The Characteristic of Object Relations Theory Are
The Characteristic of Object Relations Theory Are
The Characteristic of Object Relations Theory Are
If the care is inadequate, children create a false self or one that is playing
to the needs of others and is based on compliance with others'
expectations, instead of the child's authentic self. Over time, acceptable
parental care that will create the true self includes the following stages:
Father, mother, and infant, all three living together: The dynamics and
interactions that the child experiences in relationship to the mother
and father influence the child's experience and expectations of what
family relationships will be like later in life.
Holding: Actual physical affection and holding including cuddling,
holding hands, or lap sitting is familiar and regular behavior in
satisfactory parental care. These later become internalized as a
sense of psychological "holding."
Mother and infant living together: -Experiencing the daily routine of
both psychological and physical care such as eating, grooming, and
interacting through mundane tasks are important for the baby's
proper development.
Object relations theory holds that a problem with any of these important
experiences can cause issues in developing healthy relationships later in