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Desigo CC A Building Management System That Is Writing History

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A building management system that is writing history

Building Management starts with Desigo
Shape the future with Desigo

Modern life revolves around buildings. People building technology. With Desigo, we have created
spend about 90 percent of their time in buildings, a system that is setting new standards in terms of
a fact that is also reflected in the energy require- performance, security, comfort, and cost reduction.
ments: 40 percent of global power consumption
With Desigo CC, you can control and optimize all
can be attributed to buildings. Only 20 percent of
the systems in a building – from heating, ventilation,
overall building costs are caused by construction;
lighting, shading, room automation, energy
the remaining 80 percent are operating costs.
management, and fire safety as well as security
Economists estimate that building-related occupa­
disciplines such as video surveillance and intrusion
tional diseases reduce the gross national product
detection. Desigo CC can be deployed for multiple
by as much as 1.0 percent. All these factors pose
systems, yet it can also be used for the management
tremendous challenges for managers and users.
of individual disciplines. What makes Desigo CC
DesigoTM is the answer to these challenges – and truly unique on the market is its comprehensive
the innovative Desigo CCTM building management structure: a single integrated building management
platform is a milestone in the history of building platform that is open, efficient, flexible, and easy to use.
technology. The development of the new software
is based on the global know-how of our experts as
well as on more than 30 years of experience in
Increase your
building performance
Satisfied employees result Advantage Services™:
in greater productivity tailored solutions worldwide
Satisfied employees are more productive employees. When you decide on Desigo, you’ll benefit from
And this is exactly where Desigo comes into play: our Advantage Services – a complete service
Via the Desigo CC management platform, you program for your infrastructure, from building
can easily increase the comfort of your property. The automation to fire safety and security disciplines.
entire building climate as well as the safety and Thanks to our modular concept, we can offer
security standards are optimized, creating the best tailor-made solutions to meet your needs –
possible working conditions and helping to increase worldwide. Our support covers the entire lifecycle,
productivity. from planning, consulting, and installation to
commissioning and maintenance. Through migra-
Improved operational management
tion and modernization concepts, we promote
and reduced downtimes
technical progress and innovations and ensure
Desigo CC is a platform that can be used for
continuous performance optimization. The combi-
comprehensive control of all building systems.
nation of remote and on-site services provide for
The more systems that are integrated, the more
trouble-free 24/7 operation, allowing you to fully
synergies you can exploit. The platform provides
focus on your core business.
you with excellent data analysis, which gives you
a comprehensive foundation for making decisions.
With Desigo, you are meeting the highest industry
standards ensuring the optimal operation of the
building across all disciplines – for maximum
building performance with minimal downtime.

 Optimization of the building climate

 Improved working conditions
 Sound decision-making foundation through data analysis
 Support across the entire lifecycle
 Trouble-free 24/7 operation
Improve your image
You make a difference – every day Go green – scoring with sustainability
With Desigo, you create surroundings in which A sustainable corporate profile is becoming
the users of office and administrative buildings, increasingly decisive in competition. Desigo
hospitals, and production facilities feel comfort­ room automation, which has been recognized
able and enjoy a safe environment – as guests, for its environmental friendliness, helps you to
patients, visitors, or employees. With the help of significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of your
Desigo, you make a difference for everyone. This buildings. Green Building monitors enhance
additionally has a very positive impact on your transparency regarding measures and results
corporate image – and hence on your attractive- – something that will benefit more than just
ness for stakeholders such as customers and your corporate image. In addition, you will
specialists. protect the environment and save considerably
on energy costs.

A high level of transparency –

and a constant eye on compliance
 Pleasant, safe, and secure environment Desigo makes it possible for you to precisely
measure energy within your entire infrastructure.
 Recognized for environmental friendliness
Based on detailed information, you can track
 Transparent building performance trends, compare locations, and optimize your
buildings and plants. The high level of transpa-
 Meets the highest standards
rency regarding your performance helps you to
reduce energy consumption and minimize your
operating costs. In addition, with Desigo you
are relying on a system that meets the strictest
of standards – to ensure quality, efficiency, and
lower costs.
Optimize safety,
security, and comfort
 All systems work together
 Synchronized inputs of different disciplines
 Innovative fire safety and security system
 High level of building security
 Intelligent building system through integration

