Legal Maxims From BLACK'S LAW Dictionary - Seventh Edition - Scanned - Not Corrected

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Legal Maxims from BLACK’S LAW 1616


Ab abusu ad usum non valet Accessorius sequitur naturam sui

consequentia. A conclusion about principal-is. An accessory follows
the use of a thing from its abuse is the nature of his principal.
invalid. Accipere quid ut justitiam facias
non est tarn accipere quam
Ab assuetis non fit injuria. No extorquere. To accept anything as a
injury is done by things long reward for doing justice is rather
acquiesced in. extorting than accepting.

Abbreviationum ille numerus et Accusare nemo debet se, nisi

sensus accipiendus est ut coram Deo. No one is obliged to
concessio non sit inanis. Such accuse himself, except before God.
number and sense is to be given to
abbreviations that the grant may not
be void. Accusator post rationabile tempus
non est audiendus, nisi se bene de
Absentern accipere debemus eum omissione excusaverit. A person
qui non est eo loco in quo petitur. who makes an accusation after a
We must consider a person absent reasonable time has passed is not to
who is not in that place in which he be heard unless the person makes
is sought. a satisfactory excuse for the
Absentia ejus qui reipublicae A communi observantia non est
causa abest neque ei neque alii recedendum. There should be no
damnosa esse debet. The absence departure from common observance
of a person who is abroad in (or usage).
service to the state ought to be
prejudicial neither to that person Acta exteriora indicant interiora
nor to another. Dig. 50.17.140. secreta. Outward acts indicate the
thoughts hidden within.
Absoluta sententia expositore non
indiget. A simple proposition needs Acta in uno judicio non probant in
no expositor. alio nisi inter easdem personas.
Things done in one action cannot be
Abundans cautela non nocet. taken as evidence in another, unless
Abundant caution does no harm. it is between the same parties.

Actio non datur non damnificato.

Accessorium non ducit, sed
An action is not given to one who is
sequitur, suum principale. An
not injured.
accessory does not lead, but
follows, its principal. Actio non facit reum, nisi mens sit

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 1

rea. An act does not make a person voluntate tertiae personae, vel ex
guilty unless the mind is guilty. • contingenti, revocari non potest.
Properly, Actus 1107? ream (q.v.). An act already begun whose
completion depends upon the will of
Actionum genera maxime sunt the parties may be recalled; but if it
servanda. The kinds of actions are depends on consent of a third person
especially to be preserved. or on a contingency, it cannot be
Actio personalis moritur cum
persona. A personal action dies Actus judiciarius coram non
with the person. judice irritus habetur; de
ministeriali autem a quocunque
Actio quaelibet it sua via. Every provenit Tatum esto. A judicial act
action proceeds in its own course. before one not a judge (or without
jurisdiction) is void; as to a
Actore non probante, reus ministerial act, from whomsoever it
absolvitur. If the plaintiff does not proceeds, let it be valid.
prove his case, the defendant is
acquitted. Actus legis nemini est damnosus.
An act of the law prejudices no one.
Actori incumbit onus probandi. The
burden of proof rests upon the Actus legis nemini facit injuriam.
plaintiff. An act of the law does no one wrong.

Actor qui contra regulam quid Actus legitimi non recipiunt

adduxit non est audiendus. A modum. Acts required by law admit
pleader ought not to be heard who of no qualification.
advances a proposition contrary to
the rule (of law). Actus me invito factus non est
meus actus. An act done (by me)
Actor sequitur forum rei. The against my will is not my act.
plaintiff follows the forum of the
thing in dispute. Actus non reum facit nisi meus sit
rea. An act does not make a
Actus curiae neminem gravabit. An person guilty unless his mind ( or
act of the court will prejudice no intention) is guilty. 3 Co. Inst. 54;
one. 107.

Actus Dei nemini facit injuriam. Actus repugnans non potest in esse
An act of God does wrong to no one. produci. A repugnant act cannot
• That is, no one is responsible in be brought into being (that is.
damages for inevitable accidents. cannot be made effectual).

Actus inceptus cujus perfectio Actus servi, in its quibus opera

pendet ex voluntate partium ejus cornmuniter adhibita est,
revocari potest; si autem pendet ex actus domini habetur. The act of

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 2

a servant in those things in which and not jurors, answer questions of
he is usually employed is law.
considered the act of his master.
Ad recte docendum oportet prim
Additio probat minoritatem. An um inquirere nomina, quia rerum
addition proves inferiority. • That cognitio a nominibus rerum
is, if it be said that a person has a dependet. In order rightly to
fee tail, it is less than if the comprehend a thing, it is
person has the fee. necessary first to inquire into the
names, for a right knowledge of
Ad ea quae frequentius accidunt things depends upon their names.
jura adaptantur. The laws are
adapted to those cases that occur Adversus extraneos vitiosa
more frequently. possessio prodesse solet.
A digniori fieri debet denominatio Possession though faulty is usually
et resolutio. The denomination sufficient against outsiders. • Prior
and explanation ought to be derived possession is a good title of
from the more worthy. ownership against all who cannot
show a better.
Adjuvari quippe nos, non decipi,
beneficio oportet. Surely we Ad vim majorem ye! ad casus
ought to be helped by a benefit, not fortuitos non tenetur quis, nisi
be entrapped by it. sua culpa intervenerit. No one is
held to answer for the effects of
Ad officium justiciariorum spectat superior force or accidents, unless
unicuique coram eis placitanti his own fault has contributed.
justitiam exhibere. It is the duty
of justices to administer justice to Aedificare in tuo proprio solo
everyone pleading before them. non licet quod alteri noceat. It is
not lawful to build upon one's own
Ad proximum antecedens fiat land what may be injurious to
relatio, nisi impediatur another.
sententia. A relative is to be
referred to the nearest antecedent, Aedificatum solo solo cedit.
unless prevented by the sense. What is built upon the land goes
with the land.
Ad quaestiones facti non
respondent judices; ad quaestiones Aedificia solo cedunt. Buildings
legis non respondent juratores. go with the land.
Judges do not answer questions of
fact; jurors do not answer questions Aequior est dispositio legis quam
of law. hominis. The law's disposition is
more impartial than man's.
Ad quaestiones legis judices, et
non juratores, respondent. Judges, Aequitas agit in personam. Equity
acts upon the person.

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Affirmanti, non neganti, incumbit
Aequitas est correctio legis probatio. The proof is incumbent
generaliter latae qua parte deficit. upon the one who affirms, not on
Equity is the correction of some part the one who denies.
of the law where by reason of its
generality it is defective. Affirmantis est probare. The person
who affirms must prove.
Aequitas ignorantiae opitulatur,
oscitantiae non item. Equity Agentes et consentientes pari
assists ignorance but not poena plectentur. Acting and
complacency (or carelessness). consenting parties will be liable to
the same punishment.
Aequitas non facit jus, sed juri
auxiliatur. Equity does not create A jure suo cadunt. They fall from
a right, but aids the right. their right. • That is, they lose their
Aequitas sequitur legem. Equity
follows the law. A justitia (quasi a quodam fonte)
omnia jura emanant. From
Aequitas supervacua odit. Equity justice, as from a fountain, all
abhors superfluous things. rights flow.

Aequum et bonum est lex legum. Aliena negotia exacto officio

What is equitable and good is the law geruntur. The business of another
of laws. is conducted with scrupulous
Aestimatio praeteriti delicti ex
postremo facto nunquam crescit. Alienatio licet prohibeatur,
The assessment of a past offense consensu tamen omnium in
never increases from a subsequent quorum favorem prohibita est
fact. potest fieri; et quilibet potest
renunciare juri pro se
Affectio tua nomen imponit operi introducto. Even if alienation is
tuo. Your motive gives a name to prohibited, it may yet take place by
your act. the consent of all in whose favor it
is prohibited; it is in the power of
Affectus punitur licet non sequatur anyone to renounce a right
effectus. The intention is punished introduced for his own benefit.
even if the object is not achieved.
Alienatio rei praefertur juri
Affinis mei affinis non est mihi accrescendi. Alienation of
affinis. A person connected by property is favored over the right
marriage to someone connected by to accumulate.
marriage to me is no connection of
mine. A l'impossible nul n'est tenu. No
one is bound to do what is

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impossible. Allegatio contra factum non est
admittenda. An allegation contrary
Aliquid conceditur ne injuria to the deed (or fact) is not
remaneat impunita quod alias admissible.
non concederetur. Something is
conceded that otherwise would not Alterius circumventio alii non
be conceded, so that a wrong not praebet actionem. A deception
remain unpunished. practiced upon one person does not
give a cause of action to another.
Aliquis non debet esse judex in
propria causa, quia non potest Alternativa petitio non est
esse judex et pars. A person audienda. An alternative petition is
ought not to be judge in his own not to be heard.
cause, because he cannot act both
as judge and party. Ambigua responsio contra
proferentem est accipienda. An
Aliud est celare, aliud tacere. To ambiguous answer is to be taken
conceal is one thing, to be silent against the party who offers it.
Ambiguis casibus semper
Aliud est distinctio, aliud praesumitur pro rege. In doubtful
separatio. Distinction is one thing, cases the presumption is always in
separation another. favor of the king.

Aliud est possidere, aliud esse in Ambiguitas contra stipulatorem

possessione. It is one thing to est. A dubious expression is
possess, another to be in construed against the party using
possession. it.
Aliud est vendere, aliud vendenti Ambiguitas verborum latens
consentire. To sell is one thing, to verificatione suppletur; nam quod
give consent to the seller another. ex facto oritur ambiguum
verificatione facti tollitur. A latent
Allegans contraria non est
ambiguity in wording is resolved
audiendus. A person making
by evidence; for whatever ambiguity
contradictory allegations is not to
arises from an extrinsic fact is
be heard.
resolved by extrinsic evidence.
Allegans suam turpitudinem non
Ambiguitas verborum patens nulla
est audiendus. A person alleging
verificatione excluditur. A patent
his own wrong is not to be heard.
ambiguity is not removed by
Allegari non debuit quod extrinsic evidence (or is never
probatum non relevat. What is helped by averment).
not relevant if proved ought not to
Ambiguum placitum interpretari
have been alleged.
debet contra proferentem. An

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ambiguous plea ought to be habetur. A year begun is held as
interpreted against the party completed. • Said to be of very
pleading it. limited application.

Ambulatoria est voluntas defuncti A non posse ad non esse sequitur

usque ad vitae supremum exitum. argumenturn necessarie negative,
The will of a decedent is licet non affirmative. From
ambulatory (that is, can be impossibility to nonexistence the
altered) until the last moment of life. inference follows necessarily in
the negative, though not in the
Angliae jura in omni casu libertati affirmative.
dant favorem. The laws of England
are favorable in every case to liberty. Apices juris non sunt jura. Legal
niceties are not law.
Animus ad se omne jus ducit.
The mind brings every right unto A piratis aut latronibus capti
itself. • Often explained: It is to liberi permanent. Those captured
the intention that all law applies. by pirates or robbers remain free.

Animus hominis est anima scripti. A piratis et latronibus capta

The intention of the person is the dominium non mutant. Things
soul of the instrument. captured by pirates or robbers do
not change their ownership.
Anniculus trecentesimo
sexagesimo-quinto die dicitur, Applicatio est vita regulae. The
incipiente plane non exacto die, application is the life of a rule.
quia annum civiliter non ad
momenta temporum sed ad dies Aqua cedit solo. The water goes
numeramur. We call a child a year with the ground. • A grant of the
old on the 365th day, when the day land includes the water on it.
is clearly begun but not ended,
because we calculate the civil year Aqua currit et debet currere ut
not by moments, but by days. currere sole-bat. Water runs and
ought to run as it was wont to run.
Annua nec debitum judex non
Arbitramentum aequum tribuit
separat ipse. Even the judge
cuique suum. A just arbitration
apportions neither annuities nor
renders to each his own.
Arbitrium est judicium. An award
Annus est mora motus quo suum is a judgment.
planeta pervolvat circulum. A year
is the duration of the motion by
which a planet revolves through its Arbor dum crescit; lignum dum
orbit. crescere nescit. It is a tree while
it is growing; wood when it cannot
Annus inceptus pro completo grow.

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A rescriptis valet argumentum. An assignee is clothed with the
An argument from rescripts (i.e., rights of the principal.
original writs in the register  is
valid. A summo remedio ad inferiorem
actionem non habetur
Argumentum ab auctoritate est regressus neque auxilium.
fortissimum in lege. An argument From the highest remedy to an
drawn from authority is the inferior action there is no recourse
strongest in law. or assistance.

Argumentum ab impossibili Auctoritates philosophorum,

plurimum valet in lege. An medicorum et poetarum sunt in
argument deduced from an causis allegandae et tenendae.
impossibility has the greatest The authoritative opinions of
validity in law. philosophers, physicians, and poets
are to be adduced and regarded in
Argumentum ab inconvenienti causes.
plurimum valet in lege. An
argument drawn from what is Aucupia verborum sunt judice
unsuitable (or improper) has the indigna. Quibbling over words is
greatest validity in law. Co. Litt. unworthy of a judge.
Audi alteram partem. Hear the
Argumentum a divisione est other side. • No one should be
fortissimum in jure. An condemned unheard.
argument based on a subdivision
of the subject is most powerful in A verbis legis non est
law. recedendum. From the words of
the law there is to be no departure.
Argumentum a majori ad minus
negative non valet; valet e Baratriam committit qui propter
converso. An argument from the pecuniam justitiam baractat. A
greater to the lesser is of no force person is guilty of barratry who
in the negative; conversely (in the sells justice for money.
affirmative) it is valid.
Bastardus non potest habere
Argumentum a simili valet in haeredem nisi de corpore suo
lege. An argument by analogy legitime procreatum. A bastard
(from a similar case) has force in cannot have an heir unless it be
law. one lawfully begotten of his own
Arma in armatos sumere jura
sinunt. The laws permit taking up Bastardus nullius est filius, aut
arms against the armed. filius populi. A bastard is nobody's
son, or the son of the people.
Assignatus utitur jure auctoris.
Bello parta cedunt reipublicae.

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Things acquired in war go to the instruments) are to be made
state. liberally, for the simplicity of
laymen, in order that the matter
Benedicta est expositio quando may have effect rather than fail (or
res redimitur a destructione. become void); and words must be
Blessed is the exposition when a subject to the intention, not the
thing is saved from destruction. intention to the words.
Arbor dum crescit; lignum dum
Beneficium invito non datur. A crescere nescit. It is a tree while
privilege or benefit is not granted it is growing; wood when it cannot
against a person's will. grow.
Beneficium non datum nisi A rescriptis valet argumentum.
propter officium. A An argument from rescripts (i.e.,
remuneration is not given, unless original writs in the register  is
on account of a duty performed. valid.
Beneficium non datur nisi officii Argumentum ab auctoritate est
causa. A benefice is not granted fortissimum in lege. An argument
except on account or in drawn from authority is the
consideration of duty. strongest in law.
Beneficium principis debet esse Argumentum ab impossibili
mansurum. The benefaction of a plurimum valet in lege. An
prince ought to be be lasting. argument deduced from an
impossibility has the greatest
Benigne faciendae sunt
validity in law.
interpretationes chartarum, ut
res magis valeat quam per-eat; Argumentum ab inconvenienti
et quaelibet concessio plurimum valet in lege. An
fortissime contra donatorem argument drawn from what is
interpretanda est. Deeds unsuitable (or improper) has the
should be subject to liberal greatest validity in law. Co. Litt.
interpretation, so that the matter 66a.
may take effect rather than fail;
and every grant is to be taken most Argumentum a divisione est
strongly against the grantor. fortissimum in jure. An
argument based on a subdivision
of the subject is most powerful in
Benigne faciendae sunt
interpretationes propter
simplicitatem laicorum, ut
Argumentum a majori ad
res magis valeat quam pereat;
minus negative non valet;
et verba intentioni, non e
valet e converso. An argument
contra, debent inservire.
from the greater to the lesser is of
Constructions (of written
no force in the negative;

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 8

conversely (in the affirmative) it is sells justice for money.
Bastardus non potest habere
Argumentum a simili valet in haeredem nisi de corpore suo
lege. An argument by analogy legitime procreatum. A bastard
(from a similar case) has force in cannot have an heir unless it be
law. one lawfully begotten of his own
Arma in armatos sumere jura
sinunt. The laws permit taking up Bastardus nullius est filius, aut
arms against the armed. filius populi. A bastard is
nobody's son, or the son of the
Assignatus utitur jure auctoris. people.
An assignee is clothed with the
rights of the principal. Bello parta cedunt reipublicae.
Things acquired in war go to the
A summo remedio ad inferiorem state.
actionem non habetur
regressus neque auxilium. Benedicta est expositio quando
From the highest remedy to an res redimitur a destructione.
inferior action there is no recourse Blessed is the exposition when a
or assistance. thing is saved from destruction.

Auctoritates philosophorum, Beneficium invito non datur. A

medicorum et poetarum sunt in privilege or benefit is not granted
causis allegandae et tenendae. against a person's will.
The authoritative opinions of
philosophers, physicians, and poets Beneficium non datum nisi
are to be adduced and regarded in propter officium. A
causes. remuneration is not given, unless
on account of a duty performed.
Aucupia verborum sunt judice
indigna. Quibbling over words is Beneficium non datur nisi officii
unworthy of a judge. causa. A benefice is not granted
except on account or in
Audi alteram partem. Hear the consideration of duty.
other side. • No one should be
Beneficium principis debet esse
condemned unheard.
mansurum. The benefaction of a
prince ought to be be lasting.
A verbis legis non est
recedendum. From the words of Benigne faciendae sunt
the law there is to be no departure. interpretationes chartarum, ut
res magis valeat quam per-eat;
Baratriam committit qui propter et quaelibet concessio
pecuniam justitiam baractat. A fortissime contra donatorem
person is guilty of barratry who

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 9

interpretanda est. Deeds Bis idem exigi bona fides non
should be subject to liberal patitur, et in satisfactionibus non
interpretation, so that the matter permittitur amplius fieri quam
may take effect rather than fail; semel factum est. Good faith does
and every grant is to be taken most not allow the same thing to be
strongly against the grantor. exacted twice; and in satisfying
claims, it is not permitted that more
should be done after satisfaction has
Benigne faciendae sunt once been rendered.
interpretationes propter
simplicitatem laicorum, ut Bonae fidei non congruit de
res magis valeat quam pereat; apicibus juris disputare. It is
et verba intentioni, non e incompatible with good faith to insist
contra, debent inservire. on the extreme subtleties of the law.
Constructions (of written
instruments) are to be made Bonae fidei possessor in id tantum
liberally, for the simplicity of quod ad se pervenerit tenetur. A
laymen, in order that the matter possessor in good faith is liable only
may have effect rather than fail (or for that which he himself has
become void); and words must be obtained (literally, what has come to
subject to the intention, not the him). 2 Co. Inst. 285.
intention to the words.
Bona fide possessor facit fructus
consumptos suos. A possessor in
Benignior sententia in verbis good faith is entitled to the fruits ('or
generalibus seu dubiis est produce) that he consumes.
preferenda. The more favorable
construction is to be preferred in Bona fides exigit ut quod convenit
general or doubtful expressions. fiat. Good faith demands that what
is agreed upon shall be done.
Benignius leges interpretandae
sunt quo voluntas earum Bona fides non patitur ut bis idem
conservetur. Laws are to be more exigatur. Good faith does not allow
liberally interpreted so that their payment to be exacted twice for the
intent may be preserved. same thing.

Bigamus seu trigamus, etc., est qui Boni judicis est ampliare
diversis temporibus et successive jurisdictionem (or justitiam). It is
duas seu tres uxores habuit. A the role of a good judge to enlarge (or
bigamus or trigamus, etc., is one who use liberally) his jurisdiction (or
has had two or more wives in remedial authority).
succession, each at a different time.
3 Co. Inst. 88. Boni judicis est ampliare justitiam.
It is the role of a good judge to enlarge
Bis dat qui cito dat. He pays twice or extend justice.
who pays promptly.
Boni judicis est causas litium

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dirimere. It is the role of a good not fail for a defect of form.
judge to remove causes of litigation.
Brevia, tam originalia quam
Boni judicis est judicium sine judicialia, patiuntur anglica
dilatione mandare executioni. It is nomina. Writs, original as well as
the role of a good judge to render judicial, bear English names.
judgment for execution without delay.
Cancellarii angliae dignitas est,
Boni judicis est lites dirimere, ne ut secundus a rege in regno
lis ex lite oriatur. It is the role of habetur. The dignity of the
a good judge to dispose of litigations chancellor of England is (such) that
so that one suit should not grow from he is considered in the realm from
another. 5 Coke 31a. the sovereign.
Career ad homines custodiendos,
Bonum defendentis ex integra
non ad puniendos, dari debet.
causa; malum ex quolibet defectu.
Imprisonment should be imposed for
A good outcome for the defendant
keeping people in confinement,
comes from a sound case; a bad
outcome from some defect. Benignior sententia in verbis
generalibus seu dubiis est
Bonum necessarium extra terminos
preferenda. The more favorable
necessitatis non est bonum. A
construction is to be preferred in
thing good from necessity is not good
general or doubtful expressions.
beyond the limits of the necessity.
Benignius leges interpretandae
Bonus judex secundum aequum et
sunt quo voluntas earum
bonum judicat, et aequitatem
conservetur. Laws are to be more
stricto juri praefert. A good judge
liberally interpreted so that their
decides according to fairness and the
intent may be preserved.
good and prefers equity to strict law.
Bigamus seu trigamus, etc., est qui
Breve ita dicitur, quia rem de qua
diversis temporibus et successive
agitur, et intentionem petentis,
duas seu tres uxores habuit. A
paucis verbis breviter enarrat. A
bigamus or trigamus, etc., is one
writ is called a "breve" because it
who has had two or more wives in
briefly states, in few words, the
succession, each at a different time.
matter in dispute, and the object of
3 Co. Inst. 88.
the party seeking relief.
Breve judiciale debet sequi suum Bis dat qui cito dat. He pays twice
originale, et accessorium suum who pays promptly.
principale. A judicial writ ought to
follow its original, and an accessory Bis idem exigi bona fides non
its principal. patitur, et in satisfactionibus non
permittitur amplius fieri quam
Breve judiciale non cadit pro semel factum est. Good faith does
defectu formae. A judicial writ does not allow the same thing to be

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exacted twice; and in satisfying judgment for execution without delay.
claims, it is not permitted that more
should be done after satisfaction has Boni judicis est lites dirimere, ne
once been rendered. lis ex lite oriatur. It is the role of
a good judge to dispose of litigations
Bonae fidei non congruit de so that one suit should not grow from
apicibus juris disputare. It is another. 5 Coke 31a.
incompatible with good faith to insist
on the extreme subtleties of the law. Bonum defendentis ex integra
causa; malum ex quolibet defectu.
Bonae fidei possessor in id tantum A good outcome for the defendant
quod ad se pervenerit tenetur. A comes from a sound case; a bad
possessor in good faith is liable only outcome from some defect.
for that which he himself has
obtained (literally, what has come to Bonum necessarium extra
him). 2 Co. Inst. 285. terminos necessitatis non est
bonum. A thing good from necessity
Bona fide possessor facit fructus
is not good beyond the limits of the
consumptos suos. A possessor in
good faith is entitled to the fruits ('or
produce) that he consumes. Bonus judex secundum aequum et
bonum judicat, et aequitatem
Bona fides exigit ut quod convenit
stricto juri praefert. A good judge
fiat. Good faith demands that what is
decides according to fairness and the
agreed upon shall be done.
good and prefers equity to strict law.
Bona fides non patitur ut bis idem
Breve ita dicitur, quia rem de qua
exigatur. Good faith does not allow
agitur, et intentionem petentis,
payment to be exacted twice for the
paucis verbis breviter enarrat. A
same thing.
writ is called a "breve" because it
Boni judicis est ampliare briefly states, in few words, the
jurisdictionem (or justitiam). It is matter in dispute, and the object of
the role of a good judge to enlarge (or the party seeking relief.
use liberally) his jurisdiction (or Breve judiciale debet sequi suum
remedial authority). originale, et accessorium suum
principale. A judicial writ ought to
Boni judicis est ampliare justitiam.
follow its original, and an accessory
It is the role of a good judge to enlarge
its principal.
or extend justice.
Boni judicis est causas litium Breve judiciale non cadit pro
dirimere. It is the role of a good defectu formae. A judicial writ does
judge to remove causes of litigation. not fail for a defect of form.

Boni judicis est judicium sine Brevia, tam originalia quam

dilatione mandare executioni. It is judicialia, patiuntur anglica
the role of a good judge to render nomina. Writs, original as well as

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 12

judicial, bear English names. Catalla reputantur inter
minima in lege. Chattels are
Cancellarii angliae dignitas est, considered in law among things of
ut secundus a rege in regno least consequence.
habetur. The dignity of the
chancellor of England is (such) that Causa causae est causa causati.
he is considered in the realm from The cause of a cause is the cause of
the sovereign. the effect.
Career ad homines custodiendos, Causa causantis causa est
non ad puniendos, dari debet. causati. The cause of the thing
Imprisonment should be imposed for causing is the cause of the effect.
keeping people in confinement, not
for punishing them (further). Co. Causa ecclesiae publicis
Litt. 260a. aequiparatur; et summa est
ratio quae pro religione facit.
Career non supplicii causa sed
The cause of the church is equal
custodiae constitutus. A prison is
to public causes: and paramount
established not for the sake of
is the reason that acts in favor of
punishment, but for detention
under guard.

Casus fortuitus non est sperandus, Causae dotis, vitae, libertatis,

et nemo tenetur divinare. A chance fisci sunt inter favorabilia in
event is not to be expected, and no lege. Causes of dower, life, liberty.
one is bound to foresee it. revenue are among the things
favored in law.
Casus fortuitus non est
supponendus. A chance event is Causae ecclesiae publicis
not to be presumed. causis aequiparantur. The
causes of the church are equal to
Casus omissus et oblivioni public causes.
datus dispositioni communis
juris relinquitur. A case omitted Causa et origo est materia
and forgotten (not provided for in negotii. The cause and origin of a
statute) is left to the disposal of the matter are the substance of it. • "The
common law. law regards the original act": as
in the case of a man who attempts
Casus omissus pro omisso suicide in madness, but dies after
habendus est. A case omitted is regaining sanity; such is not
to be held as (intentionally) suicide. 1 Coke 99.
Causa patet. The reason is obvious.
Catalla juste possessa amitti
non possunt. Chattels rightly Causa proxima non remota
possessed cannot be lost. spectatur. The immediate and not

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 13

the remote cause is considered. ceases.

Causa vaga et incerta non est Cessante statu primitivo, cessat

causa rationabilis. A vague and derivatives. When the original
uncertain cause is not a reasonable estate comes to an end, the
cause. derivative estate is also at an end.

Caveat emptor. Let the buyer Cessa regnare, si non vis

judicare. Cease to reign if you
wish not to adjudicate.
Caveat emptor qui ignorare
C'est le crime qui fait la honte, et
non debuit quod jus alienum
non pas vachafaud. It is the
emit. Let the buyer beware; for
crime that causes the shame, and
he ought not act in ignorance
not the scaffold.
when he buys what another has
right to. Cestuy que doit inheriter al pare
doit inheriter al fils. The person
Caveat venditor. Let the seller who should have inherited from the
beware. father should also inherit from the
Caveat viator. Let the traveler
beware. Chacea est ad communem legem. A
chase (or hunting ground) exists by
Cavendum est a fragmentis. common law.
Beware of fragments.
Charta de non ente non valet. A
Certa debet esse intentio et deed of a thing not in being is not
narratio et certum valid.
fundamentum et certa res quae
deducitur in judicium. The design Charta non est nisi vestimentum
and narration ought to be certain, donation-is. A deed is nothing else
the foundation certain, and the than the vestment (or clothing) of a
matter certain that is brought into gift.
court to be tried.
Chartarum super fidem, mortuis
testibus, ad patriam de
Certum est quod certum reddi
necessitudine recurrendum est. (A
potest. That is certain which can be
dispute) regarding the veracity of
rendered certain.
deeds, with the witnesses dead, must
necessarily be referred to the country
Cessante causa, cessat effectus.
(or jury).
The cause ceasing, the effect ceases.
Chirographum apud debitorem
Cessante ratione legis cessat et
repertum praesumitur solutum.
ipsa lex. When the reason of the
When the evidence (or voucher) is
law ceases, the law itself also
found in the debtor's possession, the

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 14

debt is presumed to be paid. Clausula generalis de residuo non
ea cornplectitur quae non
Chirographum non extans ejusdem sint generis cum its quae
praesumitur solutum. When the speciatim dicta fuerant. A general
evidence of a debt is not in existence, clause of remainder does not embrace
it is presumed to have been those things that are not of the same
discharged. kind as those that had been specially
Circuitus est evitandus. Circuity
(roundabout proceeding) is to be Clausula generalis non refertur ad
avoided. expressa. A general clause does not
refer to things expressly mentioned.
Circuitus est evitandus; et boni
judicis est lites dirimere, ne lis ex Clausula quae abrogationem
lite oriatur. Circuity is to be avoided; excludit ab initio non valet. A
and it is the role of a good judge to clause that precludes abrogation is
determine (or dispose of) litigations so invalid from the beginning.
that one lawsuit may not arise from
another. Clausula vel dispositio inutilis per
praesumptionem remotam vel
Citatio est de juri naturali. A causam ex post facto non fulcitur.
summons is by natural right. A useless clause or disposition is not
supported by a remote presumption
Citationes non concedantur
or by a cause arising afterwards. • A
priusquam exprimatur super qua
useless clause or disposition is one
re fieri debet citatio. Citations
that expresses no more than the law
should not be granted before it is
by intendment would have supplied;
stated about what matter the citation
it is not supported by a remote
is to be made.
presumption or foreign intendment of
some purpose, in regard whereof it
Clam delinquens magis punitur
might be material, or by a cause
quam pa-lam. A person who does
arising afterwards that may induce an
wrong secretly is punished more
operation of those idle words.
severely than one who acts openly. 8
Coke 127. Cogitationis poenam nemo
meretur. No one deserves
Clam factum id videtur esse, quod
punishment for his thoughts.
quisque, quum controversiam ha
beret, habiturumve se putaret, Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur.
fecit. That is considered done secretly No one is punished for his thoughts.
which someone did when he had a
legal dispute or thought he would Cognomen majorum est ex
have one. sanguine tractum, hoc
Clausulae inconsuetae semper intrinsecum est; agnomen
inducunt suspicionem. Unusual extrinsecum ab eventu. The
clauses always arouse suspicion. cognomen is derived from the blood
of ancestors and is intrinsic; an

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 15

agnomen (or honorary title) arises are often a loss. • Coke continues,
from an event, and is extrinsic. Melius est Were !butes. Co. Litt.
Cohaeredes una persona censentur,
propter unitatem juris quod ha Compromissarii sunt judices.
bent. Coheirs are deemed as one Arbitrators are judges.
person, on account of the unity of
right that they possess. Compromissum ad similitudinem
judiciorum redigitur. A
Collegium est societas plurium compromise is brought into affinity
corporurn simul habitantium. A with judgments.
college is a society of several people
dwelling together. Conatus quid sit non definitur in
jure. What an attempt is, is not
Commenda est facultas recipiendi defined in law.
et retinendi beneficium contra jus
positivum a suprema potestate. A Concessio per regem fieri debet de
commendam is the power of certitudine. A grant by the king
receiving and retaining a benefice ought to be made of a certainty. •
contrary to positive law, by supreme Coke explains, "If the king grants to
authority. me that I shall not be sheriff,
without showing of what county, it
Commercium jure gentium is void for uncertainty." 9 Coke
commune esse debet et non in 46b.
monopolium et privatum
paucorum quaestum Concessio versus concedentem
convertendum. Commerce, by the latam interpretationem habere
law of nations, ought to be debet. A grant ought to have a
common and not converted into a liberal interpretation against the
monopoly and the private gain of a grantor.
Concordare leges legibus est
Commodum ex injuria sua non optimus interpretandi modus. To
habere de-bet. (The wrongdoer) make laws agree with laws is the
should not derive any benefit from best mode of interpreting them.
his own wrong.
Concordia parvae res crescunt et
Communis error facit jus. A opulentia lites. Small means
common error (one often repeated) increase by concord and litigations
makes law. by opulence.
Communis error non facit jus. A Conditio beneficialis, quae
common error does not make law. statum construit, benigne
secundum verborum intentionem
Compendia sunt dispendia. est interpretanda; odiosa autem
Abridgments are hindrances. quae statum destruit stricte,
Shortcuts or time-saving measures

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 16

secundum verborum proprietatem, Confirmare est id quod prius
accipienda. A beneficial condition infirmum fuit simul firmare. To
that creates an estate ought to be confirm is to make firm at once what
construed favorably, according to before was not firm.
the intention of the words; but a
condition that destroys an estate is Confirmare nemo potest
odious and ought to be construed priusquarn jus ei acciderit. No one
according to the strict sense of the can confirm before the right accrues
words. to him.

Conditio dicitur cum quid in Confirmatio est nulls ubi donum

casum incerturn qui potest tendere praecedens est invalidum. A
ad esse aut non esse confertur. It is confirmation is null where the
called a condition when something is preceding gift is invalid.
given for an uncertain event that
Confirmatio omnes supplet
may or may not come into existence.
defectus, licet id quod actum est
Conditio illicita habetur pro non ab initio non valuit. Confirmation
adjecta. An unlawful condition is supplies all defects, even if that
which has been done was not
considered unconnected.
valid at the beginning.
Conditiones quaelibet odiosae; Confirmat usum qui tollit abusum.
maxime au-tern contra One confirms a use who removes an
matrimonium et commercium. Any abuse.
conditions are odious, but especially
those against matrimony and
commerce. Conjunctio mariti et feminae est
de jure naturae. The union of
Conditio praecedens adimpleri husband and wife derives from the
debet prius quam sequatur law of nature.
effectus. A condition precedent
ought to be fulfilled before the effect Conscientia dicitur a con et scio,
can follow. quasi scire cum Deo. Conscience is
so called from con and scio, to know,
Confessio facts in judicio omni as it were, with God.
probatione major est. A
confession made in court is of Consecratio est periodus
greater effect than any proof. electionis; electio est praeambula
consecrationis. Consecration is the
Confessus in judicio pro judicato termination of election; election is
habetur et quodammodo sua the preamble of consecration.
sententia damnatur. A person who
has confessed his guilt when Consensus est voluntas plurium ad
arraigned is considered to have quos res pertinet, simul juncta.
been tried and is. as it were, Consent is the conjoint will of
condemned by his own sentence. several people to whom the thing

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 17

belongs. (requiruntur) in magnis. The
advice of many is sought in great
Consensus facit legem. Consent affairs.
makes law. • A contract constitutes Consortio malorum me quoque
law between the parties agreeing to malum fa-cit. The company of
be bound by it. wicked men makes me also wicked.

