Archive Manager Exchange Edition Manual Install Guide For MS Exchange Server 2013 2016

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Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install

MS Exchange Server 2013/2016


July 17, 2017 [email protected] 202.609.9100

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

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Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Getting started ........................................................................................................................................... 6

What is Archive Manager Exchange Edition ........................................................................................... 6
Process of archiving with Archive Manager ........................................................................................... 6
The HSM Server (Hierarchical Storage Management Server) .................................................................. 7
Database .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Hardware & software requirements ..................................................................................................... 8
Pre-installation tasks ........................................................................................................................... 8

Pre-installation tasks ................................................................................................................................ 11

Super-user ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Creating a super-user account .......................................................................................................12
Creating a mailbox for the super-user ...........................................................................................12
The Archive Manager Server ............................................................................................................... 14
Outlook ........................................................................................................................................14
Installation of IIS on MS Windows Server 2012 ...............................................................................15
Installation of IIS on MS Windows Server 2008 (R2) ........................................................................18
Installation of the .NET Framework ...............................................................................................22
Assigning administrator rights to the super-user over the Archive Manager Server ............................. 22
Assigning rights to the super-user over the Configuration Container ................................................... 24
Granting the super-user permissions in MS Exchange Server ............................................................... 29
Granting super-user impersonation permissions in MS Exchange Server ............................................. 32
Assigning DCOM rights on Windows Server 2008 / 2012 ....................................................................... 32
Creating a Public Folder ...................................................................................................................... 39
Creating an Organizational Forms Library ............................................................................................ 41
Assigning owner rights to the super-user over the Organizational Forms library .................................. 42
Setting up language for the forms folder ............................................................................................ 43

Installing Archive Manager Exchange Edition ............................................................................................ 48

LAN Architecture ................................................................................................................................ 48
1st part of the Archive Manager installation – HSM and Archive Manager Search ................................. 49
2nd part of the Archive Manager installation – Components Selection ................................................ 50
Description of the features ...........................................................................................................54 [email protected] 202.609.9100
Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

How to select features for various types of LAN .............................................................................56

Finishing the installation .................................................................................................................... 59

Post-installation tasks ............................................................................................................................... 65

Configuring the database ................................................................................................................... 66
Publishing Archive Manager Forms ..................................................................................................... 76
Activating mailboxes .....................................................................................................................83
Publishing Archive Manager Forms for Office 365 ............................................................................... 84
Start Archive Manager services ........................................................................................................... 90
Enterprise Manager – Initial Configuration .......................................................................................... 91
Exchange Server Tools Installation .................................................................................................... 102
Testing after installation ................................................................................................................... 105

Addendum .............................................................................................................................................. 107

Installation Check List ....................................................................................................................... 107
After installation .........................................................................................................................108
Office 365 Configuration Details ....................................................................................................... 109
Creating an MS SQL database with a database user ............................................................................ 118
Organizational Forms Library troubleshooting ................................................................................... 130 [email protected] 202.609.9100

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix


About this book

This manual gives an introduction to Archive Manager Exchange Edition the email archiving tool. In this
manual we will explain how to manually install and configure Archive Manager Exchange Edition for
Microsoft Exchange Server 2013/2016 using the light setup.

Besides the light setup, Archive Manager can be installed by the Install package which performs all
pre-requisite tasks and necessary configuration itself (see the short “Archive Manager Exchange
Edition Install Package Guide”).

In this manual we use Windows Server 2012 as OS.

Prerequisite knowledge

You should have a working knowledge of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013/2016 and of the
administrative tasks in Windows Server 2012/2008.

You should also have an understanding of Microsoft SQL Server or ORACLE Database Server, depending
on which you will be using.

Knowledge of Microsoft Outlook and IIS would be of help, too.

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Getting started
This chapter describes the most important basic requirements for successful manual installation of
Archive Manager Exchange Edition. Here we will also describe pre-installation tasks the administrator
has to perform before installing Archive Manager by the light setup, so please read it carefully.

Besides the light setup, Archive Manager can be installed by the Install package which performs all
pre-requisite tasks and necessary configuration itself (see the short “Archive Manager Exchange
Edition Install Package Guide”).

What is Archive Manager Exchange Edition

Archive Manager is a software solution for email archiving. It enables archive mail into a pre-defined
store even with a different retention times. Any email can be restored any time along with its
attachments. It provides full version management with a possibility to retrieve any of the versions.
Moreover, our full-text search engine provides searching through the archives by applying various
search criteria.

At archiving, Archive Manager replaces archived emails on the MS Exchange server or Office 365 with a
shortcut, which takes up much less space. Messages remain available, however, and end-users can
work with them as usual. This helps you to increase capacity on your MS Exchange server. Furthermore,
our OWA support lets you access archived e-mails easily without any reconfiguration via Web Access.
Thanks to the “shortcut delay” feature even Blackberry users can read their archived emails. Archive
Manager also offers an Offline Folder Service for those who wish to access their mails while on the
road. Emails can be copied into the Offline Folder using a standard synchronization process. Archive
Manager comes with a plug-in for MS Outlook that gives users authorized by the administrator the
ability to control certain archive functions themselves.

The system is fully automated and the administrator needs to specify the attributes of its behavior

Process of archiving with Archive Manager

Archive Manager Exchange Edition transfers the desired email with its attachments to the HSM system.
It is the HSM system that takes care of storing and retrieving emails and their attachments. The HSM
system works with a database because the information contained in the shortcut is stored either in an
ORACLE or an MS SQL database. The HSM system passes down this email and its attachments to a store
specified by the administrator, whereas the email can be compressed “on the fly”. A shortcut of a few
kilobytes only remains at its original location. This shortcut includes information about the new
location of the archived email. The only difference a user notices is that the shortcut is displayed with
a slightly modified icon.

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Users may work with archived emails and their attachments as usual. This means that when an archived
email is reopened, Archive Manager passes the information contained in the shortcut to the HSM
system. Then the HSM system restores the respective email and its attachments from the store. Yet,
for users it is as if they were working in their normal environment.

The HSM Server (Hierarchical Storage Management Server)

The HSM Server (i.e. the computer where the HSM system is installed), as a part of Archive Manager,
takes care of saving and securing archived documents. It works with a database, either an ORACLE
Database or an MS SQL Database.

NOTE: If you are using an ORACLE database, Oracle Data Provider for .NET has to be installed.

When installing Archive Manager Exchange Edition you will be asked to specify a database as well as a
database user and password, while configuring the database (see the section “Configuring the
database” in the chapter “Post-Installation tasks”). Therefore, a database with a database user must be
available before installing Archive Manager. (NOTE: The Archive Manager light setup does not create a
database automatically.)

The database used by Archive Manager has basically four parts: Archive Manager part, HSM part, Users
part and Auditing part (optional).

Archive Manager light setup does NOT create databases automatically.

Archive Manager part One database can include all these parts. However, if
you plan to archive 1.000.000 and more emails, we
HSM part recommend creating a separate databases for all three
parts. These databases are then easier to back up and
Users are not growing quickly.

Auditing part If auditing feature will be used, a separate database for

auditing part must be created.

NOTE: The owner can be the same for all databases or you can create different owner for each

Databases with the database user(s) (who, in addition, should be the owner(s) of these databases)
have to be available before installing Archive Manager, because you will be asked for this data during

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

the installation of Archive Manager. In this manual we use one database for Archive Manager
(exchangeDB), one for HSM (hsmDB), one for Users (mtRolesDB) and one for Auditing (auditingDB).
The same user for all is “srv_exchange”.

Supported databases:

· MS SQL 2008 and higher

· ORACLE 11g and 12c

Creation of a database with a database user in MS SQL 2012 is described in “Addendum – Creating an
MS SQL database with a database user”.

NOTE: If you prefer working with an ORACLE Database, make sure to have similar data (database,
database user, password, owner of the schema) available during the installation of Archive Manager
Exchange Edition.

Hardware & software requirements

Please refer to the latest version of the following document:

- Prerequisites - Archive Manager Exchange Edition

Pre-installation tasks
In this part we will describe which pre-installation steps should be taken in order to prepare all that is
needed for installing Archive Manager Exchange Edition correctly.

Before installing Archive Manager you need to:

· Create database(s) with a database user (owner of the table) so that they are available when
installing Archive Manager (Creation of a database with a database user in MS SQL 2012 is
described in “Addendum – Creating an MS SQL database with a database user”);

· Create a super-user account (see the section “Super-user” as well as the section “Creating a
super-user account” and “Creating a mailbox for the super-user”);

· In case that you will be using ORACLE database, you need to install on the Archive Manager
Server computer the ORACLE Data Provide for .NET (see the section “The Archive Manager

· Install Outlook 2010 or higher on your Archive Manager server (see the section “The Archive
Manager Server”);

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

· Make sure to install IIS. In the case that Archive Manager will be running on an:

a) MS Windows Server 2012 then follow the steps as described in the section “Installation of IIS
on a MS Windows Server 2012”

b) MS Windows Server 2008 (R2) then follow the steps as described in the section “Installation of
IIS on a MS Windows Server 2008 (R2)”

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you plan to install Archive Manager Exchange Edition on a server with Microsoft
CRM or SharePoint, you have to manually configure Archive Manager web applications. It is necessary,
because these applications are overtaking port 80 in IIS. Archive Manager needs port 80 free, otherwise
it will not be able to retrieve archived data to the users. For more information on how to configure
Archive Manager web applications in such cases see the “Archive Manager Exchange Edition
Configuration on the secondary Website” manual.

· Install .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.5 (see the section “Installation of the .NET Framework 3.5 and

· Assign administrator rights on the Archive Manager Server to the super-user (see the section
“Assigning administrator rights to the super-user over the Archive Manager Server”);

· Manage super-user rights with ADSI Edit tool (see the section “Assigning rights to the super-user
over the Configuration Container”);

· Grant the super-user permissions in MS Exchange Server (see the section “Granting the super-
user permissions in MS Exchange Server”);

· Grant the super-user impersonation permissions in Exchange Server (see the section “Granting
super-user impersonation permission in the Exchange Server”);
NOTE: These permissions are necessary only if you plan to access archived emails via OWA.

