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Ocular biometry in an adult Ghanaian population

Purpose: To measure ocular biometry and its correlates in an adult population. Materials and Methods: The measured biometric data
included central corneal thickness (CCT), corneal power (K), anterior chamber depth (ACD), lens thickness (LT), vitreous chamber depth (VCD),
axial length (AL), and spherical refractive error (SER) in 162 adult eyes. Results: The mean CCT was 506.7 ± 39.2  µm, mean K was:
K1 = 42.50 ± 2.00 D, K2 = 43.50 ± 2.44 D, the mean AL was 24.2 ± 1.3 mm, ACD had a mean of 3.5 ± 0.6 mm, LT (mean of 3.9 ± 0.8 mm),
VCD (mean of 16.4 ± 1.39 mm), and SER ranged from -10.00 D – +8.00 D. There were no significant correlations between the CCT and
SER (r = 0.06, P = 0.44), LT (r = 0.06, P = 0.59), ACD (r = −0.12, P = 0.12), AL (r = −0.02, P = 0.98), and VCD (r = −0.05, P = 0.68). Pearson’s
correlation coefficient tests showed that AL was significantly positively correlated with ACD (r = 0.4, P < 0.001) and VCD (r = 0.73, P < 0.001)
and negatively correlated with LT (r = −0.22, P < 0.05). A significant negative weak correlation was found between LT and ACD values (r = −0.22,
P < 0.05). Conclusion: A thin CCT was observed among an adult Ghanaian population. CCT was found to be independent of AL. Correlation
among ocular biometry showed that AL positively correlated with ACD and negatively correlated with LT.

Keywords: Anterior chamber depth, axial length, central corneal thickness, Ghana, spherical refractive error

INTRODUCTION A study by Ntim‑Amponsah et al.[31] compared the central

corneal thickness (CCT) among glaucomatous (cases) and
Biometric data of the eye are important clinical parameters nonglaucomatous (controls) population in Ghana and found
due to the influence of these measures on the calculation no significant difference between mean CCT of cases and
of intraocular lens implant, refractive errors and intraocular controls. Another study by Ntim‑Amponsah et al.,[32] normative
pressure measurements among patients with glaucoma. CCT among 169 Ghanaians were found to be different from
Parameters such as anterior chamber depth (ACD), neighboring countries and as such cannot be generalized
vitreous chamber depth (VCD), axial length (AL), corneal as representative of Ghanaians. This highlights the need for
curvature (CC) or astigmatism, and lenticular thickness (LT)
may help explain the pathophysiological dynamics of Samuel Kyei, Frank Assiamah1,
common eye disorders.[8,9] Biometric studies have shown Michael Agyemang Kwarteng2,
Victor Kwesi Ansah3
that ALs account for differences in refractive status among
Department of Optometry and Vision Science, School of
age groups.[10‑19]
Allied Health Sciences, College of Health and Allied Sciences,
University of Cape Coast, 3Bishop Ackon Memorial Christian
The AL refers to the distance between the anterior pole Eye Centre, Cape Coast, 1Inter-Star Eye Clinic and Laser
and the posterior pole of the eye which ranges from 23 to Center, Accra, Ghana, 2Discipline of Optometry, College of
25 mm in an adult eye (mean of 23.30 mm).[20,21] Age, gender, Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal,
refractive error, corneal curvature, and racial and ethnic Durban, South Africa
variations have been observed in reported studies in Africa
Address for correspondence: Dr. Michael Agyemang Kwarteng,
and African Americans.[7,19,22‑30] Discipline of Optometry, College of Health Sciences,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
Submitted: 07-Apr-2020 Revised: 13-Apr-2020 E‑mail: [email protected]
Accepted: 16-Apr-2020 Published: 23-Dec-2020

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Quick Response Code tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and
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For reprints contact: [email protected]

How to cite this article: Kyei S, Assiamah F, Kwarteng MA, Ansah VK.
10.4103/kjo.kjo_38_20 Ocular biometry in an adult Ghanaian population. Kerala J Ophthalmol

252 © 2020 Kerala Journal of Ophthalmology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

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Kyei, et al.: Ocular biometry among ghanaians

geographic‑specific studies on ocular biometry and how they or loss of treatment or other benefits to which they would
correlate with common ocular disorders. normally be entitled.

