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CCS 3.1 - CCS 3.1C Compressor Control System User Manual: En-Ko

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CCS 3.1 – CCS 3.1C

Compressor Control System

User Manual

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Table of Contents

CCS 3.1 Introducti 4

1 - General ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
2- SYSTEM INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 4
2-a Start-Up Screen ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2-b Main Operating Screen ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.b.1 STOPPED :....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.b.2 STOPPING : ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.b.3 STARTING : .................................................................................................................................... 7
2.b.4 MOTOR DRIVING : ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.b.5 WORKING ON UNLOAD : ............................................................................................................. 7
2.b.6 RUNNING ON LOAD :.................................................................................................................. 7
2.b.7 ON AUTOWAITING : ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.b.8 WAITING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : ............................................................................................. 8
2.c Alarm and Warning Display / Indication .................................................................................................. 8
2.c.1 Trip Alarm Display ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.c.2 Warning Display ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.c.3 Changings & Maintenance Warning Display ..................................................................................... 9
3-CCS 3.1 MENU STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................... 10
3.a Alarm Menu (P1) ................................................................................................................................... 10
3.a.1 Resetting Alarm .............................................................................................................................. 10
3.a.2 Active Alarms Menu ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.a.3 Alarm Records Menu ...................................................................................................................... 11
3.b Changing & Maintenance Time Menu (P2) ............................................................................................ 11
3.b.1 Changing & Maintenance Remaining times screen ......................................................................... 11
3.b.2 Changing & Maintenance Remaining Time Reset ........................................................................... 12
3.c Password Entry Screen ........................................................................................................................... 12
3.d Parameter Settings Screen ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.e User Parameters (P3) ............................................................................................................................. 13
3.e.1 Operating Mode (P3.1):....................................................................................................................... 13
3.e.2 Pressure Unload (P3.2) (Bar/PSI): ....................................................................................................... 13
3.e.3 Wait On Unload (P3.3) (seconds): ....................................................................................................... 13
3.e.4 Pressure Load (P3.4) (Bar/PSI): .......................................................................................................... 13
3.e.5 To Stop Delay (P3.5) (seconds): .......................................................................................................... 13
3.e.6 Pressure Unit (P3.6): ........................................................................................................................... 14
3.e.7 Temperature Unit (P3.7)...................................................................................................................... 14
3.e.8 To Start Delay (P3.8) (seconds):......................................................................................................... 14
3.e.9 Dryer Timer (P3.9) (minutes): ............................................................................................................. 14
3.e.10 User Password (P3.10): ..................................................................................................................... 14
3.f Service Parameters (P4).......................................................................................................................... 14
3.f.1 Pressure Parameters (P4.1): ............................................................................................................. 14
3.f.1.1 Stop Pressure (P4.1.1) (Bar/Psi): ................................................................................................... 14
3.f.1.4 Basınç 2 Üst Değeri (P4.1.4) (Bar/Psi): ......................................................................................... 15
3.f.1.5 Pressure Difference Alarm Value (P4.1.5) (Bar/Psi): .................................................................... 15
3.f.1.6 Pressure Difference Alarm Upper Value (P4.1.6) (Bar/Psi): .......................................................... 15
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3.f.1.7 Pressure Difference Delay Time (P4.1.7) (sec): ............................................................................. 15
3.f.1.8 İç Basınç Başlama Değeri (P4.1.8) (Bar/Psi): ................................................................................ 15
3.f.2 Temperature Parameters (P4.2) (Cel/Fah): ....................................................................................... 15
3.f.2.1 Upper Temperature Limit (P4.2.1) (Cel/Fah): ............................................................................... 15
3.f.2.3 Temperature Alarm (P4.2.3) (Cel/Fah):......................................................................................... 16
3.f.2.4 To Load Temperature (P4.2.4) (Cel/Fah): ..................................................................................... 16
3.f.3 Timing Parameters (P4.3): ................................................................................................................... 16
3.f.3.1 Y-Delta Rising (P4.3.1) (seconds): ................................................................................................ 16
3.f.3.2 Getting Load (P4.3.2) (seconds): ................................................................................................... 16
3.f.3.4 Auto Run Time (P4.3.4) (seconds): ............................................................................................... 16
3.f.3.5 Air Draining Time (P4.3.5) (seconds): .......................................................................................... 16
3.f.3.6 Max. Rising/Hour (P4.3.6) : .......................................................................................................... 16
3.f.4 Service Hours (P4.4): .......................................................................................................................... 16
3.f.5 Communication Parameters (P4.5): ..................................................................................................... 17
3.f.5.1 Load Valve Control Source (P4.5.1): .......................................................................................... 17
3.f.5.2 Start/Stop Control Source (P4.5.2): ............................................................................................... 17
3.f.5.4 Modbus Address (P4.5.4):............................................................................................................. 18
3.f.5.5 Baud Rate (P4.5.5)........................................................................................................................ 18
3.f.5.6 Stop Bit (P4.5.6) ........................................................................................................................... 18
3.f.5.7 Parity Bit (P4.5.7) ......................................................................................................................... 18
3.f.5.8 Timeout Duration (P4.5.8) (sec.) ................................................................................................... 18
3.f.6 Calibration Parameters (P4.6) .............................................................................................................. 19
3.f.6.1 Pressure Offset (P4.6.1) (Bar/PSI): .............................................................................................. 19
3.f.6.2 Temperature Offset (P4.6.2) (Cel/Fah): ......................................................................................... 19
3.f.7 Preheating Parameters (P4.7) ............................................................................................................... 19
3.f.8 Fan Settings (P4.8) .............................................................................................................................. 19
3.f.8.1 Run Temperature (P4.8.1) (Cel/Fah): ............................................................................................ 19
3.f.8.2 Stop Temperature (P4.8.2) (Cel/Fah): ........................................................................................... 19
3.f.8.3 Minimum Work Time (P4.8.3) (Cel/Fah): ..................................................................................... 19
3.f.9 Service Password (P4.9) ...................................................................................................................... 19
3.g Factory Parameters .................................................................................................................................... 19
3.g.1 Input Contact Type (P5.1) ................................................................................................................... 19
3.g.2 Functional Relay (P5.2) ...................................................................................................................... 20
3.g.4 Pressure Sensor (P5.4) ........................................................................................................................ 20
3.g.5 Clear Alarm List (P5.5) ....................................................................................................................... 20
3.g.6 Return Factory Settings (P5.6) ............................................................................................................ 21
3.g.7 Boot Screen (P5.7) .............................................................................................................................. 22
3.g.8 Factory Password (P5.8) ..................................................................................................................... 22
3.g.9 CCS 3.1 Version (P5.9)....................................................................................................................... 22
3.g.10 Bootloader Version (P5.10) ............................................................................................................... 23
3.g.11 Factory Calibration (P5.11) ............................................................................................................... 23
3.g.12 Temperature Sensor (P5.12) .............................................................................................................. 23
3.g.13 Pressure 2 Active (P5.13) .................................................................................................................. 23
CCS 3.1 – CCS 3.1C Mechanical Dimensions ................................................................................................. 23
Document version ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Connection Diagram........................................................................................................................................ 25