· Assign DCOM rights (see the section “Assigning DCOM rights on Windows Server 2008 / 2012”);

· Create Public Folder mailbox on the MS Exchange Server (see the section “Creating Public Folder

· Create the Organizational forms library (folder) on the MS Exchange Server (see the section
“Creating an Organizational forms library” as well as the section “Setting up language for the
forms folder”);

· Assign owner rights to the super-user over the Organizational forms library on the MS Exchange
Server (see the section “Assigning owner rights to the super-user over the Organizational Forms

· When you are done with installation, please don’t forget to synchronize the super-user as well

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(see the section “Enterprise Manager – Initial Configuration”)

Also, attached is a check-list (see the section “Addendum”) specifying which data you should collect
before installing Archive Manager. For successful installation, we recommend going through that list

IMPORTANT NOTE: Automated archiving is designed for groups. It is therefore crucial to have Active
Directory groups synchronized with Archive Manager, or at least to create new Archive Manager groups
using the Addressbook Manager or the Initial Configuration wizard (see the section “Enterprise
Manager – Initial Configuration”). In Archive Manager, jobs (automated archiving) apply to groups.
Mailboxes not included in any group can be archived manually only.

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Pre-installation tasks
· Super-user 11

· Archive Manager Server 14

· Assigning administrator rights to the super-user over the Archive Manager Server 22

· Assign rights to the super-user over the Configuration Container 24

· Granting the super-user permissions in the MS Exchange Server 29

· Assigning DCOM rights on Windows Server 2008 / 2012 32

· Creating a Public Folder 39

· Creating an Organizational Forms Library 41

· Assigning owner rights to the super-user over the Organizational Forms Library 42

· Setting up language for the forms folder 43

Another important thing for the administrator to do before installing Archive Manager is to create an
account with a mailbox under which Archive Manager will be running. This can be done simply by
adding a new user in Active Directory Users and Computers. Give that account a relevant name –
throughout this manual we will call this account a super-user account, and will be referred to as the
srv_exchange user (see the next section “Creating a super-user account”).

Why is this super-user necessary? Because at archiving, emails and their attachments are taken from
your MS Exchange server and they are placed in the HSM storage, which is another, cheaper, location.
Only a shortcut is left behind on the MS Exchange server. This means that the original email and its
attachments are replaced with a shortcut. The services that do this replacing process run under this
super-user account. That is why this account must be given certain additional rights on your MS
Exchange Server.

This super-user must be added to the local administrators of your Archive Manager Server. As
mentioned above, this super-user account must be given permissions to mailboxes on your Exchange
Server in order to enable the archiving process. Later we will describe how to assign permissions over
the mailboxes to the super-user.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please keep in mind that the password of this super-user must not be blank.

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Creating a super-user account

To create the super-user account:

1. Click Start /Administrative Tools /Active Directory Users and Computers.

2. In the left pane of the Active Directory Users and Computers window, right-click the container
where you want to create the srv_exchange account. Select New / User.

3. The New Object –User window is displayed. Complete the New Object – User window (enter
srv_exchange) and click Next.

4. In the next window select the Password never expires check box. Enter a password in the
Password text-box and confirm it in the Confirm password text-box.
NOTE: The password cannot be blank!

Leave the remaining checkboxes clear:

User must change password at logon
User cannot change password
Account is disabled

Click Next to move to the next screen.

5. Click Finish to create the new user.

Creating a mailbox for the super-user

As mentioned before the super-user account has to be an account with a mailbox. In the following
lines we describe the process of creating a mailbox for this super-user.

1. Open the Exchange admin center.

2. Under Recipients / Mailboxes click the + User mailbox option from the menu bar.

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3. In the pop-up dialog select Existing user and browse for the previously created srv_exchange.

4. Click Save. New mailbox (srv_exchange) appears in the Mailboxes list view.

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The Archive Manager Server

If you are using an ORACLE database, you need to install the ORACLE Data Provider for .NET (available
on ORACLE install CD).

· Outlook 14

· Installation of IIS on MS Windows Server 2012 15

· Installation of IIS on MS Windows Server 2008 (R2) 18

· Installation of the .NET Framework 22

Your Archive Manager Server will communicate with your MS Exchange Server/Office 365 via MAPI. To
provide your Archive Manager server with MAPI, install Outlook 2016 (32bit) (Outlook 2010/2013 (32bit)
can be also used in case of on site MS Exchange Server) on the Archive Manager server – full UNICODE

NOTE: Archive Manager and Exchange server must be separate machines.

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Installation of IIS on MS Windows Server 2012

Let's say your archiving software is running on a MS Windows Server 2012. Then you need to install
Internet Information Services (IIS).

To install Internet Information Services (IIS):

1. Click Start /Administrative Tools and select Server Manager.

2. Click Manage / Add Roles and Features.

3. Click Next and Next again. In the Select destination server make sure the Archive Manager
server is selected and click Next.

4. Select Web Server (IIS) role. In the pop-up leave the Include management tools check box
selected and click Add Features. Then keep clicking Next until the Features dialog.

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5. Leave the default features selected plus select the following:

· .NET Framework 3.5 Features

· .NET Framework 4.5 Features / .NET Framework 4.5

· .NET Framework 4.5 Features / ASP.NET 4.5

· .NET Framework 4.5 Features / WCF Services (all checkboxes under this item)

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

6. Click Next twice. On the Roles Services leave the default role services selected, plus select

· Web Server / Performance / Dynamic Content Compression

· Web Server / Security / Windows Authentication

· Web Server / Web Server / Application Development / .NET Extensibility 3.5

/ .NET Extensibility 4.5

/ ASP.NET 3.5

/ ASP.NET 4.5

· Web Server / Management Tools / IIS 6 Management Compatibility / IIS 6 Metabase

· Web Server / Management Tools / Management Service

Click Next, then Install.

Upon installation of Internet Information Services (IIS) you need to enable Web Service Extensions
ASP.NET v2.0 and 4.0. Follow these steps:

1. Click Start /Administrative Tools /Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Select server node

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and open the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions feature.

2. Check if ASP.NET v2.0 and 4.0 ISAPI extensions are installed and allowed.

Installation of IIS on MS Windows Server 2008 (R2)

Let's say your archiving software is running on a MS Windows Server 2008 (R2). Then you need to install
Internet Information Services (IIS) and add .NET Framework 3.5 feature. Upon installation of Internet
Information Services (IIS) and adding the .NET Framework you need to enable Active Server Pages as
well as ASP.NET 2.0 and 4.0.

To install Internet Information Services (IIS):

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

1. Click Start /Settings /Control Panel /Administrative Tools and select Server Manager.

2. Click on the Roles node. Click on Add Roles link on the right pane.

3. Select the Web Server (IIS) role. Click Next.

4. Leave the default role services selected, plus select following: ASP.NET, Static Content and
Windows Authentication. Click Next.

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5. Click Install to begin installation of IIS. Finally click on Close to exit.

6. Now in Server manager click Features node -> Add Feature and select .Net Framework 3.5.1
Features / .Net Framework 3.5.1 and click Install.

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Upon installation of Internet Information Services (IIS) you need to enable Web Service Extensions
ASP.NET v2.0 and 4.0. Follow these steps:

1. Click Start /Settings /Control Panel /Administrative Tools /Internet Information Services (IIS)
Manager. Select server node and open the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions feature.

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2. Check if ASP.NET v2.0 and 4.0 ISAPI extensions are installed and allowed.

Installation of the .NET Framework

Since Archive Manager is built on .NET technology, both .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.5 is required.

You can download .NET Framework 3.5 from the following link:

You can download .NET Framework 4.5 from the following link:

In case of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 it is necessary to download and install only .NET
Framework 4.5. The other - .NET Framework 3.5 – has already been added as a feature (see the
section above “Installation of IIS on Windows Server 2008”).

In case of Windows Server 2012 both of them are added via Server Manager (see the section
above “Installation of IIS on Windows Server 2012”).

NOTE: In case of Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 run the following command:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 aspnet_regiis.exe

Assigning administrator rights to the super-user over the Archive Manager

We have already created a super-user domain account (see “Creating a super-user account”). Now you
need to assign to it local administrator rights on your Archive Manager server computer. In case that
the Archive Manager Server will NOT be running on the Domain Controller, follow the steps described

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in a). In case that Archive Manager Server will be running on the Domain Controller, follow the steps
described in b).

a) Assigning local administrator rights to the super-user (not on the Domain Controller)

Assume that Archive Manager will not be running on the Domain Controller. Then you need to
assign local administrator rights to the super-user on the Archive Manager Server computer.

To assign local administrator rights to the super-user (srv_exchange) on the Archive Manager
server computer:

1. On the intended Archive Manager Server computer open Computer Management (e.g. run

2. Double-click the Local Users and Groups folder to expand it.

3. Double-click the Groups folder.

4. In the right pane right-click Administrators and, in the context menu, select Properties. The
Administrators Properties window opens.

5. Click the Add button.

6. Enter srv_exchange in the text box and click OK.

7. Confirm by clicking Apply and OK.

NOTE: This super-user account must not be a domain administrator.

b) Assigning local administrator rights to the super-user (on the Domain Controller)

Assume that the Archive Manager will be running on the Domain Controller. Then to assign it the
local administrator rights:

1. On the Archive Manager Server open the Active Directory Users and Computers (click Start
\Administrative tools \Active Directory Users and Computers).

2. Locate the super-user account (srv_exchange) in your Active Directory. You can search for it
using the Find icon on the toolbar.

3. Double-click srv_exchange to open its Properties.

4. In the srv_exchange Properties window click the Member of tab.

5. Click the Add button to open the Select groups window.

6. In the Select groups window make sure to insert your domain name in the From this

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Location box.

7. In the Enter the object name to select text box write Administrators and click the Check
Names button.

8. Click OK. Click Apply and then OK.

Assigning rights to the super-user over the Configuration Container

We have to grant the super-user Read permission over the organization’s Configuration container
recursively. There are more ways to grant this permission, one way is to use ADSI Editor (which is part
of the Windows Support Tools). We will demonstrate how to grant the necessary permissions using
ADSI Editor.

NOTE: These permissions are required to read the list of Exchange servers and Information Stores of
the organization.

If you run MMC on a domain controller you will find the ADSI Edit tool. On other machines (like MS
Exchange or others) this tool may not be present in the MMC snap in console. In that case the
ADSIEDIT.MSC tool can be freely downloaded from the following link where you can find a good
knowledgebase about this tool as well:

After downloading and saving it e.g. on your Exchange Server, it is necessary to register the adsiedit.dll
via the regsv32 (%systemroot%\System32\regsv32 adsiedit.dll), otherwise it will not be
possible to run this tool, even if it is copied under windows\system32.

To configure super-user rights over Configuration Container:

1. Open the “MMC” by clicking Start and typing MMC.

2. Console dialog opens. To add ADSI (Active Directory Services Interface) Edit, click File /
AddRemove Snap-in.

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3. In the pop-up window select ADSI Edit in the pop-up Snap-in list and click Add again. Then click

4. The ASDI Edit will be added to the Console root. Right-click it and select Connect to to define the
connection settings.

