Brother Be 1204b BC, Be 1204c BC, Be 1206b BC Service Manual

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Please read this manual before making any adjustments


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This service manual is intended for BE-1204B, 1204C, 1206B; be sure to read the BE-1204B, 1204C,
1206B instruction manual before this manual.
Carefully read the “SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS” below and the whole of this manual to understand this
product before you start maintenance.
As a result of research and improvements regarding this product, some details of this manual may not
be the same as those for the product you purchased.
If you have any questions regarding this product, please contact a Brother dealer.


1 Safety indications and their meanings

This service manual and the indications and symbols that are used on the machine itself are provided
in order to ensure safe operation of this machine and to prevent accidents and injury to yourself or
other people. The meanings of these indications and symbols are given below.

The instructions which follow this term indicate situations where failure to follow the
DANGER instructions will almost certainly result in death or severe injury.

The instructions which follow this term indicate situations where failure to follow the
CAUTION instructions could cause injury when using the machine or physical damage to
equipment and surroundings.

-------- This symbol ( ) indicates something that you should be careful of.
The picture inside the triangle indicates the nature of the caution that must be taken. (For
example, the symbol at left means "beware of injury".)

--------- This symbol ( ) indicates something that you must not do.

--------- This symbol ( ) indicates something that you must do.

The picture inside the circle indicates the nature of the thing that must be done.
(For example, the symbol at left means "you must make the ground connection".)

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2 Notes on safety

Wait at least 5 minutes after turning off the power switch and disconnecting the power cord from the wall
outlet before opening the face plate of the control box. Touching areas where high voltages are present
can result in severe injury.

Environmental requirements
Use the sewing machine in an area which is The ambient temperature should be within the
free from sources of strong electrical noise range of 5°C to 35°C during use.
such as high-frequency welders. Temperatures which are lower or higher than this
Sources of strong electrical noise may cause may cause problems with correct operation.
problems with correct operation. The relative humidity should be within the range of
Any fluctuations in the power supply voltage 45% to 85% during use, and no dew formation
should be within ±10% of the rated voltage for should occur in any devices.
the machine. Excessively dry or humid environments and dew
Voltage fluctuations which are greater than formation may cause problems with correct
this may cause problems with correct operation.
operation. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight during use.
The power supply capacity should be greater Exposure to direct sunlight may cause problems
than the requirements for the sewing with correct operation.
machine's electrical consumption. In the event of an electrical storm, turn off the
Insufficient power supply capacity may cause power and disconnect the power cord from the
problems with correct operation. wall outlet.
The air supply should have a capacity greater Lightning may cause problems with correct
than the machine consumption. If air is not operation.
supplied sufficiently, a machine malfunction Do not use this machine outdoors.
may occur.

Machine installation should only be carried Be sure to connect the ground. If the ground
out by a qualified technician. connection is not secure, you run a high risk of
Never operate the sewing machine with any receiving a serious electric shock, and problems
ventilation openings blocked. with correct operation may also occur.
Keep the ventilation openings of the sewing When securing the cords, do not bend the cords
machine free from the accumulation of lint or excessively or fasten them too hard with staples,
dust. otherwise there is the danger that fire or electric
shocks could occur.
Contact your Brother dealer or a qualified
electrician for any electrical work that may Be sure to wear protective goggles and gloves
need to be done. when handling the lubricating oil or grease, so that
no oil or grease gets into your eyes or onto your
The sewing machine weighs approximately skin, otherwise inflammation can result.
700 kg. Furthermore, do not drink the oil or grease under
The installation should be carried out by four any circumstances, as they can cause vomiting
or more people. and diarrhoea.
Do not connect the power cord until Keep the oil out of the reach of children.
installation is complete, otherwise the Secure the machine with the adjustment bolts on
machine may operate if the start switch is the sound floor so that it will not move.
pressed by mistake, which could result in

2 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Avoid setting up the sewing machine near
sources of strong electrical noise such as
high-frequency welding uipment.
If this precaution is not taken, incorrect
machine operation may result.

This sewing machine should only be used by Attach all safety devices before using the sewing
operators who have received the necessary machine. If the machine is used without these
training in safe use beforehand. devices attached, injury may result.
Keep children away from the sewing machine. Do not touch any moving parts, press any objects
against the machine, or pull/push the cloth during
The sewing machine should not be used for sewing. Doing so may result in personal injury,
any applications other than sewing. machine damage, or needle breakage.
Do not touch the pulse motor and sewing machine
Be sure to wear protective goggles when bed section during operation or for 30 minutes
using the machine. after operation. Otherwise burns may result.
If goggles are not worn, there is the danger Never drop or insert foreign objects or a
that if a needle breaks, parts of the broken screwdriver into the ventilation openings or the
needle may enter your eyes and injury may machine inside.
result. Touching any high-voltage area may result in an
Always use the proper needle plate. Any electric shock.
wrong plate can cause needles to break. Never damage, alter, heat, or put a strain on the
Do not use a bent needle. power cable as well as other cables. Doing so
may result in a fire or an electric shock.
Turn off the power switch at the following If the controller is exposed to water or a chemical
times, otherwise the machine may operate if agent or if its entry is found inside the controller,
the start switch is pressed by mistake, which turn off the power switch immediately.
could result in injury. Continuing to use the machine under such a
condition may result in a fire or an electric shock.
• When threading the needle
If an error occurs in machine operation, or if
• When replacing the bobbin and needle abnormal noises or smells are noticed,
• When not using the machine and when immediately turn off the power switch. Then
leaving the machine unattended contact your nearest Brother dealer or a qualified
• When cleaning the machine. technician.

Do not get on the table. If the machine develops a problem, contact your
Table may be damaged. nearest Brother dealer or a qualified technician.

Do not operate this machine where aerosol

(spray) products are being used or where
oxygen is being administered.
Turn off the power switch before starting any Be sure to wear protective goggles and gloves
cleaning work, otherwise the machine may when handling the lubricating oil or grease, so that
operate if the start switch is pressed by no oil or grease gets into your eyes or onto your
mistake, which could result in injury. skin, otherwise inflammation can result.
Furthermore, do not drink the oil or grease under
any circumstances, as they can cause vomiting
and diarrhoea.
Keep the oil out of the reach of children.

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Maintenance and inspection
Disassembly, assembly, maintenance and If the power switch needs to be left on when
inspection of the sewing machine should only carrying out some adjustment, be extremely
be carried out by a qualified technician. careful to observe all safety precautions.
Ask your Brother dealer or a qualified Use only the proper replacement parts as
electrician to carry out any maintenance and specified by Brother.
inspection of the electrical system. When replacing a fluorescent lamp, use the
Turn off the power switch and disconnect the same-type lamp having a rating of 40 watts.
power cable (do not pull on the cable itself) Wait until the fluorescent lamp cools off before
from the wall outlet before attempting to replacement. Failure to do so can result in
perform the following operations. Otherwise, burns.
the machine is started if the start switch is If any safety devices have been removed, be
pressed by mistake. Injury may occur in absolutely sure to re-install them to their original
such a case. positions and check that they operate correctly
• When carrying out inspection, adjustment, before using the machine.
or maintenance Any problems in machine operation which result
• When replacing consumable parts such as from unauthorized modifications to the machine
a rotary hook, a knife, or a fluorescent lamp will not be covered by the warranty.

4 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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3 Warning labels

* The following warning labels appear on the sewing machine.

Please follow the instructions on the labels at all times when using the machine. If the labels
have been removed or are difficult to read, please contact your nearest Brother dealer.

1 Electric shock danger display


2 Electric shock danger display 3 Injury warning display

Hazardous voltage will

cause injury.


4 Injury caution display


5 Injury caution display


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7 Injury caution display
6 Injury caution display
Never touch or push the Never touch or push the needle
thread take up during bar during operation as it may
operation as it may result in result in injuries or damage to
injuries machine. the sewing machine.

8 High temperature caution display 9 High temperature caution display

Do not touch this part during activitation
or for 30 minutes after shut-off. Otherwise
burns may result.


10 Ground mark

Be sure to connect the ground. If the ground connection is not secure, you run
a high risk of receiving a serious electric shock, and problems with correct
operation may also occur.

11 Direction of operation


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8 8



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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

1. Feed guide mechanism............................................................................................................................................ 1-1
2. Crank shaft mechanism ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
3. Presser foot mechanism.......................................................................................................................................... 1-3
4. Thread take-up mechanism ..................................................................................................................................... 1-4
5. Needle bar mechanism ........................................................................................................................................... 1-5
6. Lower shaft and rotary hook mechanisms ............................................................................................................. 1-6
7. Thread trimmer mechanism..................................................................................................................................... 1-7
8. Thread wiper mechanism ........................................................................................................................................ 1-8
9. Picker mechanism .................................................................................................................................................... 1-9
10. Needle bar flip-up mechanism............................................................................................................................. 1-10
11. Cap frame device .................................................................................................................................................. 1-11

Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

1. Replacement and adjustment of jump driving assy, cloth presser cam, thread take-up driving cam, needle bar
driving cam, driving belt and upper shaft sensor.................................................................................................. 2-1
2. Replacement and adjustment of thread take-up lever......................................................................................... 2-11
3. Replacement and adjustment of work clamp....................................................................................................... 2-12
4. Replacement and adjustment of stepping motor for thread sweeping and wiper sensor ............................... 2-13
5. Replacement and adjustment of picker solenoid ................................................................................................ 2-16
6. Replacement and adjustment of movable knife and fixed knife......................................................................... 2-19
7. Replacement and adjustment of Timing belt, X ................................................................................................... 2-21
8. Replacement and adjustment of Timing belt, Y ................................................................................................... 2-23
9. Adjusting Needle Bar Height ................................................................................................................................. 2-26
10. Attachment and Adjustment of Rotary Hook...................................................................................................... 2-30

Chapter 3 Electrical components

1. Location of the PCB ................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
2. Replacement of PCB inside the control box .......................................................................................................... 3-3
2-1. How to detach and attach the control box ........................................................................................................ 3-3
2-2. Replacement of the main PCB ......................................................................................................................... 3-5
2-3. Replacement of the power supply PCB ............................................................................................................ 3-7
2-4. Replacement of the drive PCB ...................................................................................................................... 3-10
2-5. Replacement of the SBUS PCB (For PC-type model) .................................................................................... 3-12
2-6. Replacement of the relay PCB ....................................................................................................................... 3-14
2-7. Replacing the panel PCB (For PC-type model) .............................................................................................. 3-15
2-8. Replacement of the control panel PCB (For SA-type model) ......................................................................... 3-16
3. Replacement of head switch PCB of thread tension base and tension base PCB ........................................... 3-18
4. Replacement of I/O PCB (1, 2) and step back/forward switch PCB.................................................................... 3-21
5. Replacement of head PCB ..................................................................................................................................... 3-23
6. Replacement of I/O PCB......................................................................................................................................... 3-25
7. Replacement of picker PCB................................................................................................................................... 3-26
8. Fuses ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3-27
8-1. Types and capacity of fuses ........................................................................................................................... 3-28
8-2. Replacement of fuses..................................................................................................................................... 3-28
9. Description of P-ROM ............................................................................................................................................ 3-29
10. Replacement of change color motor, collar, w/dog and change color sensor PCB ....................................... 3-30
11. Replacement and adjustment of index sensor................................................................................................... 3-32

8 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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12. Description of connectors....................................................................................................................................3-35

12-1. Main PCB......................................................................................................................................................3-35
12-2. Drive PCB .....................................................................................................................................................3-42
12-3. Power supply PCB ........................................................................................................................................3-47
12-4. IO PCB..........................................................................................................................................................3-53
12-5. Picker PCB....................................................................................................................................................3-57
12-6. Head switch PCB ..........................................................................................................................................3-58
12-7. Tension base PCB ........................................................................................................................................3-59
12-8. Step switch PCB ...........................................................................................................................................3-60
12-9. Head PCB .....................................................................................................................................................3-61
12-10. Relay PCB ..................................................................................................................................................3-64
12-11. SBUS PCB ..................................................................................................................................................3-66

Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

1. Entering into the test mode......................................................................................................................................4-1
2. Selecting the test mode menu .................................................................................................................................4-1
3. Function of the test mode ........................................................................................................................................4-3
3-1. Thread trimmer adjustment ...............................................................................................................................4-3
3-2. Needle bar moving test ....................................................................................................................................4-3
3-3. Carriage sensor test (Fine adjustment of the carriage origin point) ..................................................................4-5
3-4. Encoder signal test ...........................................................................................................................................4-6
3-5. LED SW test .....................................................................................................................................................4-7
3-6. Port/voltage check ............................................................................................................................................4-8
3-7. Solenoid test .....................................................................................................................................................4-9
3-8. Main shaft motor rotation test..........................................................................................................................4-10
3-9. Detailed version of CPU in the machine .........................................................................................................4-11
3-10. Power supply voltage adjustment .................................................................................................................4-12
3-11. Modifications of X-direction slowing area of a cap frame and its reduction ratio ...........................................4-14
3-12. Modification of the stitch compensation value on the sewing machine .........................................................4-15

Chapter 5 Test mode (For PC Control type)

1.Test mode on the operation panel ............................................................................................................................5-1
1-1. Starting test mode .............................................................................................................................................5-1
1-2. Selecting test mode menu ................................................................................................................................5-1
1-3. Test mode functions ..........................................................................................................................................5-2
2. Test mode and each function on the PC .................................................................................................................5-9
2-1. PC test mode ....................................................................................................................................................5-9
2-2. Confirming the program version......................................................................................................................5-10
2-3. Power supply voltage adjustment ...................................................................................................................5-14
2-4. Modifications of X-direction slowing area of a cap frame and its reduction ratio .............................................5-16
2-5. Modification of the stitch compensation value on the sewing machine ...........................................................5-18

Chapter 6 6. Upgrading version of machine program ...............................................................6-1

Chapter 7 Maintenance
1. Cleaning.....................................................................................................................................................................7-1
1-1. Cleaning and Lubrication of Rotary Hook .........................................................................................................7-1
1-2. Cleaning of Needle Plate ..................................................................................................................................7-2
2. Oiling..........................................................................................................................................................................7-3
2-1. Head .................................................................................................................................................................7-3
2-2. Lower shaft .......................................................................................................................................................7-5
3. Greasing ....................................................................................................................................................................7-6
3-1. Cam grooves.....................................................................................................................................................7-6
3-2. Lower gear ........................................................................................................................................................7-8
3-3. Driving shaft ......................................................................................................................................................7-8
3-4. The needle bar change mechanism and the case guide rail UL .......................................................................7-9

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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
1. Mechanical Section .................................................................................................................................................. 8-1
2. Electrical Section...................................................................................................................................................... 8-2

Chapter 9 Error code list (For Stand Alone)............................................................................... 9-1

Chapter 10 Error code list (For PC Control type) .................................................................... 10-1

Chapter 11 Block Figure............................................................................................................ 11-1

10 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

The mechanisms operate in the order of the numbers given in the illustrations.

1. Feed guide mechanism


[X direction]
<1>.X-pulse motor
<2>.Timing belt
<3>.X-driving carriage
<4>.X-feed frame

[Y direction]
1.Y-pulse motor
2.Y-driving connecting shaft
3.Y-driving pulley
4.Y-driving belt
6.Y-feed frame

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

2. Crank shaft mechanism


2.Timing belt
3.Driving pulley
4.Connecting shaft upper
5A.Cloth presser cam
5B.Thread take-up driving cam
5C.Needle bar driving cam

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

3.Presser foot mechanism


1.Driving pulley
2.Connecting shaft upper
3.Presser foot cam
4.Work clamp driving lever assy
5.Driving connector
6.W-clamp lifting parts
7.Work clamp bracket
8.Presser foot

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

4.Thread take-up mechanism


1.Driving pulley
2.Connecting shaft upper
3.Thread take-up driving cam
4.Thread take-up driving lever
6.Thread take-up lever

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

5. Needle bar mechanism


1.Driving pulley
2.Connecting shaft upper
3.Needle bar driving cam
4.Connecting rod
5.Needle bar driving lever
6.Driving connector
7.Needle bar lifting parts
8.Needle bar clamp
9.Needle bar

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

6.Lower shaft and rotary hook mechanisms


2.Timing belt
3.Driving pulley
5.Driving shaft lower
6.Lower shaft gear
7.Lower shaft
8.Rotary hook

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

7.Thread trimmer mechanism


1.Thread trimmer motor

2.Thread trimmer gear
3.Driving lever
4.Connedtion shaft
5.T-trimmer connecting rod lever
6.T-trimmer connecting rod, B
7.T-trimmer con. rod assy, A
8.Movable knife

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

8.Thread wiper mechanism


1.Wiper motor bracket

2.Wiper lever
3.Upper thread hook

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

9.Picker mechanism


1.Picker solenoid
2.Picker lever
3.Picker base

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

10.Needle bar flip-up mechanism


1.Change color motor

2.Change color gear
4.Change cam
5.Change roller base
6.Needle bar case
7.Change bracket collar
8.Connection shaft

*A Change color sensor

*B Dog

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Chapter 1 Mechanical Descriptions

11.Cap frame device


[X direction]
<1>.X-feed frame
<2>.Cap frame
<4>.Driving ring

[Y direction]
1.Y-feed frame
2.Fixing lever
3.Driving ring

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Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

1. Replacement and adjustment of jump driving assy, cloth presser cam,
thread take-up driving cam, needle bar driving cam, driving belt and
upper shaft sensor
[Removing procedure]

2560M 1. Unscrew the screws of cover lower and

upper (1) and cover R (2) to remove them.
Unscrew the screws of side cover L (3) to
remove it.
Also remove the other covers.


2. Detach the connector of tension base

harness (5) from I/O PCB (4).
Unscrew the screws of base (6) to remove it.


2-1 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

3. Take off 4 bolts of thread take-up cover (7) to

remove it.

4. Take off 4 bolts of needle bar case (8) to

remove it.


5. Loosen 2 bolts of bearing collar pulley (9),
and also loosen 1 bolt of needle bar cam
collar (10) of each head.


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Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

6. Unscrew 1of 2 screws of upper shaft sensor
base plate (11), and then loosen the other
one to fasten upper shaft sensor base plate
(11) upward temporary.
Take off 3 bolts of tensor pulley holder (12)
to remove it.
Detach driving belt (13) from driving pulley
Extract driving shaft upper (15) together with
driving pulley (14).


7. To replace driving belt, loosen 2 set screws

of tension pulley holder (12) to extract
tension shaft (16), and then detach driving
belt (13).


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Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

8. Unscrew 2 screws each of front cover R (17)

and front cover L (18) to remove both of


9. Take off 2 bolts of jump driving assy (19) to

remove it.
Take off 2 bolts of wiper driving assy (20) to
remove it.


10. Remove the base needle bar felt (21-1) and

loosen a set screw, socket to pull out the
base needle bar (21).


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Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

11. Unscrew 2 screws of oil support A (22) to

remove it.
Loosen 3 set screws of driving lever shaft
(23) to extract it.
Loosen 1 bolt of needle bar cam collar (24)
to remove it.
Now needle bar cam (25) can be detached.


12. Loosen 1 bolt of cloth presser cam collar

(26) to remove it.
Loosen 2 bolts of cloth presser cam (27) to
remove it.
To mount cloth presser cam collar (26),
insert positioning gauge pin (28) into the
positioning hole on the cam and fasten 1
Grease the groove of cloth presser cam (27)
indicated by the arrow in the drawing.
Use the positioning gauge pin included in
the attachment of the sawing machine.
Use the attached grease tank EM-30L for
the greasing.


13. Take off 2 bolts of thread take-up driving cam

(29) to remove it.
To mount thread take-up driving cam (29),
insert positioning gauge pin (28) into the
positioning hole on the cam and fasten 2
Grease the groove of thread take-up driving
cam (29) indicated by the arrow in the
Use the positioning gauge pin included in
the attachment of the sawing machine.
Use the attached grease tank EM-30L for
the greasing.


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Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

14. Unscrew 2 screws of needle bar driving cam

(30) to remove it.
Grease needle bar driving cam (30) at the
position indicated by the arrow in the
To mount needle bar driving cam (30), insert
positioning gauge pin (28) into the
positioning hole on the cam and fasten 2
Use the positioning gauge pin included in
the attachment of the sawing machine.
Use the attached grease tank EM-30L for
the greasing.

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Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

[Mounting procedure]
To mount pieces, follow the reverse procedure to the disassembly. The followings are the key points in
the mounting.