Consensus, non concubitus, facit Constitutiones tempore posteriores

matrimoniunz. Consent, not coition potiores sunt his quae ipsas
(or sharing a bed), constitutes praecesserunt. Later laws prevail
marriage. over those that preceded them.

Consensus, non concubitus, facit Constitutum esse earn domum

nuptias vel matrimonium, et unicuique nostrum debere
consentire non possunt ante existimari, ubi quisque se-des et
annos nubiles. Consent, not coition tabulas haberet, suarumque
(or sharing a bed), constitutes rerum constitutionem fecisset. It
nuptials or marriage, and persons is a settled principle that what
cannot consent before marriageable ought to be considered the home of
years. each of us is where he has his
dwelling. keeps his records, and
Consensus tollit errorem. Consent has established his business.
removes an error. • A person cannot
object to something he has Constructio legis non facit
consented to. injuriam. The construction of the
law does not work an injury.
Consensus voluntas multorum ad
quos res pertinet simul juncta. Consuetudo contra rationem
Consent is the united will of several introducta potius usurpatio quam
interested in one subject matter. consuetudo appellari debet. A
custom introduced against reason
Consentientes et agentes pari ought rather to be called a
poena plectentur. Those usurpation than a custom.
consenting and those perpetrating
will receive the same punishment. Consuetudo debet esse certa.
Custom ought to be fixed.
Consentire matrimonio non
possunt infra (ante) annos Consuetudo debet esse certa, nam
nubiles. Persons cannot consent to incerta pro nulla (nullius)
marriage before marriageable years. habetur. Custom ought to be fixed,
for if variable it is held as null (or
Consequentiae non est of no account).
consequentia. The consequence of a
consequence does not exist. Consuetudo est altera lex. Custom
is another law.
Consilia multorum quaeruntur

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 18

Consuetudo est optimus interpres legitima vincit legenz. A
legum. Custom is the best prescriptive and lawful custom
expounder of the law. overrides the law.

Consuetudo et communis Consuetudo regni Angliae est lex

assuetudo vincit legem non Angliae.
scriptam, si sit specialis; et The custom of the kingdom of
interpretatur legem scriptam, si England is the law of England.
lex sit generalis. Custom and
common usage overcome the Consuetudo semel reprobata non
unwritten law if it is special; and potest amplius induci. A custom
interpret the written law if the law is once disallowed cannot again be
general. introduced.

Consuetudo ex certa causa Consuetudo tollit communem

rationabili usitata privat legem. Custom takes away the
communem legem. Custom common law.
observed by reason of a certain
and reasonable cause supersedes Consuetudo vincit communem
the common law. legem. Custom overrules common
Consuetudo, licet sit magnae
auctoritatis, nunquam tamen Consuetudo volentes ducit, lex
praejudicat manifestae veritati. A nolentes trahit. Custom leads the
custom, even if it is of great willing; law drags the unwilling.
authority, is never prejudicial to
plain truth. Contemporanea expositio est
optima et fortissima in lege. A
Consuetudo loci observanda est. contemporaneous exposition is the
The custom of the place is to be best and most powerful in the law.
observed. • A statute is best explained by
following the construction put upon
Consuetudo manerii et loci it by judges who lived at the time it
observanda est. was made, or soon after.
The custom of a manor and place
is to be observed. Contestatio litis eget terminos
contradictarios. An issue requires
Consuetudo neque injuria oriri terms of contradiction. • (That is,
neque tolli protest. A custom can there can be no issue without an
neither arise nor be abolished by a affirmative on one side and a
wrong. negative on the other.)

Consuetudo non habitur (trahitur) Contractus est quasi actus contra

in consequentiam. Custom is not actum. A contract is, as it were, act
held as (or drawn into) a precedent. against act.
Consuetudo praescripta et

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 19

Contractus ex turpi causa vel Conventio omnis intelligitur
contra bonos mores nullus est. A clausula rebus sic stantibus. Every
contract founded on a wrongful contract is to be understood as
consideration or against good being based on the assumption of
morals is null. things remaining as they were
(that is, at the time of its
Contractus legem ex conventione
accipiunt. Contracts receive legal Conventio privatorum non potest
validity from the agreement of the publico juri derogare. An
parties. agreement of private persons
cannot derogate from public right. •
Contra legem facit qui id facit That is, it cannot prevent the
quod lex prohibit; in fraudem vero application of general rules of law,
qui, salvis verbis legis, or render valid any contravention of
sententiam ejus circumvenit. A law.
person acts contrary to the law who
does what the law prohibits; a Conventio vincit legem. The
person acts in fraud of the law express agreement of the parties
who, without violating the overrides the law.
wording, circumvents the intention.
Dig. 1.3.29. Convicia si irascaris tua divulgers;
spreta exolescunt. If you are
Contra negantem principia non est moved to anger by insults, you
disputandum. There is no spread them abroad; if despised,
disputing against one who denies they die out.
first principles.
Copulatio verborum indicat
Contra non valentem agere nulla acceptationem in eodem sensu:
currit praescriptio. No prescription Coupling words together shows
runs against a person unable to act that they ought to be understood in
(or bring an action). the same sense.

Contrariorum contraria est ratio. Corporalis injuria non recipit

The reason of contrary things is aestimationem de futuro. A
contrary. personal injury does not receive
satisfaction from proceedings yet in
Contra veritatem lex nunquam the future.
aliquid permittit. The law never
allows anything contrary to truth. Corpus humanum non recipit
aestimationem. The person of a
Contrectatio rei alienae animo human being can have no price put
furandi est furtum. Touching or on it.
taking another's property with an
intention of stealing is theft. Creditorum appellatione non hi
tantum accipiunturqui pecuniam

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 20

crediderunt, sed omnes quibus ex also is granted without which the
qualibet causa debetur. Under the thing itself could not exist.
name of creditors are included not Cuicunque aliquis quid concedit
only those who have lent money, but concedere videtur et id sine quo
also all to whom a debt is owed from res ipsa esse non potuit. To
any cause. whomever anyone grants a thing he is
considered also to grant that without
Crescente malitia crescere debet
which the thing itself could not be (the
et poena. With increase of malice,
sine qua non). 11 Coke 52.
punishment ought also to increase.
Cui jurisdictio data est, ea quoque
Crimen falsi dicitur, cum quis concessa esse videntur sine quibus
illicitus, cui non fuerit ad hoea jurisdictio explicari non potest. To
data auctoritas, de sigillo regis whom jurisdiction is given, those
rapto vel invento brevia cartasve things also are considered to be
consignaverit. It is called "crimen granted without which the
falsi" when anyone to whom power jurisdiction cannot be exercised. •
has not been given for such purposes That is, the grant of jurisdiction
has illicitly signed writs or grants implies the grant of all powers
with the king's seal, either stolen or necessary to its exercise.
Cui jus est donandi eidem et
Crimen laesae majestatis omnia vendendi et concedendi jus est. A
alia crimina excedit quoad person who has a right to give has
poenam. The crime of treason also a right to sell and to grant.
exceeds all other crimes in its
punishment. Cuilibet in arte sua perito est
credendum. Credence should be
Crimen omnia ex se nata vitiat. given to a person skilled in his art
Crime taints everything that springs (that is, when speaking of matters
from it. connected with that art).

Crimen trahit personam. The crime Cuilibet licit juri pro se introducto
brings with it the person. • That is, renunciare. Anyone may waive or
the commission of a crime gives the renounce the benefit of a principle or
courts of the place where it is rule of law that exists only for his
committed jurisdiction over the protection.
person of the offender.
Cui licet quod majus non debet
Crimina inorte extinguuntur. quod minus est non licere. A person
Crimes are extinguished by death. who has authority to do the more
important act ought not to be
Cuicunque aliquid conceditur, debarred from doing what is of less
conceditur etiam et id sine quo importance.
res ipsa non esse potuit. To
whomever anything is granted, that Cui pater est populus non habet ille

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 21

patrem. That person to whom the Cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad
people is father has not a father. coelum et ad inferos. Whoever
owns the soil owns everything up to
Cuique in sua arte credendum est. the sky and down to the depths.
Everyone is to be believed in his own
area of expertise. Cujus juris (i.e., jurisdictionis) est
principale, ejusdem juris erit
Cujus est commodum, ejus debet accessorium. An accessory matter
esse incommodum. The person who is subject to the same jurisdiction as
has the advantage should also have its principal.
the disadvantage.
Cujus per errorem dati repetitio
Cujus est commodum, ejus est onus. est, ejus consulto dati donatio
The person who has the benefit has est. A thing given by mistake can be
also the burden. recovered; if given purposely, it is a
gift. Dig. 50.17.53.
Cujus est dare, ejus est disponere.
The person who has a right to give has Cujusque rei potissima pars est
the right of disposition. • That is, the principium. The principal part of
bestower of a gift has a right to everything is the beginning.
regulate its disposal.
Culpa caret qui scit sed prohibere
Cujus est divisio, alterius est non potest. A person is free of blame
electio. When one of two parties has who knows but cannot prevent.
the division (of an estate), the other
has the choice (of the shares). • In Culpae poena par esto. Let the
partition between coparceners, where punishment be equal to the crime.
the division is made by the eldest,
the rule in English law is that she Culpa est immiscere se rei ad se
shall choose her share last. non pertinenti. It is a fault for
anyone to meddle in a matter not
pertaining to him.
Cujus est dominium, ejus est
periculum. The risk lies upon the Culpa lata dolo aequiparatur.
owner. Gross negligence is equivalent to
Cujus est instituere, ejus est
abrogare. Whoever can institute can Culpa tenet (teneat) suos auctores.
also abrogate. A fault binds (or should bind) its own
Cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad
coelum. The person who owns the Cum actio fuerit mere criminalis,
soil owns up to the sky. • One who institui poterit ab initio
owns the surface of the ground criminaliter vel civiliter. When an
owns, or has an exclusive right to action is purely criminal, it can be
everything that is upon or above it instituted from the beginning
to an indefinite height. either criminally or civilly.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 22

Cum adsunt testimonia rerum, ambiguous or even an erroneous
quid opus est verbis? When the expression occurs in a will, it
proofs of facts are present, what should be construed liberally, and
need is there of words? in accordance with the testator's
probable meaning.
Cum aliquis renunciaverit
societati, solvitur societas. When Cum legitimae nuptiae factae sunt,
any partner has renounced the patrem liberi sequuntur. Children
partnership, the partnership is born under a legitimate marriage
dissolved. follow the condition of the father.

Cum confitente sponte mitius est Cum par delictum est duorum,
agendum. One making a semper oneratur petitor, et melior
voluntary confession is to be dealt habetur possessoris causa. Where
with more leniently. two parties are equally at fault, the
claimant always is at the
Cum de lucro duorum quaeritur disadvantage, and the party in
melior est causa possidentis. possession has the better cause.
When there is a question of gain
between two people, the cause of the Cum quod ago non valet ut ago,
possessor is the better. valeat quantum valere potest.
When that which I do is of no effect
Cum duo inter se pugnantia as I do it, let it have as much effect
reperiuntur in testamento, as it can (that is, in some other
ultimum ratum est. When two way).
clauses in a will are found to be
contradictory, the last in order Curatus non habet titulum. A
prevails. curate has no title (to tithes).

Cum duo jura concurrunt in una Curia cancellariae officina

persona, aequum est ac si essent justitiae. The court of chancery is
in duobus. When two rights meet in the workshop of justice.
one person, it is the same as if they
were in two persons. Curia parliamenti suis propriis
legibus subsistit. The court of
Cum in corpore dissentitur, apparet parliament is governed by its own
nullam esse acceptionem. When laws.
there is a disagreement in the
substance, there is clearly no Cujus est instituere, ejus est
acceptance. abrogare. Whoever can institute can
also abrogate.
Cum in testamento ambigue aut
etiam perperam scriptum, est Cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad
benigne interpretari, et secundum coelum. The person who owns the
id quod credible est cogitatum soil owns up to the sky. • One who
credendum est. When an owns the surface of the ground
owns, or has an exclusive right to

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 23

everything that is upon or above it action is purely criminal, it can be
to an indefinite height. instituted from the beginning
either criminally or civilly.
Cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad
coelum et ad inferos. Whoever owns Cum adsunt testimonia rerum,
the soil owns everything up to the quid opus est verbis? When the
sky and down to the depths. proofs of facts are present, what
need is there of words?
Cujus juris (i.e., jurisdictionis) est
principale, ejusdem juris erit Cum aliquis renunciaverit
accessorium. An accessory matter is societati, solvitur societas. When
subject to the same jurisdiction as any partner has renounced the
its principal. partnership, the partnership is
Cujus per errorem dati repetitio
est, ejus consulto dati donatio
est. A thing given by mistake can be Cum confitente sponte mitius est
recovered; if given purposely, it is a agendum. One making a
gift. Dig. 50.17.53. voluntary confession is to be dealt
with more leniently.
Cujusque rei potissima pars est
principium. The principal part of Cum de lucro duorum quaeritur
everything is the beginning. melior est causa possidentis.
When there is a question of gain
Culpa caret qui scit sed prohibere between two people, the cause of the
non potest. A person is free of blame possessor is the better.
who knows but cannot prevent.
Cum duo inter se pugnantia
Culpae poena par esto. Let the reperiuntur in testamento,
punishment be equal to the crime. ultimum ratum est. When two
clauses in a will are found to be
Culpa est immiscere se rei ad se contradictory, the last in order
non pertinenti. It is a fault for prevails.
anyone to meddle in a matter not
pertaining to him. Cum duo jura concurrunt in una
persona, aequum est ac si essent
Culpa lata dolo aequiparatur.
in duobus. When two rights meet in
Gross negligence is equivalent to
one person, it is the same as if they
were in two persons.
Culpa tenet (teneat) suos auctores.
Cum in corpore dissentitur, apparet
A fault binds (or should bind) its own
nullam esse acceptionem. When
there is a disagreement in the
Cum actio fuerit mere criminalis, substance, there is clearly no
institui poterit ab initio acceptance.
criminaliter vel civiliter. When an Cum in testamento ambigue aut

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 24

etiam perperam scriptum, est Currit tempus contra desides et
benigne interpretari, et secundum sui juris contemptores. Time runs
id quod credible est cogitatum against the indolent and those who
credendum est. When an are not mindful of their rights.
ambiguous or even an erroneous
expression occurs in a will, it Cursus curiae est lex curiae. The
should be construed liberally, and in practice of the court is the law of the
accordance with the testator's court.
probable meaning.
Custome serra prise stricte.
Cum legitimae nuptiae factae sunt, Custom shall be construed strictly.
patrem liberi sequuntur. Children
born under a legitimate marriage Custos staturn haeredis in
follow the condition of the father. custodia existentis meliorem, non
deteriorem, facere potest. A
Cum par delictum est duorum, guardian can make the estate of an
semper oneratur petitor, et melior heir living under his guardianship
habetur possessoris causa. Where better, not worse.
two parties are equally at fault, the
Damnum sine injuria esse potest.
claimant always is at the
There can be damage without any
disadvantage, and the party in
act of injustice.
possession has the better cause.

Cum quod ago non valet ut ago, Dans et retinens nihil dat. One
valeat quantum valere potest. who gives and yet retains
When that which I do is of no effect (possession) does not give
as I do it, let it have as much effect effectually (literally, gives nothing).
as it can (that is, in some other
Da tua dum tua sunt, post mortem
tunc tua non sunt. Give the
Curatus non habet titulum. A things which are yours while they
curate has no title (to tithes). are yours; after death they are not
Curia cancellariae officina
justitiae. The court of chancery is Datur digniori. It is given to the
the workshop of justice. more worthy.

Curia parliamenti suis propriis Debet esse finis litium. There

legibus subsistit. The court of ought to be a limit to litigation.
parliament is governed by its own
laws. Debet quis juri subjacere ubi
delinquit. Any offender should be
Curiosa et captiosa interpretatio in subject to the law of the place
lege reprobatur. An overnice and where he offends.
captious interpretation in the law is
rejected. Debet sua cuique domus esse
perfugium tutissimum. Every

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 25

person's house should be his safest parson by divine right and
refuge. canonical institution.

Debile fundamentum fallit opus. A Decimae non debent solvi ubi non
weak foundation frustrates the work est annua renovatio, et ex
(built on it). annuatis renovantibus simul
semel. Tithes ought not to be
Debita sequuntur personam paid where there is not an annual
debitoris. Debts follow the person of renovation, and from annual
the debtor. • That is, debts belong renovations once only.
to no locality and may be
collected wherever the debtor can Decipi quam fallere est tutius. It
be found. is safer to be deceived than to
Debitor non praesumitur donare. A
debtor is not presumed to make a Decreta conciliorum non ligant
gift. reges nostros. The decrees of
councils do not bind our kings.
Debitorum pactionibus creditorum
petitio nec tolli nec minui potest. Deficiente uno sanguine, non
The creditors' suit can be neither potest esse haeres. For lack of
quashed nor diminished by the one blood, he cannot be heir. •
contracts of their debtors. Coke explains, "The blood of the
father and of the mother are but
Debitum et contractus sunt nullius one inheritable blood, and both
loci. Debt and contract belong to no are necessary to procreation of an
particular place. heir." 3 Coke 41.

Deceptis, non decipientibus, jura De fide et officio judicis non

subveniunt. The laws help recipitur quaestio, sed de scientia
persons who have been deceived, sive sit error juris sive facti. The
not those deceiving. good faith and honesty of purpose
of a judge cannot be questioned, but
Decet (tamen) principem servare his knowledge may be impugned
leges quibus ipse servatus est. It if there is an error either of law or
is proper (nonetheless) for the of fact.
prince to preserve the laws by
which he himself is preserved. De jure decimarum, originem
ducens de jure patronatus, tune
Decimae de decimatis solvi non cognitio spectat at legem civilem,
debent. Tithes ought not to be paid i.e., communem. With regard to the
from that which is given for tithes. right of tithes, deducing its origin
from the right of the patron, then
Decimae de jure divino et canonica the cognizance of them belongs to
institutione pertinent ad the civil law, i.e., common law.
personam. Tithes belong to the

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 26

De jure judices, de facto juratores, De nomine proprio non est
respondent. The judges answer curandum cum in substantia non
regarding the law, the jury on the erretur; quia nomina mutabilia
facts. sunt, res autem immobiles. As to
the proper name, it is not to be
Delegata potestas non potest regarded when there is no error in
delegari. A delegated authority substance; because names are
cannot be delegated. changeable, but things are
Delegatus non potest delegare. A
delegate (or deputy) cannot appoint De non apparentibus et non
another. existentibus eadem est ratio. The
rule is the same respecting things
Delicatus debitor est odiosus in that do not appear and things that
lege. A luxurious debtor is hateful in do not exist.
the law.
De nullo quod est sua natura
Delinquens per iram provocatus
indivisibile et divisionem non
puniri de-bet mitius. A wrongdoer
patitur nullam partem habebit
provoked by anger ought to be
vidua, sed satisfaciat ei ad
punished less severely. 3 Co. Inst.
valentiam. A widow shall have no
part from that which in its own
nature is indivisible and is not
De nzajori et minori non variant
susceptible of division; but let (the
jura. Concerning greater and
heir) satisfy her with an equivalent.
lesser, rights do not vary (or justice
does vary). De nullo tenemento, quod tenetur
ad terminum, fit homagii; fit
De minimis non curat lex. The law tamen inde fidelitatis
does not notice or concern itself with sacramentum. For no tenement
trifling matters. that is held for a term is there the
oath of homage, but there is the
De nzolendino de novo erecto non oath of fealty.
jacet prohibitio. A prohibition
does not lie against a newly erected Derivativa potestas non potest
mill. esse major primitiva. Power
that is derived cannot be greater
De morte horninis nulla est than that from which it is derived.
cunctatio longs. When the death of
a human being is concerned, no Derogatur legi cum pars
delay is long. detrahitur; abrogatur legi, cum
prorsus tollitur. There is
Denominatio fieri debet a derogation from a law when part of
dignioribus. Denomination should it is taken away; there is abrogation
be made from the more worthy. of a law when it is abolished

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Designatio justiciariorum est a sit justum. Discretion consists in
rege; jurisdictio vero ordinaria a knowing what is just in law.
lege. The appointment of justices
is by the king, but their ordinary Disparata non debent jungi.
jurisdiction is by the law. Dissimilar things ought not to be
Designatio unius est exclusio
alterius, et expressum facit Dispensatio est mali prohibiti
cessare taciturn. The designation of provida relaxatio, utilitate seu
one is the exclusion of the other; necessitate pensata; et est de jure
and what is expressed prevails over domino regi concessa, prop-ter
what is implied. impossibilitatem praevidendi de
omnibus particularibus. A
De similibus ad similia eadem dispensation is the provident
ratione procedendum est. From relaxation of a malum
like things to like things we are to prohibitum weighed from utility
proceed by the same rule. • That or necessity; and it is conceded
is, we are allowed to argue from by law to the king on account of
the analogy of cases. the impossibility of
foreknowledge concerning all
De similibus idem est judicium. particulars.
Concerning like things the judgment
is the same. Dispensatio est vulnus, quod
vulnerat jus commune. A
Deus solus haeredem facere dispensation is a wound, because
potest, non homo. God alone, and it wounds a common right.
not man, can make an heir.
Disseisinam satis facit qui uti non
Dies dominicus non est juridicus. permittit possessorem, vel minus
Sunday is not a judicial day. commode, licet omnino non
expellat. A person commits
Dies inceptus pro completo disseisin if he does not permit the
habetur. A day begun is held as possessor to enjoy, or makes the
complete. possessor's enjoyment less useful,
even if the disseisor does not
Dies incertus pro conditione expel the possessor altogether. Co.
habetur. An uncertain day is Litt. 331.
considered as a condition.
Dissimilium dissimilis est ratio.
Dilationes in lege sunt odiosae. Of dissimilars the rule is dissimilar.
Delays in law are odious.
Dissimulatione tollitur injuria.
Discretio est discernere per legem Injury is wiped out by
quid sit justum. Discretion is to reconciliation.
discern through law what is just.
Distinguenda sunt tempora; aliud
Discretio est scire per legem quid est facere, aliud perficere. Times

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 28

must be distinguished; it is one an artifice, since it pretends one
thing to do a thing, another to thing and does another.
complete it.
Dolus et fraus nemini
Distinguenda sunt tempora; patrocinentur (patrocinari
distingue tempora, et concordabis debent). Deceit and fraud should
leges. Times are to be excuse or benefit no one (they
distinguished; distinguish times, themselves require some excuse).
and you will harmonize laws.
Dolus latet in generalibus. Fraud
Divinatio, non interpretatio, est lurks in generalities.
quae omnino recedit a litera. It is
a guess, not interpretation. that Dolus versatur in generalibus.
altogether departs from the letter. Fraud deals in generalities.
Divortium dicitur a divertendo, Dominium non potest esse in
quia vir divertitur ab uxore. pendenti. The right of property
Divorce is so called from divertendo, cannot be in abeyance.
because a man is diverted from
his wife. Dominus capitalis loco haeredis
Dolo facit qui petit quod habetur, quoties per defectum vel
redditurus est. A person acts with delictum extinguitur sanguis sui
deceit who seeks what he will tenentis. The supreme lord takes
have to return. the place of the heir, as often as
the blood of the tenant is extinct
Dolo malo pactum se non through deficiency or crime.
servaturum. An agreement
induced by fraud will not Dominus non maritabit pupillum
preserve itself ( will not stand). nisi semel. A lord cannot give a
ward in marriage but once.
Dolosus versatur in generalibus. A
deceiver deals in generalities. Dominus rex nullum habere potest
parein, multo minus superiorem.
Dolum ex indiciis perspicuis The king cannot have an equal,
probari convenit. Fraud should be much less a superior.
proved by clear proofs.
Domus sua cuique est tutissimum
Dolus auctoris non nocet refugium. Everyone's house is his
successori. The fraud of a safest refuge.
predecessor does not prejudice
the successor. Domus tutissimum cuique
refugium atque receptaculum sit.
Dolus circuitu non purgatur. Everyone's house should be his
Fraud is not purged by circuity. safest refuge and shelter.

Dolus est machinatio, cum aliud Dona clandestina sunt semper

dissimulat aliud agit. Deceit is suspiciosa. Clandestine gifts are

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 29

always suspicious. terrarum et tenementorum, quae
vir suus tenuit in dominio suo ut
Donari videtur quod nullo jure de feodo, etc. Reasonable or
cogente conceditur. That is legitimate dower belongs to every
considered to be given which is woman of a third part of all the
granted when no law compels. lands and tenements of which her
husband was seised in his demesne,
Donatio non praesumitur. A gift is as of fee, etc.
not presumed.
Doti lex facet; praemium pudoris
Donationum alia perfecta, alia est, ideo parcatur. The law
incepta et non perfecta; ut si favors dower; it is the reward of
donatio lector fuit et concessa, ac chastity; therefore let it be preserved.
traditio nondum fuerit subsecuta.
Some gifts are perfect, others Do ut des. I give that you may give.
incipient and not perfect; for
example, if a gift were read and Do ut facias. I give that you may do.
agreed to, but delivery had not
then followed. Droit ne done pluis que soit
demaunde. The law gives no more
Donatio perficitur possessione than is demanded.
accipientis. A gift is rendered
complete by the possession of the Droit ne poet pas morier. Right
receiver. cannot die.

Donatio principis intelligitur sine Duas uxores eodem tempore

praejudicio tertii. A gift of the habere non licet. It is not lawful
prince is understood without to have two wives at one time.
prejudice to a third party.
Duo non possunt in solido unam
Donator nunquam desinit rein possidere. Two cannot possess
possidere antequam donatarius one thing each in entirety.
incipiat possidere. A donor never
Duorum in solidum dominium vel
ceases to have possession until the
possessio esse non potest.
donee obtains possession.
Ownership or possession in entirety
Dormiunt aliquando leges, cannot belong to two persons.
nunquam moriuntur. Laws
Duo sunt instrumenta ad omnes
sometimes sleep but never die.
res aut confirmandas aut
Dos de dote peti non debet. Dower impugnandas, ratio et
ought not to be sought from dower. auctoritas. There are two
instruments for confirming or
Dos rationabilis vel legitima est impugning everything: reason and
cujuslibet mulieris de quocunque authority.
tenemento tertia pars omnium

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Duplicationem possibilitatis lex demandari debent. Those things
non patitur. The law does not allow that are properly transacted in our
a duplication of possibility. court ought to be committed to a
due execution.
Eadem causa diversis rationibus
coram judicibus ecelesiasticis et Ea quae Taro accidunt non temere
secularibus yentilatur. The same in agendis negotiis computantur.
cause is argued upon different Those things that rarely happen are
principles before ecclesiastical and not to be taken into account in the
secular judges. transaction of business, without
sufficient reason.
Eadem est ratio, eadem est lex. (If)
the reason is the same, the law is Ecclesia ecclesiae decima solvere
the same. non debet. A church should not pay
tithes to a church.
Eadem mens praesumitur regis
quae est juris et quae esse debet, Ecclesia est domus mansionalis
praesertim in dubiis. The mind of omnipotentis dei. The church is the
the sovereign is presumed to be the mansionhouse of the omnipotent
same as that of the law, and the God.
same as what it ought to be,
especially in ambiguous matters. Ecclesia est infra aetatem et in
custodia domini regis, qui tenetur
Ea est accipienda interpretatio jura et haereditates ejusdem
quae vitio caret. That manu tenere et defendere. The
interpretation is to be received church is underage and in the
that is free from fault. custody of the king, who is bound to
uphold and defend its rights and
Ea quae commendandi causa in inheritances.
venditionibus dicuntur, si palam
appareant venditorem non Ecclesia fungitur vice minoris;
obligant. Those things that, by way meliorem conditionem suam
of commendation, are stated at facere potest, deteriorem
sales, if they are openly apparent, nequaquam. The church enjoys
do not bind the seller. the privilege of a minor; it can
make its own condition better but
Ea quae dari impossibilia sunt, vel not worse.
quae in rerum natura non sunt,
pro non adjectis habentur. Those Ecclesiae magis favendum est
things that cannot be given. or that quam personae. The church is to be
are not in the nature of things, more favored than the parson (or an
are considered as not added (as no individual).
part of the agreement).
Ecclesia non moritur. The church
Ea quae in curia nostra rite acta does not die.
sunt debitae executioni
Effectus sequitur causam. The

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effect follows the cause. spontanea separatio unius rei ab
alia, sine compulsione, consistens
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non in animo et voluntate. Election is
qui negat. The burden of the proof an internal, free, and spontaneous
rests upon the person who affirms, separation of one thing from
not the one who denies. another, without compulsion,
consisting in intention and will.
Ei nihil turpe, cui nihil satis.
Nothing is immoral to the person Electiones fiant rite et libere sine
to whom nothing is enough. interruptione aliqua. Let
Eisdem modis dissolvitur obligatio elections be made in due form and
quae nascitur ex contractu, vel freely, without any interruption.
quasi, quibus contrahitur. An
obligation that arises from a Electio semel facta, et placitum
contract or quasi contract is testatum, non patitur
dissolved in the same ways in regressum. An election once
which it is contracted. made, and a plea witnessed (or
intent shown), allows no going back.
Ejus est interpretari cujus est
condere. It is that person's to Emptor emit quam minimo potest;
interpret whose it is to enact. venditor vendit quam maximo
potest. The buyer buys for as little
Ejus est nolle, qui potest velle. A as possible; the vendor sells for as
person who can will (exercise much as possible.
volition) has a right to refuse to will
(withhold consent). En eschange it covient que les
estates soient egales. In an
Ejus est non nolle qui potest velle. exchange it is desirable that the
A person may consent tacitly who estates be equal.
can consent expressly.
Enitia pars semper praeferenda est
Ejus est periculum cujus est prop ter privilegium aetatis. The
dominium aut commodum. He who part of the elder sister is always to
has the dominion or advantage has be preferred on account of the
the risk. privilege of age.

Ejus nulla culpa est cui parere Enumeratio infirmat regulam in

necesse sit. No guilt attaches to a casibus non enumeratis.
person who is compelled to obey. Enumeration disaffirms the rule in
cases not enumerated.
Electa una via, non datur recursus
ad alteram. When one way has Enumeratio unius est exclusio
been chosen, no recourse is given alterius. Specification of one thing
to another. is an exclusion of the other.

Electio est interna libera et Eodem ligamine quo ligatum est

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 32

dissolvitur. An obligation is Error scribentis nocere non
dissolved by the same bond by which debet. The error of a scribe (or
it is contracted. copyist) ought not to injure.

Eodem modo quo oritur, eodem Erubescit lex filios castigare

modo dissolvitur. It is discharged parentes. The law blushes when
in the same way as it is created. children correct their parents.

Eodem modo quo quid Est aliquid quod non oportet

constituitur, dissolvitur. In the etiam si licet; quicquid vero non
same way as anything is licet certe non oportet. There is
constituted, it is dissolved (or that which is not proper, even
destroyed). 6 Coke 53. though permitted; but whatever is
not permitted is certainly not
Equitas sequitur legem. Equity proper.
follows the law.

Errores ad sua principia Est autem jus publicum et

referre est refellere. To refer privaturn quod ex naturalibus
errors to their origin is to refute praeceptis aut gentium aut
them. civilibus est collectum; et
quod in jure scrip to jus
Errores scribentis nocere non appellatur, id in lege Angliae
debent. The mistakes of the scribe rectum esse dicitur. Public and
(or copyist) ought to do no harm. private law is that which is
collected either from natural
Error fucatus nuda veritate in precepts of the (law of) nations or
multis est probabilior; et from civil precepts; and that which
saepenumero rationibus vincit in the civil law is called jus is said
veritatem error. Error artfully in the law of England to be right.
colored is in many instances more Co. Litt. 558.
probable than naked truth: and
frequently error conquers truth by Est autem vis legem simulans.
argumentation. Violence may also put on the mask
of law.
Error juris nocet. An error of law
Est boni judicis ampliare
injures. jurisdictionem. It is the role of a
good judge to extend the
Error norninis nunquam nocet, jurisdiction.
si de identitate rei constat.
Mistake in the name never injures Est ipsorum legislatorum
if the identity of the thing is certain. tanquam viva vox. The voice of
the legislators themselves is like a
Error qui non resistitur
living voice. • That is, the provisions
approbatur. An error that is not
of a statute are to be understood
resisted is approved.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 33

and interpreted as practical rules Exceptio falsi est omnium
for real circumstances. Coke ultima. The exception for falsehood
adds, Rebus et non verbis legem is last of all.
imponimus. 10 Coke 101.
Exceptio firmat regulam in
Estoveria sunt ardendi, arandi, casibus non exceptis. An
construendi et claudendi. exception affirms the rule in cases
Estovers (tenants' rights to material not excepted.
at hand) are for burning, plowing,
building, and fencing. Exceptio firmat regulam in
contrarium. An exception affirms
Est quiddam perfectius in an opposite rule.
rebus licitis. There is something
more perfect in things that are Exceptio nulla est versus actionem
permitted. quae exceptionem perimit. There
is no exception against an action
Eum qui nocentem infamat, non that extinguishes the exception.
est aequum et bonum ob earn
rem condemnari; delicta enim Exceptio probat regulam de rebus
non exceptis. An exception proves a
nocentium nota esse oportet et
rule concerning things not excepted.
expedit. It is not just and proper
that one who speaks ill of a bad Exceptio quae firmat legem
person should be condemned on exponit legem. An exception that
that account; for it is fitting and confirms the law expounds the
expedient that the wrongdoings of law.
bad people should be known.
Exceptio quoque regulam
Eventus varios res nova semper declarat. The exception also
habet. A novel matter always declares the rule.
produces various results.
Exceptio semper ultima ponenda
est. An exception is always to be put
Ex antecedentibus et
consequentibus fit optima
interpretatio. The best Excessus in jure reprobatur.
interpretation is made from what Excess in law is condemned.
precedes and what follows.
Excessus in re qualibet jure
Exceptio ejus rei cujus petitur reprobatur communi. Excess in
dissolutio nulla est. There is no anything at all is condemned by
exception based on the very common law.
matter for which a solution is
Excusat aut extenuat delictum in
being sought.
capitalibus, quod non operatur

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 34

idem in civilibus. That excuses or Ex nihilo nihil fit. From nothing
extenuates a wrong in capital nothing comes.
causes which does not have the
same effect in civil suits. Ex nudo pacto non oritur actio. No
action arises on a contract without a
Ex diuturnitate temporis omnia consideration.
praesumuntur solenniter esse
acta. From length of time, all Ex pacto illicito non oritur actio.
things are presumed to have been From an illicit contract no action
clone in due form. arises.

