Legal Maxims From BLACK'S LAW Dictionary - Seventh Edition - Scanned - Not Corrected
Legal Maxims From BLACK'S LAW Dictionary - Seventh Edition - Scanned - Not Corrected
Legal Maxims From BLACK'S LAW Dictionary - Seventh Edition - Scanned - Not Corrected
Actus Dei nemini facit injuriam. Actus repugnans non potest in esse
An act of God does wrong to no one. produci. A repugnant act cannot
• That is, no one is responsible in be brought into being (that is.
damages for inevitable accidents. cannot be made effectual).
Bigamus seu trigamus, etc., est qui Boni judicis est ampliare
diversis temporibus et successive jurisdictionem (or justitiam). It is
duas seu tres uxores habuit. A the role of a good judge to enlarge (or
bigamus or trigamus, etc., is one who use liberally) his jurisdiction (or
has had two or more wives in remedial authority).
succession, each at a different time.
3 Co. Inst. 88. Boni judicis est ampliare justitiam.
It is the role of a good judge to enlarge
Bis dat qui cito dat. He pays twice or extend justice.
who pays promptly.
Boni judicis est causas litium
Crimen trahit personam. The crime Cuilibet licit juri pro se introducto
brings with it the person. • That is, renunciare. Anyone may waive or
the commission of a crime gives the renounce the benefit of a principle or
courts of the place where it is rule of law that exists only for his
committed jurisdiction over the protection.
person of the offender.
Cui licet quod majus non debet
Crimina inorte extinguuntur. quod minus est non licere. A person
Crimes are extinguished by death. who has authority to do the more
important act ought not to be
Cuicunque aliquid conceditur, debarred from doing what is of less
conceditur etiam et id sine quo importance.
res ipsa non esse potuit. To
whomever anything is granted, that Cui pater est populus non habet ille
Cum confitente sponte mitius est Cum par delictum est duorum,
agendum. One making a semper oneratur petitor, et melior
voluntary confession is to be dealt habetur possessoris causa. Where
with more leniently. two parties are equally at fault, the
claimant always is at the
Cum de lucro duorum quaeritur disadvantage, and the party in
melior est causa possidentis. possession has the better cause.
When there is a question of gain
between two people, the cause of the Cum quod ago non valet ut ago,
possessor is the better. valeat quantum valere potest.
When that which I do is of no effect
Cum duo inter se pugnantia as I do it, let it have as much effect
reperiuntur in testamento, as it can (that is, in some other
ultimum ratum est. When two way).
clauses in a will are found to be
contradictory, the last in order Curatus non habet titulum. A
prevails. curate has no title (to tithes).
Cum quod ago non valet ut ago, Dans et retinens nihil dat. One
valeat quantum valere potest. who gives and yet retains
When that which I do is of no effect (possession) does not give
as I do it, let it have as much effect effectually (literally, gives nothing).
as it can (that is, in some other
Da tua dum tua sunt, post mortem
tunc tua non sunt. Give the
Curatus non habet titulum. A things which are yours while they
curate has no title (to tithes). are yours; after death they are not
Curia cancellariae officina
justitiae. The court of chancery is Datur digniori. It is given to the
the workshop of justice. more worthy.
Debile fundamentum fallit opus. A Decimae non debent solvi ubi non
weak foundation frustrates the work est annua renovatio, et ex
(built on it). annuatis renovantibus simul
semel. Tithes ought not to be
Debita sequuntur personam paid where there is not an annual
debitoris. Debts follow the person of renovation, and from annual
the debtor. • That is, debts belong renovations once only.
to no locality and may be
collected wherever the debtor can Decipi quam fallere est tutius. It
be found. is safer to be deceived than to
Debitor non praesumitur donare. A
debtor is not presumed to make a Decreta conciliorum non ligant
gift. reges nostros. The decrees of
councils do not bind our kings.
Debitorum pactionibus creditorum
petitio nec tolli nec minui potest. Deficiente uno sanguine, non
The creditors' suit can be neither potest esse haeres. For lack of
quashed nor diminished by the one blood, he cannot be heir. •
contracts of their debtors. Coke explains, "The blood of the
father and of the mother are but
Debitum et contractus sunt nullius one inheritable blood, and both
loci. Debt and contract belong to no are necessary to procreation of an
particular place. heir." 3 Coke 41.
Ex dolo malo non oritur actio. An Expedit rei publicae ne sua re quis
action does not arise from a fraud. male utatur. It is to the advantage
of the state that a person should not
Executio est executio juris make bad use of his own property.
secundum judiciurn. Execution is
the execution of the law according Expedit rei publicae ut sit finis
to the judgment. litium. It is to the advantage of the
state that there should be a limit to
Executio est finis et fructus legis. litigation.
Execution of the law is its end and
fruition. Experientia per varios actus legem
facit. Experience through various
Executio legis non habet injuriam. acts makes law.
Execution of the law cannot work an
injury. Expositio quae ex visceribus
causae nascitur, est aptissima et
Ex facto jus oritur. The law arises fortissima in lege. An exposition
out of the fact. that springs from the vitals of a
cause is the fittest and most
Ex frequenti delicto augetur powerful in law.
poena. Punishment increases with
repeated offense. 2 Co. Inst. 479. Expressa nocent, non expressa
Ex maleficio non oritur non nocent. Things expressed do
contractus. A contract does not harm; things not expressed do
arise out of an illegal act. not.
Filius est nomen naturae, sed Forma dat esse. Form gives being.
haeres nomen juris. "Son" is a
name of nature, but "heir" a name Forma legalis forma essentialis.
of law. Legal form is essential form.
Haeres est alter ipse, et lamas Home ne sera puny pur suer des
est pars patris. An heir is another briefes en court le roy, soit it
self, and a son is a part of the a droit ou a tort. A person
father. shall not be punished for suing
out writs in the king's court,
Haeres est aut jure proprietatis whether the person is right or
aut jure representationis. A wrong.
Ibi semper debet fieri triatio ubi Idem est non esse et non apparere.
juratores meliorem possunt It is the same thing not to be as not
habere notitiam. A trial should to appear. • What does not appear
always be held where the jurors on the record is considered
can have the best information. nonexistent.
Id certum est quod certum reddi Idem est non probari et non esse;
potest. That is certain which can non deficit jus sed probatio. It is
be made certain. the same thing not to be proved
and not to exist; the law is not
Id certum est quod certum reddi deficient but the proof.
potest, sed id magis certum est
quod de semetipso est certum. Idem est scire aut scire debere aut
Jurisprudentia est divinarum Jus est ars boni et aequi. Law is the
atque humanarum rerum notitia, science of what is good and just.
justi atque injusti scientia.
Jurisprudence is the knowledge of Jus est norma recti; et quicquid est
things divine and human, the contra normam recti est injuria.
science of the just and the unjust. The law is the rule of right; and
Just. Inst. 1.1.1. whatever is contrary to the rule of
right is an injury.
Jurisprudentia legis communis
Angliae est scientia socialis et Jus et fraus nunquam cohabitant.
copiosa. The jurisprudence of the Right and fraud never abide together.
common law of England is a social
science comprehensive in scope. Jus ex injuria non oritur. A right
does not arise from a wrong.
Juris quidem ignorantiam cuique
nocere, facti verum ignorantiam Jus in re inhaerit ossibus
non nocere. Ignorance of law is usufructuarii. A right in the thing
prejudicial to everyone, but cleaves to the person (literally, the
ignorance of fact is not. bones) of the usufructuary.
Lex est norma recti. Law is a rule of Lex neminem cogit ostendere quod
nescire praesumitur. The law
forces no one to make known what
he is presumed not to know.
Lex est ratio summa, quae jubet
quae sunt utilia et necessaria, et
Lex nemini facit injuriam. The
contraria prohibet.
law does wrong to no one.
