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Name & Section: _______________________ 3.

Communication is a confusion of ideas in the

Score: ______________ mind of the other.
4. Communication is a transfer of messages from
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct one person to another.
answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet A. 124 B. 234 only C. 1234 only D. 4 only
of paper.
12. This is to be avoided for effective
1. The Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) communication.
frightened many people here and there. On his A. ambiguity B. listening C. politeness D.
social media account, Joshua posted a status of sharing of activity
dismay. Many supported his claim, but others
opposed it. His status acquired a hundred 13. This refers to the responsibility of the person
reactions and the comments thread rose to 75. who receives the message for communication to
What model of communication is exemplified? take place.
A. Transactional Model B. Berlo’s Model C. A. feedback B. code C. encode D. decode
Shannon-Weaver Model D. Schramm Model
14. Which of the following is an example of a
2. In the situation given in #1, what element of one-way communication model?
communication is NOT present? A. The Philippine President delivering his SONA
A. barrier B. context C. feedback D. receiver B. The committee finding ways to reach for the
less fortunate in their barangay.
3. It is a two-way process of connecting to both C. A group of teenagers planning for a big event
living and nonliving things. D. C and D
A. communication B. feedback C. language
D. all of the choices 15. Which communication model focuses on the
message sent to the recipient?
4. It is known when the receiver gives a verbal or A. Linear Model B. Interactive Model
non-verbal message. C. Transactional model D. A & B
A. feedback B. answer C. response D. none
given 16. A strong wind struck as Arnold and his father
took turns in pulling the fishing boat to the shore.
5. It blocks the communication. Arnold cannot hear his father’s voice. Which
A. sender B. originator C. receiver D. barrier affects the flow of the communication process?
A. wind B. boat C. father D. Arnold’s voice
6. It is the content of the communication.
A. message B. media C. encode D. noise 17. Myra submitted her report to her teacher
online because of the enhanced community
7. This communication type is characterized by a quarantine. Which element is missing in the
certain look or gaze. process?
A. Written Communication B. Oral A. feedback B. encoding C. channel D. receiver
Communication C. Verbal Communication D.
Non-verbal Communication 18. You ask your sister to put on her mask every
time she goes out and she nods in reply. Which
8. This is the BEST way to continue model of communication is presented here?
communication. A. Transactional B. Conversational C. Linear
A. active listening B. asking questions C. not D. Interactive
interrupting D. making good eye contact
19. It is a good indication that good
9. These are considered forms of communication occurs.
communication. A. shared B. confused C. unreceived
1. talking clearly 2. chewing gum 3. sending D. destructed
emails 4. looking bored
A. 134 only B. 1234 C. 342 only D. 1 only 20. This is essential to an effective
10. This body language shows that one is A. two-way process B. both a one-way and a
listening. two-way process C. one-way process D. three-
A. nodding and making eye contact B. looking way process
out of the window C. turning away from the
speaker D. whistling while biting nails 21. Which of the following is NOT a speech
11. It is the definition of communication. A. Intrapersonal Communication B. Dyad
1. Communication involves a transaction. Communication C. Physical Communication D.
2. Communication is sharing of ideas among a Public Communication
group of people.
22. This happens if there is an unclear and However, there might be some occasional
ineffective understanding in communication similarities.
A. Communication breakdown D. In interpersonal communication, asking
B. Communication confusion clarifying questions lets the other person know
C. Miscommunication that you are not listening attentively
D. Both A and C
30. The room is not conducive for learning
23. Which one of the following is NOT an because of noisy construction works nearby.
example of intrapersonal communication? What is the barrier in the sentence?
A. sending a text message to a friend a. Physical b. Internal c. Psychological d. A & B
B. talking to yourself
C. writing a note to yourself D. thinking about a 31. You provided reassuring and comforting
problem words to a friend who was feeling down.
A. Dyad Communication C. Mass
24. A muslin and a Christian was caught in a Communication B. Public Communication D.
fight due to misunderstand. What is the barrier in Interpersonal Communication
the sentence?
a. Cultural b. Physical c. Psychological 32. She can’t concentrate because she has a
d. Linguistic fight with her bestfriend. What is the barrier in the
25. Which of these is an example of Dyadic a. Internal b. Cultural c. Linguistic d. A & C
A. two brothers arguing 33. You are having a discussion with your group
B. a coach and a player discussing last week’s mates on how to finish the assigned task.
game A. Public Communication
C. a husband and wife making plans for the B. Small group communication
summer vacation C. Dyad Communication
D. all of these are correct D. Interpersonal Communication

26. Anna heard his friend telling her not to go out 34. He can’t understand English. What is the
because it’s raining cats and dogs. She takes it barrier in the sentence?
literally. What is the barrier in the sentence? a. Linguistic b. Cultural c. Psychological d. B & C
a. Semantic b. Internal c. External d. Physical
35. Karen thinks about the things she did the
27. Why do you think group communication whole day and writes them in her journal.
involves a different set of skills than interpersonal A. Intrapersonal C. Mass Communication
communication? It is because B. Dyad D. Small Group
A. in a group, one sender has many different 36. This barrier comes with different denotative
receivers to take into account. and connotative meanings.
B. in a group, one receiver has many different a. Linguistic b. Cultural c. Psychological d. B & C
senders to take into account.
C. group, by definition, consists more than two 37. The TV news anchor is giving the latest news
people. update.
D. group communication is more important than A. Public communication C. Interpersonal
interpersonal communication Communication B. Mass communication D.
Intrapersonal Communication
28. She can’t focus studying because of her
depression. What is the barrier in the sentence? 38. Jericho’s seatmate is very noisy. He can’t
a. Psychological b. Physiological concentrate in the class. What is the barrier in
c. Physical d. All of the above the sentence?
a. Physical b. Internal c. Psychological d. A & B
29. Which of the following is NOT true about
speech context? 39. Group 5 discussed the effects of social media
A. In public communication, unlike in on communication skills.
interpersonal and small group, the channels are A. Intrapersonal communication C. Mass
more exaggerated. The voice is louder and the Communication B. Interpersonal communication
gestures are more expansive because the D. Public Communication
audience is bigger.
B. The most common reason why people end up 40. The use of excessive jargon is what kind of
talking to themselves is because they feel like noise?
they do not have someone else to talk to. a. Semantic b. Physical c. Spiritual d. Cultural
C. Different speech context whether it is
intrapersonal, interpersonal, public or mass
communication require different behavior.

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