Ex dolo malo non oritur actio. An Expedit rei publicae ne sua re quis
action does not arise from a fraud. male utatur. It is to the advantage
of the state that a person should not
Executio est executio juris make bad use of his own property.
secundum judiciurn. Execution is
the execution of the law according Expedit rei publicae ut sit finis
to the judgment. litium. It is to the advantage of the
state that there should be a limit to
Executio est finis et fructus legis. litigation.
Execution of the law is its end and
fruition. Experientia per varios actus legem
facit. Experience through various
Executio legis non habet injuriam. acts makes law.
Execution of the law cannot work an
injury. Expositio quae ex visceribus
causae nascitur, est aptissima et
Ex facto jus oritur. The law arises fortissima in lege. An exposition
out of the fact. that springs from the vitals of a
cause is the fittest and most
Ex frequenti delicto augetur powerful in law.
poena. Punishment increases with
repeated offense. 2 Co. Inst. 479. Expressa nocent, non expressa
Ex maleficio non oritur non nocent. Things expressed do
contractus. A contract does not harm; things not expressed do
arise out of an illegal act. not.

Ex malis moribus bonae leges Expressa non prosunt quae non

natae sunt. Good laws are born expressa proderunt. There is no
from evil morals. benefit in expressing what will
benefit when unexpressed.
Ex multitudine signorum colligitur
identitas vera. From a great Expressio eorum quae tacite
number of signs true identity is insunt nihil operatur. The
ascertained. expression of those things that are
tacitly implied is of no consequence.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 35

Expressio unius est exclusio such a judgment may be
alterius. The expression of one punished. 10 Coke 77.
thing is the exclusion of another. •
Also termed Indust() unius est Extremis probatis praesumuntur
exclusio alterius or enumeratio media. Extremes having been
unius est exclusio alterius. proved, intermediate things are
Expressum facit cessare taciturn.
Something expressed nullifies what Ex turpi causes non oritur
is unexpressed. actio. No action arises out of a
wrongful consideration.
Ex procedentibus et
consequentibus optima fit Ex turpi contractu non oritur
interpretatio. The best actio. No action arises from a
interpretation is made from wrongful contract.
things proceeding and following 
Facinus quos inquinat aequat.
i.e., the context).
Guilt makes equal those whom it
Exterus non habet terras. An stains.
alien holds no lands.
Facio ut des. I do that you may give.
Extincto subjecto, tollitur
adjunctum. When the substance is Facio ut facias. I do that you may
gone, the adjunct disappears. do.
Ex tota materia emergat
Facta sunt potentiora verbis.
resolutio. The construction or
Deeds (or facts) are more powerful
explanation should arise out of the
than words.
whole subject matter.
Facta tenent multa quae fieri
Extra legem positus est civiliter
prohibentur. Deeds contain many
mortuus. An outlaw is dead as a
things that are prohibited to be
Extra territorium jus dicenti
Factunz a judice quod ad ejus
impune non paretur. One who
officium non spectat, non ratum
gives a judgment outside his
est. A judge's act that does not
jurisdiction is disobeyed with
pertain to his office is of no force.
impunity. • There is no punishment
for disobeying. Dig. 2.1.20. Factum cuique suum, non
adversario, nocere debet.
Extra territorium jus dicenti Anyone's act should injure himself,
non paretur impune. One who not his adversary.
gives a judgment outside his
jurisdiction is not obeyed with Factum infectum fieri nequit.
impunity. • Anyone who executes What is done cannot be undone.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 36

Factum negantis nulla probatio. Fama, fides, et oculus non
No proof is incumbent on a person patiuntur ludam. Reputation,
who denies a fact. plighted faith, and eyesight do not
endure deceit.
Factum non dicitur quod non
perseverat. That is not said to be Fama, quae suspicionem inducit,
done which does not last. oriri debet apud bonos et
graves, non quidem malevolos
Factum unius alteri nocere non
et maledicos, sed providas et
debet. The deed of one should not
fide dignas personas, non semel
hurt the other.
sed saepius, quia clamor minuit
Facultas probationum non est et defamatio manifestat.
angustanda. The capability of Report, which induces suspicion.
offering proofs is not to be narrowed. ought to arise from good and grave
men; not, indeed, from malevolent
Falsa demonstratione legatum and malicious men, but from
non perimi. A legacy is not cautious and credible persons; not
destroyed by an incorrect only once, butfrequently, for
description. clamor diminishes, and
defamation manifests.
Falsa demonstratio non nocet,
cum de corpore (persona) Fatetur facinus qui judicium fugit.
constat. False description does A person who flees judgment
not injure or vitiate, provided the confesses guilt.
thing or person intended has once
been sufficiently described. • Mere Fatuus, apud jurisconsultos
false description does not make an nostros, accipitur pro non compos
instrument inoperative. mentis; et fatuus dicitur, qui
omnino desipit. "Fatuous," among
Falsa grammatica non vitiat our jurisconsults, is applied to a
concessionem. False or bad man not of sound mind; one is also
grammar does not vitiate a grant. • called "fatuous" who is altogether
Neither false Latin nor false foolish.
English will make a deed void
when the intent of the parties Fatuus praesumitur qui in proprio
plainly appears. nomine errat. A person is presumed
to be incompetent who makes a
Falsa orthographia sive falsa mistake in his own name (that is,
grammatica non vitiat does not know his own name).
concessionem. Error in spelling or
grammar does not vitiate a grant. Favorabilia in lege sunt fiscus,
dos, vita, libertas. The treasury,
Falsus in uno, falsus in dower, life, and liberty are things
omnibus. False in one thing, false favored in law.
in everything.

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Favorabiliores rei potius quam Fiat justitia ruat caelum. Let
actores habentur. Defendants are justice be done, though the heaven
rather to be favored than plaintiffs. should fall.

Favorabiliores sunt executiones Fiat prout fieri consuevit, nil

aliis processibus quibuscunque. temere novandum. Let it be done
Executions are preferred to all as it is accustomed to be done; let
other processes whatever. no innovation be made rashly.

Favores ampliandi sunt; odia Fictio cedit veritati; fictio juris

restringenda. Favorable inclinations non est ubi veritas. Fiction yields
are to be enlarged; animosities to truth; where the truth appears,
restrained. there is no fiction of law.

Felonia, ex vi termini, significat Fictio est contra veritatem, sed pro

quodlibet capitale crimen felleo veritate habetur. Fiction is
animo perpetratum. Felony, by contrary to the truth, but it is
force of the term, signifies any regarded as truth.
capital crime perpetrated with a
malicious intent. Fictio juris non est ubi veritas.
Where truth is, fiction of law does
Felonia implicatur in quolibet not exist.
proditione. Felony is implied in
every treason. Fictio legis inique operatur alicui
damnum vel injuriam. Fiction of
Feodum est quod quis tenet ex law works unjustly if it works loss
quacunque causa, sive sit or injury to anyone.
tenementum sive redditus. A fee is
what anyone holds from whatever Fictio legis neminem laedit. A
cause, whether tenement or rent. fiction of law injures no one.

Feodum simplex quia feodum idem Fides est obligatio conscientiae

est quod haereditas, et simplex alicujus ad intentionem alterius.
idem est quod legituum ye! A trust is an obligation of conscience
purum; et sic feodum simplex of one to the will of another.
idem est quod haereditas legitima
vel haereditas pura. "Fee simple" Fides servanda est. Faith must be
is so called because fee is the observed. • An agent must not
same as inheritance and simple is violate the confidence reposed in
the same as lawful or pure; and him or her.
thus fee simple is the same as a
lawful inheritance or a pure Fides servanda est; simplicitas
inheritance. juris gentium praevaleat. Faith is
to be preserved; the simplicity of the
Festinatio justitiae est noverca law of nations should prevail.
infortunii. The hurrying of justice is
the stepmother of misfortune. Fieri non debet, sed factum valet.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 38

It ought not to be done, but if done it Foeminae ab omnibus officiis
is valid. civilibus vel publicis remotae
sunt. Women are excluded from all
Filiatio non potest probari. civil and public charges or offices.
Filiation cannot be proved. • That
is, the husband is presumed to be Foeminae non sunt capaces de
the father of a child born during publicis officiis. Women are not
coverture. qualified for public offices.

Filius est nomen naturae, sed Forma dat esse. Form gives being.
haeres nomen juris. "Son" is a
name of nature, but "heir" a name Forma legalis forma essentialis.
of law. Legal form is essential form.

Filius in utero matris est pars Forma non observata, infertur

viscerum matris. A child in the adnullatio actus. When form is
mother's womb is part of the not observed, a nullity of the act is
mother's vitals. inferred.

Forstellarius est pauperum

Finis est amicabilis compositio et
depressor, et totius communitatis
finalis concordia ex concensu et
et patriae publicus inimicus. A
concordia domino regis vel
forestaller is an oppressor of the
justiciarum. A fine is an amicable
poor, and a public enemy of the
settlement and decisive agreement
whole community and the country.
by consent and agreement of our
lord, the king, or his justicies. Fortior est custodia legis quam
Finis finem litibus imponit. A fine hominis. The custody of the law is
puts an end to litigation. stronger than that of man.

Finis rei attendendus est. The end Fortior et potentior est

of a thing is to be attended to. dispositio legis quam hominis.
The disposition of the law is stronger
Finis unius diei est principium and more powerful than that of man.
alterius. The end of one day is the
beginning of another. Fractionem diei non recipit lex.
The law does not regard a fraction of
Firmior et potentior est operatio a day.
legis quam dispositio hominis. The
Frater fratri uteri no non succedit
operation of law is firmer and more
in haereditate paterna. A brother
powerful than the will of man.
shall not succeed a uterine brother
Flumina et portus publica sunt, in the paternal inheritance.
ideoque jus piscandi omnibus
commune est. Rivers and ports are Fraus est celare fraudem. It is a
public; and therefore the right of fraud to conceal a fraud.
fishing is common to all.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 39

Fraus est odiosa et non comes to be exercised is useless.
praesumenda. Fraud is odious and
not to be presumed. Frustra expectatur eventus cujus
effectus nullus sequitur. An event
Fraus et dolus neniini patrocinari is vainly awaited from which no
debent. Fraud and deceit should effect follows.
excuse no one. Frustra feruntur leges nisi
subditis et obedientibus. Laws are
Fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant.
made to no purpose except for those
Fraud and justice never dwell
who are subject and obedient.
Frustra fit per plura quod fieri
Fraus latet in generalibus. Fraud potest per pauciora. That is done
lies hidden in general expressions. vainly through many measures if it
can be accomplished through fewer.
Fraus meretur fraudem. Fraud
deserves fraud. Frustra legis auxilium quaerit qui
in legem committit. Vainly does a
Frequentia actus multum person who offends against the law
operatur. The frequency of an act seek the help of the law.
has much effect. • Continual usage
establishes a right. Frustra petis quod mox es
restiturus. Vainly you seek what you
Fructus augent haereditatem. Fruits are soon to restore.
enhance an inheritance.
Frustra petis quod statim alteri
Fructus pendentes pars fundi reddere cogeris. Vainly you seek
videntur. Hanging fruits are what you will immediately be
compelled to give back to another.
considered part of the parcel of land.
Frustra probatur quod probatum
Fructus perceptos villae non esse non relevat. It is useless to prove
constat. It is agreed that gathered what if proved would not aid the
fruits are not a part of the farm. matter in question.

Frumenta quae sata sunt solo Furiosi nulla voluntas est. An

cedere intelliguntur. Grain that insane person has no will.
has been sown is understood to
belong to the soil. Furiosus absentis loco est. An insane
person is considered as absent.
Frustra agit qui judicium prosequi
nequit cum effectu. A person sues Furiosus nullum negotium
in vain who cannot prosecute his contrahere (gerere) potest (quia
judgment with effect. non intelligit quod agit). An insane
person cannot make a contract
Frustra est potentia quae nunquam (because he doesn't understand what
venit in actum. Power that never he is doing).

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 40

Furiosus solo furore punitur. An things particular.
insane person is punished by
insanity alone. Generalia praecedunt, specialia
sequuntur. Things general precede;
Furiosus stipulari non potest nec things special follow.
aliquod negotium agere, qui non
intelligit quid agit. An insane Generalia specialibus non
person who knows not what he does derogant. Things general do not
cannot make a bargain or transact restrict (or detract from) things
any business. special.
Furor contrahi matrimonium Generalia sunt praeponenda
non sinit, quia consensu opus singularibus. General things are to
est. Insanity prevents marriage from be put before particular things.
being contracted, because consent is
needed. Generalia verba sunt generaliter
Furtum est contrectatio rei alienae intelligenda. General words are to
fraudulenta, cum animo furandi, be understood in a general sense.
invito illo domino cujus res ills
fuerat. Theft is the fraudulent Generalibus specialia derogant.
handling of another's property, with Things special restrict things
an intention of stealing, against the general.
will of the proprietor, whose property
Generalis clausula non porrigitur
it had been.
ad ea quae antea specialiter sunt
Furtum non est ubi initium habet comprehensa. A general clause does
detentionis per dominium rei. not extend to those things that have
There is not theft been previously provided for
where the holder has a beginning of specifically.
detention (began holding the object)
through ownership of the thing. Generalis regula generaliter est
intelligenda. A general rule is to be
Generale dictum generaliter est understood generally.
interpretandum. A general
expression is to be construed Glossa viperina est quae corrodit
generally. viscera textus. It is a poisonous gloss
that gnaws away the vitals of the text.
Generale nihil certi implicat. A
general expression implies nothing Grammatica falsa non vitiat
certain. chartam. False grammar does not
vitiate a deed.
Generale tantum valet in
Gravius est divinam quam
generalibus quantum singulare in
temporalem laedere majestatem.
singulis. What is general has as
It is more serious to hurt divine than
much validity among things general
temporal majesty.
as what is particular does among

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 41

Legal Maxims 1640

Habemus optimum testem, person is an heir by either right

confitentem reum. We have the of property or right of
best witness, a confessing defendant. representation.

Haeredem Deus facit, non Haeres est eadem persona cum

hom . God, and not man, makes
antecessore. The heir is the same
the heir. person as the ancestor.
Haeredipetae suo propinquo vel Haeres est nomen collectivum.
extraneo, periculoso sane "Heir" is a collective noun.
custodi, nullus committatur. Let
no ward be entrusted to the next Haeres est nomen juris, filius
heir in succession, whether his est nomen naturae. "Heir" is a
own relation or a stranger, as the term of law; "son" is one of nature.
next heir is surely a dangerous
guardian. Co. Litt. 88b. Haeres est pars antecessoris. An
heir is a part of the ancestor.
Haereditas est successio in
universum jus quod defunctus Haeres haeredis mei est meus
habuerat. Inheritance is the haeres. The heir of my heir is my
succession to every right possessed heir.
by the late possessor.

Haereditas nihil aliud est quam Haeres legitimus est quem

successio in universum jus, nuptiae demonstrant. The lawful
quod defunctus habuerat. The heir is the one whom the marriage
right of inheritance is nothing indicates (i.e., who is born in
other than the faculty of wedlock).
succeeding to all the rights of the
deceased. Haeres minor uno et viginti annis
non respondebit, nisi in casu
Haereditas nunquam ascendit. dotis. An heir under 21 years of
An inheritance never ascends. age is not answerable, except in the
matter of the dower.
Haeredurn appellatione veniunt
haeredes ha eredum in Hoc servabitur quod initio
infinitum. By the title of heirs, convenit. That shall be preserved
come the heirs of heirs to infinity. which is useful in the beginning.

Haeres est alter ipse, et lamas Home ne sera puny pur suer des
est pars patris. An heir is another briefes en court le roy, soit it
self, and a son is a part of the a droit ou a tort. A person
father. shall not be punished for suing
out writs in the king's court,
Haeres est aut jure proprietatis whether the person is right or
aut jure representationis. A wrong.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 42

Hominum causa jus That is certain which can be
constitutum est. Law was made certain, but that is more
established for the benefit of certain which is certain of itself.
Idem agens et patiens esse non
Homo potest esse habilis et potest. The same person cannot be
inhabilis diversis temporibus. A both agent and patient (i.e., the
person may be capable and doer and person to whom the thing
incapable at different times. is done).

Homo vocabulum est naturae; Idem est facere et nolle prohibere

persona juris civilis. "Man" cum possis. It is the same thing to
(homo) is a term of nature; commit an act and to refuse to
"person" (persona), a term of civil prohibit it when you can.
Idem est facere et non prohibere
Hora non est multum de cum possis; et qui non prohibit
substantia negotii, licet in cum prohibere possit in culpa est
appello de ea aliquando fiat (aut jubet). It is the same thing to
mentio. The hour is not of much commit an act and not to prohibit
consequence to the substance of it when you can; and he who does
business, although in appeal it is not prohibit when he can prohibit
sometimes mentioned. is at fault (or does the same as
ordering it to be done).
Hostes sunt qui nobis vel quibus
Idem est nihil dicere et
nos bellum decernimus; caeteri
insufficienter dicere. It is the same
proditores vel praedones sunt.
thing to say nothing and not to say
Enemies are those upon whom we
enough. • To say a thing in an
declare war, or who declare it
insufficient manner is the same as
against us; all others are traitors
not to say it at all. Applied to the
or pirates.
plea of a prisoner.

Ibi semper debet fieri triatio ubi Idem est non esse et non apparere.
juratores meliorem possunt It is the same thing not to be as not
habere notitiam. A trial should to appear. • What does not appear
always be held where the jurors on the record is considered
can have the best information. nonexistent.

Id certum est quod certum reddi Idem est non probari et non esse;
potest. That is certain which can non deficit jus sed probatio. It is
be made certain. the same thing not to be proved
and not to exist; the law is not
Id certum est quod certum reddi deficient but the proof.
potest, sed id magis certum est
quod de semetipso est certum. Idem est scire aut scire debere aut

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 43

potuisse. To be bound to know or can lawfully do.
to have been able to know is the
same as to know. Ignorantia eorum quae quis scire
tenetur non excusat. Ignorance of
Idem non esse et non apparere. It is those things that anyone is bound to
the same thing not to exist and not know does not excuse.
to appear.
Ignorantia excusatur non juris sed
Idem semper antecedenti proximo facti. Ignorance of fact is excused
refertur. Idem (the same) always but not ignorance of law.
refers to the nearest antecedent.
Ignorantia facti excusat,
Identitas sera colligitur ex ignorantia juris non excusat.
multitudine signorum. True Ignorance of fact excuses; ignorance
identity is collected from a great of law does not excuse. • Every
number of signs. person must be considered
Id perfectum est quod ex omnibus cognizant of the law; otherwise,
suis partibus constat. That is there is no limit to the excuse of
perfect which is complete in all its ignorance.
Ignorantia judicis est calamitas
Id possumus quod de jure innocentis. The ignorance of the
possumus. We are able to do that judge is the misfortune of the
which we can do lawfully. innocent.

Id quod est magis remotum non Ignorantia juris non excusat.

trahit ad se quod est magis Ignorance of the law does not
junctum, sed e contrario in omni excuse.
casu. That which is more removed
does not draw to itself what is more Ignorantia juris quod quisque scire
closely joined, but to the contrary in tenetur neminem excusat.
every case. Ignorance of the law, which
everyone is bound to know,
Id quod nostrum est sine facto excuses no one.
nostro ad alium transferri non
potest. What belongs to us cannot Ignorantia juris sui non
be transferred to another without praejudicat juri. Ignorance of one's
our act (or deed). right does not prejudice the right.

Id solum nostrum quod debitis Ignorantia legis neminem excusat.

deductis nostrum est. That alone is Ignorance of law excuses no one.
ours which is ours after debts have
been deducted. Ignorantia praesumitur ubi
scientia non probatur.
Id tantum possumus quod de jure Ignorance is presumed where
possumus. We can do only what we knowledge is not proved.

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Legal Maxims 1642

Ignorare legis est lata culpa. To be Imperitia est maxima

ignorant of the law is gross neglect of mechanicorum poena.
it. Unskillfulness is the greatest
punishment of mechanics (i.e.,
Ignoratis terminis artis, from its effect in making them
ignoratur et ars. Where the liable to those by whom they are
terms of an art are unknown, the employed).
art is also unknown.
Impersonalitas non concludit nec
Ignoscitur ei qui sanguinem suum ligat. Impersonality neither
qualiter redemptum voluit. A concludes nor binds.
person is forgiven who chose to
purchase his own blood (or life) Impius et crudelis judicandus
upon any terms whatsoever. • est qui libertati non favet. A
Whatever a person may do under person is to be judged impious and
the fear of losing life or limb will cruel who does not favor liberty.
not be held binding upon him in
law. 1 Bl. Com. 127. Impossibilium nulla obligatio
est. There is no obligation to
Illud quod alias licitum non est, perform impossible things.
necessitas facit licitum, et
necessitas inducit privilegium Impotentia excusat legem.
quod jure privatur. That which is Powerlessness excuses (or
not otherwise lawful, necessity dispenses with) law. • The
makes lawful; and necessity brings impossibility of doing what is
in as a privilege what is denied by required by the law excuses
right. 10 Coke 61. nonperformance or nonenforcement.
2 Bl. Corn. 127.
Illud quod alteri unitur
extinguitur, neque amplius per Impunitas continuum affectum
se vacare licet. That which is tribuit delinquendi. Impunity
united to another is extinguished, provides a constant inclination to
nor can it again be detached. wrongdoing. 4 Coke 45.

Immobilia situm sequuntur. Impunitas semper ad deteriora

Immovables follow (the law of) their invitat. Impunity invites (an
locality. offender) to ever worse offenses.

Imperii majestas est tutelae In aequali jure melior est

salus. The majesty of the empire is conditio possidentis. When the
the safety of its protection. parties have equal rights, the
condition of the possessor is the
Imperitia culpae annumeratur. better.
Unskillfulness is considered a fault
(as blamable conduct or neglect). In alta proditione nullus potest

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 45

esse acressorius sed principalis affectuscet non sequatur
solummodo. In high treason no one effectus. In the more atrocious
can be an accessory but only a crimes, the intent (or attempt) is
principal. punished even if the effect does not
In alternativis electio est
debitoris. The debtor has the In casu extremae necessitatis
choice among alternatives. omnia sunt communia. In a case
of extreme necessity, everything is
In ambigua voce legis ea potius in common.
accipienda est significatio
quae vitio caret; praesertim Incaute factum pro non facto
cum etiam voluntas legis ex hoc habetur. An alteration done
colligi possit. In an ambiguous carelessly (inadvertently) will be
expression of the law, the meaning taken as not done. Dig. 28.4.1.
will be preferred that is free of
defect, especially when the intent Incendium aere alieno non exuit
of the law can be gathered from it. debitorem. A fire does not release a
debtor from his debt.
In ambiguis casibus sempter Incerta pro nullis habentur. Things
praesumitur pro rege. In doubtful uncertain are considered as nothing.
cases the presumption is always in
favor of the king. Incerta quantitas vitiat actum. An
uncertain quantity vitiates the act.
In ambiguis orationibus maxime
sententia spectanda est ejus qui Incivile est, nisi tota lege
eas protulisset. In ambiguous prospecta, una aliqua particula
expressions, the opinion (or ejus proposita, judicare vel
meaning) of the person who made respondere. It is improper, unless
them is chiefly to be regarded. the whole law has been examined, to
give judgment or advice upon any
In ambiguo sermone non single clause of it.
utrumque dicimus sed id
duntaxat quod volumus. When the Incivile est, nisi tota sententia
language we use is ambiguous, we inspecta, de aliqua parte
do not use it in a double sense, but judicare. It is improper to give an
merely in the sense that we intend. opinion on any part of a passage
without examining the whole.
In Anglia non est interregnum.
In England there is no In civilibus ministerium excusat,
interregnum. • The heir to the in criminalibus non item. In civil
throne is understood to succeed matters, agency (or service) excuses,
from the instant of his but not so in criminal matters.
predecessor's death or removal.
In claris non est locus conjecturis.
In atrocioribus delictis punitur In obvious instances there is no room

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 46

for conjectures. liberal.

Inclusio unius est exclusio In contractibus, rei veritas potius

alterius. See Expressio unius est quam scriptura perspici debet. In
exclusio alterius. contracts, the truth of the matter
ought to be regarded rather than the
Incolas domicilium facit. Literally, writing.
the domicile makes the residents. •
That is, the principal place of In contractibus tacite insunt quae
residence establishes legal residency. sunt moris et consuetudinis. In
Often rendered conversely, Incola contracts, matters of custom and
domicilium facit (residence creates usage are tacitly implied. • A
domicile). contract is understood to contain the
customary clauses, although they are
In commodato haec pactio, ne not expressed.
dolus praestetur, rata non est. In
a loan for use (commodatum), a pact In contrahenda venditione,
excluding liability for fraud is ambiguum pacturn contra
invalid. • Often extended to contracts venditorem interpretandum est. In
for loans in general. Dig. 13.6.17. the contract of sale, an ambiguous
agreement is to be interpreted against
Incotnmodum non solvit
the seller.
argumentum. An inconvenience does
not solve (or demolish) an argument. In conventionibus, contrahentium
voluntas potius quam verba
In conjunctivis oportet utramque
spectari placuit. In agreements, the
partem esse veram. In conjunctive
intention of the contracting parties
constructions, each part must be
should be regarded more than their
In consimili casu consimile debet
Incorporalia bello non
esse remedium. In a similar case,
adquiruntur. Incorporeal things are
the remedy should be similar.
not acquired by war.
In consuetudinibus non diuturnitas In criminalibus probationes
temporis sed soliditas rationis est debent esse lute clariores. In
consideranda. In customs, not criminal cases, the proofs ought to
length of time but the soundness of be clearer than light.
the reason should be considered.
In criminalibus sufficit generalis
In contractibus, benigna; in malitia intentionis cum facto
testamentis, benignior;in paris gradus. In criminal cases, a
restitutionibus, benignissima general malice of intention is
interpretatio facienda est. In sufficient if combined with an act of
contracts, the interpretation or equal or corresponding degree.
construction should be liberal; in wills,
more liberal; in restitutions, most In criminalibus voluntas

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 47

reputabitur pro facto. In criminal In dubiis magis dignum est
matters, the intent will be reckoned accipiendum. In doubtful cases,
as the deed. • In criminal attempts or the more worthy is to be accepted.
conspiracy, the intention is considered
in place of the act. 3 Inst. 106. In dubiis non praesumitur pro
testamento. In doubtful cases,
Inde datae leges ne fortior omnia there is not presumption in favor of
posset. Laws were made lest the the will.
stronger should have unlimited
power. In dubio, haec legis constructio
quam verba ostendunt. In a
Indefinitum aequipollet universali. doubtful case, the construction of
The undefined is equivalent to the the law is what the words indicate.
In dubio, pars mitior est
Indefinitum supplet locum sequenda. In a doubtful case, the
universalis. The undefined supplies gentler course is to be followed.
the place of the whole.
In dubio, pro lege fori. In a doubtful
Independenter se habet case, the law of the forum (is to be
assecuratio a viaggio navis. The favored).
route insured is distinct from the
voyage of the ship. In dubio, sequendum quod tutius
est. In a doubtful case, the safer
Index animi sermo. Speech is the course is to be followed.
index of the mind.
In eo quod plus sit semper inest et
Indictment de felony est contra minus. The lesser is always included
pacem domini regis, coronam et in the greater.
dignitatem suam, in genere et non
in individuo; quia in Anglia non Inesse potest donationi modus,
est interregnum. Indictment for conditio sive causa; ut modus
felony is against the peace of our est; si conditio; quia causa. In a
lord the king, his crown and gift there may be manner,
dignity, in general and not in his condition, or cause; as (ut)
individual person; because in introduces a manner; if (si), a
England there is no interregnum. condition; because (quia), a cause.

In disjunctivis sufficit alteram In expositione izzstrumentorum,

partem esse veram. In disjunctive mala grammatica, quod fieri
constructions, it is sufficient if potest, vitanda est. In the
either part is true. construction of instruments, bad
grammar is to be avoided as much
In dubiis benigniora praeferenda as possible.
sunt. In doubtful cases, the more
liberal constructions are to be In facto quod se habet ad bonum et
preferred. malum magis de bona quam de

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 48

malo lex intendit. In an act (or arising from anything of a
deed) that may be considered good criminal nature do not pass to
or bad, the law looks more to the heirs.
good than to the bad.
In his enim quae sunt favorabilia
In fans non multum a furioso animae, quamvis sunt damnosa
distat. An infant does not differ rebus, fiat aliquando extentio
much from a lunatic. statuti. In things that are favorable
to the spirit, though injurious to
In favorabilibus magis attenditur property, an extension of the statute
quod prodest quam quod nocet. In should sometimes be made.
things favored. what does good is In his quae de jure communi
more regarded than what does omnibus conceduntur, consuetudo
harm. alicujus patriae vel loci non est
alleganda. In those things that by
In favorem vitae, libertatis, et common right are conceded to all,
innocentiae omnia the custom of a particular country
praesumuntur. All presumptions or place is not to be adduced.
are in favor of life, liberty, and
innocence. Iniquissima pax est anteponenda
justissimo bello. The most unjust
In fictione juris semper aequitas peace is to be preferred to the
existit. In a fiction of law there is justest war.
always equity. • A legal fiction is
always consistent with equity. Iniquum est alios permittere, alios
inhibere mercaturam. It is
In fictione juris semper subsistit inequitable to permit some to trade
aequitas. In a legal fiction equity and to prohibit others to do so.
always abides (or prevails).
Iniquum est aliquem rei sui esse
Infinitum in jure reprobatur. That judicem. It is unjust for anyone to
which is endless is condemned in be judge in his own cause.
Iniquum est ingenuis hominibus
In generalibus versatur error. Error non esse liberam rerum suarum
dwells in general expressions. alienationem. It is unjust for
freeborn individuals not to have
In genere quicunque aliquid dicit, the free disposal of their own
sive actor sive reus, necesse est ut property.
probat. In general, whoever alleges
anything, whether plaintiff or In judiciis minori aetati
defendant, must prove it. succurritur. In judicial
proceedings. allowance is made for
In haeredes non solent transire a minor (in age).
actiones quae poenales ex
maleficio sunt. Penal actions In judicio non creditur nisi juratis.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 49

In court no one is trusted except event.
those sworn.
In maleficio ratihabitio mandato
In jure non remota causa, sed comparatur. In delict (or tort),
proxima, spectatur. In law, the ratification is equivalent to
proximate, and not the remote, cause authorization. Dig.
is regarded.
In maxima potentia minima
Injuria fit ei cui convicium dictum licentia. In the greatest power there
est, vel de eo factum carmen is the least license.
famosum. An injury is done to the
person of whom an insult was said, In mercibus illicitis non sit
or concerning whom an infamous commerciunz. Let there be no
song was made. commerce in illicit goods.

Injuria non excusat injuriam. A In novo casu novum remedium

wrong does not excuse a wrong. apponendum est. In a novel case
a new legal remedy must be
Injuria non praesumitur. A wrong is applied.
not presumed.
In obscuris inspici solere quod
Injuria propria non cadet verisimilius est, aut quod
beneficium facientis. No benefit plerumque fieri solet. In obscure
shall accrue to a person from his cases it is usual to regard what is
own wrongdoing. more probable or what is more often
Injuria servi dominum pertingit.
The servant's wrongdoing reaches In obscuris quod minimum est
the master. • The master is liable sequimur. In obscure cases, we
for injury done by his servant. follow what is least so.
Injustum est, nisi tota lege In odium spoliatoris omnia
inspecta, de una aliqua ejus praesumuntur. Everything is
particula proposita judicare ye! presumed to the prejudice of the
respondere. It is unjust to give despoiler.
judgment or opinion concerning any
particular clause of a law without In omni actione ubi duce
having examined the whole law. concurrunt districtiones, videlicet
in rem et in personam, illa
In majore summa continetur districtio tenenda est quae magis
minor. In the greater sum is timetur et magis ligat. In every
contained the less. action where two distresses (or
forms of distraint) concur, that is
In maleficiis voluntas spectatur, in rem and in personam, the
non exitus. In criminal offenses, distraint is to be chosen that is
the intention is regarded, not the more dreaded and that binds more

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 50

firmly. Bracton 372. possidentis. When both parties are
equally at fault, the position of the
In omnibus contractibus, sive possessor is the better.
noininatis sive innominatis,
permutatio continetur. In all In pari delicto potior est conditio
contracts, whether express or defendentis. Where both parties
implied. there must be something are equally in the wrong, the
given in exchange. 2 Bl. Corn. 444. position of the defendant is the
In omnibus (fere) poenalibus
judiciis, et aetati et imprudentiae In poenalibus causis benignius
succurritur. In almost all penal interpretandum est. In penal cases,
judgments, allowance is made for the more liberal interpretation is to
age ( o r y ou t h ) a nd la ck of be made.
d i s cr et i o n . Dig . 50.17.108.
In praeparatoriis ad judicium
In omnibus obligationibus, in favetur ciaori. In things
quibus dies non ponitur, praesenti preparatory to trial, the plaintiff is
die debetur. In all obligations, favored.
when no date is fixed (for
performance), the thing is due the In praesentia majoris potestatis,
same day. minor potestas cessat. In the
presence of the superior power, the
In omnibus quidem, maxime tamen minor power ceases.
in jure, aequitas spectanda sit. In
all affairs indeed, but especially in In pretio emptionis et venditionis
those that concern the naturaliter licet contrahentibus
administration of justice. equity se circumvenire. In setting the price
should be regarded. for buying and selling, it is naturally
allowed to the contracting parties
In onzni re nascitur res quae to get the better of each other.
ipsam rem exterminat. In
everything, the thing is born that In propria causa nemo judex. No
ends the thing itself. one can be judge in his own cause.