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5. New dialog pops-up. In the Select a well known Naming Context dropdown box select
Configuration and click OK.

6. Now you will set the super-user permissions over Configuration container. Back in the Console
window, unfold the ADSI Edit down to the CN=Configuration container. Right-click the
CN=Configuration node and select Properties.

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7. On the Security tab of the Properties window, click Add to add the super-user.

8. When the super-user is added, locate it in the list view and click Advanced.

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9. Locate the super-user. You can see that the permissions do not apply to child objects. To apply the
permissions to child objects as well, click Edit.

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10. In the Apply onto dropdown box select “This object and all descendant objects”.

11. Click OK, then Apply.

Granting the super-user permissions in MS Exchange Server

Archive Manager Exchange Edition requires that the super-user be granted some administrative
permissions and access to the mailboxes which will be archived. In Exchange 2013/2016, the super-user
must be assigned the “View-Only Organization Management” role. This ensures that the mailboxes
and public folders can be accessed using the required administrative privileges. Further, the access to
the mailboxes is granted by setting the “Receive As” permission to the super-user. This can be
achieved on mailbox level or on database level (Exchange Information Store). In this document we

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

demonstrate the right assignment on the database level.

Exchange Server 2013/2016 uses client throttling policies to track the bandwidth that each user
consumes and enforce bandwidth limits as necessary. Archive Manager needs more resources than the
allowed limit, therefore the throttling policy must be changed for the super-user.

Summary of tasks:

I. Assign super-user (srv_exchange) the “View-Only Organization Management” role

II. Assign super-user (srv_exchange) the “Public Folder Management” role

III. Grant super-user (srv_exchange) permissions to all mailboxes

IV. Change client throttling for super-user (srv_exchange)

Summary of cmdlets which carry out the above mentioned tasks:

Add-RoleGroupMember –Identity "View-Only Organization Management" -Member


Add-RoleGroupMember –Identity "Public Folder Management" -Member "srv_exchange"

Get-MailboxDatabase | Add-ADPermission -User "srv_exchange" -AccessRights

ExtendedRight –ExtendedRights Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store-Admin -InheritanceType

New-ThrottlingPolicy MAM4Exchange

Set-ThrottlingPolicy MAM4Exchange -EwsCutoffBalance Unlimited -EwsMaxBurst

Unlimited -EwsMaxConcurrency Unlimited -EwsMaxSubscriptions Unlimited -
EwsRechargeRate Unlimited -RcaMaxConcurrency Unlimited -RcaCutoffBalance
Unlimited -RcaMaxBurst Unlimited -RcaRechargeRate Unlimited -CpaMaxConcurrency
Unlimited -CpaCutoffBalance Unlimited -CpaMaxBurst Unlimited -CpaRechargeRate

Set-Mailbox "srv_exchange" -ThrottlingPolicy MAM4Exchange

Find the detailed description of the process in the following lines.

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Add super-user (srv_exchange) the “View-Only Organization Management” role:

1. Run the Exchange Management Shell.

Run the following cmdlet in PowerShell to assign super-user (srv_exchange) to the View-Only
Organization Management role:

Add-RoleGroupMember –Identity "View-Only Organization Management" -Member


2. Run the cmdlet to assign super-user (srv_exchange) to the Public Folder Management role:

Add-RoleGroupMember –Identity "Public Folder Management" -Member "srv_exchange"

3. Then run the cmdlet to grant srv_exchange permissions to all mailboxes:

Get-MailboxDatabase | Add-ADPermission -User "srv_exchange" -AccessRights

ExtendedRight –ExtendedRights Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store-Admin -InheritanceType

NOTE: It may take some time until the super-user rights are assigned.

4. Lastly, run the 3 following cmdlets to set the throttling policy for srv_exchange:

New-ThrottlingPolicy MAM4Exchange

Set-ThrottlingPolicy MAM4Exchange -EwsCutoffBalance Unlimited -EwsMaxBurst

Unlimited -EwsMaxConcurrency Unlimited -EwsMaxSubscriptions Unlimited -
EwsRechargeRate Unlimited -RcaMaxConcurrency Unlimited -RcaCutoffBalance

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

Unlimited -RcaMaxBurst Unlimited -RcaRechargeRate Unlimited -CpaMaxConcurrency

Unlimited -CpaCutoffBalance Unlimited -CpaMaxBurst Unlimited -CpaRechargeRate

Set-Mailbox "srv_exchange" -ThrottlingPolicy MAM4Exchange

Granting super-user impersonation permissions in MS Exchange Server

Super-user must be granted impersonation permissions in Exchange Server just in case that you plan to
access archived emails via OWA. Otherwise these permissions are not necessary.

NOTE: To install and configure the OWA extension of Archive Manager, the Archive Manager Exchange
Edition_64bit_Extensions setup has to be downloaded and installed on Exchange Server (see the
“Installation of optional features” manual).

Use the PowerShell to grand the super-user Impersonation permissions over all Exchange 2013/2016
Servers in your environment:

1. Run the Exchange Management Shell.

2. To grant the super-user Impersonation permissions, run the following command:

New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Name "Impersonation-MAM4Exchange" –Role

"ApplicationImpersonation" –User “srv_exchange”

Assigning DCOM rights on Windows Server 2008 / 2012

When installing Archive Manager on a MS Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or Windows Server
2012, additional DCOM settings need to be taken into consideration.

To set DCOM rights on a MS Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 / 2012, follow these steps:

1. Open Computer Management (run compmgmt.msc). Or right-click My Computer and

select Manage.

2. In the Computer Management window expand the Local Users and Groups node and then
select the Groups node.

NOTE: If you are installing Archive Manager on a Domain Controller machine, please note that by
managing your computer you will not find the Local users and Groups node in the Computer
Management window. Therefore to locate the Distributed COM Users group, use the Active

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

Directory Users and Computers tool. To do so, click Start /Administrative Tools /Active Directory
Users and Computers and simply search for the Distributed COM Users group (click on the Action
menu and then click Find and search in Entire directory).

3. Double-click the Distributed COM Users group in the right pane to open its Properties window
and then add the super-user (srv_exchange account) to this group:

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

4. After adding the required account to the Distributed COM Users group you need to give this
group both access and launch permissions on Component Services .

To do so, run Component Services (click Start /Administrative Tools /Component


In the Component Services window expand the Component Services tree down to
Component Services \Computers \My Computer and then right-click My Computer to
open its Properties window.

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5. In the Properties window switch over to the COM Security tab.

In order to assign the Distributed COM Users group and NETWORK SERVICE the Access
Permissions you need to click on the Edit Default button in the Access Permissions section.

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6. In the Access Permission dialog add the Distributed COM Users group and the NEWORK
SERVICE using the Add button. The Distributed COM Users group needs both local and remote
Access permissions. The NETWORK SERVICE needs only local Access permissions. Then click OK.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When trying to Find Distributed COM Users and the computer is not a domain
controller, change the location to local computer.

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7. Back in the Properties window on the COM Security tab you need to grant launch
permissions. In order to grant the Distributed COM Users group and NETWORK SERVICE
the Launch Permissions you need to click on the Edit Default button in the Launch and
Activation Permissions section.

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8. In the Launch and Activation Permissions dialog add the Distributed COM Users group and
the NETWORK SERVICE using the Add button. The Distributed COM users group needs both
local and remote Launch and Activation Permissions. The NETWORK SERVICE needs only the
local Launch and Activation Permissions:

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

Creating a Public Folder

Before creating an Organizational Forms library, which is a system folder stored in public folders, you
must create a Public Folder. When creating public folder, public folder mailbox must be created first.

NOTE: You can skip this step if you already have the Public Folder created. Check it in Exchange Admin
Center / Public folders. In case that public folder mailbox exists, proceed with the chapter “Creating an
Organizational Forms Library”.

To create a Public Folder:

1. Log on to the Exchange Admin Center.

2. From the feature pane select Public Folders. Then click Public Folder Mailboxes and click + (New
public folder) icon.

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3. In the pop-up dialog enter the mailbox name (e.g. PF_mailbox) and click Save.

4. Now click the Public Folders tab / + (New public folder) icon. In the pop-up dialog enter name
(e.g. Public Folder) and click Save.

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NOTE: Provided that you have more Exchange 2013 servers, replicate the Public Folder mailbox to all of

Creating an Organizational Forms Library

You need to have an Organizational forms library (which is actually a system folder stored in public
folders) on your MS Exchange Server, i.e. you need to have a folder under the EFORMS REGISTRY
where you will publish all Archive Manager forms. If such a folder doesn’t exist yet, you have to create

NOTE: There can be several libraries created, one for each language.

Organizational forms library – if such exists – is located under the EFORMS REGISTRY. If the library
exists under the EFORMS REGISTRY, you don’t need to create another one. In that case proceed with
the chapter “Assigning owner rights to the super-user over the Organizational Forms library”.

To check whether an Organizational forms library exists:

1. Open Outlook.

2. Click click Home tab / New Items / More Items / Choose Form.

3. In the Look in down-drop box look for Organizational Forms Library, if it exists.

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To create an Organizational forms library, follow these instructions:

1. Run the Exchange Management Shell.

2. Create an Organizational forms library in Exchange Management Shell using the following

New-PublicFolder –Path "\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\EFORMS REGISTRY" -Name "Organizational

Forms" -vb

Parameter “-vb” is optional; it gives the verbose output.

Check in Outlook that the public folder is shown under Home tab / New Items / More Items / Choose
Form. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service if not (Start / Programs /
Administrative Tools / Services).

Other way how to bring the Organizational Forms on Outlook 2010 (if it didn’t load up after creation), is
just adding another PowerShell line Set-PublicFolder "\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\EFORMS REGISTRY
\Organizational Forms" -EFormslocaleID EN-US.

Assigning owner rights to the super-user over the Organizational Forms

The super-user will be publishing all Archive Manager forms in the Organizational Forms library.
Therefore, that account must be given owner rights to this folder. To assign the rights to the super-
user, follow these steps:

1. Run the Exchange Management Shell.

2. Now enter the following command to set access rights for super-user (srv_exchange):

Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\EFORMS REGISTRY

\Organizational Forms" -User "srv_exchange" -AccessRights "owner"

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

First parameter is a path to the Organizational Forms library. Second parameter is a name of the super-
user, which will be granted the rights and third parameter is the AccessRights type which is usually
supposed to be “Owner”.