Law is the highest form of reason,
which commands what is useful and Lex nemini operatur iniquum,
necessary and forbids the contrary. nemini facit injuriam. The law
works an injustice to no one and
Lex est sanctio sancta, jubens does wrong to no one.
honesta et prohibens contraria.
Law is a sacred sanction, Lex nil facit frustra, nil jubet
commanding what is right and frustra. The law does nothing in
prohibiting the contrary. vain and commands nothing in
Lex est tutissima cassis; sub
clypeo legis nemo decipitur. Law Lex non a rege est violanda. The
is the safest helmet; under the law is not to be violated by the king.
shield of the law no one is deceived.
Lex non cogit ad impossibilia. The
Lex favet doti. The law favors dower. law does not compel to impossible
Lex fingit ubi subsistit aequitas.
Lex posterior derogat priori. A later Lex succurrit ignoranti. The law
statute repeals an earlier one. assists the ignorant.
Lex prospicit, non respicit. The law Lex succurrit minoribus. The law
looks forward, not backward assists minors.
Lex punit mendaciam. The law Lex uno ore omnes alloquitur.
Maxime ita dicta quia maxima est Melius est in tempore occurrere
ejus dignitas et certissima quam post causam vulneratum
auctoritas, atque quod maxime remedium quaerere. It is better to
omnibus probetur. A maxim is so oppose in time than to seek a
called because its dignity is remedy after a wrong has been
chiefest and its authority is the inflicted. • Coke introduces this
most certain, and because it is maxim with the phrase ne
most approved by all. pernegligentiam damnum incurrat:
"lest he incur damage through
Maxime paci sunt contraria vis et negligence." 2 Co. Inst. 299.
injuria. The greatest enemies to
peace are force and wrong. Melius est jus deficiens quam jus
incertum. Law that is deficient is
Maximus erroris populus magister. better than law that is uncertain.
The people are the greatest master of
error. Melius est omnia mala pati quam
malo consentire. It is better to
Meliorem conditionem suam facere suffer every wrong than to consent
potest minor, deteriorem to wrong.
nequaquam. A minor can improve or
make his condition better, but in no Melius est recurrere quam male
way worse. currere. It is better to run back
than to run wrong (or badly). • It
Melior est causa possidentis. The is better to retrace one's steps than
cause of the possessor is preferable. to proceed improperly.
Melior est conditio defendentis. The
Mens testatoris in testamentis
condition of the defendant is the
spectanda est. In wills, the
intention of the testator is to be
Melior est conditio possidentis et regarded.
rei quam actoris. Better is the
Mentiri est contra mentem ire. To
condition of the possessor. and
lie is to go against the mind.
that of the defendant (is better)
than that of the plaintiff. Mercis appellatio ad res mobiles
tantum pertinet. The term
Melior est conditio possidentis, ubi
"merchandise" belongs to movable
neuter jus ha bet. Better is the
things only.
condition of the possessor where
neither of the two has the right. Mercis appellatione homines non
Necessitas est lex temporis et loci. Nec tempus nec locus occurrit
Necessity is the law of time and regi. Neither time nor place thwarts
place. the king.
Nemo est supra leges. No one is Nemo patriam in qua natus est
above the laws. exuere, nec ligeantiae debitum
ejurare possit. No one can cast off
Non concedantur citationes Non debet cui plus licet quod minus
priusquam exprimatur super qua est non licere. A person who is
re fieri decet citatio. Summonses permitted to do the greater thing
should not be granted before it is ought not to be forbidden to do the
expressed upon what ground a lesser.
summons should be issued.
Non debet dici tendere in
Non consentit qui errat. A person praejudicium ecclesiasticae
who errs does not consent. liberatatis quod pro rege et
republica necessarium videtur.
Non dat qui non habet. A person What seems necessary for the king
who does not have does not give. and the state ought not to be said
to tend to the prejudice of spiritual
Non debeo melioris conditionis liberty.
esse quam auctor meus a quo jus
in me transit. I ought not to be Non decet homines dedere causa
in better condition than the non cognita. It is unbecoming to
person to whose rights I succeed. surrender people when no cause
has been shown.
Non deberet alii nocere quod inter
Non est arctius vinculum inter Non est regula quin fallat. There
homines quam jusjurandum. is no rule that may not deceive (or
There is no closer (or firmer) link disappoint).
among men than an oath.
Non est reus nisi mens sit rea. A
Non est certandum de regulis person is not guilty unless his mind
juris. There is no disputing rules of is guilty.
Non potest quis sine brevi agere. Non refert verbis an factis fit
No one can sue without a writ. revocatio. It does not matter
whether a revocation is made by
Non potest rex gratiam facere cum words or by acts.
injuria et damno aliorum. The king
cannot confer a favor that occasions Non respondebit minor, nisi in
injury and loss to others. causa dotis, et hoc pro favore
doti. A minor shall not answer
Non potest rex subditum except in a case of dower, and here
renitentem one-rare in favor of dower.
impositionibus. The king cannot
load a subject with impositions Non solent quae abundant vitiare
against his consent. scripturas. Superfluous
expressions do not usually vitiate
Non potest videri desisse habere writings.
qui nunquam habuit. A person
cannot be considered as having Non solum quid licet sed quid est
ceased to have a thing who never conveniens considerandum, quia
had it. nihil quod inconveniens est
licitum. Not only what is permitted
Non praestat impedimentum quod but what is proper is to be
de jure non sortitur effectum. A considered, because nothing
thing that has no effect in law is not improper is lawful.
an impediment.
Non sunt longa ubi nihil est quod
Non quod dictum est, sed quod demere possis. There is no
factum est, inspicitur. Not what prolixity where there is nothing
has been said but what has been that you can omit.
done is regarded.
Nulla virtus, nulla scientia locum Nullum simile est idem. Nothing
suum et dignitatem conservare that is like another is the same. •
potest sine modestia. Without That is, no likeness is exactly
moderation, no virtue, no identical.
knowledge can preserve its place and
dignity. Nullum simile est idem nisi
quatuor pedibus currit. Nothing
Nulle regle sans faute. There is no similar is identical, unless it run on
rule without fault. all fours.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 100
mandatur et omne per quod insufficientia alterius, de integro
pervenitur ad illud. When anything onerabitur. When two persons are
is commanded, everything by which liable concerning one and the
it can be accomplished is also same thing, if one makes default,
commanded. the other must bear the whole
Quando aliquid per se non sit
malum, tamen si sit mali exempli, Quando dispositio referri potest
non est faciendum. When ad duas res, ita quod secundum
anything by itself is not evil, and relationem unam vitiatur et
yet if it is an example for evil, it is secundum alteram utilis sit, turn
not to be done. facienda est relatio ad illam ut
valeat dispositio. When a
Quando aliquid prohibetur ex disposition can refer to two matters,
directo, prohibetur et per so that according to one reference
obliquum. When anything is it would be void and by another
prohibited directly, it is also it would be effective, reference
prohibited indirectly. must be made to the latter, so that
the disposition may take effect.
