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How Has Technology Changed Education?

How Has Technology Changed Education?

Education is no exception in today’s society. Is that the case? Education appears to be much the same as
it has been for many years in some ways. A university lecture in medieval Italy is depicted in a 14 th
century illustration by Laurentius de Voltolina. Because of its modern-day parallels, the scene is easily
recognisable. The teacher addresses the students from a podium in the front of the room, while they sit
in rows and listen. Some of the students appear to be following along with their books open in front of
them. A few people appear to be bored. Some people are conversing with their neighbors. One appears
to be dozing off. Today’s classrooms aren’t much different, though you might see students using laptops,
tablets, or smart phones instead of books (though probably open to Facebook). A cynic might argue that
technology has had no impact on education. Technology, on the other hand, has radically altered
education in many ways. For one thing, technological advancements have greatly increased educational
opportunities. Books were scarce in medieval times, and only a select few had access to educational
opportunities. Individuals had to travel to educational institutions in order to receive an education.
Massive volumes of information (books, music, photos, and videos) are now available at one’s fingertips
thanks to the Internet, and formal learning possibilities abound through the Khan Academy, MOOCs,
podcasts, traditional online degree programs, and more. Thanks to technological advancements, today’s
learning opportunities are unprecedented in scope.

Technology has also increased communication and collaboration opportunities. Classrooms have
traditionally been rather isolated, with collaboration limited to pupils in the same classroom or building.
Technology now allows for types of communication and collaboration that were before unimaginable.
Students in a rural classroom in the United States, for example, can learn about the Arctic by following
the expedition of a team of scientists in the region, reading the scientists’ blog posts, viewing images, e-
mailing questions to the scientists, and even videoconferencing with them. Students can share what
they’ve learned with students in other states who are following the same adventure in their schools.
Students can use technology-based platforms like wikis and Google Docs to work on group assignments.
Classroom walls are no longer a barrier, as technology allows for new ways of learning, communicating,
and collaborating. Teachers’ and students’ responsibilities have begun to shift as a result of
technological advancements. The teacher is the primary source of information in the traditional
classroom, as portrayed in de Voltolina’s image, while the students passively receive it. This idea of the
instructor as “sage on the stage” has been around for a long time in education, and it is still prevalent
today. However, as a result of the increased access to information and educational opportunities
provided by technology, the teacher’s role in many classrooms is shifting to that of a “guide on the side,”
as students take more responsibility for their own learning and use technology to gather relevant
information. Schools and institutions around the country are starting to reimagine learning
environments to support this new style of education, encouraging greater contact and small group work
while leveraging technology.
Technology is a powerful instrument that can help and improve education in a variety of ways, from
making it easier for teachers to generate instructional materials to allowing individuals to learn and
collaborate in new ways. With the Internet’s global reach and the widespread availability of smart
gadgets that can connect to it, a new era of anytime, anywhere education is on the horizon. It will be up
to instructional designers and educational technologies to take advantage of the technological
opportunities to transform education such that effective and efficient education is available to everyone,
everywhere. With an Online Master of Science in Education in Learning Design and Technology from
Purdue University Online, you can help shape the impact of technology in education. This accredited
curriculum focuses on cutting-edge new technologies that are transforming education and allows
students to participate in the future of innovation.

REFFERENCES: https://online.purdue.edu/blog/education/how-has-technology-changed-education
Technology and its impact in the classroom

According to recent research, at-risk pupils in grades K-12 are being denied challenges and the
opportunity to employ complex thinking skills. The goal of this research is to see how much computer
technology is used in the classroom affects at-risk students' grades and attendance. A teacher
technology survey is used to assess teacher, student, and overall classroom technology usage. Teachers
from a Northwest Ohio high school make up the study's sample. According to the findings, teachers' use
of technology, students' use of technology, and overall technology use have no substantial positive
impact on at-risk students' grades and attendance. Furthermore, the study reveals that the use of
technology by the teachers in the sample is minimal. These findings imply that in order for technology to
be helpful in improving the grades and attendance of at-risk children, schools must be prepared to
deploy it in the classroom. For technology to be an effective tool in the classroom curriculum, leaders
must develop a model that includes a shared vision, entire school community involvement, specific staff
training and time for training, a full-time technology director, and time for staff to communicate and
share among peers.