To fill this gap, there is a need for current studies on ocular Data collection procedure
biometry among the Ghanaian population. Hence, this Data collection involved the use of a data extraction sheet
prospective study aimed to determine ocular biometry and to collect data on demographics, and ocular biometry data.
its correlates in a sample population of native adult Ghanaians
attending a referral eye clinic in Ghana. The data extracted included:
1. The examination of the anterior segment was performed
MATERIALS AND METHODS on each participant using a slit‑lamp biomicroscope
2. The examination of the posterior segment was conducted
Study setting with an ophthalmoscope and slit‑lamp biomicroscope
This study was carried out at the premises of the Christian 3. Ocular biometry was measured among participants:
Eye Center, Cape Coast. The center is the most utilized eye Wavelight oculyzer II (Alcon surgical, Fort Worth,
care institution in the Central region of Ghana serving other Texas, USA) for central cornea readings and
regions due to the use of advanced technology for cataract keratometry, ultrasound device: US4000 EchoScan
and glaucoma surgery among others. (Nidek Co., Ltd., Japan) for biometry, and KR 9000 Auto
REF (Perlong Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., Jiangsu, China)
Study design for autorefraction
This was a hospital‑based prospective study of patients 4. Refractive error was calculated in diopters as the
visiting the center. The study involved measuring and spherical equivalent of spherical refractive error plus
collating biometric data from patients. It sought to explore half of the cylindrical refractive error
the relationship between biometric parameters and refractive 5. The two major corneal radii separated by 90° were
error. averaged to give corneal curvature and power.

Sampling technique Data analysis

The sampling method was nonprobability convenience Data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 21
sampling. The sampling method was based on the fact that (SPSS Inc, Chicago, USA). Categorical data were presented
the study involved all clients at the center during the study as frequencies. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used
period. to determine the association between ocular biometric
variables. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
The study included all clients who had no ocular RESULTS
disease other than refractive error and those aged
18 and older. Patients below the age of 18 years and Demographics
patients with steep corneas (keratometric [K] readings One hundred and sixty‑two eyes of 100 participants were
of more than 48 D [diopter]) or abnormally thin or thick involved in the study. Their ages ranged from 21 to 91 years (mean
corneas (CCT <350 µm or CCT > 650 µm), previous contact age = 63.75; standard deviation ± 12.84 years) [Table 1].
lens use, along with known glaucomatous individuals were
excluded from the study. Ocular biometry
In this study, ocular biometry was evaluated among
Ethical review participants. The median of AL was 24.1 mm, the median
The study adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki of ACD was 3.5 mm, LT with a median of 4.0 mm,
and approval was sought from the “Institutional Review Board VCD had a median of 16.3 mm, and a median CCT of
of the University of Cape Coast (UCCIRB/CHAS/2018/65). The 505.5 µm (409 µm–593 µm) [Table 2].
informed consent of the participants was obtained. There
were no risks and/or discomfort associated with participating Table 1: Age distribution
in the study, and no financial remunerations were offered to The age group of participants Frequency (%)
the participants. Participation in this study was voluntary, Youth 21-35 8 (4.9)
and participants were informed that they could withdraw Adults 36-59 47 (29)
their participation at any point and that in the event of Elderly 60 and older 107 (66)
refusal/withdrawal of participation, they will not incur penalty Total 162 (100.0)

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Kyei, et al.: Ocular biometry among ghanaians

Corneal astigmatism participants aged >50 years had a thin CCT of 516 µm which

Corneal astigmatism was determined among the participants, continues to decrease with age. In contrast, a study in Ghana
83 (51.2%) had astigmatism >1.00 D, while the remaining by Ntim‑Amponsah et al.,[32] reported a higher mean CCT of
79 (48.8%) had astigmatism of 1.00 D and below [Table 3]. 533.3 µm among a healthy population with a mean age of