1. Grease the connecting shaft upper on spots that touches bearings of the driving pulley, driving
shaft support or each head.
2. Attach needle bar cam collar (2) to needle bar driving cam (1), insert driving shaft upper (3) and
fasten the bolt (4) temporary so that needle bar driving cam (1) rotates easily.
3. Insert driving lever shaft (5) into head (6), work clamp driving lever (7), spacer (8), needle bar
driving lever (9) and set screw collar (10), then fasten 3 set screws.
4. Spread a sealing agent on the left side of head (6) and lever shaft (5) to prevent oil leak.
5. Insert base needle bar (11) into head (6), work clamp lifting parts (12), and needle bar lifting parts
(13), and fasten 1 set screw (14).
6. Reset the wick (14-1) so that it touches the base needle bar felt (14-2).
7. Spread a sealing agent on the bottom faces of head (6) and base needle bar (11) to prevent oil
Rotate needle bar cam collar (2) and see if needle bar driving cam (1) rotates easily. If not, loosen
1 set screw (15) of driving lever shaft (5) to shift it toward the thrust for adjustment.

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Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

Use three bond 1215 commercially available for the sealing.
Use the attached grease tank EM-30L for the greasing.


9. Align driving pulley (16) and the positioning hole on pulley case upper (17), then insert positioning
bar (18) therein.
Use the positioning bar (18) included in the attachment of the sawing machine.

10. Repeat the following procedure for each

head in order: Align the hole on the right side
of the head and the positioning hole of
thread take-up driving cam (19) (needle bar
bottom dead center), then insert positioning
gauge pin (20) therein. Also align slit of
needle bar driving cam (1) and needle bar
cam collar (2), and fasten bolt (4) to fix them.
Use the positioning gauge pin included in
the attachment of the sawing machine.

11. Adjust arrow plate (21) and scale plate (22)

to make 180 degrees angle each other, then
attach driving belt (23) on them.

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Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

12. Temporarily fasten 2 bolts (25) which are

fixing tension pulley holder (24).

13. Turn tension adjusting bolt (26) for the

Clockwise turn: Increases the tension
Anticlockwise turn:Decreases the tension

14. Fasten 2 bolts (25) of tension pulley holder

(24), then adjust the holder so that the
8mm bending should be about 8 mm when
pushed with the force of 15 N at the center of
the belt.
Measuring with the sonic tension meter
by Gates Unitta Asia Company,
Unit weight :4.0g/mm
Width :20mm
Span :310mm
Adjust the tension to be 130 N ± 10 N
when (A) is twanged. Be sure to clear
around the belt so that nothing touches it
when twanged.

2580M 2580M

15. Fasten 2 screws (28) of upper shaft sensor

base plate (27) temporarily.
Put sensor position plate (29) as shown in
the illustration, adjusting its position so as to
touch both phase-A sensor (30) and phase-
B sensor (39) lightly, and then fasten the 2
screws (28) of upper shaft sensor base plate
(27) firmly.
Use the sensor positioning plate (29)
included in the attachment of the sewing


2-9 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

16. Insert bed frame side packing (32) between

heads (33), then attach wiper driving assy
(31) with 2 bolts.
No need to adjust any parts in this case.
If troubled, follow the description on Page
2-13. “Replacement and adjustment of
stepping motor for thread sweeping and
wiper sensor”.


17. Fasten 2 bolts to fix jump driving assy (34) at

the position where jump lever (35) and jump
base (36) make no spaces between them.


18. Spread a sealing agent around the contact

points between the head and the bottom
faces of front cover R (30) and front cover L
(31) to prevent oil leak, then attach those
covers with 2 screws each.
Use three bond 1215 commercially
available for the sealing.



BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 2-10

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

2. Replacement and adjustment of thread take-up lever

1. Detach needle bar case (1).
Refer to “1. Replacement and adjustment
of jump driving assy, cloth presser cam,
thread take-up driving cam, needle bar
driving cam, driving belt and upper shaft
sensor” for information on how to detach
needle bar case (1).
2. Loosen the right and left set screws, (2) to
pull out thread take-up shaft (3), then detach
thread take-up lever (4).
To mount pieces after the replacement,
follow the reverse procedure to the above.

(Instructions for the mounting)

1. Put the slit of thread take-up position bush

(5) upward and make the faces of needle bar
case stick together on visor before fastening
set screws.

2. Put the slit of thread take-up adjusting bush

(6) upward as well and keep the clearance
between thread take-up adjusting bush (6)
and thread take-up lever (4) to be within 0.3
to 0.5 mm before fixing them.



Turn driving pulley and follow the procedure below to adjust the heights of the other thread take-up
lever (4) and lever (7) to be even when driving pulley is angled at 100 degrees (stop position).

Loosen bolt, socket (8) which is fixing lever (7) to

adjust the height of thread take-up lever (4) when
driving pulley is angled at 100 degrees (stop
Adjust the position not to make a noise
“Click” when changing the color.


2-11 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

3. Replacement and adjustment of work clamp

1. Unscrew 2 screws of lower cover (1) to

detach it.

2. Unscrew 2 screws of lower thread eyelet (2)

to detach it.


3. Unscrew needle clamp screw (3) to detach

needle (4), needle bar thread guide (5) and
work clamp cushion (6).

4. Unscrew screw, M3 (7) to detach work clamp

To mount pieces after the replacement,
follow the reverse procedure to the above.


How to adjust the height of work clamp (8)

1. Loosen screw, M3 (7) to adjust the height of

work clamp (8) so that the bottom face of
cloth presser and the upper surface of the
cloth touch each other at the alignment point
of the N.H mark (200 degrees) and the arrow
plate (contact point between the needle and
rotary hook).



BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 2-12

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

4.Replacement and adjustment of stepping motor for thread sweeping and

wiper sensor
Turn off the power of the sewing machine.
[How to detach]
2626M 1. Detach bolt (1) and then detach cord holder
washer (2).

2. Detach wiper sensor connector P2 or P3 (4)

from head PCB (3).

3. Unscrew 1 screw (6) of wiper sensor bracket

(5) and replace sensor PCB (7).

4. Detach wiper stepping motor connector P8

or P9 (8) from head PCB (3)


5. Detach the nut of shoulder screw (11) to

detach upper thread hook (10) from wiper
lever (9).

6. Detach 2 bolts (14) to detach wiper motor

bracket (13) from wiper assy reference base
(12), then replace stepping motor (15).


2-13 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

[How to mount]
To mount pieces, follow the reverse procedure to the disassembly.Key points in the mounting and the
adjustment afterward are described below.

1. Mount wiper lever (9) and upper thread hook

(10), and then move them with fingers in the
direction of arrow to see if they can be
moved easily. If not, loosen 4 set screws
(16) of thread nipper (15) to adjust the height
until they become lighter. Then check needle
bar No. 1 and No. 12.


2. Put wiper sensor bracket (5) according to the

arrow direction, adjusting the gap between
the emboss (6) to be 1 mm as shown in the
illustration, and then secure the bracket with
1 screw (6).


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 2-14

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

5. Replacement and adjustment of picker solenoid

[How to detach]
2636M 2637M


2638M 2639M

1. Unscrew screws of table cover (1) and bed cover B (2), and then remove each cover.

2. Disconnect the connector of picker solenoid (3).

3. Unscrew picker shoulder screw (4).

4. Unscrew 2 screws (5) to detach picker setting plate (6), and then replace picker solenoid (7).

2-15 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

[How to mount]
To mount pieces, follow the reverse procedure to the disassembly. Key points in the mounting and the
adjustment afterward are described below.

1. Adjust the position of picker setting plate (6)
by moving it back and forth so that the tip of
picker (8) keeps 14.0-14.5 mm distance from
bobbin (9) when picker solenoid (3) is turned
off, and then fasten 2 screws (5) there.

(Cautions in the mounting)

1. Confirm that picker lever (10) does not touch

bed (11).


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 2-16

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

2. Check if the distance between the tip of
picker (8) and bobbin (9) is whithin 0.5 to 1.0
mm when picker solenoid (3) is turned on. If
it is less, repeat the adjustment of 1. again.

3. Check if the distance between the upper

surface of the tip of picker (8) and the bottom
face of rotary hook sttopper is within 3.5 to
4.5 mm. If the distance is out of range,
loosen 2 screws (12) to adjust the height of
picker (8).


2-17 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

6. Replacement and adjustment of movable knife and fixed knife

[How to detach]

1. Unscrew screws of needle plate (1) and bed
cover B (2), and then remove both.

2. Unscrew screw (4) of fixed knife (3) and

screw (6) of movable knife (5), and then
detach both knives.


[How to mount]
To mount pieces, follow the reverse procedure to the disassembly. Key points in the mounting and the
adjustment afterward are described below.

1. Attach movable knife (5).

2. Detach 2 bolts (7) of T-trimmer con. rod assy,

A (6).

3. Slide the tip of fixed knife (3) to the left and

fasten 1 screw (4) temporarily.

4. Fasten screw (4) of fixed knife (3) gradually

with shifting movable knife (5).

A quick fastening of screw (4) of fixed knife
(3) might destroy both knives when

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 2-18

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

5. Put a thread between movable knife (5) and

fixed knife (3) to cut it for testing.

6. If it does not cut well, insert movable knife

spacer (8) in the attachment beneath
movable knife (5) to increase the pressure of
the knife.

7. Fasten 2 bolts (7) of T-trimmer con. rod assy,

A (6) temporarily.


8. Shift to the test mode.
For Stand Alone type : Refer to Chapter 4
For PC Control type : Refer to Chapter 5

9. Pushing step back switch (9) will operate

movable knife (5) indicated by the arrow.
Loosen 2 bolts (7) of T-trimmer con. rod assy,
A (6) for the adjustment so that the tip of
movable knife (5) sticks out by 1 mm from
fixed knife (3) when it is in the side A.


2-19 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

7. Replacement and adjustment of Timing belt, X

[How to detach]
2650M 2651M


1. Turn off the power.

2. Unscrew screws of X-feed cover L, R and C (1) to detach them from Y-frame (2).

3. Loosen 2 bolts (4) fixing X-pulley bracket (3) to loosen bolt, socket (5) to the limit which is for the
belt tension adjusment.

4. Detach 4 bolts of belt stopper plate, 20 (7) attached to X-driving carriage (6), and then detach
timing belt (8) and belt stopper plate, 20 (7) from X-driving carriage (6).

5. Loosen bolts (10), extract pulley shaft (11), and remove timing belt (8).

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 2-20

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

[How to mount]
To mount pieces, follow the reverse procedure to the disassembly. Key points in the mounting and the
adjustment afterward are described below.

1. Slide X-feed frame (10) to the limit to the X
pulse motor side.

2. Loosen 2 bolts (4) fixing X-pulley bracket (3)

and turn bolt (5) to adjust the belt tension.
• Right turn : Increases the tension.
• Left turn : Decreases the tension.
3. Fasten 2 bolts fixing X-pulley bracket (3),
and adjust the deflection under the force of
15 N pressing down at the belt center to be 9
Measuring with the sonic tension meter
by Gates Unitta Asia Company,
Unit weight : 4.0 g/mm
Width : 20 mm
Span : 653 mm
Adjust the tension to be 200 N ± 10 N
when twanged at the point indicated by
the arrow. Be sure to clear around the belt
so that nothing touches it when twanged.

4. Follow the procedures below to adjust
sewing machines with double X-pulse
Loosen 2 bolts (12) of X-feed frames (11)
attached to the right and left X-driving
Turn on the power to keep X-pulse motor
excited, and then fasten 4 bolts (12) on X-
feed frame (11) in total on the right and left
sides, adjusting each position to have even
clearances on the both sides of the bolt in
the hole.
If this adjustment has been done improperly,
X feeding might be failed during the sewing.
X feeding failures might be caused also by
the improper frame settings for the sewing

2-21 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

8. Replacement and adjustment of Timing belt, Y

[How to detach]

1. Turn off the power.

2. Unscrew screws of X-feed cover L, R, C (1)

and X-motor cover to detach them all from
Y-frame (2) .

3. Unscrew screws of Y-feed cover front and

rear (2) to detach them from Y-cover


4. Detach 6 bolts (4) in total on the both sides

of Y-feed frame (3) to detach it from Y-
carriage (5) on the both sides.


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 2-22

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Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

2658M 2660M


5. Loosen 2 bolts (5) fixing pulley bracket YF (6) and then loosen bolt (7) to the limit for the belt
tension adjustment.

6. Unscrew 1 bolt, socket (9) and 1 screw, flat (10), and then detach Y-frame support plate (8).

7. Unscrew 4 bolts (12) to detach Y-carriage (11).

8. Detach Y-driving belt (13) from Y pulley A (14) and Y-driving pulley (15) etc.

2-23 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

[How to mount]
To mount pieces, follow the reverse procedure to the disassembly. Key points in the mounting and the
adjustment afterward are described below.

1. Slide Y-feed frame (1) to the back from the
front face of the sewing machine to the limit.

2. Loosen 2 bolts (3) fixing pulley bracket, YF

(2) and loosen bolt, socket (4) to the limit for
the belt tension adjustment.
•Right turn : Increases the tension.
•Left turn : Decreases the tension.
3. Fasten 2 bolts (3) fixing pulley bracket, YF
(2), and adjust the deflection under the force
of 15 N pressing down on the belt at the
point of 250 mm from the front timing pulley
to be about 3 mm.
Measuring with the sonic tension meter
by Gates Unitta Asia Company,
Unit weight : 4.0 g/mm
Width : 35 mm
Span : 590 mm
Adjust the tension to be 370 N ±10 N
when twanged at the point indicated by
the arrow. Be sure to clear around the belt
so that nothing touches it when twanged.


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 2-24

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

9. Adjusting Needle Bar Height

W1304Q W1306Q 1. Put the attached T-shaped hexagonal
wrench (4 mm) into the hole (1) on the left
side of the machine body, and adjust the
arrow plate to align with 180° (N.D mark) to
move the needle bar to the lowest point.


2. Loosen Needle bar guide bracket set screw

(6) and the bolt (3) of the top dead center
(5) stopper (4) when the needle tip is positioned
(4) 11.3 mm above the center of the rotary hook
(2) shaft. Adjust the position of the needle bar
thread guide so that the set screw (2) on it is
turned to the right by 25 - 30°. Tighten
(3) Needle bar guide bracket set screw (6)
When tightening the needle bar clamp set
screw (6), the hole in the needle bar guide
should face the front.

2-25 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

Tighten the
bolt (6) so
that the
(5) can be even.


Do not hit
this section.

W1296Q W1307Q

3. Set the needle bar at the highest position (where the arrow plate and the “N.U.” mark are aligned).
Lightly press the top dead center stopper (4) toward the cushion rubber (5), and tighten Socket
head bolt for top dead center stopper (6) while pressing down the needle bar clamp so that it faces
the front. (Tightening torque: 0.78 N • m)
• Make sure that the top dead center stopper does not hit the needle bar guide rail (7) at
this time.
• When tightening the upper dead point stopper bolt (6), insert the longer side of the
attached wrench into the bolt and tighten it by using the shorter side.
Excessive tightening may make the needle bar movement sluggish.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 2-26

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

■When using the bottom dead center gauge

Use the gauge (S58553001 Bottom dead center gauge) included in the accessories of the sewing
machine for this operation.

1. Put the attached T-shaped hexagonal

wrench (4 mm) into the hole (1) on the left
side of the machine body, and adjust the
arrow plate to align with 180 degrees (N.D
mark) to move the needle bar to the lowest


W1304Q W1306Q

(7) (8)


(2) (5)


(3) 11.3 mm


2. Insert the bottom dead center gauge (2) into the rotary hook (3).

3. Loosen the screw (5) of the needle bar clamp (4) and Socket head bolt for top dead center stopper
(8), then move the needle bar up and down until the needle tip touches the gauge (2) lightly.
• The needle point should touch the gauge at a place other than the cutting section.
• The bottom dead center gauge should be set in or removed from the rotary hook with its
cutting section facing upward.
4. Tighten the screw (5) of the needle bar clamp (4) securely.

2-27 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

Tighten the
bolt (8) so
that the
(7) can be even.

(6) Do not hit

(8) section.


W1296Q W1307Q

5. Set the needle bar at the highest position (where the arrow plate and the "N.U.”mark are aligned).
Lightly press the top dead center stopper (6) toward the cushion rubber (7), and tighten Socket
head bolt for top dead center stopper (8) while pressing down the needle bar clamp so that it faces
the front. (Tightening torque: 0.78 N • m)
• Make sure that the top dead center stopper (6) does not hit the needle bar guide rail (9) at
this time.
• When tightening the upper dead point stopper bolt (8), insert the longer side of the
attached wrench into the bolt and tighten it by using the shorter side.
Excessive tightening may make the needle bar movement sluggish.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 2-28

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Chapter 2 Parts replacement and adjustment

10. Attachment and Adjustment of Rotary Hook

1. Turn the power switch off.
2. Select the needle bar No. 1 (1).

3. Remove two flat screws (2) and dismount
the needle plate (3).



4. Adjust so that the needle (4) and the point of

rotary hook (5) should meet at the position
(where the arrow plate aligns with N.H mark
(200 û)) higher by 1.7 mm than the needle bar
lowest point (180 û ).
Perform this after the height adjustment
of the needle bar.
5. Turn the rotary hook manually until the point
of rotary hook (5) turns up.


Lower 6. Adjust the clearance between the needle

and the rotary hook to be within 0.1 to 0.3
Confirm that the height of the needle bar
is 1.8 mm then.
7. Temporarily fasten either one of screws (6).

8. Check with needle bars of No. 2 to No. 12 if
the clearance between each needle and the
0.1 - 0.3 mm
rotary hook is within 0.1 to 0.3 mm.
If there are any needles with clearances
out of the range above, adjust them again
to get proper clearances.
9. Fully tighten the screw (6).

2-29 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

Chapter 3 Electrical components

1. Location of the PCB

PC-type model


(1) Main PCB

(2) D-drive PCB
(3) Power supply PCB
(4) Panel PCB
(5) I/O PCB
(6) Picker PCB
(7) Head switch PCB
(8) Tension base PCB
(9) Thread breakage sensor PCB
(10)Head-head I/O PCB
(11)Step switch PCB
(12)Wiper sensor PCB
(13)Index sensor A, B, C, D
(14)Index sensor PCB
(15)SBUS PCB (PC –type model)

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 3-1

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components


(16)Head PCB
(17)Y-feed sensor
(18)X-feed sensor
(19)Thread breakage sensor PCB
(20)Encoder sensor A, B
(21)Needle stop position sensor

3-2 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

Before opening the cover of control box, be sure to turn off the main power switch, pull out the plug and wait for
5 minutes at least.
Touching the high voltage parts might cause serious injuries.

2.Replacement of PCB inside the control box

2-1.How to detach and attach the control box
1. Loosen 5 screws and unscrew remaining 5
screws on the right side cover of the sewing
machine, and then remove the side cover


2. Pull out all connectors on the right side of

control box.

3. Unscrew 4 screws fixing inner cover, A (2)

and control box.


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 3-3

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

4. Unscrew 6 bolts (3 in front, 3 on back) fixing

control box (3) and the sewing machine main
body, and then detach control box.


* To mount it, follow the reverse procedure to the above.

3-4 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

2-2. Replacement of the main PCB


1. Unscrew 2 screws and loosen remaining 7 screws on the box cover F (1) to remove it.

2. Unscrew 6 screws and loosen remaining 5 screws on the box cover R (2) to remove it.

3. Remove 4 (3 for SA-type model) connectors

(4) connected to the main PCB (3).

4. Unscrew 2 screws (5) on the main PCB (3).


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 3-5

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

5. Fold down 4 tabs of the PCB support (6) to

detach it from the main PCB (3).


6. Pull up the main PCB (3) aslant to remove it

from the connector (8) of the drive PCB (7).

7. Pull the main PCB (3) to slide it out.


8. Detach the P-ROM (9) from the main PCB



* To mount it, follow the reverse procedure to the above.

3-6 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

2-3. Replacement of the power supply PCB


1. Unscrew 2 screws and loosen remaining 7 screws on the box cover F (1) to remove it.

2. Unscrew 6 screws and loosen remaining 5 screws on the box cover R (2) to remove it.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 3-7

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

3. Remove all 15 connectors connected to the

power supply PCB (3).


4. Unscrew 4 screws (5) on the right and left

side of the heatsink stay B (4) to detach it.

5. Unscrew 1 screw (6) on the cooling fan (7)

mounted on the power supply PCB (3) and
detach the fan.


