Casing Design Overview
Casing Design Overview
Casing Design Overview
By George T. Armistead, PE
Casing Design Overview
Session One
Link to Casing Design Overview Session 1 YouTube Video
Session Two
Link to Casing Design Overview Session 2 YouTube Video
Session Three
Link to Casing Design Overview Session 3 YouTube Video
Function of Casing Strings
Function of Casing Strings
Primary Casing Loads
Burst – Pressure on inside of casing is larger than the pressure on the outside.
Collapse – Pressure on the outside of the casing is larger than the pressure on the inside.
Axial (Tension or Compression) – Longitudinal tensile or compressional load.
Casing Applications
Drilling – The casing design loads will be calculated based on the conditions of only drilling the well utilizing
Drilling Design Criteria.
Production – The casing/tubing loads will be calculated based on the conditions of a completed well exposed
to production fluids and utilizing the Production Design Criteria.
Gas If MW < 13 PPG use .1 psi/ft or 2 PPG If MW > 13 PPG use .12 psi/ft or 2.4 PPG
Assume gas is methane (CH4) with a molecular weight of 16
Derived from maximum pressures and ideal gas law equation: PV = nRT
where P – Pressure (psi) V – Volume (ft3) n – moles = m/M R – universal gas constant (10.73)
T – temperature °Rankin m – mass (lbs.) M – molecular weight (16 for CH 4) Methane
PV = RT Density = =
Salt Salt behaves as a liquid at fairly low temperatures thereby exerting pressure in all directions. Casing
through salt therefore has an external pressure on it equal to overburden.
Selecting Casing Setting Depths and Sizes
Casing setting depths and sizes are done with the aid of a borehole fracture gradient model presented in
Overburden, Pore Pressure and Fracture Pressure.
Setting Depths are chosen to mitigate loss of returns based on the lowest fracture gradient in open hole.
Casing Design is based on maximum fracture gradients of strongest rock. Sand intervals may be faulted
out or simply not existing in a particular geological section.
Casing Setting Depths are chosen from Top – Down method starting at the top for the surface casing and
then setting the number of strings as necessary to reach TD. Once the casing setting depths are selected
then the Sand FG Curve is not required for the Casing Design Load Calculations.
Casing sizes are selected based on a Bottom - Up determination. The bottom casing size is chosen based
on completion or drilling size requirements and then the sizes above must be larger to accommodate
drilling and casing requirements.
Wellbore Schematic for Casing Design
Casing Manufacturing
Common Manufacturing Grades and Yield Strength Ranges
Wall Thickness (WT) – 12.5 % tolerance for API
Wall Thickness - Minimum .875 API standard based on very old manufacturing capability +50 years ago
without computer controls and for thin walled casing. One of the most common casing sizes and weights of
casing ever run in the past was 8-5/8” casing with a .264” WT. 12.5% of .264 = .033” (a fairly small
It is common today to have casing sizes and weights with a WT of .625”. The % variation based on a .033”
range for casing with a WT of .625 would be .033/.625 = .0528 or 5.3%. Lower tolerances can be easily
Ranges of 90-95 % WT & 95-100% WT are commonly manufactured and qualified through inspection.
High Strength Casing – When the casing is manufactured to a more stringent specifications than the API
Casing Connections
There are many different types of connections which I won’t cover in detail for this overview. I do want to
share the improvement in manufacturing capability that occurred in my career.
Connections have to be robust in order to handle the tension or compression loads, high pressures, bending
moments, buckling loads and retain good mechanical integrity. The earliest oilfield connections were only a
tortuous path of helical threads containing pipe dope that prevented leakage up to a degree.
Now with ultra-high pressures we need premium connections rated up to 20,000 psi. Computer controlled
precise manufacturing has enabled this capability during my career. Connections can now be cut such that
the stress load on the metal to metal sealing surface is very predictable and reliable based on the torque that
the connection is made up to without damaging the connection by exceeding the yield strength. The metal-
to-metal surface is stressed to a high value significantly greater than the operating pressure but less than the
yield stress thereby not damaging the connection.
