Chapter 6: The Second Law of Thermodynamics: η net wor k output total heat output W Q Q Q

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Chapter 6: The Second Law of Thermodynamics

6.1: Introduction to the Second Law

 1st Law: conservation of energy
 2nd Law: entropy
6.2: Thermal Energy Reservoirs
 Thermal energy capacity
o Mass x specific heat
 Large thermal energy capacity that can supply or absorb finite amounts of heat without
undergoing any change in temperature
o Ex. Large bodies of water
o Two-phase system
o Industrial furnace: capable of carrying large quantities of thermal energy
 Also known as heat reservoirs
o Source: reservoir that supplies energy in the form of heat
o Sink: reservoir that absorbs energy in the form of heat
6.3: Heat Engines High Temp: Source
 Devices that convert heat to work Qin
o Receive heat from high temp sources Heat EngineWnet,out
o Convert this part of heat to work Qout
o Reject remaining waste heat to a low temp sink Low Temp: Sink
o Operate on a cycle
 Working fluid: liquid through which heat is transferred to and from

Pump Turbine
 Wnet = Wout – Win
 Thermal Efficiency
o Measure of how efficiently a heat engine converts the heat that it receives to work
net wor k output W net , out Q out
o ηth = = =1−
total heat output Q¿ Q¿
o Work producing devices = relatively low efficiency
 Can we save Qout?
o Every heat engine must waste some energy by transferring it to a low-temperature
reservoir in order to complete the cycle
 Even in idealized conditions
 Kevin-Plank Statement
o It is possible for any device that operates on a cycle to receive heat from a single
reservoir and produce a net amount of work
o No heat engine can have a thermal efficiency of 100%
o For a power plant to operate the working fluid must exchange heat w/ the environment
as well as the furnace
6.4: Refrigerators and Heat Pump
 Refrigerators: transfer of heat from low temp to high temp
o Uses refrigerant
o Refrigerant enters compressor as a vapor and is compressed to the condenser pressure
o Leaves compressor at a relatively high temp and cools down and condenses as it flows
through the coils of the condenser by rejecting heat to the surrounding medium
o Enters capillary tube where its pressure and temp drop drastically due to throttling
o Low temp refrigerant then enters the evaporator where it evaporates by absorbing heat
from the refrigerated space
o Cycle completed as the refrigerant leaves the evaporator and reenters the compressor
 Vapor-compression refrigerant cycle
o Compressor
o Condenser
o Expansion valve
o Evaporator
 Coefficient of Performance
o Efficiency of a refrigerator
Desired Output QL
COP R= =
Required Output QL 1
 W net ,∈¿ = = ¿
Q H −Q L Q H
 Heat Pumps
o Transfers heat from a low temp to high temp
Desired Output QH
Required Output QL 1
o W net ,∈¿ = = =COPR + 1¿
 Air conditioners is a type of refrigerator
 Energy efficiency rating: performance
o EER = 3.412 COPR
 Clausius Statement
o It is impossible to construct a device that operates in a cycle and produces no effect
other than the transfer of heat from a lower temp body to a higher temp body
 Any device that violates Kevin-Planck violates Clausius
6.5: Perpetual-Motion Machines
 Any machine that violates either law of thermodynamics
o Perpetual motion machine of first kind: violates 1st law
o Perpetual motion machine of second kind: violates 2 nd law
6.6: Reversible and Irreversible Processes
 Reversible process: process that can be reversed w/o leaving any trace on the surroundings
o Car engines, gas or steam turbines deliver most work
o Compressors, fans, and pumps consume the least work
o Second law efficiency: degree of approximation to the corresponding reversible process
 Irreversible process: process that are not reversible
o Irreversibilities
 Factors that cause a process to be irreversible
 Friction
 Unrestrained expansion of a gas
 Heat transfer
6.7: The Carnot Cycle
 Four reversible process
o Two isothermal and two adiabatic
 Reversible Isothermal Expansion
 TH = constant
 Gas allowed to expand slowly  temp of gas decreases
 Reversible since gas temp kept constant
 QH  amount of total heat transferred to gas
 Reversible Adiabatic Expansion
 TH TL
 Gas continues to expand slowly
 Does work until temp drops to TL
 Piston frictionless
 Reversible Isothermal Compression
 TL = constant
 Gas is compressed  temp rises
 Heat transferred from gas to sink
 Sink never exceeds dT
 QL = amount of heat rejected from gas
 Reversible Adiabatic Compression
 TL  T H
 Low temp reservoir is removed
 Gas returns to initial state
 Temp rises from TL to TH
 Reversed Carnot Cycle
o Carnot refrigeration cycle
6.8: The Carnot Principles
 The efficiency of an irreversible heat engine is always less than the efficiency of a reversible one
operating between the same two reservoirs
 The efficiencies of all reversible heat engines operating between the same 2 reservoirs are the
 ***No heat engine can be more efficient than a reversible heat engine
6.9: The Thermodynamic Temperature Scale
 ηth ,rev =g(T H , T L )
 =f ( T H , T L )
 ( )
QL rev
6.10: The Carnot Heat Engine
¿ ηth ,rev irreversible heat engine

ηth = ¿ ηth , rev reversible heat engine
¿ ηth ,rev impossible heat engine
 Thermal efficiency of actual heat engines can be maximized by supplying heat to the engine at
the highest possible temperature and rejecting heat from the engine at the lowest possible
 Quality of Energy
o More of the high temp thermal energy can be converted to work.
o Higher the temp, higher the quality of the energy.
6.11: The Carnot Refrigerator and Heat Pump
 COP for reversible switch out Q w/ H
¿ COP R ,rev irreversible refrigerator

COP R= ¿ COP R , rev reversible refrigerator
¿ COP R ,rev impossible refrigerator

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