3-8 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

6. Unscrew 5 screws (8) on the power supply

PCB (3).

7. Fold down 6 tabs (except for the 1 in the

PCB center) of the PCB support (9) to
detach it from the power supply PCB (3).


8. Fold down 1 tab of the PCB support (10) in

the center of the PCB to detach the support
from the PCB setting plate (11).


9. Pull up the power supply PCB (3) to detach


10. Fold down 1 tab of the PCB support (10) in

the center of the PCB to detach the support
from the power supply PCB (3).


* To mount it, follow the reverse procedure to the above.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 3-9

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

2-4. Replacement of the drive PCB


1. Unscrew 2 screws and loosen remaining 7 screws on the box cover F (1) to remove it.

2. Unscrew 6 screws and loosen remaining 5 screws on the box cover R (2) to remove it.

3. Remove all connectors connected to the

right side of the box and unscrew 10 screws
on the same side.

4. Detach the main PCB (3) according to the

procedure described in “2-2. Replacement of
the main PCB“ in the Chapter 3.


5. Unscrew 2 screws (6) on the PCB setting

plate (5) to shift it toward the center of the


3-10 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

6. Remove all connectors connected to the

drive PCB (4).

7. Unscrew 2 screws (7) to detach the cooling

fan (8) mounted on the drive PCB (4).

8. Detach the heat sink stay (9) on the other



9. Unscrew 2 screws (10) on the drive PCB.

10. Fold down 6 tabs (other than 2 in the PCB

center) of the PCB support (11) to detach it
from the drive PCB (4).


11. Fold down lower 2 tabs of the PCB support

(12) in the PCB center to detach it from the
PCB setting plate (5).


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 3-11

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

12. Pull up the drive PCB (4) to detach it.

13. For models without the beam sensor,

remove sensorless harness (5) from the 2P


* To mount it, follow the reverse procedure to the above.

* When attaching connectors to the right side of the box, be sure to connect corresponding
connectors with the same marking shown on the right side of the box.

2-5. Replacement of the SBUS PCB (For PC-type model)


1. Unscrew 2 and loosen remaining 7 screws on the box cover F (1) to remove it.

2. Unscrew 6 and loosen remaining 5 screws on the box cover R (2) to remove it.

3-12 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

3. Disconnect all 3 connectors on the right side

of the box which are connected to the SBUS
PCB (3).


4. Disconnect all 2 connectors connected to

the SBUS PCB (3).


5. Unscrew 4 screws (4) on the SBUS PCB (3).

6. The SBUS PCB (3) can be detached now.


* To mount it, follow the reverse procedure to the above.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 3-13

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

2-6. Replacement of the relay PCB

1. Unscrew 7 and loosen remaining 3 screws
on the side cover L (1) to remove it.


2. Remove all connectors connected to the

relay PCB (2).


3. Unscrew 4 screws fixing the relay PCB (2) to

detach it.
Be careful not to lose 4 PCB spacers (3).


* To mount it, follow the reverse procedure to the above.

3-14 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

2-7. Replacing the panel PCB (For PC-type model)


1. Loosen the four screws (1) securing the operation panel at the top and bottom, and remove the
panel cap (2) by lifting it.

2. Separate the sheet holder plate (3) slowly, and remove the connector (4) from the rear of the panel

3. Remove the five screws (5) from the rear of the PCB, and replace the panel PCB (6) with a new
After replacing the panel PCB, reverse the above procedure for re-assembly.

• After replacing the panel PCB, be sure to attach the ground wire and connector.
• When removing and reattaching connectors, do not pull on the cables; hold the connectors.
• Do not lose the collar (7) which is to be placed between the shaft holder plate (3) and the
panel PCB (5).
• Attach the ground wire (8) to the panel PCB (6) using the screw (5) and the plain washer (9).
As to the remaining three holes, insert screws with two plain washers on each. Pay attention
to the number of plain washers as they influence the position of the holes.

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

2-8. Replacement of the control panel PCB (For SA-type model)

1. Loosen 4 screws in total on the upper and
lower side of the control panel main body
and lift up the panel cover (1). Put the panel
cover aside with care not to bring any
tension to the harness (2) of the cap switch.


2. Unscrew 2 screws (4) fixing the sheet key

support (3) and lift up the sheet key support
(3) slightly to detach the LCD harness (5)
and the sheet key harness (6) from the
control panel PCB (7).


3. Lift up the sheet key support (3) to

disconnect the inverter harness (8) from the
inverter PCB (9) and separate them
completely from the panel body.


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Chapter 3 Electrical components

4. Disconnect all connectors attached to the

control panel PCB (7).
When handling the FDD harness, unlock
the connector first.


5. Unscrew 5 screws (10) fixing the control

panel PCB (7).

6. The control panel PCB (7) can be detached



* To mount pieces, follow the reverse procedure to the disassembly above.

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

3. Replacement of head switch PCB of thread tension base and tension

base PCB

1. Loosen upper 2 screws and unscrew

remaining 4 screws fixing cover (2) between
the both sides of tension base (1), and then
remove cover (2).

2. Unscrew 4 bolts, socket fixing tension base


3. Lift tension base (1) slightly on the front side.

Be careful about fixed ground wire (3)
connected to tension base (1).
4. Unscrew bolt, socket (4) of the ground
terminal to disconnect it.


3-18 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

5. Disconnect head-head tension base harness

connector (5).


6. Disconnect tension base harness connector

(6) connecting tension base PCB and head
switch PCB (7).

7. Unscrew 2 screws fixing head switch PCB to

detach it.


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Chapter 3 Electrical components

8. Disconnect tension base harness connector

(6) connecting tension base PCB (8) and
head switch PCB (7).

9. Detach 12 thread breakage sensor

harnesses (9) of P1 to P12 from the
connector connecting tension base PCB (8).

10. Unscrew 4 screws fixing tension base PCB

(8) and tension base PCB sheet (10) and
then detach tension base PCB (8).

The blue
surface of
the tape is
to be near


* To mount it, follow the reverse procedure to the above.

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

4. Replacement of I/O PCB (1, 2) and step back/forward switch PCB

1. Loosen upper 1 screw and unscrew

remaining 3 screws fixing cover (1) between
the head No. 3 and No. 4, and then remove
cover (1).


2. Take out all connectors connected to I/O

PCB (1, 2) (2).

3. Unscrew 2 screws under cover base (3) and

upper 1 screw on I/O PCB (2), and then take
out I/O PCB (1, 2) (2) and step back/foward
switch together with cover base (3).


4. Disconnect terminal connector (4) from P6

connector (6) on I/O PCB (1, 2) (2).
Be sure not to lose I/O terminal connector
(4) (connector with 3 blue lines) detached
PCB support
In four head embroidery machine, this
DIP switch terminal connector (4) is connected to I/O
PCB (1, 2) (2) between the head No. 3 and
No. 4.
In six head embroidery machine, this is
connected to I/O PCB (1, 2) (2) between the
head No. 5 and No. 6.

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Follow the DIP switch settings below when replaced I/O PCB (1, 2).
For four head embroidery machine
No. 1 and No. 2
head PCB
No. 3 and No. 4
head PCB
For six head embroidery machine
No. 1 and No. 2
head PCB
No. 3 and No. 4
head PCB
No. 5 and No. 6
head PCB

5. Unscrew 2 screws connecting I/O PCB (1, 2)

(2) and step back/forward switch PCB (5).


* To mount it, follow the reverse procedure to the above.

3-22 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

5. Replacement of head PCB

1. Unscrew upper 1 bolt, socket and loosen

lower 2 bolts, socket on bridge cover (1) and
pull down bridge cover (1).


2. Disconnect the connector on head PCB (2).

5 blue lines
3. Detach terminal connector (3) from P5
PCB support
Be sure not to lose terminal connector (3)
(connector with 5 blue lines).

In four head embroidery machine, this
terminal connector (3) is connected to head
PCB (2) between the head No. 3 and No. 4.
In six head embroidery machine, this is
connected to head PCB (2) between the
head No. 5 and No. 6.

DIP switch


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 3-23

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Follow the DIP switch settings below when replaced head PCB.
For four head embroidery machine
No. 1 and No. 2
head PCB
No. 3 and No. 4
head PCB
For six head embroidery machine
No. 1 and No. 2
head PCB
No. 3 and No. 4
head PCB
No. 5 and No. 6
head PCB

* To mount it, follow the reverse procedure to the above.

3-24 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

6. Replacement of I/O PCB

1. Loosen lower 3 screws and unscrew

remaining 6 screws on side cover(1) of the
sewing machine, and then remove the side


2. Disconnect the connector on I/O PCB (2).

3. Unscrew 4 screws fixing I/O PCB (2) to

detach it.
Be sure not to lose 4 spacers (3).
DIP switch settings on I/O PCB
All set to OFF.

DIP switch


* To mount it, follow the reverse procedure to the above.

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

7. Replacement of picker PCB

1. Loosen lower 3 screws and unscrew

remaining 6 screws on side cover (1) of the
sewing machine, and then remove side
cover (1).


2. Disconnect the connector on picker PCB (2).

3. Unscrew 4 screws fixing picker PCB (2) to

detach it.
Be sure not to lose 4 spacers (3).


* To mount it, follow the reverse procedure to the above.

3-26 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

8. Fuses


1. Remove the cover of control box.

2. 5 fuses are attached on the power supply PCB in the upper part inside the control box.
Another fuse holder is attached on the right side of the control box.
Before the replacement, be sure to turn off the power.

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

8-1. Types and capacity of fuses

No. Fuse type and capacity Article number Product name

F1, F2 8A-250V (Semi time-lag fuse) S56790000 GFUSE8A-250V
F3 5A-250V (Normal-blow fuse) S56791000 GFUSE5A-250V
F4 5A-125V (Slow-blow fuse) S56794000 GFUSE5A-125V
S56793000 GFUSE0.4A-
F5 0.4A-125V (Slow-blow fuse)
F6 6A-250V (Semi time-lag fuse) S56792000 GFUSE6A-250V

Bobbin winder device (1) and the bobbin winder motor do not work while circuit protector (2) is
working. In this case, leave them for a while to cool down and then push in circuit protector (2) to
cancel the protection (It will be pushed back if the cooling down is not enough).

8-2. Replacement of fuses

Refer to the table below describing each case of the blowout of fuses.
Be sure to replace with a fuse of the same type and capacity as before.
Be sure to fasten the socket of the fuse to be replaced.

Fuse No. Status

Thread trimmer motor does not perform the home position detection on startup of the
sewing machine.
F1, F2
“Thread trimmer motor Home position error” is displayed in SA type machines.
E-B9 is displayed in PC type machines.
Machine motor does not work.
F3 “Machine motor locked” is displayed in SA type machines.
E-A1 is displayed in PC type machines.
F4 The fluorescent lamp lights but the power is not supplied to the sewing machine.
F5 The fluorescent lamp lights but the power is not supplied to the sewing machine.
Carriage does not detect the XY home position on startup of the sewing machine.
F6 “Y axis home position error” is displayed in SA type machines.
E-14 is displayed in PC type machines.
The bobbin cannot be winded.
protector (2)

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

9. Description of P-ROM

Pay attention to the

direction of the P-ROM.


Before the replacement, be sure to turn off the power supply.
Pay particular attention on handling of P-ROM(1).
Confirm that all pins are set in the socket properly.
Be sure not to put any irregular force on the PCB when attaching the P-ROM (1) to it.
Check if the P-ROM (1) is attached both in a proper position and direction.

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

For the P-ROM replacement, use a tool specially made for P-ROM removal if available. When
using a driver etc. for this purpose, be sure not to damage the P-ROM, socket or PCB. Try to pull
the each side of the P-ROM alternatively little by little, in this case.

H0232 PCB H0233

10.Replacement of change color motor, collar, w/dog and change color

sensor PCB
[How to detach]
Turn off the power of the sewing machine.
1. Detach the needle bar case (Page xxx) from head No. 1, referring descriptions for the replacement
and adjustment of jump driving assy, cloth presser cam, thread take-up driving cam, needle bar
driving cam, driving belt and upper shaft sensor.
2. Detach connector (1).

3. Unscrew 3 bolts, socket (3) to detach motor

setting plate (2).

4. Replace change color motor (4).


5. Detach connector (5).

6. Unscrew 2 set screws (7) to detach PCB

setting plate (6).

7. Replace sensor PCB (8).

8. Loosen 2 bolts, socket to detach collar,

w/dog (9) for the replacement.


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Chapter 3 Electrical components

[How to mount]
To mount pieces, follow the reverse procedure to the disassembly. Key points in the mounting are
described below.

2672M 2673M

1. Rotate shaft (1) to locate the screw mark in horizontal position.

2. Turn the dog of collar, w/dog (2) upright and locate the screw hole (3) in the place indicated in the
drawing. Fasten 2 bolts, socket adjusting shaft (1) so as not to get shaky. The location of screw
hole (3) corresponds with the screw mark of shaft (1).

3. Check if the clearance between change cam (5) and flange bush (6) is 0.5 mm or more.
This clearance gap should not change during this adjustment with replacement.
Should there be any problem with the clearance, readjust the mounting such as shaft (1) of
collar, w/dog (2).

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

4. If change pulley (7) has heavy feeling in

rotating, loosen 3 bolts, socket (8) to
relocate motor setting plate (8).


11. Replacement and adjustment of index sensor

Turn off the power of the sewing machine.

1. Loosen the upper 1 and unscrew remaining

2 screws of cover (1) between the heads No.
2 and No. 3 to detach cover (1).


2. Unscrew 2 screws of cover base (2) to

detach it.


3-32 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

3. Unscrew 2 set screws (4) of sensor dog (3)

to detach it.


4. Unscrew 1 set screw (9) of change color

sensor to replace change color sensors of A
(5) to D (8).


5. Remove the bridge cover between the

heads No. 1 and No. 2 on the backside of
bridge, and then pull down the bridge.
Disconnect required ones of connectors (10)
on the back of head PCB with a mark
corresponding to the selected change color
sensors A, B, C or D.
The change color sensors A to D have all
the same components.
Be sure to reconnect those connectors
properly when they are detached.


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Chapter 3 Electrical components

[How to mount]
To mount pieces, follow the reverse procedure to the disassembly. Key points in the mounting are
described below.
1. Select the needle bar number 2.


2. Loosen 2 set screws (2) of sensor dog (1).

3. Locate sensor dog (1) to be faced change

color sensor A (3) indicated in the drawing.


4. Check if the clearance between sensor dog

(1) and change color sensor A (3) stays
within 1 to 3 mm.
This clearance gap should not change
during this adjustment with replacement.
If the clearance gap does not conform,
loosen 4 set screws (5) in total on change
color dog stay (4) to readjust its location.


3-34 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

[How to mount]
To mount pieces, follow the reverse procedure to the disassembly. Key points in the mounting are
described below.

2672M 2673M

1. Rotate shaft (1) to locate the screw mark in horizontal position.

2. Turn the dog of collar, w/dog (2) upright and locate the screw hole (3) in the place indicated in the
drawing. Fasten 2 bolts, socket adjusting shaft (1) so as not to get shaky. The location of screw
hole (3) corresponds with the screw mark of shaft (1).

3. Check if the clearance between change cam (5) and flange bush (6) is 0.5 mm or more.
This clearance gap should not change during this adjustment with replacement.
Should there be any problem with the clearance, readjust the mounting such as shaft (1) of
collar, w/dog (2).

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

4. If change pulley (7) has heavy feeling in

rotating, loosen 3 bolts, socket (8) to
relocate motor setting plate (8).


11. Replacement and adjustment of index sensor

Turn off the power of the sewing machine.

1. Loosen the upper 1 and unscrew remaining

2 screws of cover (1) between the heads No.
2 and No. 3 to detach cover (1).


2. Unscrew 2 screws of cover base (2) to

detach it.


3-32 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

3. Unscrew 2 set screws (4) of sensor dog (3)

to detach it.


4. Unscrew 1 set screw (9) of change color

sensor to replace change color sensors of A
(5) to D (8).


5. Remove the bridge cover between the

heads No. 1 and No. 2 on the backside of
bridge, and then pull down the bridge.
Disconnect required ones of connectors (10)
on the back of head PCB with a mark
corresponding to the selected change color
sensors A, B, C or D.
The change color sensors A to D have all
the same components.
Be sure to reconnect those connectors
properly when they are detached.


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Chapter 3 Electrical components

[How to mount]
To mount pieces, follow the reverse procedure to the disassembly. Key points in the mounting are
described below.
1. Select the needle bar number 2.


2. Loosen 2 set screws (2) of sensor dog (1).

3. Locate sensor dog (1) to be faced change

color sensor A (3) indicated in the drawing.


4. Check if the clearance between sensor dog

(1) and change color sensor A (3) stays
within 1 to 3 mm.
This clearance gap should not change
during this adjustment with replacement.
If the clearance gap does not conform,
loosen 4 set screws (5) in total on change
color dog stay (4) to readjust its location.


3-34 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

12. Description of connectors

12-1. Main PCB


Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name and direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P1 ISP 1 +5V DC 5 V Input Disconnected
3 TCA Flash writing signal
5 TDO Flash writing signal
6 TMS Flash writing signal
7 TDI1 Flash writing signal
P2 ERASE 1 ELS ERASE signal Disconnected

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 3-35

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name and direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P3 P-CNT 1 P24V1 AC 24 V input Power supply “Power PCB error”
2 P24V2 AC 24 V input
3 PERR DC 40 V overcurrent
warning signal input
4 PWOFF DC 40 V output control
signal output
5 VOLT Voltage input proportional
to AC 18 V
6 0V GND
7 FAN Power supply PCB cooling
fan interruption error
signal input
8 TP200 Signal input with feeding
of AC 200 V
9 TP220 Signal input with feeding
of AC 220 V
10 TP230 Signal input with feeding
of AC 230 V
11 TP240 Signal input with feeding
of AC 240 V
P4 POWER 1 +5V DC 5 V Input Power supply The sewing machine
PCB P20 cannot be started
P5 SBUS 1 SCKO SBUS communication SBUS PCB P4 Faulty
signal communication with
2 SCKI SBUS communication (Only for PC-type
signal models)
3 TXD SBUS communication
4 DATA SBUS communication
5 SACK SBUS communication
6 SREQ SBUS communication
7 S/R SBUS communication
8 REQE SBUS communication
10 SBUS SBUS communication
11 MSD SBUS communication

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name and direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
12 PSEL SBUS communication
13 PSD SBUS communication
14 PSCK SBUS communication
15 /STOP PC panel STOP SW input
P6 P-CPS 1 RXD SA panel communication Power supply The sewing machine
signal PCB P10 cannot be started
2 CTS SA panel communication
3 DSR SA panel communication
4 TXD SA panel communication
5 RTS SA panel communication
6 DTR SA panel communication
7 0V GND
8 JUMP_A Jump motor A phase
output signal
9 JUMP_B Jump motor B phase
output signal
10 HRXD Head PCB communication
11 HTXD Head PCB communication
12 HSCK Head PCB communication
13 IRXD I/O PCB communication
14 ITXD I/O PCB communication
15 ISCK I/O PCB communication
16 0V GND
17 +24V DC 24 V output
18 A Encoder A phase signal
19 B Encoder B phase signal
20 NLUP Needle up signal
21 TYPE0 Model identifier signal 0
22 TYPE1 Model identifier signal 1
23 TYPE2 Model identifier signal 2
24 TYPE3 Model identifier signal 3

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Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name and direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
25 TYPE4 Model identifier signal 4
26 TYPE5 Model identifier signal 5
27 TYPE6 Model identifier signal 6
28 0V GND
29 PICKER Picker output signal
30 0V GND
P7 ITEST 1 +5V DC 5 V Input Disconnected
2 0V GND
3 ** I/F CPU test input signal
4 ** I/F CPU test input signal
5 ** I/F CPU test input signal
6 ** I/F CPU test input signal
7 ** I/F CPU test input signal
P8 DRIVE 1 FAN 1 FAN 1 input signal Drive PCB P13 PCB direct
3 FAN2 FAN 2 input signal
5 SAFE Safety sensor output
7 VINV Main shaft motor output
8 POA Main shaft motor W phase
output signal
9 POB Main shaft motor V phase
output signal
10 POC Main shaft motor U phase
output signal
11 NEA Main shaft motor W phase
output signal
12 NEB Main shaft motor V phase
output signal
13 NEC Main shaft motor U phase
output signal
15 DRIVE 10 X motor 1&2 connection
17 TEMP Thermistor input signal