Note: It is the general industry convention that non premium threads are utilized ≤ 5,000 psi and premium
connections with metal to metal seals are utilized > 5,000 psi.
It is recommended that square shouldered or wedge type connections be utilized for the compressive loads in
the upper wellbore structural casing strings.
Casing Design Equations
Burst Design Formula – Pressure on inside of casing is greater than pressure on outside.
t Ωh t Ωh
D = Outer Diameter
t = wall thickness
Ωh = hoop stress
Pi = Internal pressure
Adjusting for an assumed .875 manufacturing capability on control of wall thickness we get the following:
WT = .1 mm or .004”
Aluminum YS = 40,000 psi
D = 2”
P = (2*YS*t) / D
Von Mises Triaxial Stress Pressure API Burst Equation
Burst Equation which includes hoop, radial
and tensile stresses.
𝑃 = .875 1− 1− = VME
Stress vector based
on both horizontal
and vertical
Collapse Strength – Pressure on outside of casing is greater than the pressure on the inside of casing.
Collapse values utilized for casing design are empirical values based on test data and not solely on mechanical
equations. Manufacturing ovality, eccentricity, wall thickness, yield strength affects collapse resistance.
Axial – Tension or Compression
Stress = Force / Area The stress can be based on either compression or tension load.
Application Exercise 1
A string of 9-5/8”, 47#/ft, P110 casing was run and cemented at 10,000’. A 7”, 29#/ft P110 liner was run
and cemented at 12,000’ with an 8.25” OD X 7.25” ID tieback sleeve made from 110,000 yield material and
then tied back to the surface with the same 7” casing utilizing a 7.125 OD X 6.125”ID tieback stem also made
from 110,000 yield strength material. Calculate the burst and collapse of both the tieback sleeve and
tieback stem using the API equations.
7” Casing Specifications
Tieback Sleeve OD = 8.25” ID = 7.25” WT = .50” D/t = 8.25/.5 = 16.5
∗ ∗.
Burst = Piy = = = 13,333 psi > Casing Value
NOTE: It would be important to FULLY land the tieback stem in the tieback sleeve to mitigate collapse since
the unsupported collapse value is lower than the casing value.
Casing Design Criteria
When calculating burst loads utilize pore pressure on the outside of the casing for determining
pressures. NOTE: MW may be used on a trapped annulus containing mud such as a tieback string.
When calculating collapse loads on the casing utilize the mud weight gradient on the outside of the
casing for determining pressures.
Casing design criteria may come from any of the list below:
Common industry standards
Business unit or field specific standard
Regulatory requirement
The most severe design criteria based on the area of operation or regulatory requirement would dictate the
specific criteria to utilize for a specific casing design project.
Note: Worst case production fluids (gas/oil) in the geological area are utilized for calculation.
Limitation: Pressure at casing shoe limited to maximum of fracture pressure.
2. Fracture pressure of the deepest casing shoe with a water or seawater gradient to the
surface. (Bullheading Condition of Well Control)
3. Casing test pressures limited to 70% burst rating of casing. (Note: Not a design condition but
an execution limitation.)
4. Annular pressure buildup (APB) pressures from trapped annuli when applicable such as
subsea production operations must be considered in all cases (not covered in this overview).
External – Pore Pressure unless annulus is trapped
Internal – The highest pressure from the list below determines the maximum internal casing
load pressure.
1. Based on tubing leak containing 100% production fluids. Note: Can be affected by completion fluid
weight utilized on well.
2. Well treatment pressure during screenout or stimulation pressure. (See examples below)
External – The greater of the loads listed below:
1. Mud Weight gradient of the mud on the outside of the casing.
2. The overburden pressure for the intervals of casing through salt. Salt acts
as a liquid distributing the overburden pressure to the outside of the casing.
3. Use cement slurry weight outside of casing prior to cement set up. (Not
likely an issue but should be verified.)
Internal – It is common to use a normal pressure at the bottom of the casing wellbore section
as though the well drilled into a normally pressured cave. Normal pressure may
be 9.0 PPG for an offshore environment and close to 8.3 PPG for land operations
without the presence of salt.