· If you are not sure what the name of the Organizational forms library is, the following command can
be used. It will grant permissions for the child objects under EFORMS REGISTRY:

Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\EFORMS REGISTRY" -GetChildren |

Add-publicfolderclientpermission -User srv_exchange -AccessRights Owner

· It may take some time until the super-user is assigned owner rights over the Organizational Forms

Setting up language for the forms folder

After we have successfully created Organizational forms library, its language needs to be set up. To do
so, download the Microsoft’s MAPI Editor tool from the Microsoft download center to the machine
with Outlook installed. The current location for download is:

(go to download and select the latest release)

1. Start the Microsoft’s MAPI Editor tool on any client computer, where Outlook is installed and
profile(s) are present.

NOTE: Should you have Outlook installed also on your Archive Manager server, you can launch the
MAPI Editor on that machine as well.

2. To display the store tables unfold the Session menu and select Logon command.

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3. The store tables are displayed then. Right-click the Public Folder store. From the context menu
select Open store or double-click the store to open it.

4. A new window with public folders appears. Unfold the tree in the left pane down to Root
Container \ NON_IPM_SUBTREE \ EFORMS REGISTRY \ Organizational Forms.

5. Click on the Property tab on the menu bar and from the down-drop menu select Advanced / Edit
given property option.

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6. In the new window enter the number 0x3FE90003 in the Property tag text box. It defines the
PR_EFORMS_LOCALE_ID property. Check it in the Property name box. Then click OK.

7. In the pop-up Property Editor window type the required locale ID (1033 for English) in the
Unsigned Decimal box and click OK:

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8. Back in the Folder Tree window locate the PR_PUBLISH_IN_ADDRESS_BOOK property in the right
pane. Right-click it and select Edit property.

NOTE: If this property does not exist, you have to create it. Click Property / Additional properties. Click
Add and enter the number 0x3FE6000b in the Property tag text box. It defines the
PR_PUBLISH_IN_ADDRESS_BOOK property. Check it in the Property name box. Click OK and OK again.

9. Uncheck the Boolean check box and click OK.

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10. Finally close the Folder Tree window and exit MAPI Editor by selecting Session/Logoff menu

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Installing Archive Manager Exchange Edition

· LAN Architecture 48

· 1st part of the Archive Manager installation - HSM and Archive Manager Search 49

· 2nd part of the Archive Manager installation - Components Selection 50

LAN Architecture
Before installing Archive Manager Exchange Edition, we need to mention something about the type of
LAN you may have, which basically consists of:

· MS Exchange Server, (must be a SEPARATE MACHINE)

· Database Server,

· Archive Manager Server,

· HSM Server and

· Archive Manager Search Server (optional).

In the most basic configuration all servers EXCEPT MS EXCHANGE can be installed on one machine.
However, more advanced configurations are recommended.

Archive Manager is a product of high scalability and administrators can decide for various LAN
solutions. For instance, maximum 3000 mailboxes can be archived with one Archive Manager Archive
server. If more than 1000 mailboxes are being archived, we recommend dedicating an additional server
where only the Archive Manager retrieve part will reside. In this manual we describe two LAN
configurations in detail:

Common config (containing ONE Archive Manager server)

· MS Exchange Server (one machine)

· Database Server, Archive Manager Server, HSM Server, Archive Manager Search Server, PST
Import Server (second machine)

LoadBalancing config (containing MORE Archive Manager servers)

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

· MS Exchange Server (one machine)

· Database Server (second machine)

· one Archive Manager Archive Server (third machine) (with optional PST Import)

· one Archive Manager Retrieve Server (fourth machine)

· HSM and Archive Manager Search Server (fifth machine)

HSM server setup and optional Archive Manager Search server setup must be installed first - 1st part of
the installation section.

Then run the Archive Manager setup on all other servers (except the Exchange and Database Server) –
2nd part of the installation section.

NOTE: To achieve load balancing and enable multiple archiving for large organizations scattered around
the globe, Archive Manager provides you with the possibility to configure several Archive Manager
Archive servers distinguished by a unique identifier – the LocationID. More servers can be assigned to
ONE location:

· ONE Archive server

· several Retrieve servers and/or

· PST Import servers.

For example: one Archive Manager archive service for daily business, one PST Import archive service
and several retrieve services operating in parallel.

(For more info see the note at the end of the “Installing Archive Manager Exchange Edition” chapter.)

1st part of the Archive Manager installation – HSM and Archive Manager
After you have decided on your Archive Manager configuration solution, you can start installing
Archive Manager. As was mentioned before, the first step is to install:

· the HSM Server which takes care of storing and retrieving emails and

· optionally the Archive Manager Search Server if you wish to use the fulltext search

NOTE: When running the Archive Manager Search setup, you can choose from different fulltext search

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

o Archive Manager Search (recommended)

o MS Search integration

NOTE: Both HSM and Archive Manager Search can be installed by separate setups or by using the
Archive Manager installation package. For detailed information on how to install and configure the
HSM and Archive Manager Search see the following manuals:

o HSM Installation and Configuration

o Archive Manager Search

2nd part of the Archive Manager installation – Components Selection

When your HSM and Archive Manager Search are installed, you can continue with the Archive Manager
installation. We will use the separate Archive Manager Exchange Edition setup. This setup is also a part
of Archive Manager Installation Package. You can run the installation package and then select just the
Metalogix Archive Manager Exchange Edition component.

NOTE: Make sure that all MMC applications (the System Manager tool, the Services window etc.) are
closed before running the Archive Manager setup. Run the setup while being logged on to the server
with a domain account with local administrative permissions.

On the Welcome page click Next.

On the License Agreement page read the license agreement. If you agree, click Yes to continue.

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Before proceeding with installation, you need to apply the license. There can be two different

· Archive Manager server has an internet connection (a)

· Archive Manager server has NO internet connection (b)

a) If Archive Manager server has an internet connection, follow the next steps:

o Enter your license key and click Next.

NOTE: If the internet access is filtered out by proxy on the Archive Manager server, click the Set
proxy link to enter the respective parameters.

o License will be validated and you can continue the installation.

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b) If the Archive Manager server has NO internet connection, follow the next steps:

o Insert your license key.

o Select the Offline activation radio button and click Next.

o Copy the Activation request text from the Activation request text box or save it as a file (click
the Save to file link)

o On the machine with internet access open the Metalogix Activation URL:

o Paste the Activation Request text you have copied or Browse for the file you have saved and
click Activate

o Activation text is generated. Again copy the text or save it as a file

o Back on the Archive Manager server click Next to proceed to the Enter your Activation
Response dialog. Paste the Activation text you have copied from the Metalogix web page or
load the file.

o Click Next, then Finish.

In the next window you can check the location where the Archive Manager folder with all the
application necessary files will be installed. The default destination location is C:\Program Files\
Metalogix. You can use the Change button to change the destination directory, if you wish. Then click

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The next step is very important as in the following dialog (Select Features window) you are selecting
which features of Archive Manager will be installed. We will describe how to select the features in a
separate section (see the following sections “Description of the features” as well as the section “How
to select the features”). You must select appropriate features depending on your LAN configuration.

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Description of the features

Application Server
Please select this option only for the computer where Archive Manager Server will be running. By
selecting this option you will install the basic components of Archive Manager.

PST Import
As for PST Import, it is an application collecting and archiving users’ PST files. It can be used only on the
machine where MS Outlook is installed.

Supported Outlook versions:

o Outlook 2010 (32bit)
o Outlook 2013 (32bit)
o Outlook 2016 (32bit)

(For more information on how to use and configure the PST Importer, see the “Administrator manual
for PST Importer”.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The PST Import component can easily be installed on any machine with the
following minimum requirements:

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

· Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

· .NET Framework 2.0 SP2

· Outlook 2010

Administrative tools
By selecting this option you will install the Configuration tool and the Enterprise Manager, which are
included among administrative applications of Archive Manager.

These tools can be installed and used on several computers. For instance, you may decide to use
Enterprise Manager not only on the machine where Archive Manager Server is running (i.e. not only on
the machine where Application server is selected during setup). In that case you must select ONLY
Administrative tools when running Archive Manager Exchange Edition setup on the new machine.
Several users can then have access to full management of Archive Manager.

Forms Installer
Forms Installer contains custom forms and FormsInstaller.exe tool which publishes the forms in the
Organizational Forms Library. It can only be used on a computer where Outlook is running. You can also
choose any client machine with Outlook 2016 (32bit) / 2013 (32bit) / 2010 (32bit) and .NET Framework
2.0 SP2 installed to be able to publish the forms.

NOTE: There is always a FormsInstaller setup to be downloaded together with the Archive Manager
setup. This smaller setup installs the FormsInstaller.exe tool on the client machine.

Auditing allows administrator to log defined user actions in the email archive, i.e. administrator has an
overview of user actions as archiving, retrieving, restoring and even executed fulltext searches (in
Outlook and ArchiveWeb). This feature can be installed on Archive Manager server or on a separate
machine (for detailed information see the “Auditing manual”).

Monitoring service
This service is implemented since v5.1. It automates monitoring of other Archive Manager (MAM)
services and alerts administrator via notification email if necessary. Notification mail is send only if
some error occurs. For more information see the “MAM services – Basic description” manual.

Available documentation

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All in all, certain restrictions and recommendations regarding LAN architecture need to be taken into
account when installing Archive Manager. Basically the MS Exchange Server and Archive Manager
Server should be on different computers, i.e. two separate machines (for more information see the
section “LAN Architecture”).

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a special Archive Manager Exchange Edition_64bit_Extensions setup to be

downloaded together with the Archive Manager Exchange Edition setup. This Archive Manager
Exchange Edition_64bit_Extensions setup installs Exchange Server Tools which are necessary for
reading permissions and Archive Manager components for OWA (optional).

Archive Manager Exchange Edition_64bit_Extensions setup is dedicated to run only on Exchange

Server (see the “Archive Manager Exchange Edition Installation of Optional Features” manual).

How to select features for various types of LAN

As mentioned in “LAN Architecture” section Archive Manager is a product of high scalability and
administrators can decide for various types of LAN. It is important to select the correct features for
your servers when installing Archive Manager. Further we discuss two most common LAN
configurations in detail:

o containing ONE Archive Manager Server (“Common config”)

o containing MORE Archive Manager Servers (“LoadBalancing config”).

I. Common config

Possible LAN configuration:

· MS Exchange Server (one machine)

· Archive Manager Server, HSM Server, Archive Manager Search Server, PST Import Server, Database
Server (second machine)

Please select the features on the Select Features page as described below:

When running the Archive Manager setup on the second machine, select Application Server. To enable
ArchiveWeb application, select also ArchiveWeb. If you plan to use administrative applications on the
server as well, select Administrative tools. Select Auditing if you want to deploy auditing feature and
Monitoring service if you want to deploy monitoring as well.

