Design of STP University

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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology,


Article · May 2019

DOI: 10.9790/2402-1305012536


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4 authors, including:

Shobhan Majumder Poornesh Poornesh

Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering University of Adelaide


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IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT)
e-ISSN: 2319-2402,p- ISSN: 2319-2399.Volume 13, Issue 5 Ser. I (May. 2019), PP 25-36

Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of

Technology, Mangalore
Shobhan Majumder1*, Poornesh2, Reethupoorna M.B.2, Razi Musthafa2
(Assistant professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.I.T, Mangalore, India)
(Research scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, B.I.T, Mangalore, India)
Corresponding Author: Shobhan Majumder

Abstract: Wastewater generated in school and colleges have to take care as it may pollute the ground water if
not treated properly. This paper focuses on the design of a STP unit in Bearys Institute of Technology (BIT),
Mangalore for the treatment of boy’s hostel wastewater of 160 students with 135 LPCD. Physical and chemical
characteristics of the wastewater samples showed a low strength in pollutant concentrations. Treatment units
were planned and designed based on the existing condition. Equalization tank was designed for flow balancing;
however, flash mixer was designed to mix coagulants. Suspended particles can be removed with clariflocculator
and generated floc can be sent to the sludge drying bed. Colloidal and finer particles can be removed in rapid
gravity filter and disinfection unit was designed for destroying the pathogens and ensuring safe disposal of
treated wastewater.
Keywords: Characteristics, Design, Dimension, Sewage, STP
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Date of Submission: 29-04-2019 Date of acceptance: 13-05-2019

I. Introduction
Sewage disposal in natural waters is a common practice among many nations. Large inputs of organic
matter and nutrients from raw sewage to a weak hydrodynamic environment poses environmental and health
problems from deterioration of water quality [1,2]. Shivaranjani and Thomas (2017) have presented the
performance study for treatment of institutional wastewater by activated sludge process. The maximum BOD
removal efficiency obtained was 93.7% and turbidity removal efficiency was 87.6% in the 8 hrs HRT [3]. Dhote
et al. (2012) have undertaken a study of review on wastewater treatment technologies with chemical
coagulation, adsorption and activated sludge to remove pollutants from wastewater [4]. Roy et al. (2016) have
conducted studies on analysis and design of an institutional wastewater management scheme. They have pointed
the recycling and recovering of wastewater with Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) [5]. Lognathan et al. (2012)
have reported a batch mode SBR to treat domestic wastewater and the results showed that effective influent
parameters were removed within 6 hr cycle time where an aeration rate was 6 L/min [6].

II. Methodology

Fig. 1. Methodology adopted for the treatment of BIT boys hostel wastewater.

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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore

Methodology was developed based on the quantity and characteristics of wastewater generated in BIT
boys’ hostel. The treatment units were selected based on the functions and economy. Flow equalization tank was
considered for balancing the generated wastewater. However, Flash mixer, Clariflocculator, and rapid gravity
filters were taken into consideration for the removal of suspended and colloidal particles. Finally, disinfection
unit was installed for killing the pathogens. The sludge generated in clariflocculator was sent to sludge drying

III. Results and Discussion

3.1 Characteristics of collected wastewater sample
The collected wastewater (w/w) was characterized for physical and chemical parameters. Table 1
represents the characteristics of the collected sample. The pH of the wastewater sample was varying from 7.4 ±
0.7. However, BOD of the wastewater sample was observed varying from 55 ± 20 mg/l. On the other hand,
COD of the wastewater sample was varying from 290 ± 60 mg/l. It was observed that BOD and COD were
above the discharge standard as per IS-2012. Based on the characteristics of the sample it was concluded the
wastewater was having low strength pollutant concentration.

Table 1: Physical and chemical characteristics of collected wastewater sample in BIT campus
Sl No. Parameter Unit Concentration of Discharge Standard
wastewater sample (IS-2012)
1 Temperature °C 20 ± 40 >5
2 Turbidity NTU 2±1
3 Color Hazens Colorless
4 pH 7.4 ± 0.7 5.5 - 9
5 Conductivity µs/cm 190 ± 15
6 TDS mg/l 380 ± 40
7 TSS mg/l 130 ± 12 100
8 DO mg/l 6.5 ± 2 >4
9 BOD mg/l 55 ± 20 30
10 COD mg/l 290 ± 60 250
11 Chloride mg/l 250 ± 20
12 Sulfate (SO4-2) mg/l 95 ± 7
13 Nitrate (NO3-) mg/l 12 ± 2.2 10
14 Phosphate (PO4) mg/l 0.2 ± 0.14 5

