Heat and Mass Transfer in A Clay-Pot Refrigerator: Analysis Revisited
Heat and Mass Transfer in A Clay-Pot Refrigerator: Analysis Revisited
Heat and Mass Transfer in A Clay-Pot Refrigerator: Analysis Revisited
In rural areas of India, vegetarian food is often preserved in a clay-pot
refrigerator. The cooling space is a smaller clay pot inserted within a larger clay
pot (see fig 1 - left). The annular space between the two pots is filled with sand
or tiny pebbles. The voids in the annular space are occupied by water. Convective
and radiative heat transfer Qin from the hot and dry surroundings evaporates this
water and brings about cooling of the space in the inner pot where food is
kept. Once the sensible heats are removed, the preserved foods give out
respiratory cooling load qload (typically 0.05 ~ 0.2 W/kg) . Thus, the Steady-State
Coefficient of Performance (COP) of such a refrigerator may be defined as
©Regional Centre for Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer for Asia and the Pacific/Printed in India
12 R.M. Damle, A.W. Date / Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2015) 11-25
In order to circumvent the above difficulty, here, an efficiency th is newly defined
based on thermodynamic considerations as [1]
where the preservation temperature Tcold in the inner pot depends on the ambient
conditions viz. temperature T and relative humidity as well as irreversible
heat and mass transfer processes. On the other hand, if the moist ambient air was
cooled at constant pressure then the moisture will begin to condense at what is
called the dew point temperature T dp . We may now imagine that our
refrigerator is used to bring about this ideal cooling. Then, th = 1 will represent
maximum realisable cooling performance.
Figure 1 (right) shows the assumed model of the refrigerator. The curved
surfaces are replaced by straight cylindrical surfaces of radii ri and r0 with height
H. Inner and outer clay wall thicknesses are bi(<< ri) and b0(<<r0) respectively.
The thermal conductivity of clay is designated kcl and effective conductivity of
sand+pebbles+water is designated as keff. Then, under steady-state, dependence of
th (or COP) and Tcold will be given by
R.M. Damle, A.W. Date / Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2015) 11-25 13
, F , , , , H, , , , , , , , (3)
where is emissivity of the outer surface of the outer pot and i and 0 are heat
transfer coefficients associated with exposed surfaces of inner and outer pots.
The objective of the present paper is to assess this functional dependence
using the Reynolds Flow Model due to Spalding [3]. However, in [1], the treatment
of radiation heat transfer was not accounted in the manner prescribed in the
Reynolds flow model. As such, this corrected model is presented in the next
section. The computed results for several values of parameters are presented in
the subsequent section. Finally, conclusions of the analysis are reported.
Ti T0
TM and v, M 1 (4)
where Ti and T0 are temperatures of the outer surface of the inner pot and inner
surface of the outer pot, respectively as shown in Fig 2. Note that, unlike in Ref
[1], the radiation heat transfer from the ambient Qrad (W) is accounted for as a
volumetric heat source in the transferred substance phase. However, the natural
convection heat transfer Qnc (W) is accounted at the interface between outer
surface and the considered phase as in [1]. Further, Q L (W) represents the
inward conduction heat transfer in the transferred substance phase. Finally, the
inner pot wall is assumed impervious to mass transfer but, permits heat transfer
Steady-State Assumption
1. Water is continuously injected into the annular space between the pots at
the rate that exactly equals the rate of evaporation ṁw.
2. The injected water temperature exactly equals imaginary mean temperature TM
The first assumption ensures that height (H) of water-column in the annular
space remains constant. The second assumption ensures that imaginary
temperature TM remains constant. Note that magnitudes of both ṁ w and TM are
apriori not known.
The Reynolds Flow Model (see [3,4,2] and fig 2) postulates two mass flows.
1. A mass flow g A 0 (kg/s) crossing the - surface flowing towards the w-w
surface but carrying with it properties of the –state.