Example mud height in the bottom of the wellbore that is equal to normal pressure
at the bottom of the wellbore section. Example: A well drilling to 12,000’ with
12.0 PPG mud. The bottom hole pressure at 12,000’ based on 9.0 pore pressure
would be 5,616 psi. The hydrostatic height of 12.0 PPG mud required to provide
5,616 psi of hydrostatic pressure would be 5,616 / (.052 * 12) = 9,000’. Therefore
the top of the fluid level in the well based on this criteria would be 12,000’ – 9,000’
= 3,000’ Mud Drop = (MW – 9.0) / MW * D
External – The greater of the two loads listed below:
1. Mud Weight gradient of the mud on the outside of the casing.
2. The overburden pressure for the intervals of casing through salt. Salt acts as a
liquid distributing the overburden pressure to the outside of the casing
3. Use cement slurry weight outside of casing prior to cement set up. (Not likely an
issue but should be verified.)
Internal – Zero pressure on the inside of the casing. Possible ways for the internal pressure to
approach zero are the following:
1. The zone depletes to a very low pressure or is extremely tight with a low
2. The well sands up near the bottom of the completion and the surface pressure
then equalizes with the surface separator pressures
3. During well intervention fluids within the wellbore are removed from the well
with coiled tubing or a snubbing string
Drilling and Production
Axial Compression The entire weight of all the well tubular strings and plus intervention or service
loads (Operating weight of coiled tubing or snubbing unit) supported by the
structural pipe.
Tension The tension load shall be the combined load from the weight of casing plus any
additional service loads.
1. Weight of Casing - Multiply the tubular weight per foot times the TVD depth
to get the air weight of the casing as run. Note: The air weight will be
based on TVD length of the casing rather than the actual length. The
normal force of the earth acting upon the casing is holds up the remaining
casing weight.
2. Service Load - Add a business unit specific operational overpull to the
calculated air weight from No. 1 based on the maximum of the two
considerations below.
a. An operational overpull of 100,000 – 150,000 lbs. to prevent an
accidental over tensioning of the casing during the running process or
the drag amount from a torque/drag model on a directional well. If
the casing string is extremely long and close to the casing tensile
strength then it may be adjusted for buoyancy if desired but seldom
necessary. BF = (65.5 – MW) / 65.5
b. A suspended load in the unsupported portion of the casing sting
along with any pressure test load applied to it. Application: Drill pipe
is often hung off near the top of a casing stings on storm packers
during evacuation. A load could possibly be 400,000 lbs. of drill pipe
weight suspended plus a test pressure applied above the storm
packer. If 2,500 psi were to be applied above a storm packer in 13-
5/8” casing with a 12.375” ID the equivalent load would be 300,000
lbs. The additional load would be 700,000 for this example. Casing
design software does not calculate this value unless the user inputs
this load as an additional load.
Casing Design Factors (DF) or Safety Factors
Casing design factors may come from any of the sources below:
Common industry standards
Business unit or field specific standard
Regulatory requirement
The maximum design factor required for an area of operation or regulatory requirement would dictate the
specific DF for a specific casing design project.
Common Industry Standard DF’s
Burst – 1.1 for sweet operating environment without H 2S
1.2 for production fluids or geological interval possibly containing H 2S
Note: The highest drilling related burst loads will generally be at the top of the well close to people and the
environment thereby requiring a higher DF to mitigate potential problems from burst.
Collapse – 1.0
Note: From a practical perspective it is difficult to get close to the criteria design collapse loads in the real
world other than human error is following procedures. The highest collapse loads will also be near the
bottom of the wellbore away from people and the surface environment thereby not exposing this risk to
people or to the surface.
Running 7” 26 #/ft casing to 10,000’ Casing air weight equals 260,000 lbs.
If 150,000 lbs. for margin of error of overpull is acceptable then DF could be 150,000/260,000 + 1.0 = 1.6
Running 11-3/4” 65 #/ft casing to 14,000’ Casing air weight equals 910,000 lbs.
