Black Cohosh and Chasteberry: Herbs Valued by Women For Centuries

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CNI615 7/98 Vol. 6, No.

Copyright © 1998 Advanced Nutrition Publications, Inc.

Black Cohosh and Chasteberry:

Herbs Valued by Women for Centuries

A woman’s quality of life is often associated with a healthy hormonal century B.C.7 Today, chasteberry is widely used and accepted in
balance throughout her reproductive and menopausal years. Europe as a treatment for female complaints such as PMS,
Disruptions in hormone balance can lead to menstrual disorders such dysmenorrhea, mastodynia (painful breast swelling), and
as irregular bleeding and heavy bleeding, symptoms of premenstrual menopause.8 It is also used to normalize the reproductive hormones
syndrome (PMS), as well as menopausal complaints later in life. when discontinuing the contraceptive pill,9 for mild endometriosis,8
There is a strong need for therapies to treat these problems, as it is and fertility problems.7 The German Commission E, a
estimated that over 30% of all women experience symptoms of PMS government agency responsible for the registration of plants with
during their reproductive years.1 In addition, 3,500 women enter their traditionally and clinically established health benefits, recognizes
menopausal years every day in the U.S., the majority of whom extracts of chasteberry to be an effective treatment for abnormal
experience significant symptoms.2 While Western medicine menstrual rhythm, mastodynia, and premenstrual complaints.1
addresses these concerns with pharmaceuticals, often with Functional disorders of the menstrual cycle are typically interpreted
undesirable side effects, herbs such as chasteberry (Vitex agnus- as signs of hormonal imbalance, with estrogen dominance and
castus) and black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) offer an option for progesterone deficiency during the luteal phase usually implicated,
women who would like a safe, natural approach to reducing in addition to hyperprolactenemia.10 Chasteberry contains a variety
menstrual cycle and menopausal discomforts.3,4 of active compounds that affect different aspects of the
[For a more detailed discussion of PMS, menopause, and the reproductive system and create a balancing, or normalizing, effect.
menstrual cycle, please refer to our previous Clinical Nutrition Some of these active compounds include essential oils, iridoid
Insights: Vol. 5, No. 6-9] glycosides (agnuside and aucubin), and flavonoids (casticin and
Chasteberry appears to act directly on the pituitary gland to inhibit
From the beginning of time, women have had a special the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and promote
relationship with the earth. During the earliest civilizations, the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH).1,7,11 FSH causes the
women gathered wild plants for food and medicine, discovering granulosa and theca cells in ovarian follicles to grow and secrete a
the value of these plants through intuition as well as trial and follicular fluid that contains a high concentration of estrogen.
error. This precious knowledge was passed down through Therefore, an inhibition of FSH secretion should reduce elevated
generations and became the basis of traditional herbal medicine. estrogen levels. LH enhances the growth of the corpus luteum,
These traditional systems of herbology included medicinal plants which stimulates the secretion of progesterone. Thus, chasteberry’s
that played a special healing role for women, such as black apparent stimulatory effect on LH leads to an increase in
cohosh, an herb cherished by Native American women, and the progesterone, which may normalize the balance between estrogen
European herb, chasteberry. and progesterone. Improving the levels of progesterone may be
Ayurveda, the traditional healing science of India dating back especially useful during peri-menopause when menstrual
5,000 years, also utilizes several herbs that focus on the special irregularities are common.
needs of women. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), the most Chasteberry also inhibits the secretion of prolactin. In vitro
important female-specific Ayurvedic herb, and ashwagandha studies demonstrate that certain constituents of chasteberry
(Withania somnifera) have a broad spectrum of applications extract directly bind to dopamine receptors in the anterior
relating to their strong rejuvenative properties, particularly on pituitary.10-13 Dopamine is the physiological inhibitor of prolactin;
the female reproductive organs.5,6 thus, it appears this dopaminergic effect of chasteberry results in
an inhibition of prolactin synthesis and release. Prolactin
CHASTEBERRY: A BALANCING HERB suppresses the corpus luteum, which leads to a reduction in
FROM THE MEDITERRANEAN progesterone production. If prolactin levels are reduced, the
This herb consists of the dried, ripe fruits of the chaste tree (Vitex corpus luteum would then increase its production of
agnus-castus), a shrub native to the Mediterranean region.4 progesterone. Therefore, the normalizing effect of progesterone
Chasteberry has a rich history of use as a remedy for women, with levels with the use of chasteberry may also be due to its
the first medicinal accounts recorded by Hippocrates in the 4th dopaminergic effect in addition to its LH-stimulation effects.