3.2 Calculation of wastewater generated

No. of water tanks 2 nos
Each tank capacity 5000 liters
No. of times of filling 3 times
Population 160 Popln
Per capita demand 135 LPCD
Flow rate Popln x LPCD 21600 L/d
21.6 m3/d
Quantity of water supplied 21.6 m3/d
Quantity of wastewater generated 80% of water supply
Quantity of wastewater generated 80% of water supply 17.28 m3/d
Assume peak factor 1.3 times
Total quantity of ww generated WW generated x 1.3 22.46 m3/d

Quantity of wastewater generated 22.46 m3/d
22464 l/d
0.022 MLD
25 m3/d
Consider future expansion and peak demand 2 times
~ 50 m3/d

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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore

3.3 Design of Equalization tank

Average wastewater flow 50 m3/d
50000 l/d
Max Volm of WW in 1 hr 2100 L/hr
Max Vol of Eq Tank from graph, 4000, say 5000 L
Detention period 1 hr
3600 sec
Assume Depth 1.5 m
Volume of Equalization Tank max vol * Dt 5000 L
5.0 m3
Surface area Vol/depth 3.3 m2
Assume L:B 1.5 :1
Breadth of the tank B 1.5 m
Length of tank L 2.24 m
The velocity water in the Eq tank v = Vol/SA 15 m/d
62.5 cm/hr
Assume inlet and outlet pipe dia 0.15 m
Length L 2.24 m
Width B 1.5 m
Depth H 1.5 m
Detention period Dt 1 hr
Area of the equalization tank A 3.3 m2
Calculated volume of Eq Tank Vol 5.0 m3
Inlet and Outlet Pipe diameter d 0.15 m

Fig. 2. Variation of BOD concentration, BOD loading, average flowrate, average outflow, cumulative volume of
wastewater with time

Wastewater generated from BIT hostel was collected for 24 hrs. The concentration of the wastewater in
terms of BOD was measured. The variation of average BOD concentration (mg/l) and BOD loading (kg/hr) was
represented in Figure 2. However, a constant outflow was calculated as 0.816 m3/hr. The cumulative maximum
wastewater was calculated to design the maximum volume of equalization tank.
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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore

Plan Cross-section
Fig. 3. Plan and Cross-section of designed Equalization Tank (dimensions in m, not up to the scale)

3.4 Design of Flash Mixer

H:B 2 :1
Tangential velocity of impeller at tip 3 m/s
Impeller speed 100-130 rpm
Detention time 20-60 sec
For Dt, 10-60s, G 600-1000 1/sec
Dia of impeller to width 0.3-0.6 times
Distance of impeller blade from bottom to depth 0.5-0.33 times
of tank
Liquid depth to tank dia/width 0.5-1.1 times
Final alum conc 80 % of initial alum conc
G 700 1/sec
Detention time (Dt) 90 sec
water temp 18 °C
Impeller efficiency 80%
Given Q 50 m3/d
0.000578704 m3/s
Dynamic viscosity µ @ 18˚ C 1063 kg/ms
0.001063 Pa.sec
Vol of tank flow x Dt 0.052 m3
Provide JTQ1500 model double blade impeller with 130 rpm
n 2.17
power 0.08 kW
power factor 1.8
With 80% efficiency, final water power 0.064 kW
Calculation 64 W
G = √(P/µV)
Volume capacity V=(P/G²µ) 0.12 m3
No of tanks 0.424
Say 1 nos
Tank dimensions = square type H:W 2 :1
Vol L*W*H 2x*x*x 0.052 m3
Width of tank x=B 0.296 m
Length of tank L 0.296 m
Depth of tank H 0.593 m
Dia of impeller Di
Di=(P/(Kt*n3*ρ))^(1/5) Di 0.263 m
Where, Kt=6.3, ρ=1000

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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore

