Tarea 3 - Calcular Coordenadas de PI y Análisis Levantamientos Topográficos

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Tarea 3 - Calcular coordenadas de PI y análisis levantamientos


Grupo N°

Presentado Por:

Luisa María Gutiérrez

Código: 1,062,315,552

Tutor Curso Topografía:

Mauro Albeiro Bravo

Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia

Escuela De Ciencias Agrícolas, Pecuarias Y Del Medio Ambiente


Octubre 2021
Although GPS was not created with fines for civil use if it is not for military
exclusive use and although they handle the most advanced version of GPS after a
while since its creation, it entered its market where anyone who has a GPS can
obtain the coordinates of its position and for this it is necessary that the GPS is at
least connected to 4 satellites to allow it to have the most precise coordinates in
the same way the GPS has allowed considerable progress over time as in the
constructions in which it you need the topography that in turn uses GPS to have
better results
Sistema de Posicionamiento Global (GPS)

This system dates back to the 70s, being designed for the US armed forces of
navigation generating strategic information, years later it was given access to the civilian
population, currently both can search for data there that is continuous in positioning and
time. Worldwide, regardless of the weather, its scope is unidirectional, which means that
information is only received by satellite signals. Its main ideas and components will then be
For this purpose, this system, made up of 24 active satellites that have their initial
operational capacity (COI) since 1993, is described, its location consists of placing 4 units
in each of the six orbital planes to provide worldwide coverage considering an Angle
elevation of 10 °. The orbit of the GPS is almost circular or elliptical approximately 0.01
inclination of 55 ° with respect to the equator, its altitude 20,200 km above the surface of
the earth its orbital period is 12 hours for 1995 it reached its full operational capacity
( FOC) with availability of at least 24 satellites labeled from A to F GPS operating non-
experimental. In reference to the GPS segments, it should be noted that the space segment
(the constellation of 24 satellites described above), the control segment (world network of
tracking stations with a Master Station “MCS” located in Colorado, is divided into three
areas. States) its functions are tracking, integrity of the satellite system and components
atomic clocks, atmospheric data, the almanac of satellites and other considerations and the
user segment receives signals, determines positions worldwide without charge without
direct charge.
GPS satellites are made up of two carrier frequencies, two digital codes, a
navigation message, the first two are used to determine the distance between the receiver
and the user of the satellites, while the message contains information, location coordinates
as a function of time. . The signals are controlled by high precision atomic clocks located
on the satellites.
The evolution of satellites and their properties according to table 1, has been
modified by the times, the number of users in the system and satellites living together, in a
compatible and harmonious way, their interests, increase inclination, in the useful life of
these devices, exceeding expectations, the accuracy of the information along with the
security necessary to continue their development and shorten distances worldwide.

Currently Block II has 5 satellites, Block IIA 18, Block IIR 6 for a total of 29 being
the normal 24 satellites. Block I is no longer operational, its best known identifications are
GPS, SVN space vehicle number and PRN pseudo-random noise.
This information gathering process is organized with the GPS system located in the
main headquarters in the United States and its worldwide networks, from there the searches
are corroborated by land and then shared with the control stations. As it should be noted, it
is about selecting the data that are really valuable for this work. Planning, organization,
control, monitoring, economic and technological resources, qualified and qualified
personnel are required; maintenance and health of the systems among others; They are
frequent tasks to feed the data in true time that the community serves worldwide. It is
necessary to emphasize that the essence of GPS technology in the location of the points
allows us to know the distances, the precision of the information, its speed, so that the field
work in conjunction with the technology and its survey is very important that it is the most
exact possible for it the support with the satellites and their location.
The United States Department of Defense offers two levels of GPS timing and
positioning service: Precise Positioning Service (PPS), one of its codes is confidential for
military or authorized personnel, and Standard Positioning Service (SPS) which includes
one of its codes is of common use for all users achieved under the effect of selective
availability. In the same vein, the origins of this technology, although they belong to the
military strategies of the American nation, have been popularized by common users and
have even made its commercial exploitation greater and necessary.
In the technological era that we currently live in, global positioning systems are key
allies in the development of countries, simple examples such as placing a satellite system in
vehicle alarms, tracking their location, asking for an address are part of the day to day Even
in cellular devices we can find these services, another approach has been used by the
defense departments of the countries, clarifying many crimes or crimes due to the
information stored in these devices, work that was previously difficult now in record time
can already be established Accurately reports are even reliable evidence for trials, other
areas benefited are the agriculture and construction through topographic studies it is
possible to know the uses and debris of the soils, doing field work, collate the information,
draw conclusions that help in decision-making and the development of strategies that,
despite the distance, help a lot especially because of the economic costs they entail and the
time that was previously invested to achieve these results.
Many examples can be cited of how this system has made a more globalized world
and at the same time how it has made life easier for us, but it is convenient to ask ourselves
where we are going. Remote signals, greater support for robotics, the automotive and hotel
industry, even health, in short, the impact has been in all areas and it is presumed to be
greater over time, its evolution glimpses us into a range of possibilities for technological
The global positioning system is one of the best tools that have been created since
it has helped to do work in less time and with more precise results and in the
topography we can highlight the lifting of large-scale planes and obtaining level
curves thanks to the different software of today that allows us to perform this and
other necessary work in the topography and that thanks to the GPS that allows us
to obtain this data by using the different satellites with which the current system
global positioning
El-Rabbany, A. (2002). Introduction to GPS : The Global Positioning System.
Artech House, Inc. https://web-s-ebscohost-

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