R. C.Technical Institute Computer Department Sola, Ahmedabad

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R. C.

Technical Institute
Computer Department

Subject: Data Structure

Subject Code: 3330704


CO Statements
Design algorithms using array by understanding the concept of algorithm,
CO1 complexity, primitive and non-primitive data structure.

CO2 Develop algorithms for various operation on string.

CO3 Implement insertion and deletion on stack and queue data structure.

CO4 Design algorithms for various operations on linked list and tree data structure.

CO5 Apply various sorting and hashing techniques on data set.

Assignment-1 (CO1)

1. Define data structure. Explain its advantages.

2. List applications of Data structure.
3. Write down characteristics of array.
4. Explain array operations.
5. Write down advantages of array.
6. Define time complexity and space complexity.
7. Explain types of Data structure.
8. Explain one dimensional array with example.
9. Explain two dimensionalarray with example.
10. Differentiate array and list.
11. Explain big ‘O’ notation.
12. List searching method in array. Explain Binary search with example also write algorithm
of it.

Assignment-2 (CO2)

1. Define string. List out different string operations.

2. Explain gets() and puts() functions.
3. Write and Explain algorithm for find the length of given string.
4. Write and Explain algorithm for concatenating two strings into third string.
5. Write and Explain algorithm for comparing two strings.
6. Write and Explain algorithm for reversing the given string.
7. Write and Explain algorithm for copying the given string into other one.
8. Write and Explain algorithm for convert a given string from uppercase to lower case and
lowercase to uppercase

Assignment-3 (CO3)

1. Differentiate stack and queue.

2. List applications of stack.
3. List applications of queue.
4. Compare simple queue and circular queue.
5. Explain recursion with example.
6. Convert the given expression into reverse polish notation using stack.
a. (a*b+c)+(d*e/b)
b. a+ b*c-d/e*f
c. a+b*c/d-e+f*g+h
d. (a+(b*c-(m/n$p)*t)*s
e. X*(c+d)+(j+k)*n+m*p
f. a+b*(c/d)-e
g. (a*b)*(c^(d+e)-f)
h. ((a+b)*c-(d-e))$(f+g)
i. a-b/(c*d$e)
7. Explain stack data structure and its characteristics.
8. Explain push and pop operations on stack using example.
9. Write algorithm for push and pop operations of stack.
10. Explain queue data structure insertion and deletion operation with example.
11. Write algorithm for insertion and deletion operation on queue.

Assignment-4 (CO4)

1. Define linked list with figure.

2. Differentiate static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation.
3. Define doubly linked list.
4. Compare singly and doubly linked list.
5. Write an algorithm to insert a node at the start of singly linked list.
6. Define ordered linked list . Write and algorithm to insert a node in ordered singly linked
7. Write an algorithm to search a given node in a singly linked list.
8. Write an algorithm to delete a node a starting node of a singly linked list.
9. Write an algorithm to count number of nodes in a singly linked list.
10. Write an algorithm to insert a node at the starting position in doubly linked list.
11. Write an algorithm to delete a node from beginning in doubly linked list.

Assignment-5 (CO5)

1. Define sorting. List out various sorting methods.

2. List out various hash table methods and collision resolution techniques.
3. Define Hashing.
4. Write an algorithm for selection sort.
5. Write an algorithm for bubble sort.
6. Write an algorithm for quick sort.
7. Write an algorithm for merge sort.
8. Sort the given data using radix sort method.


Assignment-6 (CO4)

1. Define
Tree, forest, Leaf node, Root node, Directed tree, m-array tree, Binary tree,
complete binary tree, level of tree, terminal node, in degree, out degree, path,
2. Define binary search tree. Write a note on operations of binary search tree.
3. Define tree traversal. Write algorithms of different tree.
4. Draw binary search tree for 10,20,4,5,70,40,30,60
5. Explain conversion of general tree into binary tree.
6. Draw BST for 10(root),20,4,6,70,40,30,60. Insert 2 and 50 in that tree then delete 20
from tree and redraw if for each operation.

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