1 1578 Egebusductdivision

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Busduct and

EGE is a group of companies assembled in an internationally operating holding

company which offers deliveries of special equipment for the power enginee-
ring industry all over the world. EGE‘s global customers benefit from our over
65 years of experience and tradition in quality production, from expert and re-
liable services, and from our flexibility in meeting customer-specific require-

The company‘s strategy is to offer a full range of products and services from
technical training to after-sales service. Quality has been a key target to all of
EGE’s activities, and the company has been certified on quality in accordance
with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 3834 and OHSAS 18001 standards. The quality
level established by these standards has been adhered to through demanding
audits which have covered the entire scope of EGE’s business activities.

The parent company of EGE, spol. s  r.o. primarily manufactures and supplies
special equipment for the energy industry. The company‘s main spheres of bu-
siness are three-fold: generator outlets – busducts and other aluminium pro-
ducts, special high-voltage electrical technology, and steel structures.

DIVISION The Busduct and Aluminium Products

Division is engaged in a wide range of
activities related to producing and
installing busducts, particularly those
required by power station generator

The history of busduct production at

EGE dates back to the early 1970´s. Sin-
ce then, the division has diversified its
products, which now include all common
busduct varieties with air insulation.

Since 1971, EGE has installed more than • Logistics

1000 busduct units in over 500 power • Site erection & supervision
plants worldwide. • After-sales service & technical support

RANGE OF ACTIVITIES The Busduct Division assures installa-

tion and commissioning as well as su-
• Consultancy pervision by designers on building sites,
• Studies maintenance, reconstruction work, and
• Design repairs of busducts throughout the life
• Engineering of equipment.
• Technical documentation
• Manufacture Furthermore, EGE designs and manu-
• Workshops and acceptance factures steel structures for suppor­
tests ting busducts.

BUSDUCTS FOR GENERATOR featuring electrically shorted enclosu-

OUTLETS (IPB) res represent a standard type of large
generator outlets.
Generator busducts represent a spe­
cial type of conductors capable of trans­ BUSDUCTS afford a great num-
mitting AC currents of high ratings and ber of advantages such as:
withstanding high short-circuit currents
typically experienced in power plant ge- • Elimination of phase-to-phase faults
nerator outlets. The conductors are de- • Great short-circuit resistance
signed to achieve maximum operational • Reduction of external magnetic fields
safety and reliability. to a minimum residual value
• Elimination of Joule and hysteresis
Each phase conductor runs through the losses transferred to surrounding
centre of a separate grounded sheath steel structures
made of conductive and non-magnetic • Limitation of difficulties with electro-
material. Its position is held concent- magnetic compatibility
ric with the enclosure by insulators. Air • Protection of insulators against
gaps are allowed between the enclosu- unfavourable ambient conditions
res of lateral and central phase conduc-
tors, thus separating the phase conduc- Shielding the conductors inside the en­
tors and the enclosure from each other. closures completely ensures attendant
In the instance of a single-phase failure, safety. Maintenance is minimized. The
ionized air cannot deteriorate the insu- busducts are interconnected with con-
lation capability of the other phases and ductive links at both ends. This results
short them out. in connected enclosures forming a sha-
ding coil with induced current flowing
Shorted enclosures exert a significant lengthways through its full cross sec­
shielding effect on the time-variable tion. This current almost amounts to that
magnetic fields of adjacent conductors, flowing through the phase conductors,
thus diminishing electro-dynamic forces but its phase direction is inverse. There­
EGE impacting upon conductors and conse- fore, the magnetic field outside the
quently upon insulators during short- enclosures is compensated to a low
BUSDUCTS -circuit transients. Generator busducts residual value.
U* Rated current Outer dimension of Phase distance
[kV] [kA] enclosure [mm] [mm]
12/28/75 2,5 – 14 480 – 960 1000 – 1200
17,5/50/110 2,5 – 25 540 – 1440 1000 – 1800
24/60/125 2,5 – 30 640 – 1660 1000 – 2000
36/70/170 2,5 – 30 860 – 1820 1200 – 2100
*insulation level IEC 71-1 / power frequency withstand voltage / lightning impulse withstand voltage
Busducts with a rated current up to 25 kA are designed as self-cooled IPBs, while
busducts above 25 kA are designed as forced cooled. The „Double Tube“ conductor
with air insulation can be used for the current value of 25 to 30 kA. EGE is licensed
from Siemens PG for the production of this type of conductor.


