Schedule Asset Accounting Jobs
Schedule Asset Accounting Jobs
Schedule Asset Accounting Jobs
Schedule asset accounting jobs app allow you to schedule Depreciation posting run, Recalculate
Depreciation and Year end closing asset accounting (Cross company code and ledger) with
available option of templates and scheduling options.
User can schedule depreciation posting run with the option provide in Schedule asset accounting
jobs. User can select Job template ‘Depreciation Posting Run’ and also Provide the job name for
the run. Job can be executed either immediately or we can schedule date and time for the same.
There is option to define Recurrence pattern along with way to handle non-working days.
Depreciation Posting Run Job
User must select company code, Fiscal year and Period in order to post depreciation posting and
click on schedule button.
Depreciation Posting Run : Parameters
Recalculate Depreciation
With this option, you can recalculate depreciation of an asset master record. This is required if
there are changes to the depreciation key or terms. Any changes to asset useful life and
depreciation key results automatically changes to asset master record but it is always
recommended to include this as part of month end closing so there will be no difference between
GL and Fixed Asset.
Recalculate Depreciation
User needs to select Accounting principle button if user wanted to run for single Accounting
principle. Depreciation radio button needs to select if you want to run depreciation for one
depreciation area. If we select, then we need to enter value. User can also select Asset if wanted to
run for single asset.
Recalculate Depreciation : Parameters
With this template, User can run a year end closing as part of periodic run. We need to ensure that
all periods depreciation run must be completed and asset under construction must be settled before
running this job. Multiple company code and multiple ledgers are supported as part of selection
Year-End Closing
User can select multiple company codes and multiple ledgers along with Fiscal year needs to be
closed. It is always recommended to run first in Test run then Productive run.
User can see the job log and analyze the error. Year-End Closing Asset Accounting (Cross-
Company Code and Ledgers) job will list below possible errors.
Below are the steps listed to resolve Close Legacy asset data transfer in S/4HANA Cloud for error
Message no. FAA_CMP030 (highlighted above).
Business Benefits
Schedule asset accounting jobs app help user to schedule and run periodic job with immediately or
recurrence periodic job. User can also define template and run the job based on templates. This
app facilitates scheduling and execution of depreciation posting, recalculation of deprecation and
Asset year end closing run.