In pari causa possessor potior In quo quis delinquit, in eo de jure

haberi debet. When two parties est puniendus. In whatever
have equal claims, the possessor matter one offends, in that the
should be considered the stronger. person is rightfully to be punished.
• Coke refers to forfeiture of the
In pari causa potior est conditio office abused. Co. Litt. 233b.
possidentis. When two parties
have equal claims, the position of In rebus manifestis errat qui
the possessor is the stronger. auctoritates legum allegat; quia
perspicua vera non sunt
In pari delicto melior est conditio probanda. A person errs who

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 51

adduces authorities on the law in must be especially preserved in the
matters self-evident; because state.
obvious truths need not be proved.
In restitutionem, non in poenam,
In re communi neminem haeres succedit. The heir succeeds
dominorum jure facere quicquam, to the restitution, not the penalty.
invito altero, posse. In common
property no one of the In restitutionibus benignissima
coproprietors can do (or make) interpretatio facienda est. The
anything against the will of the most favorable construction is to be
other. Dig. 10.3.28. made in restitutions.

In re dubia benigniorem Insanus est qui, abjecta ratione,

interpretationem sequi non minus omnia cum impetu et furore facit.
justius est quam tutius. In a The person is insane who, having
doubtful matter, to follow the more cast aside reason, does everything
liberal interpretation is as much the with violence and rage.
more just as it is the safer course.
In satisfactionibus non permittitur
In re dubia magis infitiatio quam amplius fieri quam semel factum
affirmatio intelligenda. In a est. In payments, it is not permitted
doubtful matter, the negation is to that more be received than has been
be understood rather than the received once for all (i.e., after
affirmation. payment in full).

In re lupanari testes lupanares Instans est finis unius temporis et

admittentur. In a matter principiurn alterius. An instant is
concerning a brothel, prostitutes the end of one time and the
will be admitted as witnesses. beginning of another.

In re pari potiorem causam esse In stipulationibus cum quaeritur

prohibentis constat. Where the quid ac-turn sit, verba contra
parties have equal rights (in stipulatorem interpretanda sunt.
common property), it is an In agreements, when there is a
established principle that the one question whether action has been
prohibiting has the stronger cause. taken, the terms are to be
Dig. 10.3.28. interpreted against the party
offering them. Dig.
In re propria iniquum admodum
est alicui licentiam tribuere In stipulationibus id tempus
sententiae. It is extremely unjust to spectatur quo contrahimus. In
assign anyone the privilege of agreements, there is regard to the
judgment in his own cause. time at which we reach agreement.

In republica maxime conservanda In suo qztisque negotio hebetior est

sunt jura belli. The laws of war quam in alieno. Everyone is less
perceptive (of flaws) in his own

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 52

business than in that of another. non rescindi. It is in the interest
of the state that judgments already
Intentio caeca mala. A concealed given not be rescinded.
intention is an evil one.
Interest reipublicae suprema
Intentio inservire debet legibus, hominum testamenta rata
non leges intentioni. The intention haberi. It is in the interest of the
ought to be subject to the laws, not state that a person's last will
the laws to the intention. should be held valid.
Intentio mea imponit nomen operi Interest reipublicae ut carceres sint
meo. My intent gives a name to my in tuto. It is in the interest of the
act. state that prisons should be
Inter alios res gestas aliis non
posse praejudiciunz facere saepe
Interest reipublicae ut pax in
constitutum est. It has been often
regno conservetur et quaecunque
decided that matters transacted
paci adversentur provide
between other parties cannot cause
declinentur. It is in the interest of
prejudice (to those who were not
the state to preserve peace in the
kingdom and prudently to decline
Inter arma silent leges. Amid the whatever is adverse to it.
arms of war the laws are silent.
Interest reipublicae ut quilibet re
Interdunz venit ut exceptio quae sua bene utatur. It is in the
prima facie justa videtur tamen interest of the state that each
inique noceat. It sometimes person make good use of his own
happens that a plea that seems property.
prima facie just is nevertheless
injurious and unfair. Interest reipublicae ut sit finis
litium. It is in the interest of the
Interest reipublicae ne maleficia state that there be a limit to
remaneant impunita. It is in the litigation.
interest of the state that crimes not
remain unpunished. Interpretare et concordare leges
legibus est optimus interpretandi
Interest reipublicae ne sua quis modus. To interpret and reconcile
male utatur. It is in the interest of laws so they harmonize is the best
the state that no one misuse his own mode of construction.
Interpretatio fienda est ut res
Interest reipublicae quod homines magis valeat quam pereat. Such a
conserventur. It is in the interest construction should be made that
of the state that people should be the measure may take effect rather
protected. than fail.
Interest reipublicae res judicators

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 53

Interpretatio talis in ambiguis considered.
semper fienda est ut evitetur
inconveniens et absurdum. In Inutilis labor et sine fructu non est
ambiguities, a construction effectus legis. Useless and
should always be found such that fruitless labor is not the effect of
what is unsuitable and absurd may law.
be avoided.
Inveniens libellum famosum et non
Interruptio multiplex non tollit corrumpens punitur. A person
praescriptionem semel obtentam. who discovers a libel and does not
Repeated interruptions do not destroy it is punished.
remove a prescription (or
In veram quantitatem fidejussor
acquisition by long use) once it has
teneatur, nisi pro certa
been obtained.
quantitate accessit. Let the surety
In testamentis plenius testatoris be held for the true amount unless
intention-em scrutamur. In wills we he agreed for a certain amount.
examine the intention of the testator
In verbis non verba sed res et ratio
more fully.
quaerenda est. In wording, it is not
In testamentis plenius voluntates the words but the substance and
testantiurn interpretantur. In wills the meaning that is to be sought.
the intentions of the testators are
Invito beneficium non datur. No
more fully (or liberally) construed.
benefit is given to one unwilling. •
Intestatus decedit qui aut omnino No one is obliged to accept a
testamentum non fecit aut non benefit against his consent. Dig.
jure fecit, aut id quod fecerat 50.17.69.
ruptum irritumve factum est, aut
nemo ex eo haeres exstitit. A person In vocibus videndum non a quo sed
dies intestate who either has made ad quid sumatur. In discourse it is
no will at all or has not made it not the point from which but the
legally, or when the will that he end to which it is drawn that
had made has been annulled or should be regarded.
become ineffectual, or when there is
Ipsae leges cupiunt ut jure
no living heir.
regantur. The laws themselves
In toto et pars continetur. In the desire that they should be
whole the part also is included. governed by right.

In traditionibus scriptorum Ira furor brevis est. Anger is a short

(chartarum) non quod dictum est, insanity.
sed quod gestum (factum) est,
inspicitur. In the delivery of Ita lex scripta est. So the law is
writings (deeds), not what is said
but what is clone is to be written.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 54

Ita semper fiat relatio ut valeat salem sapientiae, ne sit
dispositio. Let the relation be so insipidus, et salem conscientiae,
made that the disposition may stand. ne sit diabolus. A judge should
have two salts: the salt of wisdom,
lest he be foolish; and the salt of
Iter est jus eundi, ambulandi conscience, lest he be devilish.
hominis; non etiam jumentum
agendi vel vehiculum. A way is a Judex non potest esse testis in
right of going or walking for a human propria causa. A judge cannot be a
being, and does not include the right witness in his own cause.
of driving a beast of burden or a
carriage. Judex non potest injuriam sibi
datum punire. A judge cannot
Judex aequitatem semper spectare punish a wrong done to himself.
debet. A judge ought always to
regard equity. Judex non reddit plus quam quod
petens ipse requirit. The judge
Judex ante oculos aequitatem does not give more than the plaintiff
semper habere debet. A judge himself demands.
ought always to have equity before
his eyes.
Judicandum est legibus non
exemplis. Judgment must be given
Judex bonus nihil ex arbitrio suo by the laws, not by examples.
faciat nee propositione
domesticae voluntatis, sed juxta Judices non tenentur exprimere
leges et jura pronunciet. A good causam sententiae suae. Judges
judge should do nothing from his are not bound to explain the reason
own preference or from the of their judgments.
prompting of his private desire; but
he should pronounce according to Judicia in curia regis non
law and justice. adnihilentur, sed stent in robore
suo quousque per errorem aut
Judex damnatur cum nocens attinctam adnullentur. Let
absolvitur. The judge is condemned judgments in the king's court not be
when the guilty party is acquitted. invalidated but remain in force until
annulled by error or attaint. 2 Inst.
Judex debet judicare secundum 360.
allegata et probata. The judge
ought to give judgment according to Judicia in deliberationibus crebro
the allegations and the proofs. matures-cunt, in accelerato
processu nunquam. Judgments
Judex est lex loquens. The judge is often ripen in the course of
the speaking law. deliberation, never in hurried
proceeding. 2 Inst. 210.
Judex habere debet duos sales,
Judicia posteriora sunt in lege

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 55

fortiora. The later decisions are Judicis officium est ut res ita
stronger in law. tempora re-rum quaerere; quaesito
tempore tutus eras. It is the duty of
Judicia sunt tanquam juris dicta, a judge to inquire into the timing of
et pro veritate accipiuntur. events as much as the matters
Judgments are, as it were, the dicta themselves; by inquiring into the
(or sayings) of the law, and are time, you will be safe.
received as truth.
Judicium a non suo judice datum
Judiciis posterioribus fides est nullius est momenti. A judgment
adhibenda. Trust should be put in given by a person who is not its
the later decisions. proper judge (not in the proper
jurisdiction) is of no consequence. 10
Judici officium suum excedenti Coke 76.
non paretur. A judge who exceeds
his office (or jurisdiction) is not Judicium est quasi juris dictum.
obeyed. Judgment is, as it were, a
pronouncement of the right (or a
Judici satis poena est quod Deum
saying of the law).
habet ultorein. It is punishment
enough for a judge that he has God to Judicium non debet esse
take vengeance upon him. illusorium, suum effectum habere
debet. A judgment ought not to be
Judicis est in pronuntiando sequi
illusory (or deceptive); it ought to have
regulam, exceptione non probata.
its proper effect. 2 Co. Inst. 341.
It is the proper role of a judge in
rendering his decision to follow the Judicium redditur in invitum, in
rule, when the exception has not praesumptione legis. In
been proved. presumption of law, a judgment is
given against one's will.
Judicis est judicare secundum
allegata et probata. It is the proper Judicium semper pro veritate
role of a judge to decide according to accipitur. A judgment is always
the allegations and proofs. taken for truth.
Judicis est jus dicere, non dare. It Juncta juvant. Things joined together
is the proper role of a judge to state are helpful.
the right, not to endow it. • Generally
interpreted, it is the duty of the judge Jura ecclesiastica limitata sunt
to administer justice and not to infra lirnites separatos.
make law. Ecclesiastical laws are limited within
separate bounds.
Judicis officium est opus diei in
die suo perficere. It is the duty of a Jura eodem modo destituuntur
judge to finish the work of each day quo constituuntur. Laws are
within that day. abrogated or repealed by the same
means by which they are made.

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Juramentum est indivisibile, et judgment a person who has sworn
non est admittendum in parte an oath is believed.
verum et in parte falsum. An oath
is indivisible; it is not to be accepted Jure naturae aequum est neminem
as partly true and partly false. cum alterius detrimento et injuria
fieri locupletiorem. By the law of
Jura naturae sunt immutabilia. nature, it is just that no one should
The laws of nature are be enriched to the detriment and
unchangeable. injury of another.

Jura publica anteferenda privatis. Juri non est consonum quod

Public rights are to be preferred to aliquis accessorius in curia regis
private. convincatur antequam aliquis de
facto fuerit attinctus. It is not
Jura publica ex privato promiscue consonant to justice that any
decidi non debent. Public rights accessory should be convicted in
ought not to be determined in the king's court before anyone has
confusion, from private been attainted of the fact (i.e.,
considerations. • In Coke's example, under sentence of attainder for
the validity of a sheriff's warrant is committing the act). • The
not affected by a dispute among the accessory should not be convicted
parties. Co. Litt. 181b. before the principal is proved guilty.
Jurare est Deum in testem vocare, 2 Co. Inst. 183.
et est actus divini cultus. To swear
is to call God to witness, and is an act Jurisdictio est potestas de publico
of religion. introducta, cum necessitate juris
dicendi. Jurisdiction is a power
Jura regis specialia non introduced for the public good, on
conceduntur per generalia verba. account of the necessity of
The special rights of the king are dispensing justice.
not granted by general words.
Juris effectus in executione
Jura sanguinis nullo jure civili consistit. The effect of law (or of a
dirimi possunt. The rights of right) consists in the execution.
blood (or kinship) cannot be
destroyed by any civil law. Juris ignorantia est cum jus
nostrum ignoramus. It is ignorance
Juratores debent esse vicini, of law when we do not know our own
sufficientes et minus suspecti. right.
Jurors ought to be neighbors, of
sufficient means and free from Juris praecepta sunt haec,
suspicion literally. less suspected). honeste vivere, alterum non
laedere, suum cuique tribuere.
Juratores sunt judices facti. The These are the precepts of the law:
jurors are the judges of fact. to live honorably, not to injure
another, to render to each person
Juratus creditur in judicio. In

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 57

his clue. law (and) not to make it.

Jurisprudentia est divinarum Jus est ars boni et aequi. Law is the
atque humanarum rerum notitia, science of what is good and just.
justi atque injusti scientia.
Jurisprudence is the knowledge of Jus est norma recti; et quicquid est
things divine and human, the contra normam recti est injuria.
science of the just and the unjust. The law is the rule of right; and
Just. Inst. 1.1.1. whatever is contrary to the rule of
right is an injury.
Jurisprudentia legis communis
Angliae est scientia socialis et Jus et fraus nunquam cohabitant.
copiosa. The jurisprudence of the Right and fraud never abide together.
common law of England is a social
science comprehensive in scope. Jus ex injuria non oritur. A right
does not arise from a wrong.
Juris quidem ignorantiam cuique
nocere, facti verum ignorantiam Jus in re inhaerit ossibus
non nocere. Ignorance of law is usufructuarii. A right in the thing
prejudicial to everyone, but cleaves to the person (literally, the
ignorance of fact is not. bones) of the usufructuary.

Jus accrescendi inter mercatores Jusjurandi forma verbis differt, re

locum non habet, pro beneficio convenit; hunt enim sensum
commercii. For the good of habere debet, ut Deus invocetur.
commerce, the right of survivorship The form of taking an oath differs
has no place among merchants. in language, but agrees in
meaning; for it ought to have this
Jus accrescendi praefertur sense, that God is invoked.
oneribus. The right of survivorship
is preferred to incumbrances. Jusjurandurn inter alios factum
nec nocere nec prodesse debet. An
Jus accrescendi praefertur ultimae oath made between third parties
voluntati. The right of survivorship ought neither to hurt nor to profit.
is preferred to a last will.
Jus naturale est quod apud
Jus civile est quod sibi populus homines eandem habet
constituit. The civil law is what a potentiam. Natural right is that
people has established for itself. which has the same force among (all)
Jus descendit, et non terra. A right
descends. and not the land. Jus non habenti tute non paretur.
It is safe not to obey a person who
Jus dicere (et) non jus dare. To state has no right.
the right (and) not to endow it. •
Generally interpreted, to declare the Jus publicum privatorum pactis

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 58

mutari non potest. A public right antenatum mortuum facere
cannot be changed by agreements of bastardum, qui pro tota vita sua
private parties. pro legitimo habetur. It is not just
to make a bastard after his death
Jus quo universitates utuntur an elder child who all his life has
est idem quod habent privati. The been accounted legitimate.
right that corporations exercise is
the same as the right that Jus vendit quod usus approbavit.
individuals possess. The law dispenses what use has
Jus respicit aequitatem. Law approved.

regards equity. La conscience est la plus

changeante des rêgles.
Jus superveniens auctori accrescit Conscience is the most changing
successori. An additional or of rules.
enhanced right for the possessor
accrues to the successor. La ley favour la vie d'un home.
The law favors a man's life.
Justitia est constans et perpetua
voluntas jus suum cuique La ley favour l'inheritance d'un
tribuendi. Justice is a steady and home. The law favors a man's
unceasing disposition to render to inheritance.
every person his due.
La ley voit plus tost suffer un
Justitia est virtus excellens et mischiefe que un inconvenience.
Altissimo complacens. Justice is an The law will sooner suffer a mischief
excellent virtue and pleasing to the than an inconvenience.
Most High.
Lata culpa dolo aequiparatur.
Justitia firmatur solium. By Gross negligence is equivalent to
justice the throne is strengthened. fraud.
Justitia nemini neganda est. Le contrat fait la loi. The contract
Justice is to be denied to no one. makes the law.
Justitia non est neganda, non
Legatos violare contra jus gentium
differenda. Justice is not to be
est. It is contrary to the law of
denied or delayed.
nations to do violence to
Justitia non novit patrem nec ambassadors.
matrem, solum veritatem
spectat justitia. Justice knows Legatum morte testatoris tantum
neither father nor mother; justice confirmatur, sicut donatio inter
looks to truth alone. vivos traditione sola. A legacy is
confirmed by the death of the
Justum non est aliquem testator, in the same manner as a

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 59

gift from a living person is by unending succession. and there is
delivery alone. nothing in it that can stand forever.

Legatus regis vice fungitur a quo

Leges non verbis sed rebus sunt
destinatur, et honorandus est
impositae. Laws are imposed on
sicut ille cujus vicem gerit. An
affairs, not words.
ambassador fills the place of the king
by whom he is sent, and is to be
Leges posteriores priores
honored as he is whose place he
contrarias abrogant.
Subsequent laws repeal prior
Legem enim contractus dat. The conflicting ones.
contract gives the law.
Leges suum ligent latorem. Laws
should bind their own author.
Legem terrae amittentes
perpetuam infamiae notam inde
Leges vigilantibus, non
merito incurrunt. Those who lose
dormientibus subveniunt. The
the law of the land thereby justly
laws aid those who keep watch,
incur an eternal stigma of infamy.
not those who sleep (that is, the
Leges Angliae sunt tripartitae: jus vigilant, not the negligent).
commune, consuetudines, ac
Legibus sumptis desinentibus, lege
decreta comitiorum. The laws of
naturae utendum est. Where
England are threefold: common
man-made laws fail, the law of
law, customs, and decrees of
nature must be used.
Legis constructio non facit
Leges figendi et refigendi injuriam. The construction of law
consuetudo est periculosissima. does not do wrong.
The practice of adding and annulling
laws is a most dangerous one. 4 Legis interpretatio legis vim
Coke pref. obtinet. The interpretation of law
obtains the force of law.
Leges humanae nascuntur,
vivunt, et moriuntur. Laws that Legislatorum est viva vox, rebus
humans have made are horn, live. et non verbis legem imponere.
and die The voice of legislators is a living
voice, to impose laws on (actual)
Leges naturae perfectissimae affairs and not on (mere) words.
sunt et immutabiles; humani
vero juris conditio semper in Legis minister non tenetur, in
infinitum decurrit, et nihil est executione officii sui, fugere
in eo quod perpetuo stare aut retrocedere. The minister of
possit. The laws of nature are most the law is not bound, in the
perfect and immutable; but the execution of his office, either to flee
condition of human law is an or to retreat.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 60

Legitime imperanti parere Lex aequitate gaudet. Law delights
necesse est. One who commands
in equity.
lawfully must be obeyed.
Lex aequitate gaudet; appetit
Legitimus haeres et filius est perfectum; est norma recti. The
quem nuptiae demonstrant. A law delights in equity: it covets
lawful son and heir is he whom perfection; it is a rule of right.
the marriage declares to be lawful.
Lex aliquando sequitur
Le ley de Dieu et ley de terre sont aequitatem. The law sometimes
tout un, et l'un et l'autre follows equity.
preferre et favour le common
et publique bien del terre. The Lex Angliae est lex misericordiae.
law of God and the law of the land The law of England is a law of
are all one; and both promote and mercy.
favor the common and public good
of the land. Lex Angliae non patitur
absurdum. The law of England
Le ley est le plus haut does not allow an absurdity.
enheritance que le roy ad, car
par le ley, it mesme et touts Lex Angliae nunquam matris
ses sujets sont rules, et si le ley sed semper patris
ne fuit, nul roy ne nul conditionem imitari partum
enheritance serra. The law is judicat. The law of England
the highest inheritance that the rules that the offspring always
king possesses; for by the law both follows the condition of the father,
he and all his subjects are ruled; never that of the mother.
and if there were no law, there
would be neither king nor Lex Angliae nunquam sine
inheritance. parliamento mutari potest. The
law of England can never be
Le salut du peuple est la changed without (act of)
supreme loi. The safety of the parliament.
people is the highest law.
Lex beneficialis rei consimili
Les fictions naissent de la loi, et remedium praestat. A beneficial
non la loi des fictions. Fictions law affords a remedy in a similar
arise from the law, and not law case.
from fictions.
Lex citius tolerare vult privatum
Les lois ne se chargent de damnum quam publicum
punir que les actions malum. The law would sooner
exterieures. Laws undertake to endure a private loss than a public
punish only outward actions. evil.

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Lex contra id quod praesumit Law creates a fiction where equity
probationem non recipit. The law abides.
accepts no proof against that which
it presumes. Lex intendit vicinum vicini facta
scire. The law presumes that one
Lex deficere non potest in justitia neighbor knows the actions of
exhibenda. The law cannot fail in another.
dispensing justice.
Lex judicat de rebus necessario
Lex de futuro, judex de praeterito. faciendis quasi re ipsa factis. The
The law (provides) for the future, the law judges of things that must
judge for the past. necessarily be done as if actually
Lex dilationes semper exhorret.
The law always abhors delays. Lex izecessitatis est lex temporis,
i.e., instantis. The law of necessity
Lex est ab aeterno. The law is from is the law of time, i.e., time present.
Lex neminem cogit ad vana seu
Lex est dictamen rationis. Law is inutilia peragenda. The law forces
the dictate of reason. no one to do vain or useless things.

Lex est norma recti. Law is a rule of Lex neminem cogit ostendere quod
nescire praesumitur. The law
forces no one to make known what
he is presumed not to know.
Lex est ratio summa, quae jubet
quae sunt utilia et necessaria, et
Lex nemini facit injuriam. The
contraria prohibet.
law does wrong to no one.
Law is the highest form of reason,
which commands what is useful and Lex nemini operatur iniquum,
necessary and forbids the contrary. nemini facit injuriam. The law
works an injustice to no one and
Lex est sanctio sancta, jubens does wrong to no one.
honesta et prohibens contraria.
Law is a sacred sanction, Lex nil facit frustra, nil jubet
commanding what is right and frustra. The law does nothing in
prohibiting the contrary. vain and commands nothing in
Lex est tutissima cassis; sub
clypeo legis nemo decipitur. Law Lex non a rege est violanda. The
is the safest helmet; under the law is not to be violated by the king.
shield of the law no one is deceived.
Lex non cogit ad impossibilia. The
Lex favet doti. The law favors dower. law does not compel to impossible
Lex fingit ubi subsistit aequitas.

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Lex non curat de minimis. The law punishes falsehood.
is not concerned with matters of
least consequence. Lex rejicit superflua, pugnantia,
incongrua. The law rejects
Lex non deficit in justitia superfluous, contradictory, and
exhibenda. The law does not fail in incongruous things.
showing justice.
Lex reprobat moram. The law
Lex non exacte definit, sed arbitrio disapproves of delay.
boni viri permittit. The law does not
define exactly, but trusts in the Lex respicit aequitatem. Law
judgment of a good man. regards equity.
Lex non favet votis delicatorum.
Lex scripta si cesset, id custodiri
The law does not favor the wishes of
oportet quod moribus et
the fastidious.
consuetudine inductum est; et, si
Lex non intendit aliquid qua in re hoc defecerit, tune id
impossibile. The law does not quod proximum et consequens ei
intend anything impossible. est; et, si id non appareat, tune
jus quo urbs Romana utitur
Lex non patitur fractiones et servari oportet. If the written law
divisiones statuum. The law does fails, that which is drawn from
not tolerate fractions and divisions manners and custom ought to be
of estates. 1 Coke 87a. observed; and, if that is in any
manner defective, then what is next
Lex non praecipit inutilia, quia and consistent with it; and, if that
inutilis labor stultus. The law does not appear, then the law that
does not command useless things, Rome uses should be followed.
because useless labor is foolish.
Lex semper dabit remedium. The
Lex non requirit verificari quod law will always give a remedy.
apparet curiae. The law does not
require that to be proved which is Lex semper intendit quod convenit
apparent to the court. rationi. The law always intends
what is agreeable to reason.
Lex plus laudatur quando ratione
probatur. The law is more praised Lex spectat naturae ordinem.
when it is consonant with reason. The law regards the order of nature.

Lex posterior derogat priori. A later Lex succurrit ignoranti. The law
statute repeals an earlier one. assists the ignorant.
Lex prospicit, non respicit. The law Lex succurrit minoribus. The law
looks forward, not backward assists minors.
Lex punit mendaciam. The law Lex uno ore omnes alloquitur.

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The law speaks to all with one Liberum corpus nullam recipit
mouth. aestimationem. The body of a free
person allows no price to be set
Lex vigilantibus, non dormientibus, upon it. Dig. 9.3.7.
subvert-it. Law aids the watchful,
not the sleeping. Liberum est cuique apud se
explorare an expediat sibi
Liberata petunia non liberat consilium. Everyone is free to
offerentern. The return of money ascertain for himself whether a
does not free the party presenting it recommendation is advantageous to
(from liability). him.

Libertas est naturalis facultas Librorum appellatione continentur

ejus quod cuique facere libet, nisi omnia volumina, sive in charta,
quod de jure aut vi prohibetur. sive in membranes sint, sive in
Liberty is the natural power of quavis alia materia. Under the
doing whatever one pleases, except name of books are contained all
what is prevented by law or force. volumes, whether upon paper, or
on parchment, or on any other
Libertas inaestimabilis res est. material.
Liberty is a priceless good.
Licet dispositio de interesse futuro
Libertas non recipit sit inutilis, tamen potest fieri
aestimationem. Freedom does not declaratio praecedens quae
admit of valuation. sortiatur effectum interveniente
novo actu. Even if the grant of a
Libertas omnibus rebus future interest is inoperative, yet a
favorabilior est. Liberty is more declaration precedent may be made
favored than all things. that may take effect, provided a
new act intervenes.
Libertates regales ad coronam
spectantes ex concessione regum a
Licita bene miscentur, formula
corona exierunt. Royal franchises
nisi juris obstet. Lawful acts are
relating to the Crown have
well joined together, unless some
emanated from the Crown by grant
form of law prevents it.
of kings.
Ligeantia est quasi legis essentia;
Libertinum ingratum leges civiles est vinculum fidei. Allegiance is, as
in pristinam servitutem redignunt; it were, the essence of the law; it is
sed leges Angliae semel the bond of faith.
manumissum semper liberum
judicant. The civil laws reduce an Ligeantia naturalis nullis
ungrateful freedman to his original claustris coercetur, nullis metis
slavery; but the laws of England refraenatur, nullis finibus
regard a person once manumitted premitur. Natural allegiance is
as ever after free. restrained by no barriers, curbed

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 64

by no bounds, compressed by no pecuniae secundum conditionem
limits. dimissionis aut obligation is est
stricte observandus. The place for
Ligna et lapides sub armorum the payment of rent or money is
appellatione non continentur. to be strictly observed according
Sticks and stones are not contained to the condition of the lease or
under the name of arms. obligation.

Linea recta est index sui et Longa patientia trahitur ad

obliqui; lex est linea recta. A consensum. Long sufferance is
right line is an index of itself and construed as consent.
of an oblique; law is a right line: Longa possessio est pacis jus. Long
Co. Litt. 158b. possession is a right of peace.
Linea recta semper praefertur
transversali. The right line is Longa possessio jus parit. Long
always preferred to the collateral. possession begets a right.

Literae patentes regis non erunt Longa possessio parit jus

vacuae. Letters patent of the king possidendi et tollit actionem vero
will not be void. domino. Long possession produces
the right of possession and
Litis nomen omnem actionem deprives the true owner of his
significat, sive in rem, sive in action.
personam sit. The word "lis" (a
lawsuit) signifies every action, Longum tempus et longus usus qui
whether it is in rem or in personam. excedit memoriam hominum
sufficit pro jure. Long time and
Litus est quousque maximus long use beyond the memory of
fluctus a mari pervenit. The shore men suffice for right.
is where the highest wave from the
sea has reached. Loquendum ut vulgus, sentiendum
ut docti. We should speak as the
L'obligation sans cause, ou sur common people; we should think
une fausse cause, ou sur cause as the learned.
illicite, ne peut avoir aucun effet.
An obligation without L'ou le ley done chose, la ceo done
consideration, or upon a false remedie a vener a ceo. Where the
consideration, or upon unlawful law gives a right, it gives a remedy
consideration, cannot have any to recover.
Lubricum linguae non facile
Locus contractus regit actum. trahendum est in poenam. A slip
The place of the contract governs the of the tongue ought not to be easily
act. subject to punishment.
Locus pro solutione reditus aut

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 65

Lucrum facere ex pupilli tutela maximum. Mayhem is the least of
tutor non debet. A guardian ought great crimes, and the greatest
not to make money out of the among small.
guardianship of his ward.
Maihemium est membri mutilatio,
Lunaticus, qui gaudet in lucidis et dici poterit, ubi aliquis in
intervallis. A person is (still) a aliqua parte sui corporis effectus
lunatic who enjoys lucid intervals. sit inutilis ad pugnandum.
Mayhem is the mutilation of a limb,
Magis de bono quam de malo lex and can be said (to occur) when a
intendit. The law favors a good person is injured in any part of his
rather than a bad construction. • body so as to be useless in a fight.
When an agreement's words are
susceptible of both a favorable and Major continet in se minus. The
unfavorable meaning, the former is greater includes the less.
adopted. Thus, a bond conditioned Majore poena affectus quam
to assign all offices will be legibus statuta est non est
construed to apply to assignable infamis. .A criminal afflicted with a
offices. greater punishment than is provided
by law is not infamous. 4 Co. Inst.
Magister rerum usus; magistra 66.
rerum experientia. Use is the
master of things; experience is the Major haereditas venit unicuique
mistress of things. nostrum a jure et legibus quam a
parentibus. A greater inheritance
Magna Charta et Charta de comes to every one of us from
Foresta sont appeles les deux right and the laws than comes
grandes charters. Magna Carta from parents.
and the Charter of the Forest are
called the two great charters. Majori summae minor inest. The
lesser is included in the greater sum.
Magna culpa dolus est. Great fault
(or gross negligence) is equivalent to Major numerus in se continet
fraud. minorem. The greater number
contains in itself the less.
Magna negligentia culpa est; Majus dignum trahit ad se minus
magna culpa dolus est. Great dignum. The more worthy draws to
negligence is fault; great fault is
itself the less worthy.

Maihemium est homicidium Majus est delictum seipsum

inchoatum. Mayhem is incipient occidere quam alium. It is a
homicide. greater crime to kill one's self
than another.
Maihemium est inter crimina
majora minimum, et inter minora Mala grammatica non vitiat

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 66

chartam; sed in expositione worse.
instrumentorum mala
grammatica quoad fieri possit Malus usus est abolendus. An evil
evitanda est. Bad grammar does custom ought to be abolished.
not vitiate a deed; but in the
construction of instruments, bad Mandata licita strictam recipiunt
grammar, as far as possible, is to be interpretationem, sed illicita
avoided. latam et extensam. Lawful
commands receive a strict
Maledicta expositio quae corrumpit interpretation, but unlawful ones
textum. It is a cursed construction receive a wide and an expansive
that corrupts the text. interpretation.

Mandatarius terminos sibi positos

Maleficia non debent remanere
transgredi non potest. A mandatary
impunita, et impunitas continuum
cannot exceed the bounds of his
affectum tribuit delinquendi. Evil
deeds ought not to remain
unpunished, and impunity affords Mandatum nisi gratuitum nullum
continual incitement to wrongdoing. est. Unless a mandate is
4 Coke 45. gratuitous (without payment), it is
not a mandate.
Maleficia propositis
distinguuntur. Evil deeds are
Manifesta probatione non indigent.
distinguished by their evil purposes.
Obvious facts are not in need of
Malitia est acida, est mali animi proof.
affectus. Malice is sour; it is the
Maris et faeminae conjunctio est
quality of a bad mind.
de jure naturae. The union of male
and female is founded on the law of
Malitia supplet aetatem. Malice
makes up for age.

Malitiis hominum est obviandum. Matrimonia debent esse libera.

The malicious designs of men must Marriages ought to be free.
be thwarted. • Also found as Malum
hominum est obuiandum. Matrimonium subsequens tollit
peccatum praecedens. A
Malum non habet efficientem sed subsequent marriage removes
deficientern causam. Evil has not preceding fault.
an efficient but a deficient cause.
Matter en ley ne serra mise en
Malum non praesumitur. Evil is bouche del jurors. Matter of law
not presumed. shall not be put into the mouths of
Malum quo communius eo pejus.
The more common the evil, the Maturiora sunt vota mulierum

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 67

quam virorum. The wishes of Melior est justitia vere
women are of quicker maturity praeveniens quam severe puniens.
than those of men. • That is, Justice that truly prevents a crime
women arrive earlier at eligibility is better than that which severely
for marriage. 6 Coke 71. punishes it.

