On Social Awareness (Current Landscape of Philippine Politics - Lauren's Greenfield's "THE KINGMAKER" (2019) )

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On Social Awareness ( Current Landscape of Philippine Politics – Lauren’s Greenfield’s


1. What are the main points tackled in this documentary?

The ‘Kingmaker’ points out and problematizes our former first lady’s
insurmountable influence and authority. Lauren Greenfield smartly introduced the
behind-the-scenes life of Mrs. Imelda Marcos. The enormous power and wealth she hold;
power she used to manipulate the world along with her husband’s presidency. Moreover,
Greenfield fervently shows the crucial and controversial political dictatorship of Marcos
regime. Tyranny, slaughtering, corruption and profligacy. This documentary tells a
cautionary tale of a powerful female leader whose questionable sense of reality divided a
2. Why do you think that the title of the film documentary is ‘Kingmaker’?
In my opinion, this whole documentary mainly focuses to Imelda Marcos. A
kingmaker who posseses the power to bestow the throne but didn’t take it herself.
Instead, She perpetuated the power and influence leading to a numerous political
successions. She is a greatly beneficial tool for the reigned Marcos regime. Clearly
shown in this documentary, From her masterpiece, President Ferdinand down to her son,
Sen. Bongbong which Lauren named as the prince. Imelda is a brilliant kingmaker. In
fact, she’s not just a successful kingmaker. She is a queen herself. Her profound
understanding, her adept competence. She knows what she will do and can do. And,
Lastly, She knows how to delude people wisely. Imelda was unrelenting, a queen indeed.

3. What do you think about the current political landscape of our country? Is there
something that should be eradicated or changed? If none, explain your answer. If
there is/are, what is/are this/these and justify your answer.
In the Philippines, the year 2016 can be characterized in terms of choices,
changes, and challenges. As an election year, the people once again chose a new set of
leaders.From the five candidates for the presidency, Rodrigo Duterte of Davao emerged
as the victor. His rise to the top has led to several changes in terms of presidential style,
management, and politics. His war on drugs received both acclamations and criticisms
from various sectors in the Philippines and abroad. The first six months of the Duterte
administration is not without its share of issues and controversies, ranging from domestic
issues such as the Marcos burial to international ones like the perceived anti-United
States and pro-China and Russia foreign policy. This political view is just my perception
on why our country still endures to be in a weak state. And that the anticipation for
making a well built, sustainable state are weak under the current political system. I argue
that expectations for democratic consolidation in the Philippines in the near future appear
bleak. Political clientelism has given way to rapid corrosions of public institutions.
Although not as authoritarian as the Marcos regime, Duterte administration has growing
authoritarian tendencies: centralization of power in the executive, heightened repression;
a much weakened rule of law and increase influence of the military.
Philippines has tons of cases in terms of eradicating nor changing our systems.
Get rid of electing corrupt and worthless politicians again and again. In This is one of the
root causes why Philippine government is not developing, still weak and futile.
Furthermore, The Filipino people are currently are in danger with the hands of a dictator
and a facist president. We, the people of the Philippines, are united wishing for a change;
to oust the President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte. We are in need of change within
our society. We need independent political system that upheld the rights of people.
Whose prioritization is to put Filipinos state forefront. Incompetence kills but
incompetence praised by blind followers makes the killing and injustice look like it’s
okay and justified.

4. Did this documentary help you in your perspective regarding our political system and
political leaders in our country? What were your realizations after watching this film?

Yes, As it help to broaden my horizon on the given topics. It is an awakening call

for the society to bring aa crucial change. It is our mindset that lead us to this disparaging
tyranny. In my view, Challenges of this country are of its own making, Including the
deadly drug war campaign, the roll out of tax reforms which complicated efforts to curb
recent high inflation. In addition, the recent plan by Pres. Duterte to amend the
constitution and implement federalism in the Philippines wherein majority vaguely thinks
that thus reform is necessary. Thus, Rather than unification around reforms on this
sectors, it cause nuisance. These issues exposed deep divisions and stronger oppositions.
This has brought consciousness and realizations about the deteriorating state of
our country Our political system and leaders has drastically brought affliction to Filipino
citizens in and out of the country. The deluding and ambitious political leaders elected by
money lead us to a terrifying political system. The worse condition of our country will
never be change nor develop if we let this perpetuate. Ineffectiveness, inadequacy; We
are lacking political officials that has a heart to truly serve his or her country.

5. Is this film documentary biased or prejudiced? Why or why not?

I have observed that this film documentary was prejudiced. As I see it Lauren
Greenfield smartly delivers the messages and information she want to convey to her
targeted audience. The information is factual and have shown actual information . The
film documentary is not based on perspective therefore I think that it is more prejudice
rather than biased.


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Jan Robert R. Go (2017) Of choices, changes, and challenges: the Philippines in 2016,
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Nathan Gilbert Quimpo (2009) The Philippines: predatory regime, growing authoritarian
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