Spherical refractive error Table 2: Mean of ocular biometry variables

The dominant error of refraction in this study was Variables Mean±SD 95% CI Median Range
myopia (57.4%) followed by hypermetropia (31.5%) [Table 4]. AL (mm) 24.2±1.3 24.0-24.4 24.1 21.9-30.1
ACD (mm) 3.5±0.6 3.5-3.6 3.5 1.9-6.9
LT (mm) 3.9±0.8 3.8-4.1 4.0 2.0-6.0
Correlations between biometric parameters, refractive
VCD (mm) 16.4±1.39 16.1-16.7 16.3 14.0-21.0
error, and central corneal thickness
CCT (µm) 506.7±39.2 500.6-512.8 505.5 409.0-593.0
A Pearson product‑moment correlation coefficient was K1 reading (D) 42.50±2.00 42.20-42.80 42.50 38.50-46.50
computed to assess the relationship between ocular biometry K2 reading (D) 43.50±2.44 43.10-43.90 43.50 39.75-49.50
variables and refractive error. There was a strong positive SRE (D) −0.71±2.30 −1.1-−0.4 −0.75 −10.00-+8.00
correlation coefficient between AL and VCD (r = 0.73, MMyopia (D) −2.16±1.68 −2.52-−1.81 −1.50 −10.00-−0.50
n = 162, P < 0.001). The correlations between CCT, SRE, MHyper (D) +1.66±1.49 +1.23-+2.08 + 1.25 +0.50-+8.00
CCT – Central corneal thickness, AL – Axial length, ACD – Anterior chamber depth,
and other biometric parameters are shown in Table 5 as
LT – Lens thickness, VCD – Vitreous chamber depth, K1 – Flat keratometry, K2 –
well as Figure 1. Steep keratometry, SRE – Spherical refractive error, MMyopia – Magnitude of myopia,
MHyper – Magnitude of hypermetropia, SD – Standard deviation, CI – Confidence

Table 3: Classification of corneal astigmatism

This study provides the first ocular biometry data among
healthy Ghanaian adults. The study participants were mainly Power Frequency (%)
0.00-0.50 D 35 (21.6)
the elderly. A thin mean central corneal thickness (CCT) was
0.51-1.00 D 44 (27.2)
recorded in this study due to age factor. This is consistent 1.01-1.50 D 43 (26.5)
with other studies, which have reported that age is an 1.51-2.00 D 17 (10.5)
important factor in corneal thickness.[33,34] They reported 2.01-2.50 D 13 (8.0)
that the thinner cornea is associated with old age. Hence, ≥2.51 10 (6.2)
as one age, CCT decreases. This cornea thinning is a result Total 162 (100.0)
of a reduction in the density of keratocytes, collagen fiber
degeneration, and a decrease in the distance between fibers
in the cornea.[33,34] A similar study by Mashige and Oduntan[7] Table 4: Type of Spherical refractive error
reported an average CCT of 493. 05 ± 33.2 µm among the Refractive error Range Frequency (%)
Black South African population. Also, a study by Bagus et al.[3] Myopia At least −0.50 D 93 (57.4)
Hypermetropia At least +0.50 D 51 (31.5)
reported a similar finding of 494 µm in the same population
Emmetropia (x) −0.50 D < X < +0.50 D 18 (11.1)
with a median age of 67 years. Furthermore, in a study by
Total 162 (100.0)
Ntim‑Amponsah et al.[32] they reported that a sample of

Table 5: Correlation between ocular biometric variables

Variables R R2 P
CCT versus AL −0.02 0.98
CCT versus ACD −0.12 0.015 0.12
CCT versus LT 0.06 0.003 0.59
CCT versus VCD −0.05 0.002 0.68
CCT versus SRE 0.06 0.004 0.44
SRE versus ACD −0.50 0.003 0.53
SRE versus AL −0.47 0.22 <0.001
AL versus ACD 0.40 0.16 <0.001
AL versus LT −0.22 0.04 <0.05
AL versus VCD 0.73 0.53 <0.001
LT versus ACD −0.22 0.05 <0.05
Figure 1: A scatter plot showing the correlation between axial length and CCT – Central corneal thickness, AL – Axial length, ACD – Anterior chamber depth,
central corneal thickness LT – Lens thickness, VCD – Vitreous chamber depth, SRE – Spherical refractive error