Pipe diameter
Assume, Slope (S) 1 in 500 0.002
Assume, C value for Cement Concrete 140
Apply Hazen Willium Eqn
V=0.85 C*R^(0.63) * S^(0.54) V=(Q/A) A=πd^2/4 R=d/4
Dia of pipe
d= ((4^1.63*Q)/(π*0.85*C*S^0.54))^(1/2.63) 0.0011 m
1.1188 mm
Say 10 cm
0.05 m
Impeller shaft length (2/3)*H 0.395 m
Concrete casting wall 0.13 m
Power requirement 0.08 kW
1HP 0.746 kW
Required HP = Power required / 0.746 kW 0.11 HP
Say 1 HP
Required 5 HP/4.5 m3
Volume 0.052 m3
Required HP = 5HP*Vol/4.5 m3 0.06 HP
Say 1 HP
Flow rate Q 50 m3/d
Vol of tank Vol 0.052 m3
Width of tank B 0.30 m
Length of tank L 0.30 m
Depth of tank H 0.59 m
Detention time Dt 90 sec
Inlet and Outlet Pipe diameter d 0.10 m

Plan Cross-section
Fig. 4. Plan and Cross-section of designed Flash Mixer (dimensions in m, not up to the scale)

3.5 Design of Clariflocculator

Design Criteria for Flocculator
Depth of tank 2.5 to 5 m
Detention time (Dt) 10 to 40 min
Inlet velocity (v) 0.2 to 0.8 m/s
Velocity Gradient (G) 10 to 75 1/s
Total area of paddle 10 to 25% C/s
RPM of the shaft 1 to 2
Power Consumption 10 to 36 W/MLD

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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore

Peripheral velocity of blades 0.2 to 0.6 m/s

Outlet velocity to settling tank 0.3 m/s
Dimensionless factor (Gt) 10^4 to 10^5

Design criteria for Clarifier and sludge hopper

Depth of the tank 2.5 to 5 m
Detention time 1.5 to 4 hr
Weir overflow rate 150 to 300 m3/d/m
Dia of tank 30 to 60 m
Length of rectangular tank 30 to 100 m
Bottom slope 1% for rectangular
8% for circular
Power 0.75 W/m2
Scrapper Velocity 0.07 rpm
Tip velocity of scrapper 0.3 m/min
Sludge removal pipe dia 0.1 to 0.2 m
Slope of sludge hopper 1.2 :1

Given Data:
Water flowrate 50 m3/d
0.05 MLD
2.083 m3/hour
0.035 m3/min
0.00058 m3/sec
Detention time in flocculator 40 min
2400 sec
2400 sec
Inlet Velocity 0.25 m/s
Depth of flocculator (Hf) 2 m
Area of paddles 20% of area of flocculator
No of paddles 2
Clearance between paddle and flocculator
wall 0.1 m
Tip velocity 0.2 m/s
Depth of clarifier (Hc) 3 m
Surface overflow rate 15 m3/day/m2
Detention time in Clarifier 2 hrs

Volume required Q * Dt 1.389 m3
Inlet pipe velocity v 0.25 m/s
Flow Q 0.00058 m3/sec
Area of inlet pipe (A1) Q/v 0.0023 m2

Diameter of inlet pipe (d1) sqrt(4*SA/π) 0.054 m

Depth of flocculator 2 m
Volume of flocculator 1.389 m3
Area of flocculator (A2) Vol/depth 0.694 m2
Total area of Flocculator (A2+A1) 0.697 m2

Diameter of Flocculator (d2) sqrt(4*SA/π) 0.94 m

Area of paddles 20%*Df*depth 0.38 m2

No of paddles 2
Area of 1 paddle 0.19 m2

Dimension of paddles L=B= sqrt(SA) 0.43 m

B 0.43 m
Tip velocity 0.2 m/s

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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore

Relative velocity 0.75* tip velocity 0.15 m/s

Radius of paddle revolution (d2/2)-(d1-2)-clear distance 0.34 m
Rotation per minute of shaft tip velocity/perimeter 0.093 rps
5.6 rpm
Can be controlled within 1 rpm
Calculation of Power (P)
Assume, Cd 1.8
Density of water 1000 kg/ m3
A= area of paddle 0.38 m2
Vt = Relative velocity 0.15 m/s
Power (P) 0.5*Cd*ρ*A*Vt^3 1.14 W
Assume, µ = Dynamic viscosity 0.001008
Velocity gradient (P/µVol)^0.5 28.6 1/s
b/w 10 to 75 1/s
Gt G*Dt 68569
Should be b/w 10^4 to 10^5
Power consumption P/Q 22.86 W/MLD
Should be b/w 10 to 36 W/MLD
Surface overflow rate 15 m3/day/m2
Flow Rate 50 m3/d
Area of Clarifier Flow rate/SOR 3.33 m2
Total area (A1+A2+A3) 4.0301 m2
Total Diameter of Clarifier sqrt(4*SA/π) 2.27 m