2. A mass flow (g A0 + ṁ w) crossing the - surface away from the w-w
surface but carrying with it properties of the w-state.
Thus, invoking the mass conservation principle for water-vapour between w-w
and - states, we have
v, v, w
m w, m g A0 B where B (6)
v, w 1
The developments in this subsection remain the same as in Ref [1]
16 R.M. Damle, A.W. Date / Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2015) 11-25
and, since the Lewis number Le ≃ 1 (for our air-water vapour system), the mass
transfer coefficient g (kg/m2-s) can be estimated [3,4] from natural convection
heat transfer coefficient 0 as
w k p pa pH /2 pw, sat
m w, m (8)
wb0 pa pa
where khy = (kp pa) / (w b0) is hydraulic conductivity expressed in (m/s).
If we now add and subtract (0.0189 H – 0.622) v, in the numerator on the
right hand side of Equation 9, then replacing (v, - v,w) from Eqn 6, it can be
shown that
0.622 0.0189 H v,w 0.622 1 0.05H (10)
0.622 0.0189 H v, w 1 Bim 0.622 0.378 v,w
, (11)
and Bim g/(w khy) may be viewed as mass transfer Biot number.
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With reference to Fig 2, writing the energy conservation principle for the
air-water vapour mixture between - and w-w surfaces, we have
Similarly, energy balance across w-w and o-o surfaces (that is, thickness of the
outer pot), we have
Qnc QL = ṁw (hM,w hM,0) = ṁw C pw (Tw To ) (13)
and, energy balance between M-M and o-o surfaces, can be written as
, T 0 T M
r r
or , (14)
or ,
Notice that Qo = -QL and QM = Qload. To make further progress, we substitute Eqn
13 in Eqn 12 to eliminate Qnc. Then, we have
, (15)
In the above equation, QL can now be replaced from Eqn 14. Algebraic
manipulations show that the evaporation rate , from the energy
considerations can now be expressed as
, (16)
/ ,
, (18)
Equations (12) to (18) are different from those in Ref [1]. They are derived by accounting
for Qnc and Qrad as per the provisions of the Reynolds Flow Model [3,4].
18 R.M. Damle, A.W. Date / Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2015) 11-25
h Cpa T Tref Cpv Cpa T Tref ref v,
hw Cpa Tw Tref Cpv Cpa Tw Tref ref v, w
hM , w Cpw Tw Tref (21)
Ti T0
hM Cpw TM Tref TM 2
where ref is latent heat of water at Tref. Equating estimates of evaporation rates
from mass (Eqn 11) and energy conservation (Eqn 16) principles provides for
iterative determination of unknown temperature Tw and evaporation rate m w . This
is explained in the solution-procedure sub-section.
Qload 1 bi
Tcold Ti (24)
i k cl
QL Qload
Ti T0 (25)
keff Ai / ( ri ln(r0 / ri ))
QL Qload
T0 Tw (26)
kcl A0 / b0
T0 Ti QL Qload Qrad
T0 TM (from Eqns 14 and 23) (27)
2 m wCpw
R.M. Damle, A.W. Date / Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2015) 11-25 19
m w Cpw / 2
QL Qload Qrad 1 (28)
k A
eff i / ( ri ln ( r / r
0 i
b r ln(ro / ri )
Ti Tw (QL Qload ) 0 i (29)
kcl A0 keff Ai
T0 Tw (QL Qload ) 0 (30)
kcl A0
Qload 1 bi
Tcold Ti (31)
Ai i kcl
Solution Procedure
Preliminary Steps
1. Specify geometry parameters: ri,r0,bi,b0 and H
2. Specify ambient parameters T and (or v,, see Appendix) and
respiratory load Qload.
3. Specify properties: Cpw, Cpa, Cpv,khy,ka,kcl and keff
Iterations Begin
4. Assume Tw and evaluate v,w from correlation give in Appendix.
5. Evaluate v,mean = 0.5 (v, + v,w). Hence, evaluate
Cpm Cpa (1 v , mean ) Cpvv, mean .