254 Kerala Journal of Ophthalmology / Volume 32 / Issue 3 / September-December 2020

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Kyei, et al.: Ocular biometry among ghanaians

34.09 ± 12.14. The difference in the means of CCT in these Corneal astigmatism had a significant visual effect on the
studies is the aging factor associated with corneal thinning. sample population with more than half of the participants
having astigmatism of more than 1.00 D [Table 3]. This is
In this study, the mean AL was greater than that reported similar to a study in Africa by Bagus et al.[3] which reported 45%
among African descends. An average AL of 21.02 mm[35] and of Black South Africans with astigmatism of 1.00 D or greater.
23.50 mm[36] in Nigeria, 23.05 mm in South Africa,[9] 23.09 mm Information on corneal astigmatism is helpful to surgeons
in Sudan,[26] and 23.7 mm in Egypt[37] has been reported. The in ensuring a reduction in postoperative astigmatism among
reason for a longer AL in this study might be due to scleral patients due to cataract surgery. Hence, the use of toric
thinning and eyeball elongation in myopic eyes which happen intraocular lenses as recommended, can be used among the
to be the dominant error of refraction in this study. Our study Ghanaian population.
reported a higher mean age along with a longer AL which
is consistent with studies by Yin et al.[38] and Nangia et al.[39] There was a poor correlation between CCT and AL in this
However, it contrasts studies that have reported that AL study [Figure 1 and Table 5]. Studies have reported that CCT
decreases with age.[9,35,40] is not correlated with AL, making them two independent
variables in ocular biometry.[2,33,34,51,52] AL was positively
The mean ACD in this study was higher than that reported by correlated with ACD and negatively correlated with LT.
Mashige and Oduntan,[9] among South Africans but consistent These findings correlate with studies by Chen et al.,[2]
with that of Nagra et al.,[41] who reported ACD of 3.55 mm Mashige and Oduntan[7,9] Olsen et al.[42] and Osuobeni.[44] ACD
among Britons. It has been established that accurate ACD has great effects on the pathogenesis of ocular conditions
measurements potentially prevent refractive errors among such as refractive errors and glaucoma.[9] There was a negative
patients after intraocular lens implantation more than corneal association between ACD and LT in this study which correlates
power or AL measures among patients undergoing cataract with previous studies.[9,44,53,54] The gradual thickening of the
surgery.[42] A deep ACD has been observed among myopes, anterior capsule of the lens will decrease the ACD since it
which correspond with a high number of myopic eyes in this happens to be in the anterior chamber.
study [Table 4].
The mean lens thickness (LT) in this study was consistent with
that of Mallen et al.[43] who reported an average LT of 3.85 mm. A biometry profile was established in native Ghanaians for the
The LT is this study is higher than that reported by Mashige first time. CCT was found to be independent of AL because
and Oduntan:[9] 3.69 mm, Osuobeni:[44] 3.72 mm but lower there was no significant relationship between the two
than reports by Hashemi et al.:[45] 4.28 mm, Shufelt et al.:[46] variables. There was no association between CCT and ACD,
4.28 mm, He et al.:[47] 4.44 mm and Olsen et al.:[42] 4.68 mm LT, VCD, and SRE. Intercorrelation among ocular biometry
and 4.65 mm in the right and left respectively. A thicker lens showed that AL positively correlated with ACD, VCD and
observed in this study is due to the higher mean age, since LT negatively correlated with LT.
increases as one age. Similar studies have reported the effect
of age on LT.[42,45‑47] The anterior lens capsule thickens gradually
The authors are grateful to the Management of Bishop Ackon
from the neonatal stage to the seventh decade of life before
Memorial Christian Eye Centre, Cape Coast, Ghana.
stabilizing due to the continual addition of lens fibers.[48]
Financial support and sponsorship
VCD is deeper among myopes than hyperopes and
This study was solely funded by the authors.
emmetropes as suggested by other researchers[40] which is
consistent with VCD findings in this study due to the high Conflicts of interest
number of myopes. A study by Hashemi et al.[44] reported There are no conflicts of interest.
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