Detention time in Clarifier 2 hrs

Flow rate 2.083 m3/hr
Surface overflow rate 15 m3/day/m2
Depth of clarifier Q*Dt/SOR 0.278 m

Flow rate 0.035 m3/min

Outflow to clarifier 0.3 m/min

Area of opening below flocculator Q/outflow 0.116 m2

Depth of opening area/perimeter flocculator 0.039 m
Depth of clarifier Opening H + Hf 2.04 m

Sludge hopper height 25% Extra Clarifier height

2.55 m
Assume, Diameter of sludge hopper 0.1 m
Assume, side slope 1.2 :1

Top diameter of sludge hopper 0.2 m

Bottom slope adding 8% 0.0826 m

Total height at center of clariflocculator 2.632 m

Assume, Velocity in launder 0.3 m/s

Area Q/v 0.0019 m2
Assume depth 2 x width
Width 0.031 m
Depth 0.062 m

Wetted perimeter 2*depth + width 0.155 m

Hydraulic mean depth R=A/P 0.0124 m
Using Manning’s formula
V= (1/N)*R^(2/3) * S^(1/2)
N = Manning’s constant 0.012
V = Velocity 0.3 m/s
S (N*V*R^(3/2))^2 3.7287E-08
1 in 26819149
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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore

Assume inlet pipe diameter 0.15 m

Water flowrate Q 50 m3/d
Diameter of inlet pipe d1 0.054 m
Diameter of Flocculator d2 0.94 m
Total Diameter of Clarifier Dia 2.27 m
Total height at center of CF H 2.632 m
Dimension of paddles Dp 0.43 m
Rotation per minute of shaft R 5.57 rpm
Power P 1.14 W
Power consumption Pc 22.86 W/MLD
Inlet and Outlet Pipe diameter d 0.15 m

Plan Cross-section
Fig. 5. Plan and Cross-section of designed Clariflocculator (dimensions in m, not up to the scale)

3.6 Design of Sludge drying bed

Flow 50 m3/d
Sludge applied 1 m /d 0.09 kg/d
For 50 m3/d 4.5 kg/d
Assume specific gravity 1.015
Solid content 1.50%

Volume of sludge (sludge
generated)/(1000*SG*solid content) 0.296 m3/d
Assume total no of cycle in 1 year 33 nos

Period of each cycle 365/total nos 11.06 days

sludge Volume *
Total Volume of sludge to be handled days 3.269 m3

Assume depth of spreading layer per cycle 0.3 m

Assume total depth of structure 1.3 m
Surface area Vol/Depth 10.897 m3
Assume L:B 1.5 :1
B 2.70 m
L 4.04 m
Volume of bed L*B*H 14.17 m3
Assume Inlet and Outlet Pipe dia 0.15 m

Flow Q 50 m3/d
Volume of sludge V(sludge) 0.296 m3/d

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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore

Period of each cycle Ct 11.06 d

Total Vol of sludge handled Vol 3.269 m3
Length L 4.04 m
Width B 2.70 m
Depth H 1.3 m
Volume of bed Vol 14.17 m3
Inlet and Outlet Pipe diameter d 0.15 m

Plan Cross-section
Fig. 6. Plan and Cross-section of designed Sludge Drying Bed (dimensions in m, not up to the scale)

3.7 Design of Rapid Gravity Filter

Flow 50 m3/d
Rate of filtration 0.075 m3/m2/h
No of bed 1 nos
Flow per bed 2.083 m3/h

Area of bed Flow/Rate of Filtration 27.78 m2
Assume, L:W 1.3 :1
Width (W) Sqrt(SA/ratio) 4.62 m
Length (L) 6.01 m
Ratio L:W 1.3
This is to the range of 1.11 to 1.66
a) Sand
Provide depth of sand as 3 cm
Effective size 0.5 mm 0.03 m
Uniformity coefficient 1.5
d10 size 0.5 mm
d60 size 0.75 mm

b) Gravel
Depth of gravel 0.45 m
Size of gravel at top 2 to 5 mm
size of gravel at bottom 50 mm

c) Depth of water
Depth of water above sand surface 0.03 m
Free board 0.3 m
Provide extra depth 0.2 m
Total depth of filter box 1.01 m

d) Under drain system

Provide 2 sections per filter bed
Area of filter per bed 27.78 m2
Under drain section 27.78 m2

