Reflection 6 - Temperance Lesson 11-1-2021

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Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

1. What are some of your personal idiosyncrasies? What can you do about them?

 I noticed that I could have elaborated more on students’ responses. This will help create a better
conversation for the students. I would also work to move around the classroom instead of staying in one
place so that I can get a feel for all students and their engagement level. I would work on connecting the
topic/content to the variety of student interests.

2.. What did you do to set the mood or climate for learning? Would you do anything differently?

 To help the students get engaged, I asked them for their opinions/views/comments on temperance. This
allows the students to have an open conversation and give them a sense of control in the classroom. I think I
would let them talk more about where they have practiced it in their own lives.

3. Analyze your questioning. What do you notice in terms of quality, levels, wait time, your response
to students?

 I believe I could have had students elaborate more on their opinions to help other students make a
connection. I also think I could have given the students more time after asking them a question or saying
something that would allow for them to put the pieces together in their own way.

4.  How did you build on student responses to promote further thinking and comprehension?

 I asked them how they could apply it to their own lives. I think it is important that students see where the
content they are learning about is relevant in their day-to-day tasks.

5. How do you demonstrate mutual respect for, rapport with, and responsiveness to students with
varied needs and backgrounds, and challenge students to engage in learning?

 I believe having the students share their insights and letting them say how something personally impacted
them is very beneficial for the students because it allows them to be engaged as well as taking ownership of
their own learning.

6.  How did your instruction link students' prior academic learning and personal, cultural, and
community assets with new learning?  

 Our lesson talked about how the students can work on developing virtues that will help them become
positive members of their community. The lesson was catered on understanding that we have self-control
and temperance can be practiced in our small tasks.

7. With what progress are you the most pleased?

 I am most pleased with the student’s eagerness to complete the activity. They were excited for a challenge
that also got them up and out of their seats.

8. What areas do you believe you still need improvement?

 I believe I need improvement on my multi-step directions. Meredith and I have discussed often that in order
to meet our students where they are at, we need to cater our directions to be either a few simple directions
at a time or focus on one larger direction before dismissing the students to do what is at hand.
9.  What changes would you make to your instruction to better support student learning of the central

 I would work to help them understand the directions better for this lesson because I think it
was not completely clear watching it back. I have also wondered if I could have changed the
activity just slightly to help the students succeed without giving too much assistance. This
could be done by giving them a starting point when lining up by their birthdays.

   Why do you think these changes would improve student learning?  

 It might help the students that might have become frustrated or did not understand what to

10. (If this is not your first video) Describe the differences you are seeing in yourself as a teacher.

 I am seeing better classroom management which comes from building strong relationships
with the students. I have also noticed that I am continuing to get even more confident in front
of a group of people. Public speaking has never been a strong trait of mine, so to see this
positive development has helped shape my confidence in front of the students.

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