatam, which talks about how adorning a peacock feathered
ornament upon His head, blue karnikara flowers upon His ears, a yellow garment
which shone as brilliantly as gold, and the Vijayanti garland upon His neck, Lord
Krishna entered the forests of Vrindavana and exhibited His transcendental form as
the greatest of the dancers. When He danced He beautified the ground with marks
of His lotus footprints. Krishna filled the holes of His flute with nectar of His lips
when he played upon it. The cowherd boys all sang His glories.

barhapidam nata vara vapuh karnayoh karnikaram

bibhrad vasah kanaka-kapisam vaijayantim ca malam
randhran venor adhara sudhayapūrayan gopavrindair
vrindaranyam sva-pada-ramanam pravisad gita kirtih
(Srimad Bhagavatam - 10.21.5)

As soon as Nityananda Prabhu heard these wonderful verses, He felt greatly

ecstatic and fell down onto the ground unconscious. After sometime, when He
regained His senses, He began crying piteously. His loud roars as if penetrated the
coverings of the universe. Devotees became anxious when Nityananda Prabhu fell
onto the ground again and again. They feared that His bones must have got broken
upon impact. Rolling on the dusty grounds, He sanctified mother earth with His
tears. Beholding the beautiful form of Lord Gaurahari, He released deep breaths. At
times He cried, at times He laughed, at times He danced raising His hands in the

Witnessing the wonderful ecstatic symptoms exhibited by Lord Nityananda, all the
devotees remained awestruck. Lord Caitanya, along with His associates, shed tears
of joy.Taking Lord Nityananda in His lap, Mahaprabhu, as if regained His life. It was
as if Lakshman rested in Lord Ramachandra’s lap. The emotions exhibited by the
two brothers cannot be described in mere words.The same Ananta sesh, who holds
the entire creation upon His hoods, now peacefully rests within the laps of Sri
Gaurachandra. Mahaprabhu exclaimed that the divine symptoms exhibited by Lord

Nityananda on that day were the very essence of the vedic scriptures.Anyone who
chants the glories of Nityananda prabhu, receives the greatest treasure of Krishna
prema. The Lord incessantly kept chanting the great glories of Doyal Nitai. Some
said the two brothers resembled Rama-lakshman while some said they looked like
Krishna and arjuna. Anyone who hears this beautiful narration of the meeting
between the two lords, is relieved from the clutches of material nature and receives
the pure love of God.Srila Vrindavana das thakura concludes this chapter by singing

Samsarer paar haiya bhaktira sagare

Ye dubibe se bhajuk Nitaichand-ere

Translation -​ Anyone who desires to get delivered from the bondings of this
material world, and dive into the ecstatic ocean of Lord’s love, should meditate
upon and worship Lord Nityananda.

Lord Nityananda and the Panihati Dahi Chida festival

Ecstatic Sankirtana at Raghava Bhavan :

When Nityananda Prabhu and His associates returned to bengal (from Puri), they
became guests at the house of Raghava pandita, in Panihati (West Bengal). Staying
at Raghava Bhavana, they manifested their awe inspiring pastimes continuously for
three months. A grand sankirtana took place here, in which Lord Nitai, His
associates as well as the local villagers participated. Being overwhelmed with
ecstatic love for the Lord, the devotees laughed, cried and rolled over the ground,
being completely oblivious of their external consciousness. As the sankirtana
gathered mood, the devotees began displaying their supernatural powers like lifting
up trees with their hands and jumping from one place to the other defying gravity.
By dint of their spiritual prowess, they could go on with almost no food and water
for entire three months. Whichever direction Lord Nitai would glance, he would
shower ecstatic Krishna prema without any consideration, receiving which the
devotees would at once fall down unconscious.

Thereafter, Nityananda prabhu’s abhiseka was performed here at Panihati. Caitanya

Bhagavata describes a beautiful pastime in which Lord Nitai ordered Raghava
Pandita to offer Him a garland of Kadamba flowers.When Raghava pandita humbly
replied that the Kadamba flowers were not yet in season, Lord Nitai requested him
to go and look around his house and search for kadamba flowers. Upon searching,
and to everyone’s surprise, Raghava Pandita could indeed find Kadamba flowers
growing upon his lime trees. He then quickly strung a garland out of these flowers
and offered it to Nityananda prabhu. Such exalted pastimes have taken place at
Raghava Pandita’s house.

