Hector Ortiz Test

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The document discusses Linux operating system components, file permissions, shells, and commands.

The basic components of Linux are the kernel, shell, applications, bootloader, and init system.

The kernel space manages applications in the user space, while the user space is where user processes run.

Hector José Ortiz Alvarez

Test 1

1. Explain Linux operating system? What are the important features of Linux?
a) It is an operating system, which Works with administration of files and
b) Open Access, open code, free, stable, multittasking, secure, needing few

2. What are the basic components of Linux? Explain Architecture?

 Shell: This Works like the interpreter to the operating system.
 Applications: Called commonly like programs, they are the group of orders
that we can give to operating system at interactive way.
 Kernel: It is the core of the system, which is a fundamental part of the
operating system that is responsible for granting access to the hardware
safely for all the software that requests it.
 Bootloader: Manages the device boot process
 init system: user space boot system

3. Difference between Kernel Space and User Space?

In this relation the role of the kernel is to manage the applications running in the
user space, while the user space is the set of locations where the user processes
are carried out.

4. What do you mean by a Process States in Linux?

means that it is running but there is no code being executed on the CPU at that

5. What is Linux Shell? What types of Shells are there in Linux?

a) Shell: it is the interpreter of the operating system.
b) These are:
1. C shell (csh)
2. TC shell (tcsh)
3. Bourne shell (sh)
4. Bourne Again Shell (bash)
5. Korn shell (ksh)

6. What are file permissions in Linux? Name different types of file systems in
a) they are accesses given to users to be able to read, execute or edit files.
b) these are:
 ext2
 ext3
 ReiserFS
 FAT32
 ISO9660

7. What do you mean by the daemons?

This is the name given to the services in the second plane that are initiated before
or after the start of the setion.

8. What is INODE and Process Id?

It is the data structure used by linux to store file information.

9. Write the difference between Soft and Hard links?

 The Soft links create a new inode.
 Hard links are identical copies of the original file.

10. Name three standard streams in Linux?

 standard input
 standard output
 standard error

11. Explain the redirection operator?

Itis when information of one type is redirected to information of a different type.

12. Explain grep command.

This command searches for a word or pattern and prints the line or lines containing

13. How to write the output of a command to a file?

To redirect the information output of a command in Linux is by doing the> and >>
operators and these redirect the output to a defined text file.

14. How to find the difference in two configuration files?

diff -r -q 'file1' 'file 2'

15. How can you login to another system in your network from your system?
Click the Start button and type the word Remote. Then click the Remote Desktop
Connection icon.
1. Enter the name of the computer you want to connect to. ...
2. Click the Connect button. ...
3. Enter your username and password, and then click OK. ...
4. Use the remote computer!

16. What is the maximum length for a filename under Linux?

This is 255 bytes
17. What are filenames that are preceded by a dot?
They are multimedia file formats, which are composed of text, video, sound or
image. The most common file types are:
Text: txt, doc, docx.
Video: avi, mp4, mpeg, mwv.
Sounds: mp3, m4a, WAV, WMA
Image: jpg, gif, bmp, png.

18. Explain virtual desktop?

It is a function that allows us to manage any computer remotely, in such a way that
it was the user or administrator himself who managed it.

19. What does a nameless (empty) directory represent?

This empty directory name serves as the nameless base of the Linux file system.
This serves as an attachment for all other directories, files, drives and devices.

20. What are environmental variables?

These are global settings that manage the functions of linux programs such as the
21. Is it possible to use shortcuts for a long pathname?
Yes, there is. A feature known as filename expansion allows you do this using the
TAB key. For example, if you have a path named /home/iceman/assignments
directory, you would type as follows: /ho[tab]/ice[tab]/assi[tab] . This, however,
assumes that the path is unique, and that the shell you’re using supports this

22. How do you terminate an ongoing process?

Every process in the system is identified by a unique process id or pid. Use the kill
command followed by the pid in order to terminate that process. To terminate all
process at once, use kill -9.
23. How do you execute more than one command or program from a single
command line entry?
This is possible when combined several commands by separating each command
or program using a semicolon symbol.

24. Write a command that will display all .txt files, including its individual
Ls -al *.txt

25. What is the command to calculate the size of a folder?


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