You can select also FormsInstaller and PST Import features.

NOTE: HSM and Archive Manager Search have been installed on the machine separately (1st part of the

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NOTE: The only components installed on the Exchange Server are Exchange Server Tools necessary for
synchronizing permissions and/or OWA extension (optional). They are installed with the Archive
Manager Exchange Edition_64bit_Extensions setup which can be downloaded together with the
Archive Manager Exchange Edition setup (see the “Post Installation tasks” section).

For OWA extension installation see the “Archive Manager Exchange Edition Installation of Optional
Features” manual.

II. LoadBalancing Config

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

Possible LAN configuration:

· MS Exchange Server (one machine)

· Database Server (second machine)

· one Archive Manager Archive Server (third machine) (with optional PST Import)

· one Archive Manager Retrieve Server (fourth machine)

· HSM and Archive Manager Search Server (fifth machine)

NOTE: Provided that you wish to have two or more Archive Manager servers, the Archive Manager
installation has to run on all of them. When the whole installation process is completed the servers
have to be assigned the “Archive server” role and “Retrieve server” role respectively using Enterprise
Manager application (Enterprise Manager / Tools / Options / Server settings tab) – as will be described

Please select the components as described:

When running Archive Manager setup on the computers where Archive Manager Servers should be
installed, select Application Server for both of them and also Administrative tools if you plan to use
administrative applications on the servers as well. To enable ArchiveWeb, select this feature on one of
the Archive Manager Servers. To enable Auditing, select this feature also on one of the Archive
Manager Servers. Monitoring service feature can be installed on each Archive Manager Server.
Optionally select also PST Import if you plan to use this feature.

HSM and Archive Manager Search are installed on the HSM and Archive Manager Search server by
separate setups as described in the 1st part of the installation.

There is no need to run the installation on the Database Server and MS Exchange Server.

NOTE: The only components installed on the Exchange Server are Exchange Server Tools necessary for
synchronizing permissions and/or OWA extension (optional). They are installed with the Archive
Manager Exchange Edition_64bit_Extensions setup which can be downloaded together with the
Archive Manager setup (see the “Post Installation tasks” section).

For OWA extension installation see the “Archive Manager Exchange Edition Installation of Optional
Features” manual.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

Finishing the installation

As the setup continues you are asked to allow Metalogix Exchange Extension to be added to the
Exception list of the Windows Firewall. In this way the Archive service will be allowed to communicate
through Windows Firewall.

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Then you are asked to specify the user account under which Archive Manager services will be running.
Enter your super-user (srv_exchange) in the User Name text box in the DOMAIN\Username format.
You can use the Browse button, to locate the user. Fill in the super-user’s password in the Password
and Confirm Password text boxes. Click Next.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

In the next window enter the NETBios name of your HSM Server, i.e. the computer where you have run
the HSM setup (see the 1st part of the installation). You can use the Browse button to locate the server.
Then click Next.

NOTE: Click the Test server button if you want to test the connection to the HSM server.

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Then you are asked to enter the NETBios name of your Fulltext Server, i.e. the computer where you
have run the Archive Manager Search setup (see the 1st part of the installation). You can use the
Browse button to locate the server. Then click Next.

NOTE: Click the Test server button if you want to test the connection to the Fulltext server.

Archive Manager Search is optional. If you do not have Archive Manager Search Server installed,
uncheck the Enable Fulltext search check box and click Next.

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Finally click Install.

When the installation has finished, click the Finish button. As the Archive Manager installation
finishes, the Postinstallation window opens with all necessary post-installation tasks listed. We
describe them in the following chapter.


If your LAN configuration requires more than one Archive Manager Archiving server in one domain
(especially in case of large organizations demanding multiple archiving), Archive Manager provides you
with the possibility to configure several Locations with their Archive servers.

You must distinguish the intended Archive servers by the Location ID immediately after installation. As
default the Location ID for every installation is 1. To change the Location ID, e.g. set Location ID to 2 for
your 2nd Archive Manager Archive server, you have to change the following registry key values to “2”:

· HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Heilig & Schubert \ exchangePAM \


· HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Heilig & Schubert \ exchangePAM \

OfflineStorage \ LocationID

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Assigning Archive / Retrieve server role to respective Archive Manager servers is accomplished in the
Enterprise Manager on the Tools / Options / Server settings tab – will be described later.

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Post-installation tasks
As the Archive Manager Exchange Edition installation finishes you will be prompted the
Postinstallation dialog. The list of post-installation steps varies for different parts of installation
(Archive Manager Server, PST Server etc.).

This dialog lists post-installation tasks which have to be completed after installation:

1. Configuration - Configuring your already installed databases

2. Forms Publishing - Publishing the Custom Forms of Archive Manager

3. Start Services - Start the Archive Manager services

4. Enterprise Manager - Run the Enterprise Manager to start populating Archive Manager with users
and mailboxes and archive the first emails.

The last task is to be completed on the Exchange Server (not included in the Postinstall dialog):

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

5. Exchange Server Tools – installs tools necessary for reading permissions

For information on how to complete the tasks read the following sections. Each of the above
mentioned steps can be done once you click the relevant Start button on the dialog. The
Postinstallation tool can be launched also from <installdir> \ Metalogix \ MAM4Exchange \ Tools \
LaunchTools \ LaunchTools.exe.

Configuring the database

As suggested in the Postinstallation dialog, as a first step you need to configure your previously
created database(s). To do so, just click the first Start button - Launch configuration tool. The database
Configuration tool pops-up. This tool administers the database(s) which your Archive Manager
software will use to keep meta-data in. The database(s) must be available before you run Archive
Manager setup (see the Addendum “Creating an MS SQL database with a database user”).

In this manual we use separate database for each component (exchangeDB for Archive Manager part,
hsmDB for HSM part, auditingDB for Auditing part and mtRoleDB for Users part) and the same user for
all (srv_exchange). The following lines describe only configuration of Archive Manager, Auditing and
Users part. For HSM configuration see the “HSM Installation and Configuration” manual.

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The Configuration tool has different tabs:

· Auditing – only in case that Auditing feature was selected during the installation

· HSM (which is configured after the HSM installation – see the “HSM Installation and Configuration

· Exchange Archive (which is used to configure the Archive Manager part)

· Users – should be configured for correct function of ArchiveWeb

· Search – only in case that MAM Search was installed as an optional feature

· Fulltext tab – only in case that old fulltext engine is used

You will notice that each tab of the tool (Exchange Archive, HSM, Users and Auditing) has 2 subsections
- the Configuration section and the Execute Scripts section. Always start with the Configuration
subsection, since you will first need to set the connection parameters in order to run the sql scripts.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once configured, you must NOT change the following values in the Configuration
tool on any of the tabs:

· Initial Catalog: this is the default Database where the system is writing and reading from. This
name should never be changed, unless you do not specifically restore all the prior archived data
back in Exchange and decide to start all over with a fresh new database for the product. If by
mistake another database is used the old archived data is no longer reachable.

· Table Owner: this is the default table owner used by the product. This SQL Table owner must be
always the same, even if you move the SQL databases from one SQL server to another. If another
SQL Table Owner name is created and used for the archiving product all the tables will be re-
created as duplicate and the system will write in the new table set. As an end-effect the old
archived data will not be reachable anymore. For SQL 2008 / 2012 the Table Owner is the SCHEMA
NAME of the database.

· Server Name: this is the name of the SQL server where the databases used by the Metalogix
product are hosted. It is only allowed to change this name if the database(s) the Metalogix product
uses are moved from one SQL server to another

In case of an ORACLE database, do NOT change ORACLE NET name and Schema.

UPDATING: When updating from earlier versions to version 3.4 and higher, running the
parentFolderConv-SQL.sql database script from the Exchange Archive tab can take a longer time. It is
not necessary to run the script immediately after update. It is recommended to unselect the above-
mentioned script when executing scripts on the Exchange Archive tab, have the system up and running
and execute that script on the Exchange Archive tab only later.

To configure the Archive Manager and Auditing databases:

1. On the database Configuration tool switch to the Exchange Archive section and then click Configure.

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2. If you have an MS SQL server as a database provider, select the respective radio button and click
Next. If you are using an Oracle database choose the other radio button and click Next.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

3. In the next window you have to fill in the text fields as follows:

· If you have Microsoft SQL Server

Server name - name of the SQL server.

Initial catalog - name of the Archive Manager database (e.g. exchangeDB).

Table owner - name of the SQL Login that is a Table Owner (or the name of the SQL Schema), e.g.

Authentication – authentication type used for the database

User name - database login user (the one you are using as a table owner – e.g. srv_exchange)

Password - password of the above database login

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

IMPORTANT NOTE: When updating Archive Manager from one version to another you must NOT change
the following values in the Configuration tool on any of the tabs:

o Server Name

o Initial Catalog

o Table Owner

In case of an ORACLE database, do NOT change ORACLE NET name and Schema.

· If you have ORACLE


Schema - the name of the schema where Archive Manager tables will be created

User Name - log-on user for the HSM database (with read and write rights to the tables)

Password - log-on user’s password

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4. Back on the Exchange Archive tab run the sql scripts by clicking Execute Scripts. The list of the scripts
will appear. Click Next.

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NOTE: When updating from earlier versions to version 3.4 and higher, running the parentFolderConv-
SQL.sql database script (the last one) can take a longer time. It is not necessary to run the script
immediately. It is recommended to unselect the above-mentioned script when executing scripts on
the Exchange Archive tab, have the system up and running and execute that script on the Exchange
Archive tab only later.

5. In case of SQL Authentication, click Next once more to accept the database login user and its

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6. Click Next to execute the scripts.

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7. When the process finishes, click Finish.

8. Then switch to the Exchange Archive/Supporting Services tab. It lists two services running on the
background ensuring smooth Archive Manager functionality. If Archive Manager itself is installed on
the local machine, just click Apply. Otherwise specify machine name (instead of “localhost”) and
port for the computer where Archive Manager is installed.

9. The EWS archiving service tab has to been configured in case of Office 365 or MS Exchange Server
2016 in your environment. It will enable Exchange Web Services (EWS) to be used for archiving from
Office 365 or Exchange Server 2016. EWS method is generally faster than MAPI in such

Enter you Exchange server IP address, select Exchange server version from drop-down, enter User
with impersonation permissions and fill in the Archive manager server IP address.

The rest of the options are filled-in automatically. You only need to change Authentication to Basic
in case of Office 365 environment.

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10. Now switch to the Users tab. Configure it in the same way as the Exchange Archive part. Use either
the dedicated database mtUserDB or the same database that was used for Exchange Archive part.