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name and direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
19 POUT Output signal to auxiliary
power supply
20 POUT Output signal to auxiliary
power supply
21 VY Y motor output signal
22 YAPO Y motor A phase output
23 YBPO Y motor B phase output
24 YCPO Y motor C phase output
25 YDPO Y motor D phase output
26 YEPO Y motor E phase output
27 YANO Y motor A phase output
28 YBNO Y motor B phase output
29 YCNO Y motor C phase output
30 YDNO Y motor D phase output
31 YENO Y motor E phase output
32 +5V DC 5 V output
33 RIY Y motor input signal
34 +5V DC 5 V output
35 RIX X motor input signal
36 VX X motor output signal
37 XAPO X motor A phase output
38 XBPO X motor B phase output
39 XCPO X motor C phase output
40 XDPO X motor D phase output
41 XEPO X motor E phase output
42 XANO X motor A phase output
43 XBNO X motor B phase output
44 XCNO X motor C phase output

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name and direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
45 XDNO X motor D phase output
46 XENO X motor E phase output
49 VI Change color motor
output signal
50 IAPO Change color motor A
phase output signal +
51 IANO Change color motor A
phase output signal -
52 IBPO Change color motor B
phase output signal +
53 IBNO Change color motor B
phase output signal -
54 IOVCI Change color motor
overcurrent input signal
56 TOVCI Change color motor
overcurrent input signal
58 VT Thread trimmer motor A
phase output signal
59 TAPO Thread trimmer motor A
phase output signal +
60 TANO Thread trimmer motor A
phase output signal -
61 TBPO Thread trimmer motor B
phase output signal +
62 TBNO Thread trimmer motor B
phase output signal -
P9 XYTEST 1 +5V DC 5 V input Disconnected
2 0V GND
3 ** XY CPU test input signal
4 ** XY CPU test input signal
5 ** XY CPU test input signal
6 ** XY CPU test input signal
7 ** XY CPU test input signal

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name and direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P10 1 +5V DC5V input Disconnected
2 0V GND
3 ** Main shaft CPU test input
4 ** Main shaft CPU test input
5 ** Main shaft CPU test input
6 ** Main shaft CPU test input
7 ** Main shaft CPU test input

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 3-41

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

12-2. Drive PCB


Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P1 P24V 1 +24V DC 24 V input Power supply “X-axis stepping
PCB P24 motor connector
3 24RET DC 24 V GND
P2 SAFE 1 +24V DC 24 V output Sensorless Malfunction of BEAM
harness or BEAM sensor detection
2 SAFE Safety sensor input signal (Optional)
3 24RET DC 24 V GND
P3 FAN2 1 +24V DC 24 V output Box exhaust fan “Exhaust fan motor
2 FAN2 FAN2 output signal
3 24RET DC 24 V GND

P4 FAN1 1 +24V DC 24 V output Drive PCB fan “Exhaust fan motor

2 FAN1 FAN1 output signal
3 24RET DC 24 V GND

3-42 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name and direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
* P6 UVW 1 W Main shaft motor W phase Main shaft motor “Main (Z) motor lock”
output signal
2 V Main shaft motor V phase
output signal
3 U Main shaft motor U phase
output signal
P7 P300V 1 +300V DC 300 V input Power supply “Tread trimming
PCB P18 motor origin point
2 300RET DC 300 V GND
* P8 Y-MOTOR 1 YA Y motor A phase output Y-axis motor “Y-axis home position
signal error”
3 YE Y motor E phase output Abnormal noise in Y-
signal axis motor
4 YB Y motor B phase output
5 YC Y motor C phase output
6 YD Y motor D phase output
P9 P140V 1 +140V DC 140 V input Power supply “X-axis home position
PCB P14 error”
2 +140V DC 140 V input
4 140RET DC 140 V GND
5 140RET DC 140 V GND
* P10 X-MOTOR 1 XE X motor E phase output X-axis motor “X-axis stepping
signal motor
2 VSENS X motor 1&2 connection connector error”
4 XA X motor A phase output Abnormal noise in X-
signal axis motor
5 XD X motor D phase output
6 24RET DC 24 V GND
7 XC X motor C phase output
8 XB X motor B phase output

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Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name and direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P11 P40V 1 +40V DC 40 V input Power supply “Tread trimming
PCB P17 motor origin point
2 +40V DC 40 V input
3 40RET DC 40 V GND
4 40RET DC 40 V GND
* P12 T/I- 1 T-AP Thread trimming motor A Thread trimming “Tread trimming
MOTOR phase output signal + motor motor origin point
2 +40V DC 40 V output
3 T-AN Thread trimming motor A “Needle bar case
phase output signal - lock”
4 I-AP Change color motor A Change color
phase output signal + motor
5 +40V DC 40 V output
6 I-AN Change color motor A
phase output signal -
7 T-BP Thread trimming motor B Thread trimming
phase output signal + motor
8 +40V DC 40 V output
9 T-BN Thread trimming motor B
phase output signal -
10 I-BP Change color motor B Change color
phase output signal + motor
11 +40V DC 40 V output
12 I-BN Change color motor B
phase output signal -
P13 DRIVE 1 FAN1 FAN1 input signal Main PCB P8 PCB direct
3 FAN2 FAN2 input signal
5 SAFE Safety sensor output
7 VINV Main shaft motor input
8 POA Main shaft motor W phase
input signal +
9 POB Main shaft motor V phase
input signal +
10 POC Main shaft motor U phase
input signal +
11 NEA Main shaft motor W phase
input signal -
12 NEB Main shaft motor V phase
input signal -

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name and direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
13 NEC Main shaft motor U phase
input signal -
15 DRIVE10 X motor 1&2 connection
17 TEMP Thermistor output
19 POUT Input signal to auxiliary
power supply
20 POUT Input signal to auxiliary
power supply
21 VY Y motor input signal
22 YAPO Y motor A phase input
signal +
23 YBPO Y motor B phase input
signal +
24 YCPO Y motor C phase input
signal +
25 YDPO Y motor D phase input
signal +
26 YEPO Y motor E phase input
signal +
27 YANO Y motor A phase input
signal -
28 YBNO Y motor B phase input
signal -
29 YCNO Y motor C phase input
signal -
30 YDNO Y motor D phase input
signal -
31 YENO Y motor E phase input
signal -
32 +5V DC 5 V input
33 RIY Y motor output signal
34 +5V DC 5 V input
35 RIX X motor input signal
36 VX X motor input signal
37 XAPO X motor A phase input
signal +
38 XBPO X motor B phase input
signal +
39 XCPO X motor C phase input
signal +
40 XDPO X motor D phase input
signal +

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name and direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
41 XEPO X motor E phase input
signal +
42 XANO X motor A phase input
signal -
43 XBNO X motor B phase input
signal -
44 XCNO X motor C phase input
signal -
45 XDNO X motor D phase input
signal -
46 XENO X motor E phase input
signal -
49 VI Change color motor input
50 IAPO Change color motor A
phase input signal +
51 IANO Change color motor A
phase input signal -
52 IBPO Change color motor A
phase input signal +
53 IBNO Change color motor A
phase input signal -
54 IOVCI Change color motor
overcurrent output signal
56 TOVCI Thread trimming motor
overcurrent output signal
58 VT Thread trimming motor
input signal
59 TAPO Thread trimming motor A
phase input signal +
60 TANO Thread trimming motor A
phase input signal -
61 TBPO Thread trimming motor B
phase input signal +
62 TBNO Thread trimming motor B
phase input signal -
*: Connectors on the right side of the control box which are connected directly to external devices.

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

12-3. Power supply PCB


Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P1 ACin 1 AC200 AC 200 V to 240 V power Large transformer “Tread trimming
input motor origin point
2 AC200 AC 200 V to 240 V power
4 FG Ground
P2 TP 1 240V Power input (Tap signal) Contactor “Error D9”
2 230V Power input (Tap signal)
3 220V Power input (Tap signal)
4 200V Power input (Tap signal)
6 PG Power input

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Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P3 P-CNT 1 P24V1 AC 24 V output Main PCB P3 “Power PCB error”
2 P24V2 AC 24 V output
3 PERR DC 40 V overcurrent
warning signal output
4 PWOFF DC 40 V output control
signal input
5 VOLT Voltage output
proportional to AC 18 V
6 0V GND
7 FAN Power supply PCB cooling
fan interruption error
signal output
8 TP200 Signal output with feeding
of AC 200 V
9 TP220 Signal output with feeding
of AC 220 V
10 TP230 Signal output with feeding
of AC 230 V
11 TP240 Signal output with feeding
of AC 240 V
P4 FAN 1 +24V DC 24 V output Power supply “Exhaust fan motor
PCB fan stop”
2 FAN FAN input
3 24RET DC 24 V GND
P5 DC 24 V 1 +24V DC 24 V output Drive PCB P1 “X-axis stepping
2 motor connector
3 24RET DC 24 V GND
* P6 TMOTOR 1 +24V DC 24 V output Lower thread Lower thread winding
winding motor motor malfunction
2 24RET DC 24 V GND (Optional)
* P7 PICKER 1 +24V DC 24 V output Picker PCB P1 Picker malfunction

2 PICKER Picker output signal

3 24RET DC 24 V GND
*P8 I/O 1 +24V DC 24 V output I/O PCB (Right “Head CPU
side of the sewing communication error”
2 ISCK I/O PCB communication P5
3 ITXD I/O PCB communication
4 IRXD I/O PCB communication
5 +24V DC 24 V output
6 24RET DC 24 V GND

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
* P9 TIMING 1 24RET DC 24 V GND Relay PCB P3 “Main (Z) motor lock”
2 B Encoder B phase signal “Needle stop position
input error”
3 NLUP Needle up signal input “XY CPU
communication error”
4 A Encoder A phase signal The main shaft does
input not accelerate after
the start of sewing
5 +24V DC 24 V output
P10 P-CPS 1 RXD SA panel communication Main PCB P6 The sewing machine
signal cannot be started
2 CTS SA panel communication
3 DSR SA panel communication
4 TXD SA panel communication
5 RTS SA panel communication
6 DTR SA panel communication
7 0V GND
8 JUMP_A Jump motor A phase input
9 JUMP_B Jump motor B phase input
10 HRXD Head PCB communication
11 HTXD Head PCB communication
12 HSCK Head PCB communication
13 IRXD I/O PCB communication
14 ITXD I/O PCB communication
15 ISCK I/O PCB communication
16 0V GND
17 +24V DC 24 V output
18 A Encoder A phase signal
19 B Encoder B phase signal
20 NLUP Needle up signal output
21 TYPE0 Model identifier signal 0

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Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
22 TYPE1 Model identifier signal 1
23 TYPE2 Model identifier signal 2
24 TYPE3 Model identifier signal 3
25 TYPE4 Model identifier signal 4
26 TYPE5 Model identifier signal 5
27 TYPE6 Model identifier signal 6
28 0V GND
29 PICKER Picker input signal
30 0V GND
* P11 SA-PANEL 1 RXD SA panel communication SA panel The sewing machine
signal cannot be started
2 CTS SA panel communication (Only for SA-type
signal models)
3 DSR SA panel communication
4 TXD SA panel communication
5 RTS SA panel communication
6 DTR SA panel communication
7 0V GND
8 FG Ground
9 +5V DC 5 V output
10 +5V DC 5 V output
11 5RET DC 5 V GND
12 5RET DC 5 V GND
13 +24V DC 24 V output
14 24RET DC 24 V GND
* P12 HEAD 1 +24V DC 24 V output Head PCB (for “Head CPU
No. 1 and 2) communication error”
2 HSCK Head PCB communication P4
3 HTXD Head PCB communication
4 HRXD Head PCB communication
5 JUMP_A Jump motor A phase
output signal
6 JUMP_B Jump motor B phase
output signal
7 +40V DC 40 V output Head PCB P10
8 40RET DC 40 V GND
9 +24V DC 24 V output
10 24RET DC 24 V GND

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
* P13 TYPE 1 TYPE0 Model identifier signal Model identifier “Cannot specify
harness model.”
2 TYPE1 Model identifier signal
3 TYPE2 Model identifier signal
4 TYPE3 Model identifier signal
5 TYPE4 Model identifier signal
6 TYPE5 Model identifier signal
7 TYPE6 Model identifier signal
8 0V GND
P14 DC140V 1 +140V DC 140 V output Drive PCB P9 “X-axis stepping
motor connector
2 +140V DC 140 V output
4 140RET DC 140 V GND
5 140RET DC 140 V GND
P15 AC100V 1 AC100 AC 100 V power input Large transformer “X-axis stepping
motor connector
3 AC100 AC 100 V power input
P16 CNT 1 AC18 AC 18 V power input Compact The power cannot be
(Compact transformer) transformer turned on
2 AC18 AC 18 V power input
(Compact transformer)
4 +24V DC 24 V output (for Contactor
5 24RET DC 24 V output (for
P17 DC 40 V 1 +40V DC 40 V output drive PCB P11 “Tread trimming
motor origin point
2 +40V DC 40 V output
3 40RET DC 40 V GND
4 40RET DC 40 V GND
P18 DC300 1 +300V DC 300 V output drive PCB P7 “Main (Z) motor lock”
2 300RET DC 300 V GND
P19 AC18V 1 AC18 AC 18 V power input Large transformer The power cannot be
(Large transformer) turned on
2 AC18 AC 18 V power input
(Large transformer)

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P20 DC 5 V 1 +5V DC 5 V output main PCB P4 The sewing machine
cannot be started
P21 SBUS- 1 +5V DC 5 V output SBUS PCB P5 Faulty
POW communication with
2 5RET DC 5 V GND (Only for PC-type
P23 FUSE 1 Fuse (AC 18 V) Fuse holder (F4) The power cannot be
turned on
2 (Right side of the
*: Connectors on the right side of the control box which are connected directly to external devices.

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

12-4. IO PCB


Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P1 Y-AREA 1 +24V DC 24 V output When used on the “Thread trimming
side face, motor origin point
2 YPOS Cap frame Y origin input Y carriage origin
signal point sensor
3 GND DC 24 V GND Thread trimming When detecting the
motor origin point origin of the carriage,
sensor Y carriage hits the
4 +24V DC 24 V output
5 YF- Square frame Y origin
input signal
6 GND DC 24 V GND Disconnected
when used
between the
7 +24V DC 24 V output
8 YF+ Thread trimming motor
origin point input signal
10 +24V DC 24 V output
11 YC- Not in use
12 GND DC 24 V GND
13 +24V DC 24 V output
14 YC+ Not in use
15 GND DC 24 V GND

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P2 IROT 1 +5V DC 5 V output When used on the “Needle No. reading
side face of the error”
sewing machine,
change color
2 IROT0 Needle bar case position
sensor 0 signal
3 IROT1 Needle bar case position
sensor 1 signal
4 IROT2 Needle bar case position Disconnected
sensor 2 signal when used
between the
5 IROT3 Needle bar case position
sensor 3 signal
6 IROT4 Needle bar case position
sensor 4 signal
7 ISENS Needle bar case position
neutral proximity sensor
9 +24V DC 24 V output
P3 STSP 1 FWD Forward SW input signal Disconnected “Release stop SW to
when used on the operate!”
side face of the
sewing machine
2 BACK Back SW input signal
3 GND DC 24 V GND When used Malfunction of step
between the SW
4 ST START SW input signal START/STOP SW
5 SP STOP SW input signal Step SW PCB P1
P4 TCUT 1 +24V DC 24 V output When used on the The frame selector is
side face of the fixed to the cap frame
sewing machine,
2 TCUT Frame selector input Frame selector
signal SW (Only for PC-
type models)
when used
between the
P5 Connector dedicated to Disconnected
program recording

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P6 SOUT 1 +24V DC 24 V output Head-head I/O “Head I/O CPU
PCB adjoining on communication error”
the left P5
2 SCKIN I/O PCB communication
3 RXDIN I/O PCB communication When used in the
signal left end of the
sewing machine,
4 TXDIN I/O PCB communication Terminal harness
5 +24V DC 24 V output
8 NC
P7 X-AREA 1 +24V DC 24 V output X carriage origin When detecting the
point sensor origin of the carriage,
X carriage hits the left
2 XPOS X origin input signal
3 +24V DC 24 V output
4 XF- Not in use
5 +24V DC 24 V output
6 XF+ Not in use
7 +24V DC 24 V output
8 XC- Not in use
9 +24V DC 24 V output
10 XC+ Not in use
11 GND DC 24 V GND
P8 TSENS1 1 +5V DC 5 V output Disconnected Head LED does not
when used on the illuminate
side face of the
sewing machine
2 TBRK1 Thread breakage sensor 1
input signal
3 LEDR1 Red LED lamp 1 The head cannot be
designated as a
suspended head
4 LEDG1 Green LED lamp 1 When used
between the
5 ISEL0 Thread breakage sensor Tension bracket Malfunction of
selective output signal PCB P11 mending
6 ISEL1 Thread breakage sensor (For heads with
selective output signal odd numbers)
7 ISEL2 Thread breakage sensor Misdiagnosis in
selective output signal thread breakage

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
8 ISEL3 Thread breakage sensor
selective output signal
9 ISEL4 Thread breakage sensor
selective output signal
10 HSW1 Head SW 1
11 MSW1 Mending SW1
P9 SIN 1 +24V DC 24 V output When used on the “Head I/O CPU
left side of the communication error”
sewing machine,
2 SCKOUT I/O PCB communication Power supply PCB
signal P8
3 RXDOUT I/O PCB communication (I/O on the left side
signal of the box)
4 TXDOUT I/O PCB communication
5 +24V DC 24 V output When used
between the heads,
6 GND DC 24 V GND I/O PCB adjoining
on the right P6
P10 TSENS2 1 +5V DC 5 V output Disconnected when Head LED does not
used on the left illuminate
side of the sewing
2 TBRK2 Thread breakage sensor 2
input signal
3 LEDR2 Red LED lamp 2 output The head cannot be
designated as a
suspended head
4 LEDG2 Green LED lamp 2 output When used
between the heads,
5 ISEL0 Thread breakage sensor Tension bracket Malfunction of
selective output signal PCB P11 mending
6 ISEL1 Thread breakage sensor (For heads with
selective output signal even numbers)
7 ISEL2 Thread breakage sensor Misdiagnosis in
selective output signal thread breakage
8 ISEL3 Thread breakage sensor
selective output signal
9 ISEL4 Thread breakage sensor
selective output signal
10 HSW2 Head SW 2 input
11 MSW2 Mending SW 2 input

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

12-5. Picker PCB


Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P1 PK-IN 1 +24V DC 24 V output Power supply Malfunction of picker
2 PICKER Picker input signal (Picker on the left
side of the box)
P2 PK-OUT 1 P1+ Picker 1 solenoid power Picker solenoid Malfunction of picker
supply (No. 1 head)
2 P1-
3 P2+ Picker 2 solenoid power Picker solenoid
supply (No. 2 head)
4 P2-
5 P3+ Picker 3 solenoid power Picker solenoid
supply (No. 3 head)
6 P3-
7 P4+ Picker 4 solenoid power Picker solenoid
supply (No. 4 head)
8 P4-
9 P5+ Picker 5 solenoid power Picker solenoid
supply (No. 5 head)
10 P5-
11 P6+ Picker 6 solenoid power Picker solenoid
supply (No. 6 head)
12 P6-

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

12-6. Head switch PCB


Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P1 HSW 1 LEDR Red LED lamp input Tension bracket Head SW and
PCB P8 mending SW do not
2 LEDG Green LED lamp input Head LED does not
3 HSW Head SW output
4 MSW Mending SW output
5 0V GND

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

12-7. Tension base PCB


Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P1 H1 1 0V DC 5 V GND Thread stud base Misdiagnosis in
assy set thread breakage
P2 H2 2 5V DC 5 V output
P3 H3 3 OUT1 Thread breakage
detection input signal
P4 H4 4 OUT2 Thread breakage
detection input signal
P6 H5 5 0V DC 5 V GND
P7 H6 6 0V DC 5 V GND
P9 H7
P10 H8
P11 H9
P12 H10
P13 H11
P14 H12
P5 TSENS 1 5V DC 5 V input For heads with Head LED does not
odd numbers illuminate
2 TBRK Thread breakage sensor I/O PCB P8
output signal
3 LEDR Red LED lamp input The head cannot be
designated as a
suspended head
4 LEDG Green LED lamp input For heads with
even numbers
5 ISEL0 Thread breakage sensor I/O PCB P10 Malfunction of
selective input signal mending
6 ISEL1 Thread breakage sensor
selective input signal
7 ISEL2 Thread breakage sensor Misdiagnosis in
selective input signal thread breakage
8 ISEL3 Thread breakage sensor
selective input signal
9 HSW Head SW output