It was here at Panihati, on the bank of the Ganges, that Raghunatha Das Goswami,
the son of the erstwhile wealthy landlord of Saptagram, Sri Govardhan Majumdar,
had received the causeless mercy of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. It was Nityananda
prabhu’s mercy that enabled Sri Raghunatha to later obtain shelter and service at
the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya.Raghunatha went on to become one of the six
Goswamis of Vrindavana and is renowned all over the three worlds for his
renunciation and love for the Supreme.

Raghunatha Das’ intense desire to serve Lord Caitanya :

Raghunatha das happens to be an eternal associate of Lord Caitanya. He hankered
for Mahaprabhu’s association even from the early days of his childhood.​In fact he

was the first of the six Goswamis to have met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When he
was just fifteen years old, he obtained darsana of the Lord for the first time when
the Lord had advented to Santipur. The Lord was then staying at the residence of
Advaita Acharya. The Lord had already accepted His sannyasa initiation by
then.Seeing the Lord, little Raghunatha immediately fell down at His lotus feet and
seeked His blessings.

Srila Raghunatha Das would often run away from his home, so that he could go to
Jagannatha Puri and take shelter of Lord Caitanya.But his parents would somehow
find him and bring him back to his home forcibly .Things gradually became so bad,
that Raghunatha Das was always watched upon by his father’s guards in order to
keep him from running away.Though his parents were also vaishnavas, yet they
were attached to their material life. They desired that their son would continue
executing his worldly duties along with serving Mahaprabhu’s mission.But
Raghunatha Das had other intentions and was destined to dedicate his life solely in
the service of Lord Gaurahari.
Four years on, Mahaprabhu and Raghunatha met once more. This time the Lord had
advented to Santipur after completing His tour of south India. Hearing of the Lord’s
arrival, Raghunatha could not be contained anymore.Taking the permission from his
reluctant parents, he rushed to meet the Lord.He surrendered himself unto His
lotus feet and expressed his keen desire to renounce family life completely. He
wanted to accompany the Lord and stay with Him at Puri.Lord Caitanya ,however,
refused to take Raghunatha das, and sent him back to his home. He advised him to
be patient and not to behave like a crazy person. Lord Caitanya instructed him not
to become a show-bottle renunciate (markata vairagi) and instead have faith upon
Krishna and continue to deal normally with the outside world like an ordinary
person.Mahaprabhu revealed to Raghunatha, that in this way, Krishna shall become
very pleased with him and soon deliver him from the clutches of maya.

Taking Lord Caitanya’s instructions to his heart, Srila Raghunatha became pacified
and returned back.In due course of time he got married to a very beautiful lady,
and his parents were very happy seeing Raghunatha take interest in worldly
affairs.But actually Raghunatha always contemplated upon the lotus feet of Sri
Caitanya and longed to receive His association very soon.

Panihati Dahi-Chida festival:

When Raghunatha das came to know that Nityananda Prabhu had come to panihati,
it was hard to contain him. Hence his parents ,though reluctant, finally agreed to
allow him to visit panihati and seek blessings of Lord Nityananda. They feared that
their son would run away from home once again.Hence being properly protected by
guards, Sri Raghunatha arrived at panihati.​Seeing Lord Nitai, Raghunatha Das

offered his obeisances from a distance. Observing this, Nityananda prabhu asked
Raghunatha as to why he was standing so far. Actually Raghunatha Das considered
himself ​too contaminated and too materialistic to even approach Him. Nityananda
prabhu called Raghunatha near, and touched His lotus feet upon his head , thus
blessing him. Raghunatha seeked Lord Nityananda’s blessings so that he could soon
be released from the bondage of family life and surrender himself fully unto
Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Nitai showered His causeless mercy upon Raghunatha das
and assured him that his desires would soon be fulfilled.Lord Nitai then also
requested all of His associates to bless Raghunatha wholeheartedly.All the intimate
associates of Nityananda Prabhu - Sri Uddharana datta Thakura, Gaudidasa
Pandita, Gadadhara das, Murari Caitanya,Parameshwari das, etc were present over
there on that day.

Lord Nityananda then expressed His desire that Raghunatha das, being a son of a
zamindar (landlord) and a very rich person, should feed all of them
sumptuously.Lord Nitai joked that Raghunatha, who was praying from a distance
like a thief had been caught, and so he had to receive this Danda
(punishment).Raghunatha became very happy to hear this and immediately made
the necessary arrangements to feed all the vaishnavas dahi-chida( curd and
chipped rice). It is said that not only Lord Nitai and His associates but all the local
devotees honoured the delicacy to their full content.​There were so many devotees,
that all of them could not be accommodated on the bank of the ganges; hence
many devotees, went and stood inside the river submerging themselves up to their
necks to attend the sumptuous feast.​ Lord Nityananda was so happy with the
arrangement that He meditated upon Sri Caitanya, who immediately appeared over
there in His transcendental form. No one could see Him however, except for
Nityananda Prabhu and a select few.Thereafter the two Lords went over each and
every clay pot.Taking a morsel of chipped rice from each pot ,they put it into the
other’s mouth. Such was the loving reciprocation they enjoyed.This is how the great
Dahi-Chida festival (sometimes also referred to as the Danda-mahotsav) ​came into
being and the Gaudiya vaishnava devotees from all over the world gather even
today at Panihati to commemorate this occasion every year.