Maxime ita dicta quia maxima est Melius est in tempore occurrere
ejus dignitas et certissima quam post causam vulneratum
auctoritas, atque quod maxime remedium quaerere. It is better to
omnibus probetur. A maxim is so oppose in time than to seek a
called because its dignity is remedy after a wrong has been
chiefest and its authority is the inflicted. • Coke introduces this
most certain, and because it is maxim with the phrase ne
most approved by all. pernegligentiam damnum incurrat:
"lest he incur damage through
Maxime paci sunt contraria vis et negligence." 2 Co. Inst. 299.
injuria. The greatest enemies to
peace are force and wrong. Melius est jus deficiens quam jus
incertum. Law that is deficient is
Maximus erroris populus magister. better than law that is uncertain.
The people are the greatest master of
error. Melius est omnia mala pati quam
malo consentire. It is better to
Meliorem conditionem suam facere suffer every wrong than to consent
potest minor, deteriorem to wrong.
nequaquam. A minor can improve or
make his condition better, but in no Melius est recurrere quam male
way worse. currere. It is better to run back
than to run wrong (or badly). • It
Melior est causa possidentis. The is better to retrace one's steps than
cause of the possessor is preferable. to proceed improperly.
Melior est conditio defendentis. The
Mens testatoris in testamentis
condition of the defendant is the
spectanda est. In wills, the
intention of the testator is to be
Melior est conditio possidentis et regarded.
rei quam actoris. Better is the
Mentiri est contra mentem ire. To
condition of the possessor. and
lie is to go against the mind.
that of the defendant (is better)
than that of the plaintiff. Mercis appellatio ad res mobiles
tantum pertinet. The term
Melior est conditio possidentis, ubi
"merchandise" belongs to movable
neuter jus ha bet. Better is the
things only.
condition of the possessor where
neither of the two has the right. Mercis appellatione homines non

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 68

contineri. Under the name of debet; alios enim praesumitur
merchandise human beings are not male regere qui seipsum regere
included. nescit. A minor ought not be
guardian of a minor, for he is
Merito beneficium legis amittit qui presumed to govern others ill who
legem ipsam subvertere does not know how to govern
intendit. A person deservedly himself.
loses the protection of the law
who attempts to overturn the law Minor non tenetur respondere
itself. durante minor) aetati, nisi in
causa dotis, propter favorem. A
Merx est quidquid vendi potest. minor is not bound to answer
Merchandise is whatever can be sold. during his minority, except as a
matter of favor in a cause of dower.
Meum est promittere, non
dimittere. It is mine to promise, Minor qui infra aetatem 12
not to discharge. annorum fuerit utlagari non
potest nec extra legem poni, quia
Minatur innocentibus qui parcit ante talem aetatem, non est sub
nocentibus. A person threatens lege aliqua nec in decenna. A
the innocent who spares the guilty. minor who is under 12 years of age
cannot be outlawed nor placed
Minima poena corporalis est major beyond the law, because before
qualibet pecuniaria. The smallest such age he is not under any law
bodily punishment is greater than nor in a decennary.
any pecuniary one.
Minor septemdecim annis non
Minime mutanda sunt quae certam admittitur fore executorem. A
habuerunt interpretationem. person under 17 years of age is not
Things that have had a fixed admitted to be an executor.
interpretation are to be altered as
little as possible. Minus solvit qui tardius solvit;
nam et tempore minus solvitur. A
Minimum est nihilo proximum. The person pays too little who pays too
least is next to nothing. late; for, from the delay, the
payment is less.
Minor ante tempus agere non potest
in casu proprietatis, nec etiam Misera est servitus ubi jus est
convenire. A minor before majority vagum aut incertum. It is a
cannot act in a case of property, nor miserable slavery where the law is
even agree. vague or uncertain.
Minor jurare non potest. A minor Mitius imperanti melius paretur.
cannot take an oath. The more mildly one commands, the
better is he obeyed.
Minor minorem custodire non

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 69

Mobilia non habent situm. relinquished by the kingly scepter.
Movables have no fixed site or
locality. Mora reprobatur in lege. Delay is
disapproved of in law.
Mobilia personam sequuntur,
immobilia situm. Movable things Mors dicitur ultimum supplicium.
follow the person; immovable ones, Death is called the extreme penalty.
their locality.
Mors omnia solvit. Death dissolves
Mobilia sequuntur personam.
all things.
Movables follow the person.

Modica circumstantia facti jus Mortis momentum est ultimum

mutat. A small circumstance vitae momentum. The moment of
attending an act alters the right. death is the last moment of life.

Mortuus exitus non est exitus. A

Modus de non decimando non
dead issue is not issue. • That is,
valet. A prescription not to pay
a child born dead is no child.
tithes is void.

Modus et conventio vincunt legem. Mos retinendus est fidelissimae

Customary form and the vetustatis. A custom of the truest
agreement of the parties antiquity is to be retained.
overcome the law. • One of the first
principles relative to the law of Mulcta damnum famae non
contract. 2 Coke 73. irrogat. A fine does not impose a
loss of reputation.
Modus legem dat donations.
Custom (or form) gives law to a gift. Multa conceduntur per obliquum
quae non conceduntur de
Moneta est justum medium et directo. Many things are conceded
mensura re-rum commutabilium, indirectly that are not allowed
nam per medium monetae fit directly.
omnium rerum conveniens et
justa aestimatio. Money is the just Multa fidem promissa levant.
medium and measure of all Many promises lessen confidence.
exchangeable things, for by the
medium of money a suitable and Multa ignoramus quae nobis non
just estimation of all things is laterent si veterum lectio nobis
made. fuit familiaris. We are ignorant of
many things that would not be
Monetandi jus comprehenditur in hidden from us if the reading of
regalibus quae nunquam a regio old authors were familiar to us.
sceptro abdicantur. The right of
coining is included among those Multa in jure communi contra
rights of royalty that are never rationem disputandi pro

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 70

communi utilitate introducta errori patrocinium. The
sunt. Many things have been multitude of those who err does
introduced into the common law, not produce indulgence for error.
with a view to the public good, that
are contrary to logical reasoning. Multitudo imperitorum perdit
Co. Litt. 70b. curiam. A multitude of ignorant
practitioners destroys a court.
Multa multo exercitatione facilius
quam regulis percipies. You will Multo utilius est pauca idonea
perceive many things much more effundere, quam multis inutilibus
easily by practice than by rules. homines gravari. It is much more
useful to pour forth a few
Multa non vetat lex quae tamen suitable things than to burden
tacite damnavit. The law does not mankind with many useless things.
forbid many things that yet it has Natura appetit perfectum, ita et
silently condemned. lex. Nature aspires to perfection, and
so does the law.
Multa transeunt cum universitate
quae non per se transeunt. Many Naturae vis maxima; natura bis
things pass with the whole that maxima. The force of nature is
would not pass separately. greatest; (and, as some say,) nature
is doubly greatest. 2 Co. Inst. 564.
Multi multa, nemo omnia novit.
Many men know many things; no Natura fide jussionis sit
one knows everything. strictissimi juris et non durat vel
extendatur de re ad rem, de
Multiplex et indistinctum parit persona ad personam, de tempore
confusion-em; et quaestiones quo ad tempus. The nature of the
simpliciores, eo lucidiores. contract of suretyship is strictissimi
Multiplicity and indistinctness juris, and does not endure or should
produce confusion: the simpler not be extended from thing to
questions are, the more lucid they thing, from person to person, or
are. from time to time.
Multiplicata transgressione Naturale est quidlibet dissolvi eo
crescat poenae inflictio. The modo quo ligatur. It is natural for a
infliction of punishment should thing to be dissolved in the same
increase with the repetition of the way in which it is bound.
offense. Coke continues, Ex
frequenti delicto augetur poena Natura non facit saltum, ita nec
(q.v.). 2 Co. Inst. 479. lex. Nature makes no leap, and
neither does the law.
Multitudinem decem faciunt. Ten
make a multitude. Natura non facit vacuum, nec lex
supervacuum. Nature makes no
Multitudo errantium non parit vacuum, and the law nothing

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 71

purposeless. makes lawful.

Nec curia deficeret in justitia Necessitas vincit legem.

exhibenda. Nor should the court Necessity overcomes the law.
be deficient in showing justice.
Necessitas vincit legem; legum
Necessarium est quod non potest vincula irridet. Necessity
aliter se habere. That is necessary overcomes the law; it laughs at the
which cannot be otherwise. fetters of laws.

Necessitas est lex temporis et loci. Nec tempus nec locus occurrit
Necessity is the law of time and regi. Neither time nor place thwarts
place. the king.

Necessitas excusat aut extenuat Nec veniarn effuso sanguine

delictum in capitalibus, quod non casus habet. Where blood has
operatur idem in civilibus. been spilled, the case is
Necessity excuses or extenuates unpardonable.
delinquency in capital cases, but
does not have the same effect in Nec veniatn, laeso numine,
civil cases. casus habet. Where the Divinity
has been insulted, the case is
Necessitas facit licitum quod alias unpardonable.
non est licitum. Necessity makes
lawful what otherwise is unlawful. Negatio conclusionis est error
in lege. The denial of a conclusion
Necessitas inducit privilegium is error in law.
quoad jura privata. Necessity
creates a privilege with regard to Negatio destruit negationem, et
private rights. ambae faciunt affirmationem.
A negative destroys a negative,
Necessitas non habet legem. and both make an affirmative.
Necessity has no law.
Negatio duplex est affirmatio. A
Necessitas publica major est quam double negative is an affirmative.
privata. Public necessity is greater
than private necessity. Negligentia semper habet
infortuniam corn-item. Negligence
Necessitas quod cogit defendit. always has misfortune for a
Necessity defends what it compels. companion.
Necessitas sub lege non Neminem laedit qui jure suo
continetur, quia quod alias non utitur. A person who exercises his
est licitum necessitas facit own rights injures no one.
licitum. Necessity is not
restrained by law; since what Neminem oportet esse
otherwise is not lawful necessity sapientiorem legibus. No one

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 72

ought to be wiser than the laws. (proprium) venire potest. No one
can contradict his own deed. 2 Co.
Nemo admittendus est Inst. 66.
inhabilitare seipsum. No one is
allowed to incapacitate himself. Nemo damnum facit, nisi qui id
fecit quod facere jus non
Nemo agit in seipsum. No one habet. No one does damage
acts against himself. except the person who did what he
has no right to do.
Nemo alienae rei, sine
satisdatione, defensor idoneus Nemo dare potest quod non
intelligitur. No one is considered habet. No one can give that which
a competent defender of another's he does not have.
property, without security.
Nemo dat qui non habet. No one
Nemo alieno nomine lege agere gives who does not possess.
potest. No one can sue at law in the
name of another. Nemo debet bis puniri pro uno
delicto. No one ought to be
Nemo aliquam partem recte punished twice for the same offense.
intelligere potest, antequam
totum iterum atque iterum Nemo debet bis vexari pro eadem
perlegerit. No one can properly causa. No one should be twice
understand any part of a thing troubled for the same cause.
until he has read through the
whole again and again. Nemo debet bis vexari pro una
et eadem causa. No one ought to
Nemo allegans suam be twice troubled for one and the
turpitudinem audiendus est. No same cause.
one testifying to his own wrong is
to be heard as a witness.
Nemo debet bis vexari, si
constet curiae quod sit pro
Nemo bis punitur pro eodem
una et eadem causa. No one
delicto. No one is punished twice
ought to be twice troubled, if it
for the same offense.
appears to the court that it is for
Nemo cogitationis poenam one and the same cause of action.
patitur. No one suffers
Nemo debet esse judex in propria
punishment for his thoughts.
causa. No one should be judge in
Nemo cogitur rem suam vendere, his own cause.
etiam justo pretio. No one is
Nemo debet immiscere se rei
bound to sell his property, even for a
alienae ad se nihil pertinenti. No
just price.
one should interfere in another's
business that does not at all
Nemo contra factum suum

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 73

concern him. Nemo ex alterius facto
praegravari debet. No one ought to
Nemo debet in communione invitus be burdened in consequence of
teneri. No one should be retained another's act.
in a partnership against his will.
Nemo ex consilio obligatur. No one
Nemo debet locupletari aliena is bound for the advice he gives.
jactura. No one ought to be enriched
at another's expense. Nemo ex dolo suo proprio relevetur
aut auxilium capiat. Let no one be
Nemo debet locupletari ex alterius relieved or gain advantage by his
incommodo. No one ought to be own fraud.
enriched out of another's Nemo ex proprio dolo consequitur
disadvantage. actionem. No one acquires a right of
action from his own wrong (or
Nemo debet rem suam sine factu deception).
aut defectu suo amittere. No one
should lose his property without his Nemo ex suo delicto meliorem
own act or negligence. suam conditionem facere potest.
No one can improve his condition by
Nemo de domo sua extrahi potest. his own wrong.
No one can be dragged (taken by
force) from his own house. Dig. Nemo inauditus condemnari debet,
50.17.103. si non sit contumax. No one ought
to be condemned unheard, unless he
Nemo duobus utatur officiis. No is obstinate (in refusing to appear).
one should exercise two offices.
Nemo in propria causa testis esse
Nemo ejusdem tenementi simul debet. No one can be a witness in
potest esse haeres et dominus. his own cause.
No one can be at the same time
heir and lord of the same tenement. Nemo jus sibi dicere potest. No one
can give judgment for himself.
Nemo enim aliquam partem recte
intelligere possit antequam totum Nemo militans Deo implicetur
iterum atque iterum perlegerit. No secularibus negotiis. No one
one may be able rightly to warring for God should be troubled
understand one part before he has by secular business.
again and again read through the
whole. Nemo nascitur artifex. No one is
born an expert. • Wisdom in the
Nemo est haeres viventis. No one is law is acquired only through
an heir of someone living. diligent study. Co. Litt. 97b.

Nemo est supra leges. No one is Nemo patriam in qua natus est
above the laws. exuere, nec ligeantiae debitum
ejurare possit. No one can cast off

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 74

his native land or refuse the Nemo potest mutare consilium
obligation of allegiance to it. suum in alterius injuriam. No one
can change his purpose to the
Nemo plus commodi haeredi suo injury of another.
relinquit quam ipse habuit. No
one leaves a greater asset to his Nemo potest nisi quod de jure
heir than he had himself. potest. No one is able to do a
thing, unless he can do it
Nemo plus juris ad alienum lawfully.
transferre potest quam ipse
haberet. No one can transfer to Nemo potest plus juris ad alium
another a greater right than he transferre quam ipse habet. No
himself might have. Dig. 50.17.54. one can transfer to another a
greater right than he himself
Nemo potest contra recordum
(actually ) has. Co. Litt. 309.
verificare per patriam. No one
can verify by the country against Nemo potest sibi debere. No one
a record. • Certain matters of can owe to himself.
record cannot be contested in court.
2 Co. Inst. 380. Nemo praesens nisi intelligat.
One is not present unless he
Nemo potest esse dominus et understands.
haeres. No one can be both owner
and heir. Nento praesumitur alienam
posteritatern suae praetulisse. No
Nemo potest esse simul actor et
one is presumed to have preferred
judex. No one can be at the same
another's posterity to his own.
time suitor and judge.

Nemo potest esse tenens et Nemo praesumitur donare. No

dominus. No one can be at the one is presumed to make a gift.
same time tenant and landlord (of
Nemo praesumitur esse immemor
the same tenement).
suae aeternae salutatis, et
Nemo potest exuere patriam. No maxime in articulo mortis. No
one can cast off his own country. one is presumed to be forgetful of
his eternal welfare, and especially
at the point of death.
Nemo potest facere per alium quod
per se non potest. No one can do Nemo praesumitur ludere in
through another what he cannot do extremis. No one is presumed to
by himself. trifle at the point of death.
Nenzo potest facere per obliquum Nemo praesumitur malus. No
quod non potest facere per one is presumed to be bad.
directum. No one can do indirectly
what he cannot do directly. Nemo prohibetur plures
negotiationes sive artes exercere.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 75

No one is prohibited from exercising Nemo tenetur divinare. No one is
several kinds of business or arts. bound to foretell the future.

Nemo prohibetur pluribus Nemo tenetur edere instrumenta

defensionibus uti. No one is contra se. No one is bound to
forbidden to employ several produce writings against himself.
Nemo tenetur informare qui nescit
Nemo prudens punit ut praeterita sed quisquis scire quod informat.
revocentur, sed ut futura No one who is ignorant of a thing is
praeveniantur. No one who is wise bound to give information of it, but
gives punishment so that past deeds everyone is bound to know what
may be revoked, but so that future he gives information of.
deeds may be prevented.
Nemo tenetur jurare in suatn
Nemo punitur pro alieno delicto. turpitudinem. No one is bound to
No one is punished for the crime or swear to his own criminality.
wrong of another.
Nemo tenetur prodere seipsum. No
Nemo punitur sine injuria, facto, one is bound to betray himself. •
seu defalta. No one is punished In other words, no one can be
unless for some wrong. act, or compelled to incriminate himself.
Nemo tenetur seipsum accusare.
Nemo qui condemnare potest No one is bound to accuse himself.
absolvere non potest. No one who
can condemn is unable to acquit. Nemo tenetur seipsum infortuniis
et periculis exponere. No one is
Nemo sibi esse judex vel suis jus bound to expose himself to
dicere de-bet. No one ought to be misfortune and dangers.
his own judge or to administer
justice in cases where his relations Nemo tenetur seipsum prodere.
are concerned. No one is bound to betray himself.
Nemo sine actione experitur, et hoc Nemo unquam judicet in se. Let no
non sine breve sive libello one ever be a judge in his own
conventionali. No one goes to trial cause.
without an action, and no one can
bring an action without a writ or Nemo unquam vir magnus fuit
bill. sine aliquo divino afflatu. No one
was ever a great man without some
Nemo tenetur ad impossibile. No one divine inspiration.
is bound to an impossibility.
Nemo videtur fraudare eos qui
Nemo tenetur armare adversariunt sciunt et consentiunt. No one is
contra se. No one is bound to considered as deceiving those who
arm his adversary against himself. know and consent.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 76

Neque leges neque senatus consulta Nihil dictum quod non dictum
ita scribi possunt ut omnes casus prius. Nothing is said that was not
qui quandoque inciderint said before.
comprehendantur; sed sufficit ea
quae plerumque accidunt Nihil est enim liberale quod non
contineri. idem justurn. For there is nothing
Neither laws nor acts of senate can generous that is not at the same
be so written as to include all cases time just.
that have happened at any time; it
is sufficient that those things that Nihil est magis rationi
usually occur are encompassed. consentaneum quam eodem modo
Dig. 1.3.10. pr. quodque dissolvere quo conflatum
est. Nothing is more consonant to
Ne quid in loco publico vel itinere reason than that everything should
fiat. Let nothing be done (put or be dissolved in the same way as it
erected) in a public place or way. • was made.
The title of an interdict in the
Roman law. Nihil facit error nominis cum de
corpore constat. An error in the
Nigrum nunquam excedere debet name is nothing when there is
rubrum. certainty as to the person.
The black should never go beyond
the red. • That is, the text of a Nihil habet forum ex scena. The
statute should never be read in a court has nothing to do with what is
sense more comprehensive than the not before it.
rubric, or title.
Nihil infra regnum subditos magis
Nihil aliud potest rex quam quod conservat in tranquilitate et
de jure potest. The king can do concordia quam debita legum
nothing but what he can do legally. administratio. Nothing better
preserves the subjects of the realm
Nihil consensui tam contrarium in tranquillity and concord than a
est quam vis atque metus. due administration of the laws. 2
Nothing is so opposite to consent Co. Inst. 158.
as force and fear.
Nihil iniquius quam aequitatem
Nihil dat qui non habet. A person nimis intendere. Nothing is more
gives nothing who has nothing. unjust than to extend equity too
Nihil de re accrescit ei qui nihil in far.
re quando jus accresceret habet.
Nihil in lege intolerabilius est
Nothing from a property accrues to
(quam) eandem rem diverso jure
a person who had no interest in the
censeri. Nothing in law is more
property when the right accrued.
intolerable than that the same case
Co. Litt. 188.
should be subject (in different
courts) to different views of the law.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 77

Nihil magis justum est quam quod Nihil tarn conveniens est naturali
necessarium est. Nothing is more aequitati quam voluntatem
just than what is necessary. domini volentis rem suam in
alium transferre ratam haberi.
Nihil nequam est praesumendum. Nothing is more conformable to
Nothing wicked is to be presumed. natural equity than to confirm
the will of an owner who desires
Nihil perfectum est dum aliquid to transfer his property to another.
restat agendum. Nothing is perfect
while something remains to be done. Nihil tam naturale est quam eo
genere quidque dissolvere quo
Nihil peti potest ante id tempus
colligatum est. Nothing is so
quo per rerum naturam persolvi
natural as that an obligation should
possit. Nothing can be demanded
be dissolved by the same principle by
before the time when, in the nature
which it was contracted.
of things, it can be paid.

Nihil possumus contra veritatem. Nihil tam naturale est quam eo

We have no power against truth. genere quidque dissolvere quo
colligatum est; ideo verborunz
Nihil praescribitur nisi quod obligatio verbis tollitur; nudi
possidetur. There is no consensus obligatio contrario
consensu dissolvitur. Nothing is
prescription for what is not
so natural as to dissolve
possessed. anything in the way in which it
was bound together; therefore
Nihil quod est contra rationem est the obligation of words is taken
licitum. Nothing that is against away by words; the obligation of
reason is lawful. mere consent is dissolved by the
contrary consent.
Nihil quod est inconveniens est
licitum. Nothing that is improper
Nihil tam proprium imperio
is lawful. Co. Litt. 66a.
quam legibus vivere. Nothing is
so becoming to authority as to live
Nihil sitnul inventum est et according to the law.
perfectum. Nothing is invented
and perfected at the same moment.
Nil agit exemplum litem quod
lite resolvit. A precedent
Nihil tarn conveniens est accomplishes nothing if it settles
naturali aequitati quam one dispute by raising another.
unurnquodque dissolvi eo
ligamine quo ligatum est. Nothing
is so consonant with natural equity Nil facit error nominis cum de
as that each thing should be corpore vel persona constat.
dissolved by the same means as it An error in the name is
was bound. immaterial when the body or person

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 78

is certain. inferior. There are two sorts of
nobility, the higher and the lower.
Nil sine prudenti fecit ratione
vetustas. Antiquity did nothing Nomen est quasi rei notamen. A
without a good reason. name is, as it were, the distinctive
sign (or signifier) of a thing.
Nil temere novandum. Nothing
should be rashly changed. Nomen non sufficit si res non sit
de jure aut de facto. A name does
not suffice if the thing does not exist
Nimia certitudo certitudinem
by law or by fact.
ipsam destruit. Too great
certainty destroys certainty itself.
Nomina si nescis, perit cognitio
Nimia subtilitas in jure rerum. If you do not know the
reprobatur. Too much subtlety in names of things, the knowledge of
law is condemned. things themselves perishes.

Nimia subtilitas in jure Nomina si nescis, perit cognitio

reprobatur, et talis certitudo rerum; et nomina si perdas, certe
certitudinem confundit. Too great distinctio rerum perditur. If you
subtlety is disapproved of in law, and do not know the names of things,
such certainty confounds certainty. the knowledge of things themselves
perishes; and, if you lose the
Nimium altercando veritas names. the distinction of the things
amittitur. By too much quarreling is certainly lost.
truth is lost.
Nomina sunt mutabilia, res
Nobiles magis plectuntur autem immobiles. Names are
pecunia, plebes vero in corpore. mutable, but things immutable.
The higher classes are more
punished in money, but the lower in Nomina sunt notae rerum.
person. Names are the marks of things.

Nobiles sunt qui arma gentilitia Nomina sunt symbola rerum.

antecessorum suorum proferre Names are the symbols of things.
possunt. The gentry are those who
are able to produce the heraldic arms Non accipi debent verba in
of their own ancestors. demonstration-em falsam, quae
competunt in limitation-em
Nobiliores et benigniores veram. Words ought not to be
praesumptiones in dubiis sunt accepted to import a false
praeferendae. When in doubt, the description when they are consistent
more generous and kind with a true definition.
presumptions are to be preferred.
Non alio modo puniatur aliquis,
Nobilitas est duplex, superior et quam secundum quod se habet

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 79

condemnatio. A person may not be alios actum esset. A person ought
punished otherwise than not to be injured by what has taken
according to what the sentence place between other parties.
Non debet actori licere quod reo
Non aliter a significatione non permittitur. What is not
verborum recedi oportet quam permitted to the defendant ought
cum manifestum est aliud not to be allowed to the plaintiff.
sensisse testatorem. We must
Non debet adduci exceptio ejus rei
depart from the (ordinary)
cujus petitur dissolutio. An
significance of words only when it is
exception (or plea) should not be
evident that the testator had a
made upon the very matter of
different understanding. Dig. 32.69.
which a determination is sought (in
the case at hand).
Non auditur perire volens. One who
wishes to perish is not heard. Non debet alii nocere quod inter
alios ac-turn est. A person ought
Non bis in idem (or imperative, ne not to be prejudiced by what has
bis in idem). Not twice for the same been done between others.
thing. • That is, a person shall not
be twice tried for the same crime. Non debet alteri per alterum
This maxim of the civil law iniqua conditio inferri. An unfair
expresses the same principle as the condition ought not to be brought
familiar rule against "double upon one person by the act of
jeopardy." another.

Non concedantur citationes Non debet cui plus licet quod minus
priusquam exprimatur super qua est non licere. A person who is
re fieri decet citatio. Summonses permitted to do the greater thing
should not be granted before it is ought not to be forbidden to do the
expressed upon what ground a lesser.
summons should be issued.
Non debet dici tendere in
Non consentit qui errat. A person praejudicium ecclesiasticae
who errs does not consent. liberatatis quod pro rege et
republica necessarium videtur.
Non dat qui non habet. A person What seems necessary for the king
who does not have does not give. and the state ought not to be said
to tend to the prejudice of spiritual
Non debeo melioris conditionis liberty.
esse quam auctor meus a quo jus
in me transit. I ought not to be Non decet homines dedere causa
in better condition than the non cognita. It is unbecoming to
person to whose rights I succeed. surrender people when no cause
has been shown.
Non deberet alii nocere quod inter

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 80

Non decipitur qui scit se decipi. A law.
person is not deceived who knows
himself to be deceived. Non est consonum rationi quod
cognitio accessorii in curia
Non definitur in jure quid sit christianitatis impediatur, ubi
conatus. What an attempt is, is not cognitio causae principalis ad
defined in law. forum ecclesiasticurn noscitur
pertinere. It is unreasonable that
Non differunt quae concordant re, the cognizance of an accessory
tametsi non in verbis iisdem. matter should be impeded in an
Those things that agree in ecclesiastical court, when the
substance, even if not in the same cognizance of the principal cause is
words, do not differ. admitted to appertain to an
ecclesiastical court.
Non dubitatur, etsi specialiter
venditor evictionem non Non est disputandum contra
promiserit, re evicta, ex empto principia negantem. There is no
competere actionem. It is certain disputing against a person who
that even if the vendor has not denies first principles.
given a special guarantee, an
action ex empto lies against him, if Non est justum aliquem
the purchaser is evicted. antenatum post mortem facere
bastardum qui toto tern-pore
Non efficit affectus nisi sequatur vitae suae pro legitimo habebatur.
effectus. It is not just to make an elderborn a
The intention amounts to nothing bastard after his death, who during
unless some effect follows. his lifetime was accounted
Non erit alia lex Romae, alia
Athaen is; alia nunc, alia posthac; Non est ?tomtit' ut priores leges ad
sed et omnes gentes, et omni posteriores trahantur. It is not
tempore, una lex, et sempiterna, an innovation to adapt earlier laws
et immortalis continebit. There will to later ones. Dig. 1.3.26.
not be one law at Rome, another at
Athens; one law now, another Non est recedendum a communi
hereafter; but one eternal and observantia. There should be no
immortal law shall bind together all departure from a common
nations throughout all time. observance.

Non est arctius vinculum inter Non est regula quin fallat. There
homines quam jusjurandum. is no rule that may not deceive (or
There is no closer (or firmer) link disappoint).
among men than an oath.
Non est reus nisi mens sit rea. A
Non est certandum de regulis person is not guilty unless his mind
juris. There is no disputing rules of is guilty.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 81

Non est singulis concedendum Non licet quod dispendio licet. That
quod per magistratum publice which is permitted only at a loss is
possit fieri, ne occasio sit majoris not permitted.
tumultus faciendi. That is not to be
conceded to private persons which Non nasci et natum mori paria
can be publicly done by the sunt. Not to be born and to be born
magistrate, lest it be the occasion dead are equivalent.
of greater tumult.
Non obligat lex nisi promulgata. A
Non exemplis sed legibus law is not binding unless it has been
judicandum est. Not by examples promulgated.
but by the laws must judgment be
made. Non observata forma, infertur
adnullatio actus. When the form
Non ex opinionibus singulorum, sed has not been observed. an
ex cornmuni usu, nomina exaudiri annulment of the act is inferred.
debent. Names of things ought to be
understood according to common Non officit conatus nisi sequatur
usage, not according to the opinions effectus. An attempt does not
of individuals. harm unless a consequence
Non facias malum ut inde veniat
bonum. You are not to do evil that Non omne damnum inducit
good may come of it. injuriam. Not every loss produces
an injury (i.e., gives a right to
Non impedit clausula derogatoria action).
quo minus ab eadem potestate res
dissolvantur a qua constituuntur. Non omne quod licet honestum est.
A derogatory clause does not prevent Not everything that is permitted is
things from being dissolved by the honorable.
same power by which they were
Non omnium quae a inajoribus
originally made.
nostris constituta sunt ratio
Non in legendo sed in intelligendo reddi potent. Reason cannot
leges consistunt. The laws consist always be given for the
not in reading but in understanding. institutions of our ancestors.

Non jus ex regula, sed regula ex Non pertinet ad judicem secularern

jure. The law does not arise from cognoscere de its quae sunt mere
the rule (or maxim:. but the rule spiritualia annexa. It belongs
from the law. not to the secular judge to take
cognizance of things that are
Non jus, sed seisina facit stipitem. merely spiritual.
Not right. but seisin, makes a stock
(from which the inheritance must Non possessori incumbit
descend). necessitas probandi possessiones

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 82

ad se pertinere. It is not Non refert an quis assensum suum
incumbent on the possessor of praefert verbis an rebus ipsis et
property to prove that his factis. It is immaterial whether a
possessions belong to him. person gives assent by words or by
acts themselves and deeds.
Non potest adduci exceptio
ejusdem rei cujus petitur Non refert quid ex
dissolutio. An exception cannot he aequipollentibus fiat. It does not
brought upon the same matter matter which of two equivalents
whose determination is at issue (in happens.
the action at hand).
Non refert quid notum sit judici, si
Non potest probari quod probatunt notum non sit in forma judicii. It
non relevat. That cannot be matters not what is known to the
proved which, when proved, is judge if it is not known to him
irrelevant. judicially.

Non potest quis sine brevi agere. Non refert verbis an factis fit
No one can sue without a writ. revocatio. It does not matter
whether a revocation is made by
Non potest rex gratiam facere cum words or by acts.
injuria et damno aliorum. The king
cannot confer a favor that occasions Non respondebit minor, nisi in
injury and loss to others. causa dotis, et hoc pro favore
doti. A minor shall not answer
Non potest rex subditum except in a case of dower, and here
renitentem one-rare in favor of dower.
impositionibus. The king cannot
load a subject with impositions Non solent quae abundant vitiare
against his consent. scripturas. Superfluous
expressions do not usually vitiate
Non potest videri desisse habere writings.
qui nunquam habuit. A person
cannot be considered as having Non solum quid licet sed quid est
ceased to have a thing who never conveniens considerandum, quia
had it. nihil quod inconveniens est
licitum. Not only what is permitted
Non praestat impedimentum quod but what is proper is to be
de jure non sortitur effectum. A considered, because nothing
thing that has no effect in law is not improper is lawful.
an impediment.
Non sunt longa ubi nihil est quod
Non quod dictum est, sed quod demere possis. There is no
factum est, inspicitur. Not what prolixity where there is nothing
has been said but what has been that you can omit.
done is regarded.

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Non temere credere est nervus effect from the law has no force.
sapientae. Not to believe rashly is
the sinew of wisdom. Non verbis sed ipsis rebus leges
imponimus. Not upon words, but
Non valebit felonis generatio nec upon affairs themselves do we
ad haereditatem paternam vel impose laws.
maternam; si autem ante feloniam
generationem fecerit, talis Non videntur qui errant
generatio succedit in haereditate consentire. They who err are not
patris vel matris a quo non fuerit considered as consenting.
felonia perpetrata. The offspring of
a felon cannot succeed either to a Non videntur rem amittere quibus
maternal or paternal inheritance; propria non fait. They are not
but if the felon had offspring before considered as losing a thing if it
the felony, the offspring may was not their own.
succeed to the inheritance of the
Non videtur consensum retinuisse
father or mother by whom no felony
si quis ex praescripto minantis
was committed.
aliquod immutavit. If a person
Non valet confirmatio, nisi ille, qui has changed anything at the
confirmat, sit in possessione rei demand of a party threatening, he
vel juris unde fieri debet is not considered to have
confirmatio; et eodem modo, nisi maintained his consent.
ille cui confirmatio fit sit in
Non videtur perfecte cujusque id
possessione. Confirmation is not
esse quod ex casu auferri potest.
valid unless the person who
A thing is not considered completely
confirms is in possession either of
to belong to anyone if it can be taken
the thing or of the right of which
from him by chance (or occasion).
confirmation is to be made, and, in
like manner, unless that person to
Non videtur quisquam id capere
whom confirmation is made is in
quod ei necesse est alii restituere.
A person is not considered to
acquire property in a thing that he
Non valet donatio nisi subsequatur
must restore to another. Dig.
traditio. A gift is not valid unless
delivery for transference) follows.
Non videtur vim facere qui jure
Non valet exceptio ejusdem rei
suo utitur et ordinaria actione
cujus petitur dissolutio. An
experitur. A person is not judged to
exception based on the very matter
use force who exercises his own
of which the determination is
right and proceeds by ordinary
sought is not valid.
Non valet impedimentum quod de
jure non sortitur effectum. An Noscitur a sociis. It is known from
impediment that does not derive its its associates.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 84

Noscitur ex socio qui non follows the head or person. •
cognoscitur ex se. A person who is Liability to make good an injury
not known for himself is known caused by a slave attaches to the
from his associate. master. Dig.