U* Rated current Outer dimension of Phase distance

[kV] [kA] enclosure [mm] [mm]
7,2/20/60 2,5 – 4 270 360
12/28/75 2,5 – 4 300 400
* insulation level IEC 71-1 / power frequency withstand voltage / lightning impulse withstand voltage
EGE offers busducts with a single supporting point which can fully substitute Non Segre-
gated Phase Busducts /NSPB/. The main advantage over NSPB is a better screening
effect of the enclosure by encapsulating each phase separately. Busducts with a single
supporting point are used for heavy workloads in many power plants around the world.

 on-Segregated and Segregated Phase Busducts (NSPB, SPB)

U* Rated current Outer dimension of Phase distance

[kV] [kA] enclosure [mm] [mm]
7,2/20/60 1,5 – 5 710 × 290 – 1130 × 430 180 – 320
12/28/75 1,5 – 5 830 × 410 – 1250 × 550 210 – 350
17,5/38/95 1,5 – 5 910 × 470 – 1410 × 610 250 – 390
* insulation level IEC 71-1/power frequency withstand voltage/lightning impulse withstand voltage
Calculated for ambient temperature of 40°C and atmospheric pressure up to
1000 m above sea level without the effect of the sun.


EGE has a team of specialised electrical

and mechanical engineers experienced
in designing and engineering generator
busducts, using modern, highly sophi-
sticated and computerised methods.
A team of experts is ready to respond
flexibly to any technical requirement of
a customer as related to a particular
project. • Earthing diagram
• List of materials
PROCESS • Manufacturing documentation
• Operational and technological
• Preliminary layout procedures
• Technical documentation for approval • Welding procedure specification
• Operation and maintenance manuals • Erection procedures
• Erection procedures • Operation and maintenance manuals
• Process of approval • List of consumables
• Manufacturing drawings • Packing lists
• As-built documentation • As-built documentation
• List of spare parts
standard technical
documentation models and calculations

• Site layout • SW Mathcad for IPB

TechnicAL DO- • Civil drawings including load calculation • SW ANSYS for IPB, NSPB a SPB
• Drawings
of detailed connections to • SW Autocad
CUMENTATION equipment • SW Inventor
PRODUCTION Applicable standards

Technical preparation of production

complies with the following standards:
• IEEE C37.23 /Standard for Metal En­
closed Bus and Calculation Losses/
• IEC 60071-1 /Insulation coordination,
part 1: Definitions, principles, and rules/
• IEC 60071-2 /Insulation coordination,
part 2: Application guide/
• IEC 61439 Low-voltage switchboards
• EC 62271 High-voltage switchgears
and control gears
• IEC 60865-1 /Short circuit currents. • Sawing machines with circular and
Calculation of effects, part 1: Defini­ band saw tools
tions and calculation methods/ • Numerically controlled /NC/ oxygen
• BS 159 /High-voltage busbars and cutters enabling plane figures to be cut
busbar connection/ using both oxygen and plasma
• C SA standard C22.2 Metal Enclosed • Drilling and pressing NC automated
High Voltage Busways machines
• Č SN EN ISO 3834 Welding process • Bending machines and tilting press
The busducts are designed to meet the • Roll bending machine for bending bars
EU directive on electromagnetic compa- and sheets
tibility 2004/108/EC. All products are • Machine tools for cut-machining
also in accordance with other EU legisla- • Power sources for MIG and WIG inert
tive requirements. gas welding and special welding opera-
PRODUCTION CAPACITY EGE • Preliminary preparative blasting of sur-
• Three manufacturing halls - two in the • Surface finishing and hot dip galvanization
Czech and one in the Slovak Republic • Paint spray boxes for painting busducts
• Complete production facilities - ware- • Test shops for electrical equipment
houses, packing and shipping services testing
• ERP systems and IT networks associa- • High voltage laboratory for transport
ted to the production unit testing


• Type tests
• Shearing
machines capable of separa- • Factory routine tests
ting metal sheets • On-site tests

MATERIAL FOR busduct attenuation of dynamic impacts during

PRODUCTION short-circuit transients.