Clinical benefits of chasteberry were demonstrated in a 3-month The clinical efficacy of black cohosh in treating women with
randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 37 women symptoms of menopause has been demonstrated in 5 controlled
with menstrual disturbances and latent prolactinemia. Women studies comparing the extract with a placebo or with estrogen
receiving the chasteberry extract (20 mg/day) had a significant therapy. These research studies found that black cohosh extract,
reduction in prolactin release compared to placebo, a significant at doses of 80-160 mg/day, produced significant changes in the
average increase in the luteal phase of 5 days, an increase to Kupperman index and a series of standard psychometric scales
normal levels of progesterone during the mid-luteal phase, and a that rate menopausal symptoms. These results support the
decrease in PMS symptoms.10 therapeutic efficacy of black cohosh extract in menopausal women.4
Similar improvements in PMS symptoms were demonstrated in Studies evaluating the prolonged use of black cohosh have not
another study involving 175 women with PMS. The women were been completed and it is recommended that physicians evaluate
given either chasteberry extract or vitamin B6 over 3 menstrual patients at 6 month intervals and discontinue use of black cohosh
cycles in a randomized, controlled trial. At the conclusion of the for one month between these intervals.2,15 In addition, the
study, 36.1% of the participants in the chasteberry group were concurrent use of black cohosh with HRT is not recommended,
symptom free, versus 21.3% of the patients in the vitamin B6 as the effects of this combination are unknown and would vary
group.1 with each patient.


Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is a popular herbal
remedy in Europe for treating a variety of female health Traditional herbalists from different cultures generally combine
problems, particularly menopause. A woodland plant native to herbs when designing a formula for their patients. The rationale
North America, the roots and rhizomes of black cohosh were for mixing plants varies with the strategy underlying the
used by Native American women throughout their life for perceived causes of the complaint. For example, botanicals
menstrual cramps, difficult childbirth, and complicated focusing on women’s health will typically support liver and
menopause, as well as other conditions such as kidney function to ensure healthy pathways of detoxification.
dysmenorrhea, colic, and rheumatism. Native Americans Since physical and emotional stress often times play a significant
subsequently introduced the herb to the American colonists role in predisposing a woman to menstrual irregularities and a
who used it for women’s complaints, as well as illnesses such heightened irritability level, herbs with nutritive properties and
as bronchitis, nervous disorders, inflammation, and uterine specific components that support the cardiovascular and central
disorders.14-16 nervous systems are welcome additions to herbs that primarily
Today, black cohosh is widely used in the U.S. and Europe to target hormones (see Tables 1 & 2).19,22-26
help alleviate menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, sweats, Plants with diuretic and liver balancing effects, such as the
irritability, and vaginal dryness. The German Commission E roots of dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis), are often helpful for
recognizes extracts of black cohosh to be effective in PMS, women experiencing a variety of premenstrual and menstrual
dysmenorrhea, and nervousness associated with menopause.3,17 irregularities.27,28 Stinging nettles (Urtica dioica) and burdock
The action of black cohosh is attributed to the synergy of the root (Arctium lappa), rich in minerals and nutrients, are also
entire profile of its active components. These active traditionally used in Europe and Asia to provide specific support
constituents include the isoflavone (phytoestrogen) for the liver, which may help the body process estrogen and
formononetin, triterpene glycosides including 27- reduce symptoms of PMS, dysmenorrhea, and menopause.20,29
deoxyactein, actein, racemoside, and cimicifugoside, as well In Ayurvedic medicine, shatavari and ashwagandha are considered
as the aromatic acids ferulic acid and isoferulic acid.15,18 prime tonic and rejuvenative herbs that provide a balancing effect
Cimicifugoside appears to affect the hypothalamus-pituitary within the system and improve the body’s response to physical
axis resulting in reproductive and nervous system effects, and psychological stress. Shatavari is traditionally used as a
while the aromatic acids are believed to be anti- hormone modulator and to strengthen the liver and blood, while
inflammatory.19,20 ashwagandha is traditionally used as an adaptogen and to reinforce
Research on laboratory animals suggests that black cohosh acts adrenal function.5,6,9,29-31
on the pituitary gland to suppress the secretion of LH.21 High Herbs with mild sedative activity, such as motherwort (Leonurus
levels of LH are associated with menopausal symptoms, cardiaca), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) and fenugreek
particularly hot flashes.18 Therefore, this LH suppressive effect is (Trigonella foenum-graecum) are useful for women who
important for symptom reduction. In addition, phytoestrogens in experience symptoms of insomnia, tension, or anxiety associated
black cohosh bind to estrogen receptors, producing a weak with menopause. Motherwort is traditionally used for women as
estrogenic effect, while other constituents promote mild a nerve tonic, as a sedative, and for its cardiotonic
relaxation.3 Animal research has also shown anti-inflammatory, properties.9,17,32,33 Lemon balm is also used traditionally to treat
hypoglycemic, and hypotensive effects with this herb,15 and symptoms of female disorders including headache, stress-related
limited human research suggests black cohosh may act as a digestive system problems, spasms, and depression – particularly
peripheral vasodilator.21 with symptoms related to the heart.9,17