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
10 MSW Mending SW output
11 0V DC 5 V GND
P8 HSW 1 LEDR Red LED lamp output Head switch PCB Head SW and
P1 mending SW do not
2 LEDG Green LED lamp output Head LED does not
3 HSW Head SW input
4 MSW Mending SW input
5 0V GND

12-8. Step switch PCB


Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P1 1 FSW Forward SW output signal I/O PCB P3 Head-head step back
/ forward SW does
not work
2 BSW Back SW output signal

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

12-9. Head PCB


Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P1 ISP 1 +5V DC 5 V output Not in use
2 0V DC 5 V GND
4 0V DC 5 V GND
5 TD0
8 NC
P2 WSENS2 1 +24V DC 24 V output Wiper sensor “Wiper out error”
2 WIPER2 Wiper sensor 2 input (For heads with
signal even numbers)
P3 WSENS1 1 +24V DC 24 V output Wiper sensor “Wiper out error”
2 WIPER1 Wiper sensor 1 input (For heads with
signal odd numbers)

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P4 SIN 1 +24V DC 24 V output Head PCB “Head CPU
adjoining on the communication error”
right P5
2 SCKOUT Head PCB communication
3 RXDOUT Head PCB communication Head PCBs for
signal No. 1 and 2 heads
are power supply
4 TXDOUT Head PCB communication
5 JPAOUT Head PCB communication (Head on the left
signal side of the box)
6 JPBOUT Head PCB communication
P5 SOUT 1 +24V DC 24 V output Head PCB “Head CPU
adjoining on the communication error”
left P4
2 SCKIN Head PCB communication (Head PCB for
signal the last head is
terminal harness)
3 RXDIN Head PCB communication
4 TXDIN Head PCB communication
5 JPAIN Head PCB communication
6 JPBIN Head PCB communication
8 NC
P8 WP2 1 WP2A Wiper 2 pulse motor Wiper motor “Wiper out error”
output signal
2 NC (For heads with
even numbers)
3 WP2B Wiper 2 pulse motor Malfunction of wiper
output signal
4 WP2C Wiper 2 pulse motor
output signal
5 NC
6 WP2D Wiper 2 pulse motor
output signal

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P9 WP1 1 WP1A Wiper 1 pulse motor Wiper motor “Wiper out error”
output signal
2 NC (For heads with
odd numbers)
3 WP1B Wiper 1 pulse motor Malfunction of wiper
output signal
4 WP1C Wiper 1 pulse motor
output signal
5 NC
6 WP1D Wiper 1 pulse motor
output signal
P10 POWER 1 +40V DC 40 V output Power supply “Head CPU
PCB P12 communication error”
2 P0V DC 40 V GND (Head on the left
side of the box)
3 +24V DC 24 V output
4 P0V DC 24 V GND
P11 JP1 1 JP2A+ Jump 1 pulse motor output Jump motor Malfunction of
signal jumping
2 JP2A Jump 1 pulse motor output (For heads with
signal odd numbers)
3 JP2A- Jump 1 pulse motor output Needle bar does not
signal ascend at the main
shaft stop position
4 JP2B+ Jump 1 pulse motor output
5 JP2B Jump 1 pulse motor output
6 JP2B- Jump 1 pulse motor output
P12 JP2 1 JP1A+ Jump 2 pulse motor output Jump motor Malfunction of
signal jumping
2 JP1A Jump 2 pulse motor output (For heads with
signal even numbers)
3 JP1A- Jump 2 pulse motor output Needle bar does not
signal ascend at the main
shaft stop position
4 JP1B+ Jump 2 pulse motor output
5 JP1B Jump 2 pulse motor output
6 JP1B- Jump 2 pulse motor output

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

12-10. Relay PCB


Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P1 ENC-A 1 +24V DC 24 V output Upper shaft “Main (Z) motor lock”
sensor A phase
2 A A phase sensor signal (Right side)
3 0V DC 24 V GND
P2 ENC 1 0V DC 24 V GND Disconnected
2 B B phase signal input
3 NLUP Needle up signal input
4 A Encoder A phase signal
5 +24V DC 24 V output

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P3 TIMING 1 A A phase sensor signal Power supply “Main (Z) motor lock”
output PCB P9
2 +24V DC 24 V input (Timing on the left “Needle stop position
side of the box) error”
3 B B phase sensor signal “XY CPU
output communication error”
4 NLUP Needle up signal output The main shaft does
not accelerate after
the start of sewing
5 0V DC 24 V GND
P4 NLUP 1 +24V DC 24 V output Needle up sensor “Needle stop position
2 NLUP Needle up signal input (Lower shaft)
3 0V DC 24 V GND
P5 ENC-B 1 +24V DC 24 V output Upper shaft The main shaft does
sensor B phase not accelerate after
the start of sewing
2 B B phase sensor signal (Left side)
3 0V DC 24 V GND

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Chapter 3 Electrical components

12-11. SBUS PCB


Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
* P1 SBUS1 1 CLK+ SBUS communication Interface board of Faulty
signal PC communication with
2 CLK- SBUS communication
3 DATA+ SBUS communication
4 DATA- SBUS communication
5 SACK+ SBUS communication
6 SACK- SBUS communication
7 SREQ+ SBUS communication
8 SREQ- SBUS communication

3-66 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
* P2 SBUS2 1 CLK+ SBUS communication Other embroidery Faulty
signal machines communication with
2 CLK- SBUS communication Or the termination
3 DATA+ SBUS communication
4 DATA- SBUS communication
5 SACK+ SBUS communication
6 SACK- SBUS communication
7 SREQ+ SBUS communication
8 SREQ- SBUS communication
* P3 PANEL 1 DATA+ PC panel communication For PC-type The sewing machine
signal models cannot be started
2 DATA- PC panel communication Operation panel
3 CLK+ PC panel communication
4 CLK- PC panel communication
5 +5V DC 5 V output
7 /STOP PC panel STOP SW input
9 NC

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 3-67

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 3 Electrical components

Connect Connector Pin No. Signal Description of signals and Connected to Reaction to insertion
or No. name name direction of them incomplete or
breaking of wire
P4 SBUS 1 SCKO SBUS communication Main PCB P5 Faulty
signal communication with
2 SCKI SBUS communication
3 TXD SBUS communication
4 DATA SBUS communication
5 SACK SBUS communication
6 SREQ SBUS communication
7 S/R SBUS communication
8 REQE SBUS communication
10 SBUS SBUS communication
11 MSD SBUS communication
12 PSEL SBUS communication
13 PSD SBUS communication
14 PSCK SBUS communication
15 /STOP PC panel STOP SW
output signal
P5 DC 5 V 1 +5V DC 5 V output Power supply Faulty
PCB P21 communication with
*: Connectors on the right side of the control box which are connected directly to external devices.

3-68 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

1. Entering into the test mode

1. Press the key twice on the embroidery initial screen.

2. Select the icon with the or jog key and press the key.

3. Input "961961" as the password and press the key.

2743M 2744M 2745M
2746M 2747M

2. Selecting the test mode menu

The test mode is comprised of the following three modes.
Select each icon with the or jog key and press the key.
The menus for each mode are as follows:

Thread trimmer adjustment

Adjustment Needle bar case moving test

Carriage sensor test (Fine adjustment of the carriage origin point)

Encoder signal test

2748M 2749M 2750M
2751M 2752M

LED SW test

Test 1 Port/voltage check

Solenoid test

Main shaft motor rotation test

2753M 2754M 2755M
2756M 2757M


Test 2


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 4-1

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

Select the menu by inputting the first figure of each menu with a numeric key in test 2 of the test mode.

Pressing the key will switch between "MENU LIST 1" and "MENU LIST 2".
Only six lines are displayed on the screen. However, the screen scrolls and the sections not displayed
are shown if you press the or jog key.
It is switched to the highlighted "Result screen" if you select the item which displays the result. Press
the key to return to the normal menu screen.

If you press the key on the "Result screen", the data on the result screen can be stored on the
floppy disk. Moreover, pressing the key will clear the displayed data on the result screen.

If "Insufficient memory" is displayed during the test, press the key or key on the " Result
screen" and clear the displayed data on the result screen.

The details of the test are described in "Detailed version of CPU in the machine" on or after page 4-11.

2759M 2760M 2761M

2762M 2763M 2765M

4-2 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

3. Function of the test mode

3-1. Thread trimmer adjustment
The following screen is displayed when you enter the test mode.

Adjust it referring to chapter 2 "6.Thread trimmer

adjustment" in the manual.
Press the key after adjustment is finished
and return to the menu selection screen.

3-2. Needle bar moving test

N:normal position
O:abnormal position
Moving speed set value Needle bar number

• If you press the left needle bar switch key, the number of the needle bar increases by one.

• If you press the right needle bar switch key, the number of the needle bar decreases by one.


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 4-3

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

• Rotate the rotary disc (1) of the selected

needle bar then look at the thread tension
base lamp (2) blink.
• When the or jog key is pressed, the
needle bar's travel speed can be changed.


Jog key ( ) ...... increases the set value by

2725M Jog key ( ) ...... decreases the set value by

• The set values can be set between 8 (fast) and 30 (slow). The standard set value is 12.
• When the key is pressed, the contentious needle bar switching operation is repeated
between one needle and twelve needles.
• When the key is pressed, the above operation stops.
• When the thread trimming key is pressed, the thread trimming test is carried out starting from the
first needle. When the tests for all needles are finished, operation returns to the state when the
thread trimming key was pressed and the machine stops. When the key is pressed during the
test, the test is interrupted and the machine stops.
• When the key is pressed, the display returns to the menu selection screen.

2760M 2761M 2770M

2771M 2767M

4-4 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

3-3. Carriage sensor test (Fine adjustment of the carriage origin point)

Select the flat hoop or cap hoop icons with the

jog keys ( ).
When the key is pressed, the hoop moves
to the origin of the selected icon.

Select the frame using the jog key ( ) and

press the key. The message on the display
will change from “The frame can be moved” to
“Finding the origin point”, and then the origin
point detection starts.

Fine adjustment of the origin point can be done

with the jog key . Press the key to

determine the adjusted position. Press the

key to cancel the adjustment and return to the

previous screen.

2744M 2745M 2747M

2769M 2764M 2767M

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 4-5

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

3-4. Encoder signal test

Encoder B phase signal

Needle upper stop position signal Encoder A phase signal 2726M


Lower shaft pulley

95° 105°


When the lower shaft pulley is turned at the needle upper stop position (at 95 to 105 degrees of the
scale on the lower shaft pulley), the buzzer sounds and "H" is displayed.

The main shaft pulley


The displays of A and B phase signals will show "H" and “L” alternately according to the rotation of the
main shaft pulley.
When the key is pressed, the display returns to the menu selection screen.
Refer to the following sections:
• Chapter 3. "10. Replacement of the change color motor, collar, w/dog and change color sensor
• Chapter 3. "11. Replacement and adjustment of the index sensor"


4-6 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

3-5. LED SW test

Follow the procedure below to test switches and LEDs by operating the head switch and the step
forward/backward switch.
When the key is pressed, the display
returns to the menu selection screen.


Head switch


LED Head switch

Step backward switch

Step forward switch


Head switch Step forward/backward switch LED (lamp)


ON Illuminates red

OFF Turns off

OFF Turns off

Mending Blinks green

Mending Blinks red 2729M 2730M

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 4-7

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

3-6. Port/voltage check

• Displays the current power supply

• Displays the current power supply
2772M • Displays the current status of ports A, B,
and C.
2773M 2774M 2775M

Details of what are displayed are as follows:


Tubular round
Port A PC - typep
frame SW Needle stop
CAPSW Encoder A Encoder B
Beam sensor 0:Tubular 0 0 position
0:FLAT signal sensor signal sensor
round frame sensor

PortB Thread Square frame

X origin point
trimming Y origin point Cap frame Y 0 0 0 0
sensor sensor

PortC Change color Change color Change color Change color Change color
0 0 origin point 0 position position position position
sensor sensor 4 sensor 3 sensor 2 sensor 1

* When bit5 for the X origin sensor is seto to 0, it represents out of area. When it is set to 1, it
represents within area.
2782M 2783M 2775M

4-8 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

3-7. Solenoid test

The switches and keys have functions as follows.



SW/Key Function
The wiper motor runs and drives the upper thread guide hook of the head once.

Excites all jump motors of all heads at the ON position.

Switch ON or OFF all jump motors.

All upper thread guide hooks (1) move once. The display will change to
keeping its reversing display when any of 1 to 6 upper thread guide hooks (1)
stay out. The status of the sensor (2) will have been light receivable then.
Drives all jump motors repeatedly. Press the key to stop.

Keeps the driving of all jump motors. Press the key to cancel.
Returns to the menu.

2732M 2729M 2730M

2759M 2780M 2777M
2771M 2778M 2767M

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 4-9

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

3-8. Main shaft motor rotation test


• steps up the set value of the speed.

• steps down the set value of the speed.

• The ON or OFF angle for jumping can be changed by using the jog key . (This will be
cancelled when the power of the sewing machine is turned off.)
• When is pressed, the main shaft starts rotating.

• When is pressed, the main shaft stops rotating. The actual rotation number is indicated after
• When the key is pressed, the display returns to the menu selection screen.
2768M 2781M 2769M
2770M 2771M 2767M

4-10 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

3-9. Detailed version of CPU in the machine

Select "3. PROGRAM VER." in <<MENU LIST

Refer to "2. Selecting the test mode menu"
to enter <<MENU LIST 1>>.


Returns to the <<MENU LIST 1>>

Main CPU program
Slave I/F CPU program
Head CPU program
XY submitting waveform table
CPU program of the main shaft motor
All CPU programs in the machine
Terminates the test mode

When 2 to 7 is selected in <<PROGRAM

VERSION>>, the screen shown to the left
(example) is displayed.
When the key is pressed, it returns to

Information of the base program 2734M

of the selected CPU

Production date Producer

CPU type and simplified version

Detailed version

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 4-11

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

3-10. Power supply voltage adjustment

Select "2. XY TEST MENU" in <<MENU LIST



Select “1. Voltage adjust” in the <<XY TEST



Display the voltage input value.

Increase the voltage indicated value by five.
Increase the voltage indicated value by one.
Decrease the voltage indicated value by one.
Decrease the voltage indicated value by five.
Adjust the value to the currently indicated value.
When using transformers for other than EC.
When using transformers for EC.
Return to <<BC TEST MENU>>.


Select “1. Value” in the <<Voltage adjust>> then

current input voltage and the transformer in use
will be displayed as shown left.


• Setup the transformer. * Refer to the figure in note 1 for the types of transformers.
• Measure the power voltage of the sewing machine with testers etc. Watch out for an electric shock
when measuring. Points to be measured are: Breaker terminals of the sewing machine,
connectors of the connector terminals on the back side of the control box, between 1st and 2nd
pins of 18, the AC power source, and so on.
• Use items 2 to 5 and perform "6. SET" to adjust the value indicated on the screen to the measured
value.For example, assume the measured value is 220 V and the value indicated on the screen is
214 V. To display the measured value, 220 V, on the screen, perform "2. +5" once and "3. +1" once
(214 + 5 + 1 = 220), then perform "6. SET" to adjust the voltage.
• Perform "1. Value" again to reconfirm the voltage. Although the power supply voltage slightly
fluctuates while it is being adjusted, it is acceptable if it is within ±2 V. After the voltage has been
adjusted, perform "7. Return" to return to <<BC TEST MENU>>, and exit from the test mode.

4-12 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

The machine checks the power supply voltage to control it optimally even if it varies or to cope with
abnormal voltage levels. This function is adjusted before shipment from the factory. However, if the
main PCB, the power PCB, or the control box is replaced, the adjustment becomes ineffective. Be
sure to adjust the power supply voltage when replacing the main PCB, the power PCB, or the
control box.

* Open the front cover and check if the transformer has a filter to identify its type.


For other than EC For EC


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 4-13

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

3-11. Modifications of X-direction slowing area of a cap frame and its reduction ratio

Select “3. CAP SLOW AREA & SPEED” in

<<MENU LIST 2>>.


Shows the current set values.

Initializes the set values. (Slowing area 25 mm and
reduction ratio 80 %)
Broadens the slowing area for sewing of a cap frame by
5 m in Y direction.
Narrows the slowing area for sewing of a cap frame by
5 m in Y direction.
Increases the speed reduction ratio for sewing of a cap
frame by 5 %.
Decreases the speed reduction ratio for sewing of a cap
frame by 5 %.
Returns to the menu 1. 2740M

0 – 25 (Default of the speed Maximum sewing area of a cap

reduction ratio) to 95 mm frame

2740M Sewing speed slowing area

No-slowing area

Operator side
100 – 80 (Default of the speed
reduction ratio) to 50 % 2741M

If set values are all fine, select “7.MENU LIST 1” to return to the menu 1.

4-14 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC -
Chapter 4 Test Mode (For Stand – Alone type)

3-12. Modification of the stitch compensation value on the sewing machine

from << MENU LIST 1 >>.

2. Press “7” key. Then press “ESC” key to quit
the test mode.
Input required compensation values for X
and Y individually, and then press “7” to
return to << MENU LIST 1 >>.
2848M X:From - 0.5 to 2.0 mm, in 0.1 mm unit.
Y:From - 0.5 to 2.0 mm, in 0.1 mm unit.

Cases that the compensation values in the test 3. The messages will be shown as below when
mode are adopted: the compensation value modification is
completed by pressing “1” through “6” key.


Cases that the compensation values modified in

the edit mode are adopted (The compensation
values in the test mode are both 0.)


4. Priority between the 2 compensation values; the preset value in the machine and the modified
value on the operation panel.
If the compensation values for X and Y are both set to 0 in the test mode, the values set in the
edit mode on the operation panel (on the PC controller) will be adopted. If either of them in
the test mode are not 0, the values set in the test mode will be adopted and those set in the
edit mode (on the PC controller) will be ignored. The values set in those 2 modes will never be

The adopted mode will be shown on the test mode screen.

If “TEST MODE COMPENSATION” is shown, the values set in the test mode are adopted.
If “EDIT MODE COMPENSATION” is shown, the values set in the edit mode are adopted.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 4-15

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

Chapter 5 Test mode (For PC Control type)

1. Test mode on the operation panel

1-1. Starting test mode
• With the PC in standby mode, press the STOP switch and jog switch ( ). “tcut” appears in the
window (7 segment LED), and the machine controller will enter test mode 1.
• With the machine stopped, press the STOP switch and jog switch ( ). “bEEP” appears in the
window (7 segment LED), and the machine controller will enter test mode 2.
2760M 2745M

1-2. Selecting test mode menu

• Jog switches ( , ) are used to indicate test mode menus from “tcut” to “A-go” on the 7
segment LED.
In test mode 2, only “bEEP” (error sound switching) menu appears.
“tcut” : Thread trimmer adjustment
“CASE” : Needle bar case test
“org” : Home position searching test
“Ecd” : Encoder signal test
“dISP” : Switches and LEDs test (operation panel and machine head)
“AC” : Power voltage and frequency indication
“Port” : Port check
“SOL” : Solenoid test
“FEEd” : Driving shaft rotation test
“bEEP” : Error sound switching (only test mode 2)

• Select a test item and press the START switch. The selected test starts.

2744M 2745M

5-1 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

1-3. Test mode functions

1-3-1. Thread trimmer adjustment

1. Indication "tcut" will blink on the 7 segment LED, and the head will be ready for adjustment of the
thread trimmer. (Refer to Chapter 2 "6.Replacement and adjustment of movable knife and fixed

2. Press the STOP switch after the thread trimmer has been adjusted.

3. Indication "tcut" on the 7 segment LED, which was blinking, will return to its usual status.

1-3-2. Needle bar case test

1. The 7 segment LED shows "** H."


Needle bar number

2. Press the left switch to change the needle bar to the next toward needle bar no.12.


3. Press the right switch to change the needle bar to the next toward needle bar no.1.


4. Press the check switch to display S-** on the 7 segment LED. Change needle bar movement
• ** is a number that will be determined as a parameter of speed when the needle bar case
moves; the number can be set from 5 (fastest) to 30 (slowest).
• Jog switch ( ) is used to decrease needle bar case speed parameter number one by one
and increase movement speed.
• Jog switch ( ) is used to increase needle bar case speed parameter number one by one
and decrease movement speed.
• When the start switch is pressed, "LOOP will appear on the 7 segment LED, and the
needle bar case endurance test will start. Press the stop switch to finish the test.
• When the thread trimming switch is pressed, "1-12" will appear on the 7 segment LED,
and the thread trimming test will start. Press the stop switch to finish the test.
• When the stop switch is pressed, the machine controller will return to the needle bar case
test mode.