Raghunatha Das went onto become a stalwart vaishnava and became renowned as
one of the six great Goswamis of Vrindavana.His renunciation and intense love for
the supreme shall forever be glorified in the pages of Gaudiya history.

It is also very important to note at this point, that without the mercy of Nityananda
Prabhu, it is not possible for one to gain the shelter of Lord Caitanya (as we see in
the case of Raghunatha das Goswami). Hence it is very important for us to aspire
the cooling shades of Lord Nitai’s lotus feet to make any significant progress in our
spiritual lives.

Nitai pada kamala, koti candra sushitala
je chhayay jagata juray
heno Nitai bine bhai, radha krishna paite naai
dridha kori dharo nitai-er paay

-Locana Das Thakura

Lord Nityananda and Uddharana datta Thakura -
Pastimes of Saptagram

Sri Uddharana Datta Thakura is an eternal associate of Lord Nityananda. He is one

of the most prominent of the twelve cowherd boys (Dvadasha Gopala) who had
assisted the Lord manifest His magnanimous pastimes.Sri Gaura Ganoddesha
Dipika reveals that Sri Uddharana Datta was the incarnation of Subahu, the
intimate friend of Krishna and Balarama in vrindavana. Nityananda Prabhu, was his
very life and soul and he had served his master in all possible ways.Prema Vilasa
reveals that Lord Nitai used to relish the prasada cooked by Uddharana Datta. Not
only He but even Sri Gaurahari enjoyed Uddharana’s cooking a lot. Srila
Krishnadasa Kaviraja reveals that Sri Uddharana datta Thakura was the foremost of
the Maha Bhagavata devotees who had completely engaged his mind,body and
words in serving Nityananda Prabhu, his eternal Gurudeva.

Maha bhagavata sreshtha datta Uddharana

Sarba bhave seve Nityanandera carana
(caitanya caritamrta, Adi, 11.41)

It was here at Saptagram, that Lord Nitai had performed the most magnanimous
pastimes of delivering the members of the Gold mercantile community, who were
looked down upon in those days. There was another reason for Lord Nityananda’s
advent to Saptagram, and it was to reunite with his eternal servant, Sri Uddharana
Datta Thakura.Srila Prabhupada mentions in his purport, that Sri Uddharana Datta
was born with the right to worship Sri Nityananda Prabhu.Sri Uddharana belonged
to the caste of suvarna baniks (gold merchants) who were looked down upon in the
society, in those days.Lord Nitai however stayed in Saptagram,at the house of Sri
Uddharana Datta, for many months, and by His grace and association ,all the
suvarna baniks (gold mercantile community) regained their stature. Sri Caitanya
Bhagavata also glorifies the ecstatic pastimes that patita pavana Lord Nitai had
manifested at Saptagram in order to deliver the members these so called outcastes.

yateka banik kula Uddharana haite

pavitra haila dvidha nahika ihate
(Caitanya Bhagavata)

Surrendering his life unto the lotus feet of his spiritual master, Sri Uddharana , who
had hailed from a very opulent gold mercantile family,subsequently renounced his
wealth, fame ,prestige and accepted the robes of a mendicant to further the cause

of Krishna consciousness.Being Nityananda Prabhu’s personal cook, Sri Uddharana
received the rare fortune of accompanying the Lord wherever He travelled.

It has been mentioned by Srila Prabhupada, in one of his purports, that these
suvarna baniks (Gold merchants) of Saptagram were originally Vaishnavas. They
were very rich owing to their profitable family business. Long ago, there was a
dispute between one of these suvarna baniks, whose name was Gouri sen, and
Ballal Sen, the erstwhile king of Bengal. Ballal Sen took loans from Gouri Sen and
spent that money extravagantly. So Gouri Sen eventually stopped providing loans
to the king. In order to extract revenge, Ballal Sen instigated a social conspiracy
and defamed the entire Gold mercantile community. From then on, these Gold
merchants were considered outcastes and were looked down upon.However by the
grace of Lord Nityananda, they regained their social status once more.
Sri A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder acharya of Iskcon, traces back
his own family lineage to this gold mercantile community of Saptagram. He
mentions how the Britishers had established Calcutta, taking the financial help and
assistance of these suvarna baniks (Gold merchants).These businessmen had later
come down from their ancestral homes in Adisaptagram, to set up their businesses
in Calcutta. The Bengalis with the title De ,Sil or Mullick actually belong to this same
family lineage and hence share the same gotra (Srila Prabhupada’s earlier name
was ‘Abhaya Carana De’). The title ‘Mullick’ was later awarded by the Muslim
rulers,to those in this mercantile community who intimately associated and
conducted business with them.But despite the different surnames, all these family
members share a common ancestral root.