Conductors are manufactured of pressed T-branches, vertical, and horizontal

tubes, or rolled, bent Al 99,5 EN 485.2 elbows are designed according to pro-
aluminium sheets, or, alternatively, Cu ject-specific requirements, site condi­
E57 copper tubes, encapsulated in alu- tions, and the number of devices conne­c­
minium Al 99,5 EN 485.2 coaxial enclo- ted to the generator busducts.
The degree of protection of the route
The conductor is held concentric inside corresponds to IP 65 according to EN
the enclosure by three support insu- 60529. Flexible connections of conduc-
lators. New, replacement insulators tors and enclosures allows for the use
can be easily installed. In their stan­ of busducts in areas with higher seis-
dard form cast resin is used as a base mic activity.
material thus allowing for a greater
creepage distance. This epoxy material NSPB conductors are made of stamped
substantially reduces water condensa- aluminium tubes Al 99,5 EN 485.2
tion levels due to its low thermal creep or copper E-57. Additional insulation
MATERIAL conductivity. layers on the conductors can be pro-
posed as an option. Conductors are
AND The insulators feature a spring- enclosed in a rectangular aluminium
mounted head, allowing for both radial casing made of aluminium sheets Al
components and axial dilatation in addition to the 99,5 EN 485.2.
MATERIAL busduct components

AND Aluminium connection terminals of

conductors are silver-plated. Conduc-
tors are fixed in the proper position by
components supporting cast resin or porcelain insu-
lators, removable from the outside of
the enclosure. Axial thermal dilatation
of conductors is ensured by flexible
links made of aluminium if welded within manufacturer tests the insulators
the conductors, or of copper if installed according to IEC 60660 standards.
at the connection terminals. This design eliminates the need to take
measures by cold energizing.
Rubber compensators allow axial di-
latation and flexible connection of the The overpressure system or dehydra-
enclosure. Transport units are ma- ting breathers preventing condensa-
nufactured at a maximal length of 11 tion inside the busducts are available
meters. The final welding is performed upon customer request or based on
on site according to the Welding Pro- site conditions. In locations affected
cedures, which are part of the Erection by the sun, we supply protective sun
Manual. shields.

Supporting insulators are designed Supporting steel structures can be

with a long creepage distance and are included in delivery as hot dip galvani-
made of cast resin or porcelain. The zed or painted.


Generator busducts are usually connec­
ted to a generator through removable Connections to generator circuit brea­
half shells‘ housing with silver-plated kers can either be designed as a rigid
contact surfaces. This allows for a flexi­ or flexible connection depending on site
ble and dismountable connection of the conditions. Should a rigid connection be
conductor as well as providing easy chosen, enclosures are directly welded
access to connection terminals and in- to GCB casings. A flexible connection
stalled devices; this is especially useful involves a circuit breaker flange being
for carrying out maintenance and im- affixed by a rubber compensator which
provements. Interface boxes and exis­ is connected to a busduct enclosure
ting sections of conductors are designed and conductively bridged by aluminium
to facilitate the replacement of bus­ joints. The connection is designed in ac-
hings or even of the entire machine if ne­ cordance with the specific type of the
cessary. On customer request, infrared circuit breaker utilized. Conductors are
thermometers can be added to the con- connected to GCB terminals using flexi­
nection terminals of larger generators. ble silver-plated copper joints.



Generator neutral point boxes are spe- EGE also supplies the calculation, design
cifically designed for the type of gene­ and manufacture of a steel platform un-
rator used. They are equipped with ope­ der a generator circuit breaker made
nings for easy erection and maintenance according to the type of the circuit brea­
on site. Inter-phase star connection is ker in use, site conditions, the civil ar-
done using flat copper bars fixed with rangement, and the customer’s specific
insulators to neutral point box casings, requirements. The standard surface
or using a special E-shaped aluminium treatment method is hot dip galvanisa-
tube fixed by insulators to a neutral tion. The steel support platform under
point box. Neutral point boxes are fixed a generator circuit breaker can be ship­
to generator casings by a flanged bolt ped together with the delivery of gene­
CONNECTIONS connection. rator busducts.