Notitia dicitur a noscendo; et Nuda pactio obligationem non

notitia non debet claudicare. parit. A naked agreement (i.e.,
Notice is named from knowledge; without consideration) does not
and notice ought not to limp (that create an obligation. Dig.
is, be imperfect).
Nuda ratio et nuda pactio non
Nova constitutio futuris formam ligant aliquem debitorem. Bare
imponere debet, non praeteritis. reason and naked agreement do not
A new enactment ought to impose bind any debtor.
form upon what is to come, not
upon what is past. • A new Nudum pactum est ubi nulla
regulation should not apply subest causa praeter
retroactively but from its enactment. conventionem; sed ubi subest
2 Co. Inst. 292. causa, fit obligatio, et parit
actionem. Naked agreement
Novatio non praesumitur. A (nudum pactum) is where there is
novation is not presumed. no consideration besides the
agreement; but when there is a
consideration, an obligation is
Novitas non tam utilitate prodest created and it gives a right of
quam novitate perturbat. Novelty action.
does not as much benefit by its
utility as it disturbs by its novelty. Nudum pactum ex quo non oritur
actio. Naked agreement (nudum
Novum judicium non dat novum pactum) is that from which no action
jus, sed declarat antiquum. A arises.
new judgment does not make a new
right, but declares the old. Nul charter, nul vente, ne nul done
Novum judicium non dat novum vault perpetualment, si le donor
jus, sed declarat antiquum; quia n'est seise al temps de contracts
judicium est juris dictum, et per de deux droits, sc. del droit de
judicium jus est noviter revelatum possession et del droit de
quod diu fuit velatum. A new properite. No grant, no sale, no
judgment does not make a new gift, is valid forever unless the
right, but declares the old; because donor, at the time of the contract, is
adjudication is the declaration of a seised of two rights, namely, the
right, and by adjudication the right right of possession and the right of
is newly revealed which has long property.
been hidden. 10 Coke 42. Nulla curia quae recordum non
habet potest imponere finem
Noxa caput sequitur. The injury

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 85

neque aliquem man-dare carceri; (such) power among us that we
quia ista spectant tantutnmodo should not follow better (opinions)
ad curias de recordo. No court that if anyone presents them.
does not have a record can
impose a fine or commit any Nulli vendemus, nulli negabimus,
person to prison; because those aut differemus rectum vel
powers look only to courts of record. justitiam. We shall sell to no one,
deny to no one, or delay to no one,
Nulla emptio sine pretio esse equity or justice.
potest. There can be no sale without
a price. Nullum crimen majus est
inobedientia. No crime is greater
Nulla iinpossibilia aut inhonesta than disobedience.
sunt praesumenda; vera autem et
honesta et possibilia. No Nullum exemplum est idem
impossible or dishonorable things omnibus. No example is the same
are to be presumed; but things for all purposes.
true, honorable, and possible.
Nullum iniquum est
Nulla pactione effici potest ne praesumendum in jure. Nothing
dolus praestetur. No agreement unjust is to be presumed in law.
is sufficient to effect that there be
no liability for fraud. Dig. Nullum matrimonium, ibi nulla dos. No marriage, there no dower.

Nulla virtus, nulla scientia locum Nullum simile est idem. Nothing
suum et dignitatem conservare that is like another is the same. •
potest sine modestia. Without That is, no likeness is exactly
moderation, no virtue, no identical.
knowledge can preserve its place and
dignity. Nullum simile est idem nisi
quatuor pedibus currit. Nothing
Nulle regle sans faute. There is no similar is identical, unless it run on
rule without fault. all fours.

Nu Ile terre sans seigneur. No land Nullum simile quatuor pedibus

without a lord. currit. No simile runs upon four
feet (on all fours ). • No simile holds
NuIli enim res sua servit jure in every respect.
servitutis. No one can have a
servitude over his own property. Nullum tempus aut locus occurrit
regi. No time or place bars the king.
Nullius horninis auctoritas apud
nos valere debet, ut meliora non Nullum tempus occurrit regi. Lapse
sequeremur si quis attulerit. The of time does not bar the right of the
authority of no person ought to have Crown. • Literally, no time runs

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 86

against the king. Nullus jus alienum forisfacere
potest. No one can forfeit another's
Nullum tempus occurrit right.
reipublicae. No time runs against
the commonwealth (or state). Nullus recedat e curia cancellaria
sine remedio. Let no one depart
Nullus alius quam rex possit from the court of chancery without a
episcopo demandare remedy.
inquisitionem faciendam. No other
than the king can command the Nullus videtur dolo facere qui suo
bishop to make an inquisition. jure utitur. No one is to be regarded
as acting by fraud who exercises his
Nullus commodum capere potest de legal right.
injuria sua propria. No one can
gain advantage by his own wrong. Nul ne doit s'enrichir aux depens
des autres. No one ought to
Nullus debet agere de dolo, ubi enrich himself at the expense of
alia actio subest. Where another others.
form of action is given, no one ought
to sue in the action de dolo. Nut prendra advantage de son
tort demesne. No one shall take
Nullus dicitur accessorius post advantage of his own wrong.
feloniam sed ille qui novit
principalem feloniam fecisse, et Nut sans damage avera error ou
ilium receptavit et comfortavit. No attaint. No one shall have error or
one is called an accessory after the attaint unless there has been
fact but that person who knew the damage.
principal to have committed a
felony, and received and comforted Nunquam crescit ex post facto
him. praeteriti delicti aestimatio. The
valuation (or assessment of
Nullus dicitur felo principalis damage) for a past offense is
nisi actor aut qui praesens est, never increased by what happens
abettans aut auxilians actorem subsequently. Dig.
ad feloniam faciendam. No one is
called a principal felon except the Nunquam decurritur ad
party actually committing the extraordinarium sed ubi deficit
felony, or the party who was ordinarium. One never resorts to
present aiding and abetting the the extraordinary but when the
perpetrator in its commission. ordinary fails.

Nullus idoneus testis in re sua Nunquam fictio sine lege. There is

intelligitur. No one is understood to no fiction without law.
be a competent witness in his own
Nunquam nimis dicitur quod
cause. nunquam satis dicitur. What is

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 87

never sufficiently said is never said sequatur. The attempt becomes of
too much. consequence if the effect follows.

Nunquam praescribitur in falso. Officium nemini debet esse

There is never prescription in case damnosum. An office ought to be
of falsehood (or forgery). injurious to no one.

Nunquam res humanae prospere Omissio eorum quae tacite insunt

succedunt ubi negliguntur nihil operatur. The omission of
divinae. Human affairs never those things that are silently implied
prosper when divine ones are is of no consequence.
Omne actum ab intentione agentis
Nuptias non concubitus sed est judicandum. Every act is to
consensus facit. Not sharing a bed be judged by the intention of the
but consent makes the marriage. doer.

Obedientia est legis essentia. Omne crimen ebrietas et incendit et

Obedience is the essence of the law. detegit. Drunkenness both inflames
and reveals every crime.
Obtemperandum est consuetudini
rationabi l i l e g i . A r e a s o n a b l e Omne jus aut consensus fecit, aut
c u s t o m i s t o be obeyed like law. necessitas constituit, aut firmavit
consuetudo. Every right has been
Occupantis fiunt derelicta. Things derived from consent, established by
abandoned become the property of necessity, or confirmed by custom.
the (first) occupant.
Omne magis dignum trahit ad se
Odiosa et inhonesta non sunt in minus dignum, quamvis minus
lege praesumenda. Odious and dignum sit antiquius. Every
dishonest acts are not to be worthier thing draws to it the less
presumed in law. worthy, even if the less worthy is
more ancient.
Odiosa non praesumuntur. Odious
things are not presumed. Omne magnum exemplum habet
aliquid ex iniquo, quod publica
Officia judicialia non utilitate compensatur. Every great
concedantur antequam vacent. example has some portion of evil,
Judicial offices ought not to be which is compensated by its public
granted before they are vacant. utility.
Officia magistratus non debent Omne majus continet in se minus.
esse venalia. The offices of Every greater thing contains in itself
magistrates ought not to be sold. the less.
Officit conatus si effectus Omne majus dignum continet in se

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 88

minus dignum. Every more worthy Omnia praesumuntur contra
thing contains in itself the less spoliatorem. All presumptions are
worthy. against one who wrongfully
dispossesses another (a despoiler).
Omne nzajus minus in se
complectitur. Every greater thing Omnia praesumuntur legitime
embraces in itself the lesser. facta donee probetur in
contrarium. All things are
Omne principale trahit ad se presumed to be done legitimately
accessorium. Every principal thing until the contrary is proved.
draws to itself the accessory.
Omnia praesumuntur rite et
Omne quod solo inaedificatur solo solemniter esse acta. All things
cedit. Everything that is built on are presumed to have been rightly
the soil belongs to the soil. and regularly done.

Conine sacramentum debet esse de Omnia praesumuntur rite et

certa scientia. Every oath ought solemniter esse acta donee
to be founded on certain knowledge. probetur in contrarium. All
things are presumed to have been
Onznes actiones in mundo infra done regularly and with due
certa tempora habent formality until the contrary is
limitationem. All actions in the proved.
world are limited within certain
periods. Omnia quae jure contrahuntur
contrario jure pereunt. All
Omnes licentiam habere his quae obligations contracted under a law
pro se indulta sunt renunciare. All are destroyed by a law to the
have liberty to renounce these contrary.
things that have been granted in
their favor. Omnia quae sunt uxoris sunt
ipsius viri. All things that are the
Omnes prudentes illa admittere wife's belong to her husband.
solent quae probantur its qui in
ante sua bene versati sunt. All Omnia rite esse acta
prudent people are accustomed to praesumuntur. All things are
admit those things that are presumed to have been done in due
approved by those who are skilled in form.
their profession.

Onzne testamentum morte Omnis conclusio boni et veri

consummatum est. Every will is judicii sequitur ex bonis et veris
consummated by death. praemissis et dictis juratorum.
Every conclusion of a good and
Onznia delicta in aperto leviora true judgment follows from good
sunt. All crimes committed openly and true premises and the verdicts
are considered lighter. of jurors.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 89

Omnis consensus tollit errorem. being, but not every human being a
Every consent removes an error. 2 person.
Co. Inst. 123.
Omnis privatio praesupponit
Omnis definitio in jure civili habitum. Every privation
periculosa est, parum est enim ut presupposes possession. • "Every
non subverti possit. Every discontinuance is a privation ... and
definition in the civil law is he cannot discontinue that estate
dangerous, for there is very little which he never had." Co. Litt.
that cannot be overthrown. 339a.

Omnis exceptio est ipsa quoque Omnis querela et omnis actio

regula. Every exception is itself also injuriarum limitata est infra
a rule. certa tempora. Every plaint and
every action for injuries is limited
Omnis indemnatus pro innoxio within fixed times.
legibus habetur. Every
uncondemned person is held by the Omnis ratihabitio retrotrahitur et
law as innocent. mandato priori aequiparatur.
Every subsequent ratification has a
Omnis innovatio plus novitate retrospective effect and is
perturbat quam utilitate prodest. equivalent to a prior command.
Every innovation disturbs by its
novelty more than it benefits by its Omnis regula suas patitur
usefulness. exceptiones. Every rule of law
allows its own exceptions.
Omnis interpretatio si fieri potest
ita fienda est in instrumentis, ut Omnium contributione sarciatur
omnes contrarietates amoveantur. quod pro omnibus datum est.
Every interpretation of instruments What has been given for all should
is to be made, if it can be, so that all be compensated by the
contradictions may be removed. contribution of all.

Omnis interpretatio vel declarat, Omnium rerum quarum usus est,

vel extendit, vel restringit. Every potest esse abusus, virtute solo
interpretation explains, or extends, excepta. Of everything of which
or restricts. there is a use, there can be abuse,
virtue alone excepted.
Omnis nova constitutio futuris
(temporibus) formam imponere Opinio quae favet testamento est
debet, non praeteritis. Every new tenenda. That opinion is to be
statute ought to prescribe a form followed which favors the will.
for the future, not the past.
Oportet quod certa res deducatur
Omnis persona est homo, sed non in judiciurn. A thing, to be brought
vicissim. Every person is a human to judgment, must be definite.

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Oportet quod certa sit res quae consuetudo. Custom is the best
venditur. A thing. to be sold, must interpreter of laws.
be definite.
Ordine placitandi servato, servatur
Optima enim est legium interpres et jus. When order of pleading has
consuetudo. Custom is the best been preserved, the law is also
interpreter of laws. Dig. 1.3.37. preserved.

Optima est lex quae minimum Origine propria neminem posse

relinquit arbitrio judicis; optimus voluntate sua eximi manifestum
judex qui minimum sibi. It is the est. It is manifest that no one by
best law that leaves the least to the his own will can be stripped of his
discretion of the judge; the best origin (or be banished from his
judge is he who leaves least to place of origin).
Origo rei inspici debet. The origin of
Optimam esse legem quae a thing ought to be regarded.
minimum relinquit arbitrio
judicis; id quod certitudo ejus Pacta conventa quae neque contra
praestat. The law is the best that leges neque Bolo malo inita sunt,
leaves the least discretion to the (mud modo observanda sunt.
judge; this advantage results from its Contracts that have been entered
certainty. neither illegally nor with fraud
must in all respects be observed.
Optima statuti interpretatrix est
(omnibus particulis ejusdem Pacta dant legem contractui.
inspectis) ipsum statuturn. The Agreements give law to the contract.
best interpreter of a statute is (when
all the separate parts of it have Pacta privata juri publico
been considered) the statute itself. derogare non possunt. Private
contracts cannot restrict (or take
Optimus interpres rerum usus. away from) public law.
Usage is the best interpreter of
things. Pacta quae contra leges
constitutionesque vel contra
Optimus interpretandi modus est bonos mores fiunt nullam vim
sic leges interpretare ut leges habere, indubitati juris est. It is a
legibus accordant. The best mode matter of unquestionable law that
of interpreting laws is to make laws contracts against the laws and
agree with laws. statutes, or against moral standards,
have no force.
Optimus judex qui minimum sibi.
He is the best judge who (leaves) the Pacta quae turpem causam
least to his own discretion. continent non sunt observanda.
Contracts founded upon an immoral
Optimus legum interpres consideration are not to be observed.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 91

Pactis privatorum juri publico non offspring follows the condition of the
derogatur. There is no derogation mother (literally, the womb).
from public law by private contracts.
Parunz est latam esse sententiam,
Pacto aliquid licitum est quod sine nisi mandetur executioni. It is not
pacto non admittitur. By enough that judgment has been
agreement (or contract) something given if it is not committed to
is permitted that, without execution.
agreement, is not allowed. • Coke
continues, "but not in violation of Parum proficit scire quid fieri
public law." Co. Litt. 166. debet si non cognoscas quomodo
sit facturum. It does little good to
Parens est Women generale ad know what ought to happen, if
omne genus cognationis. "Parent" you do not know how it will take
is a general name for every kind of effect.
Pater est quern nuptiae
Parenturn est liberos alere etiam demonstrant. The father is the man
nothos. It is the role of parents to whom the marriage indicates. • This
support their children even when expresses the idea that a child born
illegitimate. to a married woman is presumed
begotten by her husband.
Paria copulantur paribus.
Similar things unite with similar. Pater is est quern nuptiae
demonstrant. The father is he whom
Paribus sententiis reus absolvitur.
the marriage indicates.
When opinions are evenly divided,
the defendant is acquitted. 4 Co. Patria laboribus et expensis non
Inst. 64. debet fatigari. A jury ought not
Par in parem imperium non habet. to be wearied with labors and
An equal has no power over an expenses.
Patria potestas in pietate debet,
Parte quacumque integrante non in atrocitate consistere.
sublata, tollitur totum. When any Parental authority should consist
essential part has been removed, the in devotion, not dread.
whole is removed (or destroyed).
Peccata contra naturam sunt
Partus ex legitimo thoro non gravissima. Offenses against nature
certius noscit matrem quam are the most serious.
genitorem suum. The offspring of
a legitimate bed does not know his Peccatum peccato addit qui
mother more certainly than his culpae quam facit patrocinium
father. defensionis adjungit. A person
adds one offense to another, who,
Partus sequitur ventrem. The when he commits a crime, joins to

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 92

it the protection of a defense. abrogationem excludit ab initio
non valet. It is a perpetual law that
Pendente lite nihil innovetur. no human or positive law can be
During litigation, let nothing be perpetual; and a clause in a law
changed. that precludes abrogation is void
from the outset.
Per alluvionem id videtur adici,
quod ita paulatim adicitur ut Per rationes pervenitur ad
intelligere non possimus quantum legitimam rationein. By reasoning
quoque momento temporis we come to legal reason.
adiciatur. That is considered
"added by alluvion" which Per rerum naturam factum
accumulates so gradually that we negantis nulla probatio est. By the
cannot tell how much is added at nature of things, a person who
any one moment of time. Dig. denies a fact is not bound to give proof.

Perfectum est cui nihil deest Persona conjuncta aequiparatur

secundum suae perfectionis vel interesse proprio. A personal
naturae modum. That is perfect connection is equivalent to one's own
which lacks nothing according to the interest.
measure of its perfection or nature.
Persona est homo cum statu
Periculosum est res novas et quodam consideratus. A person is
inusitatas inducere. It is dangerous a human being considered with
to introduce new and unaccustomed reference to a certain status.
Personae vice fungitur municipium
Pericularn rei venditae, nondum et decuria. Towns and boroughs
traditae, est emptoris. The act in the role of persons.
purchaser assumes the risk for a
thing sold, but not yet delivered. Personalia personam sequuntur.
Personal things follow the person.
Perjuri sunt qui servatis verbis
juramenti decipiunt aures Perspicua vera non sunt
eorum qui accipiunt. Those who probanda. Plain truths are not to be
preserve the words of an oath but proved.
deceive the ears of those who
accept it are perjurors. • Coke Per varios actus legem experientia
adds, "By ancient law of England, facit. In the course of various acts,
in all oathes equivocation is utterly experience frames the law.
condemned." 3 Co. Inst. 166.
Pirata est hostis humani generis.
Perpetua lex est nullam legem A pirate is an enemy of the human
humanam ac positivam race.
perpetuam esse; et clausula quae
Placita negativa duo exitum non

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 93

faciunt. Two negative pleas do not Poenae sunt restringendae.
form an issue. Punishments should be restrained.

Plena et celeris justitia fiat Poena ex delicto defuncti haeres

partibus. Let the parties have full teneri non debet. The heir ought
and speedy justice. not to be bound by a penalty for
the crime of the deceased.
Pluralis numerus est duobus
contentus. The plural number is Poena non potest, culpa perennis
satisfied with two. erit. Punishment cannot be, guilt
will be, perpetual.
Plures cohaeredes sunt quasi unum
corpus, propter unitatem juris Poena suos tenere debet actores et
quod habent. Several coheirs are non alios. Punishment should take
as one body, by reason of the hold of the guilty (who commit the
unity of right that they possess. wrong), and not others. Bracton
Plures participes sunt quasi unum
corpus in eo quod unum jus Poena tolli potest, culpa perennis
habent. Several coheirs (or erit. The punishment can be
parceners) are as one body in removed, but the guilt will be
that they have one right. Co. Litt. perpetual.
Plus exempla quam peccata Politiae legibus, non leges politiis,
nocent. Examples hurt more than adaptandae. Politics are to be
offenses. adapted to the laws, not the laws to
Plus peccat auctor quam actor.
The instigator of a crime is a worse Ponderantur testes, non
offender than the perpetrator. numerantur. Witnesses are
weighed, not counted.
Plus valet unus oculatus testis
quam auriti decem. One eyewitness Posito uno oppositorum negatur
is better than ten ear-witnesses. alterum.
One of two opposite positions
Plus vident oculi quam oculus.
having been affirmed, the other is
Several eyes see more than one.
Poena ad paucos, metus ad omnes
Possessio est quasi pedis positio.
perveniat. Let punishment be
Possession is, as it were, the position
inflicted on a few, dread upon all.
of the foot.
Poenae potius molliendae quam
exasperandae sunt. Punishments Possessio fratris de feodo simplici
should rather be softened than facit sororem esse haeredem.
aggravated. Possession by the brother in fee

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 94

simple makes the sister an heir. est. A person may relinquish, for
himself and his heirs, a right that
Possessio pacifica per annos 60 was introduced for his own benefit.
facit jus. Peaceable possession for
60 years gives a right. Potior est conditio defendentis.
Stronger is the condition of the
Posteriora derogant prioribus. defendant (than that of the plaintiff).
Later things restrict for detract from)
earlier ones. Potior est conditio possidentis.
Stronger is the condition of the
Posthumus pro nato habetur. A possessor.
posthumous child is considered as
though born (before the father's Praediu,n servit praedio. Land is
death). under servitude to land. • A
servitude is not a personal right.
Postliminium fingit eum qui captus but attaches to the dominant
est semper in civitate fuisse. tenement.
Postliminy (restoration of rights)
imagines that a person who has been Praepropera consilia raro sunt
captured has never left the state. prospera. Hasty counsels are
• A person captured by the enemy, seldom prosperous.
who later returns, is restored to Praescriptio est titulus ex usu et
all his former rights. Just. Inst. tempore substantiam capiens ab
1.12.5. auctoritate legis. Prescription is a
title derived from usage and time,
Potentia debet sequi justitiam, non given substance by the authority of
antecedere. Power ought to law. Co. Litt. 113.
follow, not to precede, justice.

Potentia inutilis frustra est. Praescriptio et executio non

Useless power is in vain. pertinent ad valorem contractus,
sed ad temp us et modum actionis
Potentia non est nisi ad bonum. instituendae. Prescription and
Power is not conferred but for the execution do not affect the validity
(public) good. of the contract, but affect the time
and manner of bringing an action.
Potestas stricte interpretatur. A
power should be strictly interpreted. Praesentare nihil aliud est quam
praesto dare seu offerre. To
Potestas suprema seipsum present is nothing other than to give
dissolvere potest, ligare non or offer on the spot.
potest. Supreme power can
dissolve (or release), but cannot Praesentia corporis tollit errorem
bind, itself. nominis, et veritas nominis tollit
errorem demonstrationis. The
Potest quis renunciare, pro se et presence of the body cancels an
suis, jus quod pro se introductum error in the name; the truth of the

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 95

name cancels an error in the The first part of equity is equality.
Primo executienda est verbi vis, ne
Praestat cautela quam medela. sermonis vitio obstruatur oratio,
Prevention is better than cure. sive lex sine argumentis. The
force of a word is to be first
Praesumatur pro justitia examined, lest by the fault of
sententiae. Let there be a diction the sentence be destroyed
presumption of sentence's justice. or the law be without arguments.

Praesumitur pro legitimatione. Princeps et respublica ex justa

There is a presumption in favor of causa possunt rem meam auferre.
legitimacy. The king and the commonwealth
can take away my property for Just
Praesumptio ex eo quod plerumque cause.
fit. A presumption arises from
Princeps legibus solutus est. The
what generally happens.
emperor is not bound by statutes.
Dig. 1.3.31.
Praesumptiones sunt conjecturae
ex signo verisimili ad probandum Principalis debet semper excuti
assumptae. Presumptions are antequam perveniatur ad
conjectures based upon indications fideijussores. The principal should
of probable truth, assumed for the always be exhausted before
purpose of establishing proof. resorting to the sureties.

Praesumptio violenta plena Principia probant, non

probatio. Forceful presumption is probantur. Principles prove; they
full proof. are not proved.

Praesumptio violenta valet in lege. Principiis obsta. Oppose

Forceful presumption is effective in beginnings. • Oppose a thing in its
law. inception in order to have any
success against it.
Praetextu liciti non debet admitti
illicitum. What is illegal ought not to Principiorum non est ratio. There
be admitted under pretext of legality. is no reasoning of principles.

Principium est potissima pars

Praxis judicum est interpres
cujusque rei. The beginning is the
legum. The practice of the judges is
most powerful part of each thing.
the interpreter of the laws.
Prior tempore, potior jure. Earlier
Pretium succedit in locum rei.
in time, stronger in right.
The price takes the place of the
thing sold. Privatio praesupponit habitum.
Deprivation presupposes possession.
Prima pars aequitatis aequalitas.

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Privatis pactionibus non dubium media. When the extremes have
est non laedi jus caeterorum. been proved, the intermediate
There is no doubt that the rights of proceedings are presumed.
others (not party to the
agreement) cannot be prejudiced Processus legis est gravis vexatio;
by private agreements. executio legis coronat opus. The
process of the law is heavy
Privatorum conventio juri publico hardship; the execution of the
non derogat. An agreement of law crowns (or rewards) the work.
private persons does not derogate
from public law. Prohibetur ne quis faciat in suo
quod nocere possit alieno. It is
Privatum commodum publico prohibited for anyone to do on his
cedit. Private yields to public own property what may injure
advantage. another's.
Privatum incommodum publico
bono pensatur. Private Proles sequitur sortem paternam.
disadvantage is made up for by The offspring follows the condition of
public good. the father.

Privilegium est beneficium Propinquior excludit propinquum;

personale et extinguitur cum propinquus remotum; et remotus
persona. A privilege is a benefit remotiorem. A nearer relation
belonging to a person, and it dies excludes a near one; a near
with the person. relation excludes one distant (or
removed); a distant relative
Privilegium est quasi privata lex. A excludes one yet more removed. '
privilege is, as it were, a private law. Co. Litt. 10.

Privilegium non valet contra Propositio indefinita aequipollet

rempublicam. A privilege has no universals. An indefinite
force against the commonwealth. proposition is equal to a general
Probandi necessitas incumbit illi
qui agit. The necessity of proving Pro possessione praesumitur de
rests upon the one who sues (or jure. From possession arises a
claims some right). Just. Inst. presumption of right.
Pro possessore habetur qui Bolo
Probationes debent esse evidentes, injuriave desiit possidere. A
(id est) perspicuae et faciles person is considered a possessor
intelligi. Proofs ought to be evident, who has ceased possession
(that is) clear and easily through fraud or injury.
Proprietas totius navis carinae
Probatis extremis, praesumitur causam sequitur. The property of

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 97

the whole ship follows the condition immediately become the property
of the keel. of the captors.

Proprietates verborum Quae ab initio inutilis fuit

observandae sunt. The proprieties institutio, ex post facto
(i.e., proper meanings) of words are convalescere non potest. An
to be observed. institution void in the beginning
cannot acquire validity by a
Prosecutio legis est gravis vexatio; subsequent act.
executio legis coronat opus.
Litigation is a heavy hardship. but Quae ab initio non valent, ex post
execution of the law crowns (or facto convalescere non possunt.
rewards) the work. Things invalid from the beginning
cannot be made valid by a
Protectio trahit subjectionem, subsequent act.
subjectio protectionem. Protection
brings submission; submission Quae accessionum locum obtinent,
(brings) protection. extinguuntur cum principales res
peremptae fuerint. When the
Proviso est providere praesentia et principal is extinguished, those
futura, non praeterita. A proviso things that are accessory to it are
is to provide for things present and also extinguished. Dig. 33.8.2.
future, not past.
Quae ad unum finem locuta sunt,
Prudenter agit qui praecepto legis non de-bent ad alium detorqueri.
obtemperat. A person acts What speaks to one purpose ought
prudently who obeys the precept of not to be twisted to another.
Quae cohaerent personae a
Pueri sunt de sanguine parentum, persona separari nequeunt.
sed pater et mater non sunt de Things that belong to the person
sanguine puerorum. Children are cannot be separated from the
of the blood of their parents, but person.
the father and mother are not of
the blood of their children. Quae communi legi derogant
stricte interpretantur. (Statutes)
Pupillus pati posse non that derogate from the common law
intelligitur. A pupil is not should be strictly construed.
considered able to suffer. • That
is, a pupil is not competent to Quae contra rationem juris
permit or do what would be introducta sunt, non debent
prejudicial to him. Dig. trahi in consequentiam. Things
introduced contrary to the reason
Quae ab hostibus capiuntur, of the law ought not to be drawn
statim capientium fiunt. Things into precedents. • "We do find
taken from public enemies divers precedents . which are

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 98

utterly against law and reason
and for that void." 12 Coke 75. Quae in testamento ita sunt scripta
ut intelligi non possint, perinde
Quaecunque intra rationem legis sunt ac si scripta non essent.
inveniuntur, intra legem ipsam Things that are so written in a will
esse judicantur. Whatever appears that they cannot be understood
within the reason of the law is are as if they had not been written.
considered within the law itself.
Quae legi communi derogant non
Quae dubitationis causa tollendae sunt trahenda in exemplum.
inseruntur communem legem non Things that derogate (or detract)
laedunt. Whatever is inserted for from the common law are not to
the purpose of removing doubt be drawn into precedent.
does not hurt the common law.
Quae legi communi derogant
Quae dubitationis tollendae causa stricte interpretantur. Things
contractibus inseruntur jus that derogate (or detract) from the
commune non laedunt. Clauses common law are construed strictly.
inserted in agreements to remove
Quaelibet concessio fortissime
ambiguity do not prejudice the
contra donatorem interpretanda
general law. Dig. 50.17.81.
est. Every grant is to be construed
Quae incontinenti (ye! certo) fiunt most strongly against the grantor.
inesse videntur. Things that are
Quaelibet jurisdictio cancellos
done immediately (or with
suos habet. Every jurisdiction has
certainty) are considered part of
its boundaries.
the same transaction. Co. Litt.
Quaelibet poena corporalis,
quamvis minima, major est
Quae in curia acta sunt rite agi
qualibet poena pecuniaria. Every
praesumuntur. What is done in
corporal punishment, although the
court is presumed to be rightly
very least, is greater than any
pecuniary punishment.
Quae in partes dividi nequeunt
Quae mala sunt inchoata in
solida a singulis praestantur.
principio vix bono peraguntur
Things (such as services) that
exitu. Things bad in the
cannot be divided into parts are
commencement seldom end well.
rendered entire by each severally.
Quae non fieri debent, facta
Quae inter alios acta sunt nemini
valent. Things that ought not to be
nocere debent, sed prodesse
done are held valid when they have
possunt. Transactions between
been done.
others can benefit, but should
not injure, anyone who is not party
Quae non valeant singula, juncta
to them.
juvant. Things that may not avail

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 99

individually have effect when of lesser guilt are of greater infamy.
Qualitas quae inesse debet, facile
Quae praeter consuetudinem et praesumitur. A quality that ought
morem majoruin fiunt, neque to be inherent is easily presumed.
placent neque recta videntur.
What is done contrary to the Quam longum debet esse
custom and usage of our ancestors rationabile tempus, non definitur
neither pleases nor is considered in lege, sed pendet ex discretione
right. justiciariorum. How long a time
should be "reasonable" the law does
Quae prop ter necessitatem not define; it depends on the
recepta sunt, non debent in discretion of the judges.
argumentum trahi. Things that are
accepted as a matter of necessity Quam rationabilis debet esse finis,
ought not to be brought into the non definitur, sed omnibus
argument. Dig. 50.17.162. circumstantiis inspectis pendet ex
justiciariorum discretione. How
Quaeras de dubiis, legem bene reasonable a fine should be is not
discere si vis. Inquire into defined, but depends on the
doubtful points if you wish to discretion of the judges, after all
understand the law well. the circumstances have been
Quaere de dubiis, quia per rationes
pervenitur ad legitimam Quamvis aliquid per se non sit
rationem. Inquire into doubtful malum, tamen si sit mali exempli,
points, because through reasoning non est faciendam. Although in
we arrive at legal reason. itself a thing may not be bad, yet
if it serves as a bad example, it is
Quaerere dat sapere quae sunt not to be done.
legitima vere. To investigate is the
way to know what things are truly Quamvis lex generaliter loquitur,
lawful. restringenda tamen est, ut
cessante ratione et ipsa cessat.
Quae rerum natura prohibentur Although a law speaks generally, it
nulla lege confirmata sunt. What must bear some restriction, since
is prohibited by the nature of things the law ceases (or loses effect) when
can be confirmed by no law. the reason ceases.

Quae singula non prosunt, juncta Quando aliquid conceditur,

juvant. Things that are of no conceditur id sine quo illud fieri
advantage individually are helpful non possit. When anything is
when taken together. granted, that also is granted
without which it cannot take effect.
Quae sunt minoris culpae sunt
majoris infamiae. Offenses that are Quando aliquid mandatur,

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 100
mandatur et omne per quod insufficientia alterius, de integro
pervenitur ad illud. When anything onerabitur. When two persons are
is commanded, everything by which liable concerning one and the
it can be accomplished is also same thing, if one makes default,
commanded. the other must bear the whole
Quando aliquid per se non sit
malum, tamen si sit mali exempli, Quando dispositio referri potest
non est faciendum. When ad duas res, ita quod secundum
anything by itself is not evil, and relationem unam vitiatur et
yet if it is an example for evil, it is secundum alteram utilis sit, turn
not to be done. facienda est relatio ad illam ut
valeat dispositio. When a
Quando aliquid prohibetur ex disposition can refer to two matters,
directo, prohibetur et per so that according to one reference
obliquum. When anything is it would be void and by another
prohibited directly, it is also it would be effective, reference
prohibited indirectly. must be made to the latter, so that
the disposition may take effect.
Quando aliquid prohibetur,
prohibetur omne per quod Quando diversi desiderantur actus
devenitur ad illud. When anything ad aliquern staturn perficiendum,
is prohibited, everything by which plus respicit lex actum
it is arrived at is prohibited. originalem. When different acts
are required to the formation of any
Quando aliquis aliquid concedit, estate, the law chiefly regards the
concedere videtur et id sine quo original act.
res uti non potest. When a person
grants a thing, he is supposed to Quando duo jura concurrunt in
grant that also without which una persona, aequum est ac si
the thing cannot be used. essent in diversis. When two rights
run together in one person, it is the
Quando charta continet generalem same as if they were in separate
clausulam, posteaque descendit persons.
ad verba specialia quae clausulae
Quando jus domini regis et subditi
generali sunt consentanea,
concur-runt, jus regis praeferri
interpretanda est charta
debet. When the right of the
secundum verba specialia. When a
sovereign king and of the subject
deed contains a general clause, and
run together (or clash), the right
afterwards descends to special
of the king ought to be preferred.
words that are consistent with
the general clause, the deed is to
Quando lex aliquid alicui concedit,
be construed according to the
concedere videtur id sine quo res
special words.
ipsa esse non potest. When the
Quando de una et eadem re, duo law grants anything to anyone, it
onerabiles existunt, unus, pro is considered to grant that

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 101
without which the thing itself interpretation.
cannot be (the sine qua non). 5
Coke 47. Quando verba statuti sunt
specialia, ratio autem generalis,
Quando lex aliquid alicui generaliter statuturn est
concedit, omnia incidentia tacite intelligendum. When the words of
conceduntur. When the law gives a statute are special, but the
anything to anyone, it gives tacitly reason for it general, the statute is
all that is incident to it. to be construed generally.