Quando aliquid prohibetur,
prohibetur omne per quod Quando diversi desiderantur actus
devenitur ad illud. When anything ad aliquern staturn perficiendum,
is prohibited, everything by which plus respicit lex actum
it is arrived at is prohibited. originalem. When different acts
are required to the formation of any
Quando aliquis aliquid concedit, estate, the law chiefly regards the
concedere videtur et id sine quo original act.
res uti non potest. When a person
grants a thing, he is supposed to Quando duo jura concurrunt in
grant that also without which una persona, aequum est ac si
the thing cannot be used. essent in diversis. When two rights
run together in one person, it is the
Quando charta continet generalem same as if they were in separate
clausulam, posteaque descendit persons.
ad verba specialia quae clausulae
Quando jus domini regis et subditi
generali sunt consentanea,
concur-runt, jus regis praeferri
interpretanda est charta
debet. When the right of the
secundum verba specialia. When a
sovereign king and of the subject
deed contains a general clause, and
run together (or clash), the right
afterwards descends to special
of the king ought to be preferred.
words that are consistent with
the general clause, the deed is to
Quando lex aliquid alicui concedit,
be construed according to the
concedere videtur id sine quo res
special words.
ipsa esse non potest. When the
Quando de una et eadem re, duo law grants anything to anyone, it
onerabiles existunt, unus, pro is considered to grant that
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 101
without which the thing itself interpretation.
cannot be (the sine qua non). 5
Coke 47. Quando verba statuti sunt
specialia, ratio autem generalis,
Quando lex aliquid alicui generaliter statuturn est
concedit, omnia incidentia tacite intelligendum. When the words of
conceduntur. When the law gives a statute are special, but the
anything to anyone, it gives tacitly reason for it general, the statute is
all that is incident to it. to be construed generally.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 102
Qui bene interrogat bene docet. subjicitur, novitati non subjicitur.
One who questions well teaches well. Whatever is subject to the authority
of a judge is not subject to
Qui cadit a syllaba cadit a tota innovation.
causa. One who fails in a syllable
fails in his whole cause. Quicquid plantatur solo, solo
cedit. Whatever is affixed to the soil
Qui concedit aliquid, concedere belongs to it.
videtur et id sine quo res ipsa
esse non potuit (sine quo Quicquid recipitur, recipitur
concessio est irrita). A person secundum modum recipientis.
who grants anything is considered Whatever is received is received
as granting that without which the according to the direction of the
thing itself could not be without recipient.
which the grant is invalid). • More
precisely, Cuicunque aliquis quid Quicquid solvitur, solvitur
concedit (q.v.). 11 Coke 52. secundum modam solventis.
Whatever is paid is paid according to
Qui confirmat nihil dat. A person
the direction of the payer.
who confirms gives nothing.
Qui cum alio contrahit, vel est vel
Qui contemnit praeceptum,
debet esse non ignarus conditionis
contemnit praecipientem. A
ejus. A party who contracts with
person who shows contempt for the
another either is or ought to be
precept shows contempt for the
cognizant of that party's
author (or advocate) or it.
condition. • Otherwise, he is not
Quicquid acquiritur servo, excusable. Dig. 50.17.19.
acquiritur domino. Whatever is
acquired by the servant is Qui dat finem dat media ad finem
acquired for the master. necessaria. A person who gives
an end gives the necessary means
Quicquid demonstratae rei additur to that end.
satis demonstratae frustra est.
Whatever is added to the description Qui destruit medium destruit
of a thing already sufficiently finem. A person who destroys the
described is of no effect. means destroys the end.
Quicquid est contra normam recti Qui doit inheriter al pere, doit
est injuria. Whatever is against inheriter al fitz. One who ought to
the rule of right is a wrong. inherit from the father ought to
inherit from the son.
Quicquid in excessu actum est, lege
prohibetur. Whatever is done in Quidquid enim sive dolo et culpa
excess is prohibited by law. venditoris accidit in eo venditor
securus est. For concerning
Quicquid judicis auctoritati anything that occurs without
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 103
deceit and guilt on the part of the letter clings to the shell (or
vendor, the vendor is secure. surface).
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 104
Qui male agit odit lucem. A person person who does not disapprove
who does wrong hates the light (of approves.
Qui non negat fatetur. A person
Qui mandat ipse fecisse videtur. A who does not deny admits.
person who commands (a thing to
be done) is considered to have done Qui non obstat quod obstare
it himself. potest, facere videtur. A person
who does not prevent what he can
Qui melius probat, melius habet. prevent is considered to act.
The party who gives better proof
has the better (right). • Often Qui non prohibet cum prohibere
rendered, he who proves more possit, jubet. A person who does not
recovers more. forbid when he can forbid
Qui nascitur sine legitimo
Qui non prohibet quod prohibere
matrimonio, matrem sequitur. A
potest, assentire videtur. A person
child who is born out of lawful
who does not forbid what he can
matrimony follows the condition of
forbid is considered to assent.
the mother.
Qui non propulsat injuriam
Qui non cadunt in constantem quando potest infert. A person
virum, vani timores sunt who does not repel an injury when
aestimandi. Those fears are he can brings it on.
considered vain (or frivolous) that
do not affect a man of stable Qui obstruit aditum destruit
character. commodum. A person who obstructs
an entrance destroys a conveniency.
Qui non habet, ille non dat. Who
has not gives not. Qui o,nne dicit nihil excludit. A
person who says all excludes
Qui non habet in aere, luat in nothing.
corpore, ne quis peccetur impune.
Let him who has not (the Qui parcit nocentibus innocentes
wherewithal to pay) in money pay punit. A person who spares the
in his person (i.e., by corporal guilty punishes the innocent.
punishment), lest anyone be
wronged with impunity. Qui peccat ebrius, luat sobrius. Let
him who offends while drunk be
Qui non habet potestatem punished when sober.
alienandi habet necessitatem
Qui per aliurn facit per seipsum
retinendi. A person who has not
facere videtur. A person who does
the power of alienating is obliged to
anything through another is
considered as doing it himself.
Qui non improbat approbat. A
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 105
Qui per fraudem agit frustra agit. praesumitur esse malus in eodem
A person who acts fraudulently acts genere. A person who is once bad is
in vain. always presumed to be bad in the
same kind of affair.
Qui potest et debet vetare, tacens
jubet. A person who can and ought Qui sentit commodum, sentire debet
to forbid a thing (as much as) orders et onus. A person who feels the
it, if he keeps silent. benefit ought also to feel the
Qui primum peccat ille facit
rixam. Who first offends causes the Qui sentit onus, sentire debet et
quarrel. commodum. A person who feels the
burden ought also to feel the
Qui prior est tempore potior est
jure. The person who is prior in time
is stronger in right.
Quisquis est qui velit jurisconsultus
Qui pro me aliquid facit, mihi haberi, continuet studium, velit a
fecisse videtur. A person who does quocunque doceri. Whoever there
something in my behalf is is who wishes to be regarded as a
considered to have done it to me jurisconsult (legal expert) should
(for me). • "To do a service for a prolong his study and be willing to
man is to do it to him." 2 Co. Inst. be taught by everyone.
Qui tacet consentire videtur. A
Qui providet sibi, providet party who is silent appears to
haeredibus. A person who provides consent.
for himself provides for his heirs.
Qui tacet consentire videtur ubi
Qui rationem in omnibus quaerunt tractatur de ejus commodo. A
ration-em subvertunt. They who party who is silent is considered as
seek a reason for everything subvert assenting, when his advantage is
reason. debated.
Qui sciens solvit indebitum Qui tacet non utique fatetur, sed
donandi consilio id videtur tamen verum est eum non negare.
fecisse. A person who knowingly A person who is silent does not
pays what is not due is considered indeed confess, but yet it is true that
to have done it with the intention of he does not deny.
making a gift.
Qui semel actionem renunciaverit, Qui tardius solvit minus solvit. A
amplius repetere non potest. A person who pays too late pays less
litigant who has once renounced his (than he ought).
action cannot bring it any longer.
Qui vult decipi, decipiatur. Let
Qui semel malus, semper one who wishes to be deceived be
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 106
deceived. regards natural law, all men are
Quod ab initio non valet, (in)
tractu ternporis non convalescet. Quod constat dare, non debet
What is ill from the outset will not be verificari. What is clearly agreed
cured by passage of time. need not be proved.
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Quod est ex necessitate nunquam Quod in minori valet, valebit in
introducitur, nisi quando majori; et quod in majori non
necessarium. What is introduced of valet, nee valebit in minori. What
necessity is never introduced except avails in the less will avail in the
when necessary. greater; and what does not avail in
the greater will not avail in the less.