Busduct enclosures are connected to a

main transformer body using two flan-
ged half shells bolted together which are
fixed to busduct enclosures by rubber
compensators thus allowing thermal
and mechanical dilatation. The rubber
compensators are bridged by alumi­
nium links in one or three phases in
order to maintain the conductivity of
the enclosures. Earthing is carried out UNIT TRANSFORMER CONNECTION
in accordance with a grounding diagram.
Branch busduct enclosures are connec-
CONNECTION TO INSTRUMENT ted to unit transformers using two flan-
CUBICLES ged half shells bolted together or are
fixed using rubber compensators that
Connection to instrument cubicles is fa- allow for thermal and mechanical dila-
cilitated using two flanged half shells bol- tation. The entire system is designed
ted together which are fixed to busduct for easy erection on site and for the
enclosures by rubber compensators, simplification of the future maintenance
permitting thermal and mechanical di- of flexible silver-plated copper joints con­
latation. The entire system is designed necting silver-plated aluminium termi-
for easy erection on site and to simplify nals at connection points on both sides.
future maintenance. The rubber com- Rubber compensators are bridged by
pensators are bridged by aluminium aluminium links in one or three phases
links in order to preserve the conductivi- in order to maintain the conductivity of
ty of enclosures. Earthing occurs at only enclosures. Earthing is carried out in
one place. accordance with a grounding diagram.


Connection terminals are shaped sil-

ver-plated aluminium plates which are
welded to a conductor. These terminals
are equipped with holes for connecting
silver-plated copper expansion links to
relevant devices. All the conductors of
transport units are shaped and made
ready for connecting and easy welding
on site. Bolted connections, as well as
all other current carrying points, are
fastened together with rust-proof, non-
-magnetic steel nuts and bolts.
in be t ween enclosur es. Dila t a t ion
CONDUCTOR AND ENCLOSURE couplings for both conductors and en­
CONNECTION closures are welded and require no main­­
tenance under operational conditions.
The longitudinal dilatation of conductors Enclosure movement in a desired direc-
COMPONENTS, is compensated for by flexible links made tion is facilitated by an array of fixed and
of thin aluminium sheets. The dilatation sliding support feet welded to the steel
TERMINALS, of an enclosure is enabled by the use of support structures. Dilatation is further
compensators made of specially for- secured by rubber compensators fitted
DILATATION med aluminium sheets which are welded at the ends of transformer connections.

PENETRATION, To pass generator busducts through

a wall, we use split wall penetration The support structures are designed

SUN SHIELDS, plates made of aluminium. A silicone

sealing is used to seal the resultant in-
according to customer requirements.
The supporting structures are primarily
terface gap. Single fire compartments composed of HEA and HEB steel beams
SUPPORTING are separated from each other with with zinc hot dip galvanized or painted
special material with the required fire surface treatment.
STEEL resistance.

Sun shields are installed in areas of high Busduct enclosures are welded to fixed
solar activity, especially in tropical and or movable saddle points whose steel
subtropical territories. Their function base plates are welded to support
is to reflect sun radiation and decrease structure cross-beams. The entire as-
the temperature of encapsulated bus- sembly can be adjusted to fit a support
ducts. Sun shields are produced from structure, and its total height can also
shaped aluminium sheeting which is fi- be modified. This height adjustment is
xed to busduct enclosures. A substitute necessary on site due to building to-
for sun shields is to make conductors lerances. Saddles are insulated from
and enclosures from thicker material. steel supports.