Lord Nitai arrives at Saptagram:

“Premer banya laiya Nitai aila Gauda-deshe

Dubilo Bhakata jana, dina hina bhase”

From Locana Das Thakura’s immortal song ”Nitai Guna mani amara” , we
understand how lord Nitai flooded Bengal with pure love of God. Wherever He went,
whomsoever He looked upon, got drenched in a wave of ecstasy.
After delivering countless sinners and fallen souls, Lord Nitai advented to
Saptagram. The dust of His lotus feet, which is so rare and desired even by the
likes of even Brahma and Shiva, can easily be obtained by one, who takes shelter
of this holy dham. After taking His bath at Triveni, Nitai sat beneath a tree and
started loudly chanting the holy names of the Lord in an intoxicated mood. The
sweet sound of the Krishna’s names struck a chord in the heart of Lord Nitai’s
eternal servant, Sri Divakara Datta (Uddharana datta) who then came running to
the bank of the river. Recognizing his worshipful master, he at once fell down upon
His lotus feet,and began crying profusely.These tears however were tears of

ecstasy, that a servant felt on being reunited with his eternal spiritual master.
Nityananda prabhu consoled Divakar ,and embraced him dearly.
Though it is true that Lord Nitai had come to saptagram to deliver the Gold
mercantile community, yet His primary purpose was to reunite with his beloved
Uddharana. Lord Nityananda had resided at the Sripat(house) of Sri Uddharana
datta Thakura ,here at Saptagram, continuously for three months, exhibiting
innumerable miraculous pastimes.We consider ourselves exceedingly fortunate to
have been able to visit this exalted dham and seek the mercy of the Lord and His

The Bhakti Ratnakar exclaims :

Uddharana Datta Kripa kori ganashane

Ailen datta Uddhrana bhavane
Saptagram basi shuni prabhura gamana
Chaturdik dhaya lok karite darsana
Uddharana adi grihe bare mahananda
Saba nritya kirtane bihavala Nityananda...

Translation -​ Sri Nityananda prabhu arrived in saptagram at the house of Sri

Uddharana datta in order to shower special mercy upon him and to reveal to
everyone Sri Uddharana’s true identity.Hearing the news of Lord Nitai’s arrival, the
local residents rushed to obtain His darsana. As a result the house of Sri Uddharana
thakura became inundated with devotees. All of them wanted to catch a glimpse of
Lord Nitai who sang and danced in ecstasy.

Lord Nitai accepted Sri Divakara as His dear servant, and soon initiated him. Upon
initiation, Sri Divakar received the new name of ‘Uddharana’ (one who delivers) , a
name by which he became widely renowned subsequently .Sri Vasudeva Ghosh
greatly glorifies the manifested pastimes of Adisaptagram in his bhajans-

Vasu bale vaikunthera lila datta-er ghare,

Uddharana bhajile Nitai kripa kare,
Dhruva-prahlada sama tenhu Nitai Bhajila,
Tanaka lagi dundhuvi bajila

Translation -​ Sri​ ​Vasu Ghosh here describes, how the amazing pastimes of
Vaikuntha were being manifested at the house of Sri Uddharana datta Thakura. One
who meditates upon and sings glories of Sri Uddharana Datta is a fit candidate to
receive the merciful glance of Lord Nityananda.
Sri Uddharana Datta’s love and devotion for the lord is akin to that of great
devotees like Sri Prahlada and Dhruva Maharaja.

