MYP Unit Planner - Spacious Interiors

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The key takeaways from the unit plan are that the unit focuses on finding the surface areas and volumes of 3D shapes like pyramids, cones and spheres. It aims to help students enjoy the creative representation of transformed objects and quantities.

The objectives of the unit are for students to be able to select appropriate mathematics to solve problems, apply mathematical problem solving techniques to discover patterns, use appropriate forms of mathematical representation and communicate reasoning. It also aims to apply mathematics in real-life contexts.

The summative assessment task involves students creating a 3D shape that can be transformed into another shape. They then need to create and present a model, reflecting on their work and applying their understanding.

Teacher(s) Lakshmi Syamala Subject group and discipline Mathematics

Unit title Spacious Interiors MYP year 4 Unit duration (hrs) 20

Inquiry: Finding the surface areas and volumes of any 3D shapes (Including pyramids, cones, and spheres)

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Form: Representation and Quantity Personal and cultural expressions

Form refers to the understanding of the Representation: Its very important that how Exploration: Artistry, craft, creation, beauty
operation and shape of structure by its will you present your work in a proper way so
properties. that others can easily understand.
Quantity: It is an amount (a number). Quantity
gives a clear idea of an answer asked for
(Volume of certain vessel is in the shape of

Statement of inquiry

Studying the forms of transformed objects in some quantity helps us to enjoy the creative representation of them.

Inquiry questions

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Factual—What is the difference between area and surface area? What are some properties of pyramids, prisms, cylinders, and cones?
Conceptual—How are the surface areas of pyramids, cones and spheres related.
Debatable— Is there a best method of finding the volume?

Objectives Summative assessment

Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding Watch the video. Relationship between summative assessment
• Select appropriate mathematics when task(s) and statement of inquiry:
solving problems in both familiar and The task given to children is to create an 3D
unfamiliar situations. shape and transform to another 3D shape as
• Apply the selected mathematics Transforming one
shape to another.mp4
shown in the video. The task specifies that the
successfully when solving problems. children must create their own and present.
• Solve problems correctly in a variety of (Courtesy Eklavya series 3030, IIT My SOI justifies this. The main idea is a
contexts Gandhinagar) creation, there criterion B justifies (select and
Criterion B: Investigating patterns Create any geometrical 3D shape that can be apply mathematical problem-solving
transformed into other 3D geometrical shape. techniques to discover complex patterns.)
• Select and apply mathematical problem- For example, you can create pentagon and My reflection on this task is, it involves
solving techniques to discover complex transformed to square. You can consider any knowing and understanding (Criterion A) of
patterns. appropriate dimensions in making 3D shape. shapes, discover patterns (Criterion B),
• Describe patterns as general rules consistent The task involves artistry, creation, and beauty. communicate through their presentation
with findings. You must create a model of your choice as (Criterion C) and how they can use their
• Prove, or verify and justify, general rules. shown in video. After completion of the task creation in real life (Criterion D).
reflect on your work.
Criterion C: Communication:
• Use appropriate forms of mathematical

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representation to present information.
• Move between different forms of
mathematical representation.
• Communicate complete, coherent, and
concise mathematical lines of reasoning.
• Organize information using a logical
Criterion D: Applying mathematics in
real-life contexts.
• Identify relevant elements of authentic real-
life situations.
• Select appropriate mathematical strategies
when solving authentic real-life situations.
• Apply the selected mathematical strategies
successfully to reach a solution.
• Justify the degree of accuracy of a solution.
• Justify whether a solution makes sense in
the context of the authentic real-life situation.

Approaches to learning (ATL)

• Organize and depict information logically.
Self-management Skill
• Set goals that are challenging and realistic.

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Social Skill
• Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making.
Transfer Skills
• Use effective learning strategies in subject groups and disciplines
Thinking Skill
• Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Specious interiors Learning experiences and teaching Formative Assessment Differentiation

1. Areas related to the strategies Prior knowledge test on areas (2D Students are given independence to
shapes Week 1(4 hours) shapes) and volumes (Prisms-cube choose the item. They can choose an
and cuboid) easy item to measure to gain the
2. Volumes of 3D confidence on what they know.
How was this topic delivered? Individual Task:
Pen and paper test: The paper
3. Congruency and Prior knowledge understanding, Worksheets Students are applying the knowledge
consists of range of questions for the
similarities given to understand background knowledge, of surface area and volume to
different learning ability students
introducing the topic Areas related to the measure the picked item
4. Circle geometry Students are provided with the
independence of showing their end
What strategies were used to deliver this products using 3D models.

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Chalk talk, Think Pair Share, Mind maps. It’s the creative of expressing their
What activities were done?
Individual Task:
Debates, Quiz
Each of them expresses their
What resources understanding on their learning.
Individual task
Videos, book references were used to
enhance understanding of the topic. Students are provided with a pen and
paper task to know their “knowing
Week 2 (4 hours) and understanding”
Framing the SOI, GC, KC, Objectives and Goal: The Form and Creativity must
RC to connect the content. be considered while understanding
the structures and their exploration.
What strategies were used to deliver this
topic? Role: Students are to create their 3d
shape and make a adjustable coffee
Chalk talk, Think Pair Share. (Tea)table.
Audience: Peer students and teachers
Drawing 2D,3D objects
*Oblique drawings of triangular prism and Situation: Students after learning the
square pyramid concepts
Need to prepare a blueprint which
helps them apply the concepts of
Week 3 (4 hours)
Discussion on surface areas and volumes of Students are to write a report
different shapes justifying their design
[Communicating] and detailing how

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Discuss the congruency and similary of they can build their coffee table.
shapes [Application]
Purpose: In the process of learning
Improving the problem-solving skills
Students are designing the table in
Week 4 (4 hours) which they are applying their
conceptual understanding in real life
Discuss the properties of circles, theorems context and understanding the role of
and solving problems based on circle an architect by making blueprint.
Criterion: Student’s task will be
Week 5 (4 hours) judged by its accordance with both
project’s main theme and work will
Summative assessment be based on criterion A, B, C and D.


Eklavya series 3030, IIT Gandhinagar

Oxford MYP mathematics 4&5 (standard and extended) resouce book.

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Library and internet

Reflection: Considering the planning, process, and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Students have taken initiative in framing the The unit was executed as planned Students were able to apply the concepts in the
unit of geometry. The thinking tools and strategies made learning day-to-day life and realised how the concept of
more approachable and engaging. geometry is architure.
The attributes students displayed were
The world is integrating technology with each The summative assessment task serves the
Being Risk Takers:
discipline which is helping them to enhance distinguished levels and helped the students to
We approach uncertainty with forethought and their learning and reflect. During the showcase their understanding in mode of
determination; we work independently and summative assessment task students are convenience.
cooperatively to explore new ideas and encouraged to use tools like 3D shapes models Look for more tools to make the learning of
innovative strategies. properties of triangles more hands on and
to showcase their task.
It is a student driven inquiry in which students The inquiry was engaging and helped students
have designed the teaching curriculum and visualize their learning better using practical The tools inculcated were quite helpful and
have taken runs to implement it. there is a scope of introducing more.
Geometry is an interesting topic as it gives
practical examples from the things around you,
it involves students taking the role of being
architects and evolve their thinking.
Attributes of the learning profile this unit offer
students opportunities to develop are
Being communicators:
Expressing themselves confidently and
creatively through mathematical language.

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Working collaboratively and listening carefully
to other individuals and groups gives scope to
innovative ideas.
Students like to have hands on learning
experience as geometry has scope of more
practical learning.

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