START 8:15
Looking Back at
Human Biocultural
and Social Evolution
Biological and Cultural
Evolution: from Homo Habilis
(or earlier) to Homo Sapiens
in the Fossil Record
1. Biological and cultural evolution: from Homo habilis (or
earlier) to Homo sapiens sapiens in the fossil record
2. Cultural and sociopolitical evolution: from hunting and
gathering to the agricultural, industrial, and post-industrial
Homo habilis, known as 'handyman' is a
species of the genusHomo which lived from
approximately 2.33 to 1.4 million years ago,
during the Gelasian Pleistocene period. The
discovery and description of this species are
credited to both Mary and Louis Leakey, who
discovered the fossils in Tanzania between 1962
and 1964.
Homo erectus– after Homo habilis came, the Homo
erectus who was also upright. He had a smaller but
longer face, less prominent or absent chin, larger brain
size, and prominent speech. He knew how to make
and use tools, he made a fire and knew how to control
it. Homo erectus was carnivorous. He knew the
existence of groups and they began spreading from
Africa to Asia and Europe. The Java Man and Peking
Man had brain capacities similar to the modern man at
1300cc. They were cave dwellers.
Peking Man (Homo erectus pekinensis, formerly known by the junior
synonym Sinanthropus pekinensis) is a group of fossil specimens of Homo erectus,
dated from roughly 750,000 years ago, discovered in 1929–37 during excavations
at Zhoukoudian (Chou K'ou-tien) near Beijing (at the time spelled Peking), China.
Between 1929 and 1937, 15 partial crania, 11 mandibles, many teeth, some skeletal
bones and large numbers of stone tools were discovered in the Lower Cave at Locality 1
of the Peking Man site at Zhoukoudian. Their age is estimated to be between about
Homo sapiens– After Homo erectus came, the Homo
sapiens who separated into two types:
They had a brain size larger than modern man and were
gigantic in size. Also, they had a large head and jaw and
were very powerful and muscular. They were carnivores and
the tools from the era indicate they were hunters. They were
also caving dwellers but their caves were more comfortable
and they lived in groups and hunted for food gathering.
2) Homo sapiens sapiens