Quod est inconveniens aut contra
rationem non permissum est in Quod in uno similium valet, valebit
lege. What is unsuitable or contrary in altero. What avails in one of
to reason is not allowed in law. two similar things will avail in the
Quod est necessarium est licitum.
What is necessary is lawful. Quod ipsis, qui contraxerunt,
obstat, et successoribus eorum
Quod fieri debet facile obstabit. That which bars those
praesumitur. That which ought to who have contracted will bar their
be done is easily presumed. successors also.
Quod fieri non debet, factum valet. Quod jussu alterius solvitur pro eo
What ought not to be done, when est quasi ipsi solutum esset. That
done, is valid. which is paid at the bidding of
another has the same effect as if it
Quod inconsulto fecimus, had been paid to that person
consultius revocemus. What we himself. • The party who has a
have done without due consideration debt paid for him is in the same
we should revoke with better position as though the money were
consideration. paid to him directly. Dig. 17.180.
Quod initio non valet, tractu Quod meum est, sine facto sive
temporis non valet. What is void in defectu meo amitti seu in alium
the beginning does not become valid transferri non potest. What is
by passage of time. mine cannot be lost or transferred
to another without my own act or
Quod initio vitiosum est non potest default.
tractu temporis convalescere.
Quod meum est sine me auferri
What is defective in origin cannot be
non potest. What is mine cannot be
mended by passage of time.
taken away without me (i.e.. my
Quod in jure scripto jus consent).
appellatur, id in lege Angliae
Quod minus est in obligationem
rectum esse dicitur. What in the
videtur deductuin. That which is
civil law (literally, written law) is
the lesser is held to be imported into
called jus, in the law of England
the contract.
is said to be rectum (right).
Quod naturalis ratio inter omnes
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 108
homines constituit, vocatur jus Quod nullius est, est domini
gentium. What natural reason has regis. That which belongs to
established among all men is nobody belongs to our lord the
called the law of nations. king.
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Quod prius est verius est; et quod praetereunt legislatores.
prius est tempore potius est jure. Legislators pass over what
What is prior is truer; and what happens (only) once or twice.
comes earlier in time is stronger in
right. Quod semel meum est amplius
meum esse non potest. What is
Quod pro minore licitum est et pro once mine cannot be any more
majore licitum est. What is lawful completely mine.
in the lesser is also lawful in the
greater. Quod semel placuit in electione,
amplius displicere non potest.
Quod pure debetur praesenti die That which in making his election a
debetur. That which is due man has once decided, he cannot
unconditionally is due the same afterwards disavow.
Quod solo inaedificatur solo cedit.
Quodque dissolvitur eodem modo Whatever is built on the soil goes
quo ligatur. In the same manner with the soil.
that anything is bound, it is
unbound. Quod sub certa forma concessum
vel reservatum est, non trahitur
Quod quis ex culpa sua damnum ad valorem vel compensationem.
sentit, non intelligitur damnum That which has been granted or
sentire. The damage that any reserved under a certain form is not
person suffers by his own fault he to be drawn into valuation or
is not considered to suffer as compensation.
damage. Dig. 50.17.203.
Quod subintelligitur non deest.
Quod quisquis norit, in hoc se What is understood is not lacking.
exerceat. Let every one employ
Quod tacite intelligitur deesse non
himself in what he knows.
videtur. What is tacitly understood
Quod quis sciens indebitum does not appear to be lacking.
dedit hac mente, ut postea
repeteret, repetere non potest. Quod vanum et inutile est, lex non
What one has paid knowing that it requirit. The law does not require
is not owed, with the intention of what is vain and useless.
reclaiming it afterwards, he cannot Quod vero contra rationem juris
recover. Dig. 12.6.50. receptum est, non est
producendum ad consequentias.
Quod remedio destituitur ipsa re
But what has been admitted
valet si culpa absit. What is
contrary to the reason of law ought
without a remedy is by that very
not to be drawn into precedents.
fact valid if there is no fault.
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Quo modo quid constituitur eodem Quum de lucro duorum quaeratur,
modo dissolvitur. In whatever mode melior est conditio possidentis.
a thing is constituted, in the same When there is a question of gain
manner it is dissolved. (to one) of two parties, the
condition of the possessor is the
Quorum praetextu nec auget nec better.
minuit sententiam, sed tanturn
confirmat praemissa. "Quorum Quum in testamento ambigue aut
praetextu" neither increases nor etiam perperam scriptum est,
diminishes the meaning, but only benigne interpretari et secundum
confirms what went before. id quod credible est cogitatum,
credendum est. When in a will an
Quotiens dubia interpretatio ambiguous or even an erroneous
libertatis est, secundum expression occurs, it should be
libertatem respondendum erit. construed liberally and in
Whenever there is an accordance with what is thought the
interpretation doubtful as to probable meaning (of the testator).
liberty (or slavery), the decision
must be in favor of liberty. Quum principalis causa non
consistit, ne ea quidem quae
Quotiens idem sermo duas sequuntur locum ha bent. When
sententias exprimit, ea the principal cause does not stand,
potissimum accipiatur quae rei neither do the accessories (or
gerendae aptior est. Whenever consequences) obtain.
the same words express two
meanings, that is to be taken most Ratihabitio mandato
strongly which is the better fitted for aequiparatur. Ratification is equal
carrying out the proposed end. to a command.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 111
Ratio legis est anima legis. The Regula pro lege, si deficit lex. If
reason of the law is the soul of the the law is inadequate, the maxim
law. serves in its place.
Regulariter non valet pactum de
Ratio non clauditur loco. Reason is re mea non alienanda. As a rule, a
not confined to any place. contract not to alienate my property
is not binding.
Ratio potest allegari deficiente
lege, sed vera et legalis et non Reipublicae interest voluntates
apparens. A reason can be adduced defunctorum effectum sortiri. It is
when the law is defective, but it in the interest of the state that the
must be a true and legal reason, wills of the dead should have their
and not specious (or apparent). (intended) effect.
Receditur a placitis juris potius Rei turpis nullum mandatum est.
quam injuriae et delicta maneant There is no mandate for a thing
impunita. One departs from settled immoral (or illegal). • Hence, there
rules of law, rather than let crimes is no action for failing to act upon
and wrongs remain unpunished. such a mandate. Dig.
Recorda stint vestigia vetustatis et Relatio est fictio juris et intenta ad
veritatis. Records are vestiges of unum. Relation is a fiction of law,
antiquity and truth. and intended for one thing. • Coke
explains, "Relatio is a fiction of law
Recurrendum est ad
to make a nullity of a thing ab initio”
extraordinariurn quando non
obstacles are removed for the one
valet ordinarium. We must have
purpose, ut res magis valeat, that
recourse to what is extraordinary
the matter have effect. 3 Coke 28.
when what is ordinary fails.
Relatio semper fiat ut valeat
Reddenda singula singulis. Each
dispositio. Reference should always
must be put in each separate place.
be made in such a manner that a
• That is, the several terms or
disposition (in a will) may have
items apply distributively, or each
to its proper object.
Relativorum cognito uno,
Regula est, juris quidem
cognoscitur et alterum. Of things
ignorantiam cuique nocere, facti
relating to each other, one being
vero ignorantiam non nocere. The
known, the other is also known.
rule is that ignorance of the law is
harmful (or prejudicial) to anyone, Religio sequitur patrem. Religion
but ignorance of a fact is not. • follows the father. • The father's
Ignorance of a fact may excuse a religion is prima facie the infant's
party from the legal consequences religion.
of his conduct, but not ignorance of
law. Remissius imperanti melius
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 112
paretur. A person commanding matters.
not too strictly is better obeyed.