Quando lex est specialis, ratio Quemadmodum ad quaestionem

autem generalis, generaliter lex facti non respondent judices, ita
est intelligenda. When the law is ad quaestionem juris non
special, but its reason is general, respondent juratores. In the same
the law is to be understood manner that judges do not answer
generally. questions of fact, so jurors do not
answer questions of law.
Quando licit id quod majus,
videtur licere id quod minus. Qui aceusat integrae famae sit et
When the greater is allowed, the non criminosus. Let the one who
lesser is considered to be allowed accuses be of honest reputation and
also. not implicated in a crime.

Qui acquirit sibi acquirit

Quando plus fit quam fieri debet,
haeredibus. A person who acquires
videtur etiam illud fieri quod
for himself acquires for his heirs.
faciendum est. When more is done
than ought to be done, that at Qui adimit medium dirimit finem.
least is considered as performed A person who takes away the means
that should have been performed. destroys the end.
Quando quod ago non valet ut ago, Qui aliquid statuerit parte
valeat quantum valere potest. inaudita altera, aequum licet
When what I do does not have effect dixerit, haud aequum fecerit. One
as I do it, let it have as much effect who has decided anything without
as it can. hearing the other party, even
though he has said what is right,
Quando res non valet ut ago, has done wrong.
valeat quantum valere potest.
When the thing is of no force as I Qui alterius jure utitur, eodem
do it, let it have as much as it can jure uti de-bet. A person who uses
have. the right of another ought to use
the same right.
Quando verba et mens congruunt,
non est interpretationi locus. Qui bene distinguit bene docet.
When the words and the mind One who distinguishes well teaches
agree, there is no room for well.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 102
Qui bene interrogat bene docet. subjicitur, novitati non subjicitur.
One who questions well teaches well. Whatever is subject to the authority
of a judge is not subject to
Qui cadit a syllaba cadit a tota innovation.
causa. One who fails in a syllable
fails in his whole cause. Quicquid plantatur solo, solo
cedit. Whatever is affixed to the soil
Qui concedit aliquid, concedere belongs to it.
videtur et id sine quo res ipsa
esse non potuit (sine quo Quicquid recipitur, recipitur
concessio est irrita). A person secundum modum recipientis.
who grants anything is considered Whatever is received is received
as granting that without which the according to the direction of the
thing itself could not be without recipient.
which the grant is invalid). • More
precisely, Cuicunque aliquis quid Quicquid solvitur, solvitur
concedit (q.v.). 11 Coke 52. secundum modam solventis.
Whatever is paid is paid according to
Qui confirmat nihil dat. A person
the direction of the payer.
who confirms gives nothing.
Qui cum alio contrahit, vel est vel
Qui contemnit praeceptum,
debet esse non ignarus conditionis
contemnit praecipientem. A
ejus. A party who contracts with
person who shows contempt for the
another either is or ought to be
precept shows contempt for the
cognizant of that party's
author (or advocate) or it.
condition. • Otherwise, he is not
Quicquid acquiritur servo, excusable. Dig. 50.17.19.
acquiritur domino. Whatever is
acquired by the servant is Qui dat finem dat media ad finem
acquired for the master. necessaria. A person who gives
an end gives the necessary means
Quicquid demonstratae rei additur to that end.
satis demonstratae frustra est.
Whatever is added to the description Qui destruit medium destruit
of a thing already sufficiently finem. A person who destroys the
described is of no effect. means destroys the end.

Quicquid est contra normam recti Qui doit inheriter al pere, doit
est injuria. Whatever is against inheriter al fitz. One who ought to
the rule of right is a wrong. inherit from the father ought to
inherit from the son.
Quicquid in excessu actum est, lege
prohibetur. Whatever is done in Quidquid enim sive dolo et culpa
excess is prohibited by law. venditoris accidit in eo venditor
securus est. For concerning
Quicquid judicis auctoritati anything that occurs without

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 103
deceit and guilt on the part of the letter clings to the shell (or
vendor, the vendor is secure. surface).

Quid sit jus, et in quo consistit Qui ignorat quantum solvere

injuria, legis est definire. What debeat, non potest improbus
constitutes right, and wherein lies videri A person who does not
the injury, it is the function of the know what he ought to pay
law to declare. cannot be regarded as dishonest. •
Also in reverse order: Non potest
Quid turpi ex causa promissum est improbus videri qui ignorat
non valet. A promise arising from a quantum solvere debeat. Dig.
wrongful cause is invalid. 50.17.99.

Quieta non movere. Not to Qui in jus dominiumve alterius

disturb what is settled. succedit jure ejus uti debet. One
who succeeds to another's right
Qui evertit causam evertit or property ought to use that
causatum futurum. One who person's right. • That is, the
overthrows the cause over throws successor has the same rights and
its future effects. liabilities as attached to that
property or interest in the hands of
Qui ex damnato coitu nascuntur, the assignor.
inter liberos non computentur.
They who are born of an illicit union Qui in utero est, pro jam nato
should not be counted among habetur quo-ties de ejus commodo
children. quaeritur. A child in the womb is
considered as born, whenever
Qui facit id quod plus est, facit id there is a question of benefit to the
quod minus est, sed non child.
convertitur. A person who does
that which is more does that which Qui jure suo utitur, nemini facit
is less, but not vice versa. injuriam. A person who exercises
his proper right harms no one.
Qui facit per alium facit per se.
A person who acts through Qui jussu judicis aliquod fecerit
another acts himself. • The acts of non videtur Bolo malo fecisse,
an agent are considered the acts of quia parere necesse est. A person
the principal. who has done anything by order of a
judge is not considered to have
Qui habet jurisdictionem acted in fraud, because it is
absolvendi, habet jurisdictionem necessary to obey.
ligandi. One who has jurisdiction
for dissolving (an obligation) has Quilibet potest renunciare juri pro
jurisdiction to bind. se inducto. Anyone may renounce
a right introduced for his own
Qui haeret in litera, haeret in
cortice. One who clings to the

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 104
Qui male agit odit lucem. A person person who does not disapprove
who does wrong hates the light (of approves.
Qui non negat fatetur. A person
Qui mandat ipse fecisse videtur. A who does not deny admits.
person who commands (a thing to
be done) is considered to have done Qui non obstat quod obstare
it himself. potest, facere videtur. A person
who does not prevent what he can
Qui melius probat, melius habet. prevent is considered to act.
The party who gives better proof
has the better (right). • Often Qui non prohibet cum prohibere
rendered, he who proves more possit, jubet. A person who does not
recovers more. forbid when he can forbid
Qui nascitur sine legitimo
Qui non prohibet quod prohibere
matrimonio, matrem sequitur. A
potest, assentire videtur. A person
child who is born out of lawful
who does not forbid what he can
matrimony follows the condition of
forbid is considered to assent.
the mother.
Qui non propulsat injuriam
Qui non cadunt in constantem quando potest infert. A person
virum, vani timores sunt who does not repel an injury when
aestimandi. Those fears are he can brings it on.
considered vain (or frivolous) that
do not affect a man of stable Qui obstruit aditum destruit
character. commodum. A person who obstructs
an entrance destroys a conveniency.
Qui non habet, ille non dat. Who
has not gives not. Qui o,nne dicit nihil excludit. A
person who says all excludes
Qui non habet in aere, luat in nothing.
corpore, ne quis peccetur impune.
Let him who has not (the Qui parcit nocentibus innocentes
wherewithal to pay) in money pay punit. A person who spares the
in his person (i.e., by corporal guilty punishes the innocent.
punishment), lest anyone be
wronged with impunity. Qui peccat ebrius, luat sobrius. Let
him who offends while drunk be
Qui non habet potestatem punished when sober.
alienandi habet necessitatem
Qui per aliurn facit per seipsum
retinendi. A person who has not
facere videtur. A person who does
the power of alienating is obliged to
anything through another is
considered as doing it himself.
Qui non improbat approbat. A

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Qui per fraudem agit frustra agit. praesumitur esse malus in eodem
A person who acts fraudulently acts genere. A person who is once bad is
in vain. always presumed to be bad in the
same kind of affair.
Qui potest et debet vetare, tacens
jubet. A person who can and ought Qui sentit commodum, sentire debet
to forbid a thing (as much as) orders et onus. A person who feels the
it, if he keeps silent. benefit ought also to feel the
Qui primum peccat ille facit
rixam. Who first offends causes the Qui sentit onus, sentire debet et
quarrel. commodum. A person who feels the
burden ought also to feel the
Qui prior est tempore potior est
jure. The person who is prior in time
is stronger in right.
Quisquis est qui velit jurisconsultus
Qui pro me aliquid facit, mihi haberi, continuet studium, velit a
fecisse videtur. A person who does quocunque doceri. Whoever there
something in my behalf is is who wishes to be regarded as a
considered to have done it to me jurisconsult (legal expert) should
(for me). • "To do a service for a prolong his study and be willing to
man is to do it to him." 2 Co. Inst. be taught by everyone.
Qui tacet consentire videtur. A
Qui providet sibi, providet party who is silent appears to
haeredibus. A person who provides consent.
for himself provides for his heirs.
Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi
Qui rationem in omnibus quaerunt tractatur de ejus commodo. A
ration-em subvertunt. They who party who is silent is considered as
seek a reason for everything subvert assenting, when his advantage is
reason. debated.

Qui sciens solvit indebitum Qui tacet non utique fatetur, sed
donandi consilio id videtur tamen verum est eum non negare.
fecisse. A person who knowingly A person who is silent does not
pays what is not due is considered indeed confess, but yet it is true that
to have done it with the intention of he does not deny.
making a gift.
Qui semel actionem renunciaverit, Qui tardius solvit minus solvit. A
amplius repetere non potest. A person who pays too late pays less
litigant who has once renounced his (than he ought).
action cannot bring it any longer.
Qui vult decipi, decipiatur. Let
Qui semel malus, semper one who wishes to be deceived be

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deceived. regards natural law, all men are
Quod ab initio non valet, (in)
tractu ternporis non convalescet. Quod constat dare, non debet
What is ill from the outset will not be verificari. What is clearly agreed
cured by passage of time. need not be proved.

Quod ad jus naturale attinet, Quod constat curiae, opere

omnes ho-mines aequales sunt. testium non indiget. What
All men are equal as far as natural appears true to the court needs
law is concerned. not the help of witnesses.

Quod contra juris rationem

Quod aedificatur in area legata
receptum est, non est
cedit legato. Whatever is built
producendum ad consequentias.
upon land given by will passes with
What has been admitted against
the gift of the land.
the reason of the law ought not to
be drawn into precedents.
Quod alias bonum et justum est, si
per vim vel fraudem petatur, Quod contra legem fit, pro infecto
malum et injustum efficitur. What habetur. What is done contrary to
is otherwise good and just, if it is the law is considered as not done.
sought by force or fraud, becomes
bad and unjust. Quodcunque aliquis ob tutelam
corporis sui fecerit jure id fecisse
Quod alias non fuit licitum videtur. Whatever one does in
necessitas licitum facit. Necessity defense of his person, he is
makes lawful what otherwise was considered to have done legally.
Quod datum est ecclesiae, datum
Quod approbo non reprobo. What I est Deo. What has been given to
approve I do not disapprove. the church has been given to God.
Quod a quoque poenae nomine Quod demonstrandi causa additur
exactum est id eidem restituere rei satis demonstratae, frustra
nemo cogitur. What has been fit. What is added for the sake of
exacted from someone as a penalty demonstration to a thing
no one is obliged to restore to him. sufficiently demonstrated is done to
no purpose.
Quod attinet ad jus civile, servi
pro nullis habentur, non tamen Quod dubitas, ne feceris. When in
et jure naturali, quia, quod ad doubt, do not do it.
jus naturale attinet, omnes
homines aequali sunt. So far as
the civil law is concerned, slaves are Quod enim semel aut bis existit,
not reckoned as nonentities, but not praetereunt legislatores.
so by natural law, for so far as Legislators pass by that which
happens but once or twice.

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Quod est ex necessitate nunquam Quod in minori valet, valebit in
introducitur, nisi quando majori; et quod in majori non
necessarium. What is introduced of valet, nee valebit in minori. What
necessity is never introduced except avails in the less will avail in the
when necessary. greater; and what does not avail in
the greater will not avail in the less.
Quod est inconveniens aut contra
rationem non permissum est in Quod in uno similium valet, valebit
lege. What is unsuitable or contrary in altero. What avails in one of
to reason is not allowed in law. two similar things will avail in the
Quod est necessarium est licitum.
What is necessary is lawful. Quod ipsis, qui contraxerunt,
obstat, et successoribus eorum
Quod fieri debet facile obstabit. That which bars those
praesumitur. That which ought to who have contracted will bar their
be done is easily presumed. successors also.

Quod fieri non debet, factum valet. Quod jussu alterius solvitur pro eo
What ought not to be done, when est quasi ipsi solutum esset. That
done, is valid. which is paid at the bidding of
another has the same effect as if it
Quod inconsulto fecimus, had been paid to that person
consultius revocemus. What we himself. • The party who has a
have done without due consideration debt paid for him is in the same
we should revoke with better position as though the money were
consideration. paid to him directly. Dig. 17.180.

Quod initio non valet, tractu Quod meum est, sine facto sive
temporis non valet. What is void in defectu meo amitti seu in alium
the beginning does not become valid transferri non potest. What is
by passage of time. mine cannot be lost or transferred
to another without my own act or
Quod initio vitiosum est non potest default.
tractu temporis convalescere.
Quod meum est sine me auferri
What is defective in origin cannot be
non potest. What is mine cannot be
mended by passage of time.
taken away without me (i.e.. my
Quod in jure scripto jus consent).
appellatur, id in lege Angliae
Quod minus est in obligationem
rectum esse dicitur. What in the
videtur deductuin. That which is
civil law (literally, written law) is
the lesser is held to be imported into
called jus, in the law of England
the contract.
is said to be rectum (right).
Quod naturalis ratio inter omnes

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homines constituit, vocatur jus Quod nullius est, est domini
gentium. What natural reason has regis. That which belongs to
established among all men is nobody belongs to our lord the
called the law of nations. king.

Quod necessarie intelligitur id non Quod nullius est id ratione

deest. What is necessarily naturali occupanti conceditur.
understood is not lacking. What belongs to no one, by natural
reason becomes property of the first
Quod necessitas cogit, defendit. occupant. Dig. 41.1.3.
What necessity compels, it justifies.
Quod nullum est, nullum producit
Quod non apparet non est, et non effectum. That which is null
apparet judicialiter ante produces no effect.
judicium. What appears not does
not exist, and nothing appears Quod omnes tangit, ab omnibus
judicially before judgment. debet supportari. What touches
(or concerns) all ought to be
Quod non capit Christus, capit supported by all.
fiscus. What Christ for the church)
does not take, the treasury takes. Quod per me non possum, nec per
alium. What I cannot do in person, I
Quod non habet principium non
also cannot do through the agency of
habet finem. What has no beginning
has no end.
Quod per recordum probatum non
Quod non legitur non creditur.
debet esse negatum. What is
What is not read is not believed.
proved by the record ought not to be
Quod non valet in principali, in denied.
accessorio seu consequenti non
Quod populus postremum jussit, id
valebit; et quod non valet in
jus ratum esto. What the people
magis propinquo, non valebit in
have last enacted, let that be the
magis remoto. What is not valid in
established law.
the principal will not be valid in the
accessory or consequence; and what Quod principi placuit legis habet
has no effect in the nearer instance vigorem; utpote cum lege regia,
will be of no effect in the more quae de i:nperio ejus lata est,
remote. populus ei et in eum omne suum
imperium et potestatem conferat.
Quod nullius esse potest, id ut
A decision of the emperor has the
alicujus fieret nulls obligatio
force of law; for, by the royal law
valet efficere. What can belong to
that has been made concerning his
no one no agreement (or obligation)
authority, the people have
can make property of anyone. Dig.
conferred upon him all their
sovereignty and power. Dig. 1.4.1.

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Quod prius est verius est; et quod praetereunt legislatores.
prius est tempore potius est jure. Legislators pass over what
What is prior is truer; and what happens (only) once or twice.
comes earlier in time is stronger in
right. Quod semel meum est amplius
meum esse non potest. What is
Quod pro minore licitum est et pro once mine cannot be any more
majore licitum est. What is lawful completely mine.
in the lesser is also lawful in the
greater. Quod semel placuit in electione,
amplius displicere non potest.
Quod pure debetur praesenti die That which in making his election a
debetur. That which is due man has once decided, he cannot
unconditionally is due the same afterwards disavow.
Quod solo inaedificatur solo cedit.
Quodque dissolvitur eodem modo Whatever is built on the soil goes
quo ligatur. In the same manner with the soil.
that anything is bound, it is
unbound. Quod sub certa forma concessum
vel reservatum est, non trahitur
Quod quis ex culpa sua damnum ad valorem vel compensationem.
sentit, non intelligitur damnum That which has been granted or
sentire. The damage that any reserved under a certain form is not
person suffers by his own fault he to be drawn into valuation or
is not considered to suffer as compensation.
damage. Dig. 50.17.203.
Quod subintelligitur non deest.
Quod quisquis norit, in hoc se What is understood is not lacking.
exerceat. Let every one employ
Quod tacite intelligitur deesse non
himself in what he knows.
videtur. What is tacitly understood
Quod quis sciens indebitum does not appear to be lacking.
dedit hac mente, ut postea
repeteret, repetere non potest. Quod vanum et inutile est, lex non
What one has paid knowing that it requirit. The law does not require
is not owed, with the intention of what is vain and useless.
reclaiming it afterwards, he cannot Quod vero contra rationem juris
recover. Dig. 12.6.50. receptum est, non est
producendum ad consequentias.
Quod remedio destituitur ipsa re
But what has been admitted
valet si culpa absit. What is
contrary to the reason of law ought
without a remedy is by that very
not to be drawn into precedents.
fact valid if there is no fault.

Quod semel aut bis existit Quo ligatur, eo dissolvitur. As a

thing is bound, so it is unbound.

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Quo modo quid constituitur eodem Quum de lucro duorum quaeratur,
modo dissolvitur. In whatever mode melior est conditio possidentis.
a thing is constituted, in the same When there is a question of gain
manner it is dissolved. (to one) of two parties, the
condition of the possessor is the
Quorum praetextu nec auget nec better.
minuit sententiam, sed tanturn
confirmat praemissa. "Quorum Quum in testamento ambigue aut
praetextu" neither increases nor etiam perperam scriptum est,
diminishes the meaning, but only benigne interpretari et secundum
confirms what went before. id quod credible est cogitatum,
credendum est. When in a will an
Quotiens dubia interpretatio ambiguous or even an erroneous
libertatis est, secundum expression occurs, it should be
libertatem respondendum erit. construed liberally and in
Whenever there is an accordance with what is thought the
interpretation doubtful as to probable meaning (of the testator).
liberty (or slavery), the decision
must be in favor of liberty. Quum principalis causa non
consistit, ne ea quidem quae
Quotiens idem sermo duas sequuntur locum ha bent. When
sententias exprimit, ea the principal cause does not stand,
potissimum accipiatur quae rei neither do the accessories (or
gerendae aptior est. Whenever consequences) obtain.
the same words express two
meanings, that is to be taken most Ratihabitio mandato
strongly which is the better fitted for aequiparatur. Ratification is equal
carrying out the proposed end. to a command.

Quoties in stipulationibus Ratio est formalis causa

ambigua oratio est, consuetudinis. Reason is the source
commodissimum est id accipi quo and formal cause of custom.
res de quo agitur in tuto sit.
Whenever in stipulations the Ratio est legis anima, mutata legis
expression is ambiguous, it is most ratione mutatur et lex. Reason is
proper to give it that interpretation the soul of the law; when the reason
by which the subject matter may be of the law has been changed, the
in safety. law is also changed.

Quoties in verbis nulla est Ratio et auctoritas duo clarissima

ambiguitas, ibi nulla expositio mundi lumina. Reason and
contra verba expressa fienda est. authority are the two brightest
Whenever there is no ambiguity in lights in the world.
the words, then no exposition
contrary to the words is to be Ratio in jure aequitas integra.
made. Reason in law is perfect equity.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 111
Ratio legis est anima legis. The Regula pro lege, si deficit lex. If
reason of the law is the soul of the the law is inadequate, the maxim
law. serves in its place.
Regulariter non valet pactum de
Ratio non clauditur loco. Reason is re mea non alienanda. As a rule, a
not confined to any place. contract not to alienate my property
is not binding.
Ratio potest allegari deficiente
lege, sed vera et legalis et non Reipublicae interest voluntates
apparens. A reason can be adduced defunctorum effectum sortiri. It is
when the law is defective, but it in the interest of the state that the
must be a true and legal reason, wills of the dead should have their
and not specious (or apparent). (intended) effect.
Receditur a placitis juris potius Rei turpis nullum mandatum est.
quam injuriae et delicta maneant There is no mandate for a thing
impunita. One departs from settled immoral (or illegal). • Hence, there
rules of law, rather than let crimes is no action for failing to act upon
and wrongs remain unpunished. such a mandate. Dig.
Recorda stint vestigia vetustatis et Relatio est fictio juris et intenta ad
veritatis. Records are vestiges of unum. Relation is a fiction of law,
antiquity and truth. and intended for one thing. • Coke
explains, "Relatio is a fiction of law
Recurrendum est ad
to make a nullity of a thing ab initio”
extraordinariurn quando non
obstacles are removed for the one
valet ordinarium. We must have
purpose, ut res magis valeat, that
recourse to what is extraordinary
the matter have effect. 3 Coke 28.
when what is ordinary fails.
Relatio semper fiat ut valeat
Reddenda singula singulis. Each
dispositio. Reference should always
must be put in each separate place.
be made in such a manner that a
• That is, the several terms or
disposition (in a will) may have
items apply distributively, or each
to its proper object.
Relativorum cognito uno,
Regula est, juris quidem
cognoscitur et alterum. Of things
ignorantiam cuique nocere, facti
relating to each other, one being
vero ignorantiam non nocere. The
known, the other is also known.
rule is that ignorance of the law is
harmful (or prejudicial) to anyone, Religio sequitur patrem. Religion
but ignorance of a fact is not. • follows the father. • The father's
Ignorance of a fact may excuse a religion is prima facie the infant's
party from the legal consequences religion.
of his conduct, but not ignorance of
law. Remissius imperanti melius

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 112
paretur. A person commanding matters.
not too strictly is better obeyed.
Res accessoria sequitur rem
Remoto impedimento, emergit principalem. An accessory follows
actio. When the impediment has its principal.
been removed, the action arises.
Res denozninatur a principaliori
Repellitur a sacramento infamis. parte. A thing is named from its
An infamous person is prevented more essential (or primary) part.
from taking an oath.
Reservatio non debet esse de
Repellitur exceptione cedendarum proficuis ipsis quia ea
actionum. (The litigant) is defeated conceduntur, sed de redditu novo
by the plea that the actions have extra proficua. A reservation
been assigned. ought not to be of the annual
increase itself, because it is
Reprobata petunia liberat granted, but of new rent apart from
solventem. Money refused releases the annual increase.
the person paying (or offering
payment). Res est misera ubi jus est vagum
et incerturn. It is a miserable state
Reputatio est vulgaris opinio ubi of things where the law is vague and
non est veritas. Reputation is a uncertain.
common opinion where there is no
certain knowledge. Res generalem ha bet
significationem, quia tam
Rerum ordo confunditur, si corporea, quam incorporea,
unicuique jurisdictio non servetur. cujuscunque sunt generis naturae
The order of things is confounded if sive speciei, conzprehendit. The
the proper jurisdiction of each is word "things" has a general
not maintained. signification, because it
comprehends corporeal as well as
Rerum progressus ostendunt incorporeal objects, of whatever
multa, quae in initio praecaveri sort, nature, or species.
seu praevideri non possunt. The
course of events reveals many things Resignatio est juris proprii
that in the beginning could not spontanea refutatio. Resignation is
be guarded against or foreseen. the spontaneous relinquishment of
one's own right.
Rerum suarum quilibet est
moderator et arbiter. Every one is Res inter alios acta alteri nocere
the manager and disposer of his non debet. Things done between
own matters. others ought not to injure an
outsider (not party to them).
Res accendent lumina rebus.
Matters will throw light upon (other) Res inter alios judicatae nullum

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 113
aliis praejudicium faciunt. clemency is glory to be sought after.
Matters adjudged in the lawsuits
of others do not prejudice those Respondeat raptor, qui ignorare
who were not parties to them. non potuit quod pupillum alienum
abduxit. Let the ravisher answer,
Res judicata facit ex albo nigrum, for he could not be ignorant that
ex nigro album, ex curvo rectum, he has taken away another's ward.
ex recto curvum. A matter
adjudged makes white black; Respondeat superior. Let the
black white; the crooked principal answer.
straight; the straight crooked.
Responsio unius non omnino
Res judicata pro veritate accipitur. audiatur. The answer of one
A matter adjudged is taken for truth. witness should not be heard at all.

Res nullius naturaliter fit primi Res propria est quae communis
occupantis. A thing that has no non est. A thing is private that is
owner naturally belongs to the first not common.
Res quae Ultra praesidia
Resoluto jure concedentis, perductae nondum sunt
resolvitur jus concessum. When quanquam ab hostibus occupatae,
the right of the grantor has been ideo postliminii non egent, quia
extinguished, the right granted is dozninum nondum mutarunt ex
extinguished. gentium jure.
Things that have not yet been
Res periit domino suo. The brought within the enemy's camp,
destruction of the thing is a loss to although held by the enemy, do not
its owner. need the fiction of postliminy on this
account, because their ownership by
Res per pecuniam aestimatur, et the law of nations has not yet
non pecunia per res. The value of changed.
a thing is estimated by its worth in
money, and the value of money is Res sacra non recipit
not estimated by reference to things. aestimationem. A sacred thing does
not admit of valuation.
Respiciendum est judicanti nequid
aut durius aut remissius Res sua nemini servit. No one
constituatur quam causa can have a servitude over his own
deposcit; nec enim aut severitatis property.
aut clementiae gloria affectanda
est. The person judging must see Res transit cum suo onere. The
to it that nothing should be either thing passes with its burden.
more severely or more leniently
construed than the cause itself Reus excipiendo fit actor. The
demands; neither for severity nor defendant by a plea  or exception)

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 114
becomes plaintiff. judgment: truth in the party
swearing, justice and judgment in
Reus laesae majestatis punitur, ut the judge (administering the oath).
pereat unus ne pereant omnes. A
traitor is punished that one may die Sacramentum si fatuum fuerit, licet
lest all perish. falsum, tamen non committit
perjurium. A foolish oath, though
Re, verbis, scripto, consensu, false, does not make perjury.
traditione, junctura vestes sumere
pacta solent. Compacts usually Sacrilegus omnium praedonum
take their clothing from the thing cupiditatern et scelerem superat.
itself, from words, from writings, A sacrilegious person surpasses the
from consent, from delivery, from the greed and wickedness of all other
joining together. robbers.
Rex non debet esse sub homine sed Saepe constitutum est res inter
sub Deo et lege. The king should alios judicatas aliis non
not be under the authority of man, praejudicare. It has often been
but of God and the law. settled that matters adjudged
between others ought not to
Rex non potest fallere nec falli.
prejudice those who were not
The king cannot deceive or be

Rex non potest peccare. The king Saepenumero ubi proprietas

can do no wrong. verborum attenditur, sensus
veritatis amittitur. Frequently
Rex nunquam moritur. The king where propriety of words is given
attention, the meaning of truth is
never dies.
Riparurn usus publicus est jure
gentium, sicut ipsius fluminis. Saepe viatorem nova, non vetus,
The use of riverbanks is by the law orbita fallit. Often it is the new
of nations public, like that of the track, not the old one, that deceives
stream itself. the traveler.

Roy West lie per ascun statute, si Salus populi (est) suprema lex. The
ii ne soit expressement nosme. The safety of the people is the supreme
king is not bound by any statute, if law. • The phrase is sometimes put
he is not expressly named. in the imperative: Salus populi
suprema lex esto (let the safety of
Sacramentum habet in se tres the people be the supreme law).
comites, veritatem justitiam et
judicium: veritas habenda est in Salus reipublicae suprema lex. The
jurato; justitia et judicium in safety of the state is the supreme
judice. An oath has in it three law.
components—truth, justice, and

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Salus ubi multi consiliarii. Where Scienti et volenti non fit injuria. A
there are many counselors, there is wrong is not done to one who knows
safety. and assents to it.

Sanguinis conjunctio benevolentia Scire debes cum quo contrahis.

devincit hotnines et caritate. A tie You ought to know with whom you
of blood overcomes human beings make an agreement.
through benevolence and family
affection. Scire et scire debere
aequiparantur in jure. To know a
Sapiens incipit a fine, et quod thing and to be bound to know it
primum est in intentione, ultimum are regarded in law as equivalent.
est in executione. A wise person
begins from the end, and what is Scire leges non hoc est verba
first in intention is last in execution. earum tenere, sed vim et
potestatem. To know the laws is to
Sapiens omnia agit cum consilio. A observe not their (mere) words, but
wise man does everything advisedly. their force and power.

Sapientia legis nummario pretio Scire proprie est rem ratione et per
non est aestimanda. No price in causam cognoscere. To know
money is to be put upon the wisdom properly is to know a thing in its
of the law. reason and by its cause.

Scribere est agere. To write is to

Sapientis judicis est cogitare
tantum sibi esse permissum, act.
quantum commissum et creditum.
It is the mark of a wise judge to Scriptae obligationes scriptis
suppose that he is permitted only tolluntur, et nudi consensus
so much as has been committed and obligatio contrario consensu
entrusted to him. dissolvitur. Written obligations are
undone by writing, and the
Satius est petere fontes quam obligation of mere consent (or
sectari rivulos. It is better to seek naked agreement) is dissolved by
the sources than to follow a bare consent to the contrary.
Secta est pugna civilis, sicut
Scientia sciolorum est mixta actores armantur actionibus, et
ignorantia. The knowledge of quasi accinguntur gladiis, ita rei
smatterers is ignorance diluted. (e contra) muniuntur
exceptionibus, et defenduntur
Scientia utrimque par pares quasi clypeis. A suit is a civil
contrahentes facit. Equal battle; just as the plaintiffs are
knowledge on both sides makes armed with actions and, as it
the contracting parties equal. were, girded with swords, so
(against them) the defendants are

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 116
fortified with pleas, and defended as be done by which a bona fide
though by shields. contract may be in the safest
condition, except when it has been
Secta quae scripto nititur a scripto drawn up clearly contrary to law.
variari non debet. A suit that
relies upon a writing ought not to Semper in obscuris quod minimum
vary from the writing. est sequimur. In obscure cases
we always follow what is least
Secundum naturam est commoda obscure.
cujusque rei eum sequi quem
sequentur incommoda. It is Semper in stipulationibus et in
according to nature that the caeteris contractibus id sequimur
advantages in any matter should quod actum est. In stipulations
come to the person to whom the and other contracts, we always
disadvantages will attend. follow what wa s done (or ag reed
t o). Dig . 50.17.34.
Securius expediuntur negotia
commissa pluribus, et plus vident Semper ita fiat relatio ut valeat
oculi quam oculus. Business dispositio. Let the reference always
entrusted to several people is done be so made that the disposition may
more reliably, and (several) eyes see avail.
more than (one) eye does.
Semper necessitas probandi
Seisina facit stipitem. Seisin makes incumbit ei qui agit. The
necessity of proving always rests
the stock. upon the claimant.

Semel civis semper civis. Once a Semper praesumitur pro

citizen, always a citizen. legitimatione puerorum, et filiatio
non potest probari. The
Semel malus semper praesumitur presumption is always in favor of
esse malus in eodem genere. legitimacy of children, and filiation
Whoever is once bad is presumed to cannot be proved.
be so always in the same kind of
affair. Semper praesumitur pro negante.
The presumption is always in
Semper in dubiis benigniora favor of the one who denies.
praeferenda sunt. In dubious
cases, the more favorable Semper praesumitur pro
constructions are always to be sententia. The presumption is
preferred. always in favor of a judgment (or
Semper in dubiis id agendum est,
ut quam tutissimo loco res sit Semper qui non prohibet pro se
bona fide contracta, nisi quum intervenire mandare creditur. A
aperte contra leges scriptum est. person who does not prohibit the
Always in doubtful cases that is to intervention of another in his

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 117
behalf is always believed to authorize judgment (i.e., res judicata).
Sententia facit jus, et legis
Semper sexus masculinus etiam interpretatio leg-is vim obtinet.
faemininum continet. The The judgment creates the right,
masculine gender always includes and the interpretation of the law
the feminine as well. Dig. 32.63. obtains the force of law.