11. If you have installed Auditing feature, switch to the Auditing tab to configure the Auditing
database. The process is similar to Archive Manager database configuration – configure the
auditingDB and run the scripts.

NOTE: Auditing log targets and configuration are described in detail in the “Auditing manual”.

12. When you finished, close the database Configuration tool. Archive Manager database is now

Publishing Archive Manager Forms

As suggested back in the Postinstallation window, the second step will be FormPublishing. You need to
publish the custom forms for Archive Manager in the Organizational Forms library of each Exchange
Server you plan to archive.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

These custom forms need to be installed with the FormsInstaller.exe tool. This tool is as default
installed on the Archive Manager server under C:\ Program Files (x86) \ Metalogix \ MAM4Exchange \
Tools \ Forms. It can be used on any machine with Outlook 2016 (32bit) / 2013 (32bit) / 2010 (32bit) and
.NET Framework 2.0 SP2 or higher installed. You can run it on a client or on your Archive Manager

How to do it:

NOTE: To run the FormsInstaller on a client, use the FormsInstaller setup. It can be downloaded
together with the Archive Manager setup. This smaller setup is used to install the FormsInstaller.exe
tool and other necessary .dll files on the client machine.

IMPORTANT: In case of publishing forms in Office 365 environment, see the following section
“Publishing Archive Manager Forms for Office 365”.

1. Check that the super-user account is a local admin on the machine.

2. Log-on with the super-user account and open its profile in Outlook. Make sure you are not using
cache mode while attempting to publish the custom forms.

3. When done, keep the Outlook still opened with the super-user account and run the forms install
application from this location
C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\Metalogix\MAM4Exchange\Tools\Forms\FormsInstaller.exe

4. The Forms Installer window opens. Select Install/repair. Then click Next.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

5. If you have installed the Forms folder on a location different from the one displayed, click the
Browse button to find it. Otherwise click Next.

NOTE: The Archive Manager form templates are located under the following path: C:\ Program
Files (x86) \ Metalogix \ MAM4Exchange \ Tools \ Forms \ Templates.

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6. In the next window select the available forms and then click on the “>>” button to add them to
the Selected forms list. Then click Next.

7. For full functionality leave all four options of this window checked and click Next.

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Uncheck the individual options only for special purposes:

· When an archived email is opened in Outlook, the “Previous Item” and “Next Item” functionality
is not working. This is because of the nature of archived email, which is just an offline copy of
the original email. If you want to use the “Previous/Next” buttons while not retrieving the
archived email, you can uncheck the “On Open” check box. In this case the archived email is not
downloaded when the user double-clicks on the shortcut. Please note that in order to be able to
access the archived mail, you have to set up another way of accessing its content, e.g. by setting
up attachment links or html shortcuts. In this case there are direct links to the archived content
directly from the shortcut, so the On Open method is replaced.

· Should you want to send in a reply just the shortcut of the given email (when clicking Reply on
the Outlook menu bar), unchecked the On Reply check box.

· Should you want to send in a reply to all just the shortcut of the given email (when clicking Reply
to all on the Outlook menu bar), unchecked the On Reply to All check box.

· Should you want to forward just the shortcut of the given email (when clicking Forward on the
Outlook menu bar), uncheck the On Forward check box.

8. On the next dialog you will have to provide the name of your Archive Manager server that will be
used for retrieving of archived mails. This name will be written in the custom forms code. You can
provide two values (for example the NETBios name of the Archive Manager server and its IP

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Address as well) in case one of them is not reachable, the forms will do an automatic switch.

In the Location ID you have to write integers. Your first Archive Manager archiving server has the
Location ID 1. If you will have later a second Archive Manager archiving server in the same domain
you can set its Location ID to 2 etc. This will help the Forms to target to all the Archive Manager
servers in the same domain. In other words, you have as many Location IDs as the number of your
Archive Manager databases in use.

The Primary Retrieve Server column must contain the name of your Archive Manager server. If you
use a dedicated server for retrieving, then you should write the name of this Retrieving Archive
Manager server on this column.

The Secondary Retrieve Server column is usually keeping a different value than the one written on
the previous column. That’s because the forms can do a switch and try two values in case one is
not accessible.

EXAMPLE: • If you have only ONE Archive Manager server, always set on the Primary Retrieve
Server column the NETBios name of your Archive Manager server and on the
Secondary Retrieve Server the IP Address of the very same machine.

• If you have MORE Archive Manager Servers, i.e. you have a dedicated retrieve
server for your Archive Manager, then on the Primary Retrieve Server column you

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have to provide the NETBios name of the Retrieving Archive Manager Server,
while in the Secondary Retrieve Server column you have to provide the NETBios
name of the Archiving Archive Manager Server.

9. Now define your retrieval settings. Check the Use SSL (https) in server communication check box
if you use the “https” in your domain communication. The Open message as read-only check box
is selected as default, so that archived emails would open as read-only for your users. Do not
change these settings unless it is necessary. When this option is not checked, users are allowed to
modify archived emails but these changes are not reflected in the archive. When finished, click
Next and then Install to publish the custom forms

NOTE: Users with Archive Manager Outlook Addin installed can modify archived emails by creating
new email versions in archive even if the Open message as read-only check box is selected.

10. After the attempt of publishing each of the eight forms you will get a result in the Forms Installer
tool. If the result is OK, your installation of the forms is successful. You can check them if you go
in Outlook to Tools / Form / Choose Form and then list from the Organizational Forms Library.

When done, click Finish and your custom forms are now installed.

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Activating mailboxes
After publishing the forms for the super-user (previous chapter), it is necessary to activate all
mailboxes which you plan to archive. To do so:

· open Outlook with super-user account

· go to Home tab / New Items / More Items / Choose Form

· in the new dialog list choose the Organizational Forms Library

· keep the SHIFT key pressed on your keyboard and double-click to load the form called
PamMessage (there are 4 of them, use the 4th one – it is the one with an icon of archived
message; to display the icon click Advanced)

· it will open and look like a normal email

· send this email to all mailboxes you plan to archive

Now you have activated all mailboxes and they can be archive.

NOTE: If there are multiple languages (multiple organizational form libraries), then you need to
publish the forms using a language specific Outlook and account – one for each language.

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To replicate the Archive Manager forms in the Public Information Store, use the same method to send
an Archive Manager form to your Inbox folder. Then copy it in the Public Folder you wish to archive
from. The Archive Manager forms are replicated now in the Public Information Store too.

NOTE: If during the installation the Choose Profile window is displayed, select the appropriate profile
from the Profile Name combo box. (The profiles are created in MS Outlook under a user with an e-mail
account on the MS Exchange Server.)

NOTE: If during installation a Warning window concerning macros appears, then always click on the
Enable Macros button.

Publishing Archive Manager Forms for Office 365

In case you are publishing forms in Office 365 environments, follow the steps as described below:

1. Open Group Policy Management on your domain controller machine.

2. Expand the tree down to Forest / Domains / <YourDomain> / Group Policy Objects and from the
context menu click New.

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3. Enter a name (e.g. Publish_Forms) and click OK.

4. Right click your domain name and choose the Link an Existing GPO… option.

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5. Choose your newly created GPO (Publish_Forms) and click OK.

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6. Right-click on your GPO and click Edit.

7. In the pop-up Group Policy management Editor click User Configuration / Policies / Software
Settings / Software Installation. Right-click it and select New / Package.

8. Browse to your Metalogix Forms Publisher Installer.msi (ensure that msi folder is shared for
every user who will install form using group policy).

9. Click on Advanced and OK.

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10. On the Deployment tab make sure to select Assigned and Install this application at logon options.

11. Now open registry (run “regedit”) and create new key named Metalogix under

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12. Back in the Group Policy Management Editor go to Computer Configuration / Preferences /
Windows Settings / Registry.

13. Right-click in the main pane and select New / Registry item.

14. In the pop-up dialog create new registry item with the following values:

Action – select Create

Key path - the same as for the newly created key, i.e.


Value name – DownloadFormService

Value data - ExchangePAMWS address (address to web service which will download forms); it’s in
the form of


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Start Archive Manager services

You are now ready to proceed to the next post installation task – starting the Archive Manager services
on your archiving server:

? Click the relevant Start button in the Postinstallation window or

? You can also start services when running the batch file from <installdir> \ Metalogix
\ MAM4Exchange \ Tools \ Start.bat

NOTE: Maybe in the future you will have to restart the Archive Manager services to load some special
settings for your email archiving. In that case use always the batch tools - Stop.bat and Start.bat -
located in the same directory <installdir> \ Metalogix \ MAM4Exchange \ Tools

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Enterprise Manager – Initial Configuration

Once the Archive Manager services are all started you can proceed with opening the main archiving
tool of Archive Manager called Enterprise Manager where you will have to populate the Archive
Manager with users - in other words, synchronize your users whose emails you wish to archive.
Additionally, the Initial Configuration wizard will lead you through all settings necessary for archiving.

To open the Enterprise Manager:

? click the last Start button in the Postinstallation window or

? launch it from <installdir> \ Metalogix \ MAM4Exchange \ Applications \

EnterpriseMaanger \ PamEnterpriseMan.

NOTE: As default, only the super-user, which was specified during the Archive Manager installation,
has logon permissions to the Enterprise Manager (EM). Thus when you want to run the EM, you have to
be logged on with the super-user account. However, you can grant other users logon permissions as
well. It can be done on the Tools / Options / User roles tab in EM (for more information see the
“Administrator manual for Archive Manager Exchange Edition Enterprise Manager”).

When the EM is launched for the first time, no users are synchronized with Archive Manager, no
archiving is scheduled. To facilitate the initial configuration tasks, the Initial Configuration wizard is
started. It will lead you through the initial configuration so that you can start archiving with Archive
Manager. The wizard will perform the following tasks:

1. Import mailboxes or group which you want to archive with Archive Manager

2. Set the default retention category

3. Define job, i.e. scheduled task which will perform the archiving

4. Configure group and email filtering

After you finish the initial configuration as described further, you will not need to run the wizard again.
All additional settings can be configured directly in EM. Check the Do not show this wizard when the
application starts check box so that this wizard will not start next time when you run the EM.

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On the initial page of the wizard click Next. On the next page you can choose between different ways
of importing users to Archive Manager:

a) Create group and import users – a user defined group (not an Active Directory group) will be
created in the Archive Manager and you will be able to choose which users from Active Directory
should belong to this group

b) Select an Active Directory group – you will select an existing group from Active Directory and all
its users will be imported

c) Create group by LDAP query – you will create a group in Archive Manager containing the users/
groups satisfying the defined LDAP query

d) Select a group in Azure Active Directory – you will connect to your Office 365 and import selected

NOTE: With the evaluation license you can import only 5 mailboxes.