CCS 3.1 Introduction

1 - General
CCS 3.1 Compressor Control System has been designed for screw and reciprocating compressors. CCS 3.1 is a
microprocessor-based controller which starts and stops the compressors, makes pressure regulation, temperature control
and protects the compressor against the failures.

2x16 LCD display

Start / Stop Indicator

Start Button

Stop Button

Failure/Warning Indicator

Menu Navigation Buttons

The CCS 3.1C Compressor Control System is a variation of the CCS 3.1 which features a communication module. The
difference between the two models is that the CCS 3.1C includes an isolated RS-485 port. The communication system of the
CCS 3.1C is ModBUS RTU protocol compatible.


Button Functions
 Starts the compressor.
 When the unit is connected to MCC 1.0 network, pressing this button acknowledges the
transfer of the start/stop control to MCC 1.0 Multiple Compressor Control unit.
 Stops the compressor.
 When the unit is connected to MC1.0 network, pressing this button transfers the start/stop
control to CCS3.0 from MCC1.0.

 Cycles between the two pages while in the main operating screen.
 When it is pressed while in menu mode, it goes to the lower-indexed heading to the
 In parameter settings menu, it increases the numeric value or changes the selectable


 Cycles between the two pages while in the main operating screen.
 When it is pressed while in menu mode, it goes to the higher-index heading or to the
 In parameter settings menu, it decreases the numeric value or changes the parameter.
 In the main operating screen, press to get into menu mode.
 In menu mode, press to get into one level down in the same heading.
 When pressed while it is on a selected parameter, it goes to the parameter adjustment
 In parameter adjustment mode, press to enter it into non-volatile memory.
 In password entry screen, press to shift the cursor to the right.
 In main operating screen, press for 2 seconds to reset the alarm.
 In menu mode, press to get into one level up in the same heading.
 In parameter adjustment mode, press to shift the cursor to the left.
 In parameter adjustment mode, press for 2 seconds to exit without recording the
parameter value.

CCS 3.1 panel consists of 2x16 LCD backlight, keypad and LED status indicators

By navigating through the menu screens in the display, one can see the alarm log, compressor working and maintenance
hours and adjust the compressor parameters. The green LED indicates the operating status of the compressor. When this
green LED is off, it indicates that the compressor is stopping. When it is continuously lit, it indicates that the main motor is
running. When it blinks slowly, it indicates that the compressor is in Auto waiting mode.

The red LED indicates that there is an alarm (warning or trip) in the system. When it blinks every other second, the alarm
is warning (it does not stop the compressor). When it blinks faster, there is trip alarm in the system. Trip alarm shuts down
the compressor.

2-a Start-Up Screen

When you power up CCS3.1, the above start-up screen is displayed. (the text on this display is entered in parameter “P5.8
Start-up Screen”). If no text has been entered in this parameter, then there is no text on start-up screen. After 5
seconds, the screen changes to main operating screen. During those 5 seconds, both LED indicators are continuously on.

2-b Main Operating Screen

Line Air Pressure

Airend Temperature

Compressor Operating Status


There are two main pages on displayed on the CCS 3.1, the first screen is where the line pressure and screw temperature
values are displayed and can be found above. Line air pressure is displayed on the left of the upper row and the screw
temperature on the right. The pressure and temperature units may be indicated in Bar/PSI and Celsius/Fahrenheit
respectively. The lower row indicates the status of the compressor. The user can cycle between the two main operating pages
using the or buttons.

The units may be changed in parameters “P3.6 Pressure Unit” and “P3.7 Temperature Unit”

Screw Pressure

Line Pressure

Compressor Status

The second main operating page of the CCS 3.1 displays the Screw Pressure on the top left, the Line Pressure on the top
right and again the compressor status on the lower row.

The current operational status of the compressor is displayed on the lower row. The statuses are:

2.b.1 STOPPED :
The compressor main motor stopped. Green LED is off.

2.b.2 STOPPING :

The compressor is going to stop after the delay timer in parameter P3.5
To Stop Delay” expires. Remaining time is displayed on the right of
the lower row.


2.b.3 STARTING :

The compressor is going to start after the delay timer in parameter P3.8 To
Start Delay” expires. The remaining time is displayed on the right of the
lower row. When the delay timer expires, main contactor and star contactor are

Note: Star contactor is energized at 100 ms after the main contactor is energized.


When the delay timer in parameter “P4.3.1 Y-Delta Rising” expires,
the star contactor will be deenergized and delta contactor will be energized.
Remaining time is displayed on the right of the lower row.


This indicates that the compressor is running on unload. The load solenoid is
deenergized. After the delay timer in parameter “P4.3.2 Getting Load”,
the compressor starts running on load. While the compressor is running on
unload, when the delay timer in parameter “Pf Wait on Unload”, the
mode of the compressor is changed to AUTOWAITING. The remaining time of “Waiting on Unload” is displayed on the
right of the lower row. This is valid for AUTOMATIC mode only.