Enjoy a comfortable work Highest level of safety and security Detecting unwanted events before they happen
environment every day The safety and security of buildings is one of the Desigo CC detects and analyzes unusual behavior
Whether employees, customers, guests, opera- key challenges of the 21st century. Siemens can in the building and security systems and reacts
tors and facility managers, CEOs or investors – look back on decades of development of patented proactively and transparently. In the event of fire,
they all want one thing in particular: a comfortable safety and security systems. This experience along for instance: By combining a wide variety of systems
building. With Desigo CC, you ensure that all with the associated high quality standards have in Desigo CC, it is possible to limit potential damage.
subsystems work together intelligently as a single gone into development of the innovative fire Video surveillance cameras can be used to verify
system. The platform synchronizes the inputs safety and security system by Desigo offering the situation. The ventilation systems can be
from different disciplines so that operators can the highest level of building security. adjusted to prevent the smoke from spreading.
intelligently master every situation on a daily The fire protection dampers close. If necessary,
basis. This enables them to fully interact with all positive air pressure can be generated in other
subsystems of the building. For you, this means smoke-free areas to prevent the infiltration of
maximum comfort and a working environment smoke. The system activates the escape route control
in which everyone feels comfortable. and communicates with the access control system.
All these factors significantly reduce potential risks
and the resulting damage to people and assets.
Drastically reduce your costs
Reducing investment Future security –
and operating costs by 20 percent as flexible as life itself
Installations of Desigo CC show that it is easy If you want to shape the future, you have to
to reduce operating costs by up to 20 percent, respond flexibly – which is why Desigo CC’s
savings which derive in part from the fact that growth keeps pace with customer needs. This
Desigo CC allows you to consistently exploit means that you can start with one discipline and
synergies. Via remote access, you can access and add additional systems as needed after the initial
control the platform at any time from any location installation. Thanks to the open design, you can
and you only need to operate and maintain a single replace or add systems in the building at any time,
system. whether they come from Siemens or from third-
party suppliers. By enabling you to freely select
Energy efficiency: subsystems and suppliers, Desigo offers you
reduce consumption maximum flexibility – for a stable future.
Another reason for the drastic cost reduction is
the end-to-end optimization of energy consumption,
energy production, and energy procurement.
The analysis data of the subsystems serves as the
foundation for identifying concealed energy saving
potentials. This allows you to identify cost drivers
and avoid unnecessary consumption. In addition,  Operation via remote access
you can confidently decide when the best possible
time is to buy energy or produce it yourself – for  Optimized energy consumption
a sustainable environment for users and employees.  Need-based expansion
 Open for third-party suppliers
Desigo – the pioneering
building technology
Desigo is the most comprehensive system for Act now to safeguard the future
building available on the market worldwide – The economically efficient use of buildings and
a leading solution that is constantly being optimized. infrastructures will play a key role in the future.
Desigo includes different systems such as heating, Against this backdrop, it is clear that one of the
ventilation and air conditioning, lighting, shading, most important priorities is to invest in sustainable
room automation, energy management, fire safety, solutions. How will you be positioned in the future?
as well as security disciplines such as video sur- Our experts look forward to hearing your questions
veillance and intrusion protection. Desigo CC can and suggestions and hope to talk to you.
be used to control individual or multiple disciplines.
Contact us!
The comprehensive services
Heating Ventilation AC Comfort of Building Technologies
As a reliable technology partner, service provider,
systems integrator, and product supplier, Siemens
offers a comprehensive portfolio of products,
systems, solutions, and services. Our comprehen-
Shading Integration Fire Extinguishing
sive range of services protects your investment
and safeguards the functionality and quality of
your technical infrastructure. Migration and
modernization concepts ensure technical progress,
Evacuation Video Access Intrusion added performance, and innovations. Operational
support, diagnostics, repair, and performance
reporting, as well as performance consulting
and event monitoring safeguard the consistent,
Lighting Energy management Power Load management end-to-end operation of your building.
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Building Technologies Division
International Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 22
6301 Zug
Tel +41 41 724 24 24

The information in this document contains general descriptions of technical options available, which do not always
have to be present in individual cases. The required features should therefore be specified in each individual case at
the time of closing the contract. The document contains a general product overview. Availability can vary by country.
For detailed product information, please contact the company office or authorized partners.
© Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2014 • Order no. 0-92345-en • 11404

Answers for infrastructure and cities.

Our world is undergoing changes that force us to think in new ways: demographic “We are the trusted technology partner for energy-efficient,
change, urbanization, global warming and resource shortages. Maximum efficiency safe and secure buildings and infrastructure.”
has top priority – and not only where energy is concerned. In addition, we need to
increase comfort for the well-being of users. Also, our need for safety and security is
constantly growing. For our customers, success is defined by how well they manage
these challenges. Siemens has the answers.


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