1. Lauritzen CH, Reuter HD, Repges R, et al. Treatment of premenstrual 19. Duke JA. Handbook of Biologically Active Phytochemicals and Their
tension syndrome with Vitex agnus castus: controlled, double-blind Activities. Boca Raton(FL): CRC Pr; 1992.
study versus pyridoxine. Phytomed 1997;4(3):183-9. 20. Duke JA. CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Boca Raton: CRC Pr;
2. Hudson T. Naturopathic specific condition review: menopause. Protocol 1985.
J Botanic Med 1996;1(4):99-103. 21. Tyler V. The Honest Herbal, A Sensible Guide to the Use of Herbs and
3. Tyler VE. Herbs of Choice, The Therapeutic Use of Phytomedicinals. Related Remedies. New York: Pharmaceutical Products Pr, 1993.
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Table 1. Selected Herbs for Menstrual Irregularities and PMS
Common Name Some Active Constituents
(Botanical name) Geographic Origin Traditional Use
Chasteberry fruit Greece/Italy Control and regulation of the Iridoid glycosides
(Vitex agnus-castus) female reproductive system (agnuside and aucubin),
sesquiterpenoids, steroids flavonoids, monoterpenoids
Dandelion root Europe Diuretic, lactagogue, Coumarins, triterpenes,
(Taraxacum officinale) Asia digestive aid, tonic and phenolic acid
North America
Burdock root Europe Diuretic, antipyretic, Inulin, essential oil,
(Arctium lappa) Asia hypoglycemic phytosterol, mucilage,
North America resin, tannin, glucoside
Nettle leaf Europe Hemostatic, dysmenorrhea, Formic acid, volatile oil,
(Urtica dioica) North America headache relief, diuretic, liver tonic, albumen
treat disease of urinary organs
Shatavari root India Diuretic, antidiarrhetic, Saponins, antioxytocic
(Asparagus racemosus) Asia tonic, lactagogue, antispasmodic
Ashwagandha root India Adaptogen, tonic, diuretic, Withanolides, tropine,
(Withania somnifera) nervine sedative choline, withasomine
Sandalwood India Diuretic, urinary antiseptic, Alpha-and beta-santalols,
(Santalum album) Asia tonic, anti-inflammatory volatile oil, tannic acid, aldehydes

Table 2. Selected Herbs for the Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms

Common Name Some Active Constituents
(Botanical name) Geographic Origin Traditional Use
Black cohosh root North America Relaxant, sedative, Formononetin, triterpene
and rhizome Asia (Cimicifuga spp.) antispasmodic, to treat glycosides actein, racemoside,
(Cimicifuga racemosa) dysmenorrhea and menopause and cimicifugioside, ferulic acid,
isoferulic acid, salicylic acid
Motherwort aerial parts Asia Nerve tonic, sedative, Leonurine, stachydrine, bitter
(Leonurus cardiaca) Europe cardiotonic, antispasmodic, glycosides, resins, annins,
diuretic saponins, organic acids
Lemon balm leaf Southern Europe Treat insomnia, sedative, Volatile oil, polyphenols,
(Melissa officinalis) headache, stress-related tannin, flavonoids,
digestive problems, depression rosmarinic acid, triterpenoids
Fenugreek seed Southern Europe Tonic, emmenagogue, to treat Mucilage, steroidal sapongenins,
(Trigonella India stomach ailments, rheumatic furostanol glycosides
foenum-graecum) Asia conditions, and to promote lactation

PHYTOESTROGENS: phytoestrogenic compound.4 Phytoestrogens are believed to

ADDITIONAL BENEFITS FOR WOMEN occupy estrogen binding sites and thus influence estrogen
A variety of plant foods and herbs contain biologically active metabolism.34,36 Depending on the type of phytoestrogen, these
compounds, called phytoestrogens, that can play an important constituents may be anywhere from 50% as strong as
role in maintaining hormone balance and overall health. Their endogenous estrogen (coumestans) to as low as 1000 times
health benefits are attributed to mechanisms that influence weaker (lignans). Because of their low estrogen activity,
estrogen receptor sites, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), phytoestrogens help to balance estrogen effects within the body;
cell proliferation, angiogenesis, cholesterol synthesis, and platelet enhancing estrogen activity when levels are low and reducing
aggregation, in addition to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory estrogen effects when levels are high.36
properties.34-36 Because of their estrogenic activity, phytoestrogens An assortment of plant foods provide various phytoestrogens,
are particularly important for women. They provide many of the most notably soy foods, flaxseeds, and other legumes such as
health benefits of hormone replacement therapy, such as green peas and clover sprouts.34-36 Many women will benefit from
protecting against cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, while a diet rich in these plant foods as they will supply a consistent,
simultaneously protecting breast tissue. moderate level of a variety of phytoestrogen compounds. A
The effectiveness of black cohosh in alleviating the symptoms phytoestrogen-rich diet would complement herbal therapies
of menopause is in part due to the isoflavone formononetin, a during menopause and in general is considered preventative.37

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