The compressor runs on no load when the airend temperature is less than the
temperature set in parameter “P4.2.4 To Load Temperature” . In this
case, icon on the left of the temperature blinks every 1 second.


This indicates that the load solenoid is energized and running on load.


In this mode, the main contactor and delta contactor of the compressor
have been reenergized and the main motor has stopped. Green LED
blinks with long intervals. If there is a pressure transducer and the air
pressure is below the pressure in parameter “P3.4 Pressure Load”,
the compressor gets out of “Autowaiting” mode and gets into “Starting” mode. If there is a pressure switch, and
when the switch is “closed”, then the compressor gets out of “Autowaiting” mode and gets into “Starting” mode.



This is active when CCS 3.1 is connected to MCC 1.0 network. In “Waiting
Acknowledgement” mode, the compressor main motor already stopped. The
operator presses the button to acknowledge that the compressor control is
transferred to MCC 1.0 system. When there is a trip alarm or the operator stops
the compressor by pressing button, the mode changes to “Waiting for Acknowledgement” mode.

Note : For “Waiting for Acknowledgement” mode, 3 parameters should be set as given below.

P4.5.1 Load Valve Control Source MODBUS

P4.5.2 Start/Stop Control Source MODBUS
P4.5.3 Com. Work Mode Acknowledgement

2.c Alarm and Warning Display / Indication

2.c.1 Trip Alarm Display

In case of trip alarm, the main motor is stopped. On the below row of the LCD, “!ALARM!” and the alarm code of the last
alarm blink every 1 second alternatingly. Even the fault condition is not active any more, the trip alarm is kept being
displayed. When the alarm is reset, the alarm on the screen is cleared. Previous alarms may be seen in the alarm record.

Trip Alarms Trip Alarm Sources

Emergency Stop Digital Input IN-0
Main Motor Thermic Digital Input IN-1
Separator Fail Digital Input IN-2
Phase Sequence Digital Input IN-3
Oil Filter Digital Input IN-5
Pressure Sensor Pressure Sensor not connected or faulty (AN-1)
Temperature Sensor Temperature Sensor not connected or faulty (AN-0)
High Temperature Airend Temperature >= “P4.2.1 Temperature High Limit“
High Pressure Air Pressure >= “P4.1.1 Pressure High Limit”
Low Temperature Airend Temperature <= ”P4.2. Temperature Low Limit”
Short Circuit Failure There is a short-circuit between +12V and GND line on the sockets.

Max. Start/Stop count in an Hour Number of Start/Stop in an Hour >= ”P4.4.7 Maximum Start/Stop”


Auxiliary Failure 1 When digital input IN-6, Start/Stop Source parameter is set to Remote Control, this
input is used as remote start/stop input. When IN-6 is NOT selected as Remote
Control this input operates as an Auxiliary Failure Input.
Auxiliary Failure 2 When digital input IN-5, Load Source parameter is set to Remote Control, this input
is used as remote load input. When IN-5 is NOT selected as Remote Control this
input operates as an Auxiliary Failure Input.
High Temperature 2 Airend Temperature >= “P4.1.4 Temperature 2 High Limit“

High Pressure Difference Screw Pressure – Line Pressure >= “P4.1.4 Pressure Difference Upper Limit”
During first start if the Screw Temperature > “P4.1.8 Internal Pressure Start Value”
Air Evacuation Failure this alarm will occur. If the screw temperature drops below this value, the alarm will
automativally be acknowledged.

2.c.2 Warning Display

Warning Codes Warning Sources

High Temperature Airend Temperature  “P4.2.3 Temperature Alarm “

High Pressure Air Pressure  “P4.1.2 Pressure Alarm Value”

Power Was Interrupted The power supply to the device interrupted while the compressor was running.

When there is “High Temperature” warning, the temperature value on the right of the upper row in the LCD blinks to warn
the operator. At the same time the red LED will be blinking with 1 second intervals.

When there is “High Pressure” warning, the pressure value on the left of the upper row in the LCD blinks to warn the

“Power Was Interrupted”” warning is automatically reset when the compressor is restarted.

2.c.3 Changings & Maintenance Warning Display

When any of Changing & Maintenance remaining time is up, it is time

for the related maintenance. In that case, at every hour when the
compressor is running, the related maintenance is displayed on the below
row of the LCD. The failure/warning indicator LED blinks at long
intervals. To clear the warning, press any menu control button on CCS 3.1 once. When a changing/maintenance
warning is given, the compressor manufacturer should be contacted. Changing/maintenance remaining time can be
seen on “P2-CHANGINGS & MAINT. TIME” screen.

There are 6 different warnings on Time to Changing & Maintenance in CCS 3.1.

Warning Codes Description

General Maintenance General maintenance time is over.

Change Air Filter Air filter change time is over.


Bearing Maintenance Bearing maintenance time is over.

Change Oil Filter Oil filter change time is over.

Change Oil Oil change time is over

Change Separator Filter Separator filter change time is over.


There are 5 headings in CCS 3.1 menu. These are:


There are 3 parameters levels in CCS 3.1. These are: User, Service and Factory levels. Each parameter level is protected by a
password. By user password, one may get access to user level only. By service password, one my get access to user and
service levels. By factory password, one may get access to all user, service and factory levels. There is no password
protection in Alarm menu and Changing & Maintenance menu. For these menus, when no button is pressed within 3
minutes, the screen is automatically changed to status screen.

3.a Alarm Menu (P1)

While in Status screen, press to enter menu . First heading of the menu is
“P1 Alarm Menu”. icon indicates that there are sub-headings under the
header. Press button to return to status screen.