For connection of the busducts to the

hydrogen-cooled generators EGE de-
signs and supplies equipment for hyd-
rogen leak detection and ventilation
assembly to ensure safe operation of
busducts in accordance with ATEX di- AIR PRESSURE REDUCING BOX
rective 94/9/EC.
As an alternative, we can offer a pres­
DEHYDRATING BREATHERS surised air distribution system fed with
treated air or recommend that a com-
The internal space of busducts is sepa- pressor be furnished with an air pres­
rated from ambient influences based on sure reduction box connected through
the level of protection defined by equip- piping to busduct enclosures. Pressure
ment. Changes in air volume caused by at the inlet to the reduction box may be
alterations in temperature during the up to 10 Bars. Slight overpressure pre-
day and night are compensated for by vents the entry of air moisture and dust

AUXILIARIES, air passing through a silica gel breather

which dries the air flowing to busducts
particles from the surrounding atmo-
sphere and ensures a suitable environ-
to prevent the condensation inside. The ment inside the busducts. The pressure
OVERPRESSU- dehydrating breathers are of a type com­ reduction box can be accessorised with
monly used in conjunction with trans­ remote signalling of operational sta-
RE SYSTEMS formers or similar machines. tuses to a control room.
AUXILIARIES Short Circuiting Device

In the generator route, the Short Cir-

cuiting Device serves for testing and
setting the protection of the gene-
rator. It also serves as a single-pole,
mechanically controlled earthing. The
shorting device design allows for a
load of 8 kA for a period of 30 minu-
tes, or 12 kA for a period of 15 minu-
tes at the rated voltage 24 kV or 36 kV.

• Voltage transformers
Should water condensation be present, • Current transformers
it is captured by the drainage equipment • Surge arresters
and drained out of the system through • High voltage cubicles
an outlet at the lowest point of a genera- • Remote infrared measurement
tor busduct unit. system
• Grounding transformers
AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT • Switchboard cubicles
• Temporary grounding devices
According to customer requirements,
EGE can supply additional instruments EGE is ready to deliver auxiliary devices
and equipment with generator busducts and equipment including the adaptation
such as: of busducts for their installation.


Non-segregated phase and segregated

phase busducts with air insulation are
designed as specified by ANSI C37.23
for the transmission of medium cur­
rents. The insulation level follows IEC
60071-1 in the range up to 17.5 kV. IEC

NON-SEGREGA- standards 60298 and 60694 are valid

for each proposed design.

TED & SEGREGA- Non-segregated phase busducts are

generally designed for medium voltage circuits of large generators is also pos­
TED PHASE circuits of switch stations, auxiliary sible. NSPB can be installed without
circuits, and outlets of small AC gene- other setup in places not protected
BUSDUCTS rators. Application for DC excitation against the weather.
PACKING packing for land transport

AND LOGISTIC Particularly for delivery across Europe,

busducts are specially packed and pre-
pared for transport by land haulage.
Transport units are packed in wooden
crates to prevent them from being da-
maged during delivery. Assembly ma-
terials for site erection are packed and
well protected in wooden boxes.
At the customers’ request, EGE is able
Packing for overseas delivery is done to transport busducts in containers.
according to international standards for The busducts inside are packed as
ocean shipping. Items are packed in woo- transport units in wooden crating, pre-
den boxes and material is well protected venting any damage during delivery.
against movement, humidity, dust, and
salty air. Wooden boxes can be stored TRANSPORT
on site for several months without any
damage occurring to the equipment in- EGE can provide the transport of goods
side. Materials used when erecting are to the site or port of export based on va-
separately packed and carefully signed lid Incoterms conditions. Shipment from
for in accordance with packing lists and EGE can either be by road haulage or via
technical documentation. a factory railway.


The division’s experienced assembly

teams are capable of carrying out bus-
duct assembly and other power con-
structions throughout the world. EGE
possesses all the certification, authori-
zation, tools and devices necessary to
conduct assembly work. The company
regularly organises training sessions
for employees and enables them to EGE employees. The supervisors are
monitor the latest trends while main- well informed on the specific project re-
taining a high quality of the work per- quirements and assist throughout the
formed. The EGE staff is able to pro- installation process, including dielec-
vide the entire assembly of busducts, tric stregth tests and pressure tests.
including commissioning. These specialists ensure that the in-
stallation is carried out in accordance
SUPERVISING with the technical documentation and
assembly, assembly procedures. As-built docu-
Supervision on the sites of busduct in- mentation based on their reports is
SUPERVISING stallation worldwide is performed by prepared after the installation.
Busduct Division
EGE, spol. s r.o.
Novohradská 34
370 01 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 387 764 430
Fax: +420 387 764 606
E-mail: [email protected]

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