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Depending on the option you have chosen in the previous dialog, now you can:

a) Set the name of the group which will be created in the Archive Manager and select the mailboxes
which you want to import to this group

NOTE: Right-click inside the list view to unfold the context menu. The context menu can be used
to check / uncheck all mailboxes etc.

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Further, should you wish to allow members of this group to use the Outlook addin for archiving
directly from Outlook check the Set the Outlook addin permissions for the group option.

b) Select the Active Directory group which you want to import to the Archive Manager

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Further, should you wish to allow members of this group to use the Outlook addin for archiving
directly from Outlook check the Set the Outlook addin permissions for the group option.

c) Set the name of the group which will be created in Archive Manager and specify LDAP query
criteria for users to be imported:

Root of Search – use the Browse button to choose the root level for query search

Query String – here define your LDAP query

Query Scope – select if the query should be executed just on the root level (One level Search) or
also on subtree starting from the root level (Subtree search)

After defining your criteria click Next. The following dialog displays users satisfying the criteria.
Then click Next.

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d) Enter your Office 365 configuration details (see “Addendum – Office 365 configuration details”) to
import from Azure AD

NOTE: In case of Advanced Authentication for Azure AD, entering username and password is
required (for more information see the "Office 365 Configuration Details" section).

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In the next dialog select the Azure AD group which you want to import to Archive Manager.

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Further dialogs are the same for all scenarios:

In the Archive Settings dialog you can select the retention category which will be used as the default
retention category. Retention category defines the lifecycle of the archived emails, i.e. it defines for
how long the item will be kept in the archive etc. In the case of fresh installation, there is just one
retention category (“Default” retention category) created by the wizard.

If you want to create a new retention category with specific settings click the “create a new retention
category” link. Then in the pop-up dialogues you can create retention category with specific settings
(for detailed information see “Retention tab” section in the “Administrator Manual for Archive
Manager Exchange Edition Enterprise Manager”).

In the Email filtering section define settings for email archiving. In the Archive files older than … days
text box enter the period following which the items will be archived. In the Archive files bigger than
text box enter the size of the messages to be archived. Do not forget to select the appropriate units (B,
KB or MB) in the down-drop box. Click Next.

Example: As the default the settings are the following:

10 days
0.01 MB

It means that messages older than 10 days AND bigger than 0.01 MB will be archived.

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In the Job Settings dialog you will define job, i.e. scheduled task that will perform the archiving of
messages for the given group. You can either Select an existing job or Create a new job. In the case of
fresh installation there are no jobs yet. You have to create one by selecting the Create a new job
option. In the Job name text box enter the name for the job. Then define the Schedule interval, i.e. the
interval after which the job is restarted. If the Start the job automatically is checked, the job starts
archiving automatically when the configuration finishes. If it is not checked, you will have to start the
job manually.

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Finally click Finish. In the final report dialog you can read the summary. To conclude click Close.

NOTE: Check the Do not show this wizard the next time check box so that the wizard is not started
every time you open Enterprise Manager. However, you can open it again anytime from Help / Setup
wizard in the Enterprise Manager.

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NOTE: For created groups make sure to check Automatically import group members and Automatically
import mailbox members on group Properties/Advanced tab. This will ensure that new members
satisfying your criteria will be automatically imported to Archive Manager at synchronization.


The following tasks were performed:

· imported a group of users to Archive Manager

· created retention category for archiving

· created job and assigned it to the imported group

From this moment on, Archive Manager job will archive messages of the given users based on the
defined criteria. The group with all its settings will be displayed on the Groups tab of the Enterprise

NOTE: The process of importing users, groups or servers to Archive Manager is described in detail in
“Administrator manual for Archive Manager Exchange Edition Enterprise Manager”. Explanation of
retention categories, jobs and other archiving settings can be found in the same document.

As mentioned at the end of the installation section you must assign a server role to your Archive
Manager server depending on your LAN architecture. Go to Enterprise Manager / Tools / Options /

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Server settings / Server roles tab. In the Server role down-drop box choose from the following server

· Archive server

· Retrieve server

· PST Import server

In case of only one Archive Manager server in your environment, assign the Archive server role to it.

In case of more Archive Manager servers remember that in one Location there can be ONE Archive
server, several Retrieve servers and PST Import servers. Any other Archive server must have a unique

For more information see the section “Installing Archive Manager Exchange Edition”.

Exchange Server Tools Installation

To synchronize Exchange permissions with Archive Manager, Archive Manager Server Tools has to be
installed on the Exchange server with Mailbox Role. Additionaly, SMTP over port 25 has to be

NOTE: Mixed environment (Exchange 2007/2010 mixed with Exchange 2013) – install Extension on
Exchange 2013 server with Mailbox Role.

Technical requirements

Exchange 2013/2016

· Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit) / 2012

· .NET Framework 4.5

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· MS Exchange 2013/2016 (Mailbox role)

1. Download the Archive Manager Exchange Edition_64bit_Extensions setup.

2. Run it on the Exchange 2013/2016 Server with the Mailbox role.

3. When asked to specify a user, enter the super-user credentials (DOMAIN\UserName and
password). Super-user is the user under which Archive Manager is running. It was specified during
the installation of Archive Manager.

4. The install folder is by default set to C:\ Program Files \ Metalogix.

NOTE: It is a 64- bit application, so the 64- bit Program Files folder is selected as default. In case of
custom folder, the full path will always be Metalogix\MAM4Exchange.

5. Select the Exchange Server Tools option. Click Next. Click Install, then Finish.

6. Additional step is needed on the Exchange Server 2013. Since MamMonitoringSv service uses

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

SMTP over port 25 to send notification emails, the receive connector that controls the flow of the
messages to your Exchange organization must accept connections from SMTP senders over port 25
for authenticated users. Because the Exchange 2013/2016 during installation of Mailbox server
role creates default receive connector that does not enable SMTP over port 25 for authenticated
users, it must be configured manually.

Configuring default receive connector in the Exchange Admin Center (EAC):

1. In the EAC, navigate to Mail Flow > Receive Connectors

2. In the list of receive connectors, click the Default FrontEnd <server name> and then click

3. On the Properties page, click one of the Security section and select Exchange users from
list of Permission Groups.

7. As a last step, you need to configure the permission synchronization server. To do so on Archive
Manager server launch the Enterprise Manager. Go to Tools / Addressbook Manager / General
tab. Under Automatic permission synchronization parameters click Settings. In the pop-up dialog
enter the name of the Exchange server on which you have just installed the Archive Manager

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

Testing after installation

When all post-installation tasks are completed, it is important to check if you are able
to archive emails. This will prove that your installation was completed successfully. To
do a fast check:

1. Open the Enterprise Manager tool in its Archive view (you can switch to this view
by clicking the View menu on the toolbar).

2. In the Look for text field type the name of one of your synchronized mailboxes
and click Enter.

3. After expanding the mailbox structure you will be able to see the list of emails in
the right-pane of the tool.

4. Simply right-click one email and choose Archive File from the context menu.

5. If the archiving process ends with the following dialog you have successfully
managed to archive your first email.

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Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

· Installation Check List 107

· Office 365 Configuration Details 109

· Creating an MS SQL database with a database user 118

Installation Check List

Use the list below to write down all information which you will need during the installation and
configuration of Archive Manager Exchange Edition. It also summarizes all prerequisites for individual

· MS Exchange Server name:

üCreate Public Folder mailbox

üCreate Organizational Forms Library

· Mailbox for the super-user:

The super-user must be given these permissions:

ülocal administrator on your Archive Manager server

ürights over LDAP Configuration container – with ADSI edit tool

üOwner rights over Organizational Forms Library

üView-Only Organization Management role on your Exchange Server

üPublic Folder Management role on your Exchange Server

üPermissions on your Exchange Server to mailboxes which will be archived

üOnly if OWA will be used: Impersonation permission on your Exchange Server

· Database

o MS SQL Database 2008 and higher

SQL server name:
Initial Catalogue (DB-Name):

o ORACLE Database 11g and 12c

Net8 Connection Name:

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

o In both cases:
Database user:
Password (do not reveal, do not fill in here!):

· HSM Server:

o HSM Server (NETBios) Name:

o HSM Schema name:

o HSM Store name:

· Archive Manager Server;

üOperating system – MS Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 / 2012

üIIS 6.0 or higher installed

ü.NET Framework 3.5 and 4.5 installed

üWeb Service Extension ASP.NET v2.0 and 4.0 allowed

üMSXML (IE 7.0)

üIf ORACLE database is used you need to install the ORACLE Data Provider for .NET, in
order to establish a Net8 connection.

üOutlook 2016 (32bit) / 2013 (32bit) / 2010 (32bit) installed (full UNICODE compatibility

üAdditional DCOM rights set

IMPORTANT NOTE: Automated archiving is designed for groups. It is therefore crucial to have Active
Directory groups synchronized with Archive Manager, or at least to create new Archive Manager groups
using the Addressbook Manager. In Archive Manager, the jobs (automated archiving) apply to groups.
Mailboxes not included in any group can be archived manually only.

After installation
When you have completed this check list and installed everything as described in this manual, log on
to the Archive Manager Server as the super-user and open Outlook. Add a few test mailboxes and send
a couple of emails, in order to see if you can read them. This way you can check if the super-user has
the necessary rights for archiving to function properly.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

Office 365 Configuration Details

Archive Manager requires specific connection configuration details to import your o365 users. This
section will guide you through the steps to be completed in your o365 in order to collect the necessary

Organization Name in Office 365 – your organization in Office 365

Client ID – get this ID by following the process described below

Client Secret (or Key) – get this key by following the process described below

Autodiscovery Url – to get this URL, go to, select the Outlook

Autodiscover option; click Next and perform the test with your details; As a result you should get the

Username & Password – the respective user must be Office 365 administrator

VERY IMPORTANT: In case of Office 365, run the EM with the super-user under which Archive Manager
has been installed (i.e. the user under which MAM services run).

NOTE: This sample will not work with a Microsoft account, so if you signed in to the Azure portal with a
Microsoft account and have never created a user account in your directory before, you need to do that
now. If you create an account and want to use it to sign-in to the Azure portal, don't forget to add the
user account as a co-administrator of your Azure subscription.

1. Sign in to the Azure management portal .

2. Click on Active Directory in the left hand nav.

3. Click the directory tenant which you plan to archive with Archive Manager.

4. Click the Applications tab. In the drawer, click Add.

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5. Click Add an application my organization is developing.