3.a.1 Resetting Alarm

While in Alarm menu, when button is pressed, “P1.1-Alarm

Reset” heading is displayed first. While in this heading, press button,
a blinking cursor appears on the screen; to reset the alarm, select “YES”
by using and buttons. Alarm reset clears all warning and trip
alarms and the alarm warning is removed in the system. An alternative way to reset the alarm is to press button
for 2 seconds while in status display.


3.a.2 Active Alarms Menu

While in alarm menu, press and buttons consecutively to go to alarm records menu. The active alarms are displayed in
this menu.

3.a.3 Alarm Records Menu

While in Alarm menu, press , , consecutively to go to alarm records.

CCS 3.1 keeps record of the last 15 warning and trip alarms.

Compressor running hours when

Alarm Index the alarm happened.
Indicates that there are active alarms.

The alarm code

While in this screen, press button to view the record of the last alarms. Alr1 is the last alarm. The number of alarm index
increases as previous alarms are displayed. By pressing button, previous alarms are viewed. The alarm with the active
alarm indicator icon indicates that the alarm is still active. If this icon turns to “+” symbol, it indicates that the alarm has
been reset by the operator but the condition is still present. If this icon turns to “-“, it indicates that the alarm has not been
reset by the operator and the condition has disappeared.

3.b Changing & Maintenance Time Menu (P2)

It is the second heading in CCS 3.1 menu. It is about general maintenance of the
compressor, and how much time remains to change bearing, oil, air filter, oil
filter. Total working hours and total loaded hours may also be viewed here by
pressing button first and then selecting with and buttons.

3.b.1 Changing & Maintenance Remaining times screen

Example. It counts down from the value set in parameter: “P4.4.1
General Maintenance Hours”. Maintenance should be made when
this value is “0” or negative. (Refer to section 2.c.2 Changing &
Maintenance Time warning display)

Total running hours and total loaded hours count forward,

starting from “0”.


3.b.2 Changing & Maintenance Remaining Time Reset

The Changing & Maintenance Remaining times can be reset only in Service and
Factory modes. Total working hours and total loaded hours can not be reset.

On this example screen, it is indicated that bearing maintenance is over due by 6

hours. While in service or factory mode and in this screen, when button is
pressed in this screen, a warning text on the lower row is displayed. When
“YES” is selected with , , bearing maintenance time can be set to the value
in parameter “P4.4.2 Bearing Maintenance Hours “.
button has no effect when the service mode or factory mode is not reached
from password entry screen

3.c Password Entry Screen

Access to CCS 3.1 operator, service and factory parameters is protected by

passwords. Password length is 4 characters. While in status screen, press and
buttons together for 3 seconds to enter password entry screen. On entry, the
cursor becomes active. One can enter the value in each digit by pressing and
buttons. button shifts the cursor to the right digit. and the previous digit
value turns to “*”. Pressing button exits out of password entry screen. To
enter the password, press button. The password will be checked. If it is
wrong, “!INCORRECT ENTERANCE” warning is displayed, and the Screen
exits to status screen after 3 seconds. If the password matches any of the 3
passwords, the screen jumps to the related heading.

3.d Parameter Settings Screen

Inside CCS 3.1 menu, user parameters are under “P3 User Settings”, service parameters under “P4 Service
Settings”, and factory settings under “P5 Factory Settings”. These parameters are in 2 types : numerical values
like temperature, pressure, second, hour or selectable values like language selection, pressure screen, temperature screen.

As an example, parameter “P3.2 Pressure Unload” is a numerical value. Its value is displayed after user password is
entered and then , , , buttons are pressed consecutively.

Parameter name

Parameter value and unit

Parameter index


The screen changes to as on the left when button is pressed once more. The
functions of the menu control buttons are indicated on the below row. Blinking
cursor is on the lowest digit of the numerical value. and buttons
increase/decrease the value of the digit where the cursor is. Pressing button
shifts the cursor to the left digit. The value is entered when button is pressed. To exit without entering the value, pres
button for 2 seconds.

Parameter “P3.6 Pressure Unit” is a selectable value. This parameter

can be accessed after the user parameter is entered and , , ,5x
buttons are pressed.

When button is pressed, the screen changes to the screen on the left. The
functions of the menu control buttons are indicated on the below row. Cursor is
at the beginning of the selected value. The parameter value is selected by and
buttons. The selection is entered when button is pressed. To exit without
entering the selection, press button for 2 seconds. This example is valid for all the parameters.

3.e User Parameters (P3)

These parameters are under “ P3 USER SETTINGS” heading.

3.e.1 Operating Mode (P3.1):

When the compressor pressure reaches “P3.2 Pressure Unload “, the load valve is deenergized. If the operating
mode is automatic and as long as the air pressure is not below “P3.2 Pressure Load “, the compressor idles for the
time in “P3.3 Wait on Unload”. After that timer expires, the main motor is stopped and the compressor changes its
status to autowaiting. If the working mode is continuous, the compressor idles continuously.

3.e.2 Pressure Unload (P3.2) (Bar/PSI):

When the air pressure reaches this parameter value, the control unit deenergized the load valve and the compressor idles. The
maximum of this parameter’s value is 0.2 bar below the parameter “P4.1.2 Alarm Pressure” and also 0.2 bar above
the parameter “P3.4 Pressure Load” . For example: If “P3.2 Pressure Unload” is 5.2bar, parameter “P3.4
Pressure Load” can not be lower than 5.2 bar.

3.e.3 Wait On Unload (P3.3) (seconds):

The compressor idles if the air pressure is more the unload pressure. After the Wait on Unload timer expires, the compressor
changes its status to autowaiting mode.

3.e.4 Pressure Load (P3.4) (Bar/PSI):

If the compressor is idling and the air pressure falls below this parameter value, the compressor load solenoid is energized.
The maximum value of this parameter is 0,2 bar below the parameter “P4.1.2 Alarm Pressure” and also 0,2 bar
below the parameter “P3.2 Pressure Unload”. For example, if “P3.2 Pressure Unload” is 5.0 bar, “P3.4
Pressure Load” can not be set above 4.8 bar.