Res accessoria sequitur rem
Remoto impedimento, emergit principalem. An accessory follows
actio. When the impediment has its principal.
been removed, the action arises.
Res denozninatur a principaliori
Repellitur a sacramento infamis. parte. A thing is named from its
An infamous person is prevented more essential (or primary) part.
from taking an oath.
Reservatio non debet esse de
Repellitur exceptione cedendarum proficuis ipsis quia ea
actionum. (The litigant) is defeated conceduntur, sed de redditu novo
by the plea that the actions have extra proficua. A reservation
been assigned. ought not to be of the annual
increase itself, because it is
Reprobata petunia liberat granted, but of new rent apart from
solventem. Money refused releases the annual increase.
the person paying (or offering
payment). Res est misera ubi jus est vagum
et incerturn. It is a miserable state
Reputatio est vulgaris opinio ubi of things where the law is vague and
non est veritas. Reputation is a uncertain.
common opinion where there is no
certain knowledge. Res generalem ha bet
significationem, quia tam
Rerum ordo confunditur, si corporea, quam incorporea,
unicuique jurisdictio non servetur. cujuscunque sunt generis naturae
The order of things is confounded if sive speciei, conzprehendit. The
the proper jurisdiction of each is word "things" has a general
not maintained. signification, because it
comprehends corporeal as well as
Rerum progressus ostendunt incorporeal objects, of whatever
multa, quae in initio praecaveri sort, nature, or species.
seu praevideri non possunt. The
course of events reveals many things Resignatio est juris proprii
that in the beginning could not spontanea refutatio. Resignation is
be guarded against or foreseen. the spontaneous relinquishment of
one's own right.
Rerum suarum quilibet est
moderator et arbiter. Every one is Res inter alios acta alteri nocere
the manager and disposer of his non debet. Things done between
own matters. others ought not to injure an
outsider (not party to them).
Res accendent lumina rebus.
Matters will throw light upon (other) Res inter alios judicatae nullum
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 113
aliis praejudicium faciunt. clemency is glory to be sought after.
Matters adjudged in the lawsuits
of others do not prejudice those Respondeat raptor, qui ignorare
who were not parties to them. non potuit quod pupillum alienum
abduxit. Let the ravisher answer,
Res judicata facit ex albo nigrum, for he could not be ignorant that
ex nigro album, ex curvo rectum, he has taken away another's ward.
ex recto curvum. A matter
adjudged makes white black; Respondeat superior. Let the
black white; the crooked principal answer.
straight; the straight crooked.
Responsio unius non omnino
Res judicata pro veritate accipitur. audiatur. The answer of one
A matter adjudged is taken for truth. witness should not be heard at all.
Res nullius naturaliter fit primi Res propria est quae communis
occupantis. A thing that has no non est. A thing is private that is
owner naturally belongs to the first not common.
Res quae Ultra praesidia
Resoluto jure concedentis, perductae nondum sunt
resolvitur jus concessum. When quanquam ab hostibus occupatae,
the right of the grantor has been ideo postliminii non egent, quia
extinguished, the right granted is dozninum nondum mutarunt ex
extinguished. gentium jure.
Things that have not yet been
Res periit domino suo. The brought within the enemy's camp,
destruction of the thing is a loss to although held by the enemy, do not
its owner. need the fiction of postliminy on this
account, because their ownership by
Res per pecuniam aestimatur, et the law of nations has not yet
non pecunia per res. The value of changed.
a thing is estimated by its worth in
money, and the value of money is Res sacra non recipit
not estimated by reference to things. aestimationem. A sacred thing does
not admit of valuation.
Respiciendum est judicanti nequid
aut durius aut remissius Res sua nemini servit. No one
constituatur quam causa can have a servitude over his own
deposcit; nec enim aut severitatis property.
aut clementiae gloria affectanda
est. The person judging must see Res transit cum suo onere. The
to it that nothing should be either thing passes with its burden.
more severely or more leniently
construed than the cause itself Reus excipiendo fit actor. The
demands; neither for severity nor defendant by a plea or exception)
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 114
becomes plaintiff. judgment: truth in the party
swearing, justice and judgment in
Reus laesae majestatis punitur, ut the judge (administering the oath).
pereat unus ne pereant omnes. A
traitor is punished that one may die Sacramentum si fatuum fuerit, licet
lest all perish. falsum, tamen non committit
perjurium. A foolish oath, though
Re, verbis, scripto, consensu, false, does not make perjury.
traditione, junctura vestes sumere
pacta solent. Compacts usually Sacrilegus omnium praedonum
take their clothing from the thing cupiditatern et scelerem superat.
itself, from words, from writings, A sacrilegious person surpasses the
from consent, from delivery, from the greed and wickedness of all other
joining together. robbers.
Rex non debet esse sub homine sed Saepe constitutum est res inter
sub Deo et lege. The king should alios judicatas aliis non
not be under the authority of man, praejudicare. It has often been
but of God and the law. settled that matters adjudged
between others ought not to
Rex non potest fallere nec falli.
prejudice those who were not
The king cannot deceive or be
Roy West lie per ascun statute, si Salus populi (est) suprema lex. The
ii ne soit expressement nosme. The safety of the people is the supreme
king is not bound by any statute, if law. • The phrase is sometimes put
he is not expressly named. in the imperative: Salus populi
suprema lex esto (let the safety of
Sacramentum habet in se tres the people be the supreme law).
comites, veritatem justitiam et
judicium: veritas habenda est in Salus reipublicae suprema lex. The
jurato; justitia et judicium in safety of the state is the supreme
judice. An oath has in it three law.
components—truth, justice, and
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 115
Salus ubi multi consiliarii. Where Scienti et volenti non fit injuria. A
there are many counselors, there is wrong is not done to one who knows
safety. and assents to it.
Sapientia legis nummario pretio Scire proprie est rem ratione et per
non est aestimanda. No price in causam cognoscere. To know
money is to be put upon the wisdom properly is to know a thing in its
of the law. reason and by its cause.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 116
fortified with pleas, and defended as be done by which a bona fide
though by shields. contract may be in the safest
condition, except when it has been
Secta quae scripto nititur a scripto drawn up clearly contrary to law.
variari non debet. A suit that
relies upon a writing ought not to Semper in obscuris quod minimum
vary from the writing. est sequimur. In obscure cases
we always follow what is least
Secundum naturam est commoda obscure.
cujusque rei eum sequi quem
sequentur incommoda. It is Semper in stipulationibus et in
according to nature that the caeteris contractibus id sequimur
advantages in any matter should quod actum est. In stipulations
come to the person to whom the and other contracts, we always
disadvantages will attend. follow what wa s done (or ag reed
t o). Dig . 50.17.34.
Securius expediuntur negotia
commissa pluribus, et plus vident Semper ita fiat relatio ut valeat
oculi quam oculus. Business dispositio. Let the reference always
entrusted to several people is done be so made that the disposition may
more reliably, and (several) eyes see avail.
more than (one) eye does.
Semper necessitas probandi
Seisina facit stipitem. Seisin makes incumbit ei qui agit. The
necessity of proving always rests
the stock. upon the claimant.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 117
behalf is always believed to authorize judgment (i.e., res judicata).
Sententia facit jus, et legis
Semper sexus masculinus etiam interpretatio leg-is vim obtinet.
faemininum continet. The The judgment creates the right,
masculine gender always includes and the interpretation of the law
the feminine as well. Dig. 32.63. obtains the force of law.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 118
you depart from the law, you will two conflicting provisions are
wander (without a guide), and found in a will, the latter is
everything will be in a state of decisive.
uncertainty to everyone.
Sigillum est cera impressa, quia
Si alicujus rei societas sit et finis cera sine impressione non est
negotio impositus est, finitur sigillum. A seal is a piece of wax
societas. If there is a partnership in impressed, because wax without
any matter, and the business is an impression is not a seal.
ended, the partnership ceases.