5. After needle bar case test, press the stop switch. Indication "CASE" will appear on the 7 segment
2760M 2761M

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 5-2

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

1-3-3. Home position searching test

1. The 7 segment LED shows "C-F."

2. Press jog switch ( ) or ( ).

( ): The 7 segment LED shows "FLA" with 3 beeps and the frame moves to the holder base
frame home position. (This is not available when the sewing machine is set for the cap

( ): The 7 segment LED shows "CAP" with 3 beeps and the frame moves to the cap frame
home position. 2745M 2744M

3. Press the STOP switch to finish home position searching test. The 7 segment LED will show

1-3-4. Encoder signal test

1. The main shaft angle will be shown on the indicator,in the range of the needle up stop position
(while the indicator on the pulley is in the range from 95° to 105°), turn the pulley. The buzzer will

95° 105°


2. Press the stop switch to finish the encoder signal test. "Ecd" will appear on the 7 segment LED.

5-3 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

1-3-5. Switch and LED test on operation panel and head

1. Indication "dISP" will blink on the 7 segment LED.

2. Set each of Head switch, and step forward/backward switch as follows to test their LEDs.

Head switch


LED Head switch

Step backward switch

Step forward switch


Head switch Step forward/backward switch LED (lamp)


ON Illuminates red

OFF Turns off

OFF Turns off

Mending Blinks green

Mending Blinks red

3. Press the start switch. The numbers from 10 to 1500 appear in order in multiples of 10.
If the test is finished halfway, press the stop switch.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 5-4

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

4. Press the check switch to test switches. When a switch is pressed, the indication on the 7 segment
LED will vary as follows:
[Start] switch : "P-0A"
[Check] SW : “P-0b”
[Stop] switch : "P-0F" (Finish SW Test)
[Thread trimming] switch : "P-41"
[Hoop feed] switch : "P-40"
[Needle bar change left] : "P-44"
[Needle bar change right] : "P-43"
[ ] switch : "P-05"
[ ] switch : "P-04"
[ ] switch : "P-06"
[ ] switch : "P-07" 2745M 2744M 2760M 2761M

5. Press the stop switch twice to finish the switch and LED tests. The indication "dISP" on the 7
segment LED, which was blinking, will return to its usual status.

1-3-6. Power voltage and frequency indication

1. With "AC" indicated on the 7 segment LED,
press the start switch.


2. The voltage measured on the machine will

appear on the 7 segment LED.

3. Press the check switch to indicate the

frequency for a time.

4. Press the stop switch to finish the indication.
"AC" will reappear on the 7 segment LED.

2803M 2771M

5-5 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

1-3-7. Port check

1. "P--" will appear on the 7 segment LED.
2. Press the jog switch ( ), ( ), or ( ) to check each port.
• ( )......... Indicates the condition of external port A using a hexadecimal code, "PA**."
• ( ) ......... Indicates the condition of external port B using a hexadecimal code, "PB**."
• ( ) Indicates the condition of external port C using a hexadecimal code, "PC**."
• When the stop switch is pressed, the indication will be finished. "P--" will reappear on the 7 segment
3. With "P--" indicated on the 7 segment LED, press the stop switch to finish the port check. "Port"
will appear on the 7 segment LED.

Tubular round
Port A PC - typep
frame SW Needle stop Encoder A Encoder B Head 2 bed
0:Tubular 0 0 position signal signal retracting flag
sensor 0:FLAT
round frame sensor sensor sensor 1:Retracted

PortB Square
frame Y X origin point Cap frame
trimming 0 0 0 0
origin point sensor Y

PortC Change Change Change Change

Change color
color color color color
0 0 origin point 0
position position position position
sensor 4 sensor 3 sensor 2 sensor 1

* When bit5 for the X origin sensor is seto to 0, it represents out of area. When it is set to 1, it
represents within area.
2782M 2783M 2775M

■ Meaning of code on 7 segment LED.

"A," "b," or "C" will appear



BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 5-6

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

1-3-8. Solenoid test

1. With "SOL" indicated on the 7 segment LED, press the start switch, and "S-00" will appear on the
7 segment LED.
"**" of "S-**" shows the status of the wiper sensor on each head using a hexadecimal number.
The 7 segment LED shows for example:
"S-20" when the wiper of the head 6 only is advanced.
"S-0" when the wiper of the head 5 only is advanced.
"S-08" when the wiper of the head 4 only is advanced.
"S-04" when the wiper of the head 3 only is advanced.
"S-02" when the wiper of the head 2 only is advanced.
"S-01" when the wiper of the head 1 only is advanced.

2. Press the jog switch ( ), the check switch, or the hoop feed switch to execute the following
• Jog switch ( ) .................. Operates the wiper once.
• Check switch........................ Repeats operation of the jump (Press the stop switch to finish it.)
• Hoop feed switch ................. Keeps the jump activated.

3. Press the stop switch to finish the solenoid test. "SOL" will appear on the 7 segment LED.

5-7 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

1-3-9. Driving shaft rotation test

1. Press either of the following switches to set the rotation of the driving shaft.
Switch Description

Needle bar change Sets rotation speed to +50. (Can increase up to 1000.)
left switch 2825M The set rotation speed will appear on the 7 segment LED.

Needle bar change Sets rotation speed to -50. (Can decrease to 100.)
right switch 2826M The set rotation speed will appear on the 7 segment LED.

Jog switch
Do not press these keys during this test.

Hoop feed switch

Do not press these keys during this test.

Thread trimming
switch Do not press these keys during this test.

Check switch
Do not press these keys during this test.

2. Press the start switch to rotate the driving shaft.


The driving shaft can be stopped using the stop switch.


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 5-8

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

1-3-10. Error sound switching (only test mode 2)

1. "on" (with error sound) or "OFF" (without error sound) appears on the 7 segment LED.

2. Press the check switch to switch on / OFF of the error sound.

3. Press the stop switch to finish the setting of error sound. "bEEP" will appear on the 7 segment

2. Test mode and each function on the PC

Most functions are performed on the PC, however the emergency stop switch can not be
controlled from the PC.
Turn off the power of the machine in the case of unavoidable circumstances.
2-1. PC test mode
Operation on the PC
1. Make the window for the machine to be tested active. Click on [Test] in the [Operation] menu.


2. The dialogue box will open. Input "bestest", and click on [OK].

3. Test mode menu list 1 will open. Test modes are arranged in hierarchical order; see "Test mode
menu list" for details. A menu screen has the menu title and available commands in the current
level. Click on a command number, then [Send] to execute the command. You can also select a
command using a number key and Enter key on the keyboard. If the command you select is a
command to enter the next menu, the next menu appears; if you select a command to display
results, the results appears.

5-9 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

Menu screen

Buttons to save the contents

Command of the result screen in a file
number and exit it.

Button to send selected Results for a

command to machine command


When finishing the test mode, return to the original stage from the current stage, and select
command "6.TEST MODE END" to close the test mode dialogue.
When executing save start, the contents of all result screens until save stop is executed will be
saved in a file that has been specified.

2-2. Confirming the program version

2-2-1. Version for machine controller and master I/F CPU program

1. Click on [?] in the machine controller's toolbar.


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 5-10

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

2. The dialog box about this application will appear indicating machine controller's and master I/F's
versions. After confirming the version number, click on [OK] to close the dialog.

Machine controller

Master I/F CPU

simplified version

Master I/F CPU

detailed version


2-2-2. CPU simplified version

1. Activate the window of the machine you want to confirm its CPU program version, and select
[Machine Information] from Machine menu.


5-11 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

2. The machine feature dialogue will appear indicating the main CPU ROM version, the lower shaft
CPU ROM version, the upper shaft CPU ROM version, the I/F CPU ROM version and so on.
After confirming the versions, click on [OK] to close the dialog box.


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 5-12

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

2-2-3. CPU detail version

1. Referring to "1. PC test mode," enter the PC test mode menu list 1.

2. Perform command "3. PROGRAM VER."

Refer to "1. PC test mode" for operation procedure.

3. Select a number from 2 to 6 to indicate the version number of a desired CPU program on the result
2: Main CPU program 5: Panel and head CPU program
3: Bobbin motor program 6: XY wave form table
4: Slave I/F CPU program 7: All CPU programs in machine

Returns to menu list 1.

Exits test mode.

CPU type, simplified version, detailed

Date and person's name

Base program information for selected CPU


After confirming the information, exit the test mode to close the dialog box.

5-13 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

2-3. Power supply voltage adjustment

BES-960 checks the power supply voltage to control it optimally even if it varies or to cope with
abnormal voltage supplies.
This function is adjusted before shipment from the factory. However, if the main PCB, the power
supply PCB, or the control box is replaced, the adjustment becomes ineffective.
Be sure to adjust the power supply voltage as follows when replacing the main PCB, the power
supply PCB, or the control box:

Operation on the PC
1. Referring to "1. PC test mode," enter the PC test mode menu list 1.

2. Perform command "2. XY TEST MENU."

Refer to "1. PC test mode" for the operation procedure.

3. Perform command "1. Voltage adjust" from the BC test menu. The Voltage adjust menu will

Indicates voltage value.

Increases voltage value by +5.
Increases voltage value by +1.
Decreases voltage value by -1.
Decreases voltage value by -5.
Adjusts the voltage value to the currently indicated one.
For other than EC
For EC
Return to the previous menu.


4. Perform command "1. Value" from the Voltage adjust menu. The current voltage value will appear.


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 5-14

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

5. Carefully measure power supply voltage of the machine using a tester. Major measuring points are
breaker terminals in the machine, between pins 1 and 2 of connector 18 at the rear of the control
box, and power source outlet.

6. Using commands 2-5, change the value indicated on the screen to the measured value, and
perform command "6. SET" to adjust the value indicated on the screen to the measured value.
For example, assume the measured value is 220 V and the value indicated on the screen is 214 V.
To display the measured value, 220 V, on the screen, perform command "2. +5" once (214 + 5 =
219), and then command "3. +1" once (219 + 1 = 220).

7. Execute the command 7 or 8 to configure the transformer.

Choose “7. US TRANS” if the control box in-use is for other than EC area.
Choose “8. EC TRANS” if the control box in-use is for EC area.

* Open the front cover and check if the transformer has a filter to identify its type.


For other than EC For EC


8. Perform command "1. Value" again to reconfirm the voltage. The power supply voltage slightly
fluctuates while it is being adjusted. If it is within ± 2 V, it is OK. After the voltage has been adjusted,
perform command "9. Return" to return to the previous menu, and exit from the test mode.

5-15 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

2-4. Modifications of X-direction slowing area of a cap frame and its reduction ratio
Select “3. CAP SLOW AREA & SPEED” in <<MENU LIST 2>>.


Shows the current set values.

Initializes the set values. (Slowing area 25
mm and reduction ratio 80 %)
Broadens the slowing area for sewing of a
cap frame by 5 m in Y direction.
Narrows the slowing area for sewing of a
cap frame by 5 m in Y direction.

Increases the speed reduction ratio for

sewing of a cap frame by 5 %.

Decreases the speed reduction ratio for

sewing of a cap frame by 5 %.

Returns to the menu 1.


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 5-16

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

0 – 25 (Default of the speed

Maximum sewing area of a
reduction ratio) to 95 mm cap frame

Sewing speed slowing

2740M area

No-slowing area

100 – 80 (Default of the speed Operator side

reduction ratio) to 50 %

If set values are all fine, select “7.MENU LIST 1” to return to the menu 1.

5-17 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

2-5. Modification of the stitch compensation value on the sewing machine

1. Select “6. X, Y STITCH COMPENSATION” from << MENU LIST 1 >>.


2. Press “7” key. Then press “ESC” key to quit the test mode.


Input required compensation values for X and Y individually, and then press “7” to return to <<
X:From - 0.5 to 2.0 mm, in 0.1 mm unit.
Y:From - 0.5 to 2.0 mm, in 0.1 mm unit.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 5-18

Chapter 5 Test Mode (For PC Control type)

3. The messages will be shown as below when the compensation value modification is completed by
pressing “1” through “6” key.

Cases that the compensation values in the test mode are adopted:


Cases that the compensation values modified in the edit mode are adopted (The compensation
values in the test mode are both 0.):


4. Priority between the 2 compensation values; the preset value in the machine and the modified
value on the operation panel.
If the compensation values for X and Y are both set to 0 in the test mode, the values set in the
edit mode on the operation panel (on the PC controller) will be adopted. If either of them in
the test mode are not 0, the values set in the test mode will be adopted and those set in the
edit mode (on the PC controller) will be ignored. The values set in those 2 modes will never be

The adopted mode will be shown on the test mode screen.

If “TEST MODE COMPENSATION” is shown, the values set in the test mode are adopted.
If “EDIT MODE COMPENSATION” is shown, the values set in the edit mode are adopted.

5-19 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 6 Upgrading of machine program

Chapter 6 Upgrading version of machine program

■ This chapter explains how to upgrade the version of BES960BC programs using the upgrade file
which is supplied on the machine controller CD-ROM, a floppy disk, or sent by e-mail.

1. Copy the upgrade file for BES960BC onto the hard disk of the PC connected to the machine.
• File to copy Copy the file "BES960-xxx.bup". "xxx" of the file name is a 3-digit
number to identify the version.
• Where to copy In the Verup folder in which the machine controller has been
If you have not specified the drive or folder when installing, the file
will be copied to C:/Program Files/Bes-960/Verup

This folder is automatically created when the machine controller is
started. If this folder already contains an old upgrade file, create
another folder and move it to avoid misoperation because of
handling the inappropriate upgrade file.
• If you copy from the CD-ROM While pressing the Shift key, put the disk of BROTHER
EMBROIDERY SYSTEM in the CD-ROM drive, and copy the
upgrade file from the Verup folder in the CD-ROM drive. The Shift
key is used to prevent any setup programs from booting up; it
should be kept pressed for a while. If any setup program boots up,
cancel the setup before copying.

2. Start the machine controller, and turn on the machine that will be upgraded. If the machine is about
to restart sewing after suspension, cancel sewing from the machine panel, and then click x button
on the machine's toolbar. (A pattern in the middle of sewing will be canceled.) When the READY
lamp on the machine panel is lit, click x button on the machine's toolbar to cancel the sewing data.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 6-1

Chapter 6 Upgrading of machine program

3. In the window for a machine to be upgraded, move the pointer to the Tool menu to select the
Upgrade Interface Board. The sub menu will appear with four commands to upgrade CPUs. The
number of CPUs to be upgraded once is only one. When upgrading each CPU, repeat steps 3-8
for each. Select "1. Lower shaft." (Refer to the figure below.)
This model does not require the upgrade for the “1. Lower shaft”.


4. The password dialog box will open. Input bes-960, and click [OK].

5. The system will ask you whether to upgrade the CPU or not. Click [OK] to upgrade it.

6. The dialogue box for selecting an upgrade file will open. Select the latest upgrade file copied in
step 1, and click [Open].

7. When the upgrade for the version of the selected CPU starts, the indicator shows the degree of
the upgrade progress performed. On the machine panel, "P. Upd" will be blinking with the buzzer
sounding. (When upgrading the version of a slave CPU, nothing appears on the machine panel.)
Do not operate the machine while upgrading.

8. Once upgrading of the version has been normally completed, the status bar (on the bottom of the
PC's screen) shows "Normal operation: Version upgrade has been completed," and the machine
panel shows "P.End." For a slave CPU, the machine window shuts and re-opens. When upgrading
of the version is not normally completed, perform the upgrade for the CPU again.

9. With "P.End" displayed on the machine panel, repeat the above steps 3 to 8 until the versions of all
CPUs on the machine have been upgraded. After upgrading the versions of all CPUs, press the
stop switch on the machine panel. The machine will restart with its version upgraded.

10. If the PC is connected to multiple machines, repeat the above steps 2-9 to upgrade the versions of
other machines.

11. When all machines connected to the PC have been upgraded completely, go to step 3, and click "5.
Master" to upgrade the version of the interface board inserted in the slot of the PC. Then perform
the above steps 4 - 7.

12. When the version of the master (the interface board) has been upgraded completely, the status
bar shows "version upgrade has been completed," and the machine's window shuts and re-opens.
When the upgrade is not normally completed, perform the master version upgrade again. This
completes version upgrade of the machine.

6-2 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 7 Maintenance

Chapter 7 Maintenance

Turn off the power switch before starting maintenance.
Failure to do so may start the machine unintentionally through an accidental activation of the START
switch, resulting in bodily injuries.
Be sure to wear protective goggles and gloves when handling the lubricating oil or grease, so that no oil
or grease gets into your eyes or onto your skin, otherwise inflammation can result.
Furthermore, do not drink the oil or grease under any circumstances, as they can cause vomiting and
Keep the oil out of the reach of children.

• Keep the machine clean at all times to prevent machine trouble.

• Remove dirt with a soft, dry cloth. If necessary, clean with the detergent-soaked cloth, then wipe off
the detergent with a cloth dampened with (hot) water.
• Never use benzene or thinner for cleaning the machine.

1. Cleaning
1-1. Cleaning and Lubrication of Rotary Hook

Lubricate these points


• Clean rotary hooks daily using the brush provided at the time of lubrication. If a rotary hook is too
dirty, cleaning with a compressor (compressed air) is recommended.
• In case of thread breakage errors or noises of the rotary hook, one drop lubricate the race of the
rotary hook in every 3 or 4 hours operation.
• Use the dropper provided to supply oil. Use Brother’s specified oil (Nippon Oil, Embroidery Lube
10N; VG10).
* If this type of lubricating oil is difficult to obtain , the recommended oil to use is <Exxon Mobil Essotex SM10; VG10>.

• Supply a proper amount of oil. Any excess may stain fabrics, etc.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 7-1

Chapter 7 Maintenance

1-2. Cleaning of Needle Plate

Broken threads left around the movable or fixed
knives or the lower thread holding plate may
result in thread trimming failure or parts damage.
Clean them once a month.

from this

7-2 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 7 Maintenance

2. Oiling
Supply oil to the following places at regular intervals.
• When oiling, be sure to supply Brother’s specified oil (Nippon Oil, Embroidery Lube 10N; VG10)
using the dropper.
* If this type of lubricating oil is difficult to obtain , the recommended oil to use is <Exxon Mobil Essotex SM10; VG10>.

• Excessive oiling may cause the material to be stained.

• Be sure to wipe off excessive oils with waste cloth etc.
2-1. Head

■ Supply one or two drops of oil to each needle bar from the oil supply hole of the lower cover daily.


■ Supply 0.5ml of oil to the felt on the top surface of the head once a weak.

0.5 ml


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 7-3

Chapter 7 Maintenance

■ Supply 0.5 ml of oil to the wick through the oiling hole on the front cover once per 3 months.
1. Remove the head cover. (1) .



2. Move the needle bar case to the needle bar

No.1 position.

3. Remove the rubber cap (3) from the front

cover (2) and supply 0.5 ml of oil to the flat
wick (5) through the oiling hole (4) using the
attached dropper.


7-4 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 7 Maintenance

2-2. Lower shaft

■ Lubricate the lower shaft bush R through the

hole once a month.



■ Lubricate the lower shaft bush F every 3



BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 7-5

Chapter 7 Maintenance

3. Greasing
Supply grease to the following places at regular intervals.
• When greasing, be sure to use the grease tank EM-30L (white) provided with the machine.

3-1. Cam grooves

■ Supply grease to cam grooves (two positions) once a month.

1. Remove the head cover (1).



2. Move the needle bar case to the needle bar

No.12 position.
(6) (4)
3. Unscrew the lower flat screw (3) fixing the
head front cover L (2), and loosen the upper
fixing screw (4). Remove the head front
cover L (2).

(2) 4. Unscrew the two adjusting bolts (5) and

detach the jump part stepping motor (6).


7-6 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 7 Maintenance

5. Grease all the cam grooves of the work

clamp cam.



6. Attach the jump part stepping motor (6) and

tentatively tighten the adjusting bolt (5).

7. Adjust the position of the bolt (5) so that the

jump part (7) touches the roller (8) of the
jump lever assembly, then fully tighten the
bolt (5).
Adjust the roller (8) not to push the jump
part (7) but just touches it.