6. Enter a friendly name for the application, for example "Archive Manager App", select Web
Application and/or Web API, and click next.

7. For the sign-on URL, enter the base URL for the sample, which is by default https://

NOTE: It is important, due to the way Azure AD matches URLs, to ensure there is a trailing slash on
the end of this URL. If you don't include the trailing slash, you will receive an error when the

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

application attempts to redeem an authorization code.

8. For the App ID URI, enter https://<your_tenant_name>/WebAppGraphAPI, replacing

<your_tenant_name> with the domain name of your Azure AD tenant. For example https:// Click OK to complete the registration.

9. While still in the Azure portal, click the Configure tab of your application. Find the Client ID value
and copy it aside, you will need this when connecting to o365 in Archive Manager.

10. Under the Keys section, select either a 1 year or 2 year key - the key value will be displayed after
you save the configuration at the end.

In the Reply URL, add the reply URL address used to return the authorization code returned during
Authorization code flow. For example: https://localhost:44322/.

Configure Permissions - under the Permissions to other applications section click Add application.
Select application "Windows Azure Active Directory". Expand Application permissions drop-down
and check "Read Directory Data".

Under the second permission (Delegated permissions), select:

"Enable sign-in and read user profile"

"Read Directory Data"

"Access the directory as the signed-in user"

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

"Read all groups (preview)".

(More information: 109

11. Select the Save button at the bottom of the screen - upon successful configuration, your Key
value (aka ClientSecret in Archive Manager) should now be displayed - please copy and store this
value in a secure location. The key value is only displayed once, and you will not be able to
retrieve it later.

Advanced Authentication
Archive Manager Exchange Edition supports also access to Azure AD in case when user account name and
password are needed (advanced authentication) for retrieval of user accounts and groups in Azure AD.
This chapter describes the user interface and configuration of this feature in Archive Manager.

Advanced authentication is normally not required and must be configured on both Azure AD and Archive
Manager Exchange Edition.

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Configuration in Azure AD

User creates web application as described in

109 .

There is one more important step include and it is setup of reply URL, in example below it is: http://

Configuration in Archive Manager

Advanced authentication is implemented in Archive Manager in two components:

Back-end is in MAM Exchange Direct Archive Error Monitoring service which contains a web application
waiting for responses on location specified in registry key: Metalogix\exchangePAM
\OwinAuthWebAppLocation. It needs to match reply URL in Azure AD web application and it needs to
end with character /. The URL from example above is then: http://localhost:41414/

Front-end is located in Enterprise Manager which authenticates user on Azure AD server and waits for
security token which is send from Azure AD server to Archive Manager back-end.

Tips & Tricks: If there is a problem with retrieval of security token it is recommended to restart MAM

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

Exchange Direct Archive Error Monitoring service and restart Enterprise Manager. Also check the registry
key Metalogix\exchangePAM\OwinAuthWebAppLocation (as described above).

Advanced Authentication is UI

User interface contains intermediate window which will retrieve security token when required during
new server, group or mailbox add operation (see "Importing users to Archive Manager Exchange
Edition"). After retrieval of security token user can continue as usually. New user interface for Advanced
authentication will be described on new server add operation below.

NOTE: Retrieval of security token is made only when necessary therefore this feature is not applicable
for majority of user.

When importing Azure AD in Archive Manager Addressbook (see the section "Importing MS Exchange Servers

to Archive Manager Exchange Edition") the following configuration window appears.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

After setting the necessary information additional authentication window may appear as in example

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

User chooses administrator account and fills in password and submits the login form by clicking Sign in.

Archive Manager communicates with Azure AD server to obtain required security token for
communication between Archive Manager and Azure AD. This communication can take cca 30 seconds
and during this time the login should not be closed. When security token was successfully processed,
"success" message appears.

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By clicking Next original window with information about O365 tenant appears.

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Security token will be used for retrieval of information from Azure AD.

NOTE: Security token must be provided always when application is communicating with Azure AD, i.e.
during adding of O365 groups or O365 mailboxes procedure. This is also reason why automatic
synchronization of groups and mailboxes from Azure AD will not work. Therefore it is recommended to
use default authentication which does not require usage of security tokens.

Creating an MS SQL database with a database user

When planning to install Archive Manager, an empty database(s) and an appropriate database user
must be created before running the setup. The database providers supported by Archive Manager are
MS SQL Server 2008 and higher and Oracle 11g and 12c.

NOTE: This section guides you through the configuration of SQL Server 2012 and creation of a database

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

with a database user. In case of SQL 2008 you can use the “SQL Server 2008 Configuration for Archive
Manager” guide.

To configure your SQL Server 2012:

1. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager and click the SQL Server Services node. Both the SQL
Server (SERVERNAME) and the SQL Server Browser services have to run.

2. If the SQL Server Browser service is not started and the Start option available in its context
menu, it means that this service is disabled. To enable the service, right-click it and from the
context menu select Properties.

3. The Properties window opens. Switch over to the Service tab and change the Start Mode from
Disabled to Manual. Conclude by clicking Apply and OK and then try to start the service again.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

4. In the SQL Server Configuration Manager expand the SQL Server Network Configuration node
from the navigation tree. On the Protocols for SQL node you need to enable the Named Pipes,
the Shared Memory and the TCP/IP protocols.

5. Instead of enabling the TCP/IP using the context menu, we recommend opening its Properties
window. This window has two tabs, Protocol and IP Addresses. On the Protocol tab set the

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

Enabled to Yes.

6. On the IP Addresses tab you will see several sections - one for each network connection and a
local loopback connection indicated by the standard address of For remote access to the
SQL Server Express 2012 instance the loopback connection is of no interest.

For the desired network connection the Active option should say Yes as should the Enabled
option. The IP address will probably be filled in for you (by Windows) and will be different on your

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

If you wish to enable dynamic ports for your SQL Server Express 2012 instance then the TCP
Dynamic Ports option should be 0. To disable this option and use a fixed port change this field to a
blank value and fill in the port on the TCP Port option. Disabling dynamic ports is non standard for
named instances and should really only be done if you know exactly what you are doing and why
you want to do it.

Conclude by clicking Apply and then OK.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

7. For the changes to take effect you need to restart both the SQL Server (SERVERNAME) and SQL
Server Browser services have to be restarted switching over to the SQL Server Services node.

8. Check the Shared Memory, the TCP/IP and the Named Pipes client protocols on the SQL Native
Client Configuration node in the SQL Server Configuration Manager too. They should all be

Furthermore you will need to create an empty database and a database user for your Archive Manager.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

To do so:

1. Connect to your SQL Server 2012 with the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, then expand
its tree and right-click on the Databases node. From the context menu choose to create a new

2. In the New Database dialog, give the new database a name (e.g. exchangeDB) and you can leave
the owner to be the <default>. This owner will be changed later on, when you will create a new
login with table owner rights over the database you are creating. You can also choose to change
the default location for the Data file and Log file, if needed. Finish by clicking OK.

3. To create the Table Owner for the exchangeDB database you will need to create a new login, a
new scheme and a new user as well. We will name each of them “srv_exchange”.

To create a new login, expand the tree of the MS SQL Server Management Studio tool and right-
click on the Security tab and choose New/Login.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

4. The new dialog opens. Before proceeding further on the General tab decide on the type of
authentication to be used:

Windows authentication - the user (e.g. “srv_exchange”) must already exist in the Active
Directory. Use the Search button to find your desired user in AD. It can be your Archive Manager
super-user as is described in the section “Creating a super-user account”.

SQL authentication – specify the login name (“srv_exchange” in our example). Make sure to
uncheck the Enforce password policy check box.

As for the Default database, select the exchangeDB database and set the Default language to be

5. Once this is done, you can switch over to the User Mapping tab. Here map to the exchangeDB
database a user (it will be automatically created and named with the same name as the login) and

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

select also the db_owner and public membership role for the exchangeDB database.

6. Switching over to the Status tab. Make sure that the Permission to connect to database engine is
granted and also that the Login is enabled. Conclude by clicking OK.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

7. Next you will need to create a schema for your new database login. To do so, expand the tree on
the new created database (exchangeDB) in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio tool
down to Security/Schemas. Right-click on Schemas and choose New Schema from the context

In the New schema dialog just give a name to the schema you want to create (e.g. srv_exchange)
and click the Browse button to select the schema owner. Select the schema owner to be the
previous user you have specified in step 4 (srv_exchange). Click OK.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

8. Furthermore you will need to assign the new created schema to your new database user. The new
database user (srv_exchange) was automatically created when creating the new login and
mapping a user to the exchangeDB database.

To locate this new user, expand the tree of the exchangeDB database in the MS SQL Server
Management Studio tool down to Security/Users.

By clicking on the Users node you will see the user called srv_exchange on the right pane of the
tool. Double-click on it to open its Properties window.

A new dialog opens on the General tab. Click the browse button next to the Default Schema text
box and select the previously created user “srv_exchange”.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

9. Switch to Owned Schemas node where you will see that the one called srv_exchange is selected.
Make sure that the db_owner is selected too.

Now switch to the Membership node and make sure that db_owner is selected here, too. Save the
changes you have made by clicking OK.

Metalogix makes every effort to perform comprehensive testing b ut cannot guarantee, due to environmental
differences, that all functions will work in every environment. It is always recommended that testing b e conducted
within your own environment to confirm functionality and compatib ility.

Archive Manager Exchange Ed - Advanced Install Archive Manager Exchange Edition - Advanced Metalogix

Organizational Forms Library troubleshooting

Sometimes the Organizational Forms Library may not be accessible in Outlook after Archive Manager
installation. This error may occur if there are too many mailboxes with full access permission for the
given user and as a result, Public Folders become inaccessible. To handle this error, use the following

a. Close Outlook

b. Run Exchange Management Shell

c. Execute the following command where #USERALIAS is alias for given user and #USEREMAIL is the
email address of the given user:

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited -Filter {(RecipientTypeDetails -eq

'UserMailbox') -and (Alias -ne '#USERALIAS')} | Remove-MailboxPermission -User
#USEREMAIL -AccessRights fullaccess -InheritanceType all

d. Open Outlook with profile of the given user. Now Organizational Forms Library should be
accessible and you may complete required operations

e. (Optional, if required) Open Exchange Management Shell and execute the following command to
give full access permissions to all mailboxes for the given user where same notation is used as in point c:

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited -Filter {(RecipientTypeDetails -eq

'UserMailbox') -and (Alias -ne '#USERALIAS')} | Add-MailboxPermission -User
#USEREMAIL -AccessRights fullaccess -InheritanceType all


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