Si judicas, cognosce. If you judge,
Si aliquid ex solemnibus deficiat,
cum aequitas poscit
subveniendum est. If anything is
Silent leges inter arma. Laws are
lacking from formal requirements,
silent amid arms.
when equity requires, it will be
supplied. Si meliores sunt quos ducit amor,
plures sunt quos corrigit timor.
Si assuetis mederi possis, nova
If the better are those whom love
non sunt tentanda. If you can be
leads, the greater number are those
relieved by accustomed remedies,
whom fear corrects.
new ones should not be tried.
Similitudo legalis est casuum
Sic enim debere quem meliorem
diversorum inter se collatorum
agrum suum facere, ne vicini
similis ratio; quod in uno
deteriorem faciat. Everyone ought
similium valet, valebit in altero.
so to improve his land as not to
Legal similarity is a similar reason
injure his neighbor's.
that governs various cases when
Sic interpretandum est ut verba compared with each other, for what
accipiantur cum effectu. Such an avails in one similar case will avail
interpretation is to be made that in the other.
the words may be taken with
Simplex cornmendatio non
obligat. A simple recommendation
Sic utere tuo ut alienum non does not bind.
laedas. So use your own as not to
Simplex et pura donatio dici
injure another's property.
poterit ubi nulla est adjecta
Sicut natura nil facit per saltum, conditio nec modus. A gift is said to
ita nee lex. Just as nature does be pure and simple when no
nothing with a leap, so neither does condition or qualification has been
the law. annexed.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 119
the laws, and too much subtlety separate, it is sufficient to comply
in law is condemned. with either one or the other of
them; and being disjunctive, that
Sine possessione usucapio one or the other be true.
procedere non potest. Without
possession, prescription (Roman Si plures sint fidejussores,
usucapio) cannot proceed. quotquot erunt numero, singuli
in solidum tenentur. If there are
Singuli in solidum tenentur. Each more sureties than one, however
individual is bound for the whole. many they will be in number, they
are individually liable for the whole.
Si non appareat quid actum est,
exit consequens ut id sequamur
Si quidem in nomine, cognomine,
quod in regione in qua actum est
praenomine, agnomine legatarii
frequentatur. If it is not clear what
testator erraverit, cum de persona
was done (or agreed upon), the
constat, nihiloininus valet
consequence will be that we follow
legatum. If the testator has erred in
what is commonly done in the
the name, cognomen, praenomen,
place where the agreement was
or title of the legatee, when there
made. Dig. 50.17.34.
is certainty about the person, the
Si nulla sit conjectura quae ducat legacy is nonetheless valid.
alio, verba intelligenda sunt ex
proprietate, non grammatica sed Si quid universitati debetur,
populari ex usu. If there is no singulis non debetur, nec quod
inference that leads to a different debet universitas singuli debent.
result, words are to be understood If anything is due to a corporation,
according to their proper meaning, it is not due to the individual
not in a grammatical but in a members of it, nor do the members
popular and ordinary sense. individually owe what the
corporation owes.
Si plures conditiones ascriptae Si quis cum toturn petiisset
fuerunt donationi conjunctim, partem petat, exceptio rei
omnibus est parendum; et ad judicatae vocet. If anyone sues for
veritatem copulative requiritur a part when he should have sued
quod utraque pars sit vera, si for the whole, the judgment should
divisim, quilibet vel alteri eorum constitute res judicata (against
satis est obtemperare; et in another suit).
disjunctivis, sufficit alteram
partem esse veram. If several Si quis custos fraudem pupillo
conditions are conjunctively fecerit, a tutela removendus est. If
written in a gift, the whole of a guardian commits fraud against
them must be complied with; and his ward, he is to be removed
with respect to their truth, it is from the guardianship.
necessary that every part be true,
taken jointly: if the conditions are
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 120
Si quis praegnantem uxorem Solus Deus haeredem facit. God
reliquit, non videtur sine liberis alone makes the heir.
decessisse. If anyone dies leaving
his wife pregnant, he is not Solutio pretii emptionis loco
considered as having died childless. habetur. The payment of the price
stands in the place of a sale.
Si quis unum percusserit cum
alium percutere vellet, in felonia Solvendo esse nemo intelligitur nisi
tenetur. If a person kills one when qui solidum potest solvere. No one
he meant to kill another, he is held is understood to be in a state of
guilty of felony. solvency except the one who can pay
all that he owes. Dig. 50.16.114.
Si suggestio non sit vera, literae
patentes vacuae stint. If the Solvitur adhuc societas etiam
suggestion is not true, the letters morte socii. A partnership is also
patent are void. dissolved by the death of a partner.
Sive tota res evincatur, sive pars, Solvitur eo ligamine quo ligatur.
habet regressum emptor in It is released by the bond with which
venditorem. If the property is taken it is bound.
from him by eviction, whether
whole or in part, the purchaser has Spes impunitatis continuum
an action against the vendor. Dig. affectum tribuit delinquendi. The
21.2.1. hope of impunity supplies a
constant inclination to wrongdoing.
Socii mei socius meus socius non
est. The partner of my partner is not Spoliatus debet ante omnia
my partner. restitui. A party forcibly deprived of
possession ought first of all to have
Sola ac per se senectus restitution.
donationem, testamentum aut
transactionem non vitiat. Old age Spoliatus episcopus ante omnia
does not alone and of itself vitiate debet restitui. A bishop despoiled
gift, will or transaction. of his see ought, above all, to be
Solemnitates juris sunt
observandae. The solemnities of law Spondet peritiam antis. He
must be observed. promises ( to use) the skill of his
art. • That is, he engages to do the
Solo cedit quod solo implantatur. work in a skillful manner.
What is planted in the soil belongs to
the soil. Sponte virum fugiens mulier et
adultera facta, doti sua careat,
Solo cedit quod solo inaedificatur. nisi sponsi .sponte retracta. A
Whatever is built on the soil belongs woman leaving her husband of her
to the soil. own accord and committing
adultery should lose her dower,
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 121
unless she is taken back by her Statutum speciale statuto speciali
husband of his own accord. non derogat. One special statute
does not take away from another
Stabit praesumptio donee probetur special statute.
in contrarium. A presumption will
stand until proof is given to the Sublata causa tollitur effectus.
contrary. Remove the cause and the effect
Stare decisis et non quieta movere.
Literally. to stand by previous Sublata veneratione
decisions and not to disturb magistratuum, respublica ruit.
settled matters. • To adhere to When respect for magistrates has
precedents, and not to depart from been destroyed, the commonwealth
established principles. perishes.
Stat pro ration voluntas. The will Sublato fundamento, cadit opus.
stands in place of a reason. When the foundation has been
removed (or demolished), the
Stat pro ratione voluntas populi. structure collapses.
The will of the people stands in place
of a reason. Sublato principali, tollitur
adjunctum. When the principal has
Statuta pro publico commodo late been taken away, the adjunct is also
interpretantur. Statutes made for
the public advantage ought to be taken away.
broadly construed.
Succurritur minori; facilis est
Statuta suo clauduntur territorio, lapsus juventutis. Aid is given to a
nee ultra territorium disponunt. minor; easy is the slipup of youth
Statutes are confined to their own ( i.e., youth is liable to err).
territory and have no
Summa caritas est facere justitiam
extraterritorial effect.
singulis et omni tempore quando
necesse fuerit. The greatest
Statutum affirmativum non
charity is to do justice to each
derogat cornmuni legi. An
individual and at every time when
affirmative statute does not take
it is necessary.
away from the common law.