If 250,000 lbs. for margin of error of overpull is acceptable then DF could be 250,000/910,000 + 1.0 = 1.3
Compression – 2.0 A typical safety factor to utilize for the upper structural pipe compression load which
supports the entire weight of the well.
Casing Design General Procedure
1. Weight of Casing - Multiply the tubular weight per foot times the TVD depth to get the air weight of the
casing as run. Note: The air weight will be based on TVD length of the casing rather than the actual
length. The normal force of the earth acting upon the casing is holding up the remaining casing weight.
Service Load - Add a business unit specific operational overpull to the calculated air weight from No. 1
based on the maximum of the two considerations below.
a. An operational overpull of 100,000 – 150,000 lbs. to prevent an accidental over tensioning of the
casing during the running process. If the casing string is extremely long and close to the casing
tensile strengths then it may be adjusted for buoyancy if desired but seldom necessary. BF = (65.5
– MW) / 65.5
b. A suspended load in the unsupported portion of the casing sting along with any pressure test load
applied to it. Example Application: Drill pipe is often hung off near the top of casing stings on
storm packers during evacuation. A load could possibly be 400,000 lbs. of drill pipe weight
suspended plus a test pressure applied above the storm packer. If 2,500 psi were to be applied
above a storm packer in 13-5/8” casing with a 12.375” ID the equivalent load would be 300,000 lbs.
This additional load summed together would be 700,000 for this example. Casing design software
does not calculate this value unless the user inputs this load as an additional load.
2. Multiply Design Factor (DF) times the maximum tension load calculated in Step 1 to determine casing
design load.
3. Choose a casing strength (size, weight, grade, connection specifications) that meets or exceeds design
load. The weaker of the pipe body or connection is utilized as the casing strength in tension.
Note: It is strongly suggested to consider utilizing casing slips that have the same tensile rating as the
casing strength to avoid operational overloads during execution.
4. Verify all three loads are satisfied (burst, collapse, tension).
Recommended Sequence or Order of Doing Casing Design Work Activity
Drilling Load Case
1. Burst Load Case
2. Collapse Load Case
3. Axial Load Case
Rational: The highest drilling loads are the burst loads at the top of the well from the drilling
environment. The collapse rating for a particular casing string that meets the burst condition
will be close to the burst value even though the collapse at the top of the well is very low.
Note: Only likely exception would be an ultradeep normally pressured well in which both burst
and collapse loads are low such that the tension load case may become a driver.
Applicable casing strings would be conductor, surface, and intermediate casing strings.
Production Load Case
1. Collapse Load Case
2. Burst Load Case
3. Axial Load Case
The highest load case for production casing is generally collapse since it is designed for zero
pressure on the inside for the production load.
Note: The same exception for the drilling load case in that the only likely exception would be an
ultradeep normally pressured well in which both burst and collapse loads are low such that the
tension load case may become a driver.
Applicable casing strings would be production casing or production liners.
Pressure Testing of Casing During Execution
Application Exercise No. 2
Given Intermediate Casing at 14,000’ is Rated to 10,000 psi.
Buckling Considerations and Mitigation Measures
There are two types of bucking that can occur, Sinusoidal or Helical. Both of these buckling conditions can be
predicted by equations that I will not cover in this overview. I will review the consequences and mitigation
measures that can help prevent these consequences.
Buckling is a design condition based on the effective tension of the casing. Changes to effective tension caused
by changing pressures or temperatures can cause the tube to become unstable and buckle. The effective tension
equation that governs the buckling condition in the casing is following:
Fe – effective tension
Fz – actual tension
PiAi – pressure inside casing multiplied by area based on casing ID
PoAo - pressure outside casing multiplied by area based on casing OD
Effective tension in the equation Fe = Fz - PiAi + PoAo must exceed the buckling load limit (Fc) predicted by
sinusoidal or helical bucking equations. It can be seen in reviewing the equation that increasing actual tension
by overpulling casing after it is run increases the effective tension which helps to mitigate bucking effects.
The Consequences of Not Managing Buckling can be SEVERE: