Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten Lembar Jawaban Ujian: Get Have Eat Arrive Check Enjoy Go Have Look Spend

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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Jur/ Prodi/ Smt : Ekonomi/ Manajemen A/ 7
Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu/ 13 Januari 2020
Nama : Chusna Rofiqoh
NIM : 1721100035


I. Decide if the main verbs should be in the present simple or the present continuous.

1. I do not agree that going to the cinema is better than watching TV.

2. 1 am having a great time in Paris at the moment.

3. I like studying Spanish in my free time.

4. I am working for Corus Tech. I started here seven years ago.

5. Are they sending the report now?.

6. I'm thinking about learning to sail next year.

7. I am organising a project in Jakarta this month.

8. Martina is finishing a report at the moment.

9. I am driving drive at the moment, but ussually I am take the traing.

10. What are you doing at the moment?.

II. Complete the information about Kati Varga. Choose the verb and use the correct
form of a verb from the box.

get have eat arrive check enjoy go have look spend

Kati Varga's working day

Kati Varga is the director of Commerzbank, a large bank in Budapest. She get (1) up at
about 5:30 and usually goes jogging in the park. Then she take(2) a shower and
prepares breakfast for herself and her family. 'We all eat (3) to have breakfast together,'
she says, 'and that's great.' She go (4) to work by metro. She arrive (5) at her office
between 7:45 and 8 o'clock. Then she works at her desk for half an hour. 'I always
check (6) my e-mail first thing every morning,' she says.

At 8:30 she starts her first meeting. She have (7) a lot of meetings in the morning with
customers and also with bankers. 'I keep the afternoons free for staff meetings,' she says.
Two or three nights a week Ms Varga look (8) late at the office. She gets home late and
often goes to bed after midnight. She travels a lot and spend (9) about 50 days abroad
every year. In her free time, Kati Varga likes hiking and playing tennis. ‘And when the
weather is nice, my family and I really enjoy (10) sailing,' she says.

III. Choose the correct words in italics.

1. This catalogue has some interesting product.

2. Bianca is doing well in her job.

3. We want to manufacture cheaply and sell the product for a profit.

4. The workers of that succesful IT company are not happy with the new direcotrs.

5. My investments did badly this month.

IV. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative of the adjective in

1. London is warmer in summer than in spring.

2. The staff are happier in their new office than they were in the old building.

3. The Novotel is the most expensive hotel in Town.

4. What is the best way to get to Adi Sumarmo International Airport in Solo?.

5. He is the most popular manager in the marketing department in his company.

6. It is more important to drive safely than to arrive on time.

7. Is the quality of life here worse than in other countries?.

8. Bali It is the most interesting destination to visit in Indonesia.

V. Look at he information about the top five countries for British people to emigrate to.
Complete the sentences below using comparative adjectives.

British people Average Size

Average summer/winter
Country who moved pay (square
temperature (degrees C)
there (2017) increase kilometres
(2017) )
Australia 1.3 million 4% 20 (summer) / 6 (winter) 7.6 million
Spain 760.000 4% 25 / 5 500.000
USA 680.000 3.7% 25 / 1 9.4 million
Canada 600.000 3.7% 21 / -11 9.2 million
Ireland 290.000 4.5% 12 / 6 70.000

1. In terms of size, Ireland is smaller than Spain.

2. Ireland had a more pay increse than Australia in 2007.

3. Canada is cooller in summer than the USA..

4. Spain is hotter in summer than Canada.

5. In terms of size, the USA is warmer than Australia

6. Canada had a less pay increase than Spain in 2007.

7. The temperature in summer in Ireland is cooller than in Spain.

VI. Translate this article about entrepreneurship into Bahasa Indonesia.


The historical development of entrepreneurial marketing spans over two decades, during
The definition of an entrepreneur given by Kuratko (1995) as:

“an innovator or developer who recognizes and seizes opportunities, converts those
oppor- tunities into workable/marketable ideas, adds value through time, effort, money or
skills, assumes the risks of the competitive marketplace to implement these ideas and
realize the rewards from these efforts”.


Dalam sejarah perkembangan pemasaran kewirausahaan mencangkup lebih dari dua dekade,
Definisi dari seorang pengusaha Kuratko (1995) yaitu:

“seorang inovator atau pengembang dapat mengenali dan merebut peluang, mengubah
peluang itu menjadi ide yang bisa diterapkan/dipasarkan, menambah nilai melalui waktu,
tenaga, uang atau keterampilan, mengasumsikan resiko persaingan pasar untuk menerapkan
ide – ide dan dapat menyadari imbalan dari upaya ini.”

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