Summa est lex quae pro religione
Statutum generaliter est
facit. The highest law is the one
intelligendum quando verba
that acts on behalf of religion.
statuti sunt specialia, ratio autem
generalis. A statute is to be Summa ratio est quae pro
understood generally when the religione facit. The highest reason
words of the statute are special but is that which acts in favor of
its reason is general.
religion. • Also found in indirect
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 122
form, Sum-mom csse rationem quae Talis non est eadem, nam nullum
pro religione facit. simile est idem. "Such" is not "the
same," for nothing similar is the
Summurn jus, summa injuria. same thing.
The highest right is the utmost
injury. • That is, law too rigidly Tantum bona valent, quantum
interpreted produces the greatest vendi possunt. Things are worth as
injustice. much as they can be sold for.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 123
Tempus mortis inspiciendum. completed by death.
(One must) look to the time of death.
Testatoris ultima voluntas est
Tenor est qui legem dat feudo. It is perimplenda secundum veram
the tenor that gives law to the fee. • intentionem suam. The last will of
That is, the tenor of the feudal grant a testator is to be fulfilled
regulates its effect and extent. according to his true intention.
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Titius haeres esto. Let Titius be tradit. Delivery neither can nor
my heir. • Titius was the Roman should transfer anything more to
counterpart of John Doe. the recipient than is in possession
of the one who delivers.
Titulus est justa causa possidendi
id quod nostrum est. Title is the Trado tibe ecclesiam. I deliver this
just cause of possessing that which church tor living) to you.
is ours.
Transgressione multiplicata,
Tolle voluntatem et erit omnis crescat poenae inflictio. When
actus indif ferens. Take away the transgression is repeated, let the
will, and every action will be infliction of punishment be
indifferent. increased. 2 Co. Inst. 479.
Tout ce que la loi ne defend pas est Transit terra cum onere. The land
permis. Everything that the law passes with its burdens.
does not forbid is permitted.
Tres faciunt collegium. Three form a
Toute exception non surveillëe corporation.
tend a prendre la place du
Triatio ibi semper debet fieri ubi
principe. Every exception not
juratores meliorem possunt
watched tends to assume the place of
habere notitiam. Trial ought always
the principle.
to be held where the jurors can have
Tractent fabrilia fabri. Let smiths the better information.
perform the work of smiths.
Triennalis pacificus possessor
Traditio loqui facit chartam. beneficii est inde securus. The
Delivery makes the deed (document) undisturbed possessor of a benefice
speak. for three years is thereafter secure
(from challenge).
Traditionibus et usucapionibus,
non nudis pactis, transferuntur Turpis est pars quae non convenit
rerum dominia. Rights of cum suo toto. The part is bad that
property are transferred by does not accord with its whole.
delivery and by prescription Tuta est custodia quae sibimet
(founded on lengthy possession), not creditur. The guardianship is secure
by naked agreements. that is entrusted to itself alone.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 125
Tutius est rei incumbere quam extraordinary one.
personae. It is safer to rely upon a
thing than upon a person. • Real Ubi culpa est, ibi poena subesse
security is safer than personal debet. Where the fault is, there the
security. punishment should be imposed.
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Ubi jus, ibi remedium. Where there is Ubi non est directs lex, standum
a right, there is a remedy. est arbitrio judicis, y
procedendum ad similia.
Ubi jus incertum, ibi jus nullum. Where there is not direct law, one
Where the right is uncertain, there is must rely on the judgment of the
no right. judge or refer to similar cases.
Ubi lex aliquem cogit ostendere Ubi non est lex, ibi non est
causam, necesse est quod causa transgressio quoad mundum.
sit justa et legitima. Where there is not law, there is
Where the law compels someone to not transgression, as far as this
show cause, it is necessary that the world is concerned.
cause be just and legal.
Ubi non est manifesta injustitia,
Ubi lex deest, praetor supplet. judices habentur pro bonis viris,
Where the law is deficient, the et judicatum pro veritate. Where
praetor supplies the deficiency. there is no manifest injustice, the
judges are to be regarded as
Ubi lex est specialis et ratio ejus honest men, and their judgment as
generalis, generaliter accipienda truth.
est. Where the law is special and the
reason of it is general, it ought to Ubi non est principalis, non potest
be taken as general. esse accessorius. Where there is
no principal, there can be no
Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos accessory.
distinguere debemus. Where the
law does not distinguish, we ought Ubi nulla est conjectura quae
not to distinguish. ducat alio, verba intelligenda sunt
ex proprietate non grammatica sed
Ubi major pars est, ibi totum. populari ex usu. Where there is no
Where the greater part is, there is inference that would lead in another
the whole. direction, the words are to be
understood according to their proper
Ubi matrimonium, ibi dos. Where
meaning, not strictly according to
there is marriage, there is dower.
grammar but according to popular
Ubi non adest norma legis, omnia usage.
quasi pro suspectis habenda sunt.
Where there is no rule of law, Ubi nullum matrimonium, ibi
everything must be held, as it were, nulla dos. Where there is no
suspect. marriage, there is no dower.
Ubi non est condendi auctoritas, ibi Ubi onus ibi emolumentum. Where
non est parendi necessitas. Where the burden is, there is the profit or
there is no authority to establish (a advantage.
rule), there is no necessity to obey.
Ubi periculum, ibi et lucrum
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 127
collocatur. Where the risk is, there Unaquaeque gleba servit. Every
also the profit accrues. lump of earth (on the land) is subject
to the servitude.
Ubi pugnantia inter se in
testamento juberentur, neutrum Uniuscujusque contractus initium
ratum est. When two directions spectandum est et causa. The
conflicting with each other were beginning and cause of each and
given in a will, neither is held valid. every contract must be considered
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 128
Unumquodque eodem modo quo Ut poena ad paucos, metus ad
colligatum est dissolvitur. In the omnes perveniat. So that
same manner in which anything was punishment afflict few, (and) fear
bound, it is loosened. affect all. • Blackstone cites Cicero
(pro Cluentio 46) emphasizing
Unumquodque est id quod est deterrence. 4 Bl. Com. 11.
principalius in ipso. That which is
the principal part of a thing is the Ut res magis valeat quam pereat.
thing itself. That the matter may have effect
rather than fail.
Unumquodque ligamen dissolvitur
eodem ligamine qui et ligatur. Uxor et filius sunt nomina
Every obligation is dissolved in the naturae. Wife and son are names of
same manner in which it is nature.
Uxor non est sui juris sed sub
Unurnquodque principiorum est potestate viii. A wife is not in her
sibimet ipsi fides; et perspicua own right (i.e., she cannot act
vera non sunt probanda. Each independently), but under the power
and every one of the general of her husband.
principles is its own pledge of trust,
and plain truths need not be proved. Uxor sequitur domicilium viri. A
wife follows the domicile of her
Unusquisque debet esse gnarus husband.
conditionis ejus cum quo
contrahit. Everyone ought to be Vagabundum nuncupamus eum
cognizant of the condition of the qui nullibi domicilium contraxit
person with whom he makes habitationis. We call the person a
contract. vagabond who has acquired
nowhere a domicile of residence.
Usucapio constituta est ut aliquis
litium finis esset. Prescription Valeat quantum valere potest.
(Roman usucapio) was instituted Let it have effect as far as it can
that there might be some end to have effect.
lawsuits. Dig. 41.10.5.
Vana est ills potentia quae
Usus est dominium fiduciarium. nunquant venit in actum. Vain is
Use is a fiduciary ownership. that power that never comes into
Usus fit ex iteratis actibus. Usage
arises from repeated acts. Vani timores sunt aestimandi, qui
non cadunt in constantem virem.
Utile per inutile non vitiatur. What Those fears are to be considered
is useful is not vitiated by the groundless that do not affect a man
useless. of steady character.
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Vani timoris justa excusatio non as to have effect.
est. There is no legal excuse based
on a groundless fear. Verba artis ex arte. Terms of art
(should be explained) from the art.