3.e.5 To Stop Delay (P3.5) (seconds):

This specifies the delay between the time (stop) button is pressed and the compressor is stopped. While the timer is
running after button is pressed, if (start) button is pressed again, the compressor keeps running and the timer is reset.


3.e.6 Pressure Unit (P3.6):

All the pressure values can be converted into and displayed in Bar or PSI. The unit of the pressure values entered from the
panel should be same as the selected pressure unit.

3.e.7 Temperature Unit (P3.7)

All the temperature readings are displayed in and the values may be converted into Centigrade or Fahrenheit

3.e.8 To Start Delay (P3.8) (seconds):

This parameter sets the delay between the time the start button is pressed and the compressor is started. If Stop button is
pressed while the timer runs, the compressor is stopped and the timer is reset. This parameter is not accessible at operator
level and service level.

3.e.9 Dryer Timer (P3.9) (minutes):

This parameter indicates how long the Dryer will be running for after the motor has stopped if the “P5.2 Aux
Output Function” is set as “Dryer”. At the end of this timer the auxiliary output will become passive. Once the
compressor main motor starts, this output will become active.

3.e.10 User Password (P3.10):

This password is for access to the user settings. There are 3 steps to change the
password. The old password is entered first.

After that, the new password is entered 2 times.

When there is wrong entry, “!Incorrect Enterance!” message is displayed for 3

seconds and settings screen is exited.

When the entry is correct, “Password Changed” is displayed for 3 seconds.

3.f Service Parameters (P4)

Service parameters can be accessed only by entering service password or factory password at service password entry screen.
Service parameters are grouped under 10 headings . They are under ”P4 Service Settings”.

3.f.1 Pressure Parameters (P4.1):

3.f.1.1 Stop Pressure (P4.1.1) (Bar/Psi):

If line pressure increases above this parameter ‘s value, trip alarm is given and the compressor is immediately stopped.
Alarm LED blinks.
! Note: This value can not be lower than 0,2 bar above “P4.1.2 Alarm Pressure”.

3.f.1.2 Alarm Pressure (P4.1.2) (Bar/Psi):


If the line pressure gets above this parameter ‘s value, warning alarm is given and the alarm LED blinks.
! Note: This value can be minimum 0,2 bar above “P3.2 Pressure Unload” and maximum 0,2 bar below “P4.1.1
Stop Pressure”

3.f.1.3 Alarm Pressure 2 (P4.1.3) (Bar/Psi):

In the screw Pressure gets above this parameter’ value, warning alarm is given and the alarm LED blinks.

3.f.1.4 Basınç 2 Üst Değeri (P4.1.4) (Bar/Psi):

If screw pressure increases above this parameter ‘s value, “Over Pressure 2” trip alarm is given and the compressor is
immediately stopped. Alarm LED blinks.

3.f.1.5 Pressure Difference Alarm Value (P4.1.5) (Bar/Psi):

If the pressure difference between the screw pressure and line pressure exceeds this value and the screw pressure
is above 4 Bar’s, warning alarm is give and the LED blinks.

3.f.1.6 Pressure Difference Alarm Upper Value (P4.1.6) (Bar/Psi):

If the pressure difference between the screw pressure and line pressure exceeds this value and the screw pressure
is above 4 Bar’s, “Over Pressure Difference” trip alarm is given and the compressor is immediately stopped.
Alarm LED blinks.

3.f.1.7 Pressure Difference Delay Time (P4.1.7) (sec):

If the pressure difference between the screw pressure and line pressure exceeds the “P4.1.5 Pressure Difference
Alarm Value” or “P4.1.6 Pressure Difference Alarm Upper Value” for the time period determined by this
parameter and the screw pressure is above 4 Bar’s the related alarm is activated. It determines the alarm occurance

3.f.1.8 İç Basınç Başlama Değeri (P4.1.8) (Bar/Psi):

If the second sensor is activated and during startup the value relayed from this sensor is above the value set by
“Inner Pressure Start Value”, the Air Evacuation Failure alarm is activated.

3.f.2 Temperature Parameters (P4.2) (Cel/Fah):

3.f.2.1 Upper Temperature Limit (P4.2.1) (Cel/Fah):

If airend temperature value increases above this parameter ‘s value, trip alarm is given and the compressor is immediately
stopped. Alarm LED blinks.
! Note: This value can be minimum 30C above “P4.2.3 Temperature Alarm” .

3.f.2.2 Lower Temperature Limit (P4.2.2) (Cel/Fah):

If airend temperature value decreases below this parameter ‘s value, trip alarm is given and the compressor does not run.
Alarm LED blinks.


3.f.2.3 Temperature Alarm (P4.2.3) (Cel/Fah):

If airend temperature value increases above this parameter ‘s value, warning alarm is given. Warning LED and temperature
value on the screen blinks.
! Note: This value can be maximum 3 0C below “P4.2.1 Upper Temperature Limit”.

3.f.2.4 To Load Temperature (P4.2.4) (Cel/Fah):

If airend temperature decreases below this parameter ‘s value at start-up, the compressor won’t be loaded. When the
temperature increases above this value, the compressor works in normal operation.

3.f.3 Timing Parameters (P4.3):

3.f.3.1 Y-Delta Rising (P4.3.1) (seconds):

The connection of the main motor will change from star to delta when this delay timer expires.

3.f.3.2 Getting Load (P4.3.2) (seconds):

This delay is the time between that the compressor is started and that it is loaded.

3.f.3.3 Regetting Load (P4.3.3) (seconds):

This delay is the time between that the compressor is unloaded and it is reloaded.

3.f.3.4 Auto Run Time (P4.3.4) (seconds):

The mains fails while the compressor is running. When the mains is restored, the compressor is automatically restarted after
this delay timer expires. If the parameter value is set as “0”, this function is disabled.

3.f.3.5 Air Draining Time (P4.3.5) (seconds):

After the compressor stops, the air inside the airend is drained until this timer expires. The remaining time is displayed on
the screen. When the timer expires, the compressor enters into Stopped mode.