How Important Is Technology in Education? Benefits, Challenges,
and Impact on Students

According to the International Society for Technology in Education, many of today's high-demand jobs
were created in the last decade (ISTE). Teachers can assist students in acquiring the necessary skills to
succeed in future careers as technological advancements drive globalization and digital transformation.
What role does technology play in education? The COVID-19 pandemic is quickly demonstrating the
importance of online education in teaching and learning. Teachers can harness online learning as a
powerful educational tool by integrating technology into existing curricula, rather than using it solely as
a crisis-management tool. Students' engagement can be increased, teachers' lesson plans can be
improved, and personalized learning can be facilitated with the use of digital learning tools in the
classroom. It also assists students in developing critical 21st-century skills. Virtual classrooms, video,
augmented reality (AR), robots, and other technology tools can not only make class more interesting,
but they can also help teachers collect data on student performance by creating more inclusive learning
environments that foster collaboration and inquisitiveness. It's important to remember, however, that
technology is a tool for education, not an end in itself. What educators do with educational technology
and how they use it to best support their students' needs is where the promise of educational
technology lies. How Important Is Technology In Education? You are here: Home / Blog / How Important
Is Technology In Education? Students' Benefits, Challenges, and Impact the 25th of June, 2020 While
sitting at their desks, a group of students uses their electronic devices. According to the International
Society for Technology in Education, many of today's high-demand vocations were created in the recent
decade (ISTE). Teachers can assist students in acquiring the required skills to succeed in future
occupations as technological advancements drive globalization and digital change. What role does
technology play in education? The COVID-19 pandemic is swiftly highlighting the importance of online
education in teaching and learning. Teachers may utilize online learning as a strong instructional tool by
incorporating technology into existing curricula, rather than treating it purely as a crisis-management
tool. Students' engagement can be increased, teachers' lesson plans can be improved, and personalized
learning may be facilitated through the use of digital learning technologies in the classroom. It also
assists pupils in developing critical 21st-century abilities. Virtual classrooms, video, augmented reality
(AR), robotics, and other technology tools can not only make class more interesting, but they can also
help teachers collect data on student performance by creating more inclusive learning settings that
stimulate cooperation and inquisitiveness. It's vital to remember, though, that technology is a tool for
education, not an end in itself. What educators do with educational technology and how they use it to
best support their students' needs is where the promise of educational technology lies.

According to BuiltIn, 92 percent of teachers are aware of the impact of technology on education. 59
percent of middle school students say digital instructional tools have helped them improve their grades
and test scores, according to Project Tomorrow. The World Economic Forum estimates that the
educational technology market will grow to $342 billion by 2025 as a result of these tools' popularity.
Educational technology, on the other hand, has significant drawbacks, particularly in terms of
implementation and use. According to Project Tomorrow, despite increased interest in the use of
augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technology in the classroom, only about
10% of schools have these tools in their classrooms. Excessive screen time, the effectiveness of teachers
employing technology, and concerns about technology equity are among the other concerns. The
question of content has emerged prominently as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Educators must be
allowed to create and comment on online educational content, particularly in order to encourage
students to approach a topic from various angles. Due to the time constraints imposed by the crisis, this
was not possible. Access is also a challenge; not every school district, for example, has the resources to
supply pupils with a laptop, and internet connectivity in homes might be unstable. Furthermore, while
some students excel in online learning environments, others struggle due to a variety of issues, including
a lack of support services. A student who previously struggled in face-to-face situations, for example,
may suffer even more in this setting. These students may have resorted to resources that are no longer
available to them at home. Even Nevertheless, studies show that when students have the resources,
they are generally confident in using online education. Teachers, on the other hand, may face obstacles
as a result of online education, particularly in areas where it is not yet the norm. Despite the obstacles
and worries, it's crucial to remember the advantages of technology in education, which include better
cooperation and communication, higher educational quality, and exciting classes that encourage
students to use their imagination and seek information.

Teachers want to see their students perform better, and technology may help them do so. To address
the issues, administrators should assist instructors in gaining the skills they need to use technology to
improve student learning. Furthermore, using technology in the classroom should make instructors'
tasks easier without adding to their workload. Students benefit from technology because it gives them
with fast access to knowledge, rapid learning, and engaging ways to apply what they've learned. It
allows students, particularly in STEM, to explore new disciplines and get a better comprehension of
complex concepts. Students can learn 21st-century technical abilities needed for future careers by using
technology both inside and outside the classroom. Even so, children learn more efficiently when they
are directed. According to the World Economic Forum, while technology can assist young pupils learn
and acquire knowledge through play, data suggests that learning is more effective when an adult, such
as a teacher, guides them. Leaders and administrators should assess where their faculty is in terms of
their knowledge of online environments. They can now apply solutions for the future based on the
lessons learnt throughout this turbulent period. Administrators may, for example, give teachers a week
or two to consider how to teach courses that have never been taught online before. In addition to
looking for solutions, it's critical to be flexible during these tough times The examples below
demonstrate the importance of technology in education and the benefits it provides to students and

Refferences: https://soeonline.american.edu/blog/technology-in-education

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