8. Attach the head cover front L (2).

(10) Apply seal adhesive (equivalent of Three
Bond 1215) to the attaching face of the
head before attaching the cover.
9. Move the needle bar case to the needle bar
No.1 position.

10. Unscrew the 2 fixing screws (9) fixing the

(11) head front cover R (10), and remove the
(9) head front cover R (10).
11. Grease all the cam grooves of the thread
take-up driving cam (11).

12. Attach the head front cover R (10).

Apply seal adhesive (equivalent of Three
Bond 1215) to the attaching face of the
head before attaching the cover.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 7-7

Chapter 7 Maintenance

3-2. Lower gear

■ Supply grease to the lower gear every three months.

1. Unscrew the 4 flat head screws fixing the
bed cover B, and remove the bed cover B.

2. Grease the lower gear.

3. Attach the bed cover B.


3-3. Driving shaft

■ Supply grease to the driving shaft every three months.

1. Unscrew four screws fixing the table cover L,
and remove the table cover L.

2. Grease the intermediate gear.

3. Attach the table cover L.


7-8 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 7 Maintenance

3-4. The needle bar change mechanism and the case guide rail UL

■ The needle bar change mechanism and the case guide rail UL require greasing once per 3 months
using the attached grease.

1. Unscrew 3 screws securing the head-head

cover and the head-head cover R to remove
all head-head covers and the head-head
cover R.

2. Grease the cam grooves, 2 gears and the

case guide rail UL (1).

3. Put back all head-head covers and the

head-head cover R.


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 7-9

Chapter 8 Troubleshooting

Chapter 8 Troubleshooting

1. Mechanical Section
Problem Check points Measures
Only in narrow satin stitches, Tension of the thread Adjust the thread take-up spring by increasing its
lower thread appears on the take-up spring tension slowly until the lower thread disappears
right side of the cloth. from the right side of the cloth.
Refer to “Adjustment of tension spring” in the
Instraction manual.
Tension of the bobbin Adjust the lower thread to keep its tension
case and the pathway of between about 0.15 and 0.3 N. Be sure to
the lower thread remove the thread from the thread guide in the
bobbin case before this adjustment.
The tension was adjusted to be about 2.5 N in
Using the optional gauge set TM-3 (59956001)
is highly recommended.
Check if the bobbin is installed correctly.
Also check if the lower thread is properly set to
the thread guide in the bobbin case.
Refer to “Replacing bobbin” in the Instruction.
Due to step-out of the feeding, The setting of the Check if the embroidery hoop actually installed
stitched patterns are controller and its setting on the controller are matched.
misaligned. If they are not matched, step-out of the feeding
may occur.
Refer to “Embroidery hoop” of the “Setting of
Machine” in the Instruction manual.
Upper thread breakage or Oiling on the rotary hook Supply a drop of oil to the raceway of the rotary
abnormal sound in the rotary hook once per 3 or 4 hours operation.
hook. Refer to “Cleanig” of the “Maintenance” in the
Instruction manual.

8-1 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 8 Troubleshooting

2. Electrical Section
• Be sure to turn off the power of the machine and unplug the power cord before checking cable
• When you check connection of the cables as instructed in this manual, also check connection and
continuity between connectors.
• Carry out items described in the "Measures" section in order of appearance.
• Some checks and replacement works can be conducted only by repair people. In such cases,
contact your dealer.

Symptom Measures
The machine does not operate even • Is the power cord of the machine plugged in?
if the power is turned on. → Plug in the power cord.
• Isn’t the emergency stop switch locked ?
→ Cancel the locking.
• Is the connector at the side of the control box connected?
→ Connect it after checking the connector name.
• Is the connector in the control box connected?
→ Connect it after checking the types and colors of the connectors.
• Aren’t the fuses on the side face of the control box burnt out ?
• Aren’t the fuses on the power supply PCB in the control box burnt out ?
→ Replace the fuse with a new one. If the fuse is blown again,
something is faulty. Check to see if the wiring is correct. Replace
the control box with a new one.
The machine does not operate even • Check if the connections are proper, beginning with the head-head
if the power is turned on. STOP switch until the head-head PCB.
The message, "Release stop SW to • When using a 6-head machine, verify that the terminal connector is
operate!", is displayed on the panel. connected to P3 on the head-head I/O PCB located between No. 3 and
No. 4 heads.
The needle stop position error • Is the pulley manually turned and out of the stop angle?
occurs. → Turn the pulley, adjust the needle at the stop position, and reset the
• Check the signal of the stop position sensor in the encoder test mode.
→ Refer to the adjustment or cable connection block diagram and
check connection from the needle position detention sensor to the
main PCB. Replace the needle position detection sensor with a new
X-axis or Y-axis home position • Was the XY carriage moving?
detection error occurs. → If so, refer to the block diagram showing the cable connections and
check to see if connection from the X and Y area sensor to the drive
PCB is proper.
• Was the XY motor rotating?
→ If so, check the XY carriage mechanism.
• If the XY motor is not rotating, refer to the cable connection block
diagram and check to see if connection from the XY motor to the drive
PCB is proper.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 8-2

Chapter 8 Troubleshooting

Symptom Measures
The thread breakage error frequently • Enter the CASE test mode and turn the thread breakage sensor pulley
occurs although thread is not broken. corresponding to each needle bar of the head with which this error
occurs while switching the needle bar from number 1 in ascending
order and check to see that the red LED on the head blinks.
→ If there is no problem, lower the thread breakage sensitivity value of
the machine controller. (The standard value is 0.)
• Check connection from the thread breakage sensor PCB to the thread
tension base PCB if it does not blink.
• Replace the thread breakage sensor harness.
• Change the thread stud base.
• Change the tension bracket PCB.
The X-axis motor connector • Refer to the block diagram showing the cable connections and check
connection error occurs. the connection from the two X motors (one X motors in four head
models) on the left and right to the main PCB.
The main shaft motor lock error • Enter the encoder signal mode and manually turn the main shaft pulley.
occurs. → If it is abnormally heavy, the main shaft mechanism is faulty.
• Does the main shaft motor rotate at all when the error occurs?
→ If it does not rotate at all, check fuse F1 and F2 on the power
supply PCB in the control box. Refer to the block diagram showing
the cable connections and check to see if connection from the
main shaft motor to the drive PCB is proper.
• Is the main shaft ROM mounted on the main PCB properly ?
• Manually turn the main shaft pulley in the encoder signal test mode
and check to see if the stop position signal and encoder signal are
→ If either of the signals does not change, refer to the block diagram
showing the cable connections and check to see if connection from
the stop position sensor to the power supply PCB is proper.
ERROR A8 frequently occurs. • In the encoder signal test mode, manually turn the main shaft pulley
and check to see that the stop position signal is correct.
→ If the signal does not change, refer to the cable connection block
diagram and check to see if connection from the stop position
sensor to the power supply PCB is proper.
Power frequency error occurs. • Check if the connection between both P3-s on the power supply PCB
and on the main PCB is proper.
Wiper out error occurs. • Does the wiper on the error head remain projected?
→ If the wiper is tangled with a thread, remove it. If the wiper does not
return smoothly, adjust it.
• Enter the solenoid test mode and operate the wiper motor. Check the
icon on the panel.
→ If the icon is not reversed white, check to see if connection from the
wiper sensor to the head PCB is proper. Replace the wiper sensor
with a new one. Replace the head PCB with a new one.
ERROR C7 occurs. • Turn the power off once and on again. If the same error occurs again,
replace the main PCB with a new one.

8-3 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 8 Troubleshooting

Symptom Measures
Main shaft rotation speed error • Enter the encoder signal test mode and manually turn the main shaft
occurs. pulley.
→ If it is abnormally heavy, the main shaft mechanism is faulty.
• Refer to the block diagram showing the cable connections and check
to see if connection from the main shaft motor to the drive PCB is
Power voltage upper or lower limit • Is the tap voltage in the control box (connector connection) adjusted to
error occurs. the power voltage of the area where the machine is used?
→ If not, switch the connector connection.
• Check the input voltage values in the port/voltage check test mode.
Measure the power supply voltage with the tester and compare them.
→ If the voltage value is significantly out of the normal range (± 5v or
more), calibrate it with the voltage calibration in the test mode.
• When you cannot enter the test mode because this error frequently
occurs, set the voltage to a relatively high value with the machine
controller if it is E-D2 and to a relatively low value if it is E-D3 to avoid
errors. Check and calibrate the voltage in the test mode.
• Check to see the connection of connector P2 of the power supply PCB
to connector P10 of the power supply PCB in the control box is proper.
• Is the power supply abnormally low because a machine with a large
capacity (compressor and the like) is used?
→Change the power source to another system. It is preferable to use a
stabilized power supply etc. for the source.
• Replace the power PCB with a new one. Replace the main PCB with a
new one.
Only a certain head does not • Is the head out of action with either the head switch or the machine
operate. controller?
• Refer to the block diagram showing cable connections and check to
see that other cables are connected to the head switch PCB and the
head PCB and the head PCB properly.
Wiper motor does not operate. • Check to see if connection from the wiper motor to connector P8 and
P9 of the head PCB is proper.
• Replace the head PCB with a new one.
Abort of the exhaust fan motor • Haven’t any harnesses etc. been entangled in the fan ?
occurs. • Isn’t the harness of the fan disconnected to the PCB, or doesn’t it have
(Fans are stopped.) any breaking of wire ?
• Change the fan.
Abort of the exhaust fan motor • Doesn’t the harness (yellow) of the fan have any breaking of wire ?
occurs. • Check if the connection between both P3-s on the main PCB and on
(Fans are all moving.) the power supply PCB is proper.
• Change the main PCB.
The picker solenoid does not work.(In • Check if the connections are proper, beginning with P1 on the picker
all heads) PCB until P7 on the power supply PCB.
• Change the picker PCB.
• Change the main PCB.
• Change the power suppply PCB.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 8-4

Chapter 8 Troubleshooting

Symptom Measures
The picker solenoid does not work. • Check if the connection between the picker solenoid and the picker
(In some heads) PCB is proper.
• Measure the resistance of the picker solenoid. The normal value is
about 45 ohm.
→ If the measured value is abnormal, change the solenoid.
• Change the picker PCB.
Origin point error of the thread • Check if the connections are proper, beginning with the thread
trimming motor occurs. trimming sensor until the I/O PCB on the right side of the sewing
(The thread trimming motor is machine.
working.) • Adjust the thread trimming sensor.
• Change the thread trimming sensor.
• Change the I/O PCB on the right side of the sewing machine.
Origin point error of the thread • Aren’t there any waste thread captured in the movable knife ?
trimming motor occurs. • Try to rotate the connecting shaft of the thread trimming mechanism by
(The thread trimming motor does not hand to check if it moves smoothly.
work.) → If not, the thread trimming mechanism must have a trouble.
• Check if the connection between the thread trimming motor and the
right side of the sewing machine is proper.
• Measure the resistances between No. 1 and No. 3 pins and between
No. 4 and No. 6 pins among the connectors of the thread trimming
motor. Its normal value is about 1.8Ω and the resistance between No. 1
and No. 6 pins has to be infinite. If any of them are improper, change
the thread trimming motor.
• Check if the connection between the connector P11 on the main PCB
and P17 on the power supply PCB is proper.
• Check the fuses F1 and F2 on the power supply PCB.
→ Change them if blown out. And if the blowout occurs again, change
the power supply PCB.
• Change the drive PCB.
Overcurrent error in the thread • Aren’t there any waste thread captured in the movable knife ?
trimming motor occurs. • Try to rotate the connecting shaft of the thread trimming mechanism by
hand to check if it moves smoothly.
→ If not, the thread trimming mechanism must have a trouble.
• Rotate the main shaft pulley by hand.
→ If there is any point which sensed unusually heavy, the main shaft
mechanism must have a trouble.
• Measure the resistances between No. 1 and No. 3 pins and between
No. 4 and No. 6 pins among the connectors of the thread trimming
motor. Its normal value is about 1.8Ω and the resistance between No. 1
and No. 6 pins has to be infinite.
→ If any of them are improper, change the thread trimming motor.
• Check if there is any breaking of wire or disconnection of connectors
on the A and B phase harnesses of the upper shaft sensor.
→ Change the upper shaft sensor if any.
• Change the drive PCB.

8-5 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 8 Troubleshooting

Symptom Measures
Needle bar case lock occurs. • Remove the cover R and try to rotate the change color pulley by hand.
(The change color motor is working.) → If there is any point which sensed unusually heavy or catchy, adjust
the change color mechanism or the needle bar case etc.
• Rotate the change color pulley by hand to move it halfway. Then press
the change color key on the operation panel and check if the needle
bar case returns to the correct position.
→ If it does not move, change the index sensor N PCB.
• Change the I/O PCB on the right side of the sewing machine.
Needle bar case lock occurs. • Check if the connections are proper, beginning with the change color
(The change color motor does not motor until the drive PCB referring to the block diagram of the cable
work.) connection.
Overcurrent error in the change color • Measure the resistances between No. 1 and No. 3 pins and between
motor occurs. No. 4 and No. 6 pins among the connectors of the change color motor.
Its normal value is about 6.6Ω and the resistance between No. 1 and
No. 6 pins has to be infinite.
→ If any of them are improper, change the change color motor.
• Change the drive PCB.
Wrong needle bar numbers are • Possibility of a mistake in the installation of the change color sensor
shown on the panel or display. dog.
• Possibility of a malfunction in any of the index sensors A to D, or a
mistake in connections of them.
The jump motor does not work. • Check if the connections between the jump motor and the connector
Overcurrent error in the jump motor P11 or P12 on the head PCB are proper.
occurs. • Measure the resistances between No. 1 and No. 3 pins and between
No. 4 and No. 6 pins among the connectors of the thread trimming
motor. Its normal value is about 3Ω and the resistance between No. 1
and No. 6 pins has to be infinite.
→ If any of them are improper, change the jump motor.
• Change the head PCB.
Power supply PCB error occurs. • Check if the connection between both P3-s on the main PCB in the
control box and on the power supply PCB are proper.
• Change the power supply PCB.
Communication error between the • Check if the dip switches on the I/O PCBs between the heads or
head-head CPUs occurs. located on the right side of the machine are correctly set. Also check if
the connectors of P6 and P9 are firmly connected.
• Check if the connectors of “I/O” on the right side of the box are
connected properly.
• Check if the connection between P6 on the main PCB and P10 on the
power supply PCB is proper.
• Change the I/O PCB which shows an error.
Communication error between the • Check if the dip switches on the head PCB are correctly set. Also
head CPUs occurs. check if the connectors P4 and P5 are firmly connected.
• Check if the connectors of “HEAD” on the right side of the box are
connected properly.
• Check if the connection between P6 on the main PCB and P10 on the
power supply PCB is proper.
• Change the head PCB which shows an error.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 8-6

Chapter 9 Error code list (For Stand Alone)

Chapter 9 Error code list (For Stand Alone)

Code Error Messages Error Measures
E-00 ERROR 00 No error occurs.
Either motor of main shaft, X- or Y-
E-01 ERROR 01
axis, or lower shaft has locked. This is not usually displayed.
Overtravel occurs during home
E-02 Overtravel
position detecting movement.
The stop switch is pressed during Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the
Stop SW was pressed
E-03 home position detecting head to either side to restart the home position
during home positioning
movement. detecting movement again.
Home position detection Home position detection out of
E-04 This is not usually displayed.
is out of range range
Adjust the pulley stop position (100 degrees)
Needle stop position
E-05 Needle stop position error above the needle and press the or turn on
the F/B switch on the head to either side.
Adjust the position of needle bar case manually,
Needle bar case then press the or turn ON the F/B switch on
E-06 Needle bar case position error the head to either side. If the same error occurs
position error
again, the color change proper position sensor is

Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the

E-07 Needle case lock Needle bar case lock head to either side. If the same error occurs
again, the color change mechanism is faulty.
Stop switch or emergency switch
E-08 ERROR 08 was pressed while the needle bar This is not usually displayed.
case is traveling.
X-axis home position X-axis home position detection Turn the power off and on once. If the same error
error error occurs again, the X-axis mechanism is faulty.
After passing through the thread, press the
E-0A Thread breakage error Thread breaking error or turn on the F/B switch on the head to either
Stop or emergency stop during
E-0B ERROR 0B This is not usually displayed.
After the replacement of the lower thread, press
Lower thread breakage Lower thread broke during
E-0C the or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to
error embroidering.
either side.
The machine does not return to the
home position. This is not usually displayed.
E-0E ERROR 0E Mending finish
Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the
Needle bar No. reading Failed in the reading of needle bar head to either side. If the same error occurs
error No. again, the I/O CPU communication is faulty, or
the color change position sensor is faulty.
The beam sensor Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the
E-10 Abort by the beam sensor ON
turned ON head to either side.

Failed in the reading of X home Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the
E-11 X sensor reading error head to either side. If the same error occurs
position sensor
again, the I/O CPU communication is faulty.

Failed in the reading of X home Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the
E-12 Y sensor reading error head to either side. If the same error occurs
position sensor
again, the I/O CPU communication is faulty.

9-1 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 9 Error code list (For Stand Alone)

Code Error Messages Error Measures

This is displayed in case that the
machine had been shut down
while the hoop was moving and
Performing the home now is started up in a mode
position detection for without the home position
E-13 Press the to start the home position moving.
the hoop position detection, or in case that the
adjustment machine is started up in a mode
without the home position
detection after pressing the CAP
SW to change the hoop.
Y-axis home position Turn the power off and on once. If the same error
E-14 Y-axis home position error
error occurs again, the Y-axis mechanism is faulty.
Stop error during SSP processing
E-15 Press for restart. (when pressing the stop key while Hoop movement restarts if you press .
the hoop is moving)

Needle bar No. of the Needle bar No. of the destination Press the , or turn ON the F/B switch on the
E-16 head to either side to cancel the error and set up
destination is abnormal is out of range
the needle bar setting again.
E-17 Speed range abnormal Speed range is out of range This is not usually displayed.
Turn the power off and on once after checking to
X-axis stepping motor X-axis stepping motor connector
E-18 see that the connector of the X-axis stepping
connector error error
motor is properly connected.
E-1A ERROR 1A Destination coordinates error
The machine has reached the This is not usually displayed.
mending stop position.
Tracing is cancelled if the key is pressed
The machine stops during mask
E-1C Restart perimeter when the machine is stopped during mask
tracing. Press the key to continue tracing.
This is displayed when the stop switch is pressed
The machine stops while the while the hoop is moving. Press the to move
Stop while transferring
E-1D needle is moving between patterns
to next repeat pattern the hoop again. (It is necessary to press the
during repeat sewing.
again to start sewing.)
Errors E-1C and E-1D are not displayed due to mechanical problems.
Remove unused
When the power is turned on, bed
E-1E presser foot, or it may
can not be retracted.
be damaged
This is not displayed in this model.
Presser foot down error while
E-1F Presser foot down error searching for home position just
after the power is turned on.
E-21 Area over Hoop overhang (+X)

E-22 Area over Hoop overhang (+Y)

E-23 Area over Hoop overhang (+X, +Y)

E-24 Area over Hoop overhang (-X)

E-25 Area over Hoop overhang (+X, -X) Pattern or the needle position is out of the
embroidering area. Reset the embroidering area
E-26 Area over Hoop overhang (-X, +Y)
on the panel or move the hoop to the sewable
E-27 Area over Hoop overhang (+X, -X, +Y) position.

E-28 Area over Hoop overhang (-Y)

E-29 Area over Hoop overhang (+X, -Y)

E-2A Area over Hoop overhang (+Y, -Y)

E-2B Area over Hoop overhang (+X, +Y, -Y)

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 9-2

Chapter 9 Error code list (For Stand Alone)

Code Error Messages Error Measures

E-2C Area over Hoop overhang (-X, -Y)

E-2D Area over Hoop overhang (+X, -X, -Y)

E-2E Area over Hoop overhang (-X, +Y, -Y)

E-2F Area over Hoop overhang (+X, -X, +Y, -Y)

E-31 Area over Needle overhang (+X)

Pattern or the needle position is out of the
E-32 Area over Needle overhang (+Y) embroidering area. Reset the embroidering area
E-33 Area over Needle overhang (+X, +Y) on the panel or move the hoop to the sewable
E-34 Area over Needle overhang (-X)

E-36 Area over Needle overhang (-X, +Y)

E-38 Area over Needle overhang (-Y)

E-39 Area over Needle overhang (+X, -Y)

E-3C Area over Needle overhang (-X, -Y)

Remove unused The status of presser foot is issued
E-40 presser foot, or it may as an alarm when every second
be damaged machine is used.
This is not displayed in this model.
This function is not
E-41 supported. Turn off the Invalid start-up error
Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the
E-42 XY movement error XY movement error head to either side. If this error occurs frequently,
check if the tension of the pulley belt is proper.
Slave I/F EEPROM I/F CPU failed to read EEPROM Turn the power off and on once. If the same error
read error data occurs again, the main PC is faulty.

Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the

Inter-head CPU Failed in the communication with head to either side. If the same error occurs
communication error inter-head CPU again, the connector of communication cable on
the inter-head CPU may be disconnected.
Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the
Head CPU Failed in the communication with head to either side. If the same error occurs
communication error head CPU again, the connector of communication cable on
the head CPU may be disconnected.

XY CPU communication Failed in the communication with Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the
E-46 head to either side. If the same error occurs
error XY CPU
again, the main PCB is faulty.

I/F CPU communication Failed in the communication with Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the
E-47 head to either side. If the same error occurs
error I/F CPU
again, the main PCB is faulty.
Turn OFF the power and check if the sensors of
the encoder A and B are connected correctly, not
Main shaft rotation The main shaft rotated the
E-48 mixed-up each other. If those connections are
abnormal opposite way
correct, then check if the pin connections of the
main shaft motor connectors are correct.
Turn OFF the power, check if the model
Can not identify the Can not identify the machine
E-49 identification harness is connected properly, and
machine model model
turn ON the power again.
Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the
I/O CPU communication Failed in the communication with head to either side. If the same error occurs
error I/O CPU again, the connector of communication cable on
the I/O PCB may be disconnected.

9-3 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 9 Error code list (For Stand Alone)

Code Error Messages Error Measures

Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the
E-A1 Main (Z) motor lock Spindle motor lock head to either side. If it occurs frequently, the
main shaft mechanism is faulty.
Main (Z) PCB Main PC board temperature too
temperature is too high high
Main (Z) motor voltage
E-A3 Spindle motor voltage too low
is too low
Main (Z) motor voltage
E-A4 Spindle motor voltage too high
is too high This is not usually displayed.
E-A5 Spindle CPU error Spindle motor CPU error
Spindle motor CPU communication
command error
Spindle motor CPU send/receive
Adjust the pulley stop position (100 °) above the
E-A8 ERROR A8 Spindle stop position signal error needle and press the . If the error occurs
frequently, the parts related to the main shaft stop
position sensor are faulty.
Spindle CPU parameter
E-A9 Spindle CPU parameter error
E-B0 Lower shaft CPU error Lower shaft CPU error
Thread jammed in
E-B1 Thread tangle in rotary hook
rotary hook
Hook motor origin point
E-B2 Hook motor origin point error
Hook motor standby
E-B3 Hook motor standby position error
position error
Hook motor standby This is not displayed in this model.
E-B4 Hook motor motor mode error
position error
Hook motor
E-B5 Hook motor communication error
communication error
Hook motor parameter
E-B6 Hook motor parameter error
Hook motor overheat
E-B7 Hook motor overheat error
Hook motor overcurrent
E-B8 Hook motor overcurrent error
error Turn off the power
Turn the power off and on once. If the same error
Thread trimming motor Thread trimming motor zero point
E-B9 occurs again, the lower shaft motor is faulty.
origin point error error

Turn the power off and check the thread trimmer

Power supply frequency
E-BA Power supply frequency error and turn the power on again. If it occurs again,
the thread trimmer is faulty.
It may usually occur momentarily when turning off
E-BC No power error No power error the machine. If it occurs when the machine is on,
it is a power failure detection error.
Lower shaft flash
E-BD Lower shaft flash memory error
memory error
Lower shaft version-up
E-BE Lower shaft version-up error
error This is not displayed in this model.
ERROR BB, BF Lower shaft motor undefined error
E-C1 ERROR C1 Area over during embroidering

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 9-4

Chapter 9 Error code list (For Stand Alone)

Code Error Messages Error Measures

If the wiper is tangled with a thread, remove it.
E-C2 Wiper out error Wiper out error Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the
head to either side.
Check the connection of the communication
cable of the panel. If the cable is connected
E-C3 ERROR C3 Embroidering data buffer empty correctly , press the or turn on the F/B switch
on the head to either side. If the cable is
disconnected , turn off the power and connect the
E-C4 Presser foot down error Presser foot down error
Measured voltage value could not
E-C5 ERROR C5 be received form the lower shaft
motor CPU.
Voltage value could not be
E-C6 ERROR C6 transferred to the lower shaft motor
This is not usually displayed.
E-C7 ERROR C7 Lower shaft error
E-C8 ERROR C8 Hook motor origin point error
E-C9 Embroidering start error Embroidering start error
E-CA ERROR CA No sewing permisson
Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the
Spindle rotation speed head to either side to cancel the error and press
E-CB Spindle rotation speed error
error the. If the same error occurs again, there is
a possibility that the spindle is overloaded.
Shuttle thread entanglement
E-CC ERROR CC This is not usually displayed.
automatic reset
Spindle rotation Speed command can not be Turn the power off and on once. If the same error
command sending error received. occurs again, the main PCB is faulty.
Cylinder bed position
E-CE Cylinder bed position error
Rated voltage value could not be This is not usually displayed.
E-CF ERROR CF received from the lower shaft
motor CPU.
Turn the power off and on once. If the same error
E-D0 Power PC board error Power PC board error
occurs again, the power PCB is faulty.
E-D1 Cooling fan motor stop Cooling fan motor stop. This is not usually displayed.
(1) The voltage setting is improper. -> Set it
Power voltage upper
E-D2 Power voltage upper limit error again.
limit error
(2) Press the or turn on the F/B switch on
the head to either side. If the same error
Power voltage lower
E-D3 Power voltage lower limit error occurs again, the power PCB or the power
limit error
supply is faulty.
Turn OFF the power. The possible causes for this
Thread trimming motor error are, troubles of the thread trimming motor,
E-D4 Thread trimming motor overcurrent
overcurrent troubles of the main PCB, and troubles of the
drive PCB.
Turn OFF the power. The possible causes for this
Needle bar case motor error are, troubles of the needle bar case motor,
E-D5 Needle bar case motor overcurrent
overcurrent troubles of the main PCB, and troubles of the
drive PCB.
Turn OFF the power. The possible causes for this
E-D6 Jump motor overcurrent Jump motor overcurrent error are troubles of the jump motor and troubles
of the head PCB.
Temperature rise error The temperature of the heat sink Turn OFF the power and check if the fan filter has
Clean the fan filter on the drive PCB rose excessively any clogging.

9-5 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 9 Error code list (For Stand Alone)

Code Error Messages Error Measures

Turn OFF the power. The possible causes for this
Temperature sensor
E-D8 Temperature sensor abnormal error are troubles of the thermistor and troubles
of the drive PCB.
X-axis pulse motor
X-axis pulse motor overcurrent
E-E1 overcurrent stop
stop Turn OFF the power and ON once. If the same
Turn off the power
error occurs again, the pulse motor or the drive
Y-axis pulse motor PCB is faulty.
Y-axis pulse motor overcurrent
E-E2 overcurrent stop
Turn off the power
Turn OFF the power and check the fan harness.
E-E3 Exhaust fan motor stop Cooling fan motor stop A Press R. Turn OFF the power again. If the same error
occurs again, the fan or the power PCB is faultly.
E-E4 Hook motor error Lower shaft communication error This is not displayed in this model.
Over-run error during interfacing to
main PCB CPU
Framing error during interfacing to
main PCB CPU
Parity error during interfacing to
main PCB CPU
Receiving time up error during
interfacing to main PCB CPU
Send/Receive inconsistent error
E-E9 ERROR E9 during interfacing to main PCB
ACK code receiving error during
interfacing to main PCB CPU
Send/Receive ID code error during
interfacing to main PCB CPU
Send data checksum error during
interfacing to main PCB CPU This is not usually displayed.
Data empty error during interfacing
to main PCB CPU
Abnormal data received in the
inner-machine communication
E-EF ERROR EF Receiving error on interface
E-F1 ERROR F1 Receive time up error
E-F2 ERROR F2 Request-to-waiting time up error
E-F3 ERROR F3 Request-to-receive time up error
E-F4 ERROR F4 Receive command error
E-F5 ERROR F5 NACK code receiving error
Data requested for needle position
can not be returned.
It is not receive command for the
request one.
E-F8 ERROR F8 PRE code error
E-F9 ERROR F9 No applicable command
Interface receive data check sum
This is not usually displayed.
E-FB ERROR FB Send time up error
No status is returned from spindle,
lower shaft motor, or CPU.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 9-6

Chapter 10 Error code list (For PC Control type)

Chapter 10 Error code list (For PC Control type)

Code Error Measures
E-00 No error occurs.
Either motor of main shaft, X- or Y-axis, or
lower shaft has locked. This is not usually displayed.
Overtravel occurs during home position
detecting movement.
The stop switch is pressed during home Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the head to either
position detecting movement. side to restart the home position detecting movement again.
E-04 Home position detection out of range This is not usually displayed.
Adjust the pulley stop position (100 degrees) above the needle
E-05 Needle stop position error and press the or turn on the F/B switch on the head to
either side.
Adjust the position of needle bar case manually, then press the
E-06 Needle bar case position error or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to either side. If the
same error occurs again, the color change proper position
sensor is faulty.
Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the head to either
E-07 Needle bar case lock side. If the same error occurs again, the color change
mechanism is faulty.
Stop switch or emergency switch was pressed
E-08 This is not usually displayed.
while the needle bar case is traveling.
Turn the power off and on once. If the same error occurs again,
E-09 X-axis home position detection error
the X-axis mechanism is faulty.

E-0A Thread breaking error After passing through the thread, press the or turn on the
F/B switch on the head to either side.
E-0B Stop or emergency stop during sewing This is not usually displayed.

E-0C Lower thread broke during embroidering. After the replacement of the lower thread, press the or turn
ON the F/B switch on the head to either side.
The machine does not return to the home
position. This is not usually displayed.
E-0E Mending finish
Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to either
E-0F Failed in the reading of needle bar No. side. If the same error occurs again, the I/O CPU
communication is faulty, or the color change position sensor is

E-10 Abort by the beam sensor ON Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to either
Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to either
E-11 Failed in the reading of X home position sensor side. If the same error occurs again, the I/O CPU
communication is faulty.
Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to either
E-12 Failed in the reading of X home position sensor side. If the same error occurs again, the I/O CPU
communication is faulty.
This is displayed in case that the machine had
been shut down while the hoop was moving
and now is started up in a mode without the
E-13 home position detection, or in case that the Press the to start the home position moving.
machine is started up in a mode without the
home position detection after pressing the CAP
SW to change the hoop.

10-1 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 10 Error code list (For PC Control type)

Code Error Measures

Turn the power off and on once. If the same error occurs again,
E-14 Y-axis home position error
the Y-axis mechanism is faulty.
Stop error during SSP processing (when
E-15 Hoop movement restarts if you press .
pressing the stop key while the hoop is moving)
Needle bar No. of the destination is out of Press the , or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to either
range side to cancel the error and set up the needle bar setting again.
E-17 Speed range is out of range This is not usually displayed.
Turn the power off and on once after checking to see that the
E-18 X-axis stepping motor connector error
connector of the X-axis stepping motor is properly connected.
E-1A Destination coordinates error
The machine has reached the mending stop This is not usually displayed.
Tracing is cancelled if the key is pressed when the
E-1C The machine stops during mask tracing. machine is stopped during mask tracing. Press the key to
continue tracing.
This is displayed when the stop switch is pressed while the
The machine stops while the needle is moving hoop is moving. Press the to move the hoop again. (It is
between patterns during repeat sewing.
necessary to press the again to start sewing.)
Errors E-1C and E-1D are not displayed due to mechanical problems.
When the power is turned on, bed can not be
This is not displayed in this model.
Presser foot down error while searching for
home position just after the power is turned on.
E-21 Hoop overhang (+X)
E-22 Hoop overhang (+Y)
E-23 Hoop overhang (+X, +Y) Pattern or the needle position is out of the embroidering area.
Reset the embroidering area with the PC or move the hoop to
E-24 Hoop overhang (-X) the sewable position.
E-25 Hoop overhang (+X, -X)
E-26 Hoop overhang (-X, +Y)
E-27 Hoop overhang (+X, -X, +Y)
Pattern or the needle position is out of the embroidering area.
E-28 Hoop overhang (-Y) Reset the embroidering area with the PC or move the hoop to
the sewable position.
E-29 Hoop overhang (+X, -Y)
E-2A Hoop overhang (+Y, -Y)
E-2B Hoop overhang (+X, +Y, -Y)
E-2C Hoop overhang (-X, -Y)
E-2D Hoop overhang (+X, -X, -Y)
E-2E Hoop overhang (-X, +Y, -Y) Pattern or the needle position is out of the embroidering area.
Reset the embroidering area on the panel or move the hoop to
E-2F Hoop overhang (+X, -X, +Y, -Y) the sewable position.
E-31 Needle overhang (+X)
E-32 Needle overhang (+Y)
E-33 Needle overhang (+X, +Y)
E-34 Needle overhang (-X)
E-36 Needle overhang (-X, +Y)
E-38 Needle overhang (-Y) Pattern or the needle position is out of the embroidering area.
Reset the embroidering area on the panel or move the hoop to
E-39 Needle overhang (+X, -Y) the sewable position.
E-3C Needle overhang (-X, -Y)
The status of presser foot is issued as an alarm
E-40 This is not usually displayed.
when every second machine is used.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 10-2

Chapter 10 Error code list (For PC Control type)

Code Error Measures

E-41 Invalid start-up error This is not usually displayed.
Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the head to either
E-42 XY movement error side. If this error occurs frequently, check if the tension of the
pulley belt is proper.
Turn the power off and on once. If the same error occurs again,
E-43 I/F CPU failed to read EEPROM data
the main PC is faulty.
Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to either
Failed in the communication with inter-head side. If the same error occurs again, the connector of
CPU communication cable on the inter-head CPU may be
Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to either
E-45 Failed in the communication with head CPU side. If the same error occurs again, the connector of
communication cable on the head CPU may be disconnected.

E-46 Failed in the communication with XY CPU Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to either
side. If the same error occurs again, the main PCB is faulty.

E-47 Failed in the communication with I/F CPU Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to either
side. If the same error occurs again, the main PCB is faulty.
Turn OFF the power and check if the sensors of the encoder A
and B are connected correctly, not mixed-up each other. If
E-48 The main shaft rotated the opposite way
those connections are correct, then check if the pin connections
of the main shaft motor connectors are correct.
Turn OFF the power, check if the model identification harness is
E-49 Can not identify the machine model
connected properly, and turn ON the power again.
Press the or turn ON the F/B switch on the head to either
E-4A Failed in the communication with I/O CPU side. If the same error occurs again, the connector of
communication cable on the I/O PCB may be disconnected.

E-A1 Spindle motor lock Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the head to either
side. If it occurs frequently, the main shaft mechanism is faulty.
E-A2 Main PC board temperature too high
E-A3 Spindle motor voltage too low
E-A4 Spindle motor voltage too high
E-A5 Spindle motor CPU error This is not usually displayed.
Spindle motor CPU communication command
E-A7 Spindle motor CPU send/receive error
Adjust the pulley stop position (100 °) above the needle and
E-A8 Spindle stop position signal error press the. If the error occurs frequently, the parts related to
the main shaft stop position sensor are faulty.
E-A9 Spindle CPU parameter error
E-B0 Lower shaft CPU error
E-B1 Thread tangle in rotary hook
E-B2 Hook motor home position error
E-B3 Hook motor standby position error
This is not displayed in this model.
E-B4 Hook motor motor mode error
E-B5 Hook motor communication error
E-B6 Hook motor parameter error
E-B7 Hook motor overheat error
E-B8 Hook motor overcurrent error
Turn the power off and on once. If the same error occurs again,
E-B9 Thread trimming motor zero point error
the lower shaft motor is faulty.

10-3 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 10 Error code list (For PC Control type)

Code Error Measures

Turn the power off and check the thread trimmer and turn the
E-BA Power supply frequency error
power on again. If it occurs again, the thread trimmer is faulty.
It may usually occur momentarily when turning off the machine.
E-BC No power error If it occurs when the machine is on, it is a power failure
detection error.
E-BD Lower shaft flash memory error
E-BE Lower shaft version-up error
E-BB, This is not displayed in this model.
Lower shaft motor undefined error
E-C1 Area over during embroidering

E-C2 Wiper out error If the wiper is tangled with a thread, remove it. Press the or
turn on the F/B switch on the head to either side.
Check the connection of the communication cable of the panel.
E-C3 Embroidering data buffer empty If the cable is connected correctly , press the or turn on the
F/B switch on the head to either side. If the cable is
disconnected , turn off the power and connect the cable.
E-C4 Presser foot down error
Measured voltage value could not be received
form the lower shaft motor CPU.
Voltage value could not be transferred to the
lower shaft motor CPU.
This is not displayed in this model.
E-C7 Lower shaft error
E-C8 Hook motor home position error
E-C9 Embroidering start error
E-CA No sewing permisson
Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the head to either
E-CB Spindle rotation speed error side to cancel the error and press the. If the same error
occurs again, there is a possibility that the spindle is
E-CC Shuttle thread entanglement automatic reset This is not usually displayed.
Turn the power off and on once. If the same error occurs again,
E-CD Speed command can not be received.
the main PCB is faulty.
E-CE Cylinder bed position error
Rated voltage value could not be received from This is not usually displayed.
the lower shaft motor CPU.
Turn the power off and on once. If the same error occurs again,
E-D0 Power PC board error
the power PCB is faulty.
E-D1 Cooling fan motor stop. This is not usually displayed.

E-D2 Power voltage upper limit error (1) The voltage setting is improper. -> Set it again.
(2) Press the or turn on the F/B switch on the head to
either side. If the same error occurs again, the power PCB
E-D3 Power voltage lower limit error or the power supply is faulty.

Turn OFF the power. The possible causes for this error are,
E-D4 Thread trimming motor overcurrent troubles of the thread trimming motor, troubles of the main PCB,
and troubles of the drive PCB.
Turn OFF the power. The possible causes for this error are,
E-D5 Needle bar case motor overcurrent troubles of the needle bar case motor, troubles of the main
PCB, and troubles of the drive PCB.
Turn OFF the power. The possible causes for this error are
E-D6 Jump motor overcurrent
troubles of the jump motor and troubles of the head PCB.

BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 10-4

Chapter 10 Error code list (For PC Control type)

Code Error Measures

The temperature of the heat sink on the drive
E-D7 Turn OFF the power and check if the fan filter has any clogging.
PCB rose excessively
Turn OFF the power. The possible causes for this error are
E-D8 Temperature sensor abnormal
troubles of the thermistor and troubles of the drive PCB.
E-E1 X-axis pulse motor overcurrent stop Turn OFF the power and ON once. If the same error occurs
E-E2 Y-axis pulse motor overcurrent stop again, the pulse motor or the drive PCB is faulty.
Turn OFF the power and check the fan harness. Turn OFF the
E-E3 Cooling fan motor stop A Press R. power again. If the same error occurs again, the fan or the
power PCB is faultly.
E-E4 Lower shaft communication error
Over-run error during interfacing to main PCB
Framing error during interfacing to main PCB
Parity error during interfacing to main PCB
Receiving time up error during interfacing to
main PCB CPU
Send/Receive inconsistent error during
interfacing to main PCB CPU
ACK code receiving error during interfacing to
main PCB CPU
Send/Receive ID code error during interfacing
to main PCB CPU
Send data checksum error during interfacing to
main PCB CPU
Data empty error during interfacing to main
This is not usually displayed.
Abnormal data received in the inner-machine
E-EF Receiving error on interface
E-F1 Receive time up error
E-F2 Request-to-waiting time up error
E-F3 Request-to-receive time up error
E-F4 Receive command error
E-F5 NACK code receiving error
Data requested for needle position can not be
E-F7 It is not receive command for the request one.
E-F8 PRE code error
E-F9 No applicable command
E-FA Interface receive data check sum error
E-FB Send time up error
No status is returned from spindle, lower shaft
motor, or CPU.

10-5 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC

Chapter 11 Block Figure

Chapter 11 Block Figure



BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 11-1

Chapter 11 Block Figure



BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 11-2

Chapter 11 Block Figure

Contorol Box


BE-1204B-BC • BE-1204C-BC • BE-1206B-BC 11-3



15-1.Naeshiro-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya 467-8561, Japan. Phone: 81-52-824-2177


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