3.f.3.6 Max. Rising/Hour (P4.3.6) :

When the number of start/stop ‘s in 1 hour is equal to or more than this parameter, P4.3.6 Max. Rising/Hour”, trip
alarm is given. When this parameter is set as “0”, this function is disabled.

3.f.4 Service Hours (P4.4):

Service is due at the end of “Service Hours” (for changings & maintenances). Service remaining hours are calculated over
these service hours. (please refer to : Changings & Maintenance Remaining Hours)
! Note: To disable any of these parameters, please enter “000000”.

1. General Maintenance Hours (P4.4.1) (hour)

2. Bearing Maintenance Hours (P4.4.2) (hour)
3. Oil Changing Hours (P4.4.3) (hour)
4. Air Filter Changing Hours (P4.4.4) (hours)
5. Oil Filter Changing Hours (P4.4.5) (hours)
6. Separator Filter Changing Hours (P4.4.6) (hours)


3.f.5 Communication Parameters (P4.5):

3.f.5.1 Load Valve Control Source (P4.5.1):

This parameter determines which source controls the load valve of CCS3.1. If this parameter is selected as other than
“Remote”, the related input may be used as digital alarm input. There are 3 sources in CCS 3.1:

 Sensor: In this mode, CCS3.1 controls the load valve with the pressure sensor.

 Remote: In this mode, CCS3.1 controls the load valve with Remote Valve Control (digital input: IN5). This input
may be selected as falling-edge trigger or rising-edge trigger.

When the input contact type is NC (normally closed), the load valve is energized during the closed-circuit to
open-circuit transition (falling-edge). The load valve is de-energized when it is closed circuit.

When the input contact type is NO (normally open), the load valve is energized during open-circuit to closed
Circuit (rising edge). The load valve is de-energized when it is open-circuit.

In this mode, “P3.2 Pressure Unload” and “P3.4 Pressure to Load” parameters have no effect on air pressure control.

!Note: Please make sure that IN5 type is correct in “P5.1 Input Contact Type ” heading while working in this mode.

 MODBUS: In this mode, CCS3.1 controls the load valve over communication. In this mode, “P3.2 Pressure Unload”
and “P3.4 Pressure to Load” parameters have no effect on air pressure control.

!Note: If CCS3,0 is connected to EN-KO MCC 1.0 Multiple Compressor Control System, this parameter should be changed

3.f.5.2 Start/Stop Control Source (P4.5.2):

This parameter determines which source controls start/stop. If this parameter is selected as other than “Remote”, the related
input may be used as digital alarm input. There are 3 sources in CCS 3.1:

 Panel: In this mode, “1” and “0” buttons on CCS3.1 panel are used for starting and stopping.

 Remote: In this mode, CCS3,0 start/stop is handled by Remote Start/Stop digital input (IN6). This input may be
selected as falling-edge trigger or rising-edge trigger.

When the input contact type is NC (normally closed), the compressor is started during closed-circuit to open-
circuit transition (falling edge). The compressor is stopped when it is closed-circuit.

When the input contact type is NO, the compressor is started during open-circuit to closed-circuit transition
(rising edge). The compressor is stopped when it is open-circuit.

In this mode, button on the panel has no effect. When button is pressed, the compressor is stopped when
“P3.5 To Stop Delay” timer expires.

!note: Please make sure that IN6 type is selected correctly in “P5.1 Input Contact Type ” heading.

 MODBUS : In this mode, CCS3.1C does the start/stop over communication. If the CCS3.1C is connected to a
MCC1.0, this mode should be selected.


 MASTER : In this mode, CCS3.1C does the start/stop over a CCS3.1 MASTER unit. This mode is explained in
detail below.

!note: If CCS3.1 is connected to EN-KO MCC 1.0 Multiple Compressor Control System, this parameter is automatically
changed to MODBUS.

3.f.5.3 Communication Work Mode (P4.5.3):

When the CCS3.1 is connected to a MCC1.0 system this parameter defines the functions of and buttons on the panel. 2
modes, “Acknowledged” and “Not acknowledged” may be selected. These modes are explained below :

P4.5.3 Mode = Acknowledged P4.5.3 Mode = Not Acknowledged

Acknowledges to transfer the No effect. When CCS3.1 is connected
control of CCS 3.1 start/stop and to MCC 1.0, the start/stop and load
load valve to MCC 1.0 valve controls are automatically
transferred to MCC 1.0.
Stops the compressor. Waits for re- No effect. When CCS3,1 is connected
acknowledgement from the to MCC 1.0, the start/stop and load
operator. valve controls are automatically
transferred to MCC 1.0.

3.f.5.4 Modbus Address (P4.5.4):

It sets the address of RS-485 port on CCS 3.1. Can be between 1~100.

3.f.5.5 Baud Rate (P4.5.5)

It sets the baud rate of RS-485 port on CCS 3.1. The selectable rates are 2400 bps, 4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps.

!note: If CCS 3.1 communicates with EN-KO MCC 1.0 Multiple Compressor Control System or CCS3.1 Master Remote
Compressor Control System, this parameter should be set at 19200 bps.

3.f.5.6 Stop Bit (P4.5.6)

It sets the number of stop bits on RS-485 port of CCS 3.1. The value may be 1 or 2.
!note: If CCS 3.1 communicates with EN-KO MCC 1.0 Multiple Compressor Control System, this parameter must be set as

3.f.5.7 Parity Bit (P4.5.7)

It determines parity bit control of RS-485 port on CCS 3.1. It may be Even or Odd. Parity Bit control is disabled when this
parameter is set to “Disable”.
!note: If CCS 3.1 communicates with EN-KO MCC 1.0 Multiple Compressor Control System, this parameter must be set as

3.f.5.8 Timeout Duration (P4.5.8) (sec.)

If the communication breaks down or is not established during the duration set in this parameter, CCS 3.1 transfers the
start/stop control to the panel and control of load valve to the sensor.