Semper specialia generalibus Sententia facit jus, et res judicator

insunt. Special clauses are always pro y
etitate accipitur. The
included in general ones. judgment creates the right, and
what is adjudicated is taken for
Senatores sunt partes corporis truth.
regis. Senators are part of the body
of the king. Sententia interlocutoria revocari
potest, definitiva non potest. An
Sensus verborum est anima legis. interlocutory judgment may be
The meaning of words is the spirit of revoked, but not a final one.
the law.
Sententia non fertur de rebus non
Sensus verborum est duplex, mitis
et asper, et verba semper liquidis. Judgment is not given
accipienda sunt in mitiore sensu. upon matters that are not clear.
The meaning of words is twofold,
mild and harsh; and words are Sequi debet potentia justitiam,
always to be received in their milder non praecedere. Power should
sense. follow justice, not precede it.

Sensus verborum ex causa dicendi Sermo index animi. Speech is an

accipiendus est, et sermones index of the mind.
semper accipiendi sunt secundum
subjectam materiam. The sense of Servanda est consuetudo loci ubi
words is to be taken from the causa agitur. The custom of the
occasion of speaking them, and place where the action is brought is
discourses are always to be to be observed.
interpreted according to the subject Servitia personalia sequuntur
personam. Personal services follow
Sententia a non judice lata nemini the person (of the lord). • Such
debet nocere. A judgment "personal services" were those
pronounced by one who is not a "annexed to the person of the
judge should harm no one. Mesne, as homage, fealty, etc." 2 Co.
Sententia contra matrimonium Inst. 374.
nunquam transit in rem
judicatam. A sentence against Si a jure discedas, vagus eris et
marriage never becomes a final erunt omnia omnibus incerta. If

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 118
you depart from the law, you will two conflicting provisions are
wander (without a guide), and found in a will, the latter is
everything will be in a state of decisive.
uncertainty to everyone.
Sigillum est cera impressa, quia
Si alicujus rei societas sit et finis cera sine impressione non est
negotio impositus est, finitur sigillum. A seal is a piece of wax
societas. If there is a partnership in impressed, because wax without
any matter, and the business is an impression is not a seal.
ended, the partnership ceases.
Si judicas, cognosce. If you judge,
Si aliquid ex solemnibus deficiat,
cum aequitas poscit
subveniendum est. If anything is
Silent leges inter arma. Laws are
lacking from formal requirements,
silent amid arms.
when equity requires, it will be
supplied. Si meliores sunt quos ducit amor,
plures sunt quos corrigit timor.
Si assuetis mederi possis, nova
If the better are those whom love
non sunt tentanda. If you can be
leads, the greater number are those
relieved by accustomed remedies,
whom fear corrects.
new ones should not be tried.
Similitudo legalis est casuum
Sic enim debere quem meliorem
diversorum inter se collatorum
agrum suum facere, ne vicini
similis ratio; quod in uno
deteriorem faciat. Everyone ought
similium valet, valebit in altero.
so to improve his land as not to
Legal similarity is a similar reason
injure his neighbor's.
that governs various cases when
Sic interpretandum est ut verba compared with each other, for what
accipiantur cum effectu. Such an avails in one similar case will avail
interpretation is to be made that in the other.
the words may be taken with
Simplex cornmendatio non
obligat. A simple recommendation
Sic utere tuo ut alienum non does not bind.
laedas. So use your own as not to
Simplex et pura donatio dici
injure another's property.
poterit ubi nulla est adjecta
Sicut natura nil facit per saltum, conditio nec modus. A gift is said to
ita nee lex. Just as nature does be pure and simple when no
nothing with a leap, so neither does condition or qualification has been
the law. annexed.

Si duo in testamento pugnantia Simplicitas est legibus amica, et

reperientur, ultimum est Tatum. If nimia subtilitas in jure
reprobatur. Simplicity is a friend to

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 119
the laws, and too much subtlety separate, it is sufficient to comply
in law is condemned. with either one or the other of
them; and being disjunctive, that
Sine possessione usucapio one or the other be true.
procedere non potest. Without
possession, prescription (Roman Si plures sint fidejussores,
usucapio) cannot proceed. quotquot erunt numero, singuli
in solidum tenentur. If there are
Singuli in solidum tenentur. Each more sureties than one, however
individual is bound for the whole. many they will be in number, they
are individually liable for the whole.
Si non appareat quid actum est,
exit consequens ut id sequamur
Si quidem in nomine, cognomine,
quod in regione in qua actum est
praenomine, agnomine legatarii
frequentatur. If it is not clear what
testator erraverit, cum de persona
was done (or agreed upon), the
constat, nihiloininus valet
consequence will be that we follow
legatum. If the testator has erred in
what is commonly done in the
the name, cognomen, praenomen,
place where the agreement was
or title of the legatee, when there
made. Dig. 50.17.34.
is certainty about the person, the
Si nulla sit conjectura quae ducat legacy is nonetheless valid.
alio, verba intelligenda sunt ex
proprietate, non grammatica sed Si quid universitati debetur,
populari ex usu. If there is no singulis non debetur, nec quod
inference that leads to a different debet universitas singuli debent.
result, words are to be understood If anything is due to a corporation,
according to their proper meaning, it is not due to the individual
not in a grammatical but in a members of it, nor do the members
popular and ordinary sense. individually owe what the
corporation owes.
Si plures conditiones ascriptae Si quis cum toturn petiisset
fuerunt donationi conjunctim, partem petat, exceptio rei
omnibus est parendum; et ad judicatae vocet. If anyone sues for
veritatem copulative requiritur a part when he should have sued
quod utraque pars sit vera, si for the whole, the judgment should
divisim, quilibet vel alteri eorum constitute res judicata (against
satis est obtemperare; et in another suit).
disjunctivis, sufficit alteram
partem esse veram. If several Si quis custos fraudem pupillo
conditions are conjunctively fecerit, a tutela removendus est. If
written in a gift, the whole of a guardian commits fraud against
them must be complied with; and his ward, he is to be removed
with respect to their truth, it is from the guardianship.
necessary that every part be true,
taken jointly: if the conditions are

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 120
Si quis praegnantem uxorem Solus Deus haeredem facit. God
reliquit, non videtur sine liberis alone makes the heir.
decessisse. If anyone dies leaving
his wife pregnant, he is not Solutio pretii emptionis loco
considered as having died childless. habetur. The payment of the price
stands in the place of a sale.
Si quis unum percusserit cum
alium percutere vellet, in felonia Solvendo esse nemo intelligitur nisi
tenetur. If a person kills one when qui solidum potest solvere. No one
he meant to kill another, he is held is understood to be in a state of
guilty of felony. solvency except the one who can pay
all that he owes. Dig. 50.16.114.
Si suggestio non sit vera, literae
patentes vacuae stint. If the Solvitur adhuc societas etiam
suggestion is not true, the letters morte socii. A partnership is also
patent are void. dissolved by the death of a partner.

Sive tota res evincatur, sive pars, Solvitur eo ligamine quo ligatur.
habet regressum emptor in It is released by the bond with which
venditorem. If the property is taken it is bound.
from him by eviction, whether
whole or in part, the purchaser has Spes impunitatis continuum
an action against the vendor. Dig. affectum tribuit delinquendi. The
21.2.1. hope of impunity supplies a
constant inclination to wrongdoing.
Socii mei socius meus socius non
est. The partner of my partner is not Spoliatus debet ante omnia
my partner. restitui. A party forcibly deprived of
possession ought first of all to have
Sola ac per se senectus restitution.
donationem, testamentum aut
transactionem non vitiat. Old age Spoliatus episcopus ante omnia
does not alone and of itself vitiate debet restitui. A bishop despoiled
gift, will or transaction. of his see ought, above all, to be
Solemnitates juris sunt
observandae. The solemnities of law Spondet peritiam antis. He
must be observed. promises ( to use) the skill of his
art. • That is, he engages to do the
Solo cedit quod solo implantatur. work in a skillful manner.
What is planted in the soil belongs to
the soil. Sponte virum fugiens mulier et
adultera facta, doti sua careat,
Solo cedit quod solo inaedificatur. nisi sponsi .sponte retracta. A
Whatever is built on the soil belongs woman leaving her husband of her
to the soil. own accord and committing
adultery should lose her dower,

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 121
unless she is taken back by her Statutum speciale statuto speciali
husband of his own accord. non derogat. One special statute
does not take away from another
Stabit praesumptio donee probetur special statute.
in contrarium. A presumption will
stand until proof is given to the Sublata causa tollitur effectus.
contrary. Remove the cause and the effect
Stare decisis et non quieta movere.
Literally. to stand by previous Sublata veneratione
decisions and not to disturb magistratuum, respublica ruit.
settled matters. • To adhere to When respect for magistrates has
precedents, and not to depart from been destroyed, the commonwealth
established principles. perishes.
Stat pro ration voluntas. The will Sublato fundamento, cadit opus.
stands in place of a reason. When the foundation has been
removed (or demolished), the
Stat pro ratione voluntas populi. structure collapses.
The will of the people stands in place
of a reason. Sublato principali, tollitur
adjunctum. When the principal has
Statuta pro publico commodo late been taken away, the adjunct is also
interpretantur. Statutes made for
the public advantage ought to be taken away.
broadly construed.
Succurritur minori; facilis est
Statuta suo clauduntur territorio, lapsus juventutis. Aid is given to a
nee ultra territorium disponunt. minor; easy is the slipup of youth
Statutes are confined to their own ( i.e., youth is liable to err).
territory and have no
Summa caritas est facere justitiam
extraterritorial effect.
singulis et omni tempore quando
necesse fuerit. The greatest
Statutum affirmativum non
charity is to do justice to each
derogat cornmuni legi. An
individual and at every time when
affirmative statute does not take
it is necessary.
away from the common law.
Summa est lex quae pro religione
Statutum generaliter est
facit. The highest law is the one
intelligendum quando verba
that acts on behalf of religion.
statuti sunt specialia, ratio autem
generalis. A statute is to be Summa ratio est quae pro
understood generally when the religione facit. The highest reason
words of the statute are special but is that which acts in favor of
its reason is general.
religion. • Also found in indirect

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 122
form, Sum-mom csse rationem quae Talis non est eadem, nam nullum
pro religione facit. simile est idem. "Such" is not "the
same," for nothing similar is the
Summurn jus, summa injuria. same thing.
The highest right is the utmost
injury. • That is, law too rigidly Tantum bona valent, quantum
interpreted produces the greatest vendi possunt. Things are worth as
injustice. much as they can be sold for.

Superficies solo cedit. The surface Tantum concessum quantum

goes with the land. • That is, scriptum. So much is granted as is
whatever is attached to the land written.
forms part of it.
Tantum habent de lege, quantum
Superflua non nocent. Superfluities habent de justitia. (Precedents)
do no injury. have value in the law to the extent
that they represent justice.
Suppressio yeti, expressio falsi.
Suppression of the truth (is Tantum operatur fictio in casu
equivalent to) the expression of ficto quantum veritas in casu
what is false. vero. A legal fiction operates to the
Suppressio veri, suggestio falsi. same extent and effect in the
Suppression of the truth (is supposed case as the truth does in a
equivalent to) the suggestion of real case.
what is false.
Tantum praescriptum quantum
Surplusagium non nocet. possessum. There is only
Extraneous matter does no harm. • prescription insofar as there has
Superfluous allegations, not been possession.
proper to the case, should have no
effect. Tempus enim modus tollendi
Tacita quaedam habentur pro obligationes et actiones, quia
tempus currit contra de-sides et
expressis. Certain things though
sui juris contemptores. For time is a
unexpressed are considered as means of destroying obligations
expressed. and actions, because time runs
against those who are inactive and
Talis interpretatio semper fienda show little respect for their own
est ut evitetur absurdum, et rights.
inconveniens, et ne judicium sit
illusorium. Interpretation is always Tempus ex suapte natura vim
to be made in such a manner that nullam effectricem habet. Time, of
what is absurd and improper is its own nature, has no effectual
avoided, and so that the judgment is force.
not a mockery.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 123
Tempus mortis inspiciendum. completed by death.
(One must) look to the time of death.
Testatoris ultima voluntas est
Tenor est qui legem dat feudo. It is perimplenda secundum veram
the tenor that gives law to the fee. • intentionem suam. The last will of
That is, the tenor of the feudal grant a testator is to be fulfilled
regulates its effect and extent. according to his true intention.

Terminus annorum certus debet Testibus deponentibus in pari

esse et determinatus. A term of numero, dignioribus est
years ought to be certain and credendum. When the number of
definite (with a fixed end). witnesses giving testimony is equal
on both sides, the more trustworthy
Terminus et (ac) feodum non are to be believed.
possunt cons-tare simul in una
eademque persona. Term and fee Testibus, non testimoniis,
cannot both be vested in one and credendum est. The witnesses
the same person at the same time. must be believed, not (simply)
their testimony.
Terra manens vacua occupanti
conceditur. Land lying unoccupied Testimonia ponderanda sunt, non
is given to the occupant. numeranda. Testimonies are to
be weighed, not counted.
Terra transit cum onere. Land
passes with the incumbrances. Testis de visu praeponderat aliis.
An eyewitness outweighs others.
Testamenta latissimam
interpretationem habere debent. Testis nemo in sua causa esse
Wills ought to have the broadest potest. No one can be a witness in
interpretation. his own cause.

Testamentum est voluntatis Testis oculatus unus plus valet

nostrae justa sententia, de eo quam auriti decem. One eyewitness
quod quis post mortem suam fieri is worth more than ten earwitnesses.
velit. A testament is the just
expression of our will concerning Testmoignes ne poent testifier le
that which anyone wishes done negative, mes l'affirmative.
after his death. • Or, as Witnesses cannot testify to a
Blackstone renders it, a testament is negative; they must testify to an
"the legal declaration of a man's affirmative.
intentions which he wills to be
performed after his death." 2 Bl. Timores vani sunt aestimandi qui
Com. 499. non cadunt in constantem virum.
Those fears must be considered
Testamentum omne morte vain (or frivolous) that do not
consummatum. Every will is affect a man of steady character.

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Titius haeres esto. Let Titius be tradit. Delivery neither can nor
my heir. • Titius was the Roman should transfer anything more to
counterpart of John Doe. the recipient than is in possession
of the one who delivers.
Titulus est justa causa possidendi
id quod nostrum est. Title is the Trado tibe ecclesiam. I deliver this
just cause of possessing that which church tor living) to you.
is ours.
Transgressione multiplicata,
Tolle voluntatem et erit omnis crescat poenae inflictio. When
actus indif ferens. Take away the transgression is repeated, let the
will, and every action will be infliction of punishment be
indifferent. increased. 2 Co. Inst. 479.

Totum praefertur unicuique Transit in rem judicatam. It passes

parti. The whole is preferred to any into a judgment.
single part.

Tout ce que la loi ne defend pas est Transit terra cum onere. The land
permis. Everything that the law passes with its burdens.
does not forbid is permitted.
Tres faciunt collegium. Three form a
Toute exception non surveillëe corporation.
tend a prendre la place du
Triatio ibi semper debet fieri ubi
principe. Every exception not
juratores meliorem possunt
watched tends to assume the place of
habere notitiam. Trial ought always
the principle.
to be held where the jurors can have
Tractent fabrilia fabri. Let smiths the better information.
perform the work of smiths.
Triennalis pacificus possessor
Traditio loqui facit chartam. beneficii est inde securus. The
Delivery makes the deed (document) undisturbed possessor of a benefice
speak. for three years is thereafter secure
(from challenge).
Traditionibus et usucapionibus,
non nudis pactis, transferuntur Turpis est pars quae non convenit
rerum dominia. Rights of cum suo toto. The part is bad that
property are transferred by does not accord with its whole.
delivery and by prescription Tuta est custodia quae sibimet
(founded on lengthy possession), not creditur. The guardianship is secure
by naked agreements. that is entrusted to itself alone.

Traditio nihil amplius transferre Tutius erratur ex parte mitiori. It is

debet vel potest ad eum qui safer to err on the gentler side (or on
accipit quam est apud eum qui the side of leniency).

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 125
Tutius est rei incumbere quam extraordinary one.
personae. It is safer to rely upon a
thing than upon a person. • Real Ubi culpa est, ibi poena subesse
security is safer than personal debet. Where the fault is, there the
security. punishment should be imposed.

Tutius semper est errare in Ubicunque est injuria, ibi damnum

acquietando quam in puniendo, ex sequitur. Wherever there is a legal
parte misericordiae quam ex parte wrong, there damage follows.
justitiae. It is always safer to err in
acquitting than in punishing, (and) Ubi damna dantur victus victori in
on the side of mercy than of justice. expensis condemnari debet. Where
damages are awarded, the party that
Tutor incertus dari non potest. An did not succeed ought to be adjudged
uncertain person cannot be given or to pay expenses for the party that
appointed as tutor. prevailed.
Tutor in rem suam auctor fieri non Ubi eadem ratio, ibi idem jus.
potest. A tutor cannot act for his Where there is the same reason,
own interest. there is the same law.
Tutor praesumitur intus habere, Ubi eadem ratio, ibi idem jus; et
ante redditas rationes. A tutor is de similibus idem est judicium.
presumed to have funds in his own Where there is the same reason,
hands until his accounts have been there is the same law; and the same
rendered. judgment should be rendered on
Tutor rem pupilli emere non comparable facts.
potest. A tutor cannot purchase the Ubi est forum, ibi ergo est jus.
property of his ward. Where the forum (or place of
Ubi aliquid conceditur, conceditur jurisdiction) is, there accordingly is
et id sine quo res ipsa esse non the law.
potest. When anything is granted,
that also is granted without which the Ubi et dantis et accipientis
thing itself cannot exist. turpitudo versatur, non posse
repeti dicimus; quotiens au-tern
Ubi aliquid impeditur propter accipientis turpitudo versatur,
unum, eo remoto, tollitur repeti posse. Where there is
impedimentum. When anything is misconduct on the part of both giver
impeded by reason of one thing, when and receiver, we say the thing cannot
that is removed, the impediment is be recovered; but as often as the
removed. misconduct is on the side of the
Ubi cessat remedium ordinarium, receiver (alone), it can be recovered.
ibi decurritur ad extraordinarium. Ubi factum nullum, ibi fortia
When a common remedy ceases to be nulla. Where there is no fact, there
of service, recourse is had to an are no strong points.

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 126
Ubi jus, ibi remedium. Where there is Ubi non est directs lex, standum
a right, there is a remedy. est arbitrio judicis, y
procedendum ad similia.
Ubi jus incertum, ibi jus nullum. Where there is not direct law, one
Where the right is uncertain, there is must rely on the judgment of the
no right. judge or refer to similar cases.
Ubi lex aliquem cogit ostendere Ubi non est lex, ibi non est
causam, necesse est quod causa transgressio quoad mundum.
sit justa et legitima. Where there is not law, there is
Where the law compels someone to not transgression, as far as this
show cause, it is necessary that the world is concerned.
cause be just and legal.
Ubi non est manifesta injustitia,
Ubi lex deest, praetor supplet. judices habentur pro bonis viris,
Where the law is deficient, the et judicatum pro veritate. Where
praetor supplies the deficiency. there is no manifest injustice, the
judges are to be regarded as
Ubi lex est specialis et ratio ejus honest men, and their judgment as
generalis, generaliter accipienda truth.
est. Where the law is special and the
reason of it is general, it ought to Ubi non est principalis, non potest
be taken as general. esse accessorius. Where there is
no principal, there can be no
Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos accessory.
distinguere debemus. Where the
law does not distinguish, we ought Ubi nulla est conjectura quae
not to distinguish. ducat alio, verba intelligenda sunt
ex proprietate non grammatica sed
Ubi major pars est, ibi totum. populari ex usu. Where there is no
Where the greater part is, there is inference that would lead in another
the whole. direction, the words are to be
understood according to their proper
Ubi matrimonium, ibi dos. Where
meaning, not strictly according to
there is marriage, there is dower.
grammar but according to popular
Ubi non adest norma legis, omnia usage.
quasi pro suspectis habenda sunt.
Where there is no rule of law, Ubi nullum matrimonium, ibi
everything must be held, as it were, nulla dos. Where there is no
suspect. marriage, there is no dower.

Ubi non est condendi auctoritas, ibi Ubi onus ibi emolumentum. Where
non est parendi necessitas. Where the burden is, there is the profit or
there is no authority to establish (a advantage.
rule), there is no necessity to obey.
Ubi periculum, ibi et lucrum

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 127
collocatur. Where the risk is, there Unaquaeque gleba servit. Every
also the profit accrues. lump of earth (on the land) is subject
to the servitude.
Ubi pugnantia inter se in
testamento juberentur, neutrum Uniuscujusque contractus initium
ratum est. When two directions spectandum est et causa. The
conflicting with each other were beginning and cause of each and
given in a will, neither is held valid. every contract must be considered

Ubi quid generaliter conceditur, Unius omnino testis responsio non

inert haec exceptio, si non aliquid audiatur. Let the evidence of one
sit contra jus fasque. Where a thing witness not be heard at all.
is granted in general terms, this
exception is implied: if there is not Universalia sunt notiora
anything contrary to law and right. singularibus. Things universal are
better known than things particular.
Ubi quis delinquit ibi punietur.
Where anyone commits an offense, Universitas vel corporatio non
there will he be punished. dicitur aliquid facere nisi id sit
collegialiter deliberatum, etiamsi
Ubi verba conjuncta non sunt, major pars id faciat. A university
sufficit alterutrum esse factum. or corporation is not said to take
Where words are not conjoined, it is any action unless the action was
enough that one or another (of the resolved by it as a body, even if a
things enumerated) has been done. greater part of the body should act.

Ultima voluntas testatoris est Un ne doit prise advantage de son

perimplenda secundum veram tort demesne. One should not
intentionem suam. The last will of take advantage from his own
a testator is to be fulfilled according wrong.
to his true intention.
Uno absurdo dato, infinita
Ultimum supplicium esse mortem sequuntur. When one absurdity
solaria interpretamur. We has been allowed, an infinity
consider death alone to be the follows.
extreme punishment.
Unurnquodque dissolvitur eodem
Ultra posse non potest esse et vice ligamine quo ligatur. Everything
versa. What is beyond possibility is dissolved by the same binding by
which it is bound together.
cannot exist, and the reverse (what
cannot exist is not possible). Unumquodque eodem modo
dissolvitur quo colligatur. Any
Una persona vix potest supplere obligation is discharged in the same
vices duarum. One person can manner as it is constituted.
scarcely supply the place of two.

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Unumquodque eodem modo quo Ut poena ad paucos, metus ad
colligatum est dissolvitur. In the omnes perveniat. So that
same manner in which anything was punishment afflict few, (and) fear
bound, it is loosened. affect all. • Blackstone cites Cicero
(pro Cluentio 46) emphasizing
Unumquodque est id quod est deterrence. 4 Bl. Com. 11.
principalius in ipso. That which is
the principal part of a thing is the Ut res magis valeat quam pereat.
thing itself. That the matter may have effect
rather than fail.
Unumquodque ligamen dissolvitur
eodem ligamine qui et ligatur. Uxor et filius sunt nomina
Every obligation is dissolved in the naturae. Wife and son are names of
same manner in which it is nature.
Uxor non est sui juris sed sub
Unurnquodque principiorum est potestate viii. A wife is not in her
sibimet ipsi fides; et perspicua own right (i.e., she cannot act
vera non sunt probanda. Each independently), but under the power
and every one of the general of her husband.
principles is its own pledge of trust,
and plain truths need not be proved. Uxor sequitur domicilium viri. A
wife follows the domicile of her
Unusquisque debet esse gnarus husband.
conditionis ejus cum quo
contrahit. Everyone ought to be Vagabundum nuncupamus eum
cognizant of the condition of the qui nullibi domicilium contraxit
person with whom he makes habitationis. We call the person a
contract. vagabond who has acquired
nowhere a domicile of residence.
Usucapio constituta est ut aliquis
litium finis esset. Prescription Valeat quantum valere potest.
(Roman usucapio) was instituted Let it have effect as far as it can
that there might be some end to have effect.
lawsuits. Dig. 41.10.5.
Vana est ills potentia quae
Usus est dominium fiduciarium. nunquant venit in actum. Vain is
Use is a fiduciary ownership. that power that never comes into
Usus fit ex iteratis actibus. Usage
arises from repeated acts. Vani timores sunt aestimandi, qui
non cadunt in constantem virem.
Utile per inutile non vitiatur. What Those fears are to be considered
is useful is not vitiated by the groundless that do not affect a man
useless. of steady character.

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Vani timoris justa excusatio non as to have effect.
est. There is no legal excuse based
on a groundless fear. Verba artis ex arte. Terms of art
(should be explained) from the art.
Velle non creditur qui obsequitur
imperio patris vel domini. A Verba chartarum fortius
person is not presumed to act of accipiuntur contra pro ferentem.
his own will who obeys the orders The words of deeds are taken most
of his father or his master. strongly against the person
offering them.
Vendens eandem rem duobus
falsarius est. A vendor is Verba cum effectu accipienda
fraudulent if he sells the same sunt. Words must be taken so as to
thing to two (separate) buyers. have effect.

Veniae facilitas incentivum est Verba currentis monetae tempus

delinquendi. Ease of winning pardon solutionis designant. The words
is an incentive to committing crime. "current money" refer to the time of
Verba accipienda sunt secundum
subjectam materiam. Words are to Verba debent intelligi cum effectu.
be interpreted according to the Words ought to be understood with
subject matter. effect.

Verba accipienda ut sortiantur Verba debent intelligi ut aliquid

effectum. Words are to be taken so operentur. Words ought to be so
that they may have some effect. understood that they may have some
Verba aequivoca ac in dubio sensu
posita intelliguntur digniori et Verba dicta de persona intelligi
potentiori sensu. Equivocal words debent de conditione personae.
and those in a doubtful sense are Words spoken of the person are to
understood in the more suitable and be understood of the condition of
more effective sense. the person.

Verba aliquid operari debent— Verba generalia generaliter sunt

debent intelligi ut aliquid intelligenda. General words are to
operentur. Words ought to have be understood generally.
some effect—words ought to be
understood so as to have some Verba generalia restringuntur ad
effect. habilitatem rei vel aptitudinem
personae. General words are
Verba aliquid operari debent; limited to the capability of the
verba cum effectu sunt subject matter or the aptitude of the
accipienda. Words ought to have person.
some effect; words must be taken so

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Verba generalia restringuntur ad absurd effect.
habilitatern rei vel personae.
General words are limited to the Verba non tam intuenda quam
capability of the subject matter or of causa et natura rei, ut mens
the person. contrahentium ex eis potius quam
ex verbis appareat. The words (of a
Verba illata (relata) inesse contract) are not to be looked to so
videntur. Words referred to are much as the cause and nature of
considered as if incorporated. the matter, so that the intention of
the contracting parties may appear
Verba in differenti materia per from these rather than from the
prius, non per posterius, (mere) words.
intelligenda sunt. Words referring
to a different subject are to be Verba offendi possunt, imo ab eis
understood by what goes before, not recedere licet, ut verba ad sanum
by what follows. intellectum reducantur. The
words can be faulted—indeed, it is
Verba intelligenda sunt in casu permitted to depart from them, in
possibili. Words are to be order that the words may be
understood in reference to a possible restored to a sensible meaning.
Verba ordinationis, quando
Verba intentioni, et non e contra, verificari possunt in sua vera
debent inservire. Words should be significatione, trahi ad
subject to the intention, not the extraneum intellectum non
reverse. debent. When the words of an
ordinance can be made true in
Verba ita sunt intelligenda, ut res their true signification, they ought
magis valeat quam pereat. Words not to be warped to a foreign
are to be so understood that the meaning.
matter may have effect rather than
fail. Verba posteriora prop ter
certitudinem addita, ad priora
Verba mere aequivoca, si per quae certitudine indigent, sunt
communem usum loquendi in referunda. Later words added for
intellectu certo sumuntur, talis the purpose of certainty are to be
intellectus praeferendus est. referred to preceding words in
When words are purely equivocal, which certainty is wanting.
if by common usage of speech they
are taken in a certain meaning, such Verba pro re et subjecta materia
meaning is to be preferred. accipi de-bent. Words should be
taken most in favor of the thing
Verba nihil operari melius est and the subject matter.
quam absurde. It is better that
words should have no effect than an Verba quae aliquid operari

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 131
possunt non de-bent else can be given a wide signification if
superflua. Words that can have there is reason for it.
some effect ought not to be (treated
as) superfluous. Verba sunt indices animi. Words
are indications of the intention.
Verba quantumvis generalia ad
aptitudinem restringuntur, Verbis standum ubi nulls
etiamsi nullam aliam paterentur ambiguitas. One must abide by
restrictionem. Words, howsoever the words where there is no
general, are confined to fitness (i.e., ambiguity.
to harmonize with the subject
matter), even if they would bear no Verbum imperfecti temporis rem
other restriction. adhuc imperfectam significat. The
verb in the imperfect tense indicates
Verba relata hoc maxime a matter as yet incomplete.
operantur per referentiam ut in
eis inesse videntur. Words to Veredictum quasi dictum veritatis;
which reference is made have, by ut judicium quasi juris dictum. A
the reference, this particular verdict is, as it were, the saying of
effect, that they are considered to the truth, in the same manner
be incorporated in those (clauses). • that a judgment is the saying of
Words to which reference is made the law (or right).
in an instrument have the same
Veritas demonstrationis tollit
effect and operation as if they were
errorem nominis. The truth of the
inserted in the clause referring to
description removes the error of the
Verba relata inesse videntur. Veritas habenda est in juratore;
Words to which reference is made are justitia et judicium in judice.
considered incorporated. Truth is the desideratum in a juror;
justice and judgment in a judge.
Verba secundum materiam
subjectam intelligi nemo est qui Veritas nihil veretur nisi abscondi.
nescit. There is no one who does not Truth fears nothing but to be
know that words should be hidden.
understood according to the subject
matter. Veritas nimium altercando
amittitur. By too much quarreling
Verba semper accipienda sunt in the truth is lost.
mitiori sensu. Words are always to
be taken in their milder sense. Veritas nominis tollit errorem
demonstrationis. The truth of the
Verba strictae significationis ad la name takes away the error of the
tam extendi possunt, si subsit description.
ratio. Words of a strict signification
Veritatem qui non libere

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 132
pronunciat, proditor est veritatis. persona.
One who does not speak the truth Husband and wife are considered one
freely is a traitor to the truth. person in law.
Via antiqua via est tuta. The old
Vis legibus est inimica. Force is
way is the safe way.
inimical to the laws.
Via trita est tutissima. The beaten
Vitium clerici nocere non debet.
road is the safest.
A clerical error ought not to
Via trita, via tuta. The beaten way prejudice.
is the safe way.
Vitium est quod fugi debet, ne, si
rationem non invenias, mox legem
Vicarius non habet vicarium. A sine ratione esse dames. It is a
deputy does not have a deputy. fault that ought to be avoided, that
if you do not discover the reason,
Vicini viciniora praesumuntur you quickly exclaim that the law is
scire. Neighbors are presumed to without reason.
know things of the immediate
vicinity. Vix ulla lex fieri potest quae
omnibus commoda sit, sed si
Videtur qui surdus et mutus ne majori parti prospiciat, utilis est.
poet faire alienation. A deaf and Scarcely any law can be made that is
mute person is considered not to be advantageous to all; but if it
able to alienate. benefits the majority, it is useful.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus Vocabula artium explicanda sunt

jura subveniunt. The laws aid the secundum definitiones
vigilant, not those who sleep. prudentium. Terms of art are to be
explained according to the
Vim vi repellere licet, modo fiat definitions of those who are
moderamine inculpatae tutelae, experienced in that art.
non ad sumendam vindictam, sed
ad propulsandam injuriam. It is Volenti non fit injuria. There is no
lawful to repel force by force; but let injury to one who consents.
it be done with the self-control of
blameless defense—not to take Voluit sed non dixit. The person
revenge, but to repel injury. willed but did not say.

Voluntas donatoris in charta doni

Viperina est expositio quae corrodit
sui manifeste expressa
viscera textus. That is a viperous
observetur. The will of the donor, if
exposition that gnaws away the
clearly expressed in the deed of
innards of the text.
his gift, should be observed.
Vir et uxor censentur in lege una Voluntas et propositum

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 133
distinguunt maleficia. The will Chicago and London: University
and the purpose distinguish of Chicago Press. 1979. From the
crimes. 1st ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press
Voluntas facit quod in testamento
scriptum valeat. The will (of the Bracton = Bracton, Henry de. De
testator) gives validity to what is Legibus et Consuetudinibus
written in the will. Angliae. G.E. Woodbine ed.; S.E.
Thorne transl. 4 vols. Cambridge,
Voluntas in delictis non exitus Mass.: Harvard University Press,
spectatur. In offenses, the will and 1968.
not the outcome is regarded.
Coke = The Reports of Sir Edward
Voluntas reputatur pro facto. The Coke. J.H. Thomas & J.F. Fraser
will is to be taken for the deed. eds. 13 parts in 6 vols. London:
Butterworth, 1826.
Voluntas testatoris ambulatoria
est usque ad mortem. The will of a Co. Litt. = Coke, Sir Edward. The
testator is ambulatory right up First Part of the Institutes of the
until his death. • That is, he may Laws of England, or A
change it at any time. Commentarie upon Littleton. 2
vols. Reprinted New York and
Voluntas testatoris habet London: Garland, 1979. From the
interpretationem latam et 1st ed. London: Societe of Stationers,
benignam. The will of the testator 1628.
should receive a broad and liberal
Co. Inst. = Coke, Sir Edward. The
Institutes of the Laws of
England. Parts 2-4, in 4 vols.
Voluntas ultima testatoris est Reprinted Buffalo, N.Y.: William S.
perimplenda secundum veram Hein, 1986. From the edition of
intentionem suam. The last will of London: Brooke, 1797.
a testator is to be fulfilled according
to his true intention. Dig. = The Digest of Justinian. T.
Mommsen et al. 4 vols.
Philadelphia: University of
Vox emissa volat; litera scripta Pennsylvania Press, 1985.
manet. The uttered voice flies; the
written letter remains. Just. Inst. = Justinian's Institutes. P.
Krueger ed.; P. Birks & G. McLeod
trans. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell
BIBLIOGRAPHY University Press, 1987.

Bl. Corn. = Blackstone, William.

Commentaries on the Laws of
England. 4 vols. Reprinted

LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 134

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