Velle non creditur qui obsequitur
imperio patris vel domini. A Verba chartarum fortius
person is not presumed to act of accipiuntur contra pro ferentem.
his own will who obeys the orders The words of deeds are taken most
of his father or his master. strongly against the person
offering them.
Vendens eandem rem duobus
falsarius est. A vendor is Verba cum effectu accipienda
fraudulent if he sells the same sunt. Words must be taken so as to
thing to two (separate) buyers. have effect.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 130
Verba generalia restringuntur ad absurd effect.
habilitatern rei vel personae.
General words are limited to the Verba non tam intuenda quam
capability of the subject matter or of causa et natura rei, ut mens
the person. contrahentium ex eis potius quam
ex verbis appareat. The words (of a
Verba illata (relata) inesse contract) are not to be looked to so
videntur. Words referred to are much as the cause and nature of
considered as if incorporated. the matter, so that the intention of
the contracting parties may appear
Verba in differenti materia per from these rather than from the
prius, non per posterius, (mere) words.
intelligenda sunt. Words referring
to a different subject are to be Verba offendi possunt, imo ab eis
understood by what goes before, not recedere licet, ut verba ad sanum
by what follows. intellectum reducantur. The
words can be faulted—indeed, it is
Verba intelligenda sunt in casu permitted to depart from them, in
possibili. Words are to be order that the words may be
understood in reference to a possible restored to a sensible meaning.
Verba ordinationis, quando
Verba intentioni, et non e contra, verificari possunt in sua vera
debent inservire. Words should be significatione, trahi ad
subject to the intention, not the extraneum intellectum non
reverse. debent. When the words of an
ordinance can be made true in
Verba ita sunt intelligenda, ut res their true signification, they ought
magis valeat quam pereat. Words not to be warped to a foreign
are to be so understood that the meaning.
matter may have effect rather than
fail. Verba posteriora prop ter
certitudinem addita, ad priora
Verba mere aequivoca, si per quae certitudine indigent, sunt
communem usum loquendi in referunda. Later words added for
intellectu certo sumuntur, talis the purpose of certainty are to be
intellectus praeferendus est. referred to preceding words in
When words are purely equivocal, which certainty is wanting.
if by common usage of speech they
are taken in a certain meaning, such Verba pro re et subjecta materia
meaning is to be preferred. accipi de-bent. Words should be
taken most in favor of the thing
Verba nihil operari melius est and the subject matter.
quam absurde. It is better that
words should have no effect than an Verba quae aliquid operari
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 131
possunt non de-bent else can be given a wide signification if
superflua. Words that can have there is reason for it.
some effect ought not to be (treated
as) superfluous. Verba sunt indices animi. Words
are indications of the intention.
Verba quantumvis generalia ad
aptitudinem restringuntur, Verbis standum ubi nulls
etiamsi nullam aliam paterentur ambiguitas. One must abide by
restrictionem. Words, howsoever the words where there is no
general, are confined to fitness (i.e., ambiguity.
to harmonize with the subject
matter), even if they would bear no Verbum imperfecti temporis rem
other restriction. adhuc imperfectam significat. The
verb in the imperfect tense indicates
Verba relata hoc maxime a matter as yet incomplete.
operantur per referentiam ut in
eis inesse videntur. Words to Veredictum quasi dictum veritatis;
which reference is made have, by ut judicium quasi juris dictum. A
the reference, this particular verdict is, as it were, the saying of
effect, that they are considered to the truth, in the same manner
be incorporated in those (clauses). • that a judgment is the saying of
Words to which reference is made the law (or right).
in an instrument have the same
Veritas demonstrationis tollit
effect and operation as if they were
errorem nominis. The truth of the
inserted in the clause referring to
description removes the error of the
Verba relata inesse videntur. Veritas habenda est in juratore;
Words to which reference is made are justitia et judicium in judice.
considered incorporated. Truth is the desideratum in a juror;
justice and judgment in a judge.
Verba secundum materiam
subjectam intelligi nemo est qui Veritas nihil veretur nisi abscondi.
nescit. There is no one who does not Truth fears nothing but to be
know that words should be hidden.
understood according to the subject
matter. Veritas nimium altercando
amittitur. By too much quarreling
Verba semper accipienda sunt in the truth is lost.
mitiori sensu. Words are always to
be taken in their milder sense. Veritas nominis tollit errorem
demonstrationis. The truth of the
Verba strictae significationis ad la name takes away the error of the
tam extendi possunt, si subsit description.
ratio. Words of a strict signification
Veritatem qui non libere
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 132
pronunciat, proditor est veritatis. persona.
One who does not speak the truth Husband and wife are considered one
freely is a traitor to the truth. person in law.
Via antiqua via est tuta. The old
Vis legibus est inimica. Force is
way is the safe way.
inimical to the laws.
Via trita est tutissima. The beaten
Vitium clerici nocere non debet.
road is the safest.
A clerical error ought not to
Via trita, via tuta. The beaten way prejudice.
is the safe way.
Vitium est quod fugi debet, ne, si
rationem non invenias, mox legem
Vicarius non habet vicarium. A sine ratione esse dames. It is a
deputy does not have a deputy. fault that ought to be avoided, that
if you do not discover the reason,
Vicini viciniora praesumuntur you quickly exclaim that the law is
scire. Neighbors are presumed to without reason.
know things of the immediate
vicinity. Vix ulla lex fieri potest quae
omnibus commoda sit, sed si
Videtur qui surdus et mutus ne majori parti prospiciat, utilis est.
poet faire alienation. A deaf and Scarcely any law can be made that is
mute person is considered not to be advantageous to all; but if it
able to alienate. benefits the majority, it is useful.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 133
distinguunt maleficia. The will Chicago and London: University
and the purpose distinguish of Chicago Press. 1979. From the
crimes. 1st ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press
Voluntas facit quod in testamento
scriptum valeat. The will (of the Bracton = Bracton, Henry de. De
testator) gives validity to what is Legibus et Consuetudinibus
written in the will. Angliae. G.E. Woodbine ed.; S.E.
Thorne transl. 4 vols. Cambridge,
Voluntas in delictis non exitus Mass.: Harvard University Press,
spectatur. In offenses, the will and 1968.
not the outcome is regarded.
Coke = The Reports of Sir Edward
Voluntas reputatur pro facto. The Coke. J.H. Thomas & J.F. Fraser
will is to be taken for the deed. eds. 13 parts in 6 vols. London:
Butterworth, 1826.
Voluntas testatoris ambulatoria
est usque ad mortem. The will of a Co. Litt. = Coke, Sir Edward. The
testator is ambulatory right up First Part of the Institutes of the
until his death. • That is, he may Laws of England, or A
change it at any time. Commentarie upon Littleton. 2
vols. Reprinted New York and
Voluntas testatoris habet London: Garland, 1979. From the
interpretationem latam et 1st ed. London: Societe of Stationers,
benignam. The will of the testator 1628.
should receive a broad and liberal
Co. Inst. = Coke, Sir Edward. The
Institutes of the Laws of
England. Parts 2-4, in 4 vols.
Voluntas ultima testatoris est Reprinted Buffalo, N.Y.: William S.
perimplenda secundum veram Hein, 1986. From the edition of
intentionem suam. The last will of London: Brooke, 1797.
a testator is to be fulfilled according
to his true intention. Dig. = The Digest of Justinian. T.
Mommsen et al. 4 vols.
Philadelphia: University of
Vox emissa volat; litera scripta Pennsylvania Press, 1985.
manet. The uttered voice flies; the
written letter remains. Just. Inst. = Justinian's Institutes. P.
Krueger ed.; P. Birks & G. McLeod
trans. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell
BIBLIOGRAPHY University Press, 1987.
LEGAL MAXIMS from Black’s Law Dictionary – Seventh Edition - SCANNED 134