Sri Uddharana was Lord Nityananda’s personal cook and by accepting the prasadam
cooked by him, though he belonged to a so-called low caste, Nitai demonstrated to
the entire world, that Krishna consciousness is not dependant upon the petty
considerations of one’s caste and creed.The only factors that determine one’s
stature in spiritual life, is the love and dedication one possesses towards Sri Guru
and Gauranga. Sri Uddharana Datta Thakura was a stalwart Maha Bhagavata
vaishnava by such considerations.
Sri Uddharana datta had a very big heart.He was not only very rich, but also
extremely merciful. Once there was a devastating famine in Saptagram and the
people were dying of disease and malnutrition. Sri Uddharana Datta, feeling
compassionate, had then organised a massive relief program. He had set up a camp
on 10 acres of land, and constructed huge warehouses storing rice,
lentils,vegetables ,etc. The food was then utilized to feed the poor and needy. The
eastern railway station of ‘Adi-Saptagram’ presently stands on this very piece of
land which had previously been utilised for the relief purposes by Sri
Uddharana.Being rich and influential, he had also arranged for construction of
residential buildings by clearing away the jungles, so that the homeless could find
shelter. Sri Uddharana was a gem of all virtues.

The Madhavi Tree :

Lord Nityananda spent His days at saptagram singing and dancing in ecstasy. The
entire village of saptagram gathered at Sri Uddaharana’s house to catch a glimpse
of merciful Nitai.

Sastibar gaya aar Uddharana nache

Nitai chande hena bhakti kotha kar ache

Translation -​ Sastibar, a melodious singer who was a favorite of Lord Nitai ,sang
while Sri Uddharana Datta Thakura danced. Who else was capable of exhibiting
more love and devotion towards Lord Nityananda?

The waves of Harinama washed one and all. Irrespective of one’s caste,
qualification or status, people were getting delivered.Lord Nitai freely distributed
the treasure of Krishna Prema, that eluded even the great demigods like Brahma
and Shiva. But there was one brahmana, who had not yet received the mercy.
Being envious he found it difficult to tolerate the widespread chanting of the Lord’s
holy names.Hence with an intention to insult Nityananda prabhu, he arrived at the
residence of Uddharana Datta one day. There he started off a debate on whether
the path of Jnana (dry speculation) or Bhakti (devotional service) was superior. Sri
Nityananda didn’t want to defeat the brahmana right away and hence prolonged the
discussion. Soon it was time for lunch and Nityananda Prabhu invited the brahmana

to accept lunch with them.The brahmana obliged and after taking his bath, he sat
down to honour prasadam. Before accepting the prasada, the brahmana enquired
about the cook. When he heard that Sri Uddharana Datta had prepared the meal,
he got very angry and wanted to leave immediately. He argued that a brahmana
cannot be accepting food that was cooked by a low caste Suvarna banik. Lord Nitai
cited him several references from the revealed scriptures .He tried to explain that
the remnants of Sri Krishna, is always pure and is completely spiritual, and should
be always accepted irrespective of whoever had cooked it. Besides, caste and creed
is something based on one’s qualities and not upon birth. Nitai concluded by saying
that prasadam cooked by a great vaishnava like Uddharana Datta, was fit to be
accepted by all.The brahmana being thus pacified ,sat down again.
The brahmana was enraged once more seeing Sri Uddharana personally serve the
prasada. He could not accept that he would have to eat food that was contaminated
by a low caste. He got up from his seat once more. This time he could not be
pacified.Nityananda prabhu then asked Sri Uddharana to hand Him over his cooking
stick. Nitai, took the stick and planted it onto the ground. By His mystical potency,
in front of everyone’s eyes, a beautiful fragrant Madhavi tree immediately
manifested from that stick. The Madhavi tree still stands today sheltering the
samadhi of Sri Uddharana Datta at his house in Saptagram. The tree as if bends
down and showers it's beautiful madhavi flowers as an offering to our great
Vaishnava saint.

Seeing the miracle right before their eyes, all present were stunned.The Brahmana
was shocked and kept staring at the tree for some time. Coming back to his senses,
he offered his respectful obeisances unto the Madhavi Tree.Crying and chanting
‘Haribol ! Haribol’ he started rolling over the ground in ecstasy and smeared its
sacred dust all over his body. Getting up he begged forgiveness from Sri Uddharana
and Lord Nityananda. He requested Sri Uddharana to kindly bless him by serving
him the prasadam. The Prasadam, he said, will not only satisfy the hunger of his
stomach but also the thirst for pure love of God that had eluded him.Thus by the
causeless mercy of Lord Nitai and Uddharana Datta, the envious brahmana was

One who contemplates upon these beautiful pastimes that Lord Nityananda had
enacted here at saptagram is relieved of all his miseries. That is why Sri Bhakti
Ratnakara sings -

Saptagram darsane shakala dukha hare

Yatha prabhu Nityananda anande vihare

- One who takes darsana of this holy town of Saptagram, is relieved of all his
material suffering. Lord Nityananda forever resides and enacts His blissful
pastimes over here.



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