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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore

e) Backwashing of filters
Rate of backwash 9 lit/m2
Rate of air wash 12 lit/m2

f) Inlet pipe for each filter bed

Inlet flow per bed 50 m3/day
For 20% overload (Q) 20% 60 m3/day
For velocity of flow of 1 m/s
Surface area Q/v 0.00069 m2
Diameter of pipe (d) sqrt(4*SA/3.14) 0.030 m
29.74 mm
Assume 15 cm
0.15 m
g) Filter water outlet pipe per section of filter bed
Outlet per section 50 m3/day
For 20% overload (Q) 20% 60 m3/day
For velocity of flow of 1 m/s
Surface area Q/v 0.00069 m2
Diameter of pipe (d) sqrt(4*SA/3.14) 0.030 m
29.74 mm
Assume 15 cm
0.15 m
Vol of bed L*B*H 28.06 m3

Flow Q 50 m3/d
No of bed nos 1
Flow per bed Qnet 2.08 m3/h
Area of bed A(bed) 27.8 m2
Width B 4.62 m
Length L 6.01 m
Provide depth of sand as Hs 3 cm
Depth of gravel Hg 0.45 m
Depth of water above sand surface 0.03 m
Total depth of filter box H 1.01 m
Vol of bed Vol 28.06 m3
Diameter of pipe d 0.15 m

Plan Cross-section
Fig. 7. Plan and Cross-section of designed Rapid Gravity Filter (dimensions in m, not up to the scale)

3.8 Design of Disinfection tank

Flow 50 m3/d
Assume depth 1.5 m
Assume detention time 30 min


Therefore Volume Flow * dt 1.042 m3
Surface area Q/H 0.694 m2
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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore

Assume L:W 1.5 :1

W 0.68
L 1.02
Assume dosage of Cl2 5 mg/L
Quantity of Cl2 required Flow * Conc 250000 mg/d
250 gm/d
0.25 kg/d
Provide JTQ1500 model double blade impeller with 130 rpm
power 0.2 kW
n 2.17
Diameter of impeller Di
Di=(P/(Kt*n3*ρ))^(1/5) Di 0.315 m
Where, Kt=6.3, ρ=1000
Height of the shaft Hs 1 m
Assume pipe dia 15 cm
0.15 m
Vol of Tank L*B*H 1.04 m3

Flow Q 50 m3/d
Detention time Dt 30 min
Length L 1.02 m
Width B 0.68 m
Depth Hs 1.5 m
Vol of tank Vol 1.04 m3
Inlet and Outlet Pipe diameter d 0.15 m

Plan Cross-section
Fig. 8. Plan and Cross-section of designed Disinfection Unit (dimensions in m, not up to the scale)

3.9 Summary of different designed treatment units

Table 2. Summary of the various treatment units in STP

Parameter Unit Eq tank FM CF SDB RGF Dis
Flow rate (Q) m3/d 50 50 50 50 50 50
Detention time (Dt) sec 3600 90 Dtf = 2400 11 d 1800
Volume (Vol) m 5 0.052 Dtc = 7200 14.17 28.06 1.04
Length (L) m 2.24 0.30 4.04 6.01 1.02
Width (B) m 1.49 0.30 2.70 4.62 0.68
Depth (H) m 1.50 0.59 2.63 1.30 1.01 1.5
Pipe dia (d) m 0.3 0.05 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Additional Info df = 0.94 Vol(s) = Rf = 0.075 Cl2 =
dc = 2.27 3.27 0.25 kg/d

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Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore

IV. Conclusion
The design of STP was considered for BIT hostel because a huge amount of wastewater was generating
every day and the septic tank was unable to take the load. The design of the STP was considered for 160
students with 135 LPCD. Wastewater characteristics showed a lower concentration of pollutants. Hence, the
designed was considered with equalization tank flowed by flash mixer, clariflocculator, rapid gravity filter with
disinfection unit. Equalization tank will help to balance the flow, however, clariflocculator will help to form floc
and removal of suspended particles. finer particles and colloidal particles will be removed in rapid gravity filter
followed by disinfection unit to kill all pathogenic bacteria. However, planning has been done for the future
expansion of the STP unit if requires. The designed STP is expected to handle 50 m3 of water in a day.

Author(s) are thankful to Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), IISc,
Bengaluru for providing financial support in conducting the project.

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Shobhan Majumder. "Design of a Sewage Treatment Plant at Bearys Institute of Technology,

Mangalore." IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology
(IOSR-JESTFT) 13.5 (2019): 25-36.

DOI: 10.9790/2402-1305012536 36 | Page

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