3.f.6 Calibration Parameters (P4.6)

3.f.6.1 Pressure Offset (P4.6.1) (Bar/PSI):

Pressure offset is the pressure value which is measured by the pressure sensor when the line pressure is at its lowest value (0
bar). Offset error is corrected by entering this parameter. The value can be between -0.8 and +0.8 bars.

3.f.6.2 Temperature Offset (P4.6.2) (Cel/Fah):

Temperature offset is the difference between the measured value and the value measured by a calibrated temperature reading
device at a certain temperature.

3.f.7 Preheating Parameters (P4.7)

 Loaded Duration (P4.7.1) (Seconds)
 Unloaded Duration (P4.7.2) (Seconds)

If the airend temperature is less than the parameter “P4.2.4 To Load Temperature” , the compressor goes into
preheating. In that case, the load valve is energized for the duration in the parameter “P4.7.1 Loaded Duration”. The
load valve is de-energized for the duration in the parameter “P4.7.2 Unloaded Duration”. When any of the
parameters is set to “0”, the compressor continuously works unloaded until the reaches reaches the parameter “P4.2.4 To
Load Temperature”.

3.f.8 Fan Settings (P4.8)

3.f.8.1 Run Temperature (P4.8.1) (Cel/Fah):

If the airend temperature increases above the temperature in this parameter, CCS 3.1 runs the fan motor.
!Note: For the fan to be enabled, the parameter in “P5.2 Functional Relay”” must be set as “Fan“

3.f.8.2 Stop Temperature (P4.8.2) (Cel/Fah):

If the airend temperature decreases below this parameter, CCS 3.1 stops the fan motor after the delay in parameter
“P4.8.3-Minimum Work Time”

3.f.8.3 Minimum Work Time (P4.8.3) (Cel/Fah):

Fan motor runs minimum for that duration after the fan is started.

3.f.9 Service Password (P4.9)

This password is for getting access to service parameters. Changing procedure is same as in “P3.9 User Password ”.

3.g Factory Parameters

These parameters are under “ P5 Factory Settings ” heading.

3.g.1 Input Contact Type (P5.1)

 IN1 – Motor Thermic Input Type
 IN2 – Separator Switch Input Type
 IN3 – Phase Sequence Protection Input Type
 IN4 – Oil Filter Switch Input Type
 IN5 – Remote Load Valve Control Input Type
 IN6 – Remote start/Stop Control Input Type


Input Contact Type controls when the digital inputs of CCS 3.1 will be active.
In this menu, the statuses of all digital inputs except “Emergency Stop” are
displayed. NC: Normally Closed; NO: Normally Open. Emergency Stop is
always in NC (Normally Closed) and this can not be changed.

When button is pressed, the contact input type of the DI2 input is displayed
first. The input status of DI2 - DI8 may be displayed by and buttons.

To change the input type, go to the related digital input screen and press
button. In the below row, the button functions are displayed. The selection is
confirmed by button. You may exit the settings screen without confirming
the input type by using button.

! Attention: Wrong settings of these parameters may damage the compressor.

3.g.2 Functional Relay (P5.2)

The function of the output relay is assigned with this parameter. 8 functions can be assigned :

 Not Selected: When this function is selected, the Functional Relay is always deenergized..
 Fan: When this function is selected, the Functional Relay is used for fan motor control. The fan motor parameters
may be set in “P4 Service Parameters“ >>> “P4.8 Fan Settings”
 Alarm: When this function is selected, the Functional Relay is energized when there is trip alarm or warning alarm.
The auxiliary output contact relay is deenergized when the alarms no longer exist.
 Trip Alarm: When this function is selected, the Functional Relay is energized when there is trip alarm.
 Warning Alarm: When this function is selected, the Functional Relay is energized when there is warning alarm.
 Horn: When this function is selected, and there is a trip and/or warning alarm, the auxiliary relay output is energized
and drives the horn. The relay is energized and deenergized in periods of 3 seconds.
 Normal Pressure: When this function is selected, the auxiliary relay output is energized if the air pressure is
between “P3.4 Pressure to Load” and “P3.2 Pressure Unload”
 Heater: When this function is selected, the auxiliary relay output is energized if the airend temperature is below the
parameter in “P4.2.2 Lower Temperature Limit “. When the airend temperature increases above this
parameter, the auxiliary relay output is deenergized.
 Dryer: When this function is selected the relay output will be de-energized after the motor has stopped and the time
period determined by “P3.9 Dryer Timer” has passed. When the motor is started the relay output will be energized.

3.g.4 Pressure Sensor (P5.4)

This is the rated pressure on the label of the pressure sensor connected to CCS 3.1 AN1 input.

3.g.5 Clear Alarm List (P5.5)

It clears last 15 alarms recorded in Alarm Records.


3.g.6 Return Factory Settings (P5.6)

The below parameters marked with are returned to the “default (factory)” values.

MENU Maximum
PARAMETERS Default Setting Minimum Value Return to Factory Settings

User Parameters
P3.1 Operating Mode Automatic Continuous Automatic
P3.2 Pressure Unload 7.5 Bar 0.0 Bar 15.6 Bar
P3.3 Wait on Unload 300 sec. 10 sec. 1200 sec.
P3.4 Pressure Load 6.0 Bar 0.0 Bar 15.4 Bar
P3.5 To Stop Delay 5 seconds 0 seconds 30 seconds
P3.6 Pressure Unit Bar Bar PSI
P3.7 Temperature Unit Celsius Celsius Fahrenheit
P3.8 To Start Delay 5 seconds 0 seconds 60 seconds
P3.9 Dryer Timer 30 minutes 1 minute 50 minutes
P3.10 User Password 0001 0000 9999
Pressure Parameters
P4.1.1 Pressure High Limit 9 Bar 0 Bar 16 Bar
P4.1.2 Pressure Alarm 8 Bar 0 Bar 16 Bar
P4.1.3 Pressure 2 Alarm 8 Bar 0 Bar 16 Bar
P4.1.4 Pressure 2 High Limit 9 Bar 0 Bar 16 Bar
P4.1.5 Pressure Difference Alarm 9 Bar 0 Bar 2 Bar
P4.1.6 Pressure Difference Stop 9 Bar 0 Bar 2.3 Bar
P4.1.7 Pressure Difference Delay 600 sec 0 sec 10 sec
P4.1.8 Screw Pressure Starting value 1 Bar 0 Bar 5 Bar

