Slip Resistance ENV 12633 - Deck Profile - Cleaned

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LGAI Technological Center, S.A.

Campus UAB s/n
Apartado de Correos 18
E - 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
T +34 93 567 20 00
F +34 93 567 20 01

Bellaterra : March 15, 2012

Report number : 12/4665-378 M1
Petitioner reference : UCM Kompozit Yapı Malzemeleri San ve Tic. A.Ş
Tavşantepe Mevkii
Temel Kaya Cad.
59850 Çorlu / TEKIRDAG
Çorlu VD. 883 029 42 53 (VAT number)


As of February 20, 2012, has received LGAI-Applus sample, Pavement with the following
references by the Petitioner:


( TherraWood )

- Determining the value of slip resistance / slip of rough pavement (USRV).
UNE-ENV 12633:2003, Annex A.


RESULTS: See attached pages.

Firmado digitalmente por
digitalmente por Manuel Luque
Juan Martinez Egea Gama
Responsible for Construction Mat. Technical Manager
LGAI Technological Center,S.A. LGAI Technological Center,S.A.
Responsible Declaration APPLUS-LGAI TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER, S.A., Inscription Nº L0600161, of R.D.410/2010, D.257/2003
and Law 25/2009. Consultation: www/
The results specified in this document pertains only to the material received, LGAI-Applus and tested
according to the instructions presented. This report annuls and replaces 12/4665-378 Files dated
22/02/2012. The amendment extends the model of the product tested.
Reproduction of this document is permitted only if done in its totality
only reports with original signature or certified paper copies are legally valid
Page 1 - This document consists of 3 pages
LGAI Technological Center S.A. Inscrita en el registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 35.803, Folio1, Hoja Nº B-266.627 Inscripción 1ª C.I.F. : A-63207492
Report number 12/4665-378 M1 Page: 2
UCM Kompozit Yapı Malzemeleri San ve Tic. A.Ş
( TherraWood )


- Determining the value of slip resistance / slip of rough pavement (USRV).

UNE-ENV 12633:2003, Annex A.

The test was performed on a 126 mm net length, with wide shoe.
Temperature at time of test: 21 ° C.
Slip resistance USRV value ( Rd ) (
wet surface with water )
Nº Class
face with 12 stripes face with 26 stripes
Longitudinal Transversal Longitudinal Transversal

1 46 50 47 47
face with 12 stripes:
2 47 49 46 49 Class 3

3 46 53 47 46
face with 26 stripes
4 47 52 48 49 Class 3

Average 47 51 47 48

face with 12 stripes face with 26 stripes

Note: Longitudinal ( longitudinal to the longer side of the slats )
Transversal ( transversely to the longer side of the slats )
Report number 12/4665-378 M1 Page: 3
UCM Kompozit Yapı Malzemeleri San ve Tic. A.Ş
( TherraWood )


According to the Technical Building Code, Section SU1 insurance against the risk of falls, making the
test for resistance to sliding / slippage of pavements (USRV) with the wet surface with water as
indicated by the UNE-ENV 12633:2003, provides the following classification:

Table 1.1; Classification of the soils according to their slipperiness

Slip resistance Rd Class

Rd≤15 0
15<Rd≤35 1
35<Rd≤45 2
Rd>45 3
Table 1.2; Class required of soils according to their location

Location and soil characteristics Class

Interior dry areas:

sloping surfaces <6% 1

sloping surfaces ≥ 6% and stairs 2

Interior wet areas such as entrances to buildings from outer space , covered
terraces, changing rooms, bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, etc.

sloping surfaces <6% 2

sloping surfaces ≥ 6% and stairs 3

Outdoor areas. pools (2) 3

Except in the case of direct access to restricted areas.
Areas planned for barefoot users and at the bottom of the vessels, in areas where the depth does not exceed 1,5m.

Service Quality Assurance

Applus+, ensures that this work has been done within the requirements of our Quality System and Sustainability, having fulfilled
the contractual and legal regulations.
As part of our improvement program, please let us pass on any comments they consider appropriate, contact the person
responsible for signing that letter, or the Director of Quality of Applus +, at: [email protected].
LGAI Technological Center, S.A.
Campus UAB s/n
Apartado de Correos 18
E - 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
T +34 93 567 20 00
F +34 93 567 20 01

CERTIFICATE Nr. 12/4665-378 M1 S

Bellaterra, March 15, 2012 WOOD POLYMER COMPOSITE

UCM Kompozit Yapı ( TherraWood )
Malzemeleri San ve Tic. A.Ş
LGAI Technological Center S.A. Inscrita en el registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 35.803, Folio1, Hoja Nº B-266.627 Inscripción 1ª C.I.F. : A-63207492

Tavşantepe Mevkii
Temel Kaya Cad.
59850 Çorlu / TEKIRDAG
Çorlu VD. 883 029 42 53 (VAT number)

Test requested and summary of results:

Determining the value of slip resistance / slip of rough pavement (USRV).
UNE-ENV 12633:2003, Annex A.
Classification according to DB-SU1 the Technical Building Code

face with USRV value of the sample: 47

12 stripes Slip resistance Rd: CLASE 3
face with USRV value of the sample: 47
26 stripes Slip resistance Rd: CLASE 3

Firmado Firmado
digitalmente por digitalmente por
Juan Martinez Egea Manuel Luque Gama
Responsible for Construction Mat. Technical Manager
The full results are contained in the report / s original test available to the client with file number 12/4665-378 M1.
The results shown refer exclusively to the sample, product or material submitted in the laboratory and tested under the conditions specified in
the rules or procedures mentioned in this document. Only legally valid reports with original signatures or copies certified.
Responsible Declaration APPLUS-LGAI TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER, S.A., Inscription Nº L0600161, of R.D.410/2010, D.257/2003 and Law
25/2009. Consultation: www/
Applus+, ensures that this work has been done within the requirements of our Quality System and Sustainability, having fulfilled the
contractual and legal regulations.
As part of our improvement program, please let us pass on any comments they consider appropriate, contact the person responsible for
signing that letter, or the Director of Quality of Applus +, at: [email protected].

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