A Comparative Study of Various TV Brands in Context of Customer Awareness and Preference'

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‘A Comparative study of various TV Brands

In context
Of Customer Awareness and Preference’

Under the Guidance of Submitted by

Dr. Nishit Dubey Ambresh Pratap Singh
(Director) MBA (CORE)
Consumer awareness is making the consumer aware of
his/her rights. Consumer awareness is a marketing term. It means consumers
note or are aware of products or services, its characteristics and the other
marketing (place to buy, price and promotion). We are in an age of brand
wars and customer’s awareness and preference have a major role to play in
understanding the market and competitors. For many years customers
accepted what the company offers them. The new customer sensibility has
given a new business imperative. Organizations must step in to learn, to
understand, manage and excel in the production of goods and services based
on the customer’s awareness and preference. We have to Understand the
concept of presumes the Producing consumers and at the same time,
understand the consumer controlled market capture of a commodity or

It is not an exaggeration to say that Consumer is more than a king

and is ruling innovation, invention and Imagineering of plethora of goods and
services present in the market. Companies are investing hard on getting into
the minds of the consumers right from the point of creating awareness.

The idea that customers prefer one product or one service over
another is not new. The ability to identify and measure the elements of such
preference decisions with any accuracy and reliability has only recently
become available.

In today’s world of experience economy, we see a massive

revolution in the choices and preferences of India consumers. In increasing
purchasing capacity of Indian consumers is the primary reason behind this
change, but the craving need for authenticity of brands, also cannot be
The research and development department is constructing its
foundation of innovation management on consumer’s likes and dislikes and so
are the retailers who are vigilant about the consumer awareness and
preferences and are only selling those brands that perform high in terms of
customer expectations. An individual might not device complete market
potential, but he has influence to have it coded. We have come a long way to
how place –making has replace marketing and retailers are being influenced
keep brand based on customer analysis.

Literature Review –
In the past, there had been studies focusing on the relationship
between channel members, which incorporates the manufacturer,
wholesaler, dealer and the retailer. Gassenhimer et al. (1996) had focused on
dealer manufacture relationships and shown that the performance of dealer
manufacturing relationship and shown that the performance of manufacturer
in term of important marketing services has significant impact on the dealer
manufacture relationship. Innovation manufacturer performance in terms of
competitive product influence the dealer manufacturer relationship is logistic
performance and boundations personnel.

It is seen that trust among channel members plan an important

role in maintaining good channel relationships. Ganeshan (1998) opined trust
as an important aspect in retailer vendor framework. He depicted that trust
has two components; credibility and benevolence. While creditability
depends on the retailer’s belief in vendor’s expertise to effectively and
reliably execute the latter’s job, benevolence depends on the retailer’s belief
in the vendor’s intentions and motives favorable to the retailer in situations
where no commitment has been made.
Ganesan (1994) further added that in case of retailer vendor-
relationship, trust has the quality to lessen the perceived risk attributed in the
mind of a retailer towards the vendor’s opportunistic behavior. Zineldin and
Jonnson cited ellram (1991) and Zineldin (1998), by emphasizing on the
important of long term collaborative relationship. The authors stated a number
of benefits of long –term collaborative relationships. One of the benefits
elaborated was that the long term suppliers give importance to the final
customer needs.

Thus it is observed form literature that although a lot of studies

focused on the importance of relationship between channel members and
what influences a retailer to hold a particular manufacturer’s product, no
substantial attention in literature has been given to other factors like
customer awareness and preference that also have a significant influence on
the choice of the retailer to stock a different brand. Hence the objective of
this study is to look into the relationship of preference of retailer to keep
different in their outlet in term of customer awareness and preference for
the respective brand.

Objective of study-
Another objective of this study is to see whether the
customer awareness, preference and preference of retailers to deal with
respective brand is same in different zone that have been taken into
consideration in this study. It is observed that all though there have been a lot
of studies dealing with awareness and preference no substantial work has
been done to find the impact of customer’s awareness and preference of an
individual brand. On the preference of retailer to deal with the respective
brands in retail outlet. Keeping in this mind the objective of this study is to
analyze the impact of customer awareness and preference of the individual
brand on the preference of a retailer to deal with the respective brands of TV
in their outlets.
Research Methodology –

The primary data will be collect by the structured

questionnaire. The data is collected via one to one interaction . Research is
an art of scientific investigation through search for new facts in any branch of
knowledge. It is a moment from known to unknown. Research always starts
with a question or a problem.

Its purpose is to find answers to questions through the

application of the scientific method. It is a systematic and intensive study
directed towards a more complete knowledge of the subject studied. As
marketing does not address itself to basic or fundamental question, it does
not qualify as basic research. On the contrary, it tackles problems, which
seem to have immediate commercial potential. In view of the major
consideration, marketing research should be regarded as applied research.
We may also say that marketing research is of both types problem solving and
problem oriented.

a) Primary Data-

The primary data will be collect by the structured

questionnaire. The data is collected via one to one interaction with
respondents. The data that is being collected for the first time or to
particularly fulfill the objectives of the project is known as primary data.

These types of data were,

- The market share of other brands available in the market.
- Responses of consumer.
The above primary data were collected through responses of consumer was
Conducted through questionnaires prepared for them.
b) Secondary Data

Secondary data are that type of data, which are already

assembled and need not to collected from outside.

These types of data were

i) Company Profile
ii) Product Profile
iii) Competitors Profile
The aforesaid data were collected through Internet
and company s financial Report.

In order to conduct research questionnaires were

prepared related to customer awareness and preference. The questionnaire
also had demographic question such as age, gender. The collected data will
analyze using regression and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) module in
statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS).

In this study we assume that outlet dealing with different brands

are dependent on customer awareness and preference, and hence we tried to
predict the performance of retailers to deal with the respective brands in the
retail outlets in term of the value of dependant variable i.e., customer
awareness and preference.

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