The Deformation and Breakup of A Droplet Under The Combined Influence of Electric Field and Shear Flow - IOPscience

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The deformation and breakup of a droplet under the combined influence of electric field and shear flow - IOPscience

09/12/21, 23:24

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The deformation and breakup of a droplet

under the combined influence of electric field
and shear flow
Yanyan Chen4,1, Yusheng Liang2 and Mengyuan Chen3
Published 7 December 2021 • © 2021 The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics and IOP Publishing Ltd
Fluid Dynamics Research, Volume 53, Number 6
Citation Yanyan Chen et al 2021 Fluid Dyn. Res. 53 065504

[email protected]
1 Xijing University, Xi'an, 710123, People's Republic of China

2 Hebei University of Architecture, Zhangjiakou, 075000, People's Republic of China

3 Sichuan University of Arts and Science, Dazhou, 635000, People's Republic of China
4 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
Received 25 May 2021
Accepted 10 November 2021
Published 7 December 2021

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The deformation and breakup of a droplet under the combined influence of electric field and shear flow - IOPscience 09/12/21, 23:24

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A lattice Boltzmann and finite-difference hybrid method is used to simulate the droplet
deformation and breakup under the combined action of shear flow and electric field.
The hybrid method is first used to validate for the droplet deformation in the combined
action of shear flow and electric field. It is then used to simulate the droplet deformation
and breakup in two different electric systems. Results of prolate droplets show that the
droplet height and deformation both increase with increasing electric capillary number (
). In addition, for the breakup mode of prolate droplets, increasing makes the
long axis of the droplet incline more towards the wall electrodes and droplet breaks up
into more daughter droplets. Results of oblate droplets show that the droplet height
decreases with increasing . However, the droplet deformation first decreases and
then increases with increasing , and its minima occurs at . For the
breakup mode of oblate droplets, the droplet deforms into a more oblate shape with a
longer neck and finally breakup into more daughter droplets with increasing .

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The deformation and breakup of a droplet under the combined influence of electric field and shear flow - IOPscience 09/12/21, 23:24

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