Where = 1/Tmean and Tmean = 0.5 (Tw + T) (K). Properties ka and va are
evaluated at Tmean
7. Knowing 0, evaluate g from Equation 7 and hence, Bim, B* and m w,m from
Equation 11
8. Evaluate Qin Qrad Qnc rad 0 A0 T Tw
20 R.M. Damle, A.W. Date / Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2015) 11-25
where rad T2 Tw2 T Tw
9. Evaluate h (Eqn 19) and hw (Eqn 20).
10. Evaluate QL + Qload (Eqn 28) where m w m w,e m w,m / 2. Hence, evaluate Ti
(Eqn 29) and T0 (Eqn 30) and TM (Eqn 23)
11. Now, evaluate m w,e from Eqn 16
12. Calculate percentage difference
m w,e m w, m
F x 100
m w, m
Solutions Tcold, th and COP for given T, , and Qload are of interest.
Manner of Presentation
Table 2 shows typical computed results for the reference case by way of
an example. The results show that Ti < To < Tw but Tcold > Ti as expected
permitting extraction of Qload across the inner pot surface. Also, the dew point
corresponding to ambient conditions Tdp < Tcold as expected giving th = 0.485.
The conduction heat transfer QL < 0 indicates that conduction in the transferred
substance phase is towards o-o surface4. Also, nc < rad indicating importance of
accounting for radiation heat transfer. Corresponding to Tw = 25.31990C, v,w =
0.02038 giving Spalding number B = 0.01609 which is further attenuated to B* =
0.00198 due to Darcy resistance. Note that Bh evaluated from Eq 17 equals B* as it
must; thus conforming excellent convergence. Finally, the mass transfer Biot
number Bim >> 1. Overall, except for sign of QL, all other results are in close
proximity of those presented in Ref [1].
Parametric Variations
This is unlike in Ref [1] where QL was found to be positive because of inappropriate manner
of accounting of Qrad
22 R.M. Damle, A.W. Date / Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2015) 11-25
Effect of Qload : Table 4 shows the effect of assumed Qload on m w , th and
Tcold at T = 40oC by way of an example. Compared to the reference case of Qload =
1 W, for each , Tcold increases but th decreases with increase in Qload as
expected. Effect of Qload on m w is marginal.
Table 4. Effect of Qload at T = 40oC.
R.M. Damle, A.W. Date / Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2015) 11-25 23
Finally, as in Ref [1], the effects of variations in kcl and khy on the
performance were found to very marginal. Hence, detailed calculations are not
tabulated here.
1. For a given geometry, thermal and hydraulic conductivities and cooling load,
all parameters including COP, th and inner pot temperature Tcold show
expected magnitudes irrespective of ambient T and .
2. For a given T, COP and Tcold increase with increase in but, Tcold > Tdp in
each case.
3. The validity of the newly defined performance parameter th has been
established through detailed computations. Irrespective of T, th,max occurs at
40 %. Negative th implies no cooling.
4. The effect of thermal conductivity of sand+pebbles+water keff is most
pronounced. Lower value of keff is to be preferred to reduce Tcold and increase
5. The effects of thermal conductivity kcl and hydraulic conductivity khy on Tcold
are found to be marginal.
24 R.M. Damle, A.W. Date / Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2015) 11-25
v, w 3.416 103 2.7308 104 Tw 1.372 105 Tw2
8.2516 10 6.9092 10
Tw3 9
3.5313 10 T 3.7037 10 T
10 5
12 6
6.1923 10 T 9.9349 10 T
15 7
17 8
W pv,
v, where W 0.622 and
1 W p p
tot v ,
pv, psat F T
and = exp where 1
psat 100 pcr 1 Tcr
Here Tcr = 647.096 K, pcr = 220.64 bar and ptot = 1.01324 bar
237.7 17.271 T
Tdp where ln
17.271 237.7 T 100