Temperature Parameters
P4.2.1 Upper Temperature Limit 110 Cel 90 Cel 120 Cel
P4.2.2 Lower Temperature Limit 0 Cel -10 Cel 10 Cel
P4.2.3 Temperature Alarm 100 Cel 80 Cel 110 Cel
P4.2.4 To Load Temperature 25 Cel 20 Cel 70 Cel
Timing Parameters
P4.3.1 Y-DELTA Rising 6 sec 2 sec 30 sec
P4.3.2 Getting Load 1 sec 0 sec 60 sec
P4.3.3 Regetting Load 1 sec 0 sec 60 sec
P4.3.4 Auto Run Time 0 sec 0 sec 60 sec
P4.3.5 Air Draining Time 0 sec 0 sec 60 sec
P4.3.6 Max. Rising Hour 6 0 10
Service Periods Parameters
P4.4.1 General Maintenance Hours 2500 hours 0 hours 99999 hours
P4.4.2 Bearing Maintenance Hours 20000 hours 0 hours 99999 hours
P4.4.3 Oil Changing Hours 2500 hours 0 hours 99999 hours
P4.4.4 Air Filter Changing Hours 2500 hours 0 hours 99999 hours
P4.4.5 Oil Filter Changing Hours 2500 hours 0 hours 99999 hours
P4.4.6 Seperator Filter Changing Hours 5000 hours 0 hours 99999 hours
Communication Parameters
P4.5.1 Load Valve Control Source Sensor Sensor MASTER


P4.5.2 Start/Stop Control Source Panel Panel MASTER

P4.5.3 Com. Work Mode Acknowledged Not Acknowledged Acknowledged
P4.5.4 Modbus Address 1 1 100
P4.5.5 Baud Rate 19200 bps 2400 bps 19200 bps
P4.5.6 Stop Bit 2 1 2
P4.5.7 Parity Bit Even Odd Even
P4.5.8 Timeout Duration 1.0 sec 0.1 sec 10.0 sec
Calibration Parameters
P4.6.1 Pressure Offset 0.0 Bar -1.0 Bar + 1.0 Bar
P4.6.2 Temperature Offset 0 Cel -10 Cel + 10 Cel
Preheating Parameters
P4.7.1 Loaded Duration 10 sec 0 sec 60 sec
P4.7.2 Unloaded Duration 15 sec 0 sec 120 sec
Fan Settings
P4.8.1 Run Temperature 75 Cel 50 Cel 100 Cel
P4.8.2 Stp. Temperature 60 Cel 50 Cel 90 Cel
P4.8.3 Minimum Work Time 180 sec 0 sec 1200 sec

P4.9 Service Password 1245 0000 9999

Factory Settings
P5.1 Input Contact Type IN1-IN6 : NC IN1-IN6 : NC IN1-IN6 : NC
P5.2 Functional Relay Dryer Not Selected Dryer
P5.4 Press. Sensor 16 Bar 0 Bar 16 Bar
P5.8 Factory Password 5489 0000 9999
P5.12 Pressure 2 Active Yes No Yes
P5.13 Pressure 2 Sensor 16 Bar 0 Bar 16 Bar
P5.14 Temp. Sensor Type KTY NTC KTY

3.g.7 Boot Screen (P5.7)

In this menu, any information (like company, and so on) which is displayed at
power on screen is set. Information length can be 16 characters on each of 2
rows. Previous information may be changed. The information is displayed for 5
seconds at power on. When this menu is entered into, the cursor on the left of
the upper row blinks. If no characters has been entered before, the screen is
blank as on the left. The alphanumeric characters can be selected by and
buttons. Pressing button shifts the cursor to the right. Pressing button
shifts he cursor to the right. Pressing button brings the cursor to the rightmost
of the lower row. When button is pressed once more, the screen is recorded.
To exit this screen without recording, press button for 2 seconds.

3.g.8 Factory Password (P5.8)

This password is for getting access to factory passwords. Changing procedure is same as “P3.9 User Password”.

3.g.9 CCS 3.1 Version (P5.9)

It shows the software version of CCS 3.1.

3.g.10 Bootloader Version (P5.10)

It shows the bootloader software version of CCS 3.1.

3.g.11 Factory Calibration (P5.11)

This page is related to the calibration values of the CCS3.1’s 4-20mA Pressure Sensor. Can only be edited by ENKO
Electronics at the factory.

3.g.12 Temperature Sensor (P5.12)

This parameter determines the type of the temperature sensor to be connected. The supported temperature sensor types are
NTC, PT1000 and KTY.

!Note: In the case of false setting of this parameter, the compressor may be damaged due to wrong temperature readings.

3.g.13 Pressure 2 Active (P5.13)

This parameter activates the Pressure Sensor connected to the AN2 input of the CCS3.1.




Power Supply 10 –30 Vac

Temperature -10C / +60C
OUT0-OUT3 Relay Output (6A 250Vac cos =1.0)
Relay Outputs
OUT4 Changeover Relay Output (10A 250Vac cos =1.0)
Connection Screw-free Socket
Metal Back Cover 0.8mm
Metal Front Panel 2 mm
Weight 550 gr. (average

Dimensions (WxHxD) 174 x 124 x 39.8 mm

Panel Cutout 151.6 x 115.6mm

Installation Panel mounting , fixing with metal screw



Version No: V1.0 (Translated from V1.3 TR)

Publication Date: 04.09